Tfw we get this and amerifats get hillary clinton


So much for global solidarity…



Literally the most evil sounding public office I've ever heard of. Basically "Grand Imperial Red Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan" tier.


Is this what the fucking british call their politicians? That sounds like a boss's name from a video game

no it's just a joke bro

It's literally just that, the chancellor presumptive should the labour party come to power. i.e., the shadow of the current chancellor

I was hoping he wields dark majicks. I'm on my way to wizardhood anyways, so I figured maybe I could make use of it.

This, tbh. I'm an amerifat myself, and this entire country will probably need to be more or less destroyed, if the left is ever to succeed.


fuck off Owen Jones

he'll never be prime minister

you're both getting a friendlier Capitalism

Corbyn fought against removing Clause IV, which states labour will fight for worker ownership of the means of production.

"To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service."

If you're interested in what clause IV used to say, and what corbyn wanted to remain in the constitution.


shit like this isn't fun
had a m8 on an arma public server
really cool guy
some asshole played the "sanic" noise file
his ears started bleeding and he left
never came back
probably deaf

go kill yourself

is this supposed to be a poem

Did it end up being removed?

corbyn is a socdem fam

not a limey.
Is he really a social democrat or a democratic socialist?



Today I was imagining a situation where Trump loses the elections and the southern Red(republican, not leftist) states hold a referendum and secede.

Feels good.

It would never happen, since both the red and blue states would not want to keep american interventionist policy and the elites don't want an end to that.

But if that happened that would end a lot of American imperialism and let some breathing room for Third world communist movements to spring up.

There is no way that either of the two new countries would vote to send troops to overseas bases or send money to shitty third world dictators, the only reason such things are done are because of the Washington consensus.

That's a shame. Any hope of it coming back?

Not at all. Look at the political climate from the 20's until the beginning of WWII. It shows how quickly people turn on capitalism as soon their idealized view of it breaks down when crisis hits.

Nah, not unless the trots come back

We're coming bucko!

That would be the day…

Corbyn's still facing off Blairites, the blame for "not doing enough" about Brexit and a Scotland that's almost entirely in the SNP's hands

Yes, well the difference is that Hillary is probably going to win, while Corbyn is not.

capitalism wins again

Yisss boi

It's funny how it's always the socialist burgers that shit on everyone else's socialist leaders when they don't have a single worthy leader amongst their ranks, let alone in opposition.

"If the entirety of the means of production isn't redistributed immediately, it doesn't count!" - Citizen of the most capitalist country on the planet, from behind his keyboard.

"REEEE SOCDEMS" - Johnny 'Let Me tell You about Your Country' Foreigner who doesn't realise the UK would collapse without a SocDem intermediary.

Get over it burgers, you can't rip a brainwashed populace who specialises in finance and services straight into your tankie wet dreams.




A liberal I actually like, got respect for that man.

Go to bed Owen.

just answer these 10 questions for me please

This thread wreaks of American teenagers convinced their first election is the catalyst for revolution. You will never have a government as left wing as a Corbyn one. Take in the taste of that bitter truth before you make a fool of yourself in person.