Rise of the Alt-Left

It's happening, and it's happening fast. We need to control it while it's still young.

Look at the comments at the bottom:

huffingtonpost .com/entry/the-alt-right-the-other-alt-right-and-the-rise-of_us_583884ece4b0c2ab944368dc

If you want to help, promote leftreality.com and bash this article for "inaccuracy". Leftreality.com is under our control. If we can make it the de facto landing page for the Alt-Left then we'll secure a huge victory in the meme wars.

If you would like to comment on the direction of leftreality.com check out the thread here: 8ch.net/pol/res/8365343.html

Other urls found in this thread:


Do they name the jew? If so, let them be. At least they won't be rage-inducing dupes…

They are anti-racists.

You mean those cunts that had to redo a whole episode because they were so sure of a Hillary win? Yeah, they obviously know what's up.

And god did it suck. They've really lost me this season.

It's just the huffpost. It don't matter because I'm starting to see this everywhere. The left is mad that the Alt-Right was a huge success in the election and they're giving birth to an "Alt-Left". The chances of this taking off are real, especially because they get all this media backing now.

Keep on point → We need to control it while it's still young.

fuck off leftypol, all the moderate liberals are pretty much communists anyway

Leftists need to be lead arround by the nose. The thought they could come up with their own political philosophy is laughable. We should still keep a close on the development.

That's not why the Alt-Left is rising. The alt left is focused only on what is effective. Their SOLE PURPOSE is to detach from the mainstream left, because the mainstream is spineless and proven ineffective.

The Alt-Left focuses only on what is effective and, in essence, are a mirror image of us. Since we've proven to be very powerful, then we have to treat the Alt-Left like a serious threat and squash it while it's still young. We won't have this opportunity later.

This sort of lazy thinking will open the door for them. If you don't think they will accomplish it, then you won't try and stop them.

Look at the content of this website and what it promotes.
Why the FUCK would Holla Forums ever promote this? You say it's under our control but provide no proof.

>>>Holla Forums

It's a work in progress. If you have constructive criticism, then please discuss it in the link in the OP.

Proof? Here is your proof: leftreality.com/op.html

I skimmed through this article and it just came off as a butthurt Bernout venting about Milo. Ultimately, those on the right are for strong borders and an 'our country first' policy. The alt-right came about because people were sick of seeing neocons and their (((buddies))) roam across the world playing world-police and trying to establish a global government.
What is the left trying to break itself away from? The mainstream left is so far left that a breakaway party of 'alt-left' either go more central and become slightly more reasonable, or go so far left they become even more insane and communistic.

Maybe I'm not just following what their intentions are.

There is no fucking alt-left or alt-right, it's bullshit you fucking retard.

That's undeniably proof that YOU are in charge of the site, but how do we know who YOU are? For all we know you are coming straight from leftypol and want us to shill for you?

Ok this is what you guys got to understand, because it's what makes this threat so big…

The mainstream, spineless leftists (like SJW's, feminists, and self-serving individuals), because it was those weaklings that cost them the election and all legislative houses.

It's not about being more left, it's about being effective. The chief difference between normal leftists and the Alt-Left is how the Alt-Left only focuses on highly-effective and influential behaviors. They reject and ignore anything else.

I don't know, how can I prove it to you?

If you want, you can meet me IRL if you're in the Seattle area.

I'm not sure how else I can "prove" myself to you, but if you can think of a way, I will provide you anything that is reasonable.


Such as?


Figuring out who next to throw all their money at. Hopefully this time htey'll be gender queer and black. Maybe they'll focus on passing a safe space amendment.

I'm still updating the site, but it's mainly groups and behavior that is effective.

Let me put it logically:
Has tumblr been effective in winning leftist power? No. Then the Alt-Left ignores
Has BLM been effective in promoting legislative change in a Marxist direction? Yes, then the Alt-Left considers
Has ____ been effective? (Yes/No)



The Alt-Left is different because their main focus is on what WORKS. They hate those spineless faggots just as much as you.


I honestly can't see than as actual threats.

lead them on a ruse stating a handful of donors and special interest and go down that rabbit hole and somebody says later on "so many jews"


Don't teach them how to do what they want you fucking mongoloid. Make them Progressive Stack and eat each other.

or this

How about you tell me what the next step of your master plan is buddy, because at the moment you haven't detailed one.

Let's say we promote your god-awful looking website, it gains traction, then what? What are you going to do now that you're 'in control' of the """""""""""Alt-Left """""""""""
How does your plan benefit us

That shit is the most obvious satire I have ever read. If you want to fool people you need to try a bit harder not to sound like the made up person my grandpa thinks of when he hears the word "liberal".

This deserves some kind of redundancy award.

I don't get the distinction. You're all communist faggots, why even use different words to describe you guys? After looking at your site, the only thing that makes you different from the average tumblerina or Don Lemon is that you own a shit website. Maybe one of your goals should be redistribution of wealth and brain cells, because you're pretty fucking retarded.

they're not any different then are they

He's going to make them do one stupid thing on Twitter and totally blow his powerbase, everyone will leave, OP will have a little chuckle and the left will have more ammo. So worse than nothing.

Wait. You can comment at huffpo?

Why aren't we all over that shit, or do they delete comments that don't follow the commie narrative?



OP has spent the whole thread talking about 'we need to promote what WORKS for the left'
Why the fuck would we want to promote what WORKS for the left? Let them continue down their same path, let them eat each other, hopefully the DNCs next candidate is a genderqueer black transexual

Maybe we should try to get the SJWs in the alt left.


Honestly it's one of the things that might actually work. One of the things I heard from TYT when they were frothing from the mouths after Trump won, was to say "fuck donors and special interests". It's something that will resonate because Clinton, was in the pockets of allllll the lobbyists, donors, and special interests. Then that's when we lead them down the bread trail to the Jew truth. Whether or not people here believe Jews are in charge of the world through various outlets, Jews do control a lot of shit.

This, the actual economic left hates SJW, by forcing the alt-left to become SJW terrirtory they will lose all credibility

Or this.

I'm responding to everyone personally. Your criticism is always welcome.

They're gaining traction fast. Take a peek around. They now have MSM publishing on them.

To control the landing page for the Alt-Left. I won't make any forums because that would backfire. But by holding a landing page, we can watch and see what happens. If it never catches on and the Alt-Left dies, then so be it. But if they grow in power, then we will have the best landing page under our control and we can go from there. If necessary, I would be in the position to make a "freedom of speech" forum, for example, with a few Holla Forums moderators. We could take it in any direction.

I think I've made a good choice with this site, because even if I do a very good job, I won't be adding fuel to the fire, per se. I'll just be the guy who hosts their webpage.

Not me.

Because the very purpose of the Alt-Left is to splinter away from that. It doesn't work on them. Believe it or not, there are extremely smart leftists out there. They are the ones I am referring to, not the mainstream.

Checked, I agree with this. We need a way to make sure that the left that comes out of the ashes of this election are full-on SJWs. They will never win again.

I'm not that stupid, come on man.

Because we would be, technically, following the narrative. Pretend you're a leftist in the comments and say you're not happy with their description of the "alt-left".

That's a really good idea, it's something we can consider once we have the influence.

It does not exist.

Very fucking credible! You've got me sold!

Confirmed for being you.

That's a BAD thing. We want them shackled together.

We don't need to do anything, they destroy themselves, communism failed all on it's own.

The best way to control the alt-left if it ever becomes a thing is to cuck the shit out of it. The way Milo and other jews tried to define the alt-right, we should be defining the alt-left as pro-cuckoldry, pro-pedophilia, pro-bestiality, and so on. All of the worst elements of sjws that even other sjws don't like should be poured into it. People will look at the alt-left and be horrified. Emphasize that the alt-left is all or nothing so that people won't even want to give them an inch. You either have all forms of "acceptance" or you're a nazi-bigot-racist-sexist-LGBWTFBBQ+-phobe. People will look at the worst the media can paint the ((alt-right))) as, and they would rather have something that's at the very least right over whatever the hell the alt-left is.

I knew that the left does all this but it suprises me that they do it so deliberately. We fight against pure evil.

get the fuck out of here

Alt-anything makes you sound stupid from the moment you mention it outloud.

You know what I mean faggot, the "economic left" is the left bthat claims not to care about ideologies, yet are for anti-white lack of borders and so on


Thats it then the alt-left must be SJW territory, thats what destroyed (((Sanders)))

That also does not exist.

Also reported for reporting.

which is my point, kike

Just looked at your site, you have next to no nuance or tact there. Even if this shit is reading between the lines and what they actually do it's never stated so explicitly, you have to write it in 'well-meaning', postmodern progressive terms to actually con people. I.e. don't describe it as you actually understand it.

That wasn't your point, your point was to indicate that it did exist, which it doesn't. You're retarded.

so this is literally another case of waves in feminism where the screaching harpies they want to separate from will continue to get the attention and the reasonable people will be drowned out. (((Alt-Left))) does not seem very threatening until the SJWs loose 100% of their support which judging by Jewgle dump tower xd and media FAKE NEWZ that's not likely to happen anytime soon.

The left is already doing literally all of these except for the racial identity part. They LOVE identity except when whites try to have one.

God damn these people are so self-unaware.

But it hasn't?
All its done is divide the working class among barriers of race
That's not a Marxist direction

If anything BLM has done more work for our side because it's waking a lot of whites up (especially the working class whites)

The left wants to exterminate all whites, marxism is achieved when all races are mixed (then they are equal).

They also encourage nationalism of minorities, i.e. anti-colonialist movements which necessarily have something ethnocentric about them as well as anti-white. Anti-white rhetoric matters more than the very slow and artificial race-mixing agenda.

Ok, I'm gonna assume you're not trolling and I will answer your post honestly:

BLM has been successful in promoting Marxism by:
-Enacting legislative changes
-Steering the nation (very gently!) to a nationalized police force
-Secured the widespread installation of bodycams on police officers all over the nation
-Strained the racial divide among Americans, promoting a path for Marxist legislative change
-Is a household name
-It doesn't harm your reputation to say that you support them
-Neutered our police force, where we now have officers who are afraid to use the weapons they've been issued.

There may be a few more successes they've had, which I can't remember off the top of my head.

I just want to say OP…. I think what you are doing is a really really really good idea. I would go so far as to call it genius in fact! But I have a few qualms with the title page. Right from the Introduction I think that maybe what you are trying to do is too obvious. The Title "Left Reality" right from the get go could set off red flags even for leftists, but that can be ignored if the page seems convincing enough. The primary arguments that you lay out however seem… to well thought out. You openly advocate the destruction of racial identity instead of "promoting Racial Equality"
You also say you want to blur all boundaries between the sexes instead of just saying that you believe in "Total Gender Equality"
The things you are saying are exactly in line with the Leftists Agenda, but you are saying them like a Right Winger. You are laying them out to clearly and not sugar-coating. I understand exactly what you are going for brother and I hope that you don't misunderstand me, but if you want to trick the Leftists into actually thinking this is a real movement, and make sure they are not tipped off to it being a Right-Wing Honeypot, we need to put ourselves fully into the mind of the Marxist. I think we can catch more flies with honey if we just "phrase" things in a way that you would imagine them saying it no the way you imagine us saying it.

Lastly, I would do away with the "Shatter Resistance" part. Most Left Wingers are not smart enough to think it through that far. They are forcing promiscuity, junk food, lazy and unhealthy lifestyles upon themselves, they are not interested in enforcing it on other people because they have convinced themselves that it is actually good and that is why they do it. I think that this is a great starting idea, but it needs to be dumbed down before it is ready to be ingested by Leftists.

Voltaire never said that.

Nigger how the fuck do you think Trump got elected?

You do realize that there are leftists a couple boards over reading all of this, right? How do you expect to get this off the ground given that fact?

op is leftypol

Even if a couple of Leftists from Leftypol see this, that does not mean they are a monolithic Hivemind. They will not all instantly become aware and most of the Leftists who stumble upon this "new movement" will have no idea.

The same reason there are Nazi's posting on a Jewish-owned imageboard (4chan). They simply won't care as long as the information is accurate.

Then they're fucking stupid, learned nothing, and are going nowhere.

Alt-Left sounds like Bernie Bros the same way Alt-Lite became Trumpism.

No movement is going to be sustainable or feasible in the current world with the current system. Trump is just prolonging the suffering (gather more people) v.s. accelerationism that Hillary or Bernie would have brought.

War is coming and it's all about forming something that will not only endure, but achieve victory from it. It's the hail mary on all sides which is probably why the left is pushing race wars, talking secession, and even taking an ethno-state seriously on the national scale (despite mockingly). Anything short of Trump assuming full dictatorial powers and we're not changing course. Even if he did just that Trump is NOT one of us and his interests are very basic bitch to ours.

Good times. Arm yourselves Alt-Lefty. War makes strange alliances and who knows we might have use for each other in the short-term.

you'll be the first traitor to hang

"Oh we're those cancerous groups you've heard of BUT THIS TIME IT'S WAY BETTERER."

The left sure loves its useless convoluted variation in terminology.
Some obvious link to the jews being obsessed with naming something to "defeat" or lessen it.
It's just the left melting down and redefining itself with the emotional equivalent of getting a sex change to become a tranny, basically familiar territory for the perpetually damaged.

I honestly just disagree
BLM just seems devastating to the Marxists simply because it's radicalized quite a few whites (and too many blacks as well there's a resurgence of anti mixing attitude in the black community)

It was much better for them when it was just a slow degradation of race over time caused by culture war and immigration
Honestly they probably would win if they just cooled it on the race shit

And you'd be the first to get cut down without firing a shot.

And with those things becoming highly influential and effective, the pushback increases and people get more and more divided.

This is just going to lead to further culmination of the necessary cheques and balances for a race war/civil war to occur. I say let them be edgy lefty faggots, because history has shown that time and time again, the FACTS are on OUR side. Let them promote whatever bullshit they want. Then we just disprove it and fight it as we always have.

Just throw their own tactics back in their face, laced with poison.

That, or someone is already poisoning what the alt-left could be.

I have to admit I would like to see a presidential campaign whose entire platform was racemixing. No economy, no foreign policy. Just racemixing. I'd love to see the demographics that would attract.

Surely the alt-right, in the broadest possible sense (which would include us) is simply a rejection of kosher / neo-conservatism in favour of traditionalist thinking?
An "alt-left" would have to go back to believing in the Communist Manifesto and spouting quotes from Lenin. Except there's loads of tiny, fractured political parties that have been doing that for decades, and nobody's taken the least bit of notice.
We all know leftists can't meme for shit, anyway.

Remember, they also want to destabilize our society.

That's all fine and dandy, but it's very likely that BLM was the reason Trump got that edge in the election.

Thousands of angry blacks raping, killing and looting won't bring sympathy to the average White person and that's what matters.

I'm just glad all that communist shit is exclusively on the left because it means a democrat will never be elected again.

Marxism and all that bullshit are only good for overthrowing governments and institutions. The reason people keep saying 'well thats not real communism' is that its purposefully unattainable. Marxism is designed to stop critical thinking in your followers so when you overthrow the power structure, these people can be culled. Marxism will overthrow the democratic party, but if they can't shed the marxism and enact real reforms, they will never get elected again.

Wait, wasn't that OP's intention? I didn't read the whole thread, just looked at the website. I figured he was trying to coopt it to be as blatantly reprehensible leftism as possible.

What the fuck are you doing OP

Neh, the Alt-Right is everything between Cultural-Libertarianism and straight-out Fascism, so by that logic the alt-left would have to be something between Social-Democracy and Communism/SJWism, so they are already failing by being more extreme then communism.

I thought that too, but it's not very different from what cultural-marxists really belief and if they wanted to drop the charade and go with rape-camps, well that would just be the next step.

i live in seattle. I know quite a few of us in this cess pool of degeneracy

God, all the fucking autism, it's a fucking satire. They're doing it to awaken independent and curious normies, not try to attract anyone to it. Fucking basic ass psy-ops.

OP is clearly psyops, but if a real alt-left rises, the tactics the left tried to use on the alt-right (and by extent, the actual right) will work just wonderfully on the alt-left since most of those tactics came from leftist projections.

very true

Fuck this shit

Sounds like they want to continue doing the same things they're doing now.

Where does the 'alt' part come in?

Kek, this is exactly what the jewish kabal wants, yet they claim to be against those assholes. Ironic, as always.

imkampfy hidden 12 hours Holla Forums Bumplocked thread

They are anti-white, the crux of every single left wing ideology, introduced by the jew, for the sole purpose of eliminating western culture and creating easily controlled state-dependent slave states.

Alt-left does not even make sense, the purpose of leftism is the ultimate destruction of whites by the jews, anything that claims to be an alternative to that would be something that isn't about our destruction, and so not lefitst.

It's pretty good satire

I remember you from another thread.
Left reality made me kek.
Encourage them to fight their own and be afraid of the label "commie".

what the fuck

don't you mean


alt-left is most likely some normie-jew reactionary get people who say offensive things fired bullshit to what they imagine we are, as we appear in the shitty gawker, Huffpo and salon articles they read daily, or they think theyre trolling everyone with this list

actual far lefties who worship chris hedges and literal dumb fuck communists are right here on Holla Forums in Holla Forums

Why don't we create said Jew wise alt left?

In fact I'm pretty sure leftists would be the most anti Jewish (if they could think outside the box and arrive at logical conclusions) because Jews are the 1%. Their role model Stalin came to this conclusion basically..

"There's a lot white people can do, we can join you :^)" - (((Gene Smolko)))
Yeah that's such a white name you have there Gene

What a cancerous thread, kill yourself OP.

The "Alt-Left" is directly financed and controlled by Soros.

See Podemos in Spain, Syriza in Greece and Revolución Democratica in Chile.




Many of the "Green" parties could be considered "Alt-Left" too.

Also see:


It's the most direct source, if anyone has a better article then link it.

Uh huh. Just like the 'Coffee Party' was going to supplant the TEA party.


So the alt left is like a racist homophobic version of the current faggot left?

If so, that might actually be successful.

This is a smart idea.

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. My suggestion would be not to D&C them directly but to continue to spread the truth that it is outdated doctrines and rhetoric that has lost them so much ground.

Make them scorn the communist manifesto, rules for radicals and das kapital. The faggots who jerk of to their lenin and che posters will never accept this. Call these people LARPers and a detriment to the left as a whole and watch as the left goes into self purge mode once again.

The traditional weaknesses of the left should be exploited but effort must also be made to understand the insecurities and fears of this new breed.

your either a communist, a fascist, or a non-committed normalfag. alt shit boyo. doesnt exist.


Do they believe in race?

No we don't. These retards will eat each other sooner or later, as the left always does. It will get co-opted by SJW's, if it's the case that the (((alt-left))) isn't already full SJW. Just let them build themselves up and do stupid shit which will drive people away from them. Later we point and laugh.

>huffingtonpost .com/entry/the-alt-right-the-other-alt-right-and-the-rise-of_us_583884ece4b0c2ab944368dc


Remember Yuri Bezmenov: "don't block the punch. Grab it and pull the punch towards the wall." Or words to that effect.

>If you would like to comment on the direction of leftreality.com check out the thread here: 8ch.net/pol/res/8365343.html

Maybe later when you prove that this can provide some entertainment.

This guy has been calling himself Alt-Left for a while. He's a race realist and Jew aware but still thinks miscegenation is good, fascist is an insult and the election was rigged in favor of Trump.

This will backfire because I called this ages ago.
Prepare for subversion you little identity meme mongrels.

So… like us they are just the real left?
Only with another crappy "alt" name.

I hate this world.

But I have heard grunge is getting popular again.

The actual alt-left does.

Alt-left is basically the left from the 90s but with an ethnonationalist agenda. Rabbit is going to be a sad boy if this other alt-left takes off.

It might not be under our control.

>"Sign this contract goy, which says we have to give you that podium to speak on"

The funny thing is they think this will work.

the jews are going to d&c radical lefties and make normies hate and fear them

just like they did with the radical right

As a former Leftist, I agree.
(((They))) were the ones who turned me off Leftism for good. If Karl Marx wasn't a Jew, I'd probably still be a Marxist.

Alt right was/is the controlled opposition and they blamed us for making it and their actions

….what the hell do they think they can do making an alt-left?
Internet war? again?

kek how can they be alt anything when they were (((with her)))? Let these idiot flail around, I hope Trump's opponent is 4 years is black Muslim feminist so we can really see a landslide.


Except most people still don't buy the alt-right crap.

They won't buy this because social media is already calling it garbage.

Same as what happened with the "alt-right"
It became a platform for MSM zombies.

Start to crack down on this pedo ring.

It's already checkmate.

Also say "and if I die, they've killed me to hide the truth"
That'll sink their ship once and for all.

Hello Holla Forums. You're not smart, in fact you are probably very average. Here is how you win, its so incredibly easy, the fact you lefties haven't even figured it out is a joke. Unlike us, you don't even have to fight against the current.
All you have to do: Run a Trudeau-like white guy with the offer of gibs. He will win even vs someone like Trump easily. Holy FUCK you are stupid.

you have to understand that people like these only want mainstream political views that they approve to exist

when new viewpoints are adopted they try and direct attention seeking fools and contrarians with no real values to dilute said viewpoints

then they villainize them, and thats why they are trying to create altrights and altlefts, to sort out the extremists and fools from the mainstream so they can keep marketing it to normies

the 'altleft' is meant to thresh communists and socialists from the progressivist/neoliberal movement by creating a reaction to the 'altright'

Holla Forums is absolutely excited by this, they expect this to take off.

That's when you wait for the right moment user.
The moment they can't dilute. The moment where they can be seen, but can't be unseen.

So what the hell is the alt-left?


It appears the creator forgot to make his domain registrant credentials private.


They were already beating the progressive side

just stop them from connecting to these groups and link them to the ones they don't want to be associated with


I like this.

I noticed one of the Sex Pistols managers burnt all their shit the other day.
I think they finally realized what their original message was turning into.

These guys just want to jump on the alt-whatever side bandwagon. The concept of some rogue, hip political movement is too much for these scene kids to pass up. It's the same shit that went down with halfchan. Everyone made it seem cool so i got filled with normalfags and such but in doing so, they diluted it with their nonsense. They can't invade the alt-right (yet), so they made their reddit version. The funny part is this whole thing will ultimately fall apart because the left loves their identity politics and can't help but cuck out to feminists and sjws, even if they claim they are against them.

easy, go to >>>Holla Forums grab some of their memetic abortions and spam them on the page

Its literally what they are already doing, we just explain it plainly .

Just like the alt-right began to brew when the GOP showed the world that it was a failure, the alt-left is a response to the Democratic Party imploding. This shouldn't be surprising. This will require shilling on leftist sites. We will become the new Jews.

not really, "James Hancock" is the John Doe of domain registrations

In other words, they want to do the same shit they've been doing since day one, and nothing is really changing at all.

why does leftypol exist again? I always thought that it was a satirical board

It's a honeypot. It needs honey or it won't attract anyone.

I'm not sure you're on our side OP, but it seems like a good idea. Hopefully it won't be necessary, but it's always good to have a backup plan.

I mean, NAZBOL?

Leftism on the internet only thrives through ban-based curation/narrative carving and censorship. Memes of the powerful Holla Forums variety do not thrive in places of censorship because people are not creative posters when they fear getting banned for wrongbadthought.

Holla Forums memes take off because the community takes a liking to them.

Leftist forums like somethingawful only have forced, mod-nursed memes.


Agree, Amply and Accelerate motherfucker.
That's why. It's obviously insane. That's the whole plan. Push fast enough to the left so the frogs realise they're being boiled alive, and get them to jump out of the pot.

Lynch isn't going after police departments due to BLM being effective. She's doing it because she's bought and paid for by the same people they are.


There is only Ctrl-Left

I've gotten to about part VI and I'm tapping out. This is the worst sort of post-grad word salad I've ever seen in a fucking Huffpost article. Just paragraph upon paragraph of meaningless philosophy and college words that doesn't match reality in the slightest. If the left knows what's good for them, they should neck these people themselves.

I mean I didn't even think it was possible to misinterpret the political situation any harder than the other shitlibs have but this cuck managed it.
I think he just didn't want people screaming at him for being a "white male ally" anymore while he tried to do their bidding. His "alt-left" are just spin doctors; take the truth, reframe it so you're on the right side of history, and keep saying it without getting angry until everyone agrees.

Do you even think before you post? Oh wait, you're a shill.

We need to lead this "Alt-left" ourselves. We have the chance to turn the jew's pet on themselves.

that really is the greatest weakness of the left: the lack of introspection. as long as these guys virtue signal at the right times and demean the right things, they're ok to do whatever. it doesn't matter that they're going for some silly alternate reality where they realize something was up instead of the constant "drumpf will never win lol everybody is just trolling" idiocy as long as it makes them feel better. i remember a lot of "trump won and it's the left's fault" articles coming out after his victory, and the dismissal of this idea by the readers as a way of a writer apologizing for rascists or some shit really drove home just how deep the cancer was for shitlibs

MEME them harder on the race red pills.

We will never let go of power now. They must feel shame at their elders. It is the key. Afterall, their elders failed them. I wonder why….

Doesn't matter, embrace them with what they already know, their elders failed them. They need to know why. Just wait until their elders get locked up and punished. They know their masters abused them.

"Alt-left" isn't rising.

Nothing in the left works.

How can anything be "alternative" when it is the same garbage peddled by elites in media and universities?

It's like saying you should listen to this "underground indie rock" band when the same group is promoted relentlessly by hipster faggot magazines like pitchfork.

what's new about it?

sounds just as retarded and manufactured as "googles and skypes," that one shitty oath circle """meme,""" and so on

in short

fuck off

I like how the basically have already announced their resignation for 2020.

Fuck off shills.
The AL is perfection.
We are ALL of the voices of the people.

The authors wording is a bit tortured but he is talking about how the "progressive stack" dialectics and other postmodern SJW babble is actually weakening the left. He says that a lot of progressive activists do crazy self-expressive, feel-good shit that actually alienates people and politicians. He's saying that the frankfurt-school deconstruction of everything has left them with a bunch of zealots who aren't willing to accept lesser evils in pursuit of larger goals and so are actually a kind of hedonist.

He is also hailing a new liberal "metamodernism" which is basically the antithesis of "feels makes reals" attitude the SJW people had, which itself is a lot like this "Meme magic" shit you retards believe in.

Basically, we might be seeing a purge of the SJW types in the near future.

It should be noted that, as it currently stands, most of what is actually the Alt-Left isn't exactly an effective force.

In fact, they are highly divided (They were effectively split between Trump, Clinton, Stein, and not voting).

We should be reframing the Alt-Left into something that is merely an opening for people to go down the rabbit hole that leads to us and the Alt-Right.

Lol. Feels makes reals and meme magic are not the same. (The first is petty emotions and ego. The second is creating ideas and making them real through implementation. These details matter, dude).

False equivalencies make you look dumb, you sargonite shit…………..




(Seriously, though, this can be considered a good thing. The final putsch against the SJWs looks like it is commencing).

When will people stop spreading this quote in Voltaire's name? It's from Kevin Alfred Strom.


Nobody knows anymore. Most of the internet is bullshit meme'd into existence and as fact. Practically all of the independent and alternative media references it as Voltaire, but it would be hilarious as shit if they're really quoting a WN.

I dont even bother explaining lefties their mistakes , just let them flounder in their own misery.

Holla Forums is like our down syndrome little brother who looks up to us and tries to mimic everything to do.



I love that their response has been to double down. They're going to become fucking hermits just to spite us and it will be wonderful, like an inverse Atlas Shrugged.


Which is why we need to call Israel a apartheid state, this makes the jews head explode. All you have to do is ask these left wing jews why Israel is so racist, why they believe Israel can maintain their Jewish domination while promoting their garbage in the west.

The jews have no answer to this, this is subtle red pilling and demoralization of the jews.

at my university people think i'm far left while dropping red pills on Israel. The jews got so mad and were shown to be huge hypocrites and lol their anti-semitic attacks didn't work.

I even talked about Jewish privilege, which got some wide eyed stares. But I took a cuck route and explained how Jews run hollywood, banks, and academia has a long history of exploiting workers and culturally appropriating through media, and even support the patriarchy/rape culture with their huge presence in porn. What really supported my argument was how Jews could say they are white on one hand, but on the other declare they are a oppressed minority. I said Israel is a fascist and racist state and quickly found out the professor was a Jew with how mad he got. I mentioned how badly Israel treats Jewish blacks and how blacks were a lost tribe of israel, blacks in the class did a "das rite we wuz solomon an shit."

Openborders for israel was a amazing meme.

While poorly organized, and at first may overwhelm you with all the different and often opposing views, Holla Forums is a great place for brainstorming and debating your thoughts… just don't expect to accomplish anything while you're there.

Why would you put this on a website that is supposed to have mass appeal? nobody knows what this shit is. idiot, what 5 year old made this garbage? make this legitimate.

This looks like exactly what it is, a paradoy of lefty shit. You really will fool them this way!

That's not the alt-left, that's Soros. You want to control this 'threatening' alt-left movement? Get rid of him and you get rid of their funding and then they can't do anything.

typical "alt-left" meme

alt-left using Pepe is them just cucking out to our symbolism.

even in memeform they are cucks.

Feels like a rip-off of a spin-off.
It's gonna land badly, like a sequel to a cult classic.

Since your thread is bumplocked, I'll tell you here that your site reads nothing like what a leftist would write - it reads like the writer intends his words to be evil, you should write more about "muh leftist utopia" and establishing "positive" leftist ideals, if you want the site to be believable.

It is good meme at face value but they fail to udnerstand that kek is chaos and is not even our final form.

They are just following what is trendy. Peftues always do this.

WE set the trends.

Lefties always do this*

The alt-kike came about because that's what the (((media))) decided to label the populist rise of nationalism, not just in the US, but all over the world

So this means nothing? Hey everyone I'm a alt-human. I'm still human but I'm like wayyy more extreme about it. :)

underrated as fuck post

Is this a joke? Have they 'left reality' completely?

wait, wasnt hitler a leftist

more wealfer for women
i think you should rethink [spoiler] national [spoiler/] socialism

make socialism great again
[spoiler] give them a coattail [spoiler/]

>> i suck at this

wait, wasnt hitler a leftist

more wealfer for women

i think you should rethink national socialism

make socialism great again

give them a coattail

A true "alt left" would do what we did and slay some of the most sacred of cows for your side. The alt left, like leftypol types, misunderstand the movement to mean only that they should pursue unabashed communism or be edgy with their memes. They have no truth to unveil like we did with hate facts and Jewish coincidence so they are going to be the same anti racist anti logic party and fizzle out since there is no Plymouth Rock of truth with which to base your revolution on.



it's astroturfed, it'll die in the cradle

the only way to defeat this scum is brute force

that'ts why they're delusional.

More like SALT-Left

Even for leftypol to know their memes are that cringe-worthy…

It is simple. We rename the faggot-ridden alt-right to the alt-left. The left is socialist. The alt-left is national socialist.

Kills two birds with one stone.

Checkmate. Your move, Bolsheviks.

You'd think you would be able to use actual Marxism to make Alt-Left support right wing stuff.

Just spew enough Marxist buzzwords phrased the right way and most leftists won't notice.

There is no Alt-Left, they're being funded by mainstream sources, therefore they're the opposite of "alternative". By no stretch of the definition of the term alternative does anyone on the left fit it.

I mean, I know all the bitching about us not being Alt-Right, but by the strict definition of the term alternative, we're an alternative media site, we can't even use paypal and shit like that for funding because of corporate censorship.

As real as Milhouse becoming a meme. A corporate-funded "alternative" counter-culture is going to be so fucking tryhard and off-putting to the subversive youth they're going to try and target.

You can een be against trump showing all those points, i like it.

THIS, I mean, what the fuck, OP? Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

i got to metamodernism and had to stop. this bitch is completely obtuse and uses abstruse language in order to try to sound smart when she really isn't saying anything at all

Why contain it? Let it spill over to the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets them further alienate themselves from the rest of society. In the end, the centrist left will beg us to save them.

>Jewish privilege


I've had this idea for a while now, maybe we've already tried it before, but we should really be pushing this idea HARD - going on Twitter, Tumblr, and all other lefty-majority sites, using the same arguments applied to 'white privilege' (like unequal representation in the positions of power and influence - which goes tenfold for jews, because they make up 0.2% of the population, yet 40% of the richest 1% - over-representation in Hollywood awards [which is even more applicable following on from the 'y so many whiteys' at the Oscars this year], university graduates, etc.), and ending our posts with #JewishPrivilege. And you can use all the counter-arguments they do too - if someone calls you 'racist', say 'but racism = power + prejudice, and Jews have all the power'. If they say 'muh holocaust' reply 'but they have a history of violent colonialism just as bad as whites - they're still being imperialists in Occupied Palestine to this very day!' and mention how Israel was *founded* on expansionism, with Theodor Herzl himself's own ideas of greater Israel (see: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Israel#Promised_Land). If they say 'but jews have been *oppressed* for centuries' reply 'so jews have been kicked out 109 times since 250AD, and *every single one* of those times they were just the *poor, oppressed victims* of a *compltely baseless* 'conspiracy theory'?'.

Basically, even though I hate the guy, d what Gavin Mcinnes does here, but with Jews instead of Asians: youtu.be/yEFRcVMRyYM?t=1m38s

So it's a controlled opposition to the mainstream Democrat party. This is the same as when you get exited about the Chapo Traphouse podcast. Opposition to the mainstream party does not get million dollar donations from billionaires , how is this difficult to understand?

Nothing needs to be done because either (1) Thier memes are good memes and the Kek blesses them or (2) Their memes are weak memes and KeK destroys them. We all know how this ends. If they can come up with anything that sticks without using government authority to shove it down peoples' throats then props to them. inb4 they cannot.

Fuck off. You are doing more damage than good with your faggotry. No one here is going to spend their energy helping your faggy commie movement.

fuck off

An all or nothing approach is the best philosophy for them to stand out from the progressives which should be seem by them as milquetoast. The best part is that those degenerates really do buy into that.

the alt-left should be an organisation that attack the far left marxists for not being progressive enough

Underrated post.

thank you

You don't understand.
Leftists are idiots by rule of thumb. They will NEVER be capable of reaching the influence we have, or what even the stupid "Alt-Right" can do. Most of them are also in the autism spectrum.
If this gains any traction I guess it will result in another incompetent-shill wave.

You mean "How the elftist are two steps behind the right and start to act edgy in their confusion"?

Yeah, no


>Holla Forums: The Movie

Charles Manson was not a Yippie. From what I understand some of the Yippies liked Manson after the murders because they thought he was a commie like them and thought it was cool that he 'offed the pigs'. Then one of them visited him in prison and realized he was nothing like them, was an opposite of a commie and didn't support the Chicago 8 or the Black Panthers or any of their other radical left wing causes.

OP is a leftist faggot and using us to shill for his gay movement.

Remember to sage and report.