I have developed a method for numerical analysis of how cucked a country is. Here are the results: (NOTE, DATA FROM 2015)

1. Canada
2. United States
3. Greece

1. Poland
2. Norway
3. Iceland

Method posted below.
I got the idea for this thread from:

Other urls found in this thread:

Method shown here. Works best for white or east asian countries.

It will be interesting to see if, under Trump, the USA can reduce their CCI - Canada however, I have no hope for.

Your method is wrong and your index is shit. Start over

The data is from 2015.

Pretty much all Canada's poz is contained in the cities.

If it's 2015 then why are you posting it?

looks legit

Wait wtf is wrong with your Percent Jewish column? 0.45% jews in USA?

Oh never mind, just read the formula for it.

Socialist country that would go broke if it wasn't for North Sea oil. It's a banana economy.

Define "immigrant".

How the fuck does canada have such a high jew ratio?

I used this

However there is an issue in that it doesn't account for white immigrants, which are obviously not as pozzed as say, somalians entering sweden

Thats with most countries. Gated communities must be torn down, and forcibly mixed with no go areas. That would cahnge some tunes awfully fast.

So people born overseas?

From (((Jewish Virtual Library)))

Meant for

Yea. I found a yuge UN datasheet with immigration stats going FROM each country, TO each country, but it would have taken me days to organize it all. Maybe the formula needs to be updated to place less weighting on that factor, I'm not sure.

I get that, I mean how did so many of them come here? and how many will flee when we hit the inevitable venesuelian poverty level?

I applaud you for your work, but I hope you do not mind receiving some constructive feedback, especially on point 4.
Why would low fertility rate be a good thing?

How about "non-white or non-East Asian as geographically appropriate"?

Feedback is good - HDI was not developed by me, it's been around for a while. See:

I think it just happens to be that low fertility must correlate with high standard of living - Think of africans having 8 children etc.

I think the trick there is that immigrants usually breed more than the natives. So a high fertility rate as far as things are right now, usually means lots of immigrants.

Japan has an extremely low fertility rate, but is one of the most ethnically homogeneous nations of earth.

You're right, low fertility does not matter so long as it is above 2.1 and no immigration, which is not the case in Europe or America.

How the hell are you gonna make [current year] data when the year is not over yet, dumbass

USA started at -15% non-white in the 1700's thanks to Brit kike Merchants and their slave trade that Jews where heavily involved in…and the Injuns left over from the removal operation…

Please recalculate your formula based on that. Thanks.


I'm guessing the UK, France, Germany and Sweden are so CUCKED that you didn't bother with them.

1. UK
2. Sweden
3. Germany
4. France
Your list starts here.

No need to respond with your "it's from 2015" bullshit excuse. We've known for far more than a year or two how bad it is in those countries.

France is 4, sweden is 9, germany is 6. The thing needs more data, maybe something due to percent of population left by last election?

USA number one cuckold LOL
They are almost 50% filled with brown ppl and they love niggers and make nigger porn americans truly are the worst cuckolds they cant even get ethnic nationalism but at best can get civcuck nationalism
America is finished they will never get rid of their legal mexicans and their niggers

Go home, blackpill

Land mass of the USA is 80-90% white people…whose ancestors fought off prehistoric savages that used to like raiding villages and mass murdering women and children. Urban America is somewhat cucked…but the working class whites in those cities literally hate negroes and spics.

I'm not going anywhere USA is the number one cuckd country face reality.
Stop trying to call other countries cuckd just so you can stop thinking about the horrible reality of your "nation" 50% of the children in your cuntry are already brown and trump won't deport the mexicans that came there legally and he won't deport the niggers you are fucked you don't even have a ethnic group you are blandad up and need to go back to racial lines. you are the capital of interracial cukold porn your country is number one, number one CUCKD

Get fucked americans you are litterlaly shit and your country is brown. LOL


grow up and fuck off faggot

It's pretty comfy here though Americuck

I'm comfy as fuck tbh. There isn't a black or Hispanic area for hundreds of miles. That's literally how the majority of America is. That's why kikes are bitching about the "racist electoral
College system". How do you think Trump got elected, you fucking nitwit.


that would be americuckland

the barely 60% still left whitey of course which soon will be done because the children in americuck are already 50% brown

Holy run on sentence, you fuckwit.
Learn to speak the lingua franca before you shit talk the country where it's spoken natively.


It's so fucking great being American. Are aspects of the "cuntry" shitty? Yes. Do we have an insanely high quality of life? Yes.
But go on and keep getting your kicks, shitposting and ignoring the kikes who want us both equally dead.

I think the model needs to be reworked for Asian countries. Just look at what is happening in South Korea, a literal shadow government controlling the shit pushing feminism on the masses and jewing everyone out of shekels.

I'm not a burger. I'm in the lower half of the graph. While others may be more cucked, the fact remains that my country is cucked and something need to be done about it.

aspie triggered swede CUCK detected hahahaha


It sure is great being american

Nope, there are 180 million pure whites in America…and they are armed to the teeth. Scary isn't it, Chaim.

LOL good luck pole/greek/french/anglo mix

I'm Celtic/Anglo/German like the majority of whites in America. Not that I look down on any sub ethnic group.

Good luck failing civcuck

go back to 4chan, child

nah lol

Nope, that's called "white nationalism" in America becuase we are united by our common European ancestry…and the fact that our rugged ancestors came to a strange land and made a future for us. We don't fight over ridiculously minuscule ethnic differences becuase at the end of the day we have our common back ground up of being 4th and 5th generation Europeans that our grandfathers fought in wars for the USA…Yuropoors can have pissing matches over your differant "cultures" in Europe. We don't do that here.

This is only factoring in Economy and how white the Nation is, hell in the case of US it's not even percentage white as Immigrants include Wogs and Celts
You don't factor in the electoral situation or Crime situation in any nation in which case Sweeden would get to no 1 or 2

Your index is shit user.

Well that is mainly because of 1 state and that state wants to leave

You're right, some kind of crime rate would have been good to factor in, my bad

Ausfag here. looking at the ethnic fractionalization index, cultural diversity index and the amount of brown I see each day, I simply can't imagine how much brown you north americans are seeing each day.

Zero. Factor in the fucking huge landmass of America ffs.

America inherited its negro problems(from the Brit kikes tbh)…and we have a massive land border with a third world shit hole. None of the other "first world" countries have those dynamics.

reported for cancer.

Why do you call them brit kikes? Why not just kikes?

Australia borders a 3rd world shit hole, it's just that there is a small water barrier

You're right. There's little difference. I just don't want to offend a Yid…ah I mean a Brit that has Irish or Scottish ancestry or something…

That third world shot hole has 100,000 neanderthals that haven't even invented swimming ffs. Not half white 100 million tacos ffs. The fucking Spaniards "muh dicked" half of the continent…so the tacos are somewhat clever.


interesting idea

some tweaking needs to be done because europe is obviously more cucked than the US currently

No it is 150 Million Indonesians too not just the 100000 papuans

This is really good work, OP. It deserves to be published.
Try contacting the Occidental Quarterly and see if they will include it somewhere.
Don't let this be ephemeral. Publish it.

also considering how south korea is right now they should be far more cucked than the rest of asia

how can we measure feminism

number of females in power would probably be a good measurement since they fuck over every nation.

Yeah the "Indonesians"
Already have a pretty sophisticated culture and city they can hang in at Jakarta…Also, there's the Philippines etc.
You should have had a "native removal system" like we had in America. It's your fault, too late to bitch about it now.

And…the cavemen natives in that region are nothing compared to our shifty spics(half white and angry) and negroes.

Jakarta is as advanced as Mexico City

Do parasites stay with their dying host for too long?

What do you mean "when"?

The fact that you can still buy toilet paper doesn't mean shit if your pseudonation sold all it's gold.

'''Problems with this index:
1. EDI is not useful enough, since people of higher class will learn lingua-franca for bussiness.
2. JII and II does not factor in that population-based power does not scale linearly i.e. the difference between 1% and 2% are stronger then the difference between 98% and 99%.
3. SLI and JDI has an overlap about world economy.
4. The calculation should put weight on each of these indexes to make it better.
P.S. We need an index for feminism, communism, transsexual, psychiatry etc.

Partially correct, the mexican immigrants in their majority (barely, 52 or 53%) are a mixture with almost no white blood in them
Many investigators have brought up the idea that many of those folks, the region i mean, are a bizarre mixture of several scumbag injuns (the region was founded by the surplus/weak slaves of the mayans and aztecs, the lowest of the low) with a gene they did not know, but suspected was east asian (chinese colonized america first theory) due to flat faces, smaller than normal and temples highly resembling the ones in Thailand and Indonesia

tl;dr americans get 2 groups of migrants, half-breeds and surprise stew savages

Nice fucking system there OP maybe try a dartboard next time and see if that's more accurate.

Also what is it with statisticians and this font my college stats class was taught entirely in this exact fucking font

Ok fine. You should have had a native removal system though. I stand by that statement.

Problems with this index:
1. EDI is not useful enough, since people of higher class will learn lingua-franca for bussiness.
2. JII and II does not factor in that population-based power does not scale linearly i.e. the difference between 1% and 2% are stronger then the difference between 98% and 99%.
3. SLI and JDI has an overlap about world economy.
4. The calculation should put weight on each of these indexes to make it better.
P.S. We need an index for feminism, communism, transsexual, psychiatry, islam etc.

No, this is Really good work, OP.
It really does deserve to be published.
If not in TOQ, then in some other publication.
Perhaps the idea could use some tweaking, but the essence of it is sound.
Good work, OP!

…and tbh. Mexico is run by(thier elite) 90% white spaniards. So Mexico City's infastructure is Probaly pretty advanced tbh…

Do you really think an extra month is going to do much to dilute the current levels of cuckoldry in the world at this time?

How does Ukraine have >83.7% immigrants?

Extra point: SLI relies on HDI, which relies on:
1. Life Expectency: that is fine.
2. Education Index: It does not address education inflation.
3. Income: It does not address how wage corresponds to getting a good life, or not being into debt.



An interesting idea but the results are not what one would empirically expect.
Cuckedness come done to policy rather than economic factors.
South Korea where its tech giant Samsung basically named the Jew somehow more cucked than Iceland where strip clubs are illegal.

You might have better success with a different model such as a parametric model attempting to relate your migrant and ethnic factors to Public debt to GDP level (or govt debt to GDP)

Well, you managed to trigger every American on this board OP, well done.

We also need to see who's the majority in congress and who's the president.

For example, no points for Republicans, extra extra points for Trump, negative points for Democrats. In Europe, extra points for UKIP, etc.

Sweden, Canada and Germany are the most cucked, in that order. Murica can't be THAT cucked if they voted in Trump.

USA is definitely top 5, maybe even top 3, but you need some kind of modifier for "cucked population" index.

Something that weighs not just amount of whites but what % of whites believe cucked views. Sweden and Germoney should be higher up, not that we're far behind though after 8 years of King Nigger…

Canada would be high on the list still though

He's a idiot, just ignore him.

Looks good, but what you're measuring is the potential for a country to be cucked.

Omitted—and what is essential—are policies. Right now you have a list of countries that would be easiest to cuck up. But it would be possible, for instance, with a rigid caste system to keep Canada uncucked. But it's policies that turn the tremendous potential for cuckedness into actual cuckedness.

But I wouldn't know how to measure policy. It's probably good enough to have a measure for the potential for cuckedness.

Like this guys says, but no one else noticed.


Australia is completely cucked.

Jesus Christ, not 10 years ago it was something like 970

You don't get that the shitposter isn't even "American," probably. Plus, there is no such thing as an "American."

You would if you had a culture. Frankly, this "American" shit is an embarrassment. It's completely Jewed. We are much better off identifying with our blood, not with some kosher establishment.

Australia is not that low.
Turnbull claims he's turning back the boats.
But there are more immigrants here than ever. He's a filthy liar.

Sweden was more cucked than anybody in 2015 too. So was UK, France, Germany, and a bunch of other countries. Also % jews of the population misses the point completely, the cucking comes from % jews in control of media / politics / government, that's how a country like China that has 0% jewish population is 100% cucked to jews as are western countries like the US that have a relatively small number of jews as part of their population compared to uncucked countires like Poland.

Surprisingly, they seem to stay in Indonesia.

It's other ethnicities that are more of an issue.

What makes you say there's no such thing as American? Europeans started colonizing these lands centuries before the USA was even established. Is roughly 400 years not enough time to form an identity?

Should probably add a parameter for pro-muslim, pro-fag, and pro-degenracy laws/programs/etc that are active(Example:Sweden's no meanies policy, Canada's pronoun laws, Argentina's 50-50 gender distribution on political paries). That would really reshape the CCI.

Look closely at the percentages of Jews. The highest percentages are the "least cucked". All the shit-tier countries only have enough Jews to run the show. They aren't flooding niggers into the countries they live in. Aka: Don't shit where you eat.

Canada,Sweden, and Germany are the supreme cucks of the world.

Here in America I can call for mass nigger death publicly while firing a .50 cal and not be arrested. More cucked than Sweden my fucking ass.

swedes can turn that around. americans for all their freedom have the weight of demographics over them


No, the US is:

Americans always try to shift it, but the US is by far the worst off of the western nations. Most of the above problems are extremely deep rooted, they'll need decades to fix them if they started this instant.

If you want to be a delusional retard that think electing Donald Trump means is the end of it and everything will be fine without lifting a finger from now on, I'm sure Reddit will be perfect for you. Thinking you can undo almost a century of subversion in a single election is retarded, either you accept that you're gonna have to work for it for a very long time or you might as well give up. I assure you the other side won't be stopping for a break anytime soon.

Literally no other white country could elect as harcore a nationalist as Trump. We elected a guy who said "Fuck Islam ban them all" and "deport over 10 million brown people".

No other country besides Hungary or Poland could ever even hope to elect someone that hardcore. Cucked my ass.

Maybe add fertility rates too?

I've been working on something similar to you to find out what the best countries are, it is very hard to determine what good metrics are and how they are weighted.

But you basically need to start with what has the most impact on the future of the country.

1. Fertility Rates (especially of desired groups, not all humans are equal obviously).
2. Safety (Crime Rates are important to consider too, also health could be considered a part of this, obesity / other health problems indicate a decadent society)
3. Wealth/Prosperity (Sorta covered with HDI)
4. National Unity (As you have done with some indexes)
5. Sustainability of all of the above. (Eugenics, some natural selection, low welfare etc)

Let me know if I missed anything important.
Some fertility rates for EU / OECD countries.

If being depended on EU handouts isn't "cucked" I don't know what is?

Like father like his wife's son.

Hope you apply the same logic to your state handouts, weeb.

Why are you sageing though?

Because I don't think it's a very well constructed metric for a number of reasons, most of which were already mentioned above.

I'd like to give some input regarding Serbia.

While our population remains quite un-cucked, we are under occupation by globalist kikes (mostly through British intelligence which props-up our "progressive" mafia politicians in power) so we get the full poz package, including full media control/blackout of truth, minority rule over majority (election scams), tyrannical laws which allow kikes maximum exploitation and so on.

Luckily we are too poor (as a result of the economic genocide the kikes are pulling on us through their organizations like IMF and through their puppet governments) so rapefugees don't want to stay here, and even local gypsies went to countries like Germany. Meaning there are some upsides as well.

Basically, a proper firing squad and some ovens could fix most of it, what's most alarming is (((Saudis))) buying everything left and right.

I'd like to give some input on Greece

Pauline Hanson was close.
But she needs help :^)
She needs to be strong against them again like she was with chinks.

I'd like to note the lack of a "Muslim Population" factor.

I realize it wouldn't work well with the U.S., but as an additional statistic could help define the actual cucking of the Euro nations better.

Someone else in the thread has already mentioned that potential rather than actual cucking is being measured.

Try again, Eurofag. We elected Trump and we still have the 1st and 2nd Amendment, you are infinitely more cucked than us.

Why wouldn't it work well in the US? In my state is more common for people to speak Arabic the Spanish

Personally I would trade all that for life in a country that is over 64 percent white, but hey that's just me.

Why, so you could see your country transform into 0% white and not be able to defend yourself and speak out about it?

Would care to explain how that is going to happen? 60 is a lot closer to zero then 90?

As someone who visited Poland, Poland is still cucked. I would assume Hungary is far less cucked.

Are you just pretending to be stupid? Chances are your birthrates are in the toilet and the muzzies are having 8+ kids each. Chances are you have laws against protesting their invasion of your country, you still haven't mentioned where you are from… are you trying to hide something?

How come Greece, Poland, Norway and Iceland have the most Jews?

Michigan and everything you described is spot on

I don't know, but I can tell you for fucking certain that Poland isn't 9% jew.

where's Italy on the chart?



I just told you

Kek lad, those countries are pozzed as fuck.

Oslo is practically little Africa, and Iceland is the most feminist-faggot-cultural-marxist hellhole you can imagine.

Redo your list.

I don't see them doing this in many other places.

sometimes memes are mistaken, sorry user.

You're a fucking moron, the people in Iceland have the most pozzed mentality you can ever imagine.


Well, seeing how culturally very close Norway is on the bottom and Sweden right there with the worst countries, it's at least quite truthful.

so pozzed they told international banksters to get the fuck out, right?

what did he mean by this?

As I said, then you're a fucking moron, and you don't understand the context of it.

Gas yourselves already, you fucking morons.

Dude, you seriously have no idea what your talking about. Iceland maybe homogenous and 'out of the way' of everything. But its about as pozzed as it gets. It is like sweden but with out the rapefugees.

This is absolute horseshit- you're telling me that Greece- the only country based enough to have golden dawn members on three seats of the European parliament, is more cucked than fucking sweden or germany- nations with severe hate-speech laws and the police covering up crimes of rapefugees?

OP is a faggot and needs to fuck off back to Ankara like the miserable turkroach he probably is.

You still didn't cover his other points, that being America is ZOG's golem to spread out all its soul/nation destroying filth from, which is totally true, not to mention them coming to the rescue of kikes in both world wars, potentially dooming is all.

You can't get around it: America is the most judiazed nation on earth. Just because we have a lot of heartland whites that aren't completely pozzed like on the coasts doesn't mean our country isn't the jew's primary tool of destruction.

inb4 the ban mods don't take to kindly to hearing the truth about their hotpocket provider

holocaust denial is illegal in canada, but I agree this chart needs some work

Do you guys even own a calculator?
9.2878E-05 = 0.000092878

let me know when it's done, until then Trump is another kike puppet who lied his way into the WH in my eyes.
Don't get me wrong, he still is 10000 times better than Hillary, but my heart can't afford being fooled again in these issues.


every politician is a kike puppet unless proven otherwise. Not saying he has to build the wall in 2 months, just saying that UNTIL it is built I wont believe it, that's all! Until then we could tune the hype down a bit.

I agree. We have to remain sober and cautiously optimistic.

Good work op - great analysis and unexpected bantz in LaTeX beauty. The individual features that you combine in your model are interesting as well, and it would be fun to see RPG-style bar charts next to each country illustrating those numbers.

For even more fun, it would be interesting to see how the CCI fluctuates over time using data from previous years. Then you could build a predictive model to see how countries will turn out in the future.

Keep up the good work m8.

Would you rather live in Greece or Norway?

As soon as you guys come up with formulas that are actionable, we're going places.

Until then

Read freakonomics, it's a silly book but relevant to this venture.

Good job OP!


This is generally a problem with the cultural/ethnic fractionalization. Having larger percentage of people from neighboring European countries is something completely different from having a big Wahhabi population for example. And even between Muslim countries there can be significant differences.

OP I think you've got to incorporate things like amount of rapes and the degree of leftism of the current regimes of each country as well, plus the amount of immigrants they receive yearly as a proportion of their country's population, plus an index of assigning different values to different ethnicities entering the country, that will bump Sweden way up to near the very top where it should be.

Pretty sure Norway has its fair share of (((influential gentlemen))) too.

meant to quote this

btw that faggot looks a lot like the Podestas

You'd need to look into the definitions of rape between the US and Sweden then. Sweden has a very lenient definition of rape, and 'the Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.' If the US adopted Sweden's definition of rape, you'd see the US's rape cases explode too. I'm definitely not saying Sweden doesn't have a rape problem, but it helps to know the whole story.

There's many differences between Sweden and the US and they're both in pretty bad positions at the moment, but a big advantage the US has over Sweden is that they've got Trump and a good chance to help fix the situation. The political parties in Sweden are a joke and I'm finding it hard to see how it's going to get better without a massive economic or societal collapse first.

If your condom slips off, that's rayp too :(

Sweden needs to be top most cucked followed by Germany and then UK and Canada.

I can see canada being in the top 3 in 2015, but not sweden or germany
go and remake that top 3 list with sweden and germany in it OP

Opee, can you put the table up somewhere?

Nice work, user. r/ing this excel sheet (you can upload to WHat is the highest possible value for CCI?

Come on now op this list is shit

Upload it you nigger.

You should also only focus on white countries, or "white ethnic" countries. Not Japan and South Korea.

If anything it just shows how these kind of index are a bad idea. Whether its trying to describe "cuckedness" or "human development"

But I give it credit for effort and fun

Also, why is Ukraine there? Apart from being in a Civil War and a state of ruin, they don't have 3rd world immigration, Marxist propaganda or high level of degeneracy?

United states isn't really a fair comparison, if you subtract California we're %78 white and if you subtract blacks from that we're %92 white.

The whole
meme isn't really fair considering we're three times the size of Europe and we're very demographically segregated geologically.

The former two are not prevalent but they do have an extremely high level of degeneracy. It's a third world shit hole, other Eastern Europeans think of them as niggers. But, you're right, compared to western Europe, the mindset of the populace is still far more patriotic, far more racially aware, far more interested in getting married and having a family, etc. They're not even close to as cucked as any country in Western Europe, North America, or Australia. But they are probably the most jew cucked country in Eastern Europe.

5 minutes looking into Icelandic values and you can see how fucking retarded you this is.

Interesting, I'm unfamiliar snow monkey culture. Could you elaborate?

We're not dependent, we're losing hundreds of billions a year because of EU, it's just hidden. Few tens of billions of help we recieve is just a lie for public.

How is that being cucked? You are getting development money for supposedly complying with European policy, however Poland does not comply yet rakes in the dosh. In the EU halls it is informally is known that as soon as development funds run out Poland is going to be the next Britain in terms of non-compliance.

Feminist, pro-gay, pro-tranny, most single motherhood, a lot of other generally anti-traditional shit.

How is this even possible? America is less than 0.5% and we're one of the most cucked.

Was Holla Forums wrong about Jewish people? Is there a different source causing the cucking?

Are you sure?. There were 10% before the war. There was no holocaust. Few hundreds of thousands died in 2WW total, low hundreds of thousands moved to Israel. Some emigrated to the west.

The rest stayed and had a good life under judeocommunism. They just hide, pretend to be christians like Merkel, etc.

Scary thought, i know.

Remember that poles are broke as fuck and by extensions polish kikes tend to be broke therefore they have little influence.

Netherlands has a lot of shitskins, and Spaniards are pretty degenerate, tho without the rapefugees.

Ukraine has potential to become a White country, if the dust ever settles and an independent Government is created.

Even if there are Jews in Poland, there is always a simple solution.

Forgot pic

Mexico City has a subway whereas no Australian city does.

Too few datasets to determine how cucked a country is.
Also generally i don't like the idea, since it has the potential to create more unnecessary D&C

Frenchfag here.

I completely disagree with the concept that Canada are more cucked than we French are.

We are WORLD'S 1st. By far.
Even, literally, in terms of marriage with Africans.
But let me digress on Canada.
Canada is made up of TWO STOCKS, Anglo and French. The Ethnic Fractionalization Index (EFI), based on Fearon's analysis, cannot be used here.
In the 1970s, the first Trudeau introduced "multiculturalism", a concept developed by NDP fellow Charles Taylor.
It was then used by jews as a basis for immigration.

That doesn't mean Canada is cucked.
First of all, French "Republicanism" is actually worse than multiculturalism. Because Republicans outright DENY ethnic differences.
Québeckers have kept a strong sense of ethnic pride, because of language and history.
Remember that 1995 separation Referendum?

In Canada, although immigration is rapidly changing the picture, it is still livable outside the capital cities.
In any French city of 100,000+, you'll see tens of Negroes and Arabs, and many mamas with three brats or more.

Now back to the Index.
1) Jewish Index: France percentage is wrong. Jews are at least 500,000, BUT they are concentrated around Paris, where they are 20% just like in Jew York (officially, 375000 out of 2 million, that's 18,75%). And all politics, media are centered around Paris.
2) Jewish Index. Why not take into account Freemasons? Freemasons who should be counted are at least 50,000. It would also greatly enlarge Sweden, Norway and UK's Jewish index.
3) Jewish Index. Most private media in France, just like in Sweden and the US, belongs to Jews or shabbos goy. Why not take it into account?
4) HDI does not have much relevance with regards to cuckoldry. To calculate what nations do with their wealth, I'd take (average individual tax rate) minus (free collective services available for white christians/salary) but plus (amount of public money wasted with nonwhites projects/salary).
5) Ethnic Fractionalization Index: France numbers are way too low.
In France, we have a sickle-cell test for all non-European newborns, and that is the only stat that circumvents the legal ban on ethnic census. According to our projections, with 37% tested in 2015, France is going to have, by 2020 or 2024, the first majority-non-white generation in Europe (see graph).

If that's not cuckery I don't know what it is!

We are certainly ahead of Germans, Swedes, and everyone else. The only country that is mentally as cucked as we are, are the English, but at least they trail us by 10 years.

OP you are a typical stupid STUPID moronic cunt who thinks that public debt is real.

The only debt that matters is PRIVATE DEBT. Public debt doesnt exist because GOVERNMENTS MAKE MONEY YOU STUPID CUNT.

He'll deport maybe 1 million and build a fence.


Oh, and 8.6% of Americans are white Hispanics, meaning they have a genetic lineage exclusively European.
So the total number of Americans that are of European white lineage is 71.6%

Hold your horses. The Fed is a private organisation which loans to the US gov, so regarding the ostensibly most powerful country of the earth you're flat-out wrong.

Either your data is wrong or your model is shit
Hungary is immensely less cucked than Norway. I live in Norway, and tbh I almost see more immigrants than whites where I live. Furthernire, our shitty cuckservative government donated millions to Clinton during the Election and the vast majority of the country - 96% - have stated that they felt "concerned" "afraid" or "angry" after Trump's win. Our media is fucked and never reports the massive amounts of immigrant crime, and is nearly always left-biased. I have yet to see a Norwegian news outlet say anything positive about Trump.
Not only that, but even our white population is cucked and degenerate to hell and back. We have immense high school dropout rates, most youths get drunk every weekend and have casual sex, some even have orgies at 14-16.
Literally the only reason our country us surviving is due to our oil and our highly educated population - our engineers, scientists, and doctors, who in addition to being economically beneficial often vote FrP, the closest we have to a based party.

How is Israel not the most cucked country?

Government debt matters. If governments above their money creation power enough they'll undermine the value of the currency for trade and make all imports super expensive.

…you fucking idiot. "White alone" is white including hispanic. We're around 62% "non-hispanic white" which includes african and asian caucasians.


Also hispanic white basically means Spanish. They just don't want to say Spanish since it highlights they're nothing like spics

Oh wow you even wrote it up in Latex, nice job user

So, as for actual critique, the way you calculate CCI is fundamentally flawed, as it's the product of five different terms which may or may not be independent of one another.

Demonstrative example: Say EDI, JII, NWII, and QLI are all around 1 but JDI is very low, around 1e-4. The resulting CCI is then (1e-4)^(1/5) = 0.1585. The country still has serious problems, but results would seem to indicate that things are pretty alright.

Granted, this is a purely imaginary scenario that ignores independence, but the fundamental problem exists: one good score can override several negative scores.

I've actually had some experience working with matlab's fmincon function, and that's forced me to spend a lot of time deriving "output scores" that more correctly reflect the solution of a multi-variable problem as a single value. Typically, what I've done is selected a handful of values that I wanted to minimize (in this case, the 5 indices from before), and then put them into either a 1 Norm (sum of absolute values) or 2 Norm (square root of sum of squares). I think if you switched to something like that, you'd get more representative results maybe.

Also, you should properly define EFI with respect to Ethnic homogeneity, or else express the second paragraph of 2.1 in terms of EFI, not Ethnic homogeneity.

I'm ignoring other issues with how numbers are gathered, and just focusing on my expertise.

The Fed doesnt loan to the US government you idiot, the Fed is the US government. There is literally no way to monetise the oustanding debt because the debt is simply just a record of all outstanding government spending that hasnt been taxed. The reason it is "borrowed" is to keep the price of reserves from dropping.

you're stupid and you should feel bad

So basically adding weight?

Wew, I'm on the fucking edge.

no, it isn't. The federal reserve bank is as federal as federal express

So, ignoring independence, what if we used an arithmetic mean instead of a geometric mean?

How on earth is Hungary not the least cucked? Are you fucking serious? Did you not see like nearly all of them voting like no other to keep out rapefugees? I mad.


Delete your OS.

These posts point out whats going wrong here.

Tbh the only way I see this "CCI" measure being fixed is if we introduce arbitrary mediation factors (e.g. Australia would go up the cuck list if we included the new education policy that they're implementing).

The problem with arbitrary mediation is that it becomes an increasingly subjective manner and will ruin the point of the statistic.

I think it would be wise to measure by percentage non-white, race mixing, and the gradient of non-white/white fertility rate (would give a vague prediction of how fast the country is going under).

For "measuring" political policy, others have pointed out that % jew population has nothing to do with how pozzed your media/government/school is. There are no indices I know of which measure jew vs. non-jew media, so this would rely on crowdsourced information and may become inaccurate (omissions/lack of knowledgeable people).

Can you even read?

Oh, and 8.6% of Americans are white Hispanics, meaning they have a genetic lineage exclusively European.

So the total number of Americans that are of European white lineage is 71.6%

The Fed is owned by other banks, and those other banks are owned by stockholders.
The Fed is NOT a government institution, although it is heavily regulated (supposedly).

Get with the program.

It's a valiant effort but, as pointed out, it needs better metrics to be accurate. Don't expect (((EU))) or (((UN))) to provide any(such as statistics on interracial marriage or white birth rates), though.

I agree with what this user posted. I think his assessment is accurate. It will take a long time to repair the damage. But hopefully the climb up that mountain will begin in January.



Christ, you're still living in your little delusion. Trump narrowly won because blue-collar voters were sick of 8 years of Democrat rule and they were angry, not because of some great white awakening. The other user is right, this war is far from over and we will be fighting it for our entire lives.

Not really. Right now the system overly favors low values. You couldn't factor in weights unless you first switched to a 1 norm or 2 norm, though I don't think they're necessary.

Yes, basically

Canada is beyond cucked.

messihole is filled with spics.

Except if there is even more shit in the ground.

No kidding, going to a donut shop every day? Haven't been in one since I was a kid.

Excellent taste in movies and movie soundtracks, famalam.

The Fed is just a branch of the government basically, it has no real power, it is commercial banks that really influence the economy, and that ties in with credit creation and levels of PRIVATE debt.

What do you think is actually gonna happen if the Fed suddenly demands this supposed debt owed to them? Holla Forums knows a hell of a lot, but economically most here are still children bar a few.

It's a coffee shop, and pretty central to Canadian culture at that, for better or for worse. I wouldn't expect an American to understand, but it's a bit like McDonalds for you burgers