"We can't prove sex with children does them harm"

No more games these people have to be stopped

What in the hell am I even reading?!

Other urls found in this thread:

1066.co.nz/Mosaic DVD/whoswho/text/Agnes_of_France[1].htm

many abused kids become faggots. pedos should burn alive.

Time they were purged.

I thought this was fucking bait but it's not. What the fuck, the whole "kids can consent" meme took off last night.
What the hell is going on

just the fact that when their brains mature they realize you took advantage of them for your own hedonistic degeneracy

They're using the Germany pool boy rape case as a precedent. The judge threw the case out because they couldn't prove the boy said no. That's almost literally the ruling in a nutshell.

you know what fuck this I have had enough of this Jewish filth fucking things up… and you know the people behind this names are going to fucking echo.

Pleas for the love of God start the fucking purge already… God damn it I am angry.

It used to be normal for girls to marry at 12. When did we become so damn prudish?


I think the real issue here is to these people who are doing this study they honestly see no problems with the way the people who were molested turned up. By that i mean they are all probably blue-haired demigender omnifags and to them in our currently heavily pozzed society there is nothing 'wrong' with them. Back in the day, these things would be considered a form of mental illness, but now it is just simply 'expressing yourself'


Is Labour popular amongst Catholics?

Well laid out there user I believe you are hitting the heart of the problem.. this society has become so degenerate that this can be normalized in these peoples minds.. god it makes me feel sick.

Laws were created to stop children from being tricked into prostitution.

Casual sex ruins everyone. Unless the girl has started puberty and actually has a sex drive, anything sexual with kids is 100% abuse.


to add to
We are no longer medieval Europe and most people live beyond the age of 18 years.

It was actually their objective from the start. Common Filth cited a gay rights charter where they wanted AoC laws removed.

We kind of are in a dark age for conservatives. What's wrong with taking a child bride before she can be corrupted by the socialist school system?

Key word. Nobody marries anymore, they just fuck. And if they do marry, they divorce.

As opposed to NAMBLA in the US, PIE was deeply ingrained into the UK government. Several lords have been exposed as members over time; the organization received government funding; MPs and state officials refused to legislate against or suppress them.

It will be a legitimate travesty if they got rid of AoC but kept the age of marriage. You couldn't get any more blatant on what (((they))) truly want with rules like that.

There are already a few countries where you can fuck at 16 but can't marry until 18.

Jesus Christ. This people have to be killed.

man the mask has totally slipped with these sick freaks.

In most places, it was normal up to the early 1900s. In some beyond that.

People in medieval times lived a lot longer than you think. The whole "you were an old man if you made it to 30" thing is a false meme.

America is one of those and always has been. In most states, the age of consent is 16 or 17 and the age of marriage is 18. The federal minimum age of consent is 12.


oh look every fucking thread that talks about pedos draws them in like roaches.

Because guys naturally want to fuck underage girls and the kikes have lumped all of them (them being every man alive, if he was allowed to be honest) under the same title: a pedophile

Gas yourself. Reported for being filth.

Look at this nigger's comment under that retweet. This is why we need to kill these fucking niggers

Are you trying to argue that these pedofucks are wanting to marry them with the intention of being exclusively and permanently monogamous to each other? Fucking idiot, they want to be able to use these children as cheap sex toys, there is absolutely no love to be found in anything they do.

It is still there. The media is just run by kikes who are all pedos and faggots and degenerates, so the people are never told of this and vote for the same corrupt shits. If the people were actually informed of this they'd never vote for these people again.

Fun fact: in 2008, it was ruled that it's unconstitutional for any state to apply the death penalty to the crime of child rape.

This wouldn't be a problem if we had strong communities and lynch mobs, but instead we have atomized families who would have to worry about their fathers being ratted out by the neighbors, arrested by some cops they've never met, and tried by mestizo kid touchers and judges who got law degrees at liberal universities and moved to the state for the weather.

gas yourself

Basically every man on the planet is a "pedophile" so when you tell him that you want to get rid of AoC laws, all he is thinking about is 14 year old poon. However the true pedophile is rubbing his hands like a merchant.

It was probably the plan all along: Cut normal and healthy male attraction out of the market and label it as some abhorrent evil: "pedophile!" "anything under 18 is pedo!" etc. Then the kikes swoop in and oy vey the solution. Degenerate normies will go for it.

Never thought a 15 year old looked hot? Fuck off gaylords.

i like the cut of your jib


In short, this wouldn't be a problem if the people weren't fucking cowards. Are we sure this country is worth saving again?

Trump may be our only fucking hope at this point. He better not disappoint.

Why do people have to be stopped for having a valid argument?

There's no sense arguing with Holla Forums about the AoC, they will just tell you to kill yourself while ignoring the fact that AoC laws were passed by feminists in the first place. Just one of the things the majority of Holla Forums is braindead and stubborn towards. Watch them get butthurt over this post.

Yup, the slippery slope is just a fallacy, nothing to see here goy.

I don't give a shit anymore. I have fucking nieces that are only 5 years old. If any of these fucks get near them I will just kill them and hide their bodies in a forest. No cops. No courts. No witnesses.

And neither can you. If you think you can, then prove it. Sex with children was widely practiced throughout our history up until quite recent times. It was probably banned by the priests, as they loved banning normal human behaviors which brought pleasure. It has remained banned because it's useful to those in power, and because it's become somewhat of a taboo that many people are squeamish about.

Outlaw divorce, then you might get somewhere arguing for AoC to be removed.

It's not so much that the people are cowards as that they have reason to be cowards, because they're surrounded by strangers. That could be fixed with some aggressive, sustained community building. We need to know our neighbors, encourage family members to stay nearby, and only elect known quantities with local roots to local office. And get rid of the fucking nonwhites, it's not worf it.


Quads checked. Gas the pedos.

I am all for outlawing divorce. People need to be reminded of what commitment means.


Once again filth, age of brain maturity matters which is based on science, feminism does not have a role here. Keep being degenerates the rope is coming.



People have been having underage sex since the beginning of time and up until the mid 20th century, and the issues you talk about never existed until you made them up. You're all just whiny faggots who post memes to try to prove your points instead of arguments.

I'm a "nigger" but that guy is really a fucking nigger.

I'M DONE I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE I'M LOSING MY MIND At this point I am WILLING TO believe EVERYTHING YOU PEOPLE SAY ABOUT THE JEWS THEY ARE NOT HUMAN THEY ARE A VIRUS THAT INFECTS EVERYTHING PURE IN THE WORLD why didn't Hittler just shot these fucking things and leave the bodies in their houses and take their jew gold with them?! I need a fucking walk!!!

Sorry kiddo, we're taking away your outrage porn until you return with basic literacy on the subject.


Literally how fucking far will the libshits go? How fucking far?

This can't be real, these fuckers need to be hanged before it's too late

Until you kill them.

Yeah man, we weren't kidding. Read this when you get some time.

That explains the BIX NOOD post.

Reported for childfucker.

Reported for enabling trannies, furries, anorexia, promiscuity, self harm, and mental illness.

I really can't wrap my mind around on how people can find people under 15 attractive, or even young boys. Are they just emasculated uberbetas or something?


Pedo - one day you're going to get caught. It's only a matter of time.

I reported the ditch-pig faggot as well.

The irregular capitalization was intentional. I was upset.

save it for group.

Not a therapy session. It was just anecdotal evidence. It's obvious to anyone who isn't crazy that this stuff harms children.

Reported for childfucker.

I can't fucking take it anymore

the fucking pizza place…

fucking recounting bullshit







fucking kill yourself.

they fail with adults so they go after easily impressionable kids that cant say no after grooming. they're the worst social failures around.

There's nothing wrong with sex with kids.

The primary argument against it is that kids are too stupid to give consent. This is a bad argument. We do plenty of things to dumb humans without their consent. You're allowed to fuck a mentally retarded adult who has the intellect of a twelve-year-old, yet you're not allowed to fuck a healthy twelve-year-old. We also allow people to do plenty of objectively harmful things to kids without their consent so that's really transparently not what this is about.

The second argument is that adults occupy a position of power over children, and so are able to manipulate them into sex. This is also a bad argument. Society is full of sexual predators who target adults. No one has ever been thrown into jail and ostracized from society for telling a girl that they just wanted to watch movies and chill out when they in fact intend to smooth-talk her into sex. What's more, adults routinely manipulate children with psychologically damaging means. For example, "If you don't sleep with your hands above the covers, the monster will eat them."

There is nothing harmful about a child having sex as long as it's done in a way which isn't physically harmful. As an unarguable example, let's say a handjob.

A child giving a handjob is a basic physical act to the child, no different from shaking someone's hand or giving someone a hug. It only becomes traumatic when an outside party tells the child that they've been abused, and that if they don't act traumatized it will make them abnormal, a slut, etc. - society is to blame for the trauma in this case. This isn't to say that raping children is okay, any more than raping adults is okay. It isn't. But consensual sex between a child and an adult produces no trauma. Society's reaction to this does produce trauma.

tldr reported for child fucker

That's bullshit and invites actual abuse to hide in plain sight when it is typically committed by immoral but respected adults.

Just like memes

Niggers like you have no empathy and should be wiped off the planet. Child fuckers have no empathy so they can not see how it's bad for kids, even if it's not immediate it will leave long lasting mental scars. My friend was molested as a kid and it devastated his esteem.


Your defense is absolute horseshit. It's wrong because science, medicine, and society deems it as wrong and dangerous to the recipient you fucking retard. There is a big difference between kids and Age of Consent.

Given your starting line was wrong the rest of your argument is not even worth considering or breaking down. You didn't even make the half-assed attempt to argue teens but when straight to kids.

That tells everyone exactly where you sick mind is at and why we deem it civilized, but are prevented from doing by our government, in putting a bullet in your head.

I hope when you're hung they gently lower you into the noose. If your neck snaps and you dont spend the last minute of your life well aware that you're a degenerate piece of filth and deserve the rope.

Sidenote i'm getting flashbacks of tavistock/pedowood apologist shills with all of the heresy in this thread.


I guess Kek favored your post. Egyptians were always pretty lax when it came to sexuality in general.


every fucking thread thats like this brings these sick fucks in droves. it gets so disgustingly abundant that the mods usually nuke the thread, im waiting for that now. Better than to listen to sub-humans try to justify their degeneracy.

The problem with kidfucking is the same as the problem with dogfucking and poopdick: it's perversion of the function of sex. Sex is for reproduction. If you can't have sex (i.e. mate) with a given creature or item, you have no business performing sex acts with it. If you're married to a post-menopausal woman, that's the only "exception," as you are still each others' mates.

No it's the converse. I'm the one who is stupid enough to frame this subject in moral terms. I have the answers to what too often seems an unasked question.

Kek favors you as well. I should cease my shitpostery. As with , maybe Kek wants us to argue about this subject to boost it memetically.

Reported for childfucker. We're going to kill you.

I want pizza now from all the pizza talk earlier. You guys want to go to Besta Pizza?

This, these fucks say they are only attracted to children, so what do you think happens to little Sally when she hits 14? 17? 20?

thrown aside so these fucks can have an endless stream of sex slaves.

Sick how they leave breadcrumbs in textbooks for kids to follow to become indoctrinated.

I'm just neutral, famalam. I guess if I'm not with you, I'm against you or something. Typical SJW you get the bullet if you don't agree with me.
Save that shit for the racemixers who have actually race-mixed.
Polite sage.

Only if it's to burn it down.


Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.

trips confirm


I am willing to agree with some of what you said, for I am capable of considering this scenario:
Consider a good "pedo", meaning, one who only takes advantage of the child and doesn't aim to physically harm. If the child never knows the act was wrong, it lives in blissful ignorance perceiving that as normal, and all is "well".
However: in the real world they will eventually find out, in addition, those who abuse children are usually family members, so if you were to attempt to make it normal you would inevitably be forced to say the following statement should be accepted by society: "To give an X unto my relative/parent as a chid is normal"
And, since I consider sexual acts something that should be reserved for an eternal partner, I would consider that immoral.
A different rebuttal is the following:
For post-pubescent you might be able to make a claim, but for prepubescent you cannot, for a man's paternal instinct should kick in at the thought of taking advantage of a child. For post-pubescent you might have an argument for the girl might be viewed as "woman" in the sexual sense, however, for pre no argument holds.

tl;dr there do exist biological arguments as to why pedophilia is abnormal and should not be allowed. Also, even supposing it was "ok", there are consequences of it which should not be allowed, so the premise cannot be allowed.

Unfortunately yes, everything we say about the joos is truth. Worse yet is the fct hey rule ovr large mparts of our society, including television, internet, government, religion, military and commerce/banking.

Just do it.


Pizza is as disgusting as the stuff that surrounds it. Fucking gross food.

Do you have a source for this?

Yeah, sorry about that. In hindsight, I probably should have added quotes around "good". When I said good I refer to what people in general refer to as a "good pedo" as opposed to a "bad" one.

I'm sure you would be saying something different if you were fucked as a kid. Do you think you would still find it ok now if you were molested/fucked when you were 6,8,10,12? Or would you be willing to let little girls get fucked by some extremely beta loser, fat faggots and the losers of the gene pool?

Kek did not apparently favor either of your posts. Perhaps Kek does not like moralfaggotry, and he hates those moralfaggots who then proceed (contradictorily) to make threats of violence.

Men and woman should wait until they are mentally mature enough to choose a life partner. They should not have sexual relations until they do. End of story.
Just admit you want to fuck kids you degenerate pervert.


There exists a common occurrence of mutual attraction.


Based off of the word "contradictorily" I am presuming you presume the two posts you referenced are the same person, ie. I am 15b14b.
However, that is incorrect, I've only posted through TOR.

Probably the anti-hate gay law shit of congress. it's in pic related.
Reminder if you are a pedo you're on soros side and the enemy to the white race

I'm going to be honest Holla Forums, this is the first time I've angrily glared at my computer, after seeing this thread. They're actually trying to JUSTIFY this shit.


This is a fucking slide thread if I've ever seen one. I sense heavy jewism in here.

Worst part is you fuckers fell for it.

I don't care if you've started from 4chan in 2007, you fuckers still never learn to this day

I'll play Devil's advocate.
What if the findings are correct and there isn't a proven link?
Emotional arguments aside, why would pedophilia then be a bad thing if that's the case?


Why is it the only time leftists use the 'Its natural!' argument when they're advocating for pedophilia, but argue against it on every other count?

The level of evidence they demand is extraordinary and their argument against the existing evidence relies on ambiguity, sure you can say kids aren't harmed by the sex if you attribute all the trauma as being caused by society.

I don't care anymore

I'm going to fucking bed. my laptop is at 4%

fuck this fucking planet

life is a fucking joke

No, no, no. The other guy was the one who contradicted his high-horse status by threatening you. His moralfaggotry was outright supreme.

Your argument actually sounded pretty reasonable.

Now I'm off by one. Time to commit sudoku. Farewell, cruel thread. You will not see the likes of my ID again.

Also, fuck you people who are assuming I'm a pedo/should kill myself. Read the first post I made, I attempted to find reasons beyond what

stated because he was not convinced with the arguments he had written. I clearly state that it is incorrect due to it conflicting paternal instinct and its effects in the long run.
Also, if this is a slide, I ask of what. The pizza thing is going nowhere, I do not know what happened to the Twitter thing since it seems only the daily star cared about it. We don't know if Julian is alive or dead but we have the Yemen thing locked. Lastly, we have that the lying press is pushing the notion that, somehow they are the true news.

Thanks. Anyhow, hopefully I saged correctly, any future TOR posts are not me.

5 shekels says Soros was involved

All this "it doesnt harm the kids" I'm reminded of the sick shit that the Hampsted kids got put through and adopting to it as "normal". that doesn't mean there isn't damage after the likely disassociation but these fucks never pick up on DID in their studies I'm sure.

Did Don Jr. really fucking retweet that?

Do the Trumps know and are they as fucking pissed as we are?

God this disturbed me

It depends what people make of it. My hope is that it serves as a moment of clarity for people where they suddenly become aware that the house is indeed on fire and the nightmare world they are creating for themselves does not have to be.

I hope that it signals a call to arms for promoting the fitness of the republic and betterment of the race.

you are a cockroach

I avoided and had an inherent distrust in people that looked like anyone from that family till I was into my late teens. still don't trust blond women because of that plus other shit that happened as a kid

gas em all, even mild childhood trauma can fuck with the kid in all kinds of weird ways.



There should be no sex outside of marriage. Exclusives can't get married because they will be unattracted to their wife once she is older. No father would marry his daughter to an exclusive. This leaves non-exclusives. But no father would marry his daughter off to some guy when he can't tell if she would be attracted to him physically or not, because that makes for a bad marriage, and is scummy anyway IMO (who wants their daughter to have a shit life unattracted to her husband?).

This allows girls only to get married when they become attracted physically to their suitors HOWEVER there is also evidence that girls can tell if a man is physically attractive at age 6, except they do not have the sex drive to accompany it (they just consider it in a purely "love" context).

So yeah I don't know… I don't think girls should be having sex before puberty, but if they are able to become attracted to men before puberty then perhaps some type of betrothal arrangement where you only do gay romantic shit like cuddling or holding hands and then marry when she is of age. Of course the family is involved in all of this.

it is psychologically damaging. humans are not sexual mature till puberty done even then sex to a 13 or 14 yr old can be traumatizing. you're a piece of shit and people like you will be killed soon enough.

gas yourself

This is why they normalized homosexuality. So that it's no longer a "consequence" of pedophiliac sex. It's just a side-effect. They were building an argument.

nah it's okay pedophilia is fine.

I hear this a lot, and it's really becoming pathetic. It reminds me of those retards who disown their parents, siblings, uncles/aunts etc., after they learn that they're racist.
Have some fucking loyalty to your family.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or just a Muslim.

Presumably the user is a guy… well, to be diddled as a boy is 1000% times worse than being diddled as a girl. That kind of shit leads to homosexuality big league, even if it was done by a woman. It comes down to the boy being "dominated" which is unnatural for his gender and it fucks them up.

Yup, when there wasn't a big war or famine or plague going on the average medieval lived well into his 60s and 70s, just like in modern times. Even back in antiquity people lived to be old men. Liberals just have to keep rewriting or misrepresenting history to cover up the terrible job they do governing so they can keep telling the lie to the herds that history is on their side and their making progress and whatever other bullshit.

So you get this meme that everyone died in their 20s and 30s or whatever. And this meme that Bill Gates has personally lifted 8 billion people out of poverty, when really all that happened was the peasants were forced off the land they happily farmed for subsistence and made to work shitty jobs for shit wages to enrich Gates and his band of banana dictators. And all the wild estimates that a billion people died any time there was an infection anywhere, despite a total lack of census records and no serious medical institutions in widespread collaboration with one another. And the nonstop search for deeper and deeper levels of degeneracy to force into social acceptance. The creation of problems that can only be solved by Liberals creating more problems to solve so they'll always have some snake oil to sell to the herds. Gee look at all this progress we are making!

So to liberals if you own your land, don't have to pay property taxes on it, own your own livestock, tend your shit just a few hours a day, own your wife, etc. but don't have any income that is convertible to us dollars, then you're still somehow more poor than some silly sop who owns nothing and sleeps in a closet but earns a dollar for spending 14 hours a day mindlessly making garbage, most of which just ends up in a landfill anyway.

There's only a handful of 'normal' adults left, and they've been villainized by the rest, all of whom are on drugs. They're either alcoholics, or blazin that 420, or snorting opioids and whatever powdered meth or cocaine or new designer drugs, or they eat benzos and ssris or whatever new shit.

In short, most adults have severely impaired judgment if not completely addled. So they'll actually agree with shit that drug free people wouldn't have even considered.

Even when I was 15 I found grown women more attractive than other 15 year olds at my school. Now as an adult I can't imagine what I'd talk about with a 15 year old and sex doesn't even sound appealing if it were legal because it would be like juggling eggs. If I took a young wife she would have to be young enough that she hasn't yet been brainwashed by libculture and I'd spend time educating her myself and wouldn't touch her for a very long time.

Doesn't solve shit, as with Muslim pedos they get to "marry" then rape the little girl for their whole life. Marriage is not going to stop child abuse, a bullet will.
Proves jack shit, this is basically the puppydog love stage and it's not even close to the complexity of real love. You're a retard for advocating this sort of shit, puppylove/love and you should not be having sex with an adult when you only comprehend puppydog love as a child.

Top Kek

top kek, the child rapist is pretending to be human.

all these fucking white knights on this thread are not even from here, these people are disgusting goon basement faggots, they trade money on eve online to buy their kiddie porn.


top post PIDF



just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

1. 2d is pure despite degenerates trying to make it impure, projecting their cancer onto art
2. 2d is not 3d
3. you're not a lolicon, you're some outlier faggot with an axe to grind

Ultimately, if you're having sex for any other reason than procreation it is the same as doing any other drug for the sake of pleasure alone. It is degenerate. Children can not have children, so sex with them is inherently degenerate.

In regards to casual sex between married couples on the basis of "stress relief " or however one justifies it, there are other ways to relieve yourself that benefit all of society rather. I have to classify it as degenerate on an ideological basis.

This is the reasoning that protects children from people like you, all of your arguments counter points that have little to do with what I am saying because you actually have a reasonable argument.

It is only when you realize that sex without doing so for a higher purpose is inherently degenerate that pedophilia becomes undeniably wrong.

It is because people don't think like this anymore, that pedos are able to justify themselves, and it is only when they do again that these people will be silenced.

Well, the similarities are that the bad feelings are mostly caused by society telling you it's bad. Sure, it'd be weird as fuck, but you should take some time to consider what it was like from their perspective. They couldn't control themselves, they just needed to fuck, and they didn't want to fuck a stranger, so they fucked a family member who couldn't get pregnant/get them pregnant.

It does sound radically different from current day dialogue. I'm not saying you should have slavish loyalty to your family, for example, if they routinely patronize, belittle, insult you, and so on. It's one thing if they're intentionally hurting you emotionally, it's another if they have an inherent flaw and need help.

I actually hear as though it's way worse for girls, but I'm just getting fed up about people being so weak when it comes to sex. If you want to be weak, pick something else, anything else, and I'll automatically have more respect for you than someone who cries about being diddled.
Richard Dawkins knows what's up.

This is precisely why (((they))) are so damned. Each and every facet of morality that naturally tells us "You shouldn't do that", which we would before have taken as the will of God, (((they))) have now discounted as merely being some oppressive artifact of society that the liberal state has a duty to weed out of the culture, by force if necessary. And if the social engineering doesn't make degenerates feel better about their degeneracy, then just pump them full of drugs until they feel nothing at all.

it's okay

that would explain some of my weird fetishes

404, no loli found
what are you trying to do rabbi?



We are living in hell.

Allow me to explain,
Based Trump will make everything great again.



I'm sick to death of this world the more I look at it and I've been watching for most of my life. It's nothing but a rotting corpse and we're stuck in the room with it.


holy fuck you're stupid


Yes. Very upset.

I'm not trying to be a divisive shill, but that sentiment is very foreign to the Indo-European peoples, and I believe we all know who is to blame.


Why are you bringing up muslims? They are a filthy immoral group of people and I would expect them to act as you stated. They treat their women like trash and the fathers have no regard for their daughters. This would not work in their culture.

I never said boys, I only mentioned girls. I am also not advocating for anything, except offering a viewpoint based on nature. I think sex before puberty is BAD. Perhaps being engaged is the wrong word as that implies a marriage is definite. Courting would be more accurate. As I said, 6 year old girls (go find the study) are able to assess the physical attractiveness of a man. Along with the girl gauging the mans personality, the rest of the vetting can be left up to the father (education, job prospects, etc).

Maybe this sounds fucked to you, but in theory I don't see a problem with girls being courted or groomed for marriage in this way. As long as the father is heavily involved and there is no compulsion. This could only happen in a white utopia free of degeneracy though.

this post doesnt really have anything to do with pedophilia anyway

You seem to be an outlier tbh.


if having sex with children is so wrong then why does it feel so right?

I really fucking hope that this is a bait.

It's okay


all fucking niggers, pedos, jews, spics, and sandniggers must hang.


I have no idea man, I just made that theory up right now. Sounds kind of legit though tbh… the natural state of man is to dominate and the natural state of women is to be dominated. It's like when guys go to jail and get raped and come out gay. I don't think I've heard of this being the same for women… usually they become lesbians because they were abused by men.

Just kill them all.
The ones justifying it in this thread first.
We can argue about it later when they're all dead.

Not at all considering this is Christian sentiment. I'm not saying never have sex with your wife for anything other than children, just that it is degenerate and should be done wisely.

Tell me why baby shitposter



Are you really surprised?

Faggot, if she cannot birth children through her vagoo THEN SHE IS NOT FUCKING READY FOR SEX


Does that mean if she can birth children through her vagoo that she is ready for sex?


In a purely biological context, yes.
It's society's fault we raise children to be helpless morons into their early twenties.

That's what I'm getting at, user…
It's not Indo-European in origin, and it took a while for Christianity to get to the point where it is today. When people in Europe started to convert to Christianity, especially in Northern Europe, they were basically more pagan than Christian for much of that time. They only really went heavy into the moralfaggotry, "pleasure is evil" stuff later.
I mean, it happened before then–look at the Cathars–but not in droves until the 17th century

Younger teenage girls can definitely get pregnant. If she's had a period it means she's able to have a baby.

Not necessarily faggot.
*If she can have children without a c-section/dying, then she is ready

Challange accepted.



What am I looking at?

I mean, I know, but what do you mean?

a shill



thank god trump will lower the age of consent

It's happened. Girls used to get pregnant at younger ages than 18 all the time.

Yes. However it's not just about the fertility of the womb. Children are more likely to die during childbirth than adults because their bodies have not developed enough to support it. Some can, some can't, but in order to secure a population's reproductive success, they need to have as many children per woman as they can successfully raise. Dead mothers can't have more kids nor raise them so it is better to wait until physical maturity than stick your dick in a child.

Listen, everything that isn't inherently indo European isn't bad, we must follow only truth
You have a deeply Jewish misunderstanding of this morality, it is not that pleasure is itself bad, it is that pleasure for the sake of pleasure is bad. It is a bad investment of time. One must learn to take pleasure in things that further ones community, family and self. Casual sex does none of these, it is an opportunity cost in several ways for everybody who is not you and your partner.


based Trump

Stop stressing out.
Eventually the only trouble these pathetic excuses for "people" will give us is the task of corpse disposal.



Eh, I dunno. By ~16 they're physically ready but by ~19 they're emotionally/mentally ready (in a normal society ;_;)

All those words but no quantities where it matters. No description of the degree of difference in violence or success, so it might as well be insignificant. Oh, and how sad is it that you listed this:

That's a real sick way of spinning into a positive sounding statement the fact that "Kids who are molested grow up to be sluts", a fact that we've known as a people for a very long time, but I guess we just needed a highly (((educated))) Dutch liberal to rephrase the statement to show us that molesting kids into sluts is a good thing. Note how careful this pedo is with his wording:

"Young people (not children or kids or teens, we must say young people to imply they are capable of consent) who had consensual sexual experiences (again, consensual, not molested or raped) at a young age (not as a child or in their youth; 'young age' passes through your mental filters more easily than youth since young age could mean late teens or even twenties if Sandfort's wording achieved its intended effect of making the reader forget he is writing about MOLESTING CHILDREN) now have more desire for sex; more easily aroused; less fear of sexual contact (in other words, SLUTS).

Not to mention all the citations infected with the disgusting practice of criticizing a value or attitude based on the degree of success its holder achieves in a decayed society, as if it were virtuous to be the best pickpocket in a city of thieves.

All that bullshit pedo research is pointless. Going back to fucking FREUD himself, the kike noted in his Principles that "Yeah kids get molested all the time in primitive human societies and it doesn't seem that big a deal. But then again, those primitive societies that molest their children REMAIN PRIMITIVE, while those societies that do not shamelessly molest their children BECAME GODS compared to the kiddydiddlers."
And here's the other trick Freud and his pedo school tried to pull: to them, not molesting children = sexually repressing children. But unless the aboriginals make it to the moon in a few years, I'm going to go ahead and agree with Freud that not molesting children is an important element in developing a powerful civilization.

It does sound fucked, and there is no way you will ever justify it beyond sick fucks like yourself. The only thing you've stated is the obvious fact that kids idolize adults, the rest is degeneracy and literally the same filth that sub-humans take part in. Having the father make the decision for her to be groomed is not acceptable and it's a stones throw from what mudslimes already do with giving away their children. The more you try to justify your fetish the more you should be castrated so you can't spread your mental illness.


The pedo defenders here are disgusting. Specially that fucking sicko talking to that abused user telling him to stand by his abuser(s) and see it from the abusers perspective because they needed to fuck, the poor abuser needed to fuck without consequences. WHAT THE FUCKIGN SHIT?


The pursuit of happiness, for example is a deeply Indo-European idea. Follow what makes you happy, and that is the best path. It really does sound hedonistic if you say it over and over again.

Happiness is not pleasure, but if you're not feeling any pleasure then you're going to be unhappy. Think of pursuing pleasure as being sometimes necessary for happiness.

Honestly, I never really had a problem with pleasure, because I subscribe to strictly Indo-European beliefs, unless I can find it to be outright wrong. The "truth" you mention is, in fact, just an opinion. In order for something to be true or not, we need some moral axioms to agree upon first.

But user, it's okay…

Based Trump already won. Lewd Loli's for everyone.

Even preteen girls can be fertile and give birth as long as they've already ovulated. There are literally dozens of documented cases.


So, they are so scared of the "new europeans" that they are throwing their children to wolves now in hope their new neighbors will be merciful towards them.


That user is probably male, pederasty is truly degenerate. Man-girl love, however, is the highest form of love and entirely pure - no matter the age.

Go back to SA, you scum.



Holy fuck you're stupid. Up until around the 1900s, the age in consent was either non-existent in many racially European countries/states, or set low, sometimes as low as 7 (in Delaware). The age of consent laws were created by jewish feminists. I won't say I support sex with pre-pubescents (I don't), but there's nothing unnatural about attraction to pre-pubescents, especially not those of breeding age - this is just common fucking sense, natural desire - less menstrual cycles means better fertility. Want a healthy, happy child? Impregnate a 14~18 year old, who is plump and virginal.

As for how long people live, there have been countless times in history where average lifespans were just as high as now - you're letting times of plague and war skew your perception, as if they couldn't happen again.

Also, normies, get the fuck out.



The problem today is that happiness has been perverted to mean pleasure. Follow what gives you the most pleasure. If I followed pleasure, perhaps I would still do drugs or have no problem with pedos. Since my happiness is directly tied to my community, blood, and family I live a very different life.

As long as we can agree that pedos should be shot I have no problems here.

It's like you are leftist filth. A manchild that cannot comprehend the difference between fantasy an reality.

Trump will make anime real. Believe in Pepe.

A degeneracy memester cannot comprehend the difference between being unable to comprehend the difference between fantasy and reality and simply being a pedophile in general, 2D or 3D.

I hate (((American))) modelling industry.

Heil right-wing-loli



Greetings lads, police officer here. I was in the last thread calling out these faggot pedos and I'll sum up my main points again.


I have spoken to ER doctors to get their states on child abuse cases. More often than not when a grown man has sex with a girl 14 or under, her reproductive system is so irreparably harmed she will never be able to have to children. Usually a month or so later I also have to speak to the child themself, this is so I can make sure I have the right suspect, and hear firsthand exactly what sadistic shit the suspect may have done to the girl that the district attorneys can use.

Now remember, at this point if the pedo has confessed, he's spewed all the bullshit the faggots in this thread have. "Oh boohoo we used to marry younger, boohoo you're just a bigot, boohoo the girl wanted me to rape her abloo abloo" All the while the doctors are in a 20 hour surgery to try and save this fucking girl's reproductive system.

Usually this child, even months after the guy raped her, is usually physically shaking men are in the same room as them, they might start to tear up if I even speak to them without a doctor telling her days in advance that I'll be coming, if it's not a female detective then sometimes they won't even speak to me at all, etc. Make no mistake friends, these children are fucking terrified of me after they have been abused, and that goes for almost any other man they come into contact with. The only abuse victim who never did this that I saw was so severely traumatized she catatonic.

So who are you gonna believe lurkers, me and the ER doctors and psychologists who have to try and piece these poor fucking back together after one of these pedo freaks shatters their childhood and their mind, or some fat freak pedo telling "dude lmao the Nazis married 12 years olds totally believe me bro"


P.S. to all the pedos here, apparently Holla Forums granted the FBI request to access your IP information and post history. So they have it site-wide, not just from Holla Forums. Hope you were using a strong as fuck proxy ;^)

It's as fictional as this life. Don't be a nigger.

the faggot you're replying to is either trolling or an incredibly fucked up person

Loli Is pretty degenerative but i still think cute girls doing cute things is ok

I guess its ok but keep it 2d fam

Praise kek
Praise Ammit

Just got off a 12 hour shift, just fug me up, you get the point though guys

Good post, but these subhumans don't care.

Yeah, they are still pedos. However, fiction is still fiction. It is the degenerate's incapacity to understand its borders which turns them dangerous, by taking action in real life, where consequences are real for the victim.

A fictional character can be made to do and enjoy anything, but a real person has a will and feelings of their own. These degenerates perverts have an idealized concept of their sick fetishes because they just cannot phantom with their infantile manchild brains that a real child hurts and fears and ends up fucked up the rest of their lives by the mere act itself.

Remember when right wingers told liberals that gay marriage was the start of a slippery slope to even more depraved things? Remember how we were told we were paranoid and ridiculous?

First it was the gays and then the trannies. Now it's paedophilia. If paedophilia become a movement I will fucking end myself.

Women need strong male authority figures directing their every move growing up or they become manic sluts. That's just the way it is. You don't plant a seed and then just refuse to water it while hoping it doesn't grow to be a retarded plant. And the upbringing women receive in public schools is woefully insufficient, lumped in with all the boys, taking as their idols and 'groomers' whatever skanky pop celeb the (((media))) is shoving down this generation, heads filled up with all sorts of feminist bullshit to the point where they're looking to start fights with men every chance they get instead of being loyal and loving and obedient wives in service of their husbands.

So unless the girl was privately tutored, or lucked out and was born in a great family and went to a quality private school, then chances are like 95% they have some level of fucked up about them by the time they're ready for marriage.
Final word is that girls must and will be 'groomed' by someone, ZOG schools, Kardashian, a tutor, their own father, or their future husband. Why the fuck would you not want your wife to share your values? Values that you've instilled in her yourself at an early age to ensure they are influential and lasting? We're not talking about grooming her to be a child prostitute here, we're talking about teaching a wife how to love her husband, how to think in agreement with him.

But you'd rather she grow up indoctrinated by ZOG and when she does marry (if she marries at all) it will be nonstop conflict between husband and wife as they have to resolve all the bullshit differences between them that exist only because ZOGschools got to her before her husband did and her father doesn't care enough about her to prevent her ZOG indoctrination.

It's COINTELPRO, I want the lurkers to see it, I know I'll never sway the pedos but I want to make sure that their pro-pedo shilling gets BTFO so anyone lurking won't be swayed by their bullshit.


but have a loli anyways.

P.S.S. pedos != rapists

No user. You first gotta 'end them' and then you can end yourself.

If God didn't want people to tongue cunny, he wouldn't have given them tongues. Read the bible, it's all there. Totally believe me bro.

Degeneracy is fiction, memelord. Pedophilia is a reality, and has been, and somehow Europeans endured. Funny how our birth rates started skyrocketing downward the moment we started listening to feminist trash and cucking ourselves out of legitimately attractive females (who can be raised redpilled and untouched by marxism).

It's already a movement. They've been campaigning for a letter on the fag-flag decades.


Pedos are literally physically mentally ill as brain MRI scans show, they are fucked up in the head. It's the natural response for adults to be protective of children not sexually attracted to them.

Why don't you get a real waifu son

Its bait user. It is talking about a report released 40 years ago that was linked to a politician that left the field in 1986. It is basically a hit peice on the labour party. The reports findings were about kids having consensual sex with other kids

They're still attempting to normalize Pedophilia in our culture unfortunately, but I do not believe this article is meant to advance that agenda, the article seemed to be pretty biased against this research and is using the report as a smear tactic basically.



Hello doctor, just to let you know, MRIs can't detect if someone is mentally ill or not. If it were that easy, psychiatry wouldn't even need to exist.


Hey faggot post more stuff like the second pic i want to see more anima in the real world stat


Hey retard. The MRI scans show pedos are DEFECTIVE and have cross wiring in their brains. Just like the case with the real trans (1% of population, not tranny movement) people have DEFECTS in their brains as well.


I want to be in love but I'm not attracted to 2D.

What anime should I watch to fall in love?

Jesus fuck. What a qt.


MRIs detect brain damage and tumors, they don't map out the "wiring" in your brain. There are no physical diagnostic tests to find out if someone is mentally ill, that's why psychiatrists still rely on the DSM. This isn't Fringe (tv show).

Also to the normies, how can you fall in love with a non virgin girl? They all seem horrible. Jaded etc.

Whenever I'm around a girl over 16 I feel hatred for her level of degeneracy and feminist conditioning.

C'mon, kids don't have the competent and fully formed mental faculties to properly understand a situation as taxing as that. Saying "we can't prove" is just an excuse, a very bad one, and taking advantage of kids like that is absolutely, unequivocally reprehensible.

Kodomo-no-jikan is well known, should give it a shot.

ebin show

You can`t prove it because you stripped your definitions from some perversions being mental disorders instead of normal


Remember guys, the pedos are gonna make arguments like

Don't fall for it, pedos are loyal to only one thing and that's their degeneracy. They'll come here and spew shit about

They will say anything to turn a forum pro-pedophilia and once they do it's all the forum will ever talk about. Remember to always rebuff these stupid fucking faggot freaks.


whoops, forgot to spoiler

You can marry a girl young and not have sex with her until she's grown and ready. You see, you have revealed your own degeneracy as you think marriage is primarily about getting your sex on. It isn't. You can marry a girl young, educate her right, keep her head clear of the zogshit, have great companionship, help around the house, comfort you, and you can still wait until she's 30, 40, 50 whatever years old before actually having sex with her. You don't have to fuck on the first night for the marriage to count.

It's definitely not as bad as abortion, and that's not even illegal in most Western countries.


Abortion is worse, you can defnitely not make any recovery from that. And it's not even illegal in most Western countries.


There is no other option.

from the first link:

The same thing has been done with PTSD patients. It's all still theoretical and proves absolutely nothing. You could put a non-pedo in the MRI and show the exact same pictures and probably get similar results.

If this was actually tried and true, they would probably conduct this test on all criminals and be able to weed out the pedos.

That's not necessarily true. See the following post:


You're like a Muslim, but you're actually worse if you're white. No self respecting white man would ever harm a white child the way you plan to, see , you're just attempting to turn the forum pro-pedophilia, you don't actually give a fuck about "ending degeneracy". You'll say anything to make us pro-pedo and then it'll just be about campaigning for your """"rights"""".

I hope you get caught in an undercover sting operation and get sent to general populace in prison. They'll do the same to thing to your ass with a doublewide broom handle that you were planning to do to a child. Maybe in that moment, before they break the broom-handle off in your ass and you die of internal bleeding (like many of your victims would have), you'll understand the error of your ways. I doubt it though.

Pic related, you'll look catch a beating like this every day before you even get to court. Guards don't stop it either.


Legitimately, Greeks and Romans practiced marriage of thirtysomething men to thirteen-year-olds. Fourteen, ideologically, is a perfect age to marry. You've provided a lot of nice anecdotes, but your information is skewed, because you only get those cases where it went wrong for young teenagers.

Also, scaring people into submission (like you did in your first post) is something you should be very fucking careful about–for esoteric reasons. Do you ever have weird dreams of being in your bedroom, possessed by some weird entity, or dream that you're hurting/just hurt one of your family members?

Do you really think it's about finding pedos, or rather to have a convinient way to accuse someone of a crime he didn't commit?

Read you fucking nigger.

That's not even what I implied, nigger. I have no idea how you came up with that.

The reason that list even exists is because of how rare it was to have a child at that age. I will once again reiterate my point of ER DOCTORS SAY CHILD SEX IS PHYSICALLY TRAUMATIC, THIS IS USED AS EVIDENCE IN COURT, WHO WILL YOU BELIEVE: THE PEDOS ON YOUR TORFORUM OR A MEDICAL DOCTOR WHO IS AN EXPERT ON CHILD TRAUMA


But it is.

pedos are defects and a blight on humanity


And what exactly is the esoteric risk to me calling you a faggot freak? That your pedo fee fees might get hurt?

I hope I'm the one that gets to arrest you.


Make no mistake, you're evil.

None. But being in law enforcement summons strange entities nowadays.

Arrest me for what? Pissing you off?


Thats one of the problems with women in modern society. Men have beef, they rough each other up a bit then move on with their lives. Women, having so proudly denounced male violence, let their beef stew forever and will ruin someone's life when they don't even know what they did wrong.

Men learn pretty quick that talk shit = get hit. But women, understanding that they can play victim any time they are hit for any reason, never risk any disincentive for talking shit.

Neuroscience is retarded. The whole field is little more than "Put brain in mri, supply stimulus, record which parts of the brain light up and compare to others" - and the best party is different regions of the brain light up for different people under the same stimulus! So we don't know what the fuck.

It takes a real kike like Harris to go to the public and act like neuroscience is a big deal with tons of foundation-shattering discoveries. Meanwhile the honest goy neuroscientists are busy silently comparing mri scans, wishing they had chosen a field that was worth a shit and had a real purpose and value other than just expensing the depreciation on the bazillion dollar mri machine.

more like traumatizing them.

Nice dubs Hitler. I filter him many moons ago.

Yeah we catch them too. See you soon ;^)

Yer a Nigger Jerharry Potterson

I don't see you supplying any evidence to your claims unlike the other guy, schlomo

Why would that be? :^)

Mind this matters because you`re doing something to another person.
Personal perversions are different story… or if you if can consent once you`re adult.

*if you can

I wish I could show you guys some interview tapes of pedos, they cry and cry and cry like they're the victims while their actual victims are in the ICU being put back together.

Your blood won't even boil, it'll flash to steam.


I think there's a problem with your math somewhere bud

Maybe learn to read ye drinker of vomit. You can marry a girl as soon as it is legal to do so and not have sex until she's 18 or older or not at all. Marriage does not necessitate sex on the first night, though this concept is probably tough for you to get your simple mind around. Again, in simple terms, I would not have sex with a young girl, not at all attracted to even "15-18" year olds at my age.

I see, you became so angry because of your impotence to abuse the law…

Perhaps you'd prefer to live in Britain, where messages sent through the internet is enough to get people thrown in prison. Then you might have some grounds to arrest me.


reported for childfucker

The 65 year old Byzantine emperor Andronicus married an 11 year old, and it was actually the girl's second marriage. She was first married at 8.

1066.co.nz/Mosaic DVD/whoswho/text/Agnes_of_France[1].htm

I want to get off this ride.

Pretend this isnt the situation.

I believe in the constitution. You should be able to say anything you want. I would've gladly died for you to have that right when I was in the Army you pedo freak. (It would have actually been Israel but at the time I didn't know that lel)

However, because I'm sure you do more than just talk about being pedophile, I'm sure I or one of my brothers or sisters in law enforcement will have more than enough grounds to kick your door in real soon.

Yeah you'd be just like Muhhamad right, and graciously not rape her until she's 14 rather than 12. How kind of you Schlomo, you are a true humanitarian.

Fuck off sub human



"no, we are going to wait for the slops like good goys".


Youre a cuck. What percentage of girls are still virgins by the age of 18?

Just accept this fact.

Fuck off this board you waste of sperm

What are you even trying to convince us of you retard

Evidence of what? Evidence that MRI scans aren't evidence of anything?

Real sad you're trying so hard at trolling yet doing it so poorly.

Why do you think I'm a pedo in the first place? Because I brought up that 14 would make a good age of consent, as it does in Spain and Japan (13). Anyway, enjoy your time pretending to be a police officer and claiming to be an expert. I haven't seen shit like that since cuckchan.

Most of them arent raping. Its conscentual. Young girls are attracted to men. You're just letting this happen by opting for the left overs.

and marker up butt

lel, stay salty


Switched proxies?

I usually don't post in these threads, because what the fuck is there really to discuss? Pedos are degenerate, end of story. But your post caught my eye, Police user.

I have no doubt you really are a police officer, because who else would be so dumb as to post appeals to RL authority like that on an anonymous singaporean hopscotch forum. Timestamped service number pic or it didn't happen you fag.

Which is why as much as I hate pedo degenerates, and would gladly bring the rope myself, there is one group of people in our society I hate even more. You.

So, you want some 14 year old boy make a child with a 12 year old girl just because the boy can jizz and the girl ovulates?

Oh yeah, they'll make great parents.

To which you will most likely reply:
N-no, I want to fuck the little nymph, of course, please let me fuck the nymphet ;-;



the only thing you've done is prove with your pedo shilling is that youre not White. So fuck off kike.

do you happen to know how the victims end up when they're adults?

Can't I hate both pedos and Jew lackeys who wants to destroy the internet?

Alright, honey, I"m going to work now. Raise our child well.

The fuck is happening? I feel I've gone completely mad and nobody has had the heart to tell me.

Yes, from what I've heard once they reach middle and high school they have an extremely hard to forming normal friendships, they're still weary of men on a subconscious level. It's rare for them to do well in school, join clubs, join sports, or do anything but kind of bear their suffering alone.

Often times kids who fall victim to molestation by these freaks are from bad homes too so their suffering never ends. Suicide rate is insanely elevated among victims, obviously. If they make it to adulthood, they often can't have kids and that ruins long term relationships as well.

Take it up with the NSA and ATF buddy, I'm not the one shooting people's dogs during federal raids or sifting through Joe Bloe's emails in some NSA bunker. 90% of the people I arrest are black or hispanic. How many threats to white people and white children have you gotten off the streets?

The real question is what do we do with the ones that were abused?

That feel when pedo groomers have no real counter to this
because they have to say something like "Well, under my care and tutelage they would be wholesome!"
Which reveals that the problem is not the age but the environment, parents and co.

No, I'm taking it up with you, our friendly neighborhood copper who's here representing your masters Orwellian agenda with glee.

You might as well be.

Well, since we are both Anons here and our sources are "shit I pull out of my ass," I'll have you know I'm a masked vigilante who gas pedos all night long. At latest count I've gassed 5000 pedos and I did it all without destroying free speech and taking it in the ass from the Jews.

I hope that everything you said is true, the world would be much better off.

What's your beef with a local cop in relation to the internet? I'm in a fairly big city but it's not like I help raid Holla Forums's datacenters or do the federal agent HELLO FELLOW 1488'ERS GAS THE KIKES? COME MEET ME ON 1488 FEDERAL AGENT ROAD TO GAS ALL KIKES WITH ME thing either.

I just investigate local crimes, and sometimes it has to do with the internet, like when a dumbass gangbagger posts his drugs and guns on instragram. I have 0 power to fuck with imageboard users, except by posting and talking to them like I'm doing now. It's not like I'm a hyper shabbos good goy like the British cops who refuse to rescue molested children and fuck with the dads trying to save them.

What would you have me do differently? I'd genuinely like to know.

Mods are now silently banning pro arguers. I have only written seriously and inoffensively on this topic and have sincerely used bare IP.

I hope you realize how retarded your stance is.
You won't. You might agree today, but tomorrow, everything will be forgotten

we burn them

where are you from?

Don't pay attention to him. I've flunked students like this before. They can never pass my Calculus I class and they typically go into Law Enforcement because they lack the intelligence for other fields. I went through a pretty strong liberal phase way back because of the thought of people like this ruling over me. Police are just normies on a power trip, and they scare away anyone with a high IQ who doesn't tolerate the thought of a much less intelligent person than he bossing him around off of bogus charges.

Police should be allowed to serve no longer than two years at a time within a period of four years to keep the power from going to their heads.

In the old days, humans stuck to their families, and if you fucked with a family, they'd fuck you up in return. Contrast this to a bunch of young men who go off thinking they're always in the right because they lack the depth to think otherwise.

why though?

Pedos are documented to have 10-20 lower IQ than normal. So much for that dream, youre both a retard and a sicko.

Is a slide thread anyway so who cares. This same circle jerk pops up every other week, same shit gets repeated over and over. Black Sails is a pretty good show though. It is about Pirates.

I'll admit I get triggered by police. I have bad experiences with degenerate power trippers among you. There are good cops I'm sure, but realize that most of them act as storm troopers for the agenda. Peoples lives are actually being destroyed because of wrongthink and things are only going to get worse. So when you come and gloat about surveillance it really sticks in my craw.

But yeah, if you're just some regular cop with no say in anything, shuffling pedos into the slammer all day, I'd not have you do anything differently. Good job. Don't follow your orders when you're sent to arrest someone for hate speech 10 years from now when the surveillance society nightmare is complete.

All in all I just want people to lay off my internets.

t. europoor in totalitarian country where people are jailed, tortured and made poorfag for rayciss wrongthink.

Holy shit pedofags got blown out, guess they'll have to switch timezones yet again.

Death to anyone who doesn't appreciate a full grown White woman and death to anyone who does not protect White children.

A teacher lecturing a cop, priceless. Try some introspection into how both those systems are working out.

Yeah I'm with you on that bud. When I see stuff like GSG9 raiding right wing bloggers instead of raiding pedo datacenters it boils my blood too. I'm lucky I haven't been asked to do any really ZOG shit in my career but at some point I'm sure I'll have to, and at that point I'll leave. If the police ever got like Sweden where pedos operated openly and they didn't have the power to arrest them I'd just resign and organize a group of like minded guys.

This guy is right too. I did mediocre in high school, joined the Army, got free college from the Army after I was more disciplined and then became a cop a few years after that. Most of my colleagues are power tripping civic nationalist dickheads who would probably censor the internet without a second thought if it made their jobs easier.

And yeah it's a dick move to brag about surveillance but it gets the pedos riled up and makes them fuck off so it's just a countershill tactic I use.

Addendum to this post, I think >>8376903's idea that cops shouldn't be able to serve longer than two years is retarded because many police skills are perishable like investigative skill or being able to talk to traumatized witnesses tactfully. Not to mention cybercrimes guys who have to stay up to date on what pedos, hackers, fraudsters, etc are doing.

He's right about the psych profile but not much else.

Your humility is very respectable. And I'll defer to people who actually have experience in their fields when you say that these skills are perishable. However, something must be done to address the problem that even you admit is clearly apparent among your peers.


Veterans being given preference in hiring ruins a lot of police departments. Instead of getting guys who grew up in a small town, went to high school there, and now want to protect their communities you get some guy that left at exactly age 17 to join the military, spent 8 years getting PTSD in the sandbox, and now the town has changed a decade later he comes back to be the righteous fist of law order by being a dick to traffic violators.

To boil it down to one sentence the problem is "ZOGbots love to become cops"

Other than that community policing has gone away and cops act like an occupying force. This works great to keep blacks in line in Section 8 housing death-zones but for a 90% white community cops should be going to the park and playing basketball with the kids to seem approachable, not giving them a hard time when they're riding their bike with no helmet.

I think you burgers were off on a right tangent with the whole sheriff thing in early burgertimes. I can agree with the idea that experience is a bad thing to waste, but have police be elected and held accountable by the local community so they can hold them a bit in the ears. Sure, you'll get some corruption, but you're better off than what we're heading into.

Something like that. There needs to be some way of holding officers of the law accountable to the real public (instead of the imaginary one.) As it happens you are becoming more and more a sort of imperial guard and less and less a public service.

But I think I've off topic'ed this thread for long enough, so you guys can go back to bashing pedos and I'll be on my way. I can't into that 'cause it makes me too depressed.

This is because the LEO role is now as insane as western societies themselves. Very much unlike the original role I suspect.

I can't even imagine how much more fucked it'd be if you had police chucked out after 2 years. Then what, security at Walmart?

See, the issue is that the police and the citizens have been turned against eachother.

Don't get me wrong, you get your ex-jarhead types, looking for "action" just stirring all sorts of shit up. The fact we have people coming back from war, then entering a "war-zone" again. Absolute power corrupting every last penny it can out of everyone…

It'd be better if people have more real-life relationships with police again, but unfortunately, people can't trust, because the sheer amount of laws make it so that those who had a shitty day, have the authority to put you in a cage - And that, is why no-one wants to be around cops.

It has reached the point that it's instinctual to avoid them, if for no other reason than self-preservation.

That being said, there are plenty of good guys out there, but I've met so many government "welfare" workers laying their sloppy ass all over my life, I'm melancholic about it.

tfw people on one side are advocating for the harm of innocents and people on the other side are advocating for the harm of innocents, both side are to stupid to realize they are advocating for the harm of innocents, humanity will never evolve past its nonsense and attain a higher form of existence, just let the damn nukes fall already


less about being spiritual and more seeing the world for the shit hole it really it, humanity well never learn, not until it screams its last horrible scream only then will it learn, and people wonder why their so called god abandoned them

The fact we didn't go to Comet pizza and do this is shameful.

dailymail.co dot uk/news/article-3935566/Man-accused-raping-killing-4-year-old-girl-murdered-mob-storm-police-station-held-drag-hang-tree.html


You misspelled neutered.

Great argument, so you mean if people can fuck disabled people who can't be repaired why don't they also fuck healthy children too? Oh, wait…

And the same people are against drawings, the people who would rather deal physical and emotional damage to real kids. Why is this allowed? This is probably the worst kind of hypocrisy.

You should read more about age of consent in those countries before spreading bullshit like a typical ignorant americunt, filthy pedo. For Japan:

Article 34 of the Child Welfare Law
Any person shall not do any of the following acts:
(6) act of inducing a minor to be engaged in sexual activities … "
Inducing a minor who is less than eighteen (18) to be engaged in sexual activities is subject to punishment under the Child Welfare Law. According to Japanese Court cases, " inducing a minor to be engaged in sexual activities means an act of working on a minor to have intercourse or analogous conducts (including oral and anal sex) with him or her, or with someone else by exerting influence on the minor virtually.

In Japan police would fuck you even harder than it does in USA for molesting underage. Child Welfare Law is above national age of consent law.

And in Spain it's 16, but don't expect police to believe you that you, 40 years old ugly retard, didn't rape a child, non-consensual sex in Spain is considered rape.


Exactly. A girl belongs to her father, who, with her consent and the mother's input, can allow her to marry a suitor. What her age and her suitor's age are are up to the four of them. Trust them to make the right choice.

Word thinking helps no-one but the kike.

Nothing will happen until people start talking to each other and forming small groups.

Do people really need more proof the slippery slope is NOT A FUCKING FALLACY?????

Why can't we just bring back hanging?

These people are just a drain on society, parents have to constantly look over their shoulder in case one of these degenerates are about.

It's not right, it shouldn't be this way.

I can't see how they're ever going to successfully push paedophilia to the masses. Every parent is so worried about their kids that it will never happen. Even when I walk the dog and go past a playground, I see the body language of the parents from quite a distance change immediately upon seeing me. They go to their kids to protect them. Maybe I give off a sex criminal vibe or maybe its the absolute state of society that you can't even let your kids go twenty feet away from you without having to go near them in fear.

The sex crazed culture is the main reason. Kids are hooked on porn before adolescence and imitating their idols by dressing like sluts. Little girls wearing tight yoga pants and tops with slutty words and phrases on the front. Destroy Hollywood and the entertainment industry first, then we can actually let kids be kids.

It's not you, if a parent isn't alert they think their kids are in immediate danger.

shaming people who 'deny child's natural sexual development'? pushing mandatory 'hands on' sexual education classes to schools? calling child protection when you don't teach your kid to suck dicks?

I bet this thread makes you hard, faggot.

Pedos love to claim that marriage to 12 year olds was common in the past, particularly among the Greeks and Romans, but they're conflating betrothal and handfastings with consumated marriages. Most marriages weren't consummated until the girl was at least 15, and anything earlier, while not illegal, was certainly frowned upon and scorned.

Sure ancient peoples arranged marriages among their children at an early age and they had a ceremony to mark the arrangement. That way the children were less likely to form improper attachments, and the families would begin helping each other in business and politics right away rather than waiting for their children to grow up. Arranged marriages were alliances between two families rather than just two people.

It doesn't mean that the betrothed children had sex right away. They waited until after puberty for the actual marriage ceremony and cohabitation. Also, betrothals were difficult but not impossible to get out of. They were long engagements, not actual marriages. For instance, Julius Caesar broke his daughter's long-standing betrothal to Brutus in order to marry her to Pompey. And Mary I of England was engaged 3 times before her 16th birthday, but was only married once, to Prince Phillip of Spain, when she was 37 years old.

But of course pedos don't let things like facts get in the way of pushing their depraved agenda.

We know it says in the Talmud its ok to rape kiddies, rabbi, but we dont practice those customs in western societies.

Nothing wrong with young marriage as it allows a young girl to truly bond with her husband. Especially today where you could prevent all Jewish poisoning of her mind.

But freedom means I can do whatever I want and I want to eat all the candy and do all the drugs and have all the sex.

I am free. Decadence isn't harming me right now, so who are you to say otherwise. My body my choice.

I mean how do you argue against that? Tell them it affects other people? It's their freedom whether or not to give a fuck about other people.

We live in such a way where people who don't think can just abstract all their problems a way by a third degree and not even think about it.

Yes, there is no such thing as "underage." Normally, this would be for a community to decide, and we don't even have communities anymore. The 18 idea is absurd, though. I have kept lifelong vows since I was 7, personally.

The idea that a normal man is somehow the equivalent of a predatory alien man, or the accompanying idea that love and commitment are the same as predation, are absurd ideas. I am not surprised that a bunch of retards would agree with that in this day and age though.


Yeah I'm sure these children are just wishing for a fat sack of shit like you to molest them. Kill yourself pedophile scum.

maybe grooming a little girl and raising her to be a good wife would help those dying birthrates. but nah, you retards are too stuck up in your morals (which you aren't even sure where they came from) to do so.
what are you expecting? virgins to give bir- oh right…

they could be good looking, if they weren't constantly being hunt down by the shit society we live in

inb4 permaban for disagreeing, Holla Forums is this easily triggered


I used to be attracted to 14-15 year olds. Then I hit my 20's and they started looking like children to me. It happens. I'm guessing you're like what? 18-20 right now? It'll pass.

yes, disagreeing opinions are bait. nobody could possibly have a better, more informed thought than you do.

I work in a retail establishment where these people are being bolstered.

They concoct not so elaborate lies about how the higher ups are mean and condescending to them, and the even higher ups eat it up without fucking question.

These people are going to ruin everything untill we have no choice anymore.


Still trying to normalize your sick fetish? No excuse you can come up with will make you normal. You are disgusting and should just off yourself before you infect someone else with your degenerate behavior.

Grown (((men))) with children. Great idea, let's promote an intuitively repulsive animalistic idea in our society that will lead to skyrocketing rates of sick brainwashed Satanists & shitskin rapefugees kidnapping, raping, murdering, torturing, trafficking and openly fetishizing about our children. We must ensure "mature" sexually predatory men can raise our kids the right way(evidently fathers aren't a thing) - through forced marriage and repeated rape! So long as we protect them from dangerous infertile, std-free virgin children whose only interest is in low risk, consensual, and age-appropriate sex!
We've all noticed the 90% unstudied bottom tier foreign shill ratio and massive pedo /leftypol influx these past few days, and you won't be changing any minds here besides the curious normies who no longer doubt the slippery slope "conspiracy" and will begin opening up to others as well. We've almost reached "Acceptance" at this point, everything from here on is a counterproductive waste of time for the shills. Americans finally ID'd the virus causing our accelerating decline, and all the pedobait propaganda and multidimensional lizard alien disinfo you can crank out won't cloak your existence this time. You have two months to normalize the most despicable acts known to man, in men with daughters, sisters, and nieces to protect and without the same tainted blood that convinces you everyone shares your legitimately evil fantasies. Good luck. You've irreversibly crossed a bridge too far even for normie slaves, arming us with the pedo label to batter all liberals & sympathizers and diminishing the power of the far lesser labels of racist, misogynist, fascist et al. Normies waking up to news articles of "pedos are good for society and safe for your kids!" after going to bed the night before with pedophilia rightfully up there among the most reprehensible crimes imaginable is going to redpill them faster than all other current year events combined. I feel I owe you shills a genuine thank you for helping to double our base.

beautiful, its like 6 or 7 strawmans combined into one. not even worth a serious reply though, try again when you heal that borderline personality disorder of yours.

enjoy not getting custody of your children when your bitch of a wife cries abuse.

one day, your grandpa woke up and saw in the newspaper "gays can now marry", did the world end? nope, still there.
also, have you ever heard about spacing? i can't read that mess of a post you just wrote.

Just because you're a loser doesn't mean everyone is. Trying to normalize your deficiencies won't work. You are filth and need to end it all.

nice ad hominem fam, i rate it 8.8/10

It's clear by the posts here that it is totally unachievable for a mind below an above average IQ score to grasp this subject. They are mentally trapped, and the only apparent solution is to become the moral authority they are captive to.

We're getting closer to Sodom and Gomorrah every day

Apply the death penalty to them while Trump is in office…he'll pull an Obama & just not enforce the findings of the Supremes.

Right forget about facts and all that stuff. Pedos are completely incapable of critical thinking.

Seeing as what you post, it isn't hard to believe

the faggots in Sodom & Gomorrah were probably too busy sodomizing each other to have pay attention to proper fire safety measures. Also, they didn't have fire extinguisers.

you should take the holy book with a grain of salt fam.

isn't that what antipedos have been doing for well over 60 years?

you like to hit people but you don't like being hit back, nice schoolyard mentality you manchild.

You're overlooking the fact that I'm not trying to convince you of anything other than to kill yourself. So will you please just off yourself?

I'm just trying to show you how terrible you are and that you should jump from a tall height.

Anons, please don't breed or be unsupervised around children. Actually, don't ever be around children.

it would probably scar the poor kids for life seeing what folks would hopefully do to you if they got a hold of you

I want you both to cite a factual scientific research paper about the effects of rape and sex in adolescent minds
Try me

Seriously how do you get up in the morning?

I've actually met guys like you before. Several, actually. One of my friends out of college did data forensics professionally. A guy I knew out of boyscouts did graphology (lol pseudo-science). Last but no least, an old drinking buddy of mine did EOD work in the navy, and now works on a bombsquad. All of them are redpilled, 14/88 types, with the exception of my friend out of college who is more of an ancap type.

You would be surprised how many Holla Forumsacks are in law enforcement.

Nigga I'm saying the effects of how it fucks them up you dong

This is actually smart if you don't want child rapists murdering their victims in an attempt to avoid prosecution. If the punishment is the same, might as well get rid of the witness.

You guys really need to come down from your anti-pedo hysteria. Stop thinking with words while you are at it, since 17 year olds can be considered "children" while 18 year olds are often "adults". Word thinking is what makes sex between those two into "child rape" and gets normal people put into prison for decades (and murdered by word thinking/unthinking savages in there because pedophile).


No, your side has proven itself in the last thread. Not content with being merely vacuous when it comes to knowledge in the area, antis responded with threats when I introduced reading material on child sexuality. The only effort I've seen in this thread is from >>8376435's sloppy scrawlings.

His value as a human being is likely so low that he would consider being raped a positive experience, and since low intelligence and narcissism/egocentrism go hand in hand, the only way he is capable of interpreting the behavior of others is by projecting his own consciousness into them.

Everything he says is constructing an argument backwards from his pathological lust. He is not interested in dispassionately examining the biological facts of reproduction or mental health, because he is ruled by his passions. The only cure is, as you say, a bullet.

You're not doing anything but providing people with more fuel. Keep pretending people don't want to kill pedos in a horrible way. I bet you would be screaming I'm not a pedophile if you were in jail.

Well said user.

we know, you right-wing tumblrites only want a hugbox where everyone agrees with you, just like left-wing tumblrites, dissenting opinions have to be banned, agreeing opinions have to be Stickied™

also, shouldn't the name of the board be changed to "Politically Correct" now that kek has put his earthly avatar on the white house?

in europe its illegal to question the holocaust, funny how the biggest lies are usually those that need legality to prohibit questioning.

have you started to notice your tumblr-like attitude or did you kick the cognitive dissonance googles up to eleven?

Keep going pedophile scum. I am enjoying the multitude of ways to tell you to gas yourself.

So…. you accuse me of being incompetent in debate, and in your next step move on to threats.

This is how disorganized the minds are of so many of your kind.

I'm not trying to debate you retard. I'm trying get you to kill yourself. There is no sound way to make raping kids ok, you're too delusional to understand so you should just kill yourself.

Actually, the "coming of age" in the past was 16.
That's why you had "sweet 16" parties and "debutante balls," also called "cotillion balls."
It stems from the English "debut" and means the girl is old enough to marry. In the South, the aristocrats made quite a show of it, with their daughters dressed as princesses, complete with tiaras.

I see no problem with 16 being the age of consent to marry, but I DO see a problem with it being the age of consent for casual sex. At 16, girls are just too easily duped into thinking it's "love" by bastards like me.

Pigs eat everything but the keys and the belt buckles.
Just sayin'…

No, it's wrong because someone will probably kill your for it if they catch you.

so what you're saying boils down to

prime circlejerking

whats the name of the fallacy that goes like this:

it was one related to peer-pressure type fallacies, its the same as

are you sure you aren't an actual 10 years old?

well let me say, you are doing an objectively piss-poor job at it

love it when rightwing nutjobs do mental gymnastics to tell themselves they're in the right

Where did this retarded euronigger meme come from that Americans are mongrels?


But How will allowing pedophilia help in the creation of a stronger whiter america?

Rebuking hedonist arguments does not suggest that their opposites are true. The whole "boiling down" process is a Utilitarian analysis, which is itself what is being rejected. If you are incapable of recognizing the faults with and operating outside this basic bitch domain, then there is no conversation to be had with you.

Whiff some zyklon b my friend


I don't care if you kill yourself or not, I'm just trying letting you know if you don't, someone will in a much worse way. Keep that in mind.

somebody call ben this thread needs delousing of pedoscum.


Do you wear belt buckles or own a car, by any chance?

I can tell you myself it does them harm.
Because I haven't been the same since.

I want to drag, hang and quarter them personally.
They are not human.

We need a purge of pedos.

isn't this fallacy called "ad consequentium" or something? it was used a lot by both sides during the potus campaign

huh i don't know, i thought monogamous life-long relationships were a good thing for whites?

the only difference between you and 0de396 is that you are a better smooth talker, credit where it's due.
point being, you still can't prove the harmful effects of sexuality on children because there are none, all the "harm" is done post-coitus by church, society, family, and other figures of authority.

yep, you still suck at it. ain't that a nice way to waste your sunday, i bet your Government Approved Age™ partner is sooo turned on about you telling people to kill themselves over the internet anonymously.

tell us more, i love reading the anecdotal evidence of a psychopath hungry for blood.

I don't even.
I just don't fucking even.

What is wrong with your head?
Kids are not sexual partners.
They are kids.

Otherwise they'd be coerced into doing monstrous abominations.

Because children don't have the mental capacity to make judgements. The fact you question this makes me want to kill you.

What's next, the right to sedate a woman and rape her?

You don't have to accept the reality that you're scum and should be wiped out. I'm sure that will hit you like a ton of bricks in time. I bet you could try and use these arguments in jail, not sure how effective they would be though.

No, you say the only ones worthy of courting little teens are oldfags.

So, anyone of your opinion (which are only oldfags, of course) would have to stay abstinent until you're an oldfag, and only when you're an oldfag you would start courting a female.

Because females should choose an "old and wise alpha male" and not some stupid 15 year old boy.


Which means, if the females were down with that then you wouldn't get any sex before you're an oldfag.

And then everybody competes at that age over the females.
Where you would lose again, and then you would want to get it on with toddlers because those damn alimony grabbing 13 year old whores are just not to be trusted, enjoy your 12 year old wife getting your house, cuck.
3 year olds is where its at.

Etc, gas yourself you retard.

definitely, what we need is more feminism and more bureaucratic procedures to achieve sex.

maybe we could get a legal firm on this, ban all sex before 25, and make it so you can't have sex at any age without signing a legal contract that states various variables like positions to be used, amount of orgasms to be had by each side, desire for pregnancy or not, location, time, duration, et c.

oh boy, the same old arguments all over again, this is like arguing with a jew, everytime they pretend not to remember anything about the last time except that the last time "they won"
i guess they don't have the mental capacity to decide if they want ice cream or vegetables for dinner either.

nice BPD fam, take your meds.

you are still doing a terrible job

He said "child sexuality" not, "ALL CHILDREN EXIST TO BE FUCKED". And yes, children are sexual. All living beings are sexual. Accepting that fact does not mean sex with them is ok. Stop being so hysterical, and try to argue from a reality-based perspective.

Wanna know why I'm hungry for blood?
Because someone comes to you at an early age, you barely understand sesame street, and they tell you to play a game with them. Then you're abused in ways, taught that it's normal behavior and not to tell others about it.

Then your own sexual life is twisted to the point where it literally hurts other people, because you've learned that that's normal behavior, even though it's probably not allowable by the objective understanding.

I fixed myself through Holla Forums. I learned gentle-ness in the right places, anger and wrath in the other right places.
The places that require it to BUILD society.
The societies which had a backwards mentality of this no longer exist. Or are in continuous war (like Islam)

Fuck you.

Again, they're not as much as you think.
I wasn't.
I hated it. There was no pleasure.

Dodging the issues.
Into the filter you go.

Anyone who is talking to this faggot henceforth is part of the cancer.

You are more retarded than I thought. If you're this stupid, removing your genes from the gene pool would be a benefit to a white society.

The reason why there is no "scientific evidence" that rape and sex in adolescent minds is harmful is because it's SO FUCKING OBVIOUS that it is harmful and wrong that no such studies were necessary.

I don't need science to tell me that pedophilia is wrong. It just is wrong. Kill yourself.

just like my doujinshi

Ban him mods, he's a fucking shill.

it should be your ability to provide, not your age.

infact, the earlier you are able to provide the better you must be at life.

i had 500k in the bank 2 years out of HS, so I would have been a catch just saying.

the only reason a girl should be marrying a 15 year old is if his family is loaded or the family business has high prospects

I'm just pissing into the ocean of piss, I know. I don't care. I'm enjoying it and you're getting more and more BTFO with ever post. You're too stupid to understand so it's more laughable now.

There is good material on the following pastebins:



A sample excerpt is posted

male or female?

ALL of your arguments are bullshit logical fallacies.
Furthermore, yopu're clearly someone dirty trying to shill and change opinion to cover your ass.
Kill yourself. You are a cancer to society.


Imagine being insecure about everything in your whole life.
That is what child abuse does, conditions them to feel like they have no power. Like they are pathetic. Like they are not important.

Luckily I broke the conditioning, most abuse victims do not. Look at Hollywood.

The abuse is coincided with conditioning to make them feel tethered to the perpetrator. They teach learned helplessness. That is why I am ABSOLUTELY against abuse.

It's brainwashing and it's objectively wrong.


You should kill yourself immediately.

It's not a hoax, it's very fucking real. And the media tried to push it as a hoax because they were involved.

This is why you're pushing this?
Because the comet pizza threads are uncovering that it is VERY real.
Furthermore they just built one in my city. If you fuckers keep this up I will slit your throats personally.

Don't worry there are plenty of people who weren't abused as children and despise pedos for the degenerates they are. I haven't really got a problem with 2D loli porn or pedo fantasy but people who actually prey on vulnerable children should be hanged until they stop kicking.

What was the paper origin of the satanic abuse rituals?

Marxism Today

Why? they wanted to take power from families and give it to CPS like a good commie.

If it is normalised, society WILL implode. Because you will have a self-destructive generation lost in apathy and doing shit without thinking.

This is coming from me. I almost went off the rails so many times it's not funny. You get to the point where you actively want the world destroyed.

That is why the anti-pedophilic attitude exists. Because in the past when some societies tried it, they probably imploded.

Sage this fucking thread for cancer.

he doesn't want to argue, read his earlier posts, he only wants to murder people and said people being the most hated minority in the world only gives him an excuse to sate his psychopathic blood lust

the filter function is meant to hide spam, not meant to be used as a tumblr block button.

so because you had one bad experience, everyone else has to have had bad experiences too without exception? for the 1000th time, this board has a serious problem with BPD.

the reason is because they made it illegal to question the truth so that women could remain in power and have full control of the sex market. its a necessary way for (((them))) to eliminate white male supremacy. this topic is far more political than you think.

i suggest you lurk more because you don't even know what shill means.

yes, you should frame this thread and tell your mommy to put it on the fridge, probably one of your biggest life achievements.

you have no power and are not important, not sure about the pathetic bit, but yeah, the rest is pretty much true for 99% of the other human beings on earth regardless of having being raped or not.

its just a bunch of tinfoil and funny memes. if it was real, at most you'd uncover one big ring of child traffickers, and thats great, i don't condone rape, and much less when figures of authority abuse their high power to do so. if you're going to fuck kids then everyone should be able to fuck kids, not just you and your Jet Set group.

Just because you didn't enjoy getting fucked in the ass by an unwashed mulatto doesn't mean that you were incapable of having sexual feelings, which is what "sexual" means.

Your hysteria only breeds more secrecy. Do you really think that that guy would have come and asked your parents to court you if child marriage were legal? Of course not, and your parents never would have allowed it.

And lumping together all sex, even if consensual and loving, with the rape your experienced is sickness. Literally what insane feminists do (remember "all PiV is rape!").

You don't understand science or medicine. It's "so fucking obvious" that massive head trauma is harmful, yet at the same time, there are millions of papers and case studies to back that up. The only studies that say child sex is harmful are the ones that are talking about real, actual rape, or where everyone went hysterical after the relationship was discovered and made the "victim" feel like shit because they were told they should hate and fear sex and the person that did it with them, or where you are told in feminist indoctrination classes that sex is evil and terrible and you should never do it and that the people who do this terrible thing to you are evil and want to kill you.

I got "raped" by an older boy or maybe a man when I was a kid for an entire summer (oral only-as far as I can remember). It was no big deal, but after that indoctrination I came to really resent the guy that did it. Then I grew up and realized everything I was taught was bullshit. When your narrative is so vital to your ideology that it has to be drilled into children's heads in state schools, your ideology has problems.

This anti-pedo shit is 150% feminist in nature. If you think the US was a degenerate shithole from its colonization until the 1940's when it became socially unacceptable to marry young girls, then I don't know what to say to you.

This. Doing that with a child in the wide wide majority of cases completely RUINS them, and often times that mental and physical damage is completely and totally irreparable.

There's a good fucking reason for the age of consent law, and it's not for preventing you sick fucks from fulfilling your fantasies. These laws are to protect the children from becoming completely ruined.

sometimes it's incredible how blue pilled Holla Forums is

let me start by saying sex between an adult and a child is wrong and does damage child physically, emotionally and developmentally

but dear god Holla Forums, how irrationally mad, and how ignorant of the subject is exactly how the common blue pilled man who ascribes to politicised feminist propaganda is supposed to think and feel.

let me teach you something, pedophilia =/= child sex abuse. child sex abuse is immoral and illegal. pedophilia is a mental health problem which needs understanding and treatment / management.

but feminism has been trying it's best to conflate the sexual attraction with a child sex act to muddy the issue and then then proceed to encourage the irrational hatred of a "pedophile" to the point where any interest in a youthful woman is demonised by society

the reason this has been done is so that the degenerate contemporary occidental women who have been on the cock carousel, cucking men, building digital harems and having children to multiple fathers can be seen as the cultural norm, and any man who has an interest in a youthful virgin woman who is above the age of consent can be labelled as a pedophile.

think about it, why is porn industry - run by jews - full of degenerate, obese, drugged up women with breast implants which make them look like they have born another persons children, taking multiple cocks perfectly fine, while in Australia they ban pron of women with flat chests? it's becasue there's a war on consciousness, political feminism sponsored by jews is trying to tell you that it's wrong for you to want a pure innocent, no sex before marriage virgin above the age of consent, and rather you should be a cuck to degenerate obese, cock carousel women with multiple fathers to their kids.

when you say "die pedo scum" you are effectively saying "please be a cuck to degenerate women", jus sayin'

inb4 slippery slope rebuttal, wanting a healthy youthful virgin woman above the age of consent to be your life long spouse to bare your kids is not the same as being giant cock sucking fag

pic related; it's how mainstream society, the jews, politicized feminism and Holla Forums think your ideal partner should look like

Firstly, source.

Secondly, WEW marxists got one thing right for the first time in their lives.
Most marxists then didn't know what cultural marxists were doing at the time. Or perhaps they did. Because the "cultural marxism" was mere subversion which was whistle-blown, strangely, by the marxists.

Well done, you've proved that there HAD to have been a marxist connection to the current pedo ring.
Purge when.

stopped reading

Are you saying pedophilia is normal, then?

Studies would agree with you. By some standards, 95% of college age males are pedophiles.

Or do you just not like to think about subjects that are icky?


No, it's called, "little girls have fathers and uncles and they'll kill you and feed you to the pigs."

And you're a hypocrite.
Here's a list

Doublethink, they are not mutually exclusive
This is a dangerous goal post to move.
It's not a mental health problem, it's a lack of self-discipline problem. And there is no forgiving it.

No surprise there.

I've become a better man due to Holla Forums myself.
I wonder how many out there say the same?

so you're against marxism?
Then you must have moral obligations.
And there is no moral obligation that allows pedophilia or child abuse in Natsoc, or most mainstream religion.

Unless you're a jew or islamic or a fucking satanist.

For once I agree.

every male is a pedophile to a degree, after all being hairy and having cellulite are rarely seen as attractive features are they?

not an argument

screaming and ranting like a madman does very little to help.

We wouldn't be having all these pedos on Holla Forums if Jim hadn't deleted /hebe/ just because it grossed him out (fuck him for turning back on Hotwheels "no exceptions; free speech for everyone" mantra; probably did it for fucking advertising).

/hebe/ was a release valve to keep the pedos in line, but now we have to deal with them.

Fucking thanks Jim, pigfucker faggot.

I am a madman.

You know why?
I was a victim of child abuse.

For the love of Kek, when are we allowed to fight back?

No hebe is purge-able. Fuck you.
More goal post movers.

This thread is CANCER.

Mark my words you pedos are really asking for your throats to be slit.

Pedos are degenerate, but if the girl can bear children she's at the right age to start breeding for white children.

you are correct

but not all child sex offenders are pedophiles, not all pedophiles commit child sex acts, therefore "pedophilia =/= child sex abuse" is true

yes it is


No it wasn't you cocksucker. Look at the type of shit we have to put up with now.
Banning shit you don't agree with isn't always the easiest solution. What the fuck do you think would happen if Jim banned Holla Forums out of nowhere? We'd be having video game shitposting threads on Holla Forums as well.

Every board contains it's subject matters to a degree, therefore every board should have a right to exist.

Plus there's the whole muh freezepeach argument, but free speech isn't very popular on Holla Forums so it's a worthless point.

You stew in your victimhood like an SJW.

Stop that shit.

I was a "victim" too. But I learned to use my head. It's not a big deal unless its violent rape, in which case it's a very big deal and someone needs to be executed.

Nice trips, but your hysteria only hurts children. I'd feel AWFUL if I told my parents about what happened to me and the guy wound up suffering a violent death, or even going to jail because of it.

the pedos must learn their place

I don't have to argue, your position is laughable and untenable.
You're like a faggot trying to argue that faggotry is normal. As it's not the norm, it simply isn't.
And your desire to diddle children is abnormal and classified as perversion.
You are simply a pervert. Logical arguments would be lost on you, and are not worth the time.
And Holla Forums hates degenerates & perverts, so you're in the wrong place, bub.

You sound like a liberal arguing against any opposition to unlimited Muslim immigration.


No, threads have always occurred on Holla Forums and until Trump they went mostly without babby making death threats.

There were even [email protected]/* */ to be had.

And apparently their place is to be on the receiving end of unwarranted destruction of home so they wander around like nomads to shit up other boards.
Like right fucking now for instance.
Any faggot defending deleting a board they disagree with deserves to be permab& themselves.

I don't want faggots on Holla Forums, so I don't advocate deleting /cuteboys/.
I don't want Jews on Holla Forums, so I don't advocate deleting Holla Forums.
The solution is so fucking simple and transparent. It's to do nothing.


Stew in the blood on your hands.
I'm done. Time for pedos to start dying.

You're just fucking bait.
What is wrong with you?
Why are you doing this?
To enrage us?
Because you're doing a good job.
And I hope your IP is untraceable. Because when DOTR comes people like you will be target number one.
You are sick demented creatures.


I do, there should be no method to encourage the cancer.

Don't you see that the AoC is fundamentally immoral in and of itself? People shouldn't be fucking around at whatever age they are, they should be making loving families to better their countries not further spiral them down into decadence. Sex outside marriage is fundamentally immoral and the AoC shouldn't even exist.

Then aren't you implying that sex between infertile people is immoral too? There's no need to boil down sex to something so primitive, we are humans, not animals, certain things have moral or psychological values for us. Sex isn't something necessarily just for reproduction, it also serves to deepen the bond between couples and act as a measure of stress relief, along with any other psychological benefit it may have.
I'm not agreeing with the pedo or anything but there's no need to consider humans as base animals which only act on primitive instinct, we aren't niggers after all.

fuck off tumblr


disagreeing opinions! how awful!

ok, good enough for me to stop reading you.

the political influence in the APA's decision is evident, so its not trustworthy.

You learned brainwashing user. They trained you to normalise this. That was their control mechanism over you.

You are such a dumbass. You're a literal cuck that likes the abuse.


Holla Forums was never meant to be a hugbox of right wing ideologies and political correctness like its now.

belittling other victims because you don't get victim points to do what you please? how awful. is this how professional victims treat real victims?

truth is you're not a victim, you just sucked some cock, thats all you did and you have to deal with it you pussy, there are people who had worse problems, like being homeless, or getting repeatedly punched in the face by school bullies. you're not special and your case proves absolutely nothing about children sexuality.

Both are purge able frankly.
They are signs of a lack of self-discipline and weakness.
The same things destroying the world.
I have no more pity, you're shown why you need to fix yourself, but instead say "i don't need to fix myself" even though it's clearly self-destructive and destructive generally to society.

I don't even know why I'm replying. You're clearly a shill. CTR trying to coerce Holla Forums into becoming an abomination like them.

Maybe he just wasn't a super delicate and sensitive pussy faggot?

psychology user reporting in

nice mental acrobatics there, son. When having sex with kids you're actively manipulating their mental state and forming of norms and behaviors for thier whole lifetime. Sexual drive is a heavy conditioning tool which can bend personalities 180°. Yes, this also happens whith adults, but the forming of a personality structure takes place in childhood along with biological dispositions.

In other words, by having sex with kids, you not only manipulate and condition their minds for life, but also indtroduce and teach behaviors which are contrary to the ideal of human in National Socialism.

I had several female patients which were having sex as kids (6-14) reguralry (forced and non forced). The forced ones displayed greave mental illnesses and were scarred for life, while the non-forced ones were literally liberals with no sense for interpersonal distance, norms,laws or any other social structure for human interaction, including heavy submissiveness (basically worthless human).

Yes, you can manipulate adults, too, but kids don't have the ability, nor the knowledge to make a decision like this, whether to give their body to someone or not. Adults can have the knowledge, but they may still turn into sluts, but that's on the media, several biological pre-deispositions and parenting.

So please, user, for the love of god tell me your address and I will torture you until you die in your own piss :)

sex is a bonding act with babies being a byproduct. sex should not be reduced to hedonistic pleasure seeking, because wtf is the point of "bonding" with some random slut?

sex should be a bonding activity between husband and wife.


What the hell can we do when we now live in a society that masochistically endorses it's own abuse to overcome their cognitive dissonance of what happened to them?

I.. is this guy just trying to lower moral on Holla Forums?

Well everything I did say applied under the sanctity of marriage not anywhere else, as I implied that sex outside marriage should be illegal too, although I feel that would be a bit extreme. I mean what sort of punishment would it be possible to enforce this with? A fine for hedonism?

Men have gone through worse and lived, there are people right now, who have suffered things you and I can't even imagine yet they still believe in a brighter tomorrow.
Everything that has been thrust upon the shoulders of man is nothing that he is not able to bear.
You just have to be a man

you are mentally insane and it wasn't rape what caused it.

go out and take some fresh air m8. what you need right now is to clear your mind and to take your meds.

good, because i don't give a shit about any ideology with "Socialism" on it, or are you saying that Holla Forums was communists all along?

i agree

Sounds about right for a psychology student.

this is on par with

ie pay more attention to me becasue reasons


Please do not use normalfag slang on Holla Forums.
It's just like those retards who think kys is acceptable and not a youtube term

would you say some of the damage comes from abandonment? i feel like a lot of these girls who are having sex young get fucked up because the guy who took their virginity (girls seem to always consider their first to be an "alpha") just leaves them high and dry.

Well done, you've proven yourself to be the biggest cuck I have ever seen on Holla Forums

Stop ruining society. Kys.

So you endorsed it?
You know why?
To overcome the cognitive dissonance of what was really occurring to you.
Or was it general fiddling or molestation?
It's still no better than rape with kids.
The main issue is the coercive nature of child abuse and the lack of testamentary capacity, consensual capacity and general understanding of coercion a kid has.

Wake up user.

pedophilia is inherently jewish. alot of people too advantage of small children during the weirmar republic. because the german mark was useless and these children and men and women and the elderly were nothing but dolls to rich faggots and profiteers.

if you are a pedo then fuck yourself, Anglo and white countries are under weimar conditions and you all want Holla Forums to be pro pedo because you can feel the piano wire around your neck.

Oh yeah let me show you that one picture of the guy who married a 12 yo and pretend it was normal back then.

Everything you "do" to or with anyone of any age in life affects their mental state and norms and behaviors, you dipshit.

Girls who had sex as kids probably tend to be fucked up right now because it's so fringe and outlawed, not because of the sex itself.

How about the Romans and Greeks?

88 dubs

its not really extreme, depends how well you want your society to function. maybe have some kind of fornicators zone where you deport people to.

i think every country needs a "people who can cut it" and a "people who cant" region. anyone who breaks the clearly extreme laws gets deported. you can say weakness or temptation all you want, but isnt it better to always strive for a more perfect society or nation?

dont take me seriously, im an unrealistic idealist

For pedos, the younger the victim the more retarded the pedo.

they're all manchildren you can't negotiate with them. They already doubled down and deserve a bulled to the head for being retarded.

the romans and greeks drank lead, dumbfuck. Its not normal. Use another example.

There is no innocence only varying degrees of guilt.

You said that pedophilia is Jewish, so I'm asking - is it your position that the Greeks and Romans engaged in it because of Jewish influence?

Sodomy was not allowable.
And neither was molestation.
Don't even try. When pedophilia did occur, the republics began to fall.

merchants, you fucking idiot. jews existed around that time, and they bred with the romans and greeks, its one of the reasons why the richest of greeks and romans were depicted with curly hair.

The entire point of restricting ages for sex/discouraging marriage and home life is that it keeps young women and young men from getting into arranged marriages which was the primary form of marriage for a LONG time including in European society. If the girls are not married off by 15/16 guess what happens? They start fucking Chads and completely destroy their value as partners, undermine the population because they either don't have children or abort, and ultimately destroy society.

TLDR: Marriages should be arranged for teens.

What if I tell you it's been scientifically proven that it does not?


oh yeah, the stuff Holla Forums says about the "Jews" is usually spot on, aside from how they aren't actually Jews
i advise you to keep browsing Holla Forums
pic related

average Holla Forumstard mentality here, thanks for the example.

so much for being the "master race" you use a lot of niggspeak.

didn't you learn? studies are 100% true when they agree with the Holla Forums narrative, and 100% kike funded lies when they don't.

you have to go back to leftypol, pedo.

add that to all other overwhelming amounts of examples of "Jews" being behind whats wrong in western civilization

After reading this thread, I'm not sure who is more fucked up.

Pedos or the insane psychopathic moralfags itt. I've seen this debate so many times and there's still no real answer.


You guys are disturbed. Fuck off.

It is the jews, every time.
Fuck off.

What are you trying to tell me my family?

But thanks to giving us a new link to dig and attach to the Pizzagate thread.

25% of anons argue that pedophilia is not so "bad".
75% of anons call them names and babble on about THE JEWS

Sad state of Holla Forums these days.


Just get the fuck out.

They have been entwined with this from the very beginning.

I hate this reasoning. Not because I'm an apologist for terrorists of course, but because it's pitiful that we have to point to terrorism to defend our birthright, something which should be taken for granted.

Even if absolutely none of the migrants were terrorists, that would still not be justification to let them into our countries.


i have to put everyone who disagrees with me and everyone i don't like into groups because im unable to comprehend that things aren't black and white

hah, i called it

its hard to come to a conclusion because this topic is a political controversy used to give women the control of the sex market, a thing they don't have the power to handle.

if women had been subdued in the 1800s when the feminist bullshit started we wouldn't have this problem now, women have singlehandedly wrecked the world.

the only reason to ever let an immigrant into your country is if said immigrant can provide a valuable service to your community.

ie: a country with no farmers lets in farmers of another race from another country to either do their farming or teach them farming.

Just for your info, the rind research is flawed.
Furthermore, I can't find any info on the background of the psychologist involved.

He's "disappeared" - probably because they want to hide his connections. :^)

tsk tsk I remember this succeeding in 2014.

It's not too hard to understand that lack of harshness, enemies, competition, pain, and discipline results in softening and downfall.

Banning pedophilia is one arbitrary way to increase the amount of tension and pain in society, but not the only way.

Nowadays with feminism taking over, males being undermined, kids being schooled for so long, and girls being encouraged to screw around with niggers at a young age, we have plenty of big and existential problems. We don't need to ban pedophilia, and pedophilia itself is not a problem. In fact, unbanning pedophilia might actually be positive for us.

If the Jews love pedophilia so much, and if pedophilia causes the downfall of societies and the Jews desire our downfall, why do they keep it banned?

i already explained why in an earlier post.

jews are still having sex with children, if the tinfoil pizza thread is anything to go by. They keep it banned (for the goyim) because it allows for women to control sex, and when women control sex, they control men.

Is sex evil?


Still nothing on the background, apart from this

He's bollocks. He's just fucking bollocks.


Only if you do it in certain ways.
Promiscuity is an issue.


Get out. NOW.

oh yeah, they are also trying to ban sexbots before they are even invented and marketed. Every law regarding sex in america and western civilization in general is oriented towards neutering white males. the (((ruling elite))) knows that niggers don't care about laws, law is basically a leash on white people, and the more sex laws there are, the less white people reproduce.

So you agree that banning pedophilia is part of the agenda that's undermining our society. But you still think it should remain banned because "it's bad"?

a girl's body frame is still too small for a child - it can hurt or kill her and the child, thus is more risky then having a kid in your early 20's

no, it should be unbanned.

nambla used to march freely with the gay pride parade in the 1970s

so its not even really about child rape its about the filthy mudslimes AGAIN who partake in child rape, you make that shit legal then you have nothing you can use against the sandniggers. holy fuck the kikes need to go.

homosexuals achieved their "rights" by throwing pedophiles under the bus, they were offered that deal.

I don't see pedophilia being unbanned any time soon. I keep waiting for leftists to be unable to rationalize banning it while simultaneously unbanning everything else.

Sorry, mistook you for the other guy.

Answer is simple: make mudslimes in your country illegal.

There's no other way around it.

Fuck you. Just fuck you.

Pretty much this. Jews are now trying to change the language and concepts of consent and rape. We need more gas.

Then you trust your media and government too much.

You're doing this on fucking purpose.
The legalization is the agenda undermining our society.
The avoidance of law and use of blackmail is what is destroying this fucking society.

I'm out. I can't deal with this obvious troll anymore.

Killing pedos is not psychopathic. It's a kindness. Not please purge yourself.

Which means you're on their side. We're going to kill you.

This is a traditionalist board user.

hide? i would be tempted to string up the corps for all to see.

MUH JEWS have had what? 60 years at least where they could've legalized pedophilia?

Maybe it's not THE JEWS that are doing it, but liberals that are starting to undermine themselves….

You will be slaughtered.



You know what else used to be tradition? Bloodletting. We don't do that anymore, but I suggest you revive that tradition but let it all drain out.

Loving and caring for a woman for life is not the safe as sexually gratifying yourself with a string of underage kids. The difference is the man in your photo was attracted to his wife and faithful to her her entire life. He did not demonstrate a fetish for a certain age group. If he did he'd be a monster. Really all manwhores are monsters but manwhores who exploit children are the worst of all. Monogamy limits the damage of pedophilia significantly because it doesn't teach children the role of sex is pleasure. It places sex within a safe and constructive social context.

Even so sex before puberty is degenerate and unnatural.

Those are several shades, thus we don't think in black and white terms.

Why are you assuming everyone else isn't? It seems like you have more a issue with promiscuity then anything else

normies' thinking is far more black and white than anything I've experienced on pol

The alt right could be so much more than trumpgroveling and chasing phantom pizzas

Anyone with a child fetish cannot be attracted to someone as they age. It's self evident. Pedophilia as a sexual orientation is degenerate. Incidental pedophilia is non-ideal but totally different.

You're not from here faggot. I suggest you leave

So what I'm wondering is did they actually hire shills to smother this pizzagate thing or are all the pedos just crawling out of their holes to protect themselves?

That's like saying anyone with "a late teen/early 20s fetish" can never be attracted to someone as they age.

Jews don't need to legalize what they can already get away with. Then it becomes another circle of control.

fuck off already you triggered little retard.

wow i have to re-read the bible sometime

made me giggle

oh look, one of the psychopaths changed his ID.

You seem to be confused as to what pedophilia is normally about.

I agree, but according to others on here the Jews are trying to legalize pedophilia. You can't have it both ways.

user remember that lowering age of consent has destructive effects on society because you're allowing mentally ill people to not only pump and dump them like Stacy and Chad do but also exposing them to sodomy and homosexuality.

Fucking underage kids is degenerate, destructive, and unnatural. You're unwanted here and always were. Kill yourself as a last opportunity for redemption.

Am I? You made a terrible argument, almost any man would say a 20 year old women is more attractive then a 80 year old one. Is that man unfit for marriage as well? I know AoC is a feminist issue but that is a pretty extreme charge to levy against males.

We need to purge stacy and chad. Whoring and legalized sexual exploitation and hypergamy is total cancer. Pedophilia is a natural product of that cancer as they look for un-calloused victims to suck authentic affection from.

yeah its not even about sex with these fucks, its about that pic related, stealing youth.

No, I had hoped this place would be able to crush the inauthenticity of the alt right and replace it with brutal blockheadedness which I thought would be just desserts.

But this place is so disloyal and mistrustful it is completely incapable.

Normal men don't think a 5 year old is more attractive than a 20 year old. Statistically 20 is the peak. This is normal. Attraction to pre-pubescents is not normal or healthy. Puberty matters as does brain development. You're doing gymnastics just to avoid how obviously wrong you are.


Gas yourself kike

So? Your argument still applies if that man is the more attracted the 20 year old then a middle age women he clearly "cannot be attracted to someone as they age"

It's about one sided siphoning of real affection. Since they're incapable of returning that affection the relationships always terminate. Then they find someone else non-calloused to prey upon. As society becomes more degenerate and real affection less rare they must go younger and younger to get their fix. They are literal vampires.


Holy fuck how is this thread still so active I haven't seen so much bait since before the primaries started.

Kids are not physically or mentally capable of stable or healthy sexual involvement. People who are attracted to them by an large have an exclusive fetish. That is they are attracted to only a certain age bracket. This is not the same as normal sexuality. They are broken. Kill yourself.

Exclusives are unworkable in society for obvious reasons. However, from what I can tell from browsing the chans, there is a huge subset of "pedos" that are attracted to "lolis", but that this attraction is not sexual. They are attracted to the cuteness, or the innocence, or the femininity. It seems they have sexualized or fetishized a fatherly role. They want a relationship with girls but not so far as to want sex. A weird stunted form of the romantic.

I don't expect men to be into girls that young. Age wise, 12-20 is about right.

The pedos make these threads every few days because they're desperate for us to shill pro-pedo for them. They just cannot wrap their heads around the fact that if it were up to us they would be killed.

12-20 isn't pedophilia. It's hebephilia and natural as that is the age of puberty. Get your shit together.

14+ age of consent is ok with me

Yes its only "normal" when you get to define the bracket

Not an argument.

Banning pedophilia will not help solve any of those other problems. They are quite unrelated.

That sounds like quite the caricature/boogie man/straw man you've constructed.

So people who have relationships with underage women are ALWAYS siphoning affection and NEVER return any and hence the relationships ALWAYS fail? Things are very black-and-white with you.

Says who?

Says who?

You're just spewing bullshit, user. You have some very simplicistic concept of an evil vampire pedophile in your mind that bears little resemblance to reality.

this is ture but as i mentioned in previous post that we can't return to the natural way until we roll back degeneracy and hook up culture until then pls stay incloset or go to jail

Fucking children is emotionally and physically traumatic to them. There's absolutely no reason you should be allowed to have sex with an 8 year old. There is no justification other than "BUT IT HURTS MY FEELINGS THAT YOU'RE MAKING ME AWARE OF THE PHYSICAL AND MENTAL TRAUMA IT CAUSES THEM"

Appeals to tradition, authority and emotion all pale in the face of the central refutation of pedophilia. Harming children is not morally justifiable, and having sex with children harms them.

Yeah, we should totally bring back old traditions like hanging criminals from the trees so everyone knows what's coming.

Fuck you, when degeneracy becomes law, then butchering degenerates becomes the duty of the decent.


wait if its not a mental disorder then what you are saying is that all men are pedos thus enforcing the feminism slogan.

Not an argument

Prove it.

There is no reason for anything in life. It's all build on feelings.

Your "central refutation" there is literally just an appeal to emotion. "It hurts my feelings to see people having sex with children."

I can't believe there's pedos in here right now trying to justify their shit. There is not enough rope in the world.

Faggot if we need to prove that to you, you have bigger problems than just not understanding sexual abuse. You're truly pathetic.

Oh hey Carl.

1. Kill yourself.
2. Reported.
3. Attraction to girls that are not physically developed as a man who is IS A MENTAL ILLNESS

Reported for ban evasion.


famil ywatchdog.us /Default.asp

I'm not surprised.

How about you prove physically and emotionally traumatizing children DOESN'T hurt them and you SHOULD be allowed to do it.

Just because some fucking hillbilly had a 9 year old wife doesn't mean you should be able to take an 8 year old on a date.

Not my choice, friend.

Ok you burn with the rest.

Yeah but in those people actually matured in their early teens. These days people refuse to reach mental adulthood til their late twenties.

If we're so incapable why do you pedos keep coming here begging us to shill for pedophilia?

Even the TRSfags want to see you swinging from a fucking lamp post, what made you think the actual 1488'ers would come around to your "dude lmao just traumatize the white children" arguments?

you can't ban tor retard.

shit that never happened. we are regular browsers of Holla Forums who enter a thread and try to inform the average Holla Forumstard, but yeah, i keep forgetting this place is rightwing tumblr, truth and logic has no place here.

False presupposition, but why do I keep arguing here?

So I can be proven wrong about pedophilia and be able to fit in with the alt right

Because I dislike unchecked groupthink

Because I'm heartened by the few like minds I see where that an infinite amount of death e-threats is no price at all.

You're not an "regular browser" you stupid fucking pedos. You come here and shill the same way you shill in /r/Mensrights, SRS, BLM, and every movement and forum on Earth. You have no loyalty to any ideology but pedophilia. Don't try to pretend you're our peer when you spend a whole thread shilling for your "right" to fuck 8 year olds. You're worse than transvestites and fags, but just as mentally ill. We hate you, and if we knew who you were we would kill you.

How many ER doctors would have to scream at you for 5 hours straight before you go "oh huh I guess a phallic object being inserted into an 8 year old's vaginal canal over and over could do irreparable harm to her reproductive system" How many terrified victims of molestation do you have to see before you go "oh huh I guess sex with a child does make them terrified of adults and unable to socialize like a normal kid" Of course you don't actual care about that, you're just pretending somehow your kiddy fucking is a benefit to the kids and society so we'll stop agitating for your literal deaths.

You're just a mentally ill fetishist freak begging other fringe ideologies for their approval. But you will find none here, you degenerate debased freaks.

I extend my hand and you hump it like a mangy mutt.

You are dumber than a degenerate leftist. "MUH RACIST" = "MUH PEDOPHILE". Neither of you zombies can articulate your positions and simply want to shun anyone who disagrees with you. Pathetic.

"When two parties are in a discussion and one asserts a claim that the other disputes, the one who asserts typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim…"

You should extend your hand into a wood chipper you freak.

Yeah you're not convincing anyone who wasn't already fucked in the head like you.

aww, how cute




Blow your brains out, childfucker.

Nice non argument there pedophile scum. You sure showed me.

Not before raping your daughter.

Nice just your true colors you piece of shit. Pedos are nothing but warped individuals who can't entertain real women so they rape kids. Just do yourself a favor and lampshade yourself.

I'm going to be especially cruel to every pedo I catch from now on just because you guys keep making these threads.

I used to play good cop and kind of comfort them to get them to squeal, now I'm just gonna lean on them like crazy and make sure my snitched in the county jail know one of your brothers is coming.

Don't mind this poster, he's butthurt that he can't back up his argument. pic related

Look at this LARPer pretending he leaves the house.

I agree, d6426f should swing first.

mobility scooters aren't very fast though.

check my other posts in the thread ;^)

Oh, you're that cop they let in because they lowered the minimum IQ for the fifth time.

lol their addresses are publicly listed

godspeed user

Holy shit are those all sex offenders?

You'll be swinging with the rest.
it's still free, I'm freely saying I hate you with all of my heart.

Every fucking time there is a thread exposing the obvious evil of FUCKING CHILDREN there is always a wave of disgusting degenerates who come out of the woodwork to defend their sick fetishism. I would tell you to go learn to be a rabbi so you could suck all the underage penis you want but I suspect you're all jews already.

all i can tell from the other posts is that you're a psychopath, and i checked all (32).

either way, its nothing new that america is a shithole, authoritarian abusive cops, two-party politics, no freedom whatsoever, nothing you said surprises me. also are all those really rapists? damn murrica, you really need to get your rape problem in check.

You're insults are pathetic and low energy.


This is that standard mental gymnastics you see from pedos.

This is why pedos are mentally ill subhumans and we need to stop the libs from normalizing their deranged worldview.

Are you 12? Yep, you're 12.

Here's a hint for you, though:
OP is a thinly veiled 'post pics of little girls' request.

I have news for you. You understand nothing about civilisation. You will always be on the outside looking in.

How was it flawed exactly? A quick look at the Wikipedia page does offer some criticisms by scientists named Spiegel and Dallem, but it also mentions that Rind addressed these criticisms in a follow up, that neither Spiegel or Dallem responded to.

It also mentioned that the APA reviewed the paper's methodology on submission. re-reviewed it once the controversy started, and attempted to get it reviewed a third time by an independent body (which rejected the request, stating that it saw no reason to doubt the initial peer review process and saw no issue with the paper's methodology).

Personally, I find the conclusion of the paper rather pointless. It is akin to finding conclusive evidence that not all humans have two legs (sure it tells you something, but it would be much more useful to find conclusive evidence as to how many humans don't have two legs).

This isn't about different opinions. You are defending child rapists. Congratulations.

You know what you are right. I just need to learn to be tolerant and accept that pedophiles are just misunderstood victims and I couldn't see it because of my own non-pedo privilege. Nice tumblr talk.

but they can consent
and we will go in circles for all eternity.

thank god you faggots have no power over anything. world would be nothing but a desert irradiated wasteland if manchildren like you had power.

I would say you have the logic of a nigger but even niggers are smarter than you.

There is no reason to have sex with a child. In fact, sex isn't everything. You can just wait until the person is old enough to get married and marry her. Sex before marriage is degenerate and hedonistic.

I have a burning hatred of a thousand suns for these human cesspools. I hope everyone in this documentary died excruciatingly.

Gotta admit, its pretty stupid of you to claim that a scientific piece should be rejected simply because the government voted against it. Your stupidity reminds me of a section in the story "The Lord of the Flies" where a group of kids had a vote on whether ghosts were real or not.

If you want a reason not to follow the government's rejection, then consider the words of one of the 13 members of congress who abstained from voting on the rejection. He stated that, of the 535 senate and house members, fewer than 10 actually read that report, and even fewer still were even qualified to evaluate its scientific merit. You understand how absurd you would sound if you cited the government if they proposed and passed a bill claiming ghosts were real right?

Yes, because if we never tried to understand how viruses, polio would just have cured itself. The end result of understanding is treatment/cure.

What are you, a Scientologist?

You have never looked up SO in your county? Try it, you might be surprised how close one lives to you. My county has them all over the map, due to the high population of niggers in my area.

These people do not want the truth, they want (((people))) to tell them what is and isn't true. Observations have been replaced with unreal abstractions. If some idiot with a degree claims something isn't real then obviously it isn't real, and in the same case if an idiot with a degree observed something and tried to explain it using ponies and unicorns then it's obviously ponies and unicorns. Logic and reasoning has left this people.

First you must understand suffering, then you understand ailment, then diagnosis, and then cure.

>Durrr. . . In the good old days, grown men could fuck nine-year-olds just like I fantasize about during my hourly wank sessions

Time to put this little chestnut to rest.

First, you don't know shit about "our history." Historians and archaeologists struggle to recreate how people lived in 18th century America, so the idea that Mr. Random Pedophile on the internet has some special insight into Babylonian nuptials from the Iron Age is absurd. Gas yourself.

Second, what we do know about these bygone societies suggests that what we now consider underage marriage was softened by the cultures that practiced it. That is to say, a girl who grew up in agrarian France in the Middle Ages knew her whole life she'd be married off at 15 or 16. It was just how life worked, there was no perceived element of wrongdoing attached, and if the village pedo got himself a wife who was 13 or so, people may have gossiped, but they mostly looked the other way. Thing is though, if he abused that girl (beyond whatever was normal for the time and place), her father and brothers straightened him out in a day or two. There were no cops back then, so nothing ever got in the way of a good lynching where it was needed. That alone kept Uncle Touchy in line.

Third, these were farming societies. In that world, children are a blessing, not a burden. The sooner a girl could start breeding, the richer and happier the whole village would be. Little kids were almost free labor on the farm, and there was no social or economic penalty for girls who started early. Today, of course, a pregnant 16-year-old is almost bound to drop out of school and go on welfare, becoming a burden to us all because a horny 24-year-old couldn't keep his hands to himself.

Fourth, and I think this is the kicker – Virtually every society we know about in the past had intact nuclear and extended families, and they mostly lived in places where you knew everybody else. Families had very strong bonds in pre-modern societies, and people rarely moved around. That stability made it so everybody in town knew each other, which is a powerful disincentive toward predatory sexual behavior. If Lars the Blacksmith ever raped Devorgilla the Virgin, it's not like he could disappear into the crowd afterward. He'd spend the rest of his life labeled as the village rapist, and he might face serious penalties. At the very least, he could expect to make enemies out of the girl's family and lose access to the other village girls.

In that environment, a father could accurately assess the intentions of an older suitor for his daughter. If a 30-year-old woodsman asked for the farmer's 14-year-old daughter's hand in marriage, her father would know right away whether he was a good match or not. The father could then help his daughter make a smart decision, rather than just tossing her to the wolves and hoping for the best.

This is not how today's society works. Even if we allowed underage marriage – even if we insisted on marriage, as opposed to pumping and dumping – the "suitor" would still be a stranger with unknowable intentions. He could easily have come from the other side of the country, for all the girl's family knows, and there's no way I can see to ensure that the real abusers won't take advantage of our newfound (((tolerance))) of kid fucking. Without stable communities, how can we know the difference between an adult man who genuinely loves and wants to wife a teenaged girl in her prime breeding age, and a pervert who wants to use her up?


Why are you degenerates even on Holla Forums? There's a board for retards obsessed with identity politics, victim complexes and how important your cummies are. It's called Holla Forums. Go be with your own kind. You're welcome.

Chemical castration upon first offense. I know someone here will one up me by saying ACTUAL castration, but that will never happen will the whole "cruel and unusual" deal.. but chemical castration: it's reasonable.

Bloodletting is the best treatment for iron overload you fucking stooge.

Which is exactly what I said.

capped for posterity. Well articulated.


Thank you, user. It's something I think we're going to have to make standard in every pedo thread going forward. Sort of a form letter denial of the touchies' "arguments".

getting this angsty over differing opinions would.

in a world ruled by Holla Forums ideals we would nuke each other every time we argue about condiments. true ancap.

they rejected it because of peer pressure. "if you're not with me you're against me" mentality, its borderline disorder in a gigantic scale, nobody read the thing, much less the angry mob at the doors of congress. angry mobs rarely read anything.

too old m8

this isn't your everyday circlejerk, this is advanced circlejerk.

Not when you're this fucked in the head. Only cure is a bullet to your brain.

I understand what a margin of error is, for starters. Looking at all the effort you are putting in makes me pretty damn sure you will never "get" it.


Oops, I meant margin of safety of course.

Also, killing you would be fine in my book.

Look, kike – I could respect your bad intentions and perverse desire to annihilate the white race if you could just be honest about your motives. Honestly, anybody who came here and just said: "I wish the age of consent laws could be abolished because I want to legally fuck a 10-year-old" would at least have my respect for being honest. Still have to kill you, but it's nothing personal at that point

Instead, you fuckers all come at it the same way:

Please just admit you're a pedo because you had a single mom, rather than trying to dirty up the very idea of human biology or a modern context, okay? I promise we'll use that nice nylon rope for you if you do, rather than that scratchy hemp stuff we're saving for niggers and journalists

Its almost glorious in a way. Kinda like a grown man trying to argue that his small trycicle is fit for the autobahn.

You seem to forget that that's actually legal in many places. I'll never understand this reaction about teenagers that are sexually mature. Women never emotionally mature, this is common knowledge on Holla Forums so the whole, "They're not mentally developed" thing is obviously bullshit. Which only leaves physical level of development and if they're sexually mature then that issue is out as well.

Yes, without doubt.

But this is not a prescription for whether child sex can be moral, and it would be facetious of you to claim certain knowledge on the lives of girls in the Middle Ages.

Aaand there you go, plummeting right back into the fold of mediocrity.

On the contrary, pic related.


Sure, also most European countries and many states in the US.

You're exceptionally pathetic. You pedos get so triggered when someone tells you the truth.

Skip to the 17min mark of this 60 AUS minutes episode. The fucker is trying to explain that children aren't "emotionally harmed" by being raped.

why do you bother doing catharsis in here? its not like you leave your house.

not if i buy the BlondeMcLoli WomboMcCombo from the local McWarlord for the low price of 2 bitcoins and pay my 0.8 bitcoin protection fee.

how's that loyal white wife of yours user?

I'm sorry you think that way. I would gladly show you how calm I am while slitting your neck.

Yes, Pedoanon, many European countries and impoverished shit holes in the US also practice backward customs. Just look at how happy and successful these people are!

Its funny because you're cucking yourself essentially. Your best chance of finding a proper wife is to go for the youngest that is legal in their area as there's a higher chance of them being virginal and everyone knows how divorce rate climbs when a woman has had multiple sexual partners. But no, you're a "pedo" if you don't stick to the magic 18+ even though 18 isn't even the typical AoC. I find this all quite baffling.

Yeah sure, accuse me of larping for having some fucking standards. Move right along and ignore the idea that you don't "understand" who makes the rules and why they make them, or how all the moving parts fit together.

I hate pedos but giving the FBI any information is just wrong! This compromizes the website and it's users. Who says they won't come for us next? This is like pandoras box, once it's open, it's very hard to close.

I think the FBI shouldn't get any information because this could very well end bad for all of us!

>You all are such prudes, so extreme! Live a little! Sex with little children is totally normal!
Typical contradictory leftist logic, if it were normal, it wouldn't be "Living a Little :^^^^)"

Which reminds me, standards should always go up moving forward, gee whiz, what a concept.

You'll be happy to know that some feminists are pushing to make the age of consent 24 then.

Too soon maybe, and for the wrong reasons. So what?

thankfully its not you

24? what a bunch of sick fucks, it should be 40.

Are you legitimately retarded?

Fuck off pedo, women arent able to give consent and have children until theyve reached menopause.

Actually, it is. You have a nice day now, y'hear.

Yes, I'm totally retarded. And modern medicine can't fix that ;)

Too much pedohaters on imageboard. That really sucks.

Youtube "Dr. Tony Martin on Slavery"

If you trust modern medicine to modify eggs then you're definitely not wrong that you're retarded.

Get used to it pedo. You're kind isn't welcome.

Finding a proper wife isn't a challenge if you're not a wheezy fat loser. I married a girl with quite an age difference (still adult, college-age), but even if marrying a 21-year-old was against the law, her family would have turned a blind eye to it because I'm not a slobbering autist. I had genuinely good intentions, we have swell kids now, and neither of us has regretted it since.

You see, pedo, your wife isn't "proper" because you met her on the way home from junior high, she's "proper" because you command her respect and admiration, and because she shudders at the thought of bearing another man's children. The downside of this for you is that you have to actually be that guy. No faking it. You have to do some work on yourself and try to live up to her expectations, rather than trying in vain to live a fantasy life where a 14-year-old waifu's dream is to wipe Doritos dust off of your chin and give you a blowjob in your swivel chair. That girl has way better options than a fat pedo, and she'd be a fool to lower her standards for you.

And that's the crux of it, my CP-hiding fellow shitposters – even if we abolished the "magical" age of consent laws, any self-respecting girl would sooner see you dead by her father's hand than touch your greasy dick. You'd still be virgins, even in a pedophile's paradise, because you're not any more attractive to a teenager in that society than you are right now.

Enjoy celibacy, queers. And be sure never to blame yourself for being repulsive – it's all the Man's fault. Darn those feminists anyhow.

Also, future advances in science will never help us in getting rid of the likes of you. Whatever will we do.


Not really faggot.

You're right, men will always be attracted to sexually mature females.

Actually I'm married to someone that I began dating when she was 17 and we now have two kids. But I'm a pedo because she wasn't muh magic age I suppose. Despite that I never violated any laws.

Sure thing. Lets get into that. You think that having babies is going to stay this way forever. Yep, totally retarded.

You think kikes would never fuck with eggs in any other way when you're already allowing them to be modified. Yes you are completely retarded.

Hey, if you meet the right girl and she's 17, I don't see a problem with marriage and kids. But if you're cruising for a 17 year old, especially if you're over 30, then you're almost by definition not the right kind of guy.

Part of the problem is what I posted above – in modern society, we can't tell who the pervs are until it's too late. So, in the absence of a traditional mechanism for weeding out the pedos, a blanket prohibition is the way to go.


If all these pedo apologists are trolls, I don't even care, because of quality posts like this.

this board is a circlejerk lmao

Yeah, we are totally talking about that right now.

Rules are le arbitrary authoritarian memes and reading comprehension is for fags.


Then leave and don't come back if you see it that way. No one wants you here to begin with.

I have been talking about sexually mature females the entire time. Most females are not sexually mature until the age of 16. You're the one that keeps strawmanning with younger children when I make sure to specify sexually mature in every post.
The smart move is to tilt all statistics in your favor when the court systems are already stacked against males.

Despite your sarcasm we in fact are and you were the one that brought it up with talking about how we should drive up AoC laws even further and use modern medicine so that old eggs are no longer a problem.

Yes, the kikes. Totally at the center of science and technology. Yup.

Whatever man, you suck.

If this board were a circlejerk, this thread would not have ~650 replies.

Yes, that's exactly what you should take away from it. That bad old feminists are the reason it isn't raining underage tang at your house right now. And anyone who points out the vile, subhuman air you emit like a gas everywhere you go is clearly upset about the patriarchy. That's the only reason somebody would have for tossing the ol' rope around your neck and making America great again.

You sure do sound like a redditor with your constant use of sarcasm and your low level of knowledge.

And you will never address the margin of safety I brought up.

Nice ad hom. Pfffft.

Having sexual maturity based purely on age is silly to me, in the same way determining someone is mature enough to drink themselves into a coma or drive a car is based on a magical date. I don't know how you'd change that without opening up abuse of the system though.

Nevermind you're trolling me, well played.

All Pedos will be

This is Reich
we are Right.

When the great
Purge comes.

We will not care
what your words are.

We are adding you
to lists with pictures
and addresses.

You Semetic cults of Mohammedan
and Judaic origins will not
be tolerated by us any further.

nah, i like laughing at the tinfoiling around here.

is pizza still halal for you NatSoc cultists?

for crying redpill around so much, you sure watch a lot of TV. pretty much everything you know about the topic came from chris hansen right?

Nope, your just projecting. And guess what? No kikes where involved!

Nigger if you weren't trolling with that you really do need to fuck off back to reddit.

Well good but the jokes on you at this point, and you're too retarded to understand why. Keep being delusional and fueling the fire.

Exactly this. In the past, AoC laws were unnecessary because girls generally had lots of male relatives who weren't shy about ripping mashers' nuts off if they got out of line. Today, all our teenage girls are future empowered women who aren't under the headship of their fathers, who are mostly either absent or neutered, so they're ready-made victims of imposing males.

Real victims, I mean, not the fashionable fake victims we hear about so much. A fatherless girl is a bowl of silver waiting to be plundered, which suits the Jews just fine, so we need lots of laws and customs to keep adult strangers away from them. If it could still be done by the family, we could relax and trust to the fathers' judgment, but we can't so here we are.

Still kill the fuck out of the pedo apologists here, though. That goes without saying.

Get a hold of this retard

No defending pedos makes you that faggot.

Not everybody who disagrees with me. Just the sort of user who gets his dick out for the Young Miss swimsuit calendar. I know those faggots in my goddamned blood, and it's no mystery why they are what they are.

burnt jew ass hair KEK🙂
calm down buddy your going. to stroke out (((they'll))) get there's

oh yes, the joke's on "me"

Pride is a sin and a blindfold you know?

also you forgot to say "kill yourself".

Implying that you of all people have some sort of standards.

The joke is on you, and you should kill yourself.

I have plenty of standards, just not retarded standards like you. Enjoy your old women and raising children with autism because you better not touch a twenty something year old or you're a pedo.

Just filter him.

Yes, whites going extinct is a done deal, we will never advance and so therefore fuck having standards or raising them ever. We simply don't have the technology. So sad.

Everybody can stop posting and go now. Its over lads.

Enjoy your middling IQ, poor reading compehension, sub par english skills and getting BTFO on a regular basis throughout your pathetic life.

I'm pretty sure that my life is much better than yours actually because there's no way that someone as retarded as you is at all successful. Unless you're a shitskin diversity hire, which honestly wouldn't surprise me.

Good shit!

Get fucked by the FBI and Jamal in prison you pedos.


You do realize there is a difference between being attracted to post pubecent girls that can easily breed children and have been considered adults in every civilization on the planet, and actual pre pubecent children that are biologically and mentally underdeveloped? This whole magin number system where all people suddenly become mature and able to give concent on their 18th birthday is absurd.

Again, just because you're a pathetic waist of oxygen, doesn't mean everyone is like you.


Fuck off kikes

And you die too, a horrible death.

So at what age do girls start being sexual?

You should actually read that retard's posts. He's allow kikes to fuck with women's eggs just so we can constantly increase the age of consent well into the late twenties and thirties.

He wants to allow*


Die in a fire pedo

Define pedo.



This thread is pretty funny to me, I never knew there so many anons who actually were against even being allowed to fuck eighteen year olds and even twenty something year olds. I don't know if its old femanons wishing they could still find a man or what, pretty weird regardless.

If you say so.

Pedophiles get the rope, end of story. These fantasy scenarios of them replenishing the white race with their swarms of underage poon are laughable, they would never attract a girl in any universe, because the kind of person who wacks off to CP on a daily basis (you know who you are) is already a deficient loser.

2014 news, but I suppose that's when the truth started coming out.

Legalize Child Marriage

Yeah I believe you

Could you be any more triggered?

i get it, Holla Forums is all feminists in denial

Only thing I've defended in this thread is pursuing females that are both sexually mature and legal where you live because they are more likely to be virgins and thus less likely for a marriage to end in divorce. Its your definition of pedo that's pretty far off.

pursuing younger females that are both sexually mature and legal where you live*

Female physical maturity happens between 16 and 18. Oh, look at that, AoC is already there. How about that. Blow your fucking brains out, childfucker.

Reported for not even trying.

Stick a fork up your nose kike

No shit, which is what I've been saying all the time that 16 is fine. I've mostly been arguing with the retard that wants to constantly increase age of consent past even 18.


This is bait.
This has to be bait.

Note that the age of the girl is irrelevant to this. Hence, I think your post was pretty irrelevant to the question of pedophilia / age of consent.

To answer your question: ultimately we can never fully know someone's intentions, and our ancestors couldn't either. That much hasn't changed.

Certainly humans are more mobile today than we used to be, but so is information and communication, so we're not necessarily at a disadvantage because of it. If someone rapes a girl today they'll be in the news and on the internet and people will find out about it even if they move across the world.

Holy shit, I didn't even see this one when I scrolled through the thread.

As a public service, I think it's important to kill off this idea too, in case one of you autists starts using the "logic" of it to rationalize whatever you're planning with an underage girl you have access to.

On the surface, if I was explaining sex to a robot, yes – a handjob would be just another kind of handshake. By the same token, cunnilingus is just another kind of kiss you can give a five-year-old. But we're not robots, we're human beings and we have innate programming that cannot be safely overridden.

Truly underage children, prepubescents, who haven't been abused, rarely think about sexual contact, despite the pedo's fantasies. I've seen a four-year-old boy cram a vibrating toy into his crotch before, but he immediately fell down laughing because it felt "silly." What he didn't do is get off on it. That actually takes grown-up hormones and considerable body development. That moment when a person slips from laughing and giggling about sexual contact to really getting into it – that's not normal for children, and a child who does that has likely been groomed.

Going back to our vignette of a very underage girl jerking you off – to you, it's a beautiful thing; it's the culmination of years of fantasies for you. For you. For her, it's a gross thing you're making her do , and her arm is tired, and you're making weird noises, and now it's yucky. She's not going to get off on this, you're putting her through an ordeal, and when it's over and she's crying – or after you've come and you realize how much prison time you're looking at if she tells – the fantasy world you live in will collapse and you'll do something insane to her. Hopefully, you'll just fuck up her little head by telling her you'll kill her parents if she tells, but some pedos in that position have killed their victim in a panic because they didn't know what else to do.

Listen to me, pedos – Nobody cares what's inside your sick heads, okay? We get that you're fucked up. Many of us don't even care if you're passively using CP to slake those urges without bothering anybody. But don't you dare let yourself think the kid is as sexually driven as you are, okay? They're not, and if you try to speed that process up you'll ruin them. Don't let your delusional ideas about how hot she's going to get for you blind you to the fact that children don't like being fingered. They don't think of that shit on their own, and if they do start poking around down there (for example, if a girl discovers the bathtub faucet trick when she's five), it's innocent and won't lead anywhere prurient. I know that you, in your depraved soul, don't really get what "innocence" truly means, but you have to respect the sane people here who are telling you that you're not normal.

Many years ago, when I was living with my older brother, his eldest daughter used to come into my room for long talks before bed. She was nine at the time, so she was starting to notice boys at school. I teased her about how much she must love boys and tried to guess which one she would marry. She laughed and shouted that she hated them all because they were gross. Then – and this is the childhood innocence part, pedos; get your dicks ready – she told me about how girls are better because they have vaginas. Then she got this wicked gleam in her eye and asked if I wanted to see hers.

Now. . . This is where 10% of you would have set upon her, or taken this as an invitation to start the grooming and see how far she would let you go. Fortunately for us all, you weren't the grown man in the room that night. I knew she was just fucking around and teasing me, so I stuck my finger down my throat and make exaggerated barfing noises like the thought of seeing her underpants made me sick. This is the appropriate response that a nine-year-old boy would have had, so it was at her maturity level. She fell over laughing at how naughty she was, then gave her uncle a hug and went to bed.

Pedoanons – I genuinely treasure that memory. She's in med school now, but to me my niece will always be that funny girl who liked to be "naughty." When I think back on that, and I think about the sort of uncle who would have tried to get her naked, I almost grieve for the innocent little girl I knew. Thank god she kept that little sparkle until she was older (I have no knowledge of her sex life. I imagine she lost it to some scrawny teen in high school.).

Be like this, you pedos. These kinds of memories are a thousand times better than eight seconds of cumming, followed by a lifetime of consequences for you both.

I find this argument unconvincing. Shouldn't we either try to fix the unhealth of our society or take the nuclear option so it will collapse and we can start over?

You can only murder humans.

Time to KYS Holla Forums. You're on "us" by any stretch of the imagination.

but you wanted to see the cunny didn't you?


The burden of proof is on you.

You are no better than a dog, controlled by your primitive urges.

It also physiologically harms them, leading to a weaker society as a whole.

nah, i want to live to taste a cunny

OK, so child might not get off on giving a hand job - so what? Adults force children to do all sorts of things they don't get off on. Like washing the dishes. Or milking the cows. Kids probably think these activities are yucky the first time they do them too. Is it harmful to the kid to force them to wash dishes? Why should giving daddy a hand job be any different than the other chores?

And hey, what's to say that some kids won't enjoy it? Maybe they'll find it fun. Like a little game.

Not everyone here is a christian you blockhead.

No, user, I didn't. And for the same reason fathers don't get turned on when their daughters get out of the tub. My love for her has always been philos, not eros. And that actually shuts down sexual attraction before it starts, believe it or not.

Awesome B8. 8/8. Would masturb8.

Assuming you're serious, all I can do is ask you to steer clear of underage persons. Nobody faults you for your fantasies, but you have to die if you try to make them real. It won't even turn out the way you're imagining.

I think it would be a fun game to go bowling with your hollowed out skull, good thing we have laws to prevent such things.

It serves no purpose other than to fulfill your degenerate sexual desires. Most of the time it goes FAR beyond a hand-job, often physically harming and mentally scarring the child. The fact that you are willing to harm others because of your sexual desire not only shows you are probably a psychopath, but also that you have no self control and are ruled by desire.

You sir are the fucking problem, you are seeing children as objects instead of children.

So your argument is "They don't know it's sex, who cares! They do shit they don't like all the time!" That's not morally gray, that's fucked up.

And by the way, everybody – this user is the reason we have these laws. Get it? We can't loosen controls and just trust that this faggot will discipline himself, so it has to be ruined for everybody.

Im not defending anybody but I just wanted to tell you that I (a swedish aryan male that was never molested) started having sexual feelings at the age of 4-5 and began actively fapping when I was 6. I even had degenerate gay experiments with others my age on multiple occasions and found my first internet porn site when I was 7.I only recently started fighting my own degeneracy and avoid pizza and bestiality porn as much as possible. Please tell me how some woman touching me would have fucked me up any more than I already was?

because there's no reason to. the others teach important and necessary skills for maintaining a home. the other teaches kids to be a self serving hedon

Define child.
Marriages should be able to happen

You were fucked from jump st.

It can always be worse. You didn't kill yourself, did you? You're not raping kids now, are you? Maybe you'd have the urge if your mom's friend had sucked you off.

Besides, female pedos are violent. Much worse than the men.

trips confirm.

i just realized the OP of the thread is literally

I'm a pedo and this post is cringe-worthy.

This needs looking at. There isn't a magical number and not all people mature at the same rate. Even moreso now with all the hormones and shit in our foods.

Shitskins werent really a problem back then so i HIGHLY doubt it

checked btw

I agree with you that those arguments are bad. Can children give consent? I never understood why not. Sex is, by it's nature, just rubbing parts together. The thing about pedophilia, though, is that sex plays with your body's hormones, and is driven by said hormones. Sexual desire doesn't really start to develop until puberty, and before that all you really have is curiosity regarding the matter. Therefore most children won't consent to sex. Some will, but most won't. The issue with allowing children to engage in sexual acts from an early age is that it normalizes sex for them. The action of sexual intercourse loses a great deal of it's significance, making the children that do consent more prone to hyper-sexuality later in life, basically turning them into unhappy sluts. This posses a problem for the larger society. Promiscuity devalues the family structure, as sex and reproduction are separated from a monogamous union in a promiscuous lifestyle, which means the family structure necessary to raise future children, in an environment where they turn out their best, cannot be achieved. This leads to, over several generations, higher crime and decreasing birth rates, as sex is separated from reproduction due to the nature of pedophilia being with children incapable of reproducing, and the factors of contraceptives and abortion also allowing the separation. This is not the only factor, but one of many factors that can, over several generations, destabilize an entire society if the action is made prominent enough.

You wouldn't have such a problem with shitskins if you swedes weren't already fucked in the head.

pol needs to learn to not become triggered by this:

it's interesting that you reprimand people for behaving this way about politics but then exhibit the same behavior about peophilia
you won't get your point across becoming emotional. I think you guys are all afraid that if you might be wrong. this is a grave mistake.

For fucks sake we are really are under siege aren't we?
Recently some guy came into the Deutsch/pol/ and was trying his hardest to shill the fucking same!
No matter how much we disagreed, no matter how much we pointed out logical errors within his arguments, no matter how much every single of his arguments has been proven to be wrong with sources, he didn't fucking stopped. The fuck is going on here?!

This by far is the best argument against pedophilia.

I was depressed as fuck when I was 16-18 and considered killing myself a few times, for a while hurtcore cp was also the only thing I could get off to.

your arguments are wrong and you are the one who is being proved wrong at every turn, but you keep repeating the same bullshit over and over and get angsty that you're not in a hugbox.



Yeah, that struck me too. I don't know what it is, but I can guess. It must rot the soul. user is "lucky" he lives in Sweden, I guess.

Its quite difficult to not become a cuck when you read about "muh holocaust" at 3 different points in your education and get to watch quality movies like "Shindlers List" on the Annual holocaust memorial day. Doesnt help that every single teacher is a leftist idiot that tries to push you to give Ahmed a good blowie. Off course all media is pro immigration as well. Its quite remarkable that any swedes are still uncucked at this point.

Pizza with extra red sauce.


Look akbed modern western culture threw out that barbaric practice long ago. It's one of the many thing that makes us superior to you mudslimes

okay holy shit this is getting irregular—very irregular

all this implied causality

maybe there is a underlying cause like iq or class background, mental health, being exposed to neurotic parents that causes both phenomena

and there is meaningless to these charts that can be intuited logicaly as follows; if you ahve sex at earlier age of course you are more likely to have more sexual partners, by the same logic if you start work at a younger age you are more likely to have earned more money over your lifetime

maybe being depressed causes people to want to have more sex?

if poor mental health causes people to have sex at younger age and have increased sex partners then does it not follow that they are more likely to be depressed?

Goons shills. They're losing their minds that pizzapong is going to get uncovered, and they're going to be murdered en masse. They're trying to save their skins in a last ditch effort to shill pedophilia to make everyone culpable. This was likely planned to happen in the next ten years or so once whites were almost extinct and completely demoralized, but Holla Forums getting Trump elected just threw a hand grenade into their little box of plans.

Have a seat

Here, let a fucking nigger debunk your line of thought.

I remember being told something like this by a psychologist that was my family counselor when I was a teen. He was also an Episcopalian minister or priest and was a HUGE liberal.

I trust neither psychology or psychiatry and think that he was a negative factor in my family.

The jist of his argument, which I don't remember how it came up, was that molested children don't see it as a negative (often) until it becomes open knowledge and they get the reactions of others.

Sorry for the delay: Kill yourself, you fucking piece of shit.

What a cuck. Literally "If you kill your enemies, they win!"-tier.

Y-yes? What the fuck do you think this is, Holla Forums has always advocating for the roping to recommence.


technically its true

There is some truth in this.

Consider this scenario - a person goes on the stage to sing and dance. Suddenly all the clothes vanish and he/she is left there naked.
Would you call that a traumatic experience?

But what if that person was a nudist? Would it be equally affected?
So obviously the state of the mind and the beliefs one has have a HUGE impact on a situation.

Pedophile apologists should be shot.
Pedophiles will be immolated.

Here is the vid with sound

Just googled Frits Bernard.
You can't make this shit up

typical of (((MSM)))

"We can't design a system accounting for every possible situation, therefore we shouldn't design any system at all."

Ever heard of Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater? Probably not, you were too busy thinking of fucking that baby.

"Disregard statistics, increased prevalence of a behavior within a given population has no meaning because other populations do it too sometimes."

In other words, the #NotAllMuslims defense.


Our enemy is this disease of degeneracy

We are the ones that saw it but weren't infected. We are the chosen people to bring an end to this downfall of humanity.

We are immune. And we have to purge everything that isn't.

We used to treat diseases with leeches and mercury solutions, doesn't mean that olden ways are the best, when regression to mean, current knowledge about reproductive biology and psychology tell us plainly that teenagers aren't breeding material and when their hormones are aflame, they are better off with their inexperienced peers, rather than with adults that are in it for their own pleasure and do more harm than good to the kids.


No one takes into the account the menarche, which used to happen at a later age for girls, is pretty much the biological sign for BEGINNING of sexual development, but hardly an indicative of readiness, especially when median age for menarche has been falling steadily due to overnutrition and hormonal content in current polluted food, all the while mental maturity is lagging as our society is used to coddling the kids more and thus sexual maturity is artificially sped up and mental maturity is artificially lengthened.

Same went for boys, whose sexual maturity took longer than nowadays in addition to faster mental maturity that was dictated by life conditions. "Early" marriage, while conducive to earlier breeding, in average meant that most women had their children after age of 17, with men that were slightly older or more, as compared to modern marriage which happens more and more among older people and first children for many women are born in their late twenties and thirties, as opposed in their prime of 18-25.
Sex was always of interest to everyone, but it was obvious to all when it was possible to have it (with a girl that had regular periods, i.e one capable of having children) and it was a life expectation that children would be born, so marriage and provision for both the man and woman was of paramount importance, with families of both sides investing in the affair, as opposed to no-strings-attached-sex that is emotionally draining as it defies biological urges and needs.

Do not be swayed by the pedo agenda, mental and biological conditions of people back in the day were different from ours and these dictated norms that for all intents and purposes, are logical and follow human biology, as opposed to the skewed and sick social situation we are facing now. Sexuality MUST follow mental maturity, otherwise you are damaging kids who, by no fault of their own, are given bodies that are more mature than their minds.
We have a generation of adult children that have no control over their bodies and no control over their minds, which drives us into the arms of a leftist elite that promises to be a surrogate to them if power is handed over to them.

Which anime is this? Patlabor? Which movie?

i believe it's the first one.

This is what sick pedophile fucks do in this country.


No probs.

You want more rage fuel? Play this old as fuck podcast and get ready to pray with one hand and smite with the other.

The left wins. Flawless victory.

You're weak on logic. Your entire argument was based around "if x does y, then there is no issue with z". there is a lot wrong with looking at it this way, since you could justify more than just sex with children quite easily.

E.G. "old people die every day - therefore i'm well within my right to kill your grandmother". Can you see the issue with it?

The fact is, this is a much more complex issue than something that could be summed up by finding parallels in society - that's if you really want to find what would be best for both parties. I'm of the opinion that you should find a partner that is equally good at planning (for high investment off spring) and has a certain level of head strength, and obviously views about life that won't clash with your own. These are things that aren't really possible to see when someone is a child, nor can they always be taught; so the more pragmatic choice is to seek out a person who is more developed that a preteen.

I said 12-20. That's a pretty natural age of puberty. I agree pre-pubescent attraction is bad. But if a girl has hit puberty at 12 then that's a perfectly natural person to be attracted to.

However hookup culture makes this position untenable. Until we've gassed all the pickup artists and shitskins we can't let our young girls serve as fresh meat for their sexual vampirism. The real issue here is mansluts and our need to purge them.

Your dubs suggest that you're technically right. But you're still practically wrong. Sex with kids is wrong for the same reason casual sex is wrong. Any sexual act devoid of love and devotion is a deviant and destructive act. You're triggering chemical bonding that will attach the naive person to you and then severing those psychological bonds when you dump them. This is incredibly destructive. It's more painful than being shot. It leaves mental scars that echo throughout the person's life. This pain can be mitigated when the person feels as if they had a choice. They can internalize a lesson from it. Children cannot do this. You're literally forcing them to love you because they really have little choice in the matter. It's wrong for all the same reasons that seducing a virgin is wrong.

Now there are corner scenarios where it may be permissible. Two people stranded on a desert island. The end of the world. A society that ensures monogamy and life long relationship. Outside of these essentially non existant scenarios it cannot be permitted. The logical conclusion of this is to also purge manwhores from our ranks. Their sin is the same essential sin as pedophilia: preying on the psychologically vulnerable.

Unmitigated nonsense. Go to the pastebins.

Take this to a psychiatrist and they'd say mental illness is at play. No sane person would have written that.

Why? 17 years old are biologically adults.

Dude, it's New York City, specifically in the Brooklyn area. Heimy Town. Jew Central. Of course there'd be a ridiculous amount of them there.

Godspeed blue-badge/user; don't get caught by the fraternal order of the Freemasons in your own ranks. Will be praying for your safety.

Source of the vid? I remember seeing this forever ago and I don't remember the name.

some 2deep4u hipster on reddit


Pretty sure Law and Order: Special Victims Unit is still on the air. Discounting that, parents won't stand for it.

Being morally outraged and acting like its just common sense that theres inherent harm didn't work for interracial marriage or gay marriage but surely it will work this time right guys?

You moralfags are just as predictable as you are stupid, if you want to stop this from happening you actually have to come up with proof for why this is wrong beyond just a moral kneejerk reaction thats been ingrained into just like it was for the last generation with faggots.


This only really happens because they are told what a terrible experience it was and made to feel this way. Stop programming them and the psychological problems disappear.


If you want marriage with children to not be the next interracial marriage or gay marriage then yes you actually have to prove its wrong unlike the people who were against interracial couples or gay couples who just like you said "why do I have to prove this is wrong? its just obvious!"
It didn't work out for them, why do you think it will work this time?

Children can't consent.

I was sexually abused as a kid (4-5 years old), I didn't even knew what the fuck was happening, fortunately I didn't pay attention to the memory until I was old enough to understand and rationalize what happened (thanks to my family I had a healthy and innocent childhood despite "that").

I didn't consent and it fucked me up psychologically at some degree. Thank God I'm more past that than not, I hope for the punishment of all child molesters (death, or worse) and for the sincere repentance of those that fantasize about it.

Robbing innocence is a supreme act of violence, it's a hurting that can last for a lifetime and destroy all instances of good in an individual.

Using a wary, legalese definition of sex, the mental age of consent is eight.

Furthermore, attraction between adults in children is a common instinct despite the law. It is a normal part of being human.

A common instinct for degenerates.

I really hope you're baiting me but I know better, hope you get what you deserve.

Sally gets used as a breeder to make more fleshlights for these beasts

You know, it just destroys their body and mind.

Many things in this world are natural. But as humans we hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Wow case closed I guess, you asserting it is all the proof anyone should ever need.

Look the bottom line is Holla Forums and the entirety of the internet really is on the trail of pedos and going to BTFO them very soon; the elite are all pedophiles who used these acts as tools of blackmail to control politicians, et cetera, and they know the game is almost up, so in their death throws they are attempting to legalize pedophilia to soften the blow of the coming storm we will unleash upon the normies.

You are literally defending having sex with children.

You are why I can pull the trigger with no hesitation. Thank you.

t. father of 6

I'd fuck a 12 year old Vietnamese girl…

literally defending men sticking their dicks in eachothers butts used to be social suicide too, now its social suicide to be homophobic.

Holly fucking shit.