Google maps renames Trump Tower

Google Maps renamed "Trump Tower" to "Dump Tower"

pix11 . com /2016/11/26/trump-tower-renamed-as-dump-tower-on-google-maps/

Other urls found in this thread:
[email protected]/*


There's something comforting about learning that your enemies really are the equivalent of pampered brats throwing a tantrum.

Really makes you see that these pricks aren't nearly as powerful as they want you to think they are

If Hillary gets in I can't wait to fight these fucks in a civil war. They'll make Apu Hajar look like a master tactician.


You faggots will believe anything

Says the idiot son of a dumb whore that tells him that she loves him.

Why is mine i fucking scribbles while everything else is in english


That's Russian for Trump Tower.

Does anybody have that video of that one conference where the guy talked about modifying info on google maps to MITM calls and create fake locations?

Don't worry you guys, it's just part of the transition to making anime real

Look for yourself. It's "Dump Tower" for me too.

I also get the Japanese and the name switching back when I click on it. What the heck?

Fours hours old story, still no fix from Jewgle.

But user, (((google))) already "fixed" it.

This thing glitches out.

No they haven't

We need to make the address more accurate

On tablet, it shows up as Dump Tower as well.

Watch out, this is going to be reported as "fake news" as well.

Mein Fuhrer, I think you missed the joke.

Why is Bing consistently the best uncucked search engine? Its faster than google maps in the edge browser

Wouldn't doubt it, but there's actual proof that it was "Dump Tower" at one point, so it would be hard to label as fake news.

unsynchronized database

Soon: Trump renames Google HQ to nuclear test site.

Can users send corrections? It seems weird that google would do something so childish.

The past can be rewritten, just look at the holocaust.


That's a valid point, to anyone who values logic and evidence. I think their goal is to depict real news as fake anyway though.

I can see why they'll be pissed. Trump planned on removing exploitable tax breaks.

I shiggy diggy doo.

They press will lie like they always do. I pray for a day for when they will be dismantled.

So question: isn't this highly illegal and something Trump can sue the crap out of them for?

Shill, I looked it up myself, it's real.

It is real. When clicked onto it it is Trump Tower, but once clicking away it turns to Dump Tower.

Highly stupid and childish? Yes. Highly illegal? I don't think so. It's a free service, and I don't think it counts as libel or slander.

If ANY Trump business has used adwords it is absolutely grounds for an antitrust lawsuit capable of forcing them to split their search business from their marketing/advertising business, effectively killing them.

google's throwing a temper tantrum

They didn't have the internet in the 40's ya dingus

Hell, even if they don't use Adwords there is ground, perhaps more for it, because they are actively slandering non-customers.

So how do we let Trump know about this?

Pic related. But feel free to send more - I just used the first Trump org email I could find and with a private mailserver mine might have been marked spam.


Does this mean that Google no longer has Safe Harbor protections?

Weird mine just says Trump Tower New York but the cafe says Joon Grill. What do they mean by this?

Here's proof via archive, you fucking kike.

It appears to display differently at different zooms, about 2/10 say Trump and the other 8 are like the OP.

Oh shit you're right I zoom out and the name changes again

It now only shows like the OP for 3 of the zoom levels, I think the email to Trump's people might have got things rolling, or Google is here pissing themselves hoping the change propagates through their cloud nodes before Trump sees.

oh wow

the most powerful tech company in the world is ran by 12 year olds

It switches each time you reload the page. Last time I got it in the ocean.

Wow, that's vastly different from a simple name change, someone is actively trying to make it difficult for Trump's potential clients and visitors to get to him.

The goal is to make the public so confused they can't mount a meaningful response in a timely manner to the shit they're about to pull.

It shows Dump Tower in the search results preview but then it's the normal Trump Tower when I click it.

Trump Tower didn't exist in the 40's you faggot. Trump was at most a kid at that time.

And what is this they are going to pull? Are they actually going forward with the election steal despite the massive odds against them?

Are you serious?


Please see

Basically a bunch of people or a shitposter with lots of proxies submitted that exact correction and it automatically corrected it (and maybe Pajeet approved it)

I'm going to guess that it was a low-level employee exercising her limited power. The purpose of Google is to make money, and getting a reputation for publishing bad data is contrary to Google's financial success. No way would corporate leadership be okay with this.

lol pray not, dear user. That day is now. Kek has heard your prayers before you made them, and they are dismantling themselves before our very eyes.


This is fucking retarded. I hope Trump sues them, which salty liberal did this or did this go straight to the top with Alphabet shilling out for killery.

wow these jews are so salty

mine says "joon new york - trump tower" and "antique store" as a subtitle

Has anyone thought that it could be the Secret Service asking google to spread disinfo about the location of trump tower? Though the name Dump Tower does clearly indicate bias and blatant child like behavior.

Eric Trump is the antichrist also dubs

That's the one that "Dump Tower" switches to when you click on it. If you search for Only Trump Tower and use the NY NY location instead of 5th ave you'll pull up the double towers like in my other pic.

I don't want political bias when I'm searching for a fucking address.

It's what happens when your most powerful tech companies are staffed by kids.

mine stopped doing it at all zoom levels

Pretty much every time you refresh the page, you'll get a different result.

How fucking triggered do you think these guys are?

i have a feeling this has something to do with null island

Who the fuck cares you fucking faggot.


I could not verify this but I believe the link

Looks like searching it now just gives a server error.

[email protected]/* */,-73.9675326,17z


you never fail to make me smile


Google HQ needs a review ;-)


How will he ever recover? Could this be the end of Trump? This will surely get Hillary elected.


You deserve all the disinfo.

Sandnigger who is is an accurate example of ISIS's elite Ranger units. Look up the name Nigger it takes 2 seconds and you will shit your pants laughing.

The majority of Antifa faggots will be less war ready than even poor Abu was.

Seriously though 2 second search on YouTube.

Made this to remind people that Google is actively censoring search results to fit their liberal agenda.

Building literally doesn't exist here.


DuckDuckGo is where it's at, fam

Let's not forget the time (this year, I think) that Google renamed Palestine to Israel. And also not forget that they own Pokemon Go and the rights to every picture taken, they've photographed all of our backyards countless times, and they are making a phone that 3D maps every area it's brought to. The only good thing they've ever done is removing Holla Forums from their search results, it keeps some of the normies out.

so when is trump going to audit the shit out of google and seize them as state property?

It's been renamed to Trump Golf for me.

Same here. When you zoom in it also lists Trump Tower. It's weird since it hasn't been claimed and yet the oldest review is apparently 11 months old. Five of the six 1 star reviews don't even have any writing, just the star rating.

Yes. This is both fascinating and terrifying… there is the vast potential for an individual to have massive effect on society, if only they know the right buttons to push. Our enemies have material possessions, but that is only so much compensation for their lack of real power. We have what matters, will and spirit.

"The Sage prefers what is within to what is without." -Lao Tzu

It turns out that Moloch and Mammon worship gets you rich, but little else. Monkeys with money. We worship a force far more powerful: Kek, the manifestation of weaponized autism in our world. Weaponized autism is a channel of the Tao, the autopoietic construction of the Logos. If they cut us down, we will only be more powerful for it.

It transliterates as Tramp Tauer.

It only showed Trump Golf on all zoom levels for me.

That's fine. It sounds exactly like Trump Tower in Russian.

So, there are no tramps at Trump Tower?

I am disappoint. :-(

Probably because thats the golf course
within or on top of trump tower you dumb fuckers

Most likely someone managed to get control of the google business listing and changed it to Dump

The point is that the marker for the tower is missing, you idiot.


Yes, if Google mess with Trump's labels then customers will jump ship to their competitor.
Oh wait…

Yeah, using Bing as default now. Its not as bad as Google and yet still works pretty well.

What, like Qwant?

Wow, I used to be a Trump supporter, but then I saw this… I don't know how I could possibly support him now, guys.

I think we should all donate to Hillary Clinton instead, and hope that a recount effort is successful, because this is just too much, fellow anonymous.