I've been looking at the effort put into digging and making connections regarding PizzaGate and thought that if we directed this focus towards the websites used to push the Holocaust narrative, we could really strike a significant blow. By no means am I saying drop PizzaGate and go for this, I'm merely proposing that this could be a great opportunity to rally together and get something HUGE done in the near future.
An example would be: Navigating to the areas of the site which portray all the information of a given topic (pic 2 and 3 related) and refute it accordingly with sources included on a capped image of the information from their very own websites which will be used to spread the truth of the matter.
I'd very much like to hear what you guys think about this plan.
The #gate regimented-chaos format for digging and info spreading is solid, it would be beneficial for revisionists to exploit that momentum, but it requires peak group interest to form and disseminate to the level you're expecting of this.
If something extremely blatant surfaced in the normiesphere (like how the podesta emails appeared via wikileaks, spawning #pizzagate) concerning the holocaust, causing controversy, we'd have a captive audience and the group confidence would set in, resulting in the avalanche of dissemination/conspiracy thread'ing that this would require.
Manufacturing a mainstream-reaching holocaust controversy is another story, I think that the steady stream of "THE HOLOCAUST NEVER HAPPENED BUT IT SHOULD HAVE" trolling, that normies have been exposed to, has gained a viewership for the cause, via chans/ironmarch, but active exposure participation is still dismally low.
Holla Forums is ready to deploy shitposting tsunamis on most days, it's only a matter of prying open a huge gateway to the eternal normie's attention for the bantz to unleash.
Jackson Lee
Mass-redpilling about this topic would be like dropping a nuke It's the final enemy.
Noah White
Luis Price
All right, then, what are the sources with the best research, citations, etc?
Logan Adams
You can find a refutation for pretty much any Holohoax argument on the CODOH forum.
Alexander Jones
Never even heard of it.
Jeremiah Sanders
It's easy to disprove the holocaust.
In the killing fields of Cambodia teeth turn up still after a heavy rain. Where did the teeth of the six million go?
That's not a very good disproof though. Logically, it work. It's correct. But emotionally, I doubt any holocaust believer will be swayed.
Here's what I suggest: Go in the back door. Tell them how Exodus is a complete lie. The Jews were never in Egypt according to the Normie Trusted Science™ of Archeology. So unless they want to make themselves look like a science denying Luddite, they will have to admit to themselves that the Jews lied and slandered the Egyptians. That gets them into the right mindset to discover other lies themselves.
Lucas Thompson
Getting people to abandon religious beliefs is a lot harder….
If you want something simple to get people questioning the Holocaust, just focus on the "11 million" figure. It's fucking everywhere, but Simon Wiesenthal admitted that he made up the 5 million shoah'd gentiles so the goyim would feel more invested in the Holohoax, but still see the jews as the primary victims.
"If they're lying about 5 million on-jewish Holocaust victims, is it so hard to believe they're lying about the 6 million jewish ones too?"
Joseph Parker
I know a lot of near-normies who hold the holocaust meme because it costs a lot of social capital to let go. Geopolitics makes absolute sense when you realize that the 'holocaust' was a post-war psyop. The holocaust is in essence a memetic poison which clouds the judgment and corrupts the moral compass of all men. White people know they've been lied to, that tide is slowly turning. Bantus are figuring it out. Blacks are primed to be redpilled, start doing this and prepare a cultural envoy. Once tyrone realizes (((who))) removed his humanity and precisely how it has fucked them over, W E W. Check out Farrakhan's ADL file. They fear this man because he red-pills blacks. (unfortunately he then proceeds to mud-pill them, smh tbh fam) archive.is/dIsvO Undoing the holocaust psyop is the big one. Major societal change will be enabled. I think it could be considered a gift to the God Emperor. Further more the initial de-hypnotizing would be particularly alarming distraction for the now-enacted "recount and send in the jackals" strategy.
Noah Martin
Normies still believe the holocaust religion because they've been slammed with it their whole lives. You learn it in every history class, you see it at the movies, in tv shows, newspaper articles, magazine features, and every other media outlet. People legitimately believe the outlandish stories no matter how ridiculous they would seem separated from the holocaust. Even people who are jew wise or jew critical to some degree still believe in it (and not in the larpy "they deserved it" sort of way). It's going to take a lot to break that conditioning. I don't even know where to start since people get ridiculously emotional about it when you try to present counter evidence.
Ayden Jackson
I target younger people, who for the most part have already abandoned their religious beliefs, or never had them in the first place.
Joshua Lopez
If we could get 50 guys to show up and protest at the holocaust museum with truth signs do you think the national media would cover it?
Can you fit sufficient evidence onto as many signs?
Nicholas Jones
Yes but in the most negative nazi phobia extreme manner possible. A manner which would reinforce the sanctity of the shrine they are fouling with their protest.
Jonathan Rivera
the holocaust narrative and (((original sin))) are where White guilt come from
Daniel Rogers
I think it would be more amusing to demand a list of names of who died in the holocaust, making the Holohoax "historians" out to be the bad guys for covering them up. Like you wanted to make a monument to them or something. I vaguely remember a reddit Holocaust-related AMA that was redirected to the subject of a list of names and they really didn't like that :^)
Brandon Barnes
If they were signs with simple yet truthful slogans and enough people, it would hurt them no matter how they spun it,
David Perez
John Taylor
((((our greatest ally)))) would nuke the entire European continent if the majority of people ever became red pilled
Aaron Sullivan
They'd just zoom in and only show your faces. They wouldn't give your signs and screentime.
Wyatt Scott
I don't know, I've already planted a small seed of doubt by showing my wife the Auschwitz swimming pool and telling her about the brothel, theatre and soccer team. I even went as far as saying "you don't think it was literally Schindlers List did you?" You just have to chip away at it.
Justin Ortiz
Did you remind her it's based on a work on fiction?
Brandon Thomas
This has to be in included in every holoco$st thread.
I am not sure if you should show your lady this user give her some more bits and pieces first. Like at treblinka "where are the teeth?", a million died there should be 30 million teeth scattered around everywhere. holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com
Kevin Stewart
It's still difficult for me to completely deny it, and I've had some suspicions for years ever since I heard that Iran denies it's occurence. I remember the chair being kicked out from under me when I came across "Questioning the Holocaust" (which I still think is a poorly put together series) and just feeling completely incredulous at the prospect. It felt like something I shouldn't even be doubting otherwise I might get in trouble. It's a huge shock and takes quite a while to sink in past the programming.
I quickly jumped away from the subject because, as stated above, I still have that nagging feeling that I can't question it. I'll keep working at it though.
Adrian Reyes
don't forget how the White Man enslaved niggers, genocided the Incas and Aztecs, and murdered all the Native Americans according to (((historians))). As far as I know there is nothing the jews will not blame on us and spin to their favor with lies.
Christian Adams
Okay, I remember a class in (((college))) that I took that turned out to be basically White Guilt 101. And the instructor brought up how Americans were responsible for the deaths of over 8 million Injuns in the 18th and 19th centuries. Blaming the Trail of Tears specifically as one major cause of deaths. It's ridiculous because he didn't factor in the death toll of white settlers or the fact that a lot of these deaths were due to illness and war with these savages. The "honorabru Injun" meme is one of the most triggering to me. These people were just, as if not more, violent than whites yet are used to fuel the white guilt sentiment.
Gabriel Morris
If you want a scholarly redpill on why Exodus is bullshit read From the Temple to the Talmud. It's compilied from the notes of the first british explorer to actually explore mecca and medina in total disguise and return from those forbidden areas alive. Quite a good read, he says the Jews were origionally egyptians that followed different blasphemous rites than the norm and left egypt to go into the desert. That and the Ark of the covenant is essentially a god in a box because wherever the Box is, God is. Interesting stuff like that.
Adam Nelson
ARE YOU RETARDED? Many normies, christians and medias consider the idea of a hoaxed Holocaust as propaganda and untrustworthy. When we connect it with pizzagate it would lead to media and normies discrediting pizzagate because its faked by nazis
Oliver Campbell
I'd be willing to lose 1,000 pizzagate believers if it deprogrammed a single holocaust believer.
Kayden Flores
What about the ebil crusades and slavery?
Adam Harris
I've been advocating this for a while. Only thing is most blacks are very low IQ and can't into logic and common sense so they simply must be force fed facts (unlike whites where you can spread breadcrumbs and allow them to come to their own conclusions)
The sooner Holla Forums accepts that nogs are simply cultural weapon the sooner we can start using them against the kikes. What's funny is that no matter who they blame for their misery their socioeconomic position won't change. I don't know if nogs know this or not. That's why I think "the death of whitey" meme is so funny, hispanics, arabs and jews are even less empathetic than whites. What do they think will happen after the demographic shift?
Anyway, that's off topic. Redpilling blacks should be easy because they don't follow societal rules on politeness and good etiquette. Once they turn on their handlers it will be a huge problem for kikes.
Mason Garcia
If we could get 50 guys to show up and protest at the holocaust museum with truth signs do you think the national media would cover it?
Can you fit sufficient evidence onto as many signs?
Ok so we need a gamshowe hosted by Emily Youcis where people can give you bitcoin rewards for doing stuff irl.. Peoplle wear live cams and you can direct them where to go and what types of things to say.Its used to do things like talk about the holocaust but people are legally immune because they are just paid to read words off a screen. Its all anonymous and automated with the video reporting and blockchain chain-of-blocks-traccing programs.