How to stop immigration forever

how to stop immigration forever

open sterilization clinics in 3rd world countries

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What do you think I've been trying to do?

who dat?

As if you would stand a chance against a united Europe.

early feminist, progressive and the founder of Planned Parenthood who compared niggers to weeds

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Tried to get sterilization and contraceptives more mainstream to prevent nonwhites from reproducing.

based Margaret Sanger

A kid holds more value than any feasible amount you could offer the woman.
That's why third worlders have so many kids to begin with, it's the only investment you can make.
A woman's whole value is literally her pussy and her womb, you'll have to pay a whole lot to make her as worthless as a sex doll.

Besides, the only part of the third world that still has huge birth rates is sub-Saharan Africa (niggers). Literally all the others (North Africa Middle East South Asia Southeast Asia East Asia South America everything) have birth rates barely higher than replacement level. You won't do shit by lowering non-nigger birth rate from 2.6 to 2.4.


This is the perfect political solution. You can sell it as compassionate and socially responsible. It's also voluntary. Most niggers will take $500 to never have children again. That's $500 of smoke and grape drink. Niggers don't think ahead, esp the men.

Do you seriously fucking think anyone, in the US no less, would self-sterilize for half a grand? Are you retarded or something?
At best you might get a couple of druggies and a couple literally retarded folks in the whole country.

it's been tried and is ultimately brow beaten down under the color of eugenics or genocide

it may exist but it isn't widespread or common

Exactly the people we need to target most.
You sit your Snip-Wagon outside an inner city school, and you'll have a line two blocks long to get $500.

Have you ever seriously fucking met a nigger? I went to school in a garbage part of LA and one of the black kids in my class cut his fucking nutsack open with barbed wire because somebody told him he could fuck bitches bareback forever afterward.

You're overestimating the intelligence of the average inner-city coon by several orders of magnitude.

well take India for example. A replacement birth rate level for 1.3 billion people is still a MASSIVE number of children being born.

But you're right, Africa is the main problem.

like this

I'd like to hear the story

Gas tents.

We need to engineer a better disease than HIV, ZIKA, & EBILA combined, since Motherfucking nature can't seem to combat against the bleeding heart liberal aid disease yet.

What if we offered male niggers a sum of niggerbucks after they get a sterilization? Play up the unlimited hedonism w/no niglets angle & cash as slave reparations, and have local notables promote it using nigger status objects and imagery. They'll be beating each other for getting their nuts deactivated.

well technically speaking, those diseases were created by the US government to kill people, but unfortunately they were not successful enough.

Alex Jones and the neocons are trying to fuck that up for us all.

Is that a black white woman?

Raise the payout to $10,000 and dress it up as slavery reparations to get the commies off our back. Each nigger produces 20 fatherless niggers over a lifetime in sets of four and each costs 520 a month in welfare right? Well it pays for itself in under a year! Hell I'd have local rappers and notable gangbangers play up the bling bling wham bam snort slam aspect of the deal, and show off all the bills you get for two pokes and some smoke… And I'll have a line of nogs fighting each other to be first…

The focus should be on negresses. The female is the population bottleneck.

I've seen this before and I think they are doing good work even if it's small potatoes. The problem is that they arent doing enough.

My suggestion would be to begin infiltrating one of the human extinctionist movements and direct sterilization towards the nogs.

yes, women are the ones who need to be sterilized if we have any hope of trying to cut down population growth.

I dunno, you know how they are with their gibsmedats.



Too expensive.
Stop sending the food and medicine.
Mother nature is the best at genocide.
The ones that remain will be the stronger and smarter, and might make a less shitty world for themselves.

Wouldn't work, it would be too expensive and would cause inflation.

So in the end was was she a sensible white woman of her time or just a kike bitch?

I still can't bring myself to think positively of her.

Singapore or somewhere in the SEA area did this and it was wildly successful.

Stop the free shit. Cut em all off. Its a massive waste of money for nothing but overpopulation in return.


Nigerian women are pretty fucking sexy tho

Bring back medieval torture devices for traitors who let foreigners in.


The problem is the women. Niggers are fucking more than just one person, and unless you plan on sterilizing all males the birth rate will be unchanged. If that nigger you sterilized isn't the father then one of the other billion will be. The surgeries for women are much harder to do though, and it would be hard to preform it on too many negresses. There's non-surgery birth control, but I doubt a nigger could remember to put on a condom or take a pill. Free abortions seems like a good place to start, but it unfortunately doesn't stop the woman from just getting pregnant again. In stead of all this, I think we should take a page from the jews playbook and fill their water supply with the same hormones used in birth control pills thus lowering the pregnancy rates and preemptively emasculating their men. We could disguise ourselves as christians trying to bring clean water to poor Africans, and I think we could run with it for a while.

LoL this falls under the crime of Genocide according to the Geneva Conventions. You will be put on trial like a war criminal


The savior of white America

Project Prevention offers cash incentives to women and men addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to use long term or permanent birth control. Project Prevention is a National, 501 (C) 3 organization using your donations to stop a problem before it happens. We have paid addicts in 50 States and the District of Columbia.

Not necessarily, Jewish corporates have already laced our tap water with that shit and they seem to be getting away with it. Maybe not for much longer though.

awesome. The Jews are doing the right thing.


it's not racemixing if you just fuck them

It's still degeneracy and the degradation of your race. Not to mention the deleterious effect of loosened sexual mores upon society.

Read Unwin and maybe Sorokin, you ignorant cryptokike.

requesting the post where some user worked in an abortion clinic and helped to prevent dozens of negro babies to be born

At that point why not just kill them?

This project is already on-going

also based Gates