These are the type of people who are in to communism and think the cults of personality justify the lack of merits in the economic and super-elitist systems that starve peoples and fearmonger for control
I find this hard to believe. even hard working people have a difficult time holding a job that long now.
Ryan Martin
>>>/polblog/ inb4 it's dead. Of course it is, nobody wants to read fucking blogs
Andrew Miller
Ethan Lopez
political beliefs aside; why would you associate with people like this?
Jason Richardson
I don't understand why are there so many different opinions about Castro. Some say his all-loving all-powerful hand gave 100% free healthcare to 100% of Cubans. Some say his system was "good" but neglected personal freedoms. Some say he was a commie shit who starved Cuba. Some say he was a dictator who had a more human face sometimes. etc etc.
And so I stay the fuck out of all discussions about him. It's only good that way.
If you realized, a core of (at the very most 50 boards) keeps the site alive. /polblog/ was doomed to fail, as were the other 150+ Holla Forums alternatives because the userbase doesn't like splitting.
Evan Campbell
it isn't abnormal for me to see grocery store/gas station workers with tags stating they started 3-5 years ago
Daniel Ward
If you work that cheap for Indians who can't run a business you can possible stay there forever I'm guessing.
How does it feel to have crippling autism?
Where do they have nametags that show their time there?
Joshua Russell
Quiktrip does it for one, not surprising when you can make a decent buck there.
Tyrone A. Nig. Service/Serving since 2016 or since 2016 etc
Aaron Robinson
Damn that sucks. Not that I'd knock someone for having a job, but working at the register for a decade blows. You'd think they'd do a beginner construction job or contracting or whatever. You can make 20 an hour right off the bat if you're willing to smash tile out and do some carpet removal.
Levi Adams
If you don't understand or have any knowledge about something, you shouldn't express an opinion on it. Cheers to you for avoiding topics you don't understand. We need more of that in the world.
Benjamin Smith
??? Carpenters top out at $15/hr where I'm from, let alone demo and general labor
Nicholas Hughes
Depends on whether you're a carpenter where you're just putting wood floors in or installing new windows or if you're a contractor who puts up sheetrock, paints, knows how to wire up outlets, etc.
It's a skill level thing, it's cheaper to hire one dude who really knows what he's doing with a couple goofy laborers like me to help him, rather than hire 5-6 goofy laborers like me with no head guy. And because of that the main guy usually gets 50-60 an hour and I get 20-25 depending on how much the work sucks.
Usually the client will hire specialists for the really skilled stuff like boiler and gas heating installation or electricians in older houses. I work in Western Mass though so it's a lot of rich kikes from NYC who have their skiing homes up here, as well as WASP liberal college professors at Williams and MCLA.
Jackson Carter
I've honestly been waiting all day for some commie retard to cry about how awesome Fidel was just so I can chew him out. Then call up one of my Cuban friends and have them chew them out. Then chew them out for how inaccurate that shitty Michael Moore documentary on Cuban healthcare was. I've actually experienced how shitty Cuban healthcare is firsthand. There are 2 kinds of doctors: pay doctors that you have to pay for seeing, and official doctors that are free to see. The free doctors are all shit. The pay doctors are technically illegal, and cost more than the average Cuban can afford due to scarcity. Then I'd tell them about a friend who had to wait for weeks to see a doctor about a lump on her breast, for which she was prescribed to eat quail eggs. I'm not fucking joking. After the lump got worse, she went to a pay doctor and it turned out to be a malignant tumor. It would have killed her if she had come in just a few days later, or couldn't afford to see the pay doctor, or if she just did what the free doctor said and kept eating quail eggs.
Pay and official aren't the correct terms for those types of doctors, but it's easier for people to understand
Nolan Young
I wonder why people get so worked up about these retard. Same with hair-dyed SJW girls and furries and shit.
It's mostly the student organizations at universities who are mostly people who dress normal. THey're our enemies and work within the system to advance their interest at our expense and take concrete steps to destroy us.
These Occupy Wallstreet crust punks, tattooed rebels, etc are not having any impact. I think it's only medium IQ people who get angry and passionate about these retards because
*they are easy enough to ignore *they don't have a real impact *talking and complaining about them gives them a larger platform/exposure
Somewhat true of Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer who are just preaching to their choir. If you get angry and vocal about them you're intellectually shallow and needing a target at your same iq level to harp on and, in the final analysis, are making things worse.
Jonathan Williams
It truly is a mixed bag with Castro. His country was garbage for its citizens before him. Poor nothings standing in the shadows of casinos and resorts. Now? Kinda the same, except things aren't owned by Americans. Prostitution is less overt. Sorta. It's not so clear cut, but I automatically assume any system that doesn't allow people to leave is evil. That said, I recommend going. It's a surreal experience.
Here are some observations:
In Cuba, things such as the cigarettes, coca-cola, nestle and popular beer are truly owned by Cubans. All who visit agree it's a country frozen in time. The people live off their rations and seem to not work while hotel and restaurant workers seem to work 24/7. Havana looks like a derelict version of itself 50 years ago. Old as fuck Russian style apartment blocks pollute the view. I know a woman there who worked in a plantation for 20+ years and received a home for her efforts. Not a home she bought with her meager savings, mind you. People dress well, the point where crowds appear more dapper than American crowds, but their homes are empty. Your business can be seized at any time and often will be if it becomes too profitable. There exists a segment of the population known as vacationers; People who live comparatively extravagant lives off the monthly $100 or whatever sent by overseas relatives. I know a dude who tried to escape with his father and brother on a shitty raft and got caught, his father went to jail for years. Everywhere you see women who would joyfully suck dick just for the chance to get the fuck outta there and work at a Walmart in Florida.
At the same time, their gay parade was just people standing around chatting, playing guitar, holding hands and having some discourse. The most wholesome purple-haired Marxists I've ever seen.
+they have their culture, education and medical -brutal inefficiency all over the fucking place crippling everything
Lincoln Butler
What about personal security (safety from criminals) and the police?
Anthony Kelly
Not in Centro, or the country. Hell, not even in Miramar and Vedado, except for the heavily touristy parts.
In my experience, and according to a lot of my Cuban friends, the ones that sleep with foreigners and suck a lot of dick are trying to just get money, while the ones who play it a bit more slow and date (while still fucking, of course) foreigners are trying to get out.
Kek. Your shit gets stolen, good luck getting the police to investigate. My father and I have been going to Cuba for 10 years, and he had his bags stolen by a cab driver a year or two ago. He ended up going to the police, who straight up didn't investigate. He had to track the guy down himself, and then tell the cops where he was so they would arrest him. He got his shit back, but the guy got off without being arrested because nothing had been sold yet.
The police are either corrupt as fuck, or true believers in the revolution narrative. Or both.
Lincoln Thompson
Lol. Thiefs get shot.
Also for example. Ranch owners who produce animals for meat etc or even a dude who owns 1 horse, are summoned yearly with their animals etc. To get vaccinated and stuff. Which mind you animal vaccinations are free, so is healthcare for humans. Etc. If they refuse to go the government takes all their animals away from them. This even includes dogs for rabbies etc.
The government keeps track of every animal(except street dogs and cats obv). In turn Cuba is the only country in all south America that is free of most if not all animal diseases/pandemics etc.
Call Castro whatever you want but the man was based as fuck. He loved his country and his people, and slaughtered every traitor. I ain't defending his views btw but his basedness was solid.
Jayden Rivera
This didn't need a thread.
Owen Adams
I can tell you've never been to Cuba. Or if you have, you've never been outside the Old city.
Yeah, by slaughtering everyone who didn't buy the Marxist bullshit and stealing everyone's stuff, and causing national poverty resulting in pretty much everyone, save for independent farmers, to starve because of food scarcity, and the nation's crumbling infrastructure, political repression, "democratic" one party elections, assassinations, imprisonment of people who question the government, internet censorship. Isn't it funny that the old Universal Studios lot is Castro's private residence while the rest of the nation, his countrymen, were starving? There's a joke in Cuba: if you take the future tense out of Spanish, Fidel couldn't. speak. He was the kind of politician who would say he was going to fix a problem, but would never do it.