Holykek lads get in here this isn't a parody
This video explaining how to kill infidels has been on Jewtube for hours
Holykek lads get in here this isn't a parody
This video explaining how to kill infidels has been on Jewtube for hours
Other urls found in this thread:
Is that a snuff film?
nice video. why dont we have video makers like this?
Because we don't have CIA funding.
you got that webm from halfchan, didn't you?
This video has been up for hours, has been mass flagged, watched and shared around social media and is still up. It's suspicious as fuck.
Animations are even better than BPS
The cooking sequence is highly memeable.
Been up for 7 hours what the fuck
Is anyone tweeting this out to celebs and politicians to draw attention to it?
I hope the non-gory part spreads around. This was clearly filmed in a European kitchen, I guess we all know what kind of signal they're trying to send out here.
top kek. tbh muslims get shit done.
underrated post
Only because we haven't hit them yet.
Nice cupboards exist outside of Europe, you know. The labels on the drink cans were all in Arabic.
Well that's a bummer, I was hoping for more explosives recipes
You can get these cans in any kebab shop or ethnic supermarket in Europe.
Doing so would be a genuine risk to the person doing so because of the cooking segment. Sharing that info could get that person a knock on the door. I still don't get why it's still up.
art attack: ISIS edition
taking the attack part literally
why the fuck do you have to be signed in to report a video?
shouldn't youtube want to remove snuff films as quickly as possible?
watching it now lads. first guy took that neck stab like a champ
He don't run too good
Yes, porn or anything like it that get mass flagged gets taken down real fast. But here we are hours later. with it all over social media.. so… I dunno.
explosions and tank pancakes are just for memes. this is to teach people how to actually kill people quickly. it's designed to create more terrorist attacks
so whats happening? they're eating people now or what? is Marina Abramovich involved?
(((So is that evil satanic Order Of Nine Angles at all involved in this? Are those evil racist antisemites teaching poor, oppressed Islamist bastids how to make Zyklon Bombs?)))
it's an IS training video designed to get 17 year old muslim edge lords in France to stab people
i think thats awful
Perhaps he was wondering why they would shoot at a man before blowing him up with explosives?
interesting, the guy in all black has white hands and feet, clearly not a sand nigger.
At least you can talk, who are you?!
the more whites that are killed in horrific ways by muslims, the more anti-islamic tensions will rise. I mean sure it's bad that we're at the point where we have to hope for our people to be killed just so we can react, but it's better than a slow trickle of muslims here
It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is Allah.
Muslims are such retarded garbage.
I hate them, but they have some fine propaganda. Not the best but that's still effective.
Our governements have way more funds to do better propaganda but "muh demuhcracy" stop this.
all they needed was one person who speaks English as his first language to check it. that's it. how retarded can you be.
can't really see any other flaws though, this is professional quality
Just in time for Christmas.
Wew. You need to get your shit together, frogs.
holy shit i thought it was just a demonstration, and then…
Someone grab the video and put it up somewhere else it wont be taken down. This video needs to be seen by Marine lepen and that German Frauke woman. This is a great piece of propaganda that can be used against the sjws calling for more rapefugees and help some based leaders get into power in up coming European elections.
they've set it in a kitchen obviously to give the impression that it can be done at home by any retard.
they did a good job but they should have went into more detail on getting the chemicals rather than just saying "found in car batteries, in chemists, etc". if you walk into a chemist asking for hydrogen peroxide they're immediatly going to be suspicious
Probably chechen, or a white convert.
God demands blood sacrifice of blasphemers t b h fam
Would it be ok to save this or am I not already on the radar for watching it?
kek nice
It's youtube and it's around 20k clicks already
That certainly was educational.
Having personally raided the homes of rich sandniggers back in 2011, I can tell you that it's not impossible for that to be a kitchen in the Middle East. Unlikely, sure, but not out of the question.
What? I'm pretty sure you can buy that in american convenience stores.
You can but only 3-4% bottles
You're on a nazi website known to the masses for hosting child pornography, you're already in all the cool lists anyway.
They wasted operator to make video?
Also, learn for DOTR
Still not on par, by far, with anything in the west, should it get serious.
Sandmen are always full of hubris.
Especially jews.
A "chemist" in Europe is a pharmacist. Hydrogen peroxide is an extremely common fluid that people put on cuts and use to clean their ears/mouths etc. It's an extremely safe chemical.
Dude's literally saying "You can get this shit off the shelf at a drug store"
So fake and gay
The guy didn't make any noise at all
It doesn't matter how tough someone is they would at least make a small uncontrollable "mm" or something
And the wounds look like cheap special effects
If you wanna know what shit really looks like find that mexican drug cartel video where the guys face is gone
Feds have already done AMAs on here and halfchan saying they don't treat Holla Forums on either chan as any serious direct threat and we're probably not on lists and that the only reason why they lurk is to catch CP distribution.
I didn't think of that. That's a pretty clever trick to make bombmaking look more approachable for amateurs.
Buying hydrogen peroxide by itself wouldn't be suspicious. Maybe if you bought it at the same time as you bought your acetone and acid and all your other materials. I would assume it's common knowledge for terrorists that you buy at different times and places.
They cut his wrist first. Maybe that lowered his blood pressure enough. All that stabbing looked pretty brutal but he barely even moved, even considering he was tied up, so I figured he might have already been losing consciousness from the cut wrist.
Someone save video, they will eventualy shut it down. I'm on phone right now.
No wonder I saw all those requests for "ENGLISH-ARABIC" translations and Arabic transcriptions.
Have it, where should I upload?
it looks like something… I just can't put my finger on it, any ideas?
Yeah, but that's what the WOULD say.
They have no reason to say anything
They aren't even hiding it anymore
Liveleak got rid off all their good gore a long time ago
Good production quality, (((ISIS)))
remember he's been a prisoner for probably months, and they run through hundreds of these mock executions. he's probably not even aware of whats going on at that point tbh
yeah, i don't know how normalfags can watch this stuff and not notice the good quality. it's obvious they're being (((funded)))
Sure they do.
Whatever "analyst" that gets assigned to monitor us, would prefer not getting his rube ass called out.
I can't watch this without imagining Gordon Ramsey yelling at him in the background.
Just get it on mixtape.moe ffs
Honestly he didn't have to wear camo for this
File is 405 mb
I know they're well funded by Israel and the Saudis, but it's not hard to get such a good quality of video in this day. it takes one guy to go through a video editing course at some community college to be able to produce something like this.
Just make it smaller or some shit.
Download it at a lower quality.
he should have worn a white apron and one of those tall french chefs hats
Exactly lol
Because concentrating a solution never works.
I bet new attack wave will hit France. They deserve it, antisemitic bastids, talking about Palestine like that.
i'm really not seeing it, explain will you!!
All I see is future brain n blood pudding. Almost ripe.
I believe they delay attacks till after the election because of Le Penn.
what is that song that starts around 2:40-ish? i really like the beat of it
Greedy kikes underpayed graphic designer again
commenst are disabled?
Yes, but they were up for the first few hours. Tube know it's there by now. I've no idea what's happening
Flip it horizontal so he can really see it
Cut it below 75MB upload here ( in parts if you can ) pomf.cat
Or redownload with flashgot in 240 or 360p
maybe more "fake news" ?
Tinfoil hatter could say it's (((YouTube))) working with (((ISIS))).
I'm not surprised, these (((people))) tolerate literal toddlerfuckers, pedophiles and child abusers on their platform.
Someone grab the video and put it up somewhere else it wont be taken down. This video needs to be seen by Marine lepen and that German Frauke woman. This is a great piece of propaganda that can be used against the sjws calling for more rapefugees and help some based leaders get into power in up coming European elections.
You can watch more Isis videos here.
heavy.com keeps a running track on Isis and what they're up too. Especially their propaganda videos and battle footage and things like that. Their Isis news and videos page is updated just about every day too. Plus they don't use youtube to host the videos so they never get taken down. I've watched lots of Isis videos but I'm kinda surprised to see one stay up on YouTube this long. YouTube usually doesn't host Jihadist material for very long. This video will be taken down by YouTube if their past behavior is any indicator. Probably sometime in the next day or two.
Ehh I'll do it later
I got an idea, change the subtitles to a wrong recipe and then re-upload it. It would only work on the english speaking hajis, but you could probably get them mix anything (amonia and bleach?) since the bottles aren't labeled.
Can we talk about why this video is still up on Jewtube?
The english subtitles are fishy as fuck. It's almost like they want Americans to pass it around on social media. It's almost like this is some sort of anal lubing for another false flag.
We must all ask ourselves why a kike owned video sharing website goes out of it's way to shoah right leaning political videos still has this up after mass reporting. Something just isn't right here.
I'm calling bullshit.
Also, isis members are leaving because they think they are being controlled by (((them)))
Store it on mediafire if you need to, name it pancakes or something
subs > dubs
boy we've come a long way since trading Faces of Death vhs tapes in middle school
I kind of love how they use remote drones and remote deontators, it really is a RL videogame
Why would he be subbed in french when he speaks it?
You can watch the video here but for some reason heavy.com version of the video is only 7 minutes long. The video on youtube is half an hour. They must have edited it some. A lot of times they don't edit videos. I mean they don't care about gore and death being shown so don't know why they edited this one.
Isn't that so the government can monitor it. Same reason their twitter accounts stay active.
Why would it be subtitled in english at all?
I'm on a list now, aren't I?
They're not that smart.
Aren't we all.
Maybe for the American nigger muslims
you're already on one if you browse Holla Forums
I want ISIS to start making Rube (((Goldberg))) death machines
There are muslims not speaking french. Or arabic.
Thing is the video contains instructions of explosives. Agencies are fucking anal about that kind of thing. The killings and shit, meh, nothing new. But let the cooking section float around on tube for hours? it's really odd.
Can we mass report this shit? I already did, but I see no prospect of it being removed in the near future.
If you're not a list, you're either a bimbo or a Stallman-tier autist.
If I were to play devil's advocate, ao they can reach as many as possible, probably. France may have been the primary target, but there are plenty of mudshits that don't speak Arabic or French, but DO speak English.
Depends how long he's been crucified. That fucks with your bodily functions something fierce if you've been held up that way for a while. Plus he's likely dehydrated, malnourished, etc. Could be fake, I don't know, but you don't always get "spray". Heavy pulses, sometimes, but spray doesn't always happen even if the body is healthy, It all has to do with pressure, obviously. If the whole artery has been severed, it's similar to holding your thumb over a hose vs. letting it go.
Maybe nobody had the balls to report it with their own accounts.
they're drugged, obviously, so that they don't squirm and fight during cam time.
What? What does it loko like? Nose?
I liked the video and it's not letting me unlike it
Reported to the Bundespolizei.
I don't care. You should report stuff like that in every country. Germanfags, do it. Use my prewritten Text if you want to.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,ich weiß nicht, ob dies die richtige Anlaufstelle für dieses Anliegen ist. Darum bitte ich um Ihr Verständnis und Weiterleitung an die richtige Stelle.Auf der Website www.youtube.com ist ein Video aufgetaucht, welches Anleitungen zum Töten von Menschen und Herstellen von Bomben beinhaltet. Alles mit Beispielen durch Bild und Ton verdeutlicht. Es wurde nach 8 Stunden, trotz wiederholter Meldungen nicht von den Betreibern der Website gelöscht und ist für alle Besucher, selbst ohne Alterseinschränkung sichtbar.Der Link:youtube.com
I haven't watched the full video yet. The instructions of explosives must be why heavy.com edited the video down to only 7 minutes. To get rid of the explosive instructions part.
The products he shows, Original Plus Peach, Scissors Safety Matches, and the GP battery, are all Indian products. The cooking segment is probably in India.
It's just 6:47 in India, pajeet is just waking up to get to work.
They just probably outsourced their youtube mods.
Maybe it's a shitty explosive. The guy keeps going on about how it's really sensitive. Maybe they're hoping a bunch of people end up blowing themselves up.
Yeah, people have to report stuff. Do you realize just how much content goes onto Youtube each day? It's not like they have enough people to watch it, so they have to rely on copyright algorithms (ISIS is producing OC), and reports (which they also get so many of it can take ages for them to go down). This is why it takes them ages to get rid of ebil nazi content too. They have too many algorithms that are garbage, and not enough people.
It's also possible that the gubbermen want to keep it up of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's gone tomorrow, and we get some articles on it.
Good observation. Do you know whether these products are commonly used in the UK maybe?
Forgot to post the link:
Do it fgts.
Assault scissors are banned in the UK
Even the fucking whites of his eyes are brown. Absolutely subhuman.
No. Downloading full version for reupload. Good tips for DOTR.
the crazy russian hacker's videos look different nowadays
someone download the video and convert it to a webm
that'll be one big filesize.
There really is no way ISIS isn't funded by the CIA, I've seen those selectors in person and they are MADE IN THE USA and tightly controlled by the ATF. We really are funding these monsters, my god
You're a big Muslim.
Just in case you anons didn't know, the explosive he made is EXTREMELY unstable. I'd never fuck with it because it can go off for basically no reason.
This is true. I don't fuck with TATP either
so are the jews leaving the vid up on purpose?
At this point I can only conclude yes. It's been up for so long, been shared so widely, and been mass flagged I don't see by now how they can not know.
if you encounter a semite asking for directions you better discriminate against him so we can milk the goy countries for more shekels OY VEEEEY
If its still up in a few days then. Yes. Usually they are much quicker removing Jihadist material then this. Maybe their all off work for Thanksgiving weekend.
Weird that they would use those rather than get their hands on some factory-made autoglocks. How common are they over there? I know that the LAPD uses them.
Isis isn't funded by the CIA. They might have been several years ago, maybe, partially, but they haven't been in a long time. The U.S government has been at war with them ever since they invaded half of Iraq.
screw downloading it, just finished watching the whole thing.
All i can say is that europe really needs another fucking hitler and quick. Euros are royally screwed if you guys don't got full 14/88 soon.
Acetone peroxide can even detonate when swimming in water and cold.
I wonder many retards will blow themselves up with this shit.
full auto glocks and drop in selectors are rare birds, the selector am talking about can only be made be an experienced machinist with the correct blueprints.
No sandnigger can make that shit in his garage, they or their gun smuggler got that shit from the usa.
The atf has a noose ready for anyone who violates these laws in the states and it's notoriously tough to get anything full auto unless your ready to give up an arm and a leg and a couple thousand dollars.
This is some shit we probably handed to them for free, just like what Regan did in Afghanistan during the 80's with stinger missiles and m16s.
We are funding ISIS, it's a fact
It just makes no sense that they would have their hands on rare American-made drop-in selectors.
IIRC the pistol Saddam Hussein was captured with was a factory-auto Glock 18.
Its pretty well known now to even good goys that Saddam was a CIA asset.
Just use multiple webms.
Can't believe this shit is still up and has this many views, wouldn't be surprised if there's another terror attack on Christmas.
That's where you're wrong kiddo. Don't underestimate an enemy.
Reminds me of the anarchist's cookbook floating around the early days of the internet. No safety precautions and some of the shit it said to do was downright retarded. It had to have been disinfo from the feds to get amateurs to kill/maim themselves.
the black book and terrorist's handbook were pretty legit iirc
Sssh…let them fuck up.
Underrated post
I'm not saying ISIS is too dumb to manufacture or get their hands on automatic weapons, I'm saying ISIS is too smart to be relying on specific American-made hardware when they CAN manufacture or get their hands on automatic weapons - unless they're being supplied with them by Americans.
There's a good chance they're supplied by the big 3 (saudis, mossad cia).
We know from Hillary's emails that both the Saudis and the Qataris have been providing "clandestine financial and logistic support" to ISIS.
Nice double dubs.
I wonder what Trump will do to the traitors from within and the (((subversives))) who helps these faggots.
weird that they'd leave those instructions up for so long
Because those people are generally the same ethnicity as we are: white American. And once they get familiar with board culture they quickly realize criminal and terrorist acts aren't planned here.
yep, if anything most FBI agents would probably agree with us half of the time.
After all,
Holla Forums is always right
Meh, always be careful. They're cops, we're not.
for you
Still online
Nice numbers!
okay lmao
get a load of this guy
the three are essentially the same thing
Gee, I wonder who's behind this Jihad?
WEBM 1/3
WEBM 2/3
WEBM 3/3
Weren't all of the ISIS videos were distributed first by a an Israeli owned website?
darude sandstorm
Somebody should edit this video.
Edit it so that it's about liberals making whites a minority in Europe & America,and edit so that it's a caricature of a European/Europe being blowing up.
That's funny.
Videos that infringe copyright have been taken down faster than this video has.
I was seriously hoping the cooking section was going to be over kebab tbh.
Gee, I wonder…
mp4 for those who don't want to go on that forum and want to stay /comfy/ here
At this point, ISIS is training RWDS, they are giving away the rope by which they shall hang
I'm surprised this doesn't wind up teaching a nationalist in the West on how to bomb a mosque.
Eurocucks rather teach their kids how to build a mosque.
jesus H christ you madman you cant just say anything on the internet,
this…. god the future is grim.
This shit is why the spics need join the kikes in the ovens.
I'm kinda afraid to even watch it tbh fam. I kinda want too but then again I kinda don't.
Yep. That's what I thought. I still might. I've watched a lot of Isis videos but that one sounds really bad..
Exposing yourself to shit like this reminds you why these people have no place in our nations. That's not at all to say that white people aren't capable of equal or greater cruelty, but the fact that spics will do shit like this over drugs and money is what makes it so much more contemptible.
this is the kind of shit I would make in highschool
tri-acetone peroxide is a BABY explosive
very low effort pleb tier
They stab a detained captive to death and blow a Kurd in half with a bomb they plant in his backpack.
They are shitskins, do you really expect genuine competence from these creeps? The whole section about where to stab must have taken Ahmed a week to memorize
OK. I'll watch it…oh lordy…pls forgive me Jesus im pretty hardened but if its as bad as it sounds then holy shit, I'm cringing already
Not gonna lie, I keked pretty hard at the backpack.
I'm not talking about that video. I've watched a lot of Isis videos they don't phase me at all. I'm talking about this
You too huh?
I sent the link to a local tabloid here in the western most part of europe
We will not be accepting refugees if they show that video on their tv which is the most sensationalist tv you could ever imagine, real tabloid like
They might actually buy our memes
And we all know why it isn't being removed
Yep, exactly. I also heard the Poor Man's James Bond is good.
update: sent link to ALL national media
I've seen a lot of shit.
When I first saw that cartel video, I wept. This cruelty can not stand any longer. It is all coming to an end.
This is pretty clearly a green screen production in the outdoor scenes. Look at the stage light outlines of the headscarves, or the general misalignment of light sources
Fucking Narcos man.
Thread Theme.
Oh, well, it's proof that spics are competing with niggers for the title of "most undeserving of being recognized as human."
Welp, it's gone. But there are mirrors and it'll be back again.
I agree. I saw it a month ago and it made me angry that these people exist. We fight in the Middle East and Afghanistan but we want to let in hordes of illegal aliens from the country where that video was filmed. Its not just insane, its treason.
Daily reminder these are the people whom Hillary wants to give amnesty.
Honestly, It didn't phase me that much..I've changed over the past few years
I knew they would take it down. They always take down Jihadist material. I think they probably just have a lot of people off since its Thanksgiving weekend.
Anyways don't forget if you feel like following Isis occasionally this is the best source I know of.
Chances are he's drugged so that he is complacent and passive while they film, I doubt it would have been completed in a single take. That and his blood pressure might already be really low, either from drugging or the wrist cut.
A little known fact about IS (and other groups), the prisoners that they have will be mock executed over and over again, for days/weeks until they are actually executed.
This basically means that when they get grabbed and a knife is place on their throat, they don't scream out because they think that it's just the same as all other other times. By the time they realise it's different, they can't scream because their windpipe has been cut.
This basically means that when they get grabbed and a knife is place on their throat, they don't scream out because they think that it's just the same as all other other times. By the time they realise it's different, they can't scream because their windpipe has been cut.
Didn't actually know this, the videos make a lot more sense now.
Will some crazy fuck try this and see if it works?
Also tell us whether or not you get cavity searched by the FBI
fug I suck at redtext
I only found this out the other week while on a course. It eliminates the chances of people trying to fight back as well.
I think they don't let people know generally, because normies like having the idea in their head that they would have a chance.
More points if anyone is interested
the spics are actually worse than the sandniggers in this aspect, I've seen them on video murdering an entire family of women, children included
and that's on the clearweb
don't bother asking i'm not searching for it
People make bombs like this all the time, so it's known to work. This is due to it not using nitrogen which makes it difficult for bomb detectors to pick them up.
The problem with using acetone peroxide is that it accidentally goes off really easily, which has caused tons of bomb makers to kill themselves, hence why the guy in the video was constantly giving warnings.
That gives me a kind of inspiration on social engineering to make sure the world doesn't fall to the left anymore. I need more time to flesh out my ideas.
Thanks ISIL-chan?
I'm the opposite of ISIL-chan, I need to know what they do for my line of work.
You're welcome, though.
Thanks ISIS for the info.
I'll blow the cunt off some paki supermarket when shtf.
You work for the govment?
Shit, I always wanted to get into work like that. After years of Holla Forums raining down on my sense of normalcy, normal work just doesn't give me any drive anymore when you know fellow men are dying out there to even more absurd, out of place people that shouldn't exist. It doesn't help that I'm not a burger and I'm tied down by family so I can't just go and enlist as a foreigner
Why is everybody pretending this post is a joke?
Fuck off, leave Terry alone.
Cool. I used too. Thought about reentering it a year or two ago to kill more jihadists because I scored in the top 93 percent on the asvab and could have entered Milatary Intelligence and plus I could have entered the CIA at one point. Met some very top people who gave me their business cards But decided not too. Give em hell. they took one of my feet below the knee
No other country in the world has these full auto glocks other than America? They couldn't have gotten them Saudi Arabia?
That style of full auto conversion is 100% USA made.
Well looks like it's finally down at least.
Only took youtube a few hours and likely a couple calls from western anti terrorism organizations to do it.
Yep. YouTube has never been a home for Jihadists. Sometimes I wonder if YouTube should give them more of a platform just because it would enhance the right wing but its not really a bad thing that they delete it, cuz its bad stuff
literally this
nothing to see here goyim
Fucking lol'd
How come all the people they killed are non-whites? Where are they from?
It's been up for hours, over 50k people watched it and everyone including 8ch now has a copy saved up for various reasons.
Hopefully some retarded jihadists fuck up and blow only themselves up by accident but the bit with knife techniques and that distraction routine using a piece of paper puts some very dangerous thoughts in the minds of "peaceful refugees".
God I hope the Trump administration removes enough kebab that they stop being a problem for a century or two.
Gave me a good chuckle
That would be counter productive.
So many possibilities with this meme…..
It would arouse some suspicion if a dark-haired beardy muslim bloke was asking for it. Don't see many of them in hair and beauty classes.
Its trueeee. I've become way too much of an alcoholic to work for the CIA/ MILITARY intelligence since I lost my foot I regret nothing i'd probably be their best asset tbh fam, maybe I'll try to get in the CIA after Trump gets into office No way I would work for a nigger president
You really must be a fucking boozebag.
How'd you lose the foot? Was it during service?
ohh that's the one that can't be detected tho
You don't know what you are talking about. TATP might have a complicated and inconvenient handling, but it is up to 100% TNT equivalent. Non comparable to gunpowder….
worst one I've seen until now, mainly because how drawn out it is
This is hard to fucking belive, it's like a fucking parody.
It's even rubbing it's hands.
Sandnigger-tier unstable home explosives like this really are that easy to make but at the same time they're really, really dangerous because if abdul doesn't strap them down right and the truck hits a bump then you're all completely fucked - and that's assuming that it's dried properly, because in a dry climate this shit can get so sensitive that just stirring it at room temperature will set it off.
Just get a copy of TM 31-210 if you want to learn any number of ways to blow your hand off.
And it's wearing a kippah.
Kek has truly graced us.
Didn't think I'd see a man with his face cut off, and a man taking a horse did today, don't think it'll be the last time either
This is why Trump won.
Like some OC I made!?
This is actually pretty good. Did you make any more images like this?
Why didn't we spread videos like that during Trump's campaign?
kind of amazing, either the durabilty of the carotid artery, or the sheer bluntness of that damn box cutter, either way the where trying to kill him outright at the end & were failing miserably. Also amazing how hes still concious.Also that sonofabtich whistling to the tune at the end, 0% empathy much?
too hard of a redpill, normies would simply hope the hilldog would keep them safe if they mental gymnast enough
Jewtube, owned by Jewgle which is own by parent company Alphabet. It's not hard to understand when you know who created ISIS and who funds Jewgle the most. Protip: they are one and the same and have done everything to destroy the world ever since they were created by the US government at the end of WW2.
Why is this? Is it because of the Jewlywood-like quality of the Mossad videos that makes me subconsciously file it as fiction?
You consider spics to be more human than sandniggers.
Both are savages.
Slut racemixing elf is worse than isis.
am just here for the gore.
It made me blind with anger because I have had to deal with spics before. I don't know if anyone of them where in cartels like this but the very thought that these sub-humans breath among me makes me see red.
top kek, that shit is so unstable theyre gonna blow themselves up more than anything else
But if you are anti-islamic, they win.
I just hope that man was evil as fuck and deserved what he got.
Probably a cartel member or a snitch
Wait he says not to touch the stuff with metal or it may cause a reaction but he's packing it inside aluminum to make a detonator ?
He probably insulted someone's tattoos or faggoty tryhard gangsta poses. Spics are extremely insecure and will gut if you mock them
money talks, shit walks for youtube
I still can't stomach watching the knife part. The part where the guy explodes was kind of funny.
Reminds me of STALKER.
Well, they are shit soldiers but that CGI is fucking slick.
These guys really don't know how to edit, do they?
It's like they just got Sony Vegas a week ago.
Kurt saxon did a video series once on making his stuff from the books. Awesome, redpilled and still relevant!
Necrophilia is one of the most degenerate fetishes out there.
Gas yourself.
any autist could do these videos with a couple of go pro's and a video editing suite
Wouldn`t a cute like that disable the hand by cutting the ligaments? Bleeding is secondary in a cut like that.
Kinda looks like a dick and balls too!
this is cia/kgb level pavlovian mindfuckery.
Nah, He was from a rival gang. It's the way they send a message.
Holy fuck that's unbelievably twisted.
He looks very young, a teenager. He might have been a younger brother or son of someone involved with gangs. They do things like this to family members who have no involvement to torment their actual rival.
what is it about mexicans and they're near unrivaled sadisim?aztec blood?
fucking beaners. build the wall tall and proud.
What Liberty Prime should have been.
Im so fucking angry by that phrase that this must be a fucking psyop. Fuck you NWO, I hate these cunts, but your videos will not encourage me to violence. Fuck you shit stirring cunts do a real job you fucking despicable terrorist sponsoring fucks.
one can still dream
Sorry for the delay, I was sleeping. Only those two were made. More could be made in english and then translated my Mexcanons as these were.
At least one is available in the UK, but I'm not so sure about India anymore.
Doing a search it seems The Scissors Safety Matches are originally from Czechoslovakia, but where they're made now I'm not sure. It does appears they're now largely an Indian brand, but I can't find out if they're imported to the UK
GP Batteries, a Chinese brand, are definitely available in the UK, as well as India and other nations.
The Original Plus Peach drink is actually Original Chunks Peach. Original Plus Peach is available in India, being produced by Surfina Gulf Union Food Company (Saudi owned) in Punjab. Original Chunks Peach is produced by Gulf Union, the Saudi parent company of the above. I'm not sure if Chunks is available in India, but it doesn't look like it.
I'm now leaning toward Saudi Arabia or possibly the UK. Saudi Arabia makes the most sense considering the massive amount of terrorist funding they do.
Haha, no Mossad movie studios either.
The irony here is, the more polished they make their videos, the less of an affect they'll have. We've all be desensitized by Hollywood to polished gore. The shitty phone videos have more of an affect because, in spite of being worse in quality and slightly blurred, they feel more real. These videos, although just as real, feel like a Hollywood movie or a paid television production. Christ you see more gore on the Walking Dead, and they make the shit look so real that you watch ISIS videos and feel nothing.
Also who really thinks a bunch of sand niggers made these? Clearly third world Arabs aren't making these videos.
Also to date the worst thing I've seen on here was a tranny freak having their dick removed. Thankfully the video is mostly removed from my mind, but there's little bits I can see through a haze. Nasty as hell. Can't believe I clicked that shit. Never again…
Here's something infinitely more disturbing from a few threads ago.
Never look away from the horror.
That horror must take up root in you.
It must have a place.
For one day, you may have need of it.
Someday, you may put it to use.
Two dogs inside each man.
One of darkness, one light.
The dogs fight - and which one wins?
The one you feed.
But the fight… The struggle…. That is your strength. That is what it means to be Man.
Both dogs have their place.
And so both dogs must be fed.
Never look away.
Apt. Very apt. Now can you test that resolve?
Simply click here, and scroll downwards:
Meh, a lot of that is just sodomites RPing their degeneracy, low-level horror.
That's not to say I would oppose organized efforts to find and quietly dispose of such virulent 'creatures' as described therein, mind you.
… This, however, piqued my interest.
> youtube.com
I dunno what the fuck that is, but if its at all legitimate, that's some grade-A remember-it-before-bed-and-feel-a-cold-sweat-in-110-degree-weather shit right there, I tell you hwat.
This, also
falls squarely into the realm of horror which must be witnessed. Again, thanks to our friends from South of the border.
The Aztecs live on.
criminally underrated post. would laugh again.
Why is the video still up (if it is)?
Google must be purposely allowing it to remain hosted on their product.
I wonder for which reason, there are a few possibilities.
What is the Swedish event that is referred to in a intro of the video?
so why does the guy getting blown up have different clothes before and after?
there media feels made for =>75 iq.
ican just see that sand potato "alook bar"-ing right along and cooing at the boomy bits
Mark Perry: Mossad poses as CIA? National security reporting
>>>Holla Forums
Besides the trees species, and the building layout of that 'murder' scene, the mudshits didn´t expose their place like last time. Because all stuff from the lame kitchen can be from anywhere.
Any idea of the tree specie and zone?
reddit leave
nice one laddy
Any idea if yesterday's attack in Ohio could have been influenced by this vid?
you fucking boil the water off, faggot.. hydrogen peroxide boils at 300 degrees fahrenheit, water 212 how the fuck do you know how to make it but not concentrate your peroxide?
I didn't get the video but does anybody remember that guy named Kitchen who was making shit in his kitchen… He'd post pictures of foot high powder mountains drying on newspaper. filled a 55 gallon barrel and blew himself up on accident.