Complaining about the current state of animation? Well cut that gay shit out, pick up a pencil and learn to fucking animate. Let's make 2d animation great again faggots and hop to it!
Animate something now
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we can all make it
Is he okay?
he died you insensitive xenophobe
What program do you use, OP?
1st one is paper and pencil. The other two are Manga Studio. The gifs are made in since I'm too retarded to find an offline program I can make gifs in
He's got a bit of a chest pain.
GIMP does gifs. It uses seperate layers to be each frame. I think there are also scripts that can set the frame speed for the gif overall.
here a shit thing
another shit thing, but now in color
bad gif i gave up on
actually seeable now
that looks like plague of gripes
Have you tried krita?
Here's a boring wizard.
He's fun.
That's a Chick with a Groucho Marx joke glasses on.
it's a good disguise
You're little animations are always fun to watch. Any more lizard/Kobold stuff? And if not the gum is always good.
I made a retarded mistake, and I refuse to hastily rectify this because I'm a lazy fuck.
You aren't setting your exposures right do 3 on the beginning frame(can be longer) do a 2 for and inbetween with the beginning frame and the blur, do the blur on a one, do an inbetween after the blur and the settle on a 2, then do the settle on a 3.
Ease in and ease out but the middle of the action should be quick.
Alternatively, ease in with the above method, do the blur, but instead of easing out draw a frame after the blur that overshoots the action just a bit, then draw the settle pose to create a satisfying bounce.
Well what a coincidence, I just made this earlier today.
Noice, what program do you use to animate this stuff?
>enter cave
Krita. It's pretty swell.
This is neat! I need to get back into animation again.
are there any good tutorials on krita's animation tools?
Noice. I assume that's female and a sexual spot.
OP here, this is a really late question, but what are the benefits of krita over my overly autistic and probably inefficient method of exporting every frame one by one, and then putting them all in a gif maker?
enter the dragon
Noice, this one has better timing than the first one.
If the software you're using to draw has staple animation tools like timeline, onion skin, playback, frame rate controlā¦, the benefit probably doesn't go farther than the convenience of exporting as gif (or mp4, etc) directly. It's still a substantial gain of time, thought.
I don't know much about Manga Studio, but if they've just started adding animation support they should probably allow gif
Meanwhile, if you don't want to bake your gifs using an online tool you can always use imagemagick+gifsicle and coalesce your frame together.
Have you looked into the online manual? Whenever you need to know whether a feature exist or where to find it you can refer to it.
Allow gif export as well.
Cute, humorous, lewd, and weird.
Well done again
Manga studio has a animation tool, but it's locked at 24 drawable frames max. Manga Studio EX has an unlimited amount of frames that you can add.
It's kind of unintuitive if you don't add shortcuts though. I include "F7" to add a new frame, "F8" for a previous frame, and "F9" for a next frame.
For Krita, you can use the software to draw the frames and use SAI animation assistant to export the frames into a gif:
I have no idea. I haven't played the game it's from.
It's drawn as a female though. It has eyelashes, after all :^)
Heh, MS5 have no animation features. Well, timelines, playback, and frame rate control aren't all that important, right? I'll just manually onionskin and preview the same way I do with my shitty little pencil and paper animations until I have to compileā¦
Try updating here if you can.
But they feel so good.
As of right now, I regret updating and it's done nothing but postpone my work and give me complicated cluttery bullshit that I gotta figger out
Are you missing shortcuts? There's a work space option in the upper tabs.
Eh nothing's missing, it's just a buncha cluttered junk. Animation timelines, lightbox junk, new icon/name, etc. As stated, there's a hard limit of 24 frames, so it's pretty much useless to me unless I want a bunch of files for a single second of animation or something.
I'm just gonna revert back to the shitload of layers and exports.
that's some legit claymation user
Aw yiss, nice claymation. Pretty rare to see around here too.
frickin' sweet
notice that this was nearly away from the board, so dumping a new animation to bump
Is it weird that one of those box people looks feminine to me?
You're not really wrong, I unintentionally drew one as a grill.
EasyToon is really awesome to crank out toons, it unfortunately crashes way too easily though. I'm able to get a lot of frames in comparison to a program like CSP or Krita. I guess it's because it feels comfy.
It's so cool how recognizable these sketchy figures are as people, simply because they have the right proportions and movements. Nice work!
well done
well done
i scribbled a thing
Well done
Hey what's the best program for basic animation, the sketchy still learning kind? Currently I'm just doing layers on gimp and I feel there has to be a better way.
Try Pencil2D, it's like MSPaint with a timeline.
Pic related, made with an old version of Pencil2D.
little walk thing
I don't know why it turns blue. Pencil 2d is lacking and has its issues but I like it enough.
The layers method i feel, is better, because you get to use a tool that you've grown familiar with, and you can time every frame yourself using exact measurements if you're using certain programs
This rusty shit has some sloppy volume control, but a bump is a bump
Keep it up.
user you're fucking amazing
what would be the easiest way to convert a .mov file to a mp4? I've got some animatic and rough animation stuff that doesn't export well to gif.
Have you tried ffmpeg?
I have not, I'll give it a shot
Couldn't get command to come up with it, but I did find a shadey looking site that works.
Also, I wonder if doing animatics similar to something like this would catch anyone's interest or if they are to rough.
Come back weird lizard and gum user.
I'm pretty sure that's trout.
I suppose as a side question, are there any particularly good softwares for making animatics?
fucking around with camera stuff
You're not getting brownie points from Tumblr, and you know it.
Hey, man. I really dig your stuff.
You got a place where I can find some more of this guff?
But user, I never left.
how in the world did you get such a mastery over complex animation and effects like that?
Are there any good tutorials on animating action or fight scenes?
Whatever happened to your tumblr?
I don't know, but it's not that complex if you decompose everything into simpler forms you can control or practice the motion of individually. For instance, an arm can be decomposed into two cylinders or two blocks, and a pair of square tits can be decomposed into two cubes (pic related). Afterwards, it's easier to control the individual movements of the objects in space, and thus of the whole member. In pic related the motion is rather simple: just translations of the cubes back and forth. To control the movements I try to apply the principles of animation (
Nothing, unless you meant what happened some months ago.
Nuked (and then remade) because I was tired of posting there for various reasons, including but not limited to the amount of time spent back there and the perceived incompatibility/difficulty of managing a fixed identity and posting art anonymously here.
Awesome, thanks for the advice and link. I'm going to put it into practice tomorrow
Where's your remade one?
Animation practice using audio clips? That looks pretty fun to do.
but yeah, it helps get a mental image so you don't really have to take to much time coming up with something to draw.
Also, what's the preferable resolution for animation? Drawing at 1080p is messing with me a bit. Probably wouldn't be an issue in other programs.
Animatics work well enough to convey motion, I think, and serve also as keyframe practice.
As for the resolution, it probably depends on what you're making or where you're posting it. On YouTube I'd probably expect HD animations, especially in movie format but on imageboards small gifs might be more commonly seen. Maybe with webms this trend could change, though. I'll be honest, I haven't really thought about it because my toaster can't handle animation playback with a canvas that's bigger than 1000x1000.
Gotcha, guess I'll stick with trying to get my lines looking good at 1080p then. My goal is to make a few semi-colored animatics then maybe moving up from there.
I can't think of anything, give me a subject
this synfig this seems kind of neat
Birthing hips.
Krita is less annoying than most open source software when it comes to actually working in it.
I was pleasantly surprised the UI wasn't a nightmare like Gimp and the keyboard shortcuts were more or less reasonable.
Crashed on me once, but autosave caught 90% of unsaved stuff.
7/10 better than Adobe shit.
What a cute witch. The hat bob is a pretty good detail, it gives it a nice weight. But yeah, krita's interface is rather good. You can change it extensively to suit your tastes and manage your workspaces (one for animation, another for painting etc).
Gonna have to switch to Krita soon, just wish it had a better fill tool.
I can give some tips. Here's some rough stuff. I'm theorizing that strikes are ease out to ease in. Like, they're timed like this:
| | | | ||||
And grapples are timed in this way:
||||| | | | | | | | |
Adobe products are bloated and don't often crash on my toaster, but if there's one thing I miss after switching from flash to krita it's the AS scripting to add simple interactivity to animations.
I meant often crash. I can't count the number of animations it has corrupted, too.
I'm beginning to think it's more about hinting the punch happened than actually showing it. Also, I like the way you explained it spacing apart the "l".
that's pretty intuitive.
yeh, I've downgraded to CS6 from Animate and I'm not dealing with the crashes as much, but there's some interesting animation tools in Blender that have piqued my interest at the moment. I've been watching people use it for traditional animation and I'm pleasantly surprised with the result. It seems about the worst thing the program can be used for is normal 3d animation.
Oh man, pen and paper animation.
Do you use a light table or something?
Also, that character looking is rather nice. It could be a lot of things but I don't know why, it evokes a cute ant to me.
The previous p&p crap I've done in here (such as the AlienCutter in OP) weren't made using this setup though