If Clinton won

The Democrats would had made sure that a republican would never be in the WH again.

How can we do the same for the Democraps?

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Increase the white electoral percentage by any means necessary.

After listening to Trump and Bannon talk after the election, I'd say getting them the fuck out of the White House would be very, very high on the priority list. Is what it is at this point, though. They are bound and determined to cobble together a mud race coalition.

Well deporting 30,000,000 illegals is a start. Each of them would have on average 3-5 kids and you dont need to know the math to see where that would go.
Whites will vote Republican after they see how good life is under TRUMP for the most part
Mexicans vote republican after a few generations in the states
Black are a groupthink people so you would have to change their entire culture to become hardworking productive people
Asians are an enigma. Asian men tend to be pretty based on my experiance and asian woman are good if they are first gen american but after that they seem to be mostly whores and libshits

See what I mean?

1.deporting illegals
2.protecting electoral college
3.propaganda , propaganda , propaganda
4.subsidizing white babies
5.subsidizing non-white abortion

If Trump wins and does what he says he will then all Americans will be much wealthier. This insures a Republican house and president for a very long time. If Trump gets rid of the bankers and corrupt politicians then the DNC as we know it will be destroyed.

It took Hitler a year to go from great depression to every German being very wealthy. This rallied a lot of Europe behind him. The same thing will happen with Trump and all of western civilization.

It's not really clear how many illegals vote, or how many illegals are posing as other people to vote, I should say. Or however they are calculating it. Supposedly it's been claimed 3 million voted in 2016, but I have no way of verifying that just like I have no way of verifying who is bombing who and for what reason in Syria. It's all about taking x or y's word for it.

Even with the 3 million assumed, that's a tighter spread than you'd want and unless those illegals being deported include a complete undoing of the entire anchor baby chain from every Mexican, Chinaman, and Indian, Korean, etc. who have pulled the scam, then it won't amount to anything. Or at least not in time.

Some of you don't seem to understand how bad the demographics really are, which is especially glaring in light of your total commitment to the democratic process.

This is an exceedingly dangerous proposition with how non-White the nation is. Wealth and status increase the invasion, they increase the influence of non-Whites. It's staring you right in the face with Europe where the moment Muslims get oil money, the gears of invasion started right back up again.

You will have to work to become wealthier.


Where are all of these non-Whites who don't work? You go to warehouses, restaurants, government offices, hotels, construction, on and on, and it's fucking brimful of non-Whites. You go to Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the tech complexes around Princeton and Rutgers, it's absolutely overloaded with Asians and Indians.

So you are saying that once Indians and Asians get more money they will start a civil war vs white people?

I dont understand your logic.

It's not about making sure a republican will ever win. It's about making sure no outsides ever wins

They will disenfranchise us further, like they already do. They will bend the foreign policy of this nation to the benefit of themselves, like they already do.

For every working non-white, there are 10 more living in their apartment.

A wall, a few good men, some rifles, and a whole lot of bullets.

That just sounds like something you're pulling out of your ass for morale reasons rather than looking at the fucking country we find ourselves living in.

Believing this kind of bullshit unequivocally is why we are in the situation we are in.

1. Deport tacos
2. Build wall
3. Force identification when voting
4. Remove indoctrination.

After this, nobody will ever believe a single thing from the MSM and globalism will be declared an the utter failiure that it is.

The democrats will still have the "muh feels" and "muh vagina" arguments, but everyone will just laught at them.

How the fuck is being overrun by the mudraces supposed to be good for morale? Do you even think before you type?

The Democrats lost Texas by only 800k votes. Don't be so sure they're ones who are going to be laughed at.

It's the Hispanic demographic that you should be concerned about. They're social conservatives for everything except for illegal immigration.

I won't be surprised if the press pushes for a "Trump is separating families" meme if he enacts his immigration and welfare removal plan. Even if he's only targeting rapists/terrorists and reducing taxes for every income bracket, the press won't cite that. Instead, they will claim that Trump is reducing taxes for the upper class. Which is true, but it gives normies the impression that he's only reducing taxes for the upper class when he's actually doing it for everyone while removing the exploitable tax loopholes.

As a result, it could cause a potential fracture within the conservative party as it makes normies question the party's stance on protecting the family unit.

What you guys can possibly do to counter their narrative is to constantly push the "reduced taxes for every income bracket" and "only targeting criminals from specific areas" meme. They have another trick up their sleeves, but I have no doubt in my mind that they will go for immigration first and foremost.

1. Deport all 30-40 million illegal spics/ build wall.
2. Mandatory voter ID + voting test at federal level.
3. Mandatory paper ballots at federal level.
4. Five year federal prison sentence for each count of voter fraud (5 years per ballot tampered)
5. Electoral college votes tallied automatically, not at the whim of individual electors.


Or just repeal women's suffrage.

The illegals aren't enough. The overwhelming majority of them aren't voting, even if we accept the narrative coming out of the 2016 election that roughly 3 million illegals voted.

Texas was won by only 800k votes and that state has voter ID laws. Have you taken the slightest gander at youth demographics in Texas?

Anyone who was ever granted citizenship from being an anchor baby needs the citizenship revoked and any children those aforementioned anchor babies may have had need to have their citizenship revoked.


order a federal mandate for each state to nullify each voter registration and then force them to re-register each voter once they show their federal voter ID that you can only get once you show proof of citizenship.

A bit /x/-tier, but you could also calicfy their pineal glands. All the psychic abilities (astral projection, mind reading, etc) people have any shred of proof for seems to be based on the pineal gland - which is a gland in the brain tied to the visual cortex, complete with rods and cones, filled with a tribolumenescent liquid (sensitive to mechanical vibrations.) Fluoride in the drinking water has this effect but only on white people (and to a moderate degree on asians, heavily on east asians.)
While psychic links between individuals likely serve a very valuable purpose in animals (that feeling of knowing when someone is watching you, the way great scientists tend to invent the same thing at the same time regardless of their place on Earth - essentially a built in group education system) it does more harm than good in a civilization of intellectual creatures like Humans. It either needs to be taken out of the picture (via something like calcification) or enhanced so it is no longer working purely subconsciously to change the behavior of individuals toward a common mean.

which will never happen, the reason being where would they go? mexico? that's laughable, mexico will refuse and before you say DURR WE'LL JUST SHOOT THEM, the moment you do you've basically started a civil war which WILL fracture the US.

After that it's anyone's guess but you risk losing the southwest and california.

The IDs should be shown at the time of voting or you'd still end up with people taking over identities of dead people.

Trump would need to do the cool things like ending wars regulating wall street and legalizing drugs.

Do a good job while you're in office. For the last 8 years, the Democrats have given up a net of about 1900 elected seats in this country because they have been consistently fucking up at every single thing. As long as the Republicans can
1. Stop illegal immigration and deport all criminal aliens
2. Abandon climate change alarmism and focus on generating good jobs.
3. Unfuck Obamacare.
4. Abolish gun control efforts.
5. Repair infrastructure.
6. Rebuild inner cities.

Frankly, if Republicans can succeed on any one of those points it will carry them to 2024. If they get half it'll take them to 2032. If they can do all six, it will carry them to 3016.

You do realize that republicans had control of congress during the Obama administration and regularly serviced his cock right?

Fucking newfags

If it doesn't happen, that's basically it and this entire thread is pointless. You'll get 1-3 terms in power, assuming nothing major happens on the electoral map, and then it will be total non-White communism for there forward. There simply will not be enough White people alive and of voting age to make a difference.


You're forgetting that Trump wants European immigration and as the EU resorts to desperation tactics, we will probably get lots of it

I'm not forgetting at all. It's not enough. No matter how many times we keep going over this in thread after thread, some of you refuse to understand what the actual demographics are. It's also somewhat tough to imagine masses of Europeans on the levels we would need when they already often live in countries exponentially Whiter than the US. It says a lot about the mindset of the posters here as well that they'd sooner sacrifice the whole of Europe to Muslims than actually buck the fuck up and risk an internal war to clean the US up.

1. Deport all illegals and generally foster an anti-immigrant attitude. Deportations alone removes 20M+ nonwhites, and it's plausible that many more who are legally here will leave with their deported family and friends. This will cripple leftists attempt at demographic conversion of the country.

2. Push BLM agenda and turn blacks into nationalists. This one may seem counterintuitive at first, but blacks tend to think as a group and thus can effectively be mass converted to our side if enough of them get on board. Having been here just as long as we have, they're susceptible to nativist ideas and already embrace "black pride." By pushing the idea that Democrats have betrayed their loyalty and are effectively attempting to erase their blackness by assimilating them into their proposed melting pot, they can be persuaded to join us as reluctant allies in the fight against Mexican invasion. In the long run, a nationalist black population would eventually push for secession and/or self-removal to Liberia, which would be even better.

If only we could get separate congressional districts in Illinois, Virginia, Washington, Oregon, New York, and even Delaware..

I know what they are, I just have some faith. Trump isn't stupid and has indicated multiple times, albeit subtly, that he is aware of the problem. Therefore I am expecting a multitude of subtly applied solutions until we're in a position to ruffle feathers without provoking a costly war that the banking kikes would take full advantage of.

By doing the opposite of what they wanted to do. Democrats are getting a huge number of votes from brown people and plan to subsidize their growth as a population through mass, unchecked immigration, diversity quotas, preferential treatment by employers, and benefits. Doing the same thing but for whites instead and removing illegal immigrants (as well as cutting off their ability to immigrate and vote) would be a massive blow to those commies.
Also gerrymandering California to make the biggest (by fucking miles) on the electoral college being permablue would kill them forever.

thetr uthaboutguns.com/2016/05/dean-weingarten/maj-toure-black-people-with-guns-matter/amp/

I bet you think link related is a good idea too?


Deport all illegals, you fucking dipshit.

They don't. The trend goes in the opposite direction, this is the case for every race except white. The only reason Trump is getting more hispanics than Romney is that some of them are white and many don't want the Us to become Mexico 2.0.

Can't be done, they understand that they are receiving money from whitey. They want this situation.

Literally the only thing you got right.

Go outside, learn the basics of Newtonian mechanics, organic chemistry and some basic biology. You're an insane person

There's no reason to expect blacks to be pro-white and frankly even them being anti-white only accelerates a possible race war. I do consider anything pushing the idea that blacks and whites cannot successfully integrate under a single country to be a good thing, including black nationalist factions.

So in this thread we have people talking down to Indians and Asians who are demographics that aren't as fucking retarded and a much higher percent voted Trump then the other races. On the other hand we have people here saying they want white Europeans brought in even though they are the must cucked subverted braindead retards on the planet that will have a much higher chance of voting for someone like Hillary.


A good scientist doesn't discount something because "le occult." What I said about the demographic variations in calcification of pineal glands as well as the biomechanical aspects of the pineal gland were 100% accurate. It also just so happens that if people have that part of their brain lobotomized they lose the ability to believe in God.

Retroactive revocation of "birthright citizenship" since it was never legal.

That's a fantastic argument for keeping them the fuck out. Already they control huge swaths of Silicon Valley and the tech corporations there, corporations which censor Americans, spy on Americans, outsource American jobs, import foreign labor. Non-White run businesses are a huge, huge, huge factor in the demand of co-racialist worker imports.
Absolutely false, Ming/Pradeep.

Get the fuck off our board.
