Have you fags heard of this? Any ORanon out there wanna go check it out and report back?
Have you fags heard of this? Any ORanon out there wanna go check it out and report back?
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I like it.
wish i had enough money to make an overnight trip
how much could it cost? do it user! if you get good pics we can set up a bitshekel donation fund!
Strange review.
pretty swank tbh, I'm jealous of their setup
Pretty fitting.
what are you sliding shlomo?
I remember reading about this on /x/ on 4chon years ago (I think it was that long ago), was pretty spooky when people were digging up all the stuff on it
wew lad
Amerilards are so cringy with their occult larping. It was Buffy the vampire slayer tier and it was on USA.
the TV network? which show?
Feels bad man. Pacific Northwest always has cool spooky stuff going on.
You mean (((Amerilards))).
There's a reason Gravity Falls takes place in Oregon.
Yeah. It's related to the Temple of Set down over in San Francisco. Think of it as more of the White Rabbit stuff with a fancier coat of paint. More mystery religions using Egyptian mythos, all the while performing the profane acts that one would expect. Apparently it's to be considered something similar to the Bohemian Grove.
I'm like an hour away. Worth checking out, or is it more BS? There's a facebook page for the temple with tons of pics of normies there.
Mystery religious using Egyptian mythos are babby tier.
Well, it's an aesthetic. What actually goes on in there should be clear considering it poisoned Portland, Oregon like the Temple of Set poisoned San Francisco. It curses the populace and how they see the world.
Probably bullshit if public.
Once I accidentally ran into a pack of wooden dicks more than twice my height (pic related), I freaked out, but it turned out these were just some pagan novelty.
Wow I guess the Northwest Front isn't kidding around. They always seemed to me like a honeypot for feds.
Do not blaspheme Kek.
Kek preceded the Egyptians.
Not to mention the seedling of a white ethnostate.
By your logic, any natsoc in the state of NY personally owns the stock exchange.
Jonestown tier
They really could have done a better job with that cement
Not seeing a resemblance.
I've been there nothing noteworthy aside from some nice ascetics and boring atmosphere. They have hosted private whine parties and feasts on occasion, but its simply the boring "we are rich and need to feel special" parties.
The location of the wooded location etc add the mystery to an otherwise hip attempt at attempting to build an occult site.
contemplate on the gateway for the secret to life
what part of OR?
It's probably some old guy's property that likes weird stuff. You could get shot for going in there.
Between Damascus and Boring.
PNW still has traces of the Old Magic, despite Portland and Seattle being pozzed af.
Archived: archive.is
You fucking newfags. This was already combed through about one or two years ago. FFS the link is from 2015.
Very interesting but if I remember currently:
>pic related
You guys are all faggots. Sure, this is fun stuff to look up but this thread is proof that the Holla Forums I know and love is officially fucking dead. Newfaggots, every single one of you
Gore doesn't actually shock or offend anyone, fam. It just proves your lack of social skills.
NWF is dead to me. I sent those faggots a small donation since I listen to the podcast. Weird Harold repays me by doxxing me and sending his bullshit to my parents home. That rustles me. HAC punctuated his magnum opus podcast a few days ago by talking about past lives and woo-woo silliness. Double rustled.
SPLC interviewed HACs brother. Worth reading for the insight into his character. Wish I had done that before sending that idiot a dime.
Yeah, it was some digging shared between Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /x/ back shortly after the first exodus, when the domain was still Holla Forums.net and the board catalogs hadn't been wiped clean from that DDOS sourced in the mid-Pacific. We've gotten a lot of newfags over the past couple of years, but as far as I'm concerned it's still Holla Forums.
If anything, the Podesta dig is proof of that.
Kek isn't a mystery school. GTFO fringe we dont want you here. We can't always school you