No mercy this time
other OP was shit
No mercy this time
other OP was shit
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How fucking mad would republicans be if Clinton manages to cheat her way into the WH?
Civil war.
Not very mad, considering the number of nevertrump niggers in the GOPtsea.
Unless you mean the voters, by which I would reply: Mad enough to start a war of tea with public executions.
Should be civil war but if the shills that keep harping about how she conceded and making other excuses are actual Holla Forums/lacks and not mere shills, then you can imagine the number being smaller than usual since those fucks will sit at home and keep making excuses.
probably won't happen. I think this is part of a broader effort to disrupt Trump's momentum until midterms, and then the next Presidential election.
I'm ready either way
Are you forgetting they denounced Trump at every turn? They fought him just as much as Clinton did. They probably want this to happen.
It's likely that Corey is going to get the top RNC spot so if anyone goes against Trump they can waive goodbye to the RNC database and funds.
Kek will smite her
I look forward to all the excuses that idiots will trot out this time to try and lull people into inaction.
Also, we should be getting some of our own down there to make sure they aren't pulling shit. I know some of us are also election officials. We need to get Roger Stone and his Stop the Steal organization. We need to spread this on twitter. We need to even get Alex Jones if only for the fact that it will put more eyes on this thing and hurt the fake news bullshit the MSM has been trying to push. We need to get the word out.
It's like they want 1776 to commence again.
Unless they toss out thousands of votes it won't happen.
Recounting makes a difference when the margin is dozens or a few hundred votes, not thousands. This is the bargaining stage before acceptance.
She needs the final dose of mercy
How about a recount in New Hampshire?
Clinton 348,521 WINNER
Trump 345,789
That crazy butch.
I'm going to masturbate to scat porn.
Just when you thought this year couldn't get anymore exciting. I mean, this could legit change Trump's mind on the whole "special prosecutor" thing. He accepted her concession and said, "Well, ok, maybe I'll let it slide."
Then she pulls this crap and BAM, special prosecutor is back on.
Trump should push for this.
True. this is outright betrayal, the one thing he cannot stand. Then again, I think Trump was biding his time so Obama does not pardon her.
who's our Trunks in this scenario?
Possible, but I like to think Trump was being magnanimous in victory.
lol ffs what would this year be without a (((recount)))
personally, i'm looking forward to the continuation of the drama
if it's a shallow grave she wants, a shallow grave she will get
Put her in the crematorium and never look back.
Is anybody watching Jill Stein and the 7 million she raised for the recount?
>inb4 hillary wins electoral college
(((they))) wouldn't be the ones taking to the streets by the millions.
This is quite worrying… I wouldn't put it past them to not only reverse the election, but also accuse Russia of hacking and push towards WW3.
((They've)) been stuffing boxes non-stop with "absentee" ballots since the gap ((they)) had to make up was apparent. There's a reason ((they)) waited to do this - they have all the "votes" they need now fabricated and ready to go.
I hope she runs off with it. I would like to think that the only reason why Hillary is involved is to make sure Stein does not run off with the money since her and Soros probably funded Stein's recount, but Soros has people in Stein's campaign so I don't understand the purpose from that angle. I would also like to think this is Hillary preventing Stein from stealing her spotlight since she now doesn't have to put any money up that still has holes as far as a theory goes.
No more playing around, it's time to unleash our ultimate power on that bitch.
Oy vey! Don't question things that benefit us goy
if they steal it from trump, america will become the biggest banana republic ever
This. I'm sure a metric shitload of votes have been (((changed))) as well. I knew there was a reason the media kept fücking shilling so hard against Trump even though the election was over.
What's the plan here? Fuck with the recounters?
It's the good old "If I can't have America, No one will!" followed by a scorched earth policy.
It's amazing to watch Soros hedge his bets on both sides. Stein raises millions of dollars for Soros, he wins. Clinton manages to steal the WH, he still wins.
I guess at this point we can only hope Trump has had some kind of backup plan in case this happened. If there's a recount I imagine he'll want his lawyers watching as well.
This could start some shit. But.. Fox reported on this early this week. Saying they are using the Green party candidate (That they fucked in the ass) to run as a proxy.
If so.. nothing will come of it. Besides, the idea that she could take over the country as Trump already has all the metaphorical keys is hilarious.
Trump won't back down, but Soro's is pushing cucks and niggers to protest all the time.
Hope you've got enough bullets anons.
You cannot discover fraudulent votes because its a secret ballot. There are no safegaurds in our archaic voting system to prevent rampant abuses. The only justice here is that, on some strange chance that she wins the recounts, the American people will be so angry at the corruption that "bad" things will start to happen to the people who deserve it most.
I don't want bad things to happen to anybody, and of course I'm a very peaceful person, but obviously the "elite" have seriously misjudged the potential reaction should they get Hillary elected. Does the average Democrat voter really want Hillary elected at this point? You will probably see Democrat voters get redpilled en'masse by the temerity of it all. They will not protect their officials from the "whitelash" because they will know that it was deserved. It really is the worst-case scenario for the left in this country short of full-blown civil war. They can regroup in a few years and even in 50 years. If they stake everything on this corrupt hag and lose now, they will lose for the next 200 years. The infamy of their corruption will resonate thru our society for generations, and the people will be on gaurd for a long, long time to come to keep it at bay.
I'm hoping he gets declared a terrorist. He has done enough that such a distinction would be appropriate. He's comic book tier villain now.
Remember. The lugenpresse first.
Soros is probably in control of the terrorist list.
The main reason I think this recount will fail for them is that the DNC is so fucked up right now. This doesn't seem like one of their calculated moves it seems like a cornered animal lashing out. Obviously a cornered animal is most dangerous but half the DNC wants to run a transgender illegal immigrant in 2020 and the other half are fueling their jets to go to Qatar.
As long as Trump and his circle of actual loyal followers run interference on this we should her get BTFO a second time.
It's an attack on states on states won by Trump and therefore on Trump himself, not an attack on say, California.
They have got to be fucking kidding.
It is our duty to the constitution to reject the tyrannical with deadly force.
execute all local dem officials if she steals it
I saw this coming. I pray to Kek that nothing will come of this.
Until Trump gets into office. I'd want Soros' head hoisted on the white house gate if I were him.
you overestimate people , the individual may be strong but 'people' ,as in a mob ,are weak minded especially in today's society were instant gratification is just around the corner and a very short memory span and easy escapism options are a panacea to their ever accumulating problems. That's what they were betting on every election , that's what they were betting on before this election that's what they are betting on now
Wew. So she not only wants shekels but wants to save face since Trump supporters have been fucking her in the ass on twitter and she realized her reputation is taking a serious hit from both sides.
Hillary will steal the election. Neocons in the GOP will let it happen. 50 years of democrat rule incoming.
People won't do shit to stop it.
Your digits betray you.
Fucking wew.
Fucking jews.
I think there won't be a civil war if she gets in.
The majority of people will just accept it and go on with their lifes.
Prove me wrong tho.
No recount can get her in.
One of the states they want to recount has already been counted twice.
Their best attempt at cheating her in will end in the Supremes ending the counting an declaring for Trump, just to head off the civil war.
I've got a bayonet should that be a concern. Save the last bullet for the enemy lad, your final pain and suffering should you be overpowered and tortured is the price of glory. Be of good cheer and rejoice! This is what our hearts desire, don't you feel it? A heightened sense of things, the trembling from adrenaline, the horn's resound and let slip the dogs of war! Oh be still my beating heart, that longs for action! There exists in my blood a stirring for conflict but let it be a fleeting feeling, for peace is best if we can have it. Widows, orphans, let us not forget their welfare lest we be to enamored with our ancestor's calling out to us, "Take the Spear…"
Time enough for conflict, I do not welcome it. "Its good that war is so terrible, lest we love it too much" - Patton
So do yours. Where is your god now?
There aren't. If there were, whites wouldn't be taking it in the ass like they have for the past 8 years.
The lion will die in his sleep.
What we need is overwhelming smugness. Remind CTR, liberals, and all desperate progressives that they lost, even with all their efforts to appeal to the most worthless demographics possible. We need people urging Trump or those close to Trump to make derisive statements about the whole idea, go on whatever normalfag social sites you can and encourage more right-winged folks to physically volunteer to watch the recounts.
What's needed more than anything right now is confidence. Meme the denial and lunacy involved in this recount, meme it into the ground.
That's a good question considering how many had to work their way to the acceptance stage and actually began liking Donald before Hillary came along stole all that mental energy they spent getting there.
Your digits betray you. Complacency is not the will of Kek, if they steal the election.
This is true.
At this point, if I were Trump, I'd be completely prepared to reverse my original decision & throw the book at Hildabeast.
I'd demand my FBI and Justice department investigate her to the last detail, and I'd have loyal team members auditing their every move, every day, just to insure they weren't trying to clean anything up for her.
This might be the worst possible move she could have ever made.
The margins aren't beatable. "Yeah but (((they're))) so devious they can pull off all sorts of things so we should be careful." Not really, any mechanisms that could swing it now, could have already swung it to start with much more easily. It's a scam. There's no assurance that it will even be used for recounts. The goal monkey has gone up. kek The take-away here is not
Fuck, if my shopfu was any good i'd meme the fuck out of it.
But eh, she's a dead old irrelevant whore now, so why even bother?
what does the scouter say about her deleted email level?!?
so you're saying you won't do shit either? we all have to cause as much chaos as possible if she steals it. why go quietly into the camps or to our deaths. fuck that user.. fuck that.
goal money* kek
They won't challenge Florida. Wonder why!
I'm not a US citizen.
Pointing out a lack of blessing does not require a blessing for confirmation. In short, doesn't count.
If they were going to steal it, I would have expected them to do it on Nov. 8th. I think this is probably a money scheme, ala Bernie. There is still risk, though, it shouldn't be ignored.
You and I and a few others will do things because we are the vangaurd. The mob is a female. Pay it no mind.
If by some Molochian miracle Hillary oozes her way into office,
we are all dead men. Do you think she's going to forgive and forget the frog that caught in her throat?
It's only a matter of how and when, not if
There are but instead of indicating where, you'll see if she pulls bullshit. That said, you have to be fucking stupid to think there aren't suicidal people who wanted to go out in a blaze of glory holding off of that thanks to Trump winning.
Checked. Kek has willed that we must not fight. She must not win.
Typo: We must fight. She must not win.
Kek's favor lies here
this one needs more work
Do you think Lucifer told her that after a spirit cooking session, reassuring her of Hillshill's victory, laughing at the dumb old cooze all the while, getting ready to feast on her soul.
Clinton will lose the recount and liberals will hold onto their butthurt for years just like did with Gore.
Hopefully some super butthurt lefty that donated $1000 or something kills Jill Stein for stealing their money.
Just like the debates.
Buckle the fuck up.
Kek. Even typos can be divinely inspired for the greater good.
dub dubs?
..followed by quads?
KeK Wills It!
Well either way it's a money scheme given that there the fund-raising goal was changed combined with no assurance that it would actually be used for a recount. The only question is: is this a real play to change the results? There's a 100,000 vote gap in 3 states so I'm going to seriously bet on "no." It's more like a pestering sort of move to slow down the Trump agenda. I won't tell any liberals about that though. My policy will to tell them that I am afraid and any minute Hillary is going to come through with a victory. I just… I have to keep crushing their spirits over and over again you know?
This. Silver lining is even though this is a weapons grade happening if this recount fails it'll be election night all over again but even better.
Please don't ever become one.
Got it, Kek
Checking for (you)
I understand why he didn't want to pursue Cunton or hasn't laid plans for it yet - it can look pretty tyrannical to destroy your political opponent straight after you've defeated them. He's trying to prove to the people that what the MSM has been writing about him is bullshit.
On the other hand, he can't let her get off easy. It looks bad considering the level of corruption in the Clinton Foundation and the fact that people have been punished severely for crimes far less than what Clinton had done.
Personally, I'd make sure the DOJ prosecuted her. The people want it, they're sick of seeing a special set of rules for the elites. I hope this is the final push needed to lock her up.
With all this fake news going around how can we even be sure that Hillary is a real person :^)))))))))))))
>if this recount fails?
you mean
>when this recount fails
followed by
Like history, inscribed with lightning.
Also, what's really going to bake your noodle, if I hadn't said anything, would you still have to check these dubs.
Hillary is now fucked. Any leniency by Trump will now become hostility. Prepare for justice department investigations. When treason and scandal is found, prepare for public execution
Overwhelming smugness is the name of the game.
The fun thing is you lefties think this will demoralize us. The truth is that it's just another lefty hope to crush. Also you will now sing "Trump's supreme court picks are lifetime appointments" to the tune of the original My Little Ponies theme song every time you brush your teeth (starting today. )
sounds more like one of Valefor's tricks.
This is either pure desperation or Jill fleecing butthurt liberals for everything they have. Michigan has already been recounted once and Trump won Pennsylvania by too large a margin for a recount to be possible. Hillary would also have to turn over all three in order to win, which is simply not ever going to happen. Florida in 2000 was fair game for a recount because it was won by less than 500 votes (or so I hear) and it alone could decide the election if it flipped. This is just bullshit.
I bet they've been plotting this shit for the last 18 days. They waited for everything to be in place before going in with the big guns.
If they allow Trump to still be the winner after the recount, I'll be amazed.
[smugness intensifies]
I'm seriously hoping for this or even better, Trump getting even more votes.
Friendly reminder Al Gore was a canon Assassin in Ass creed
top tier post
Voting integrity efforts is pretty vague. It's pretty clear she's got way more than she needs already and hasn't stopped collecting. There's nothing stopping an user from using the same sort of language for their own donation site and buying a bunch of fashy uniforms and video equipment to start a right wing vote monitoring squad.
She already tried to steal it, they just didn't realize how many people were for Trump and didn't compensate enough. It's like they started to believe their own fantasy about the polls they rigged. Regardless, they know hard numbers now and how much they need to put her over the top. If anyone thinks that they are not going to rig this, is also believing in fantasy and needs to remove their heads from the sand.
I wonder what they will do with Trump? They already tried to make a villain similar to him in the new Watchdogs game. Asscreed will make him god of the templars and the embodiment of evil.
disagree. I think it would be encouraging for them. we'd hear shit like;
Wew lad. The funny part is, there is probably more to what Trump is doing than merely calling her out. I feel 88D chess at work but I don't know what.
he's not an assassin he was just supported by the assassins while bush was supported by the templars
trap sprung faggot.
Criminally underchecked trips.
so Trump wins, Right wing people are validated and we see a lot of good changes economy up, countries are starting to respect us again despite Trump not even being in the oval office yet…….
Then some bolshevik scum dies in cuba now jews push for a recount after that crone Hillary abdicated the day after. If you abdicate does that not barr you from demanding a recount?
Seems like jews are trying to pull a win for leftism out of their ass since its collapsing all around them. The time of the jews and their leftist poison is over.
I don't even think Jill will be able to trigger recounts without Hillary or The Don requesting it, so she's just fishing for some extra shekels in the post election madness.
As far as I know concessions are only formal, but I am genuinely infuriated that Hillary would have the gall to support the recount after shit-talking Trump so much when he said he would wait and see about accepting the results of the election. Fucking hypocrite.
This is a bad narrative jump, these people should not be giving any significance. What should be done actually is to outdo them on the crooked voting. Try to check the soros machines somehow, with inspectors, try to get research going on the illegals who voted.
These people and their whining should not have the limelight. Even as ridiculous as they sound, they should still be aggressively attacked. It shouldnt turn into a defensive war. Good luck trying to convince trump on the soros machines though.
So now that (((Hillary's team))) is officially participating in the recount, I think the Don would now take it seriously and demand a recount in New Hampshire, Maine and Nevada (Similar difference in %).
1488 D CHESS
The similarities are amazing right?
Is she trying to out Heeb Bernie sanders?
Why are we not recounting Virginia and New Hampshire?
Janet Reno's lifetime is about to end.
7.62/10 on the M.A.D scale.
Recount California, eliminate votes by dead people and illegal alien… Presto, 55 more electoral votes for Trump.
Considering Stein has generally been on Trump's side, I wonder if Trump is the one behind this recount thing?
It takes the heat off his transition, Stein makes money while basically sabotaging the process as controlled op, it reinforces that Trump won, and butthurt libs get to live through their loss again.
Chess at dimensions over 9000
because Clinton won those ones ;^)
Recounts don't work unless you plan to add new votes or remove existing ones and Trump's wins are legitimate.
Concessions are not legally binding. They can go back on that if they wish. The only thing legally binding is the electoral vote in December. After they vote, that's it.
That isn't something particularly hard to do.
Bernie is indeed a greedy treacherous backstabbing turbokike, but he folds like a lawn chair when he meets any sort of resistance or opposition. It's why he's such a gigantic fucking loser with no real accomplishments despite spending decades in politics. Even Shillary's utterly incompetent ass has accomplished more than him.
The only reason he scammed so much from his supporters is because millennial college kids are stupid as fuck and will throw their parent's money at you just to virtue signal if you tick off the right cultural Marxist checkboxes. It's also why the notion that he would have beaten Trump or even done better than Shillary is laughable. He couldn't even stand up to some fat tumblr negresses and his spineless pussy supporters didn't do shit when the DNC blatantly fucked them over, got caught red handed, and laughed in their faces about it.
Well, technically it isn't over until the Senate canvasses the Electoral vote.
I need, fucking need, sources on the info about Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Checkity check check'd
The company/PAC's founders that is processing the donations on Jill's website has huge ties to the DNC.
what a joke
If that happens, you can forget about the country "healing" or "coming together." It will be a full-blown Second Civil War meets the Second War of Independence. State militias will rise up and storm their state capitals and Washington D.C., demanding either the Rule of Law shall prevail or forever destroy the meaning of the Constitution. People in the Military at home and abroad will have to decide should they stay faithful to the Union or take up the cause of the right because it is the just and moral thing to do. It will cause those who are religious and anti-religious to decide which side to fight for. It will splinter families and communities alike, in every village, town and city from the East Coast to the West. It will be a war awash in the blood of tyrants and the Sons of Liberty, in order that their tree may grow strong and its branches protect and shelter their sons and daughters.
I do not weep for this nation for I have no more tears to weep and not enough blood to shed.
This waters the tree.
I thought Hillary said she would accept the results no matter what?
And now Jill is going after Hillary for also supporting the recount.
https ://
Seems like she's playing some form of rudimentary 2.5D chess. But on whose side?
I can't imagine Hillary ever lying …
Do you remember a mister (((Bernie Gutman)))?
The usurper will be crushed.
Only a complete retard would ask "on whose side" when the only states actually being recounted are ones where Trump won.
Is this gonna be a three-way slugfest? If so, I'm more than ready.
Is this bitch bipolar?
Desperate for attention maybe?
I'm just joking faggot. It just seems like she had no idea of the ramifications of her actions from those tweets.
Assassin's Creed has the worst story out of any series. Literally cringeworthy
Whoever it is that prosecutes her.
At this point I legitimately have no fucking idea whether Stein is just a batshit crazy jewess or pulling some Game of Thrones tier keikakus.
She certainly had a very good idea. She is a proxy for Soros/Clinton.
At the risk of being called a shill, CtR, or a kike here's what I draw from the article:
>If Green Party candidate Jill Stein initiates recounts in those states as she intends, the Clinton campaign “will participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides,” Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias said Saturday in a post on the blogging website He added that he doesn’t expect the action to overturn Trumps [nice apostrophe, journofaggot] election.
Okay, so this looks like "We intend to monitor and be involved in the process if our sheeny friend manages to trigger it." I don't put it past Clinton to use Stein as her cat's paw, but isn't this a reasonable thing for her to do? She ran a campaign, they're recounting the votes, her people have a right to be in the room while it happens, just Like Trump's people do.
I'd sooner eat my own ass than defend Clinton for anything, but it looks like she's feathering the pedal here. She's not the one demanding a recount (at least not openly), and insisting on being present while it happens doesn't seem out of line.
Still, they're deader than fuck, along with their kike allies and nigger pets if things go wrong.
one look at her tells me shes a mental case drug addicted hippie. imagine the guy who beats Jenny in Forest Gump but with some more pull.
On November 8, 2000, the day following the Presidential election, the Florida Division of Elections reported that petitioner, Governor Bush, had received 2,909,135 votes, and respondent, Vice President Gore, had received 2,907,351 votes, a margin of 1,784 for Governor Bush. Because Governor Bush’s margin of victory was less than “one-half of a percent . . . of the votes cast,” an automatic machine recount was conducted under §102.141(4) of the election code, the results of which showed Governor Bush still winning the race but by a diminished margin.
I think the recount margin was the final 537 margin that was accepted and won Bush the state. So, he won the initial results, then a recount. There were studies conducted afterwards that had Bush winning by upwards of 500 and Gore winning by upwards of 200 depending on what votes were accepted. There were several hundred damaged ballots.
I've been trying to place the aesthetic she reminded me of for months now. Thanks, user. I can sleep at night again.
Goys, I think she's doing it to reveal Hillary's vote fraud.
that should be all over twatter
Stein is for Stein and noone else. Think about it, she gets to stop all the Democrats calling her a spoiler and get on their voters' good side for the next election where she hopes to break 5%, AND she gets a shitload of money to embezzle. Whether her recount benefits or screws Hillary or Trump doesn't matter to her so long as she gets capital and votes.
Clearly. We were fools to doubt the Jewess. Pack it in, everyone. It'll all be okay now.
So she's just trying to look innocent? From reading her website, it looks like the electoral reform she keeps pushing for is ranked-choice voting.
Anyway, all that had to be said on the topic was said already. They're going to go through with this.
She's not a dead old irrelevant whore if the kikes steal the election.
Burger Anons will keep an eye on the hands of the recounters, the result will be - to the surprise of every paid-off news outlet that was already preparing the fanfares of Shillary's victory - that Trump has not only a much higher advantage in the popular voter, but the recounting will backfire, leading to him actually taking one more state from her. Anime will be real, people's hopes and dreams will not be crushed, and she will find herself between some much more solid bars than is comfortable with her
She met with Putin and General Flynn. Look at the pictures.
Election integrity = illegals can vote
Is Jill playing trying 3.5D chess or is this granny mentally unstable
What did we miss
What about a fundraiser to fly/house "Hillary supporters" to watch the ballot recounts? This would assure them the recounts are fair. Then when Trump wins again, they can't say we rigged the recounts. Jewie Sanders raised a ton of money flying people all over the country to go to the DNC convention, I don't see why this wouldn't work on the same goons.
I would not rule out that she is a former KGB agent. She is playing more sides than Soros alone. Here parents were russian jews. Stein is also pro russian foreign policy and quiet about muh human rights violations by russia.
Do people actually believe that the election was rigged against hillary? Is anybody that stupid?
Yes, the left believes Russia hacked the voting machines or whatever, and used Russian propaganda (fake news) during the election to trick the American people.
There's an old Mafia saying in Chicago…we just keep counting the votes until we get a number we like.
In any case, PA has electronic voting. Hoe do you "recount" that?
How can you even ask that when reddit and tumblr exist?
Yeah, I remember reading some #hillmissles complaining on some media forum that the press and media were all pro-Trump (?!?)
It isn't even 3D chess.
You know, after this is all over, and either Trump is president or Washington D.C. is in flames & we're presiding over slowly lowering Democrat traitors into an industrial plastic shredder, shouldn't the God-Emperor do something about election reform, so it becomes virtually impossible to cheat or miscount the votes?
You know, a new federal law making the penalties for illegal voting or election fraud so horrible nobody would dare risk it. Illegals caught voting will not just be deported or arrested, but be executed, for instance. The same for election officials caught tampering with the vote.
The neocohen establishment will be happy. The voting base will be "second civil war" mad.
the lion will not die in his sleep.
This sort of thing has to happen every now and then.
For far too long, the grass has been neglected.The grass within the USofA is going to get watered soon.
he needs to make all vote counting public and in the open so there's no way anyone can even attempt to scam it. let the votes stay anonymous but have them counted where people can see it and have a camera and gun pointing and each and every head until they're finished. then make them do it two more times for good measure.
Do you think changing the secret ballot would be good? I like the idea of husbands lying to their screeching wives about "of course I voted for Hillary dear" but for the sake of being able to BTFO illegals and dead people votes I think it should be open ballot.
What say you, Holla Forums?
Probably this is a result of (((economic sanctions))).
Nigga, she died on nov 7.
It will be nice to burn down San Fransisco, Boston, New York, Los Angles, Chicago and Washington D.C.
The centers of Degeneracy and corruption need be cleansed.
Nothing would make me happier than watching all those liberals burn.
No regrets.
Will chop down every maple tree in Vermont for good measure.
underrated post
paper ballots only with ID certification requires would fix pretty much all of that. also immediate jail anyone who votes more than once and execute anyone who does so on a warrant.
This latest move won't produce the result they expect. It will be a total failure. So their next move will be "promoting" Pence to President. Thankfully, Trump is smart and understands the SS cannot be trusted. (((They))) will only dig their own graves.
2017 will be a great year for us.
This is hilarious to me, since everytime this topic comes up you spastic fucks spam threads with "HURRRRR FBI" or LARP-tier "muh red team planner" anytime we have a conversation for preparing for the civil war. Thus leading to an environment where people are paranoid to discuss things, or are complacent, because the multicultural ZOG-bots will help us, because a dude on the internet said so.
This place is thoroughly unprepared for such a scenario, and it is retard Holla Forumslacks fault.
6000000 DREIDEL!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would predict a military coup in that scenario. People wouldn't be able to recognize Hillary as a legitimate winner. The number of votes they'd have to "find" far exceeds any gains they could expect to receive from a recount.
Just what sort of game is this crystal lady playing?
She's obviously feigning neutrality to ward off suspicion. It's the oldest trick in the book.
It's certainly no fucking chess move. It barely qualifies as checkers.
Why would she do that? How would her instigating a recount work against her favour, if Hillary wins?
Stein just wanted to channel butthurt leftists into giving her more cash with very loose obligations to use it for and then have nothing come of it.
She just realized she's become the last hope for the entire left and all she was trying to do was get paid. If she goes through with it and nothing comes of it, she loses because it looks like she was just trying to get paid. If she doesn't go through with it, she looks like she was just trying to get paid. If she goes through with it and suddenly they discover 100K more Clinton votes she gets to go down in history as the woman who started the civil war.
She realized she turned up the heat too high and there's no way out.
Originally, she didn't care. She gets paid either way. Likely didn't expect anything serious to come of it, like all of her activisim.
Honestly I'm slightly worried but at the same time if they try to rig this then people will find statistical anomalies all over the place that weren't there in the first round. There is just NO way they can reasonably pull this off without causing a civil war. I have no idea what exactly Stein is trying to do here but it doesn't even look like she herself expects the results to change. Best case scenario they find out Hillary was rigging it all along and Trump actually has 2% more, the tears would be glorious.
The jew game, these are just twitter posts though, its the actions that count. Stay vigilant
You mean the internet will get massively butthurt and Alex Jones will start trashing his studio.
You really have no idea the powers you're so non-nonchalantly fucking with, do you?
Maybe (((Soros))) wants to crash the US government to either prevent Trump's installation or to poison the well and prevent him from touching his agenda.
The right have been conditioned to obey the law, unlike niggers and the left. Nobody wants to go to jail. Therefore the revolution won't start.
You have no plan, no coordination and no contingency and as long as nobody is breaking in your house, you're all more than content to sit in front of the tv and watch the world burn.
0.5 checkers indeed
you're clearly not from here, so how do you know that?
She's done stuff for election reform in the past. Usually it's some state no one really cares about and she's fighting against electronic voting machines and pushing for reform. But this time it's very different. It's strategically chosen states with maximum impact for recounting and for the results to be different, and it's with a candidate that's the most corrupt candidate we've ever had in this country (only one to be under FBI investigation while running, for a start).
Another red flag is her history of being suspicious of electronic voting machines, and then choosing two states to complain about that don't use electronic machines.
We'll know what her intent was after this. If she ends up with the Democrats similar to how Bernie did, we'll know she sold out. If she gives up and becomes an advocate for election reform and for fixing (or removing) electronic voting machines, it's safe to assume she genuinely cares about this stuff and values it more than her candidacy. If she takes the money, nothing happens, and she runs for president next election, we'll know this whole thing was a scam.
Personally, I think she and some of the greens will be absorbed into the Democratic party, just like how Bernie was used to absorb SJWs and young liberals into a candidate that's against a lot of things they supposedly stand for. Mainly because they are probably all in on this. Regardless, between this and Bernie, it's established that you can make a lot of money by telling young liberals and SJWs what they want to hear, make vague promises, ask for their money, and then get rich.
Bad bait, most of us don't actually watch TV.
Things arn't as simple as they want us to believe
I'll believe it when you really start an armed civil revolt.
Joining a protest while wearing a 'Don't tread on me' t-shirt and chanting forefather slogans does not make you revolutionary.
This was her plan all along, thats why she gave up so easy.
Exactly, it wouldn't. She's clearly an undercover Soros/Clinton agent tasked to help Hillary win. Those tweets where she's pretending to shit on Hillary are the most laughable facade I've ever seen.
You could land a job at CNN. You've got a talent for useless projections.
Maybe not, I hope she uncovers some bullshit voter fraud by hillary or is just scamming salty faggots out of their money but the word of a jew has no value.
this, it's pretty damn obvious
also checked
What makes you think I don't ;)
This is retarded logic, if she was a Clinton shill why wouldn't she drop out and endorse her before the election?
heck yeah i finally get to post this picture
checkidy check
oh DHS, never change
Pretending you have a plan is not the same as actually having one.
So basically, her short-term greed overrode her common sense, and now she's standing smack dab in the middle of a potential inferno that anyone else could have seen coming a mile away. Cripes, she really is a stereotypical kike.
It would make sense because it would buy Clinton/Soros more time and it would mellow out a lot of Trump supporters by giving them an inch. If you have the game rigged, you don't care about 1% going to some third party candidate. My guess is that things were so bad for Hillary, that even with illegals and dead people voting, cronies everywhere, etc that they still couldn't manage it. Not only that, but I don't think they put effort into WI, MI, and PA because they had computer simulations that said Clinton had those states and there was no reason to do anything there, even with Stein running. Remember the last week or so she started airing ads in Wisconsin? I believe they started to realize that Wisconsin wasn't safely blue, but they didn't have the infrastructure or a plan to steal or influence Wisconsin, so they had to let it slide.
When you are cheating like this, you want to cheat as little as possible, it makes it harder to discover. With the electoral college, it makes cheating somewhat easier because you can focus on a few counties in a few states and win the election. Though popular vote has a big advantage because you can have a renegade state do something like let illegals vote and do nothing to stop people from voting multiple times.
It doesn't seem that far fetched to me. Clinton left those states alone because she thought they were safely blue, even with Stein running. And they aren't blue. So now they are coming back to cheat because they didn't cheat the first time. Waiting to the last second and having Stein be the fall girl for this makes sense. No doubt Democrats learned from Gore that having the candidate themselves cry the election is not fair isn't an effective PR strategy.
That is how I would imagine this playing out if Stein, Clinton, Soros, etc are all working together for a common goal.
We've become the epicenter of news outlet reporting. What we uncover, the media latches onto. We've meme'd a billionaire into the White House while all you Berniefags got was more debt and an old kike flipping you the bird from his Lambo. We have Jews scared to death of punctuation marks and pictures of cartoon frogs.
Yes, clearly we have no plans or power.
You're winging it, is what you are.
self wank does many things but it doesnt grant power
maybe over other self wanks
You realize that makes us 10x more dangerous, right? There's no cells to infiltrate; there's no comms to overhear. When any single one of us decides we've had enough, we can inflict massively disproportionate damage, because most of us have been reading about improvised munitions and weaknesses in critical infrastructure since the early days of Holla Forums. We are legion. Expect us.
Kvetch about it in a blogpost, Moishe.
You probably should get up and walk around. It can't be good sitting in a tub of Preparation H all fucking day.
This place is a message… and part of a system of messages… pay attention to it!Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
This place is not a place of honor…no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location… it increases toward a center… the center of danger is here… of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
requesting the webm.
If anything, it will prove that the mainstream press tactic of spreading misinformation and fearmongering work on citizens. The press has brainwashed people into supporting a candidate who endorsed the bombings of Syria, Libya, and Yugoslavia for actions that Trump didn't plan to do in office.
They will use the same tactic towards any anti-establishment individual like Ron Paul and Bernie. Regardless if they align themselves with the right or the left.
If there's any entity that needs to be dismantled, it's not the democrats or libshits. It's entirely the mainstream press. They probably formed pseudonyms to prepare, but take names regardless. People who don't protect your nation and loathe your people don't deserve to be protected.
Cringe aside, shitposting and circlejerking is what made Clinton do an FAQ on a racist cartoon frog.
Would have been better if she had to deny she was the Zodiac Killer.
IMO, (((Jill Stein))) Asking for a recount is a win-win for her
- Scenario 1: Hillary is leading
- Scenario 2: Trump is leading
This is such a jewish move that my nose gets bigger every time i think of it.
Remember Scott Foval from the Veritas sting? He worked in Wisconsin. So it could go either way. Guess it depends if Jill really believes Clinton would start a war with Russia or not. Though if Jill was indeed compromised, it would go the way you wrote it out I believe.
and you should spend some time off the farm so you can smell something other then bullshit
Trump showed weakness - he asked for this.
You beat me.
wtf i hate trump now.
You're an idiot who doesn't understand how revolutions start. It's not about freedom or liberty, it's about legitimacy. If they pull this off, you'll see what happens to a government that doesn't have any legitimacy.
Can't wait tbh lads
(((They))) do not comprehend the depth from which this hate emerges. The common man, bitter and disilusioned by the demented visions of cowards with souls like puding, has made a stand, and that stand is fueled by the fermented hate we all have towards ((( The Parasites ))) If Trump should bend to their will, then he will be discarded, like anyone else, but if we are denied the chance to better our world through peaceful means.. Then we shall bring TOTAL WAR UPON THIS EARTH.
Mirai Trey Gowdy.
yes. If they accept that voter fraud exists then every single vote has to be re counted, which can;t happen, so they will want another election. In the UK right now, they are trying to do another Brexit vote because Democracy did not go according to plan for some people and they want more referendums until the result is the correct result.
Trump voters would sit out a second election and violently refuse to recognize the legitimacy of whatever result was obtained. That's how it usually goes down in third world countries, anyway.
She also gets to pocket a lot of money either way. Honestly we need to remember this 4 years from now, some smart user could clean up on this scheme.
Thanks in advance, doc
Seems likely unless Kek wants a race war now.
I don't know how they're expecting to pull 34 electoral votes out of their ass anyway, it's not like the race was close enough to demand a recount
Remember when the press and all the Shillbots were screaming about Trump saying he might not accept the election results?
Well good because the press and the Shillbots have completely erased their reaction from History.
if they find ANY discrepancy we're probably going to see every state the Trump won get a recount. they raised the cash in no time, Soros had his shekels at the ready.
this bitch is going all out now that australia and sweden cut donations to the clinton foundation.
I gotta buy more Magazines Tomorrow, and maybe some more 5.56 ammo.
This fucking means WAR if they try to get that cunt into the whitehouse after losing an election.
Make of that what you will FBI, I'm just a guy who wants to get AR Magazines while they're cheap.
To have a war over this would be making the same mistake they made.
No, the answer is to not get violent and constantly remind that they we didn't act like the utter children that they did about things.
Not this time, Moishe. Not this time.
This totally isn't in character for Picard btw.
Post assimilation Picard, maybe.
Trump showed weakness at a time when he was still vulnerable - that was poorly played. He messed up bigly.
A tale of two Picards
You have to go back.
It's Big League, you shill fuck.
More like you have to go BLACK amirite!
It's "big league", you god dam idiot…
You misspelled "Correct the Record"
looks like Steins trolling Clinton
I know you shit for brains AIDS tool.
send fake deadlines goys
Trump cucked on the alt right – white people – so fuck him
This really seems like some strange fuckery. She wasn't even remotely close to winning the state.
Can't a judge throw this shit out?
Yes goy.. lets get Shillary elected because you're buttmad.
Fraud by MAGAtards tends to do that
He used us from the beginning and I knew it, but since I supported his positions, I let him use us.
also >alt right
you're about to get sperged on.
Mister Spencer, please.
Trump will be president and there is still nothing you can do about it.
There's a chance some electors might vote for Stein, so if a recount leads to a situation where Trump and HIllary are both below 270 then it goes to the House and they have to vote among the top 3 people, Trump, Hillary, and Stein (possibly). So there is a scenario where re-counts could help her so she probably has legitimate standing to raise objections in court.
seems like they are just funneling money to local state groups… maybe as payment for next go around
Nigger this is the best excuse to remove pinko since WW2, we're going to jump on it.
All I feel is rage, and then more rage. No mercy for Clinton this time. No more protection from prosecution, no more vote manipulation, and no more hope that her or her spawn will ever hold a position higher than senior shelf stocker
Yeah but aren't they all republicans?
They would all put The_donald in office.
lol idk fam
all I know is if I start seeing people marching outside my window shouting pepe, you bet your ass I'm grabbing a pitchfork
Neocons, user. They're neocons that have opposed him from the very beginning of his campaign.
Also Stein could uncover electronic voting fraud, or illegals voting triggering legislation banning said machines.
If Trump were to do it, he would look like he was fixing the elections.
Cry moar
Ok. But they aren't going to let Clinton win…
Have you been bothering to pay attention to the news, or are you still wrapped up in your cozy red hat?
What's important is to remain confident in all of this, and keep an eye out, like during the RNC.
Do you know how to use this site?
this tbh fam
this 80d chess shit is hurting my brain though. who'dda thought that kikette (((stein))) would have this much of an effect on the world stage
What news?
Yes. And I think a lot of you are being children and not thinking very hard.
This is a publicity stunt by the green party via clinton and it will be forgotten in a week.
Remember that tweet where Soros' kid asked, "Which will fall first, the EU or the US?"
32 GOP Congressmen who will oppose Trump:
Martha Roby Alabama
Steve Knight California
David Valadao California
Mike Coffman Colorado
Carlos Curbelo Florida
David Jolly Florida
Tom Rooney Florida
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Florida
Mike Simpson Idaho
Rodney Davis Illinois
Bob Dold Illinois
Adam Kinzinger Illinois
Justin Amash Michigan
Fred Upton Michigan
Erik Paulsen Minnesota
Ann Wagner Missouri
Jeff Fortenberry Nebraska
Cresent Hardy Nevada
Joe Heck Nevada
Scott Garrett New Jersey
Frank LoBiondo New Jersey
Richard L. Hanna New York
John Katko New York
Charlie Dent Pennsylvania
Pat Meehan Pennsylvania
Kay Granger Texas
Will Hurd Texas
Mia Love Utah
Barbara Comstock Virginia
Scott Rigell Virginia
Jaime Herrera Beutler Washington
Reid Ribble Wisconsin
14 GOP Senators who will oppose Trump:
Lisa Murkowski Alaska
Dan Sullivan Alaska
Jeff Flake Arizona
John McCain Arizona
Cory Gardner Colorado
Mark Kirk Illinois
Susan Collins Maine
Ben Sasse Nebraska
Dean Heller Nevada
Kelly Ayotte New Hampshire
Rob Portman Ohio
Mike Lee Utah
Nothing new to me. Got any proof he's bending the knee, when he's stuck to his humble promises, so far?
No. Stay vigilant, and seek peace through any means necessary. That's what Donnie wants.
That's not how it works. They can vote for whoever the fuck they want.
US Constitution
Amendment XII
The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;–The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;–the person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.
The green cunt prior to this election had growing support, this will kill all her momentum but with how this election has gone its clear she won't be around next time around.
She is just trying to get as much money as she can before fucking off… Frankly can't blame her. The only reason you would even lead a third party in America is to boost your own self worth.
Hey guys, I think we fucking saved ourselves with the power of meme magic.
I think that's fed speak for "tell me your plans, goyim"
Reminder that if they do in fact try and overturn the election, that will be grounds for rebellion, and a good chunk of the military would side with us. However, I think this is mostly just bluff and posturing. A civil war would hurt everyone involved, but them most of all.
Don't forget that Al Gore pulled the same shit in 2000, this is nothing new. So be alert but I think our attention should be focused more on Wikileaks and what the fuck is going on with Assange.
And whether or not Assange is even still alive.
It's highly possible my Furher, I hope it is so.
Quads have spoken. To arms burgers.
I currently can't connect to Drudge or Rivero from Italy.
I'm wondering if some sort of EU level block has been imposed behind the scenes for "fake news" sites.
Using a proxy that places me in the U.S. I can access them.
Anons in europe, try to access drudge or whatreallyhappened and let me know your results.
poland here
no problem accessing
all big red flags and all very easy to rig
well it's not DNS because I've tried them both with IP addresses too.
both fail.
Is Poland under EU bullshit?
dank maymay
Who are we supposed to be impressing here, Mr. Stein? In that scenario the only thing left is violence.
Check'd and concern'd
Explain to me why does it matter than an american civil war would hurt the (((international element))) IF a lack of a civil has the same result on them.
Nothing happens? They take a blow; Civil war? Everybody gets fucked one way or another.
Is she just scamming Clinton/Soros for Green Party money or is this all a song and game to make it look like they aren't actively working togehter
Please throw in Seattle and Portland too.
It'd be a shame. There's some beautiful historic architecture there, not to mention the tram system. It'd be better to take care and go house to house.
If they forced this shit through I'm guessing the first targets to go would be:
-Hillary dragged out in the streets ending like gaddafi (which is poetic, actually)
-Cuckhunt for people like the CTR staff
-Directly destroying MSM HQ's
-Maybe you'd see people attacking big soft targets like those stupid notmypresident protests which at that point would turn into street "celebrations".
Country on lockdown until control is lost.
This confirms it. She really belongs in Jail.
If USA can't do it, then we need to meme some neo-Inquisitors to lock in jail all that satanic shit.
Deus, pls go.
What is this low-energy fag shit
she was a big girl.
WTF is even going on anymore?
I think this is a power play by Stein. She is trying to capitalise on an ailing Democrat party - a party currently in the midst of an identity crisis - drawing support away from the Dems and fortifying the Greens as the new left contender moving forward.
There is no love lost between Stein and Clinton; Stein repeatedly signaled against Clinton re: corruption, public/private stances, and threatening to drag the US into a war with Russia. I have no reason to believe Stein's opinion of Clinton has changed in the meantime, and I doubt that she has intent to actually put Clinton in the White House. That isn't the point of the exercise. The point is to make a big show, gather publicity, and capitalise on the fact that from Steins perspective, auditing the vote has no downside. If anyone cheated in this election, it was the Dems; Stein knows this, and understands that a recount will not result in a Clinton presidency. But if corruption and cheating WERE discovered, this would help Stein enormously. Many people would feel that abandoning the Dems and rallying behind the Greens is legitimised.
Stein's trolling of Clinton on Twitter is masterful and puts Clinton in an extremely awkward position. Clinton looks weak if she doesn't back herself and the Democratic base calling for a recount. But for Clinton the recount is a lose/lose proposition: a recount is at best embarassing for her if she loses (for a second time), and perhaps even devastating if there is evidence uncovered of fraud. Stein is twisting the knife here and it is glorious.
She just scammed a ton of people out of their money. We need to learn from this woman on how to fleece leftists of their money.
You know that literally no one is going to buy this, right?
Which is it Jill?
It's normies who just discovered "alt-right" forums trying to maymay
didn't obama stop this effort or something?
What are you, some sort of anti-canadianite?
He (probably some aid of his or some shit) basically just said that he doesn't support it.
Didn't stop it or block it, just made an official statement that he (or more likely his handlers) say that they shouldn't do it and should respect the results of the election (Because that's what they want the official narrative of obama's opinion on it to be)
How do the elites possibly benefit from a nuclear war? Don't you think these rich people enjoy living in their mansions and eating fruit grown on the other side of the planet? None of that will happen after a nuclear war.
Conclusion: the elites do not want that kind of war
They think they can control the genie once they've let it out of the bottle. I mean how close to WWIII have we gotten in Syria over the past 6-8 months? There were numerous incidents that could have triggered a hot war between the US and Russia over Syria; but nothing guaranteed it would have remained over Syria, or conventional.
Do you think this is just an ideological move by Stein?
And then Soros thought "Why not fund this?"
wtf is this?
Save the fucking tweets with tweetsave, dammit. It's NOT HARD.
So after looking at Jill's Twitter, basically it was a scam?
Trump has been doing this since day one. It blows my mind that the enemy still hasn't figured it out, and probably never will. Hubris is one hell of a drug.
underrated post
Trump doesn't start fights, but he sure as hell knows how to fucking end them.
Stein is a fucking madman. I think its her going for a recount in order to expose the corruption of the "un-rigable" system. They'll realize Hillary cheated and still got massacred. What else is she going for. She hates Hillary. Know wonder the Clinton campaign has been so slow to back this effort.
This isn't really about Hillary or Stein. They're basically just testing our authority. They want to see how we act in that position.
Honestly, I want to see more respectable actions from people here. The amount of retarded fucking "NIGGER" yelling and shit that is still going on is kind of off-putting.
It's not about fucking reversing the election. It's really not about the numbers. It's because these people hate us because of the way we act, and we haven't given them any evidence that we really deserve to be in authority over them, and controlling the destiny of the country.
Yeah, the meme was amazing. At the same time, this isn't a fucking kiddie game, it IS the president, and it would be intelligent to take it far more seriously and try to act like a fucking adult for like five minutes, in my idea
Just fucking stop being dicks to people and I expect that most of the people going nuts about this stuff most likely will at least stop being so cucked
This is the actual exact 100% opposite of what we need. We need to make them our allies, maybe not our friends, but just spitting in their faces is a strategic failure and moral failure at times - the Alt-Right needs to evolve and ACT like a fucking leader. Not act like a child.
Yeah, it was hilarious when we were under their boots, I just think you need to man the fuck up and stop acting like a bunch of fucking dickheads on the internet and start letting liberals get over their problems and help them adjust to the future with us. We're not the bad guys, so stop acting like we are. Stop giving them reasons to think we are.
Really, see them more as your kids than some person you have to hurt.
Concern Troll Reported
They want us dead. This won't change until one group is wiped out.
fuck off faggot
It is about making his opponents doubt his legitimacy as well, a huge psy-op. They know that this alone will not overturn the election, but it's going to bring more division and lost faith in the US democracy. It's no coincidence that it happens right before time runs out. This is Soros playbook, and no matter how it turns out, it will be bad…
Seeing so many Americans not understanding what the point of this is, is a bit worrying to be honest.
You are totally right about this. We have a LOT to learn from the Jews about subverting, D&C etc. You do it by reaching out a hand to a subset of them, not by giving them the finger. We always underestimate our enemy. Never show your hand.
Clearly you're not from 'round these parts. We're not the alt-right, dumbass. Go play somewhere else.
The reason why they have problems is because they've been coddled. If we coddling them, we only enable their destructive behavior. It is not our role nor within our ability to heal them. They must heal themselves by embracing the painful truth.
We always will be to them. And sometimes, someone must play the bad guy for good things to happen.
If we don't give them reasons they just make up their own reasons anyway. There's no point in being gentle with them.
Thanks was a great thread
this versions better
The liberals will vie for power and do as much as possible to get it back. They so far haven't conceded the situation to us, nor sympathy toward us. However, I think that they will if we act in a way that is intelligent toward them.
Otherwise I can't associate with this shit anymore. It is draining me too much, it is making me feel unwell. Call me a fucking cuck or a coward but I can't handle it. I don't want shit to go there, and I can feel it that it really might go there if people don't start wising up and being intelligent.
The liberals are too fucking stupid - but you guys have a responsibility now to NOT ACT like that. Because the power is in our hands to do the right thing, not incite insanity.
the old way of shilling, JIDF must be back in action
You're wrong.
Go rewatch Yuri Bezmenov. Huge chunks will not snap out of it.
So it would be trump Hillary Johnson - Aleppo man did better than stein
Such low energy, single digit excuses for 'bantz' don't even deserve a bump from a response.
Remember kids, CTR does it for free, but they don't even get funbux or hotpockets. They get a day out of the cuck cage at best.
Violence is the only way to stop violence. You're clearly a spineless faggot or a subversive puppet from CTR/JIDF/ADL etc; either way, you're not welcome here.
New way of astroturfing. I hope they pall you well, Moshe. What's next, reddit spacing?
No one ever invited you here in the first fucking place, you self-centered faggot.
You're here because you wanted to come here, and now you're playing little passive-aggressive games and blaming us for making you feel sick.
Fuck your feels.
You're not some font of wisdom, you arrogant little worm. Your ilk were wrong about everything regarding this election, so why should we give a fuck about what you think and feel now? Fuck your idea of "wising up and being intelligent".
Too late. They are already insane.
Why not force this into Trump's favor. A recount doesn't go far enough. Instead of a recount,
demand an audit.
This will completely fuck up the DNC's vote rigging. It will also show Trump won legitimately.
Let me guess a newfag that thinks Trump is our end-game
I miss CTR. At least they were obvious with their bullshit.
Gas yourself
concern troll.
Hillary's lawyer is there to make sure Hillary is still the loser. She gets a much better life with Trump as president and she avoids jail.
It isn't actually Hillary pushing all this recount stuff. Her lawyer is only going because Trump's lawyer is going. Trump can afford better lawyers and there is 0% chance of Hillary winning President because she has Conceded (a legal doctrine of acceptance) and has not disputed the result. Trump has also been accepted as president elect by Obama viva voca.
It's like this crazy bitch wants to go to prison.
Shit isn't off the table, Trump hasn't put anything in writing nor did he say he would impede an investigation.
You will make it his priority to fry your ass and I hope he does.
I spoke to an insider who works at heritage foundation. Absolutely nothing will come of this.
listen faggot the only reason they managed to fuck with the west was thanks to the fact that they were the only ones allowed to give loans and control the bank business as usury was prohibited to christian during the middle ages, the whole jews are smarter is a fucking meme , they are the most incompetent rats and they been gotten themselves expelled from 109 locations thanks to their incredibly short sightedness
Spoke to an insider at heritage foundation. Nothing will come of this.
Because Hillary has not raised controversy over the election result, and because she has conceded (folded her hand), and because the current President has declared Trump president elect, jurisdiction is lacking to change the results of the election.
Think of poker.
If Hillary had ace ace
And Trump had 2, 7 offsuit
And Trump goes all in
And Hillary folds
And Hillary shows the winning hand of ace ace as she folds face up,
Then who wins the pot?
Even if Hillary shows the better hand after losing, she still lost because she folded.
Hot opinions, (((friendo))). Your wewladding's all over the place.
I swear to God you people are such clickbaiters
>News: Michigan prepares for possible recount
Thank God it's not just me. Glad you get it too. Logic and reason and a knowledge of law is a great cure for paranoia and fear. This OP is probably one of those fear porn Infowars assholes
It's not about Clinton winning. It is another step to further divide people. It will work as intended…
They have already found "evidence" of "tampering" in Wisconsin. It doesn't matter if it doesn't change anything…
Michigan and PA is probably just red herrings. It's all about spreading the "muh Russian hackers"-meme.
Soros has been wrecking nations for a long time, he knows how to play this game.
What do you guys think will happen when lügenpresse starts pushing their narrative? This is all about division….
Which is why calls for a recount should be amplified into calls for a complete audit. Notice how (((they))) are pushing for just a simple recount instead of a proper audit?
Time to stockpile ammo fam
1. Download Mullvad
2. Turn on Proxy
3. ???
4. Profit!
Once you begin you never stop playing. Til death.
The disgrace when this fails will be the final nail in the coffin for Clinton's political career (as if it wasn't over already).
Trump should start demanding recounts in states that were closely called for Clinton just to fuck with them.
She really is a goddamn jew
Even if there is an audit and it's shown that Hillary has cheated (she has), it will only increase distrust in the system. It doesn't help that the US voting security is 3rd world.
The only result you can get is a net negative, and I think Trump understands how there can be no win from this. Democracy spring, hello!
Soros playbook. Another thing Americans seem to not fully grasp, is that if protests actually start, foreign nations (like Russia) will not let the chance to weaken USA slide, and I can't really blame them after the last 15 years of neocon fuckery. It would not be past Soros to have a fake RWDS-happening similar to what he did in Ukraine. It's volatile as fuck, don't underestimate this terrorist.
1488D chess, if true.
I can see how this would be a likely outcome.
Amen. It sounds like bullshit for this issue metastasize, but remember Maidan? When you own journalism and multiple major foreign governments, financial institutions, academia, and domestic politicians on both sides of the aisle and you call in the order for them to play ball in lockstep or else - don't underestimate what could happen. The legitimacy of the recount issue doesn't matter, Ukraine coup had nothing to do with their established constitutional practices. The recount is just the public fulcrum to frame how to discuss this publicly as it goes down. And don't think Soros doesn't own military dudes as well.
Soros would have an easier time sending mercenaries to threaten presidential electors. The penalty for being a faithless elector is nothing Obama and Hillary can't pardon and slide under the rug. And judging how pussified the right is now that they don't want to be accused of being nazi's, they won't do anything if they install hillary.
Here is what I think will happen.
This is the spark for their potential 'smear' narrative.
Initially you see that at the least there would be corrections for Clinton in perhaps even small numbers, that's the realistic nature of something like a recount, even if it was something like 100 to Trumps alleged thousands.
If they were to manufacture or add votes in Clintons favour, regardless of whether that was the case or not, this would not be taken well by the public and would cause controversy regardless of the reasons given because the people no longer trust the media enough for it to matter.
Their only choice is to maintain the initial results and eat away at Trumps count assuming this is an attempt to rig a narrative.
Initially you can tell that a recount won't change results but one thing is can do is cause distrust for Trump with the insinuation that he has orchestrated some sort of rigging himself.
They will likely use plebian ad hominem logic in their counter attack, something along the lines of, "You projected your accusations onto the system, the media and Hillary when is was you yourself doing the rigging!" in an almost crime show/Scooby-Doo style climax to further garner public interest in the narrative.
I see a shit storm on the horizon.
On an additional note this could be a smoke screen to divert our attention from issues like pizzagate (perhaps to give them time to cover their tracks) so try not to distract the people committed in a particular issue but rather take this on yourself as to avoid splitting the attention of those already stuck in other happenings.
Kek guide us.
As much as the 1488D-chess angle is appealing, Trump is too smart to take that risk/reward. It's very unlikely, especially considering they aldready "discovered fraud" in favor of him. This is Maidan (and similar) all over again, and people who think this is about handing the victory to Clinton (it's not) do not see how dangerous this is.
They probably already have enough to take this further in the legal system, halting and making both sides riled up. No way to be 100% sure, but it's getting closer and closer to a point where RWDS could in theory become real, and when the first people are killed by some hidden sniper, things are going to get ugly.
The retarded "playout" of a civil war that some people seems to think is realistic here will not happen. It will not be as easy as real RWDS going around and cleaning the streets. Many players will be involved, including foreign powers, and many, including Soros, will have an interest in balancing everything out so this lasts for as long as possible.
The libtards who are cheering for this have to be braindead. No good can come out of it unless it's shown that ONLY Clinton benefitted. They kind of ruined that already….
But it's not about giving Hillary a win…
This will be smoke and mirrors and deception until you finally see what hit you. Out of nowhere during a "peaceful" protest, some "Trump-supporters" will kill a dozen, pluss some police. Voila, it's on.
This is just sad. Stein wants a recount so that the votes cast for her that were changed to Hillary get counted. Why? Stein is gunning for another run in 4 years. She wants to become the next Bernie Sanders, and to do that she wants more coverage. In 4 years she wants these people to remember her name and for her name to be on the ballot.
Do you want us to spot the differences?
Pretty good write-up there. This is the probable outcome. One thing to add; if they find thousands of votes for Trump (which they "did") that should not be there, they will halt the process while "investigating further" (making it look like muh Russia). Trump supporters will rightly get angry, Clintons will get new power to riot and fuck up things….
In all these threads I see people using the "not going to happen, she has to win all!", not understanding that this is not the point. It's all about the "muh Russia!"-meme (cmon, Michigan is paper only, it's a ploy).
For the rest of the story, read up on previous "color revolutions". The stupid libtards who actually think this can lead to anything good have no idea what they have just set in motion…
There is the "Trump will still win and Clinton shown a fraud 1488D"-alternative, but it's very unlikely and they already "lost" 5000 Trump-votes in Wisconsin.
Focus needs to be brought back on the corruption of the Clinton Foundation. CF PNG IoT
Your initial statement coincides with in their stating " Soros, will have an interest in balancing everything out so this lasts for as long as possible." The longer this dis rest goes on the more likely people are to begin taking it seriously and in some cases joining in.
I'm not sold yet on the Russian blame game but yes, that is a minor possibility, what matters is that they will likely run this narrative in a way that attempts to achieve the aforementioned goal.
Trump is likely not to lose the presidency, assuming Soros et al are behind this that would be an over zealous attack, Soros seems the type to push a knife in slowly. You're right however in being skeptic of Clinton being exposed from this, given that it's already showing signs of being orchestrated, Hillary would have her reputation guarded at all costs, assuming Soros (like any other Jew) follows the 48 laws of power and extends law 5 to Clinton, she's a valuable player (yes, she's not done for yet, but she is at the brink of it).
Whenever there is potential unrest, people tend to flock toward gold stocks. Keep an eye on prices.
redditors aren't used to freedom and truth.
A Nine Inch Nails concept album
That's the most likely scenario.
PR and compromise never worked with leftists. The only reason why they treat us the way they do is because we don't give them harsh repercussions for treating us like shit.
If you act nice to them, then you're teaching them that you'll only act nice under the condition that you're ostracized, demonized, and berated 24/7. Not only will they will act that way towards you, they will do the same to others who oppose their views as well.
I used to be like you, but my idealism and patience for those reprobates waned quickly. They don't deserve benevolence, they deserve to be kicked repeatedly on the curb when they're down so that they won't be in a position to harm others anymore.
A concession has no legal substance and is not legally binding. You will not get sued for taking back your concession nor will you get arrested. It has no legal importance and is just for show. Why do some people continue to push with this myth? Any person pushing this nonsense is a shill until proven otherwise or is outright ignorant.
you retarded little boys need to leave Jill Stein
Alone ,
she is just helping maga , true democacy in effect now go back to your vida games
Hill is headed for the Hill
and no amount of hate can stop her so dont botther to please attack her all over the net , inc butthurt not limeted to any site she is featured on , all her social media platforms , death threats sent to her home , hacking her web site , killing her pets etc, just dont even try
Poo in loo
I have already accepted that I am to die in a racial Ragnarok which will usher in a better, Whiter world. If they come for me, they will die for me.
You seem to be confused. The Left and Right aren't just two different opinions on different topics. The Left is selfish, degenerate, weakness enshrining, short sighted civilization rot. The Right is tribal, traditional, strength idealizing, far sighted civilization growth. There is no direct comparison to be made between them, as there is none between a putrefying corpse and a budding rose.
Every single person with an IQ above room temperature in the Left is either genuinely mentally ill or a cynical manipulator using the permitted whims of the unchained masses of egocentric retards to gain power. They need to be killed. Every single one. In public. The masses need to be suppressed and brought in line. There is no reconciliation between the disease that is Leftism and the light that is the Right.
Maximum cuck
The Bitch can't get a recount in PA or MI
Every judge in every district would have to rule fraud
It LOOKS like It really was just a greedy scam to gather more shekels
HILLARY WON THE ELECTION. Suck it up Buttercup. #IAmWithHer
All these baby backed bitches…
I am personally cleaning the dust off my SCAR and truly welcome them trying to take away trumps presidency. Hope all the politcians in my state don't follow daily routines.
It's funny how CTR seems to still be paid and r/enoughtrumpspam etc won't stop trying to get a picture of Trump with the word "loser" on the front page or some other inane shit. I wonder when funding will be fully stopped there.
my divion is funded until end of March 2017. After that I will be probably reassigned in an other division. But word in different lobbbies is that TRUMP will be impeached in 15 days. We win, you lose. Stay mad asspains and hail Israel.
They won't be able to get a recount in Michigan (I believe the rules say that they need to submit proof of discrepancies in every single county…), and Pennsylvania's final hard deadline is tomorrow (and they need 20k+ petitioners, exactly 3 from every voting district, to even get past the first hurdle). So whatever happens, the result is safe. Worst case scenario they manage to flip Wisconsin.
They are going to be even more butthurt when this is all over. Instead of accepting the result, they got their hopes up and now they're going to go through another November 8th all over again.
What a bunch of double losers.
You see this shit Trump?
This is why you should have had no mercy
Murderously mad.
Fuck off with your specious "legal reasoning", faggot. Hillary's concession meant *nothing* from a legal perspective. Continuing to repeat your falsehoods does not make them true.
Repeat after me: when Americans "vote for president" they aren't actually voting for a particular candidate, but instead are voting for Electoral College electors. The electors can vote for practically any natural born citizen for president, including a person who conceded, or even some random fuck off the street if that suits their fancy.
Trump will be elected president, but Hillary–despite her concession–is still eligible to be elected by the Electoral College if they were to choose to do so and thereby start Civil War 2.0.
TRUMP will be impeached. #gameover #iamwithher
top kek
Yes, let's impeach him and put an even more conservative man in his place.
Enjoy your trip to bantown, faggot. Filtered and reported
He is not the only one.
We're military geniuses, and you'll never see it coming.
It's hilarious to see the ethics lawyers of Obama and Bush lecturing anyone, but they actually have a point there.
As principled conservative activists it is our goal.
Did I hurt your feelings?
Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings’: Ben Shapiro
#nevertrump #iamwithher #IsraelIsOurGreatestAlly
That fuck is probably learningkike/maddowposter.
You are a faggot.
No I am not.
Of course they are: conflict of interest.
I don't think this will work, but it might.
It'll work if people just sit down and let it happen. If people take out their guns and start shooting at the motherfuckers though…
That makes no sense
They're both cheating pieces of shit
Pic-related level of mad
It won't happen. Jill Stein's gonna take that money and run. Sounds like more hype so she can move that goal to 10 million
But say they do, one of two things will happen…
1: They do a recount and get rid of all the dead/illegal voters and she loses by even more than ever
2: She wins and you throw the entire system into disarray. If you can;t trust the system the first time why trust it the second time?
Loving this liberal backlash… too good
It will work, because it's what soviet russia did to their citizens.
Are there now pro-cuckservative shills on this board?
What the fucking fuck?
Your new is showing anyway, faggot. Did they fire the old guys? They were not as obscenely obvious.
that's the joke
slovakia here, errything works
what did they meme by this?
They just can't stop being wrong, can they? He'll never get the nomination, he'll never be president, he will be impeached, he'll never build the wall…
Actually, so-called Prediction Professor man predicts the outcome of every election based on a tried-and-true scientific formula, though he predicted the 'impeachment' based on muh libcuck feels formula
Using the word 'cuckservative' just shows people how ignorant and antisemitic you lot really are. Opinion discarded. Supporting Trump is simply losing ones soul, we must impeach Trump because it is the prinpled thing to do. As Bill Kristol once so elegantly said it: we ought it to our children. #iamwithher #istandwithisrael #nevertrump
TBH this will make Trump go full curbstomp.
He said that he won't persecute her.
And what does she do in return? This stupidity.
I hope he kicks the stool personally.
Reported for unwarranted use of gore.
I am not baiting anyone, I am writing an article on Trump Russian bots. I saw this thread so I wanted to express my opinion.
Seems people are aftaid of strong independent conservative feminists voicing the truth on the market place of ideas. Really sad.
Is this actually you, Louise unterMensch? If so, post a screenshot of my comment in your news article.
Yeah Trump is naming the jew. Stein desperately wants the bernout crowd, but most of them are still feeling jaded about how sandstein bended the knee. Trump is just reminding these cucks about the last time a jew burned them for their shekels.
Try harder.
She got her shit kicked in for praising castro last night.
She is just pulling bernouts kike scheme and that's bleed the idiots for what they can.
The left over money is going to the green party lel
It's learningkike/maddowposter, you idiot.
What does "cuckservative" have to do with semitics? Answer: nothing. You are just conflating two different issues for the sake of being offended.
Feminism is a lie at worse, a shadow of its former self at best. Taken over by spoiled over-coddled narcissists who believe that a black paraplegic transsexual crack addict should be given preferential treatment and allowed to speak on the subject of economics before an econ student or white businessman. Feminism allowed itself to become corrupted by things like the "progressive stack" which is nothing more than a counter psy-op produced by the Frankfurt school as a literal "divide and conquer" technique. Feminist "academics" have become nothing more than educated idiots.
I'm sure that the article on these so called "Trump Russian Bots" will be base on reality and not conjecture. While you are at it, you should investigate the DNC's corruption with their voter fraud. Oh, you are not going to touch that? Very "brave" of you.
The gore is warranted in this case.
Say "Hi" to Rupert for me.
Norway here - noticed days ago that https on Breitbart gave invalid cert
Now it doesn't work anymore at all with https.
It used to, a month ago or so.
http works atm.
There's been a lot of http fuckery all over the internet lately.
Hang her already. Together with every politician who has ever taken favors from a lobbyist.
So 6 electoral voters are willing to go rogue, and now this… should we be worried or are we good?
It seems like the game is over and now we are just dealing with sore losers, but the way the media is trying to push the electoral college into ignoring their states is worrisome.
Are you Deutsch?
How very defeatist of you (1)
Nah, I just don't think there is anything they can do but the sticky has me paranoid.
tbh i think hillary has been arranging to insert more fraudulent votes both on paper and electronically while pretending to chill out in the background of it all
no fraud is going to be exposed from either trumps or hillarys camp - its going to be blamed on forgotten stacks of ballots and malfunctioning voting machines
"oh look, we won after all! those computer thingies sure are hard to operate! oh look at that box of votes that fell behind the toilet, i knew we lost them somewhere! its all jolly good now!"
no fuzz, just a smooth operation with minimal outrage
of course- after this point its too late for trump to demand a recount - the deadline was missed and only Jill took advatage of it."
i think trump is taking this way too easy.
unless its 88d chess, what do i know.
I would like to remind everyone that msm are "carefully shilling killdawg" in europe and that soros funded ngo's are shilling hard for this. But people see through the bullshit. Stick tight, burgers. Europe is with you
Don't underestimate the potential for an outright coup. I'm sure, behind closed doors, Trump has been sharing a lot of material with America's military leadership. The people would beg for it if undeniable evidence of what the Bushclinton cabal has been up to got out into the normiesphere.
I'm hoping Trump already has his people all over this subject and he's quiet about it because he's waiting to see democrats next move.
they'll revoke just enough of Trump's electoral votes to send this to the house and attempt to force the vote for clinton in the largest media quagmire the nation has ever seen
whether or not Trump will actually hold the vote I do not know, but this is the Clintonites' last bullet and they're firing it.
When does the recount start and end?
Pretty sure she wouldn't have got the funding if she was targeting any states hillary won>>8372785
I love this image
Just look at the optimism on Obama's face
It's like he's thinking
Clearly you're the new one. I won't bother to point out your mistake as it would be obvious to anyone who wasn't new
Problem is, we were playing around for far too long. The fact that recount is happening, they have something up in their sleeve.
Magically "There were 1 million unaccounted Hillary voters" And now Hillary would've won and strip Trump's win. Don't know if its possible to do that now Trump is Elect, but hell they will try by any means.
Even if they have to kill Trump and Hillary will just take his place. This could happen.
Opportunity NOW to radicalise Trump to the hard right, but the cheerleader trolls are blocking it.
I'm convinced CTR's argument style rubbed off on regular liberals. A lot of people I talk to IRL sound just like CTR. They even correct my record when I try to talk about WikiLeaks.
Awful memes, 2/10 see me after class.
You realize that if Obama pardons Clinton there's nothing Trump as president could do to her?
Spoiler alert, presidents can reverse previous presidents pardons.
Republicans almost control enough states to admen the constitution.
Trump adds that IDs are required to vote in the general election . mass DEM suicides
No they can't. Learn your history
Do you realize that our ultimate goal is to put all these (((people))) into death camps?
Why would we care about what they think? We WANT them to start a civil war to give us an excuse. We WANT them to chimp out.
Yeah they can, learn your history.
Will you write about that guy from Lostprophets, your friend, who fucks babies?
muh antiseptic
This is most likely an attempt to make a happening within the DNC which can counter the ongoing disintegration in that party. Whether a burnout or a shill, they will likely view this as some kind of uniting attempt against Trump. It wount work, but Hillary has to try in order to get the very sore loosers to at least talk to eachother again.
Does this woman regret her idiotic statement full of feels for Killary? KellyAnne had better wake the fuck up. She's dealing with pedophile psychopaths, not normal people with a conscience.
Dude wtf is the context of that pic
Grant and Nixon reversed pardons, faggot.
Find a state that has passed its recount deadline, and shoop a screenshot to show the deadline not passing for two weeks.
If this applied to NH, it would be ideal bait.
maybe your pic will actually happen if she gets this reversal
That doesn't even look like gore anymore, just strawberry jam accident.
What you do all think of this theory? I can almost imagine it now, normies that get their news from the lugenpresse would be screaming that "Congress appointed Trump" etc etc. There would be no reasoning with them.
No archive because the site is good and most of the article is in the greentext above anyways
I think this is the people who believe in Communist Manifest Destiny preparing for the next election. MSM spent years repeating "elite liberal" and associating degeneracy with freedom in states like New Hampshire. Having Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin think of themselves as elite capitalists for even a couple of years would do serious damage to the conditioning.
I hate you.
Relax these niggers will have to challenge PA in court. Don't see that happening. They are just blowing smoke and will be fucked harder in the ass once efforts fail. We need to get people in the recount to stop the liberal kikery.
Jesus, this image is the front of the drudge report right now.
Spoilered out of courtesy.
Did you even read the things you posted?
Legal loopholes. Those pardons were never delivered
A presidential pardon is absolute. Once a Presidential pardon has been delivered and accepted they cannot be overturned, even by the President who issued them
I pray to Kek a swarm of frogs and suffering befalls Soros and his masters.
He's correct. Learn to read.
Simply bolding some terms doesn't make your statement factual. Cite the constitution or even Supreme Court caselaw to support your claims or GTFO. Bonus points if you can find the words "delivered" or "accepted" in the constitution as it pertains to presidential pardons. Oh wait, you can't, because it's not "'there'''.
Someone probably already posted this, but I'm lazy and didn't look. So I watch Stein's plea for PA (it's on kikebook) and there's one little thing she wants all of her supporters to do: email a picture of your affidavit signed after it's notarized so they can verify the stuff and know whom to contact.
So this means you're going to have people frantically opening every single email attachment which comes their way in hopes they get their people in every precinct.
Have fun fellas.
They have no idea what kind of ant-nest they have poked into, do they?
This OP is also shit.
Also, I know that Penn and Michigan were two of their voter fraud states. Not sure of Wisconsin.
What the hell is going on there..
That's ridiculously cheap..
You villain. :^)
"With many enemies, there is much honor"
Replace "loser" with "salty"
this did nothing to me but this
is pure horror
God damn it your rant was going so well but you just had to end it with that spaghetti grenade from 2006…
i'm fucking scared!
nice work
Donations 👳🏽⚔️
they will try to steal the election it's already happening
why was this unstickied
Worst anime to use since the Saiyans love to racemix while killing their kind. Choose another that prefers to kick spic aliens out of their country while laughing at niggers.
Question when does this recount take place and how long will it take?
Somebody needs to make a GIF with Hillary's face shooped in from this.
Stein's request for hand recount rejected:
I knew this would happen
Only because they had no choice since all their wimminz got shoah'd by Frieza.
Quit trying to justify the pozz'd bullshit from your favorite show you fucking toonami babbie.
What do you want them to do? Just die out?
Gross anti-semantics.
I want you fans to die off so this rotting corpse of a series can vanish.
They missed the deadline for a Pennsylvania recount. That means they cannot steal the election from Trump. Now we get to drink even more leftist tears. This is the perfect Christmas present.
Ok, nevermind then
So it looks like the kike just wanted cash.
And the hill shills will just SCREE more about the popular vote, but the lead is entirely from California (Literally almost 1.5 to 2 million votes, all from California, and more to come, as the state is only 86
you'll have to wait a looooooong time tbh fam
Just wait until Super reaches the West officially. There will be a wave of weebery like you've never seen before.
Here is a link to some of what this user is talking about.
Can Obama even pardon her if she isn't charged/indicted?
Can he just say "you can't prosecute her for [list of shit], ever!"
Pardons don't work like that, do they?
on what grounds can she sue them into being forced to recount PA? this seems like the dumbest tantrum possible.
I remember on election day so many anons were reporting in on the fraud in philly.
buses full of niggers being transported around to multiple polling locations around the city
voting a bunch of times.
If they recount PA, won't that like, expose the fraud
None. She's no chance of winning and she can't actually prove fraud. Now, if it were Hillary Clinton doing it on the hand, she might have something of a case, but it's not. It's a third party who got maybe 11,000 votes.
They'd be able to prove fraud occurred but seeing as the vote itself is anonymous I don't think they'd be able to prove conclusively in whose favour the fraud occurred. So it likely wouldn't change anything.
Yes, he can.
Yep, he can. They can do all sorts of wacky shit with pardons.
I'm not sure why they even exist within the Executive's purview the more I read about them, the more disgusted I become
obama fucking hates her guts though.
i wonder…
Goddam it, Bill.
That's what I thought, the states have already said they found no evidence of hacks or muh russia so what is the gameplan, for Gov to step in and say it was russia anyways?
Dirty ass hypocrite.
fking how?
fuck messed up highlight.
Get out.
Incognito mode
anons using TOR have that ID, friendo
lurk more
There would be riots for a while but the burgers are too fat, lazy and distracted to have a civil war
did he actually tho?
Oh, what a shame.
When are the shills going to learn that a re-count don't mean shit. Not only that, she missed the date to give a re-count…and it wasn't even a re-count was a re-tabulation..which means just counting the same ballots over again. This is all a jew scheme to get more shekels from the normies.
top kek
Fucking KEK
I wonder if he knows the connotations of that pose.
Seriously, Trump was probably banking on her doing this shit because it honestly is just that predictable.
Why hunt for the monster when the land you stand on is a bait and a trap already?
I admittedly don't get it.
I have a frightening proposition but hear me out:
What if they realized that they would never get away with rigging the vote in Hillary's favor?
Upon realizing this, they still have the option to rig the election. They have the power to manipulate the voting machines controlled by Soros in several key states, but if they do it in Hillary's favor it will emerge as fraud under review.
So what if they organized the inverse? Rather than setting up voter fraud on Hillary's behalf, they do it on Trump's behalf and leave behind a very clear trail of breadcrumbs that implicates Russia intervention?
Upon review during the recount, the hack is discovered and they then immediately oust Trump while simultaneously having a new-found cause for war with all things Russian. Hillary takes office and uses the events that preceded all of this to institute limitations on online communications arguing that they're fighting the Russian cyber war effort to manipulate Americans. They overwhelmingly redeem the credibility of their puppet media institutions in the eyes of the masses and use war to rally the military behind a Hillary presidency.
Given the capabilities we understand these people to have and their objectives this scenario is beginning to seem horrifyingly plausible in my mind.
I just don't get why she'd do it. Nothing plays out in her favor without monstrous amounts of civil unrest and institutions that could very well refuse to recognize her authority. All of that, mind, while she's got Chelsea calling Trump to say 'Please don't arrest my family!'
Did Clinton herself speak out on this, or was it all through her campaign lawyer Klein? If it's the latter, how long until he commits suicide by falling down an elevator shaft onto some bullets?
Because shitloads of voter fraud went down in Florida, and any thorough examination would shine a huge light on it and really, really damage the reputation of the Democratic party.
Same reason Hillary probably doesn't want anyone looking too closely at PA and is in all likelihood against a recount there.
Theoretically possible.
But the narrative form the White House contradicts this. At least until now.
how wew r yew
That makes complete sense because Florida is the only obvious place to attempt fraud.
The Dems WOULD be stupid enough to just ignore the three winning states in the name of a failed rigging of Florida.
Under budget and ahead of schedule means we get a nice big christmas bonus.
holy shit man your ID!
how do you not know tor is compromised?????
It's not. Stop sperging.
You're a shill, but surely you fucks should realize by now that we've adopted the fanatics position long ago. No longer will we back down on any issue. Concern trolling and virtue signalling peels right off Holla Forums.
For video
h ttp://
For article
Looks like the plan will be to attack our Republic and (((reform))) the Electoral system.
Reform it to be majority of counties in a state to win would easily stop the shitskin population in the cities from winning the state.
There is no mercy.
Just read an article on Fox that said Stein's recounts efforts have been getting 10-12x as much media exposure than her entire campaign.
Maybe she's playing 3.5D chess and came up with a plan to scam Soros and Hillary's supporters out of cash, get back in the national spotlight, and setup herself for something else later?
Missing the PA deadline of 11/21 seems to support it, because otherwise she's just a lucky retard who fell ass backwards into cash while bumbling around.
Someday it will come full circle
Well shes planning on suing all of the states into forcing recounts so she obviously will use the money she scammed to towards that. But there's still the potential threat of her wasting everyone's fucking time with the states so they miss the official EC vote deadline. We've seen that Soros/Rockefeller/Rothchild wasn't as invincibly foolproof as they thought with Plan A but always be vigilant.
After this fuckup people won't be so willing to stand behind Stein again so unless she disappears for a decade and her mistakes are forgotten by the next generation then I don't see her coming back in relevancy, libs eat their own.
Sure thing Shekelberg, whatever you say.
This should be fun
I appreciate the addition of the Gas Mask. I think if Kek is green we should add red to ours too.
Words cannot explain how much I love this picture.
no they didn't, they rejected a hand recount, they are still doing a machine one
It's ran by whoever wants to run it. The code is open and audited by scores of security experts from around the world. There is literally no way to compromise it without people quickly finding out.
Gas yourself.
Jewtube version?
Dubs demand an answer. He took them from the kikes, but let the German citizens still have them. There were gun clubs and everything. Why would you fire on your brothers when you promoted the idea of the German volk and had the support of the people?
Not saying a testimony proves anything 100%, but there you go.
Did the kike bitch really "miss" all the deadlines and just ran away with libtard money?
she missed the PA deadline
took the guns from jews and commies, handguns where more restricted but the age for getting shotguns back then was lowered to 18
Soros tanking Bolivia???
and her knights are facing the wrong way
they'll ride into battle backwards
what an ameteur
Wait… what are you suggesting here?
Whose agenda is Stein serving?
Anyone managed to fit the pieces together into something plausible/probable?
I say no.
That's ridiculous, you can't just pick someone and exempt them from all federal laws forever.
That's absurd.
This recount shit is so stupid. People starved themselves to throw money at Bernie Sanders in the genuine believe he would wipe all their debts & rain free shit upon them. Then, even after he sold out, if you could even call it that since he never really believed any of the shit he said, his voting record proved it, these same people are throwing money at Jill Stein thinking a recount is going to magically heal the trauma of learning that most people don't agree with turning the U.S. into a 3rd world socialist shit hole, rather it will simply inflict the trauma again only this time they paid money to be bludgeoned with reality, money to yet another jewish scam artist.
Education is a joke & people are fucking retarded.
Ultima ratio civium
needs an update. One estimate is 5 digits
They just had the hand recount court case streamed on to the internet. It was 4 hours with both Stein and Hillary's lawyers arguing what ever they fucking wanted, leading the "expert" testimony of UofC and UofM profs, and basically making accusations from whole cloth. The defendants barley objected when he should have, asked little of the witnesses and only called one witness himself. His ending argument was basically, "they didn't meet the burden lol." All this to an extremely liberal judge you can tell Stein hand picked by filling in her jurisdiction. AND SHE STILL LOST! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! SHE PICKED THE ONE LIBERAL JUDGE WHO ACTUALLY FOLLOWS THE LAW! HAHAHAHAHAHA Stupid bitch.
T-thanks for using my OC user…
I-is she actually on our side and trying to implode the left and scurry away with all their hard earned shekels? The party wont have any money to spend because it's donors will be sucked dry.
The race was already conceded, this is pedantic. If she finds a way to kike her way into office a civil war is inevitable
Wew lads have we started the fire?
One man's trash is another man's treasure, pass the wine.
wtf is this person?
Gas yourself
So much for 'We'll sue them'
yet another reason why I need to load my AR clips.
I think they thought they had it though. She does have a hubris problem.
Not mad at all. After all rep are just founded by ((())) just like dems. And they dont like trump either. Civil war is a joke, people will just bend over like sheeps.
I don't want this thread to purge at 666 replies
Ugly Americans is a seriously underrated series.
And yet Holla Forums still uses the dead kike on a stick alienating right leaning people because they are not RWDS enough. This is how the left destroyed itself, eating their own. This is how they alienated their white working class base.
DNC leaks showed how the left was actively subverting Christian sects with plants.
Keep going and give the Christian base to the left, see how well that works out.
Christians could be woke so much if you expose the Jew. Everything that goes with the Jew gets seen as Hersey.
This seems likely