You are great, whoever did this.
This will make absolutely everyone who sees it laugh.
You are great, whoever did this
The guy is in the brit/pol/ thread m8.
Another "whoever did this" thread.
TRS/Heimbach UK affiliate, if it ever happened.
Suddenly the gutter press is reliable right?
No, they're trying to incite copycats as there is a distinct lack of right-wingers getting caught committing acts of "racism" and more are needed for the propaganda.
Hopefully racism will lose all meaning and effect on normies because these stickers are hilarious.
The guy who made them admitted to it on his personal twitter. I imagine the police have gotten to him now. In London they really crack down on anything that can be interpreted as racism.
Any kind of activism or irl propaganda effort is obviously controlled opposition and a Jew trick. We should only ever shitpost in our echo chambers because a Jew might make a shitty article in a leftist news outlet making us look like racist anti-semites.
t. user
what did kek mean by this
very funny
In your attempt to be sarcastic you are pretty near correct.
It's even being promoted by the MSM and you don't see that as suspect.
It's frightening how easily controlled you guys are, MI5's dream target.
Go ahead though, photograph an Asian man with considerable political power, then tweet and tag it "Pakimon", enjoy your time in prison.
For your own good, stay out of politics until you're older.
For what? Distributing fliers? Nobody is advocating shooting up synagogues. Posting here and preaching to the choir accomplishes nothing.
Making jokes IRL with fliers is far different than going around painting swastikas everywhere, which IS mostly by nefarious non-related people that could honey trap someone but almost never does?
I honestly can't believe the ancient peoples were stupid enough to fall for your tricks. Here's hoping the Holocaust happens for real this time, and not a single kike escapes.
I hope you're a fed because it would be really embarrassing if you were actually one of us.
We have to do something quick since the majority of kids being born today are non-white. Not really sure we have to time to start organizing irl in 20 years.
why is this so hard to understand?
I wish creative types would use autists as editors. The amount of times I've seen good propaganda or an infographic and I've trashed it because they can't use an apostrophe the way God intended
I'm sure the situation will resolve itself if we complain about it on an anime image board enough, don't worry.
Individuals on the autism spectrum have trouble understanding subtle distinctions like that.
Why do bother changing your IP?
Why the fuck would he do that
This makes no sense.
They're doing God's work though.
He's either a jew or a turbo autist who posts in every thread about any kind of activism and claims it was faked by SinAIDS from Renegade as part of some giant conspiracy.
You probably could serve jail over this in Bongistan, their laws are pretty fucked up.
This is 100% a prison worthy “offence” in Britain. Britain doesn’t have free speech it has “free speech within the law” and “hate speech” is against the law. What is hate speech? That remains broadly undefined but this would be classed as hate speech, this is in fact leagues above what is necessary to qualify as hate speech.
Remember, people being imprisoned for making keks honest jokes on Twitter in Britain is not a meme.
If you don't get caught, it's not a problem.
Britain is saturated with CCTV, The Conservative Government have also given themselves full access to everyone’s full internet activity/ communications records, no warrant required just an constant open flow.
Compound this with the fact that whilst The British Government will do everything in their power to “ignore” crimes committed by non-natives
Whilst they have stripped funding to the police to such a degree that they no longer patrol the streets outside of major cities/ if you are the victim of a crime the best you can hope for is to be handed a form to fill in they will spare NO EXPENSE when it comes to hunting down someone who places a flyer which in any way shape or form may make a Muslim feel unhappy.
Non bongs need to understand Britain and understand what it has become because it is you tomorrow.
I'm honestly amazed that brit/pol/ even exists at this point and that they haven't all been rounded up.
I'm glad we still Nige from you cucks, you don't deserve him
fug, a typo
That's so goddamn Orwellian.
What a dumbass. Now somebody else will have to do it for him.
go away
Oh gosh darn there go my sides again
So what's the Islamic version of Missingno?
The way it works is kind of like with DMCA notices. They obviously can't prosecute everyone for "hate speech" so they just terrorise people chosen at random every so often.
Fuck the law.
Come and get me cunts!
Says he is 16, looks 34
My sides