Found this gem on normie book, now they want a cultural revolution.
They want to start re-education camps
So, basically shilling.
More worryingly
Any britbongs have info on this?
Commies love re-education camps
Do these idiots not realize they already have re-education camps? They're called public school. Spoiler alert, they don't work on most white men.
How does this work? This isn't like intersectionally like when you try turn a BLMonkey into a vegan by likening farms to slavery but somehow trying to convert someone who doesn't believe in equality into believing into it. What's the hook? Conspiracy time, it's probably (((Alt-Right))) Supporting the message but slipping into pro-acceptance shit.
Fascists don't need to be re-educated.
They need lining up against a wall and shot.
Wait, Bateman is a jewish name? But that means…
Still butthurt that Castro croaked on Black Friday?
This place has been getting shilled with the good minority narrative for a while. We also almost never talk about literature or have intellectual debates anymore and mods actively suppress such threads. This place is likely already being targeted.
Hitler stole the hectoget and he's perma buttmad about it.
You want to kill all white people?
Literally destroyed the vegan movement. It's sad really. Regardless of what you think of vegans, all the important ones have been white, now there are niggers (who aren't even vegans) saying the vegan community is too white and inherently racist. Basically the opposite of what you think was happening is what actually happened. Now vegans are considered racist if they try to tell the niggas in the hood to stop eating kfc, it's pathetic.
If Holla Forums was smart they would co-opt the vegan (and other green movements) into the fold of conservatism. It's what Hitler did.
He's assravaged user
I did some research, he might be anglo.
After all the kikes in hollywood wouldn't want one of their own to look bad
Fallate a shotgun and discharge it pls
Funny how they talk about this as a response to the alt-right… I would have thought the alt-right/civic nationalism WERE this counter-narrative.
Vegan no, there's too much shit in science to turn down for that, but between the two extremes of just vegetarianism and wasting all that land to turn people into 500lbs landwhales then it's not that bad of a sacrifice as long as peoples requirements for eating healthy balance of food is met.
Funny how they talk about this as a response to the alt-right… I would have thought the alt-right/civic nationalism WERE this counter-narrative.
very nice
In the UK the government has already started to allocate resources towards 'far-right extremism' in the same way they do for Islamic terrorism.
It's kind of weird how nationalists posting on the internet and supporting nationalist/populist movements are made to seem equivalent to people who literally join ISIS.
so they do nothing about it at all?
Could this be in preparation of the taskforce that will be deplyed 13 days before Trump takes office.
Yes, pat bateman is jewish. The entire point of American Psycho is that kikes can get away with being complete sickfucks.
I'm not going to get into an argument with you about the health aspects of veganism, but it can be beneficial if you know what you're doing. Hell, even if you just want to subvert veganism and make the white vegans pro-white without actually incorporating their beliefs into the right, you could do that. Look for example at this post on reddit:
reddit. com/r/vegan/comments/5a0xrx/thousands_of_vegans_just_marched_through_london/
What you would expect to be praised by vegans (a group of thousands of people who care about animals marching through london) is instead called out an example of veganism's race problem in the comments.
Even if you want to keep eating meat, gaining the friendship and sympathy of vegans (by pointing out that without whites animals will be subjected to the type of abuse that goes on in China and Africa) will be a boon to white nationalism.
The problem really really isn't the land required for growing healthy meat. At least not free range cattle or small farm operations.
The USA used to produce basically all the beef in the world and do it in land that wouldn't support enough corn to lot feed those cows. Running cattle through the desert is incredibly efficient and the same thing could be done in even more marginal land with sheep like the bighorn. Not to mention the potential meat and hides that could come from running bison on the remaining grassland.
It isn't today because environmentalism has become antihumanism and the BLM is at the forefront of that sentiment. Public land is the biggest blight on the nations health and a sad whimpering end for the great spirit of manifest destiny.
See the PREVENT "counter-terrorism" programme for gub'mint interference.
I got put on it after I was caught on camera at a (shit) NA demo and the counterterrorism-intelligence-unit po-po have been 'engaging' with me ever since, it's kind of pathetic but also spoopy proof that the UK is a 1984-nannystate (especially now they're able to ramp up internet surveillance 6000000% thanks to mummy May).
I ain't gonna be reconstructed tbh.
You shouldn't bully her, her brother had some psychological issues because he had a lot of power and no outlet.
gov .uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/97976/prevent-strategy-review.pdf
I'd rather commit suicide than become a commie
Sounds like a violation of the NAP, on top of the death benuldy being a violation of human rights. :-DDD
Man your funny. Go back to drinking your starbucks and being pathetic.
No, that's reserved for you communist boot-lickers.
You already shit up the Castro thread after you "made us assmad and got tired of our autism", it won't change the fact he died on the day of two hallmarks of capitalism, his death has made it three.
so basically the shilling they try to do here. except it never works.
oh boy these leftists don't know how reality works.
He is a wall street banker and a serial killer what did you expect?
Step up your game senpai
Point made.
Guys, they're LARPing. They don't have a prayer in instituting any of this.
Further, it should be Trump's foreign policy that if any Western nation engages in this against the right, it means war.
Implementing this would be suicide for the left.
Us on the dissident right are already familiar and have personal experience with left wing attempts to brainwash us. A more aggressive form of this will create massive resentment.
If they have them in South Wales, then they're yet to bundle me off for re-education. We don't even have a "far right" problem here anyway. Outside of the cities it's still very white.
Oh, and still very much Labour voting. Author is talking out of her arse.
user, you do realise we have IDs here yes? Or are you just a mental case?
spoopy indeed.
This (((re-education))) along with the push to give Whites their own state seems like it could be a related honey trap.
Yes. Bring all of the atomised, like minded individuals together in one place. What could go wrong?
fuck leftists
We need a counter-counter-narrative. Preaching? Public street preaching is highly under-rated these days.
Technically, they never create a counter-narrative to the right. They just ignore, sneer and distort.
For all the media hand-wringing over "racists" and "alt-right" etc I haven't read much of why they disagree with us. Let's face it, their beliefs are purely religious (equality) and can't be argued.
This, shoring up civic nationalism is probably the most effective deradicalization program tbh. Trust lefties to be too retarded to figure it out.
Oh yeah. I guess TRUMP is the real counter-narrative. If he dials back the poz a few notches, DOTR doesn't looks so urgent.
He will be if he:
A: isn't secretly redpilled
B: isn't controlled opposition
C: isn't managed properly by the WN movement
I don't think he's controlled op, but we definitely have to remain vigilant if we are to press our advantage correctly.
*is controlled opposition
Kek fucking commies
every goddamn time
We need to start targeting these programs. Find their methods and literature, deconstruct it and mock it.
yeah this pretty much
the major cities in Britain are like brown tumours on a white land
That only works assuming the goal isn't wiping out whites and western civilization. If the poz is dialed back, homogenous white communities will have a chance to survive even under civic nationalism, and we can't have that can we goy?
They can't pretend their goal hasn't always been the "browning of America" (and Europe) which they have pushed for so long as "inevitable".
Wow the shill doesn't notice that we have ids here.
eh thats less of a goal and more of a means to an end in their eyes
There is this river that flows from here. They want to stop it, and they think they can do it by trying to reverse its flow. So they jump into this river, hoping to achieve something. They will either get drown or the currents will force them go float down on this river. Either their methods will be completely ineffective and won't be able to deal with the psychological pressure, or they will join us.
Fucking commie bastards. You can't go off about how you only target radicals when you consider everyone but you to be a radical if they don't believe what you want them to. For example: To say that you aren't a feminist in a public space would get you immediately labeled a dangerous patriarchal radical this of course assuming you're not brown, if you are then its fine.
I'm sick of these lefty bastards equating themselves to a force of ultimate good while their comrades are busy setting fire to stores and killing police officers.
That's actually a fairly accurate summary of the "alt-right"
This is why I didn't go along with the NWF meme. And I would actually like to move to Idaho, just for reasons.
Nigger I said I wasn't going, just that I would like to. NorthWestFaggotry aside, it's sparsely populated and mostly white.
And then there are the Eurasian steppes that stretch from Hungary to China. Actually, during the early modern period Hungary was the source of beef for Germany, and many people got very rich thanks to that trade. But now nearly the whole of the Hungarian Great Plain is just used to grow wheat and corn, while the Ukraine is perfectly suited for that.
They work great
There is no counter-narrative to objective fact.
You can't take the glasses off and pretend you never saw anything.
Their grand plan is more shilling on faceberg?
No wonder we're winning.
No we just need our own safe space user. A safe space with boarders and a constitution and laws.
Those bastards. How dare they save their own civilization.
At least I hate kikes now I guess
Clearly not.
Intersectionality politics are pathetic.
And nothing of value was lost. Fuck off veganfag, all of you should be gassed.
that's just a random social-science project creating out of nowhere the need for funding their further efforts against windmills powered by their own media campaigns, nothing more
just your ordinary liberal sheckels grab, SJW in universities all do that about the problematic shitlords du jour, whether it's to defend feminism, or miscegenation, or nigger access to abortions, or like now defending the status-quo against natzee radicals defending civilization
Why do these retards keep promoting shit like reeducation and news censorship when they fucking lost every single branch of government?
How do they expect to get these things done?
With help from government funds :^)
Oh how I would love to trigger the trauma in those nation wreckers.
They thought it worked on Islam as well. Yet 50k Islamists from Europe went to join ISIS. I'd say good riddance, but it should tell you how ineffective their deradicalization was.
It might have even be convenient for Europe since now those people won't be triggered to commit atrocities in European countries.
Commie need to be shipped to Siberia and work for the good of the motherland until they die of starvation :^)
only shit that will work is spamming us with white male on nonwhite female porn. the cuck shit wont work. fucking weebs are an example of this. free advice faggots go die.
Are you fucking kidding? The only reason the indoctrination is starting to fail now is due to shit hitting the fan, not because re-education failed. Tons of people, including tons of White men, still regurgitate without a ounce of self awareness.
gtfo with that weeb shit
Nah, My Mom and Sister basically got on the Trump train because of me. We're on the side of logic and truth.
probably, yeah
That is a strange way to spell shitlib.
Uhhh, do they think evolution helps their case when it comes to racism?
Nobody has ever come to Holla Forums to find tips on picking up girls.
Holla Forums is not alt-right faggot
Holla Forums is typical alt-right. 99% of posters here are shabbos goy cucks.
because you say so? good luck trying to force a any annonymous person on this placto to accept a label you low functional autist.
Typical brainwashed nu-male.
Shouldn't you be busy getting pegged by you sister?
You're a fool.
In liberal views evolution is nothing more than the proof we are all niggers from Africa.
kys faggot
It'd look like a lot of angry Holla Forumsacks with rifles.
It's quite possible this wave will crest and fade away, like the literal communist wave did. For the time being tension is increasing and we're heading for a bigger crescendo. The left has clearly not accepted the recent election and is doubling down on their world view.
But if Trump succeeds with his Kosher, civic nationalism, who knows?
That's like trying to teach a zombie to be a vegetarian.
besides staff is already red-pilled, they're just heartless self-serving shitbags
I hope to god they put their full effort into their online brow beating because they still haven't realised it only aides us and they probably never will
imkampfy hidden 12 hours Holla Forums Bumplocked thread
I don't think that's as malign as it is stupid. Mods are just obsessed with current events and shit like that. Comfy threads like that are the victims in the slow decay from Holla Forums into /currentevents/
We are not the radicals, they are, they are bringing in millions of immigrants to our countries and do nothing when those immigrants start raping, stealing and breaking our stuff.
I'm sorry but whenever they say this it pisses me off
Reagan worked at a fucking circus and was an actor, Grover Cleveland was an executioner who presided over hangings, Garfield was a janitor, and Jackson dueled as a hobby, I don't see why a man who did one TV show is now formally labelled as a 'reality TV star'.
can one actually spit out the redpill?
No. The redpill works by love for ones own people and wanting to protect them.
Unless you start hating your people and want harm to come to them, you cannot spit it out.
Which is why attempting to redpill the left is a complete waste of time.
Dem dubs.
I hope she has a fucking stroke. She was reveling in triumph the day before the election, so sure the evil white man was about to receive the lesbian grandma death blow. Now she's in a world of ideological shit.
i guess they see Holla Forums as aut right?
No. You can catch flies with honey, not vinegar.
Once they see the reality that their ideology is harmful, they cannot go back to to it.
This is not possible with someone who is "redpilled" because there is no veil to remove anymore.
The only other stance is the veiled stance of the left, which, at that point, is now completely incompatible with the redpilled person.
I want to know how you get referred to this or if they cut off access to information or add you to a terror watchlists. I'm half tempted to get myself referred to one of these programs to learn what they're teaching people and then work on how we can develop counterrnatives and undo the attempted 'deprogramming'. Essentially they're going to start failing when we figure out how to teach people to recognise the signs of when something is attempted deradicalisation and counteract these programes methods.
But then PREVENT has also been complete shit here so there's hope. Apparently all it did to quite a lot of Muslim referees was just radicalise them even more or push them from leaning towards to towards outright extremism. Loads of reports and criticism about how shit it is, so there's hope it'll have the same effect on the ones they're getting from our ranks.
There's one report into it here:
Kikes are so fucking retarded. And they wonder why they keep getting shoah'd..
Nice English Chang. Soon you'll grow out of being a teenage third world parasite into a nice well rounded adult third world parasite.
Hello commie Goldberg.
I don't see how the left could implement this without using extreme force, and by using extreme force they'd redpill vast numbers of people really quickly. The whole of public and "higher" education is nothing more than indoctrination as it is. Simply put the left, be it on an institutional level or grassroots (fags and similar turds) has no more moves to make. Any move they make is by necessity an extremist move simply because they've tried everything else. Their options are now basically limited to fully blown censorship of the internet or physical force.
No matter what they do they've lost the game and the fire rises. Every move they make is a losing move.
Show vegans halal and kosher slaughter and then ask if those practices are good for the animals.
Jokes on them. I use social media only to message family. I don't spend more the 15 minutes a week on social media.
Besides, it only takes one strong occurrence to break their hold on you. For me it was learning that Trayvon wasn't a 12 year old in a white hoodie. The minute I saw the real picture of him, and learned the facts about the case thank you Holla Forums I knew I couldn't trust the mainstream media anymore.
Re-education camps? Might as well save time and use a bullet. I am not going to become a cuck again as death would be the preferable alternative.
Oy vey stop noticing things goy!
Oy vey switch to (((Chrome))) and Sign In so (((we))) know better what you are searching for!
What's hilarious how they are so incredibly misguided in their assessment. They think we're like islamist subhumans who have been brainwashed into supporting a substance-less ideology. What they fail to realise that our worldview was forged by uncovering the truth, not running away from it. Of course, in the arrogance of these liberal dogs, they automatically assume nothing but their "progressive" ideology is truth, so it's no wonder they believe they can "re-educate" us into thinking that way.
Silly fools. There's no going back once the redpill has been swallowed.
Yeah, they assume that we haven't already studied (and rejected) Progressivisim and Libertarianism. Might still work on uneducated goys.
But I thought most vegetarians were liberal already
The kind of people that join ISIS are gangsters, loverboys and delinquents, the kind of people that join the alt-right are slightly nerdy introverted young men.
It's not the same thing.
Any 'offline reeducation' would be mind-conditioning though sleep deprivation and threats.
'Online reeducation' is getting federal dollars to shitpost and concern troll to do D&C.
I wouldn't take this lightly. The 'alt-right' (which, sadly, includes Holla Forums) is hated by both Republicans and Democrats. There's very little keeping them from coming after us, especially if we are digging into global pedo rings.
Not a bad summary tbqh lads
This happened in 2011. They are so desperate that they have to bring up old incidents.
We should, however, point out that their evidence is no longer relevant in the [CURRENT YEAR], and that the Alt-Right are neither Fascists nor National Socialists, but rather moderate conservative youth :^) thus disarming their arguments.
Oy vey! Rev up those propaganda machines.
Not only that public indoctrination in schools work, but it works so good that they have managed to convince more then 80% of the youth to commit cultural and racial suicide.
They only reason why the pendulum is swinging back is because even the most complacent animal will fight back in the seconds before it's death.
Quite a wonder to observe the tolerance and understanding of the left.
Thank you for your illustrious insight, Comrade.
had the bantz.
Indeed. However, this was never going to be a permanent settlement. Once it becomes too cancerous, we will once again migrate to other places.
"Throughout the tranches of France and Belgium, and all the way heartland of our country, we shared the same hardship, but for a short time in our life, when the shooting stopped and silence fell upon the plains, we made coffee, we shared a piece of chocolate, and we laughed away the pain and fear; and for those moments, our comrades became our family, and our tranches became home."
Pacific North West United States could use you.
Time to git gone.
Even if Out of Africa theory was true, which isn't, it still doesn't account for the 200.000 years we evolved separately.
This. Indoctrination might work for the average normie, but I would suffer through anything, even death, then becoming a Communist. In the last seconds of my life I would die at peace knowing that I did my part safeguarding humanity.
She really nails it.
Liberals are priests. Priestly power is the power of the pulpit. Soft power. They are feeling the compulsion to trade soft power for hard power, they are trying to step down from the pulpit and grasp the sword, but they don't realize that the sword will crumble in their hand, and having forsaken the pulpit they will never reattain it, and will never wield soft or hard power again.
Only the masculine man can wield the sword.
That's simple, you just put the plants in their way.
How did these faggots even get this far?
top bant
That part wasn't there in the sound track, you sneaky bastard.
Nobody has ever come to Holla Forums without first being softened by entry-level redpills somewhere else.
They have to lie and cheat to gain. Leftism cannot win logically and truthfully. If leftist arguments were true, Holla Forums would likely be on their side. We're here because we seek the truth and the truth denies everything they claim.
Holla Forumsacks would probably cheer and demand an encore if exposed to the Ludovico Technique.
Why not have deradicalisation or moralization programs for the crazy leftist libshit SJWs who have been demoralized by kike college professors? They need it more than anyone on the "radical right".