Five US Soldiers Killed in Syria


First go in the advisors, then go in the troops, another fucking worthless conflict, another chance to lose.

Looks like Amerigga :DDD is gearing up for another ZOG war

Do not weep.
They were proud to give their lives for Zog.

YPG isn't fighting Assad though (right now). They probably got snackbared by ISIS. In b4 "WW3 ITS HABBENIG"


Training Kurdish Marxist narco-terrorists is a smart thing to do.

The US who has been funding ISIS and only been attacking assads forces

things I didn't say

kurds > turkroaches and ISIS

Mujaheddin > Soviets

Look how well that turned out

Amerikikes btfo :DD

What did they die for again?


Greater Israel

The author/twitter account is from 2009, any other sources?



The Syrian War was just a fluke to get us into WW3.
We can very soon get a Gulf of Tonkin event

No, retard, they were killed by ISIS not Assad or the Russians.

Today ISIS, tomorrow Russia. This is just making burgers used to the coffins coming.
You know that USA is in alliance with ISIS? This shit is staged.
Or the army is already under Trump's control

I would expect a temporary alliance with Russia to get rid of ISIS. Once that's done, the (((moderate rebels))) will probably be taken care of since Aleppo is falling apart as we speak. After that… who knows? Trump is a massive anti-Iran shill, but if don't think he'll risk war with Russia over it.


The rebels were the ones who used chemical weapons against civilians in Syria, but they blamed Assad then.

He's pro-Israel.
We can expect at least one more Intifada while he's in office, maybe the final one that brings Gaza and the West Bank under Israeli control once and for all.
When Hezbollah no longer administers territory in Palestine, Iran will probably do something big. Maybe nuclear big if they can manage it.

Can someone please post the get in the box or anti semite bibi bomb sign. I can not find it anywhere on jewgoole. Coincidence

can only be a good thing.

I'm sure everyone here knows that. or they should at least


American Invasion of Syria, yahoo!

cinders > shitskins

doubt it, Obama won't mobolize troops into the middle east seeing as how one of the big cornerstones of his campaign was getting them out, Trump will not rush in either, several americans died in Libya and we didn't set up full fledged bases or anything of the sort. Remember it took 2000+ dying on American soil for us to mobilize to iraq.



Criminally underrated post.


so wtf are they trying now? do they really want isis gone? maybe so they can push "muh moderate rebels are the only opposition left….give (((them))) some pipeline land goy"


Zogbots gona zogbot.

Do you know what winning actually looks like? Do whites even remember?
Winning is when you go to someone elses peace of land, kill or run off 95% the natives and then govern rule and build cities and shit. You fucking settle the place and call it your sovereign territory.
White wins: US, Canada, Australia, NZ.

Do you realize how much it costs to train, equip and support a special forces zogbot on the other side of the globe?
Do you realize how much it costs to train and equip an illiterate goatfucking sandnigger with a shitty Chinese AK and a couple of boxes of ammo?

Zogbot here, signed-up a few months ago, began to regret my decision a few days ago when I found out that I can't ever qualify for SOF. My life's about to be destroyed because of my stupid actions. I should've just went with the police and got on SWAT or something. smh

how do i get out?


Why are you posting an image from child's entertainment?

Why are you posting on a corean cartoon BBS?

Holla Forums btfo /a/ wins again with its superior, adult hobby

Say you suck dicks and shoot your retarded foot, you fucking idiot cunt.

Go AWOL and join the Syrian Nazi Party, they're basically the German nazis but more left-wing.

If you actually looked at your contract, you would know the answers. Just don't re-enlist when the time comes. You should not be a cop either because you are retarded. If you are not a psychopath who won't hesitate, then SOF or SWAT isn't for you.

The jew asses they kissed were to die for.

nah, that won't work anymore. say you hate trannies

nice, the only good americuck is a dead americuck


They knew what they signed up for.
This is why I'm waiting for Trump's innaguration to sign up.
The fact that this is even being broadcasted means there is something going on in the works.

Is a Syrian War going to be Obama's last "fuck you" to America? I imagine it'd be a bit more difficult politically for Trump to end such a war than simply saying "it's over, we're pulling out now", You'd get the same problem as Iraq, where US troops pulling out lets the hurqa durqas know when they can run in and take over

gahhh damn codemonkey

Dead ZOGbots makes me happy

Kurds and turkroaches all the same brown trash, nobody gives a fuck about your little love affair with the kurds you fucking faggot

kek @ that filename

If this happened under Clinton we'd have a month left of human civilisation at the most.

This. Who gives a rats ass if they get their jaw or dick shot off. They are signing up to fight banker wars and enforce globalism.
Whites are losing their countries and the military response is to fly your ass to Afghanistan to piss away the white mans wealth into the desert.
At the end of they day they will breed more than us in Afganastan so they will hold their own soil.

Go fucking section 8 all over every ones ass

sexually harrass a black woman

they would need an isis false flag first

The following is purely a history lesson:
When some young men were conscripted during Vietnam, they would throw a grenade in their CO's tent.

This one sounds like it's the most reasonable, thanks for your input guys! I might try either or . I don't want to do because not attracted to black women. Sorry if that offends any black women on this thread/board.

did the israeli airstrikes get them? :^)