Says "Clearly the Alt-Right care far more about the little-known Middle Eastern deity Kek than about traditional figureheads of American conservatism, such the Founding Fathers, or in the case of the religious Right, Jesus Christ."
Can't believe some editor allowed that virtue-signalling circlejerk shit to be published. Praise Kek!
I'm more of a Banebdjejet guy myself. But I'm also in the process of converting into Buddhism. Normalfags are way behind the curve, like always.
Jordan Sullivan
These people are actual retards.
Anthony Reed
But that's heresy, you fucking heretic. Praise Geb! tbh
Josiah Evans
Holla Forums needs a god
Chase Brown
I worship Kek because Kek worshiped me first
Dominic Collins
Shit. I HAD NO IDEA! "Egyptian Pharoahs were some of the first and most vicious Jew-haters in the ancient world. .. critics of the Alt-Right must work to expose the ugly anti-Semitic hidden meanings that really lie behind the movement's use of figures like Kek and Pepe."
Jack James
Buddhism is more of a way of life and thinking than a religion.
leftypol is fedora tipping bullshit. karl marx and lenin are their gods
Hunter Nelson
Even a god's power couldn't help them.
Jose Jones
just lolllllllllllll … ""Just like the student radicals of 1968 mostly worshipped totalitarian mass-murderer Lenin because they thought it was a trendy, counter-cultural thing to do, many Alt-Righters may celebrate Kek because they see him as the en-vogue symbol for showing disdain towards mainstream democracy and social tolerance.
I don't know who you are but I know you need a drink of clorox or a rope necklace for that post. Eat glass and die or go back where you came from. Either that or lurk for a minimum of 2 years before posting.
David Edwards
What do you think a religion is exactly?
Levi Cox
Is this some kind of META shitposting?
Tyler Flores
You have to go back too.
Jordan Cook
Joshua Torres
What is a religion centred around a figure who says you can disregard all the talk about gods, and you should try out his teachings in practice, then decide for yourself if they work or don't?
Ethan Barnes
Excellent English skills, Byline.queer
Asher Reyes
Which is why they have deities, dance, chant and offer to the dead, burn incense and build temples.
John Turner
blow me
Nolan Morgan
Gavin Hill
The irony of course being that the Enlightenment thinkers were significantly less rational than the Anti-Enlightenment in their utterly emotivistic and unscientific dogma of natural rights and equality. There was absolutely nothing rational about the Enlightenment, our modern conception of it is the Left's greatest propaganda coup excluding the Holocaust.
Josiah Campbell
So, we ever gonna get an archive or at least a screenshot?
Jeremiah Torres
Yeah, it's just like Islam or Christianity, right? Damn, you could have imported Buddhism to ancient Egypt, and Kek would be still one of their gods.
Nathan Wilson
Cooper Peterson
Anyone blind to the limits of reason is irrational. Some need to read Wittgenstein to understand this, some just grok it because they aren't fucking autists
Easton Edwards
They really just don't get it.
Adam Flores
Funnily enough Ramzcuck has fallen right into the trap. Richard Implicit tore him a new boipussi in his latest vid
Christian Rogers
Grayson Diaz
(checked) Every time some limp-wristed latte-swilling faggot gives themselves a literary swirly in protest of us, we grow stronger.
That's not how it works, idiots! YOU GIVE US MORE POWER!
Bentley Brown
Camden Butler
Cheers m8.
Nathaniel Johnson
I heard rapefugees in Bulgaria will freeze to death
Lucas Gomez
Fucking retarded, we worship him because he represents the darkness before the coming light. Fucking nornamfaggots
Luke Morris
plus, kek chose us, not the other way around. fucking normies
Liam Nelson
Lincoln Morris
no user, hijack it, just like they hijack everything remotely useful
Jordan James
What a disgusting paragraph
Nathaniel Myers
He makes a few decent points, but he's deluded if he thinks the Alt-Right is going to continue to exist in any real form.
Alexander Clark
Leftists are completely witless and force everything. All I do is let the memes work through me; sometimes I'll see a certain image or hear a certain clip or read about a certain event, and what needs to be done to it will be so obvious it's as though the ideas are being whispered to me- the voice of Kek.
Jordan Smith
Brandon Gomez
Holla Forums talks about meme magic like it favors them. It's quite sad.
Cameron Adams
Karl The Cuck
Jaxon Baker
Holy fuck the author is retarded.
Xavier Garcia
They worship their own assholes, user. That's the hallmark of leftism.
Luke Wood
Why are people saging the thread?
Ryder Lewis
what the hell have they established using meme magic?
Joseph Myers
I think it will because the media is feeding it. The wheat will get separated from the chaff now, with shitty sophists like Ramz and Milo siding with the establishment, and the vanguard doubling down and saying "Yes we are racist, and yes you should be afraid".
I've never liked the term, I'm not a huge fan of some of its figureheads, but an opportunity has opened now to make shitposting hit the nightly news on every TV in the Western world.
Lincoln Diaz
Their memes are so unfunny and unoriginal it's almost pathetic.
Tyler Edwards
M-memes are spooks anyways! They have spent years trying to destroy the very notion of memes, it is their ultimate goal to destroy nature itself
Andrew Young
Luis Nelson
The election's over, by the time Trump gets inaugurated the media won't be feeding it anymore. It's dead.
Austin King
You really think they're all just going to fall in line and say Trump a gud boi he dindu nuffin
Grayson Taylor
Alt-Right rejects universalism, the concept of truth and ethical morality. Wat
This people dont look at themselved do they? The left is the only one rejecting truth by applying safe spaces and argumenting by appealing to emotions
Cooper Wood
No, but they'll give up on the Alt-Right meme.
Jack Perry
The author profile of the shithead who wrote that article is even more dumbassed than his article
I disagree. The reaction to the Trump victory has shown that the left has been driven mad, that they have no humility and capacity for self-reflection. They're just going to ramp up the rhetoric about how whites are all secret racist fascists.
What's more, Trump is going to look for enemies on the right to make himself look like a centrist (as we've already seen with his recent denouncement) and so he himself is going to keep dragging the far-right into the dialectic.
The crazy train rolls on
Nathan Lewis
Kek is not a hate God. He is a void-God. His teachings are of the void that is this material plain. Void, if you do not understand it's original denotation, is like a wave. Simple an attribute put onto something else, becoming and becoming again.
Jacob Rogers
But user, Niu and Niut were the void/nothingness deities. They replaced Amun/Amaunet's role in the Ogdoad after they left it.
Jacob Wood
Breaking the link is fucking retarded and a pain in the ass for mobile users. Just leave off https:// Dipshits.
Not so much "virtue signalling" as a shaming attempt, but this journalist is shooting in the dark. He is taking what he thinks motivates/is held in esteem by the far-right, conservatives and ethnonationalists "Jesus" and "The Bible" and pointing out the lack of attention paid to them in an attempt to shame us away from our icons. Fails completely because he has no real grasp of the right-wing mindset.
This tbh fam. They have no idea what they're getting into.
Anthony Hall
Nothing is not void. Nothing is zero, nothing is an illisioun that the minds of stupid humans have created. Zero does not exist in nature and can not exist in nature. Zero is a qualifier for something else. Void is the state of never being, it is the state of always becoming. Kek is the god of change, whether it be good or bad, and he himself will never be himself.
Lincoln Sullivan
fucking lol @ this dumbass author linking to hollaforums
Aiden Parker
Most figureheads of the "alt-right" are Trump's enemy. Toxic support = poisoning the well. MAGA hats on spree killers are not "just a joke".
Hudson Rogers
I don't understand, we have the ability to screenshot, archive, and all they can produce is heresay from unidentified people?
They may as well made all this up. Because in all the Kek threads I've been in, we never said God as YHWH.
Cooper Bennett
Trump IS the enemy whenever he resists movement to the right. If you don't get that you are my enemy as well.
Brayden Price
What other hateful gods can we meme ?
Oliver Smith
The song is strangely fitting too. Like, surprisingly fitting for something so coincidental.
Picking a self crippling religion instead of virtue and excellence. Choosing the Asian version of the Dao instead of the true Logos
Samuel Brooks
You must understand metaphysics. Kek is the attribute, and the eternal is the only one who can be. Nikola Tesla called the eternal the Ether, and I suggest you read up on it. The Ether is the one acted upon; the ether is the principal for which everything in this universe is governed by. The Ether is the mediator, the start but never the end. There exists no end but only change of the now.
Jordan Barnes
Sebastian Reyes
Nathan Moore
Andrew Jones
Logos is form. Form is the creation of the material and the immaterial. In the ancient holy Trinity, that which precedes the Jewish cancer, is: the Metaphysical, the Material, and the unity between the two or also known by the Platonist as logos.
Kayden Diaz
uncool; please stop
Levi Gutierrez
Julian Cruz
John Carter
Noah Scott
There's a word for that? Fuckin' neat.
Cameron Morris
See, we're exciting and new. This is the herald of a rising movement, a new school of thought. Everyone is interested in us.
Jackson Cooper
You are thinking about western 'buddhism', not actual (i.e. as practiced by majority of it's followers in areas where it is native religion) one
Ryan James
No, it is as old as the Aryan man.
Owen Reyes
That's all bullshit.
Logos = flux not form…. It belongs to Heraclitus not /fringe/ platonists faggots who were influenced by Semitic cults and Plato's pathetic anti-Sophism.
Protip: Sophist = Sage Sage = Buddha (that's what Buddha means, it's not some guy's name)
isn't there a board that workship some crocodile goddess?
Isaac Perez
Read my posts ITT, fuckshit. I find the term and a lot of the baggage (((((((((prrrrrrrrooooooblemaaticccc)))))))). But it's a wedge straight up the buttcheeks of the synagogue, and using that opening we can commence full rectal assault
Aiden Howard
Renegade is one of the most visited "alt-right" sites on the Internet. You can easily add Daily Stormer's (the most visited) toxic support to the list. You sound like the guy who was on earlier trying to convince people that Millennial woes is just "some random youtuber no one knows about" so that he can be a faggot and it's no problem. Days after he attended the NPI conference. Um, yeah. This tactic is wearing thin.
Standard faux-right attack word. How's it going today Sinead? Wear your shame, Kike.
Jace Bennett
Someone's going to have to do a better job of explaining this word than you lot have managed so far on this board
Mason Sanders
By the way thanks for saving that. Every time you post it reaffirms that you still haven't actually studied male and female duties in Islam.
Jayden Hernandez
No, you have literal autism, probably the strongest strain of anybody on this, or any other chan.
Thomas Jones
You're an idiot. Read up Syrianus. There is a reason why so many Indian (Aryan) Buddhists were so interested on Platonic reasoning. Form is an eternal 'flux' as you call it. The Buddha was a man who simply brought the knowledge of the ancients to his present. You should understand Heraclitus when he says flux, for flux is simply a wave that is the material realm.
Benjamin Hall
yeah it's "understand" or "get [it]"
Hudson Gonzalez
Sorry, it is not eternal. I've mean to say forever, meaning never ending.
Brayden Baker
And Fox News is the most watched "right wing" news channel.
You're a retard, I'll ignore you until you make me filter you
Wyatt Scott
You haven't spent enough time on chan sites
Thomas Perez
Look up Heraclitus.
Logos = Doa…
Logos = flux
Dao = space, motion, underlining unity of all things, this and that but nothing in particular, unchanging but changing. It's a primitive way of saying flux.
Flux = cause and effect (point A. to point B.)
Therefore the cosmos/life is reasonable. Stoics then took the position of the reasonable Universe. Heraclitus said this flux created a universe built on "fire", or in modern terms "energy".
Logos became corrupted because that kike John wrote "jesus is the logos". After that it was muddied with bullshit
Taoists and Buddhists took the position of divine ignorance of the Logos. They just go with the flow. It wasn't until Japanese Zen that it begin to resemble it's original meaning in the Aryan Veddas again because Zen is an anti-magical thinking anti-guru system
Asher Myers
As with Islam, which you don't understand, you use words like "autism" without knowing what they actually mean. Your understanding of the term extends only so far as knowing that it's a good way to discredit posters in the places you usually inhabit (4chan, Reddit). Frequenting places where social signalling brings rewards (le upboat) leaves an imprint which is all too visible in your signalling and crowd-control techniques. You are so out of touch that you think it's a word with any weight, in an environment where 90% of the posters are somewhere on the Autism spectrum. Why are you even here? (rhetorical question, I will not entertain your attempt, so typical of Sinead Mccarthy and feminists in general, to deflect by personally attacking people you disagree with.) Triple-down on your buzzword, it's a fantastic way for new right-wingers to see how you people operate.
Carson Nguyen
This isn't gonna end well for them, is it?
Jason Hill
Then again, I do see where you can confuse form as being something else. Perhaps a better word for me to use is material, since form would be more accurately said as to be Man. Logos is idea, and idea is form. Form is not flux, but rather the material is a flux. Sorry for my confusing writing.
Have you watched Theoria Apophasis?
Nathan Morgan
Fox news is left-wing like all MSM. The people mentioned are directly allied with the man credited for creating the term "alt-right" (Spencer). Your comparison is idiotic and weak.
Jackson Lewis
Just read his posts. It's like the /sp/ autist got a second round of Dr. Goldstein's goodgoy shots.
Tyler Myers
Are you talking about /monster/'s worship of Ammit? Ammit worship has seniority worship among the Egyptian deities on Holla Forums, and there has been a steady increase in anons that have had dreams about or related to her. >>>/8cc/1255
Camden Phillips
The Freemason faggot calling me an idiot. You are in a cult. There is no "material realm" and "spirit realm". You just dont understand what those words mean. Learn to Latin faggot and know you're place. You're an underling of the Jews, like all gnostics, Christians and freemasons. You will never learn to Overman.
Stoics > neoplatonists (your entire belief system is only a critical theory on Sophism).
Heraclitus pre-dates him and created the idea of Logos which the Stoics then adopted. So no… You don't have the authority
Daniel Sanders
Logos = flux
The material = energy (which Heraclitus called "fire" in his primitive way).
Xavier Young
Memes aren't gods. Memes are tools. Memes are weapons meant to be used against our enemies for the glory of God. To turn and worship them is the equivalent of worshiping fire, the sword, or the nuclear weapon. This LARPing isn't going to be what puts us in power.
Noah Moore
The Material realm and the "Spirit" (whatever the fuck that means) or the same thing. Do you even know what a magnet is? It is just much easier to name these two things as separate. Euclid speaks of the what comes before Geometry, and I am speaking of this thing. This thing is the Ether.
Nolan Russell
Are you saying the Logos is God? Or the Logos comes from God? What is its relation to the trinity?
Ayden Thompson
No kike, we have no leaders, we have no cells, we are hivemind, we are all blessed by Kek.
The nerve of this kike. I am but a castor bean farmer, but keep pushing me…
Juan Diaz
Wasn't he an MKUltra victim?
Juan Wood
That's a really dank Heqet, user.
Lucas Hughes
Your ability to emulate the rhetorical style of Sinead Mccarthy is fantastic. You don't realize how much it makes you stand out. Continue trying to bully and divert. It exposes you further.
Wear your shame, kike.
Jose Cook
Logos is the word of God. Men used to believe that when inspiration came to them, a new idea, in the form of a voice in the mind - what someone would today call "thinking to myself", that it was the logos manifesting in the man. That all inspiration was divine in nature.
Michael Moore
Carter Jackson
Reminder that Kek is not the only Old God that has awoken.
The islamic world was plagued by several coincidental tragedies after ISIS blew up the Temple of Ba'al in Palmyra. The hajj stampede, the crane accident, etc.
Jose Gutierrez
We are two separate posters. Logos as the other user claims it to be is the mediator of all things. I believe he is confusing logos as the Metaphysical, I am trying to correct him by stating that is is the unity between the metaphysical and the material.
Heraclitus is speaking smoothly, I know what he is saying. I believe you are misunderstanding me, and I believe this is only a confusion of words.
Elijah Anderson
SJWs still think Gamergate lurks under their beds at night. Would you consider GG still "alive"?
It's fine if this movement retreats into a dormant state. It has created real change. It has instilled important ideas in the minds of many. It has created networks through which future movements can be launched. Nobody has disappeared; they have just gone silent for the moment and will emerge again when needed. It may not go by the same name or have the same participants but it will keep the same spirit.
Ayden Thomas
Mods can edit posts made by other users, user.
Oliver Lewis
Logan Long
Ryder Flores
Luke Peterson
Thanks. Your clinging to your buzzword only reinforces that you have nothing and have lost. Remind me when you first started psychiatric treatment due to your violent outbursts and problems communicating with other children (symptoms of autism) Sinead, was it 7 or was it 8 years of age?
Jayden Long
Then that's not the Tao. The Tao doesn't manifest in man, the Tao is what manifests when man disappears.
Also what is the difference between the Holy Spirit and Logos, then? I thought the Holy Spirit is what brought the sky-fire of illumination to people.
Cameron Nguyen
Yes it's a word. Not Latin, nor Greek, nor of Indo-Aryan origin, nor even Semitic. It's just a made up word from a Heinlein book. A good book actually, but how socially-inept must one be to adopt the book's reality as one's own?
Fuckin' neat perhaps because using the word not only conveys the meaning of the word but also very effectivly autism-signals.
Charles Gray
Luke Ross
City-sized temples will be built for the adoration of Kek, mark my fucking words.
And it will be beautiful.
Juan Reed
There is no God you Jewish slave. But you're correct about the rest of it
Also anime pedo faggots are not Christian
Robert Roberts
Ian Carter
This just made me realize im not saying its wrong, im just saying.
reddit faggot incase you havent noticed, ctr is using you faggots to shill against anime.
you are white, think with your brain. stop acting like some kneejerking shitskin.
Luke Brooks
No mention of dubs. What an amateur article.
Luis Allen
Dylan Gonzalez
I will judge your knowledge by asking you whether or not photons and electrons have any basis in reality.
Andrew Gomez
Most people here were praying to kek for years before it was popular knowledge that kek represented an Egyptian chaos-entity with a frog's head. It simply acted as the imageboard equivalent of 'lol' and was ubiquitous forever before someone noted the synchronicity of our invoking kek over and over again and the popularity of pepe, the association of the two being that they're both frogs. That's not to mention the fact that anonymous imageboards function like temples of chaos, so it's all too befitting to ignore. praise kek
get a load of this faggot. shouldn't you be sharing kikebook funnies?
Jayden Jenkins
Can't help you much with that sort of attitude, buddy.
Justin Lopez
Right the enlightenment can be summed up as "A bunch of hipsters thought it would be cool to LARP the ancient Greeks with only a whiff of their context and culture." They then set about spending their time labeling everything a superstition until they ended up with a very boring world, thus opening the door for Marxism and the death of civilization.
This is what Nietzsche noted: the Greeks after Plato were nihilists, and it destroyed them. Then Europe had the enlightened idea to bring back the Greek philosophy but even more debauched than it was originally. With the enlightenment, Europe planted the seeds of its own destruction.
Sure, we've extended our lifespans, have some new fancy gadgets, and so on. But life in the developed modern world isn't terribly fun. At least not when you're playing by the rules. Societies need superstition and bullshit religion to be fun, opiates are fun. Kek is fun.
Asher Kelly
I don't know what the fuck you're trying to say. It was vague. Again, NeoPlatonist ideas are just excuses. Ether is one of those excuses.
There is no God God came into Later Stocism in the idea that a reasonable cause and effect Universe means it is intelligent.
If you think that girl is underaged compared to you faggot pedophilla Christianity pics you are a sick person who needs to go outside
Ian Watson
I don't know how I feel about this.
Andrew Moore
Anime pedo posters are not Christian, and either is the Pope
Anime pedo posters are not Christian, and either is the Pope
Hudson Thompson
Tangentially, there's a link between pizzapong and the Titans of Greek myth. I wouldn't be surprised if the "parents eating their children" was mythologized so people would look for that jewish behavior. If the pedos are titans, then that makes us Gods. Never forget who killed the titans ;)
Lincoln Reed
Best thing people can do is start giving each other work over the internet. Seriously. Money is power, parallel economy = not beholden to fagets, and they need your money but not vice versa. Which reminds me of Nassim Taleb's article on the disproportionate power of consumer discrimination https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */3f1f83ce4e15
Autism or no, give me a word as a replacement. You can't. Loanwords most often happen because the original language is too lexically retarded to express an idea properly, which is what is happening here.
God is the set of all subsets. You may not call it God, but a Being equivalent to the concept of God certainly exists. And if you say that it has no consciousness: at the very least it has your consciousness, since you came entirely from its substance, and as such you are an emanation of it itself. But the fact (as far as I can tell) that we humans have our own consciousnesses suggests to me that the Ultimate has its own consciousness, as well. I think it's far more of a leap of faith to say that it doesn't.
Eli Roberts
Haha Are they real?
Ian Smith
Here's your complimentary (You).
Levi Hall
Praise Kek
Caleb Hall
The idea of a Christian God is an illusion. Christianities greatest flaw is it's Jewish roots. God in the traditional sense does not exist.
That's because you don't understand it. You do not even know what the Ether is, then you do not understand Heraclitus. You do not understand that this flux he speaks of is not particles bumping into each other but rather it is the statement that this universe is void. It is in a constant state of becoming and becoming again, it is never itself. I know what gravity is, and I know what electricity is, I know what light is, and I know what the universe is.
Adrian Nelson
Are they?
William Cox
This picture, he really is a fagot.
Jace Walker
Still wondering what this is. Do they know about us?
What if they, not we, are actually causing everything?
Kevin Miller
Joseph Martin
Camden Cruz
it just compiles posts from here to give their website the appearance of activity so they get advertising shekels.
Jose Stewart
God is a Germanic word derived from Godin. You are literally praying to Odin.
You're unifying everything to make your point, but I can just as easily break this unity and look at things in a multiplicity. The "Universe" can easily be seen as a multiplicity. It's a matter of one's focus. Zen would teach you this.
The "Ultimate" (more freemason larping) is a leap of faith, bro. But if you want to go there, I would say it's definitely subconscious, not conscious as consciousness takes ego (self reflection).
You ego is a survival mechanism. There is no egotistical Ultimate that tucks you in to bed at night after saying your prayers or rituals or whatever gay shit you larp.
This is why synchronicity is chaotic. Check the dubs, many are wasted.
Juan Stewart
gee, i dunno, maybe use a search engine and find out?
Colton Thomas
The people talking about spirit tend to be monists. There's one substance in reality: spirit, and the mental and the physical are each aspects or modes of spirit.
Eli Thompson
You are sounding more and more like a materialistic "Enlightened" fool on par with Einstein and his ilk.
Camden Collins
Deny God if you want to, but that's not going to prevent his existence. If you want arguments for or against it, look elsewhere - I'm not typing up an entire essay summarizing over two thousand years of study. If you wish to remain ignorant, do so on your own terms.
But you should realize, Christianity as it exists today is a far separation from the religion of the ancient Israelites. That religion is long dead. Modern Jews carry on some of its traditions, while following a different god. Christians revere the same God that the ancient Israelites followed, but follow few of the traditions - sacrifices, dietary law, the rites of the Levites, all tossed away. Instead it follows its own traditions - Christmas, Easter, and the like, all of which draw their roots from the rites of European pagans.
Of course, you'd have to actually familiarize yourself just a little bit with history to be aware of this.
Josiah Morales
I don't know, I don't have the equipment. Scientists said they saw light waves/particles and named them. Heraclitus would call this the fire which created the material world, the logos would be that which switches from them particle to wave forms maybe
Luis Stewart
Cameron Cox
Good job ignoring everything I said you /fringe/ intellectual beta. Einstein was a patent clerk and a thief.
More faggy Freemason larping. Bullshit. You don't even know what "Spirit" means (protip: breath)
Grayson Cox
Yahweh was just one of the Odins of the Jews. They took monotheism off the Persians. So the fuck what? If I speak Cockinese, and call a rose a cock, it's still a rose.
Or the Tao Te Ching, which I've read 100 times. You're the one fucking up, thinking that my stating the existence of the Creator means that I deny the existence of the Creation
Everything is a leap of faith. I hold that believing that there is no God is more of a leap of faith.
Blow it out your ass
Julian Ross
Bentley Edwards
Says the pedophile
Michael Evans
this heretic needs to burn
Jace Miller
The correct answer is "no."
Hunter Hall
The "spirit" is such a stupid term and can be confused for so many things. Rather, the Ether is a better term to use. Then again, you can also say that everything is fields and fields are not particles. In other words everything in this universe is Ether, that everything that holds magnitude in the universe only holds it because of magnetism, and magnetism is the field of dielectricity, and dielectricity is inertia, and inertia is Ether. Everything happens because of pressure mediation. The mediator is Ether. Or, Ether is "God".
This particle wave duality does not exist. Light is a coaxial circuit, it's engine is field propagations. In other words, this idea of a "wave" is electro-magnetic in nature, it is simply an outcome of the field propagations, and the particle is much the same. In other words, light is field propagations. Electrons don't exist either. Electrons are the resistance of electricity, they are an illusion. Electrons do not exist and are not particles, they are simply pumps in the flow of electricity.
Wyatt Lewis
Goons and Abrahamists are both shit.
Hunter Allen
I meant bumps.
Grayson Gray
Stranger in a Strange Land was fucking terrible. I mean, it was written well, but it was sickening. It's often sold in a set with Starship Troopers, which is the exact opposite on the political spectrum, because the fact that Heinlein was able to do both was extremely telling of his talent as a writer.
Just because he wrote it well doesn't mean it's degenerate communist garbage though, and grok is a disgusting universalist communist word that should never be used.
Xavier Wilson
Buddhism is a meme religion in itself. I blame hipsters for ruining it
Charles Sanders
You take these things so literally. Breath means the essence of life, it does not literally mean to take in air.
Nicholas Garcia
Egypt was North African, not Middle Eastern. And it was White - Nothing about its religion is foreign to us.
Look faggot, we can talk about the etymology of fucking words all day long. But the meaning a guy 4000 years ago used a word to convey is not the same meaning a guy used the same word to convey 200 years ago. The spirit-monist philosophers said what they mean, the world is made up of spirit from which arises both the mental and the material. And this doesn't invalidate the fucking cheerleaders screaming about school spirit at your shitty community college either.
Kayden Clark
Needs more Hitler.
Samuel Richardson
Odin isn't a monotheistic Creator of all things, that's what.
And this is why you fail… and Why Asians lost their way. The "existence of the creator" line you wrote was nonesense and I don't know WTF you're talking about. I obiviously went over you head because like Christcucks you can only go so far before you trigger the brainwashing
That's called brainwashing.
You're not intelligent enough to talk to. This is why you worship words and books and can't wrap your head around the fact that "Uni-verse" is a concept that is a matter of focus. Learn to Zen a little
Robert Sullivan
Even Kikepedia admits that Exodus never happened. They're really taking offense to this?
Nathaniel Bell
Have another for trying.
I pray that one day you find not just God, but physics as well, so that you might stop trying to pretend they're the same thing.
Luke Ramirez
Man I can't wait for these faggots to find out I have a waifu and have more property than they'll ever have.
Parker Morales
Just words
Angel Foster
Ian Stewart
Yawn. These stupid websites are just writing click bait articles. They're digging their own graves. Did ever published an article on the Podesta e-mails? Let's see:
Did you just talk shit about the Aryan Shaman Dr. Jung, you little bitch?
Jeremiah Howard
So when does shin megami tensei come true?
Jason Harris
Words have meanings.
Carson Edwards
You got to be fucking kidding me
Grayson Barnes
There is no God, Abrahamist. There are GODS and they are FURIOUS at your Jewish demon Yaldabaoth.
Dylan Bennett
Yeah if you're stupid and don't read shit and instead prefer to circlejerk over your own ignorance on image boards sure spirit is a stupid term. If you're anti-religious then spirit probably sounds like a spooky loaded term, so use whatever mark you like to label the one Substance, just be sure to indicate that it means that what we know as physical and mental both arise from this one Substance, whatever you want to call it.
Thomas Rodriguez
Ammit needs a bit more time to get everything ready for that, user.
Elijah Johnson
That's not pedophilia, is it. You don't know the difference between a grown man or woman and an 8yr old in skimpy sexualized outfit?
Tyler Carter
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Is this that nigger from yesterday who had a 'plan'? Is this his plan? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Christopher Howard
Grok is an English word. It described a concept for which hitherto no word existed in English.
You might not like it but that's how language works. Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive, the living speakers determine the living language. You use hundreds of words every day which did not exist, or had a different meaning a century ago.
Colton Davis
Could well be. He's done some research at least.
Jaxon Bennett
and they even published a three part interview with Julian Assange last year:
and their motto is "Byline - Nothing Between You and the News". That website is a joke.
Matthew Hughes
Sort of? Does that count as research?
Thomas Martinez
Fuck off christcuck.
Nolan Nelson
monists Your shitty "forms" belief system isn't 4000yrs old, it's Plato's failures to argue with the sages of Greece. Spirit = breath soul = psyche You're living in a fantasy world because shitskin occultists infected Aryan philosophy. Learn to Rosenberg
Aaron Long
Anthony Ward
They worship YHWH, an inherently supremacist god. Our god is a polytheistic god, which has never denied the existence or legitimacy of other gods.
Who really worships the "hate god"?
Jack Smith
Considering whole leftist ideology originates as political judaism from Marx, I propose Moloch. Or Lucifer. Same shit TBFH.
Anthony Rodriguez
Nah, he's believing memes from a sudanese yogurt weaving board.
Jonathan Fisher
Materialist anti-Kekite. You'll never take our Aryan Gods away from us.
Elijah Nguyen
snooze, filtered, kill yourself
Read the post instead of the pretty picture next time faggot. I was responding to the insulting notion that I believe in a god simply because I'm afraid of death.
Justin Turner
I desperately want a source for the audio in this webm. Does anyone have it?
My god, I've seen it requested in multiple threads and asked myself as well with no answer. And here you are instantaneously!
Thank you very much.
Jose Richardson
Threadly reminder that Trump loves Kek and so should you.
Jacob Morales
lel, I should have refreshed first.
Levi Young
Haha, wow. Jung is a pop psychologist, that's why it took years for publishers to persuade him to write a book of pop psychology, to water down his work to a level that would be understood by those not learned in the esoteric and psychology.
Lucas Taylor
Kill yourself Kek is a force not a creater
Lincoln Adams
lel, what are you 14 or something
Mason Harris
kek the archive links to holaforums
Leo Kelly
Go back to /fringe/ and play dungeons and dragons you Freemason larper
Nathan Reyes
Auspicious digits.
Owen Scott
Wyatt Russell
You'll never sacrifice our Gods in favor of your (((Anthropocentric))) philosophy, faggot.
Liam Allen
^^This. Synchronicity has breadcrumbs that lead a reader towards understanding meme magic.
Blake Jackson
A lot of liberals that I know were Wiccans. Unsurprisingly, it didn't work one bit because they smoked pot while dancing around naked.
David Barnes
No user.
Xavier Flores
The Overman will rise and crush your desperate attempt to avoid the spiritual Nihilism in your heart
Brody Davis
Kek is personification of chaos. We are chaos cultist.
Isaiah Perez
This is weird. What is it?
James Russell
He's not as bad as moloch.
Michael Ward
Now you're just flagrantly displaying your own lack of reading comprehension. Since we're arguing at grade school level, here's some wikipedia for you:
The English word spirit, from Latin spiritus "breath", has many different meanings and connotations, most of them relating to a non-corporeal substance contrasted with the material body. It can also refer to a "subtle" as opposed to "gross" material substance, as in the famous last paragraph of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica.[1]
The word spirit is often used metaphysically to refer to the consciousness or personality. The notions of a person's spirit and soul often also overlap, as both contrast with body and both are believed to survive bodily death in some religions,[2] and "spirit" can also have the sense of "ghost", i.e. a manifestation of the spirit of a deceased person.
The term may also refer to any incorporeal or immaterial being, such as demons or deities.[3] In the Bible, "the Spirit" (with a capital "S"), specifically denotes the Holy Spirit.
The English word spirit comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning "breath", but also "spirit, soul, courage, vigor", ultimately from a Proto-Indo-European *(s)peis. It is distinguished from Latin anima, "soul" (which nonetheless also derives from an Indo-European root meaning "to breathe", earliest form *h2enh1- [4]). In Greek, this distinction exists between pneuma (πνεῦμα), "breath, motile air, spirit," and psykhē (ψυχή), "soul"[3] (even though the latter term, ψῡχή = psykhē/psūkhē, is also from an Indo-European root meaning "to breathe": *bhes-, zero grade *bhs- devoicing in proto-Greek to *phs-, resulting in historical-period Greek ps- in psūkhein, "to breathe", whence psūkhē, "spirit", "soul"[5]).
The word "spirit" came into Middle English via Old French. The distinction between soul and spirit also developed in the Abrahamic religions: Arabic nafs () opposite rúħ (); Hebrew neshama (נְשָׁמָה nəšâmâh) or nephesh (in Hebrew neshama comes from the root NŠM or "breath") opposite ruach (רוּחַ rûaħ). (Note, however, that in Semitic just as in Indo-European, this dichotomy has not always been as neat historically as it has come to be taken over a long period of development: Both נֶ֫פֶשׁ (root נפשׁ) and רוּחַ (root רוח), as well as cognate words in various Semitic languages, including Arabic, also preserve meanings involving misc. air phenomena: "breath", "wind", and even "odour".[6][7][8])
In a lecture delivered to the literary Society of Augsburg, October 20, 1926, on the theme of “Nature and Spirit,” C. G. Jung, expressed: “The connection between spirit and life is one of those problems involving factors of such complexity that we have to be on our guard lest we ourselves get caught in the net of words in which we seek to ensnare these great enigmas. For how can we bring into the orbit of our thought those limitless complexities of life which we call "Spirit" or "Life" unless we clothe them in verbal concepts, themselves mere counters of the intellect? The mistrust of verbal concepts, inconvenient as it is, nevertheless seems to me to be very much in place in speaking of fundamentals. "Spirit" and "Life" are familiar enough words to us, very old acquaintances in fact, pawns that for thousands of years have been pushed back and forth on the thinker's chessboard. The problem must have begun in the grey dawn of time, when someone made the bewildering discovery that the living breath which left the body of the dying man in the last death-rattle meant more than just air in motion. It can scarcely be an accident onomatopoeic words like ruach, ruch, roho (Hebrew, Arabic, Swahili) mean ‘spirit’ no less clearly than the Greek πνεύμα and the Latin spiritus.”[9]
Logan Richardson
Out you Kike
Blake Robinson
Ishtar isn't as bad as Lilith, but you don't worship her, do you faggot?
Cooper Williams
If it ain't Tengri, it's pretty much Ferengi And by Ferengi I mean Jew
thanks, nice palindrome double-dubs
Jackson Powell
Stopped reading right there
Lucas White
Heretics like you will reeee in hell.
Leo Thomas
SHADILAY my brother
John Parker
pic related
Grayson Mitchell
Wait, which baal are we talking about? I mean the god of the Phonecians.
Logan Edwards
This user understands how language works.
Lincoln Ross
Carter Rogers
Luke Rodriguez
(Check'd) HAIL
Julian Jones
One could say he groks it,
Easton Reed
Enki is best near eastern deity tbh, like Prometheus if Prometheus were an interstellar Cthulhoid patrician instead of an angsty teen
Joseph Williams
This bitch needs to die
Adrian Sanchez
Jackson Torres
It sure is newspeak in here.
Matthew Clark
how desperate can you get kek has proven himself more than once
Liam Williams
Working as intended.
Anthony Thompson
Those digits have even more significance than just being a palindrome. Praise Kek.
Leo Reyes
The word seems to mean more than intuitive understanding. It seems to describe a more complex concept.
Jace Kelly
Pathetic as usual, Smiley
Michael Parker
I would give kidney to impragnate or even fuck dat ass.
Jack Rogers
They have no understanding of our meme magic.
Wyatt Butler
It denotes a thorough understanding, a mastery, when used in CS circles.
Michael Diaz
Logan Long
Are you retarded? "corporate leaders seemed to grasp this concept fairly quickly"
Lincoln White
Isn't your butthole sore from that plug yet?
Angel Gomez
We don't either but it sides with us. The less is known about it, the better.
Asher Lopez
It just happened I've already lost bowel control Soviet Collapse 2: Race-war Boogaloo confirmed
Nathan Long
Jacob Wilson
It keeps happening.
Dylan Foster
Do you mean that in CS circles it's used the same way the Taoist concepts were used in texts of the Jargon File era?
Jayden Murphy
The jews are furious that Kek has defeated their Moloch.
Hudson Edwards
Imagine if someone were to write a book describing our methods. It would be like putting designs for the h-bomb on drudgereport, the chaos would be unbelievable.
Jackson Hernandez
There's a guy I would never want to hang out with or have to buy weed from.
Tyler Davis
Colton Myers
They would be institutionalized. The public cannot handle our reality. If anybody told the truth about us, they'd lock him up for insanity.
Isaiah Martinez
Yes, please do… Please use your MSM to help the teenage nihilists because they always respond so well to that.
Samuel Wright
Aiden Young
The problem is that only people like us can invoke it. Jews would find it impossible to harness Kek's energy.
Evan Ortiz
What worries the kikes is that memes expose just how non-serious words can be taken. How absurd their origins can be. It exposes that words are just words. For the kike, that's another shoah. That is saying "Holocaust" is just a word. And "racist" is just a word.
Dylan Bennett
Yes it is a good thing, for a start it's 4 letters instead of over 20, secondly its users employ it to express a deeper concept than simple "intuitive understanding", regardless of what the OED says.
Kayden Edwards
They think leftist ideology if implement would benefit them also.
They are all insane or stupid
Anthony Stewart
Close my eyes, we're growing stronger now Softly smile, I know that Kek is kind When will they realize that we're living in the Current Year?
Zachary Ross
Charles Perry
Truth is not with them, they rely on ideological control.
Adam Collins
I think I'm becoming a HATE GOD HATE GOD All my Wojaks from the front to the back nod. back nod….
Michael Jones
I find it interesting, the parallels between Esoteric Kekism and Mithraism. An oriental god who slays a bull, repurposed by an insular cult of exclusively male members of the native Roman middle class. A god whose worship was intertwined with political ambition. A god who filled the gap between ages: between the terminal decline of the by-then utterly decadent and atheistic Roman paganism, and the emerging world of Christendom.
I get the feeling that history is repeating itself and, instead of reviving the civilisation of our forebears, we are on the cusp of a huge transformation. Perhaps we are opening the gate of the orient at the same time as we are closing it.
Kevin Scott
Hence why they fear Chaos - why they fear US. They cannot fear anything more than the concept that severs their hooked claw from the world, and the primal forces that would do it. They fear the Old Gods for a reason.
Daniel Clark
Grok is not synonymous with grasp. Your decision to make the first line of your reply an insult reflects on your intelligence.
Angel Adams
Reminder that Webster is a false god.
Mason Johnson
Ramz Paul, Spencer, and Beta working together to shill Keke.
They will pay for this
Daniel Howard
Ryan Cooper
Liam Diaz
If you speak of us in certain circles you will be dethroned or detained.
Wyatt Cooper
When this civilization crashes with exceptionally few survivors our schools of mysticism will blossom and preserve our esoteric knowledge for future civilizations to uncover. Their creation stories will be our destruction story, retold.
Dylan Williams
Parker Martinez
The jews must pay for this outrage.
Austin Bennett
That ain't what happened to the cult of Mithras.
Evan Ramirez
this is how creativity is supposed to work, afaik. it can't be forced, it feels like you are receiving the idea from somewhere outside of yourself. an antenna rather than a factory
Then I bet a smug anime girl will really make me dumb.
Are you taking a passing insult on an image board seriously? Trying to use something so petty to undermine someone's intelligence is the insult that actually says something about the respondent.
The example you gave doesn't portray a situation where grasp isn't synonymous. Maybe that second one does? But as a whole that sentence doesn't seem to make any sense. You have to do more footwork than that image if you want to get grok's usage across.
It really is a charming text. Come to think of it, I should re-read it, it's been a while. What texts like this from that era would you recommend? I've likely missed a lot of them in my studies.
Mason Russell
Ignore the Webster worshipers. They worship a pathetic false god.
Nolan Ward
BREAKING pepe has been reported by the alt-righters to be murdered by a "moonman" for not being white
Jayden Perez
Ahah no it isn't you faggot.
Someone post the webm of Sinead the Mudshark screaming for 5 minutes straight on that phone call. I dont have it.
Juan Reed
Hahah a 1000 years of chaotic prosperity followed by 1000 years of ordered decay followed by the chanlightenment and a fresh round of intergalactic warfare and genocide.
Chase Ward
that's after some antifa sprayed him with some stink juice when they assaulted a bunch of NPI guys at a dinner they were having. Tho dicky spencer probably is a fag.
Phrack zine. Stephen Donaldson (Gap into Power etc), The Cryptonomicon are a few you may find interesting.
Luke Davis
Isaiah Parker
Cryptonomicon was a good book, but the last time I read it I was a bluepill normie so maybe I should refresh my memory.
Michael Williams
Aaron Kelly
Parker Perry
I've said this before:
The whole 'KEK' bullshit is made up by kikes.
It wasn't even a thing, before all oft this NYT & mainstream plebs entered this board.
Samuel Sanchez
Kevin Turner
user, that's still Heqet.
Isaiah Evans
Anthony White
Kek is the Anti-Kike you whiny faggot.
Cooper Richardson
Don't you have a refugee to help in your local church?
Camden Howard
Do not blaspheme the Frog God. Begone jealous kike.
Brandon Edwards
No, we reject feeding third world retards, we're not your parents.
Easton Campbell
I hope the journalists lurking here can finaly understand what their mossad puppets did, they released a myriad of old and forgotten gods from pagan times, believe me they are very angry, and much more powerfu than your decrepit Yaweh. Reckoning is coming, and no moses will save you this time. Chriscucks on Holla Forums, please, please i beg of you, abandon your jewish conditioning before its too late, we will embrace you as our most dear brothers and friends when you step out of the veil Yaweh put upon your eyes.
Colton Lee
muh spooks doe
Justin Edwards
MY VERY FIRST PEPE DRAWING – PRAISE KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christopher Clark
This shows that you don't gain anything from cucking. Even if it personally doesn't represent who you are, they still think that you're racist regardless of what you do because they have a very broad criteria of "racist". They even lied to the masses that the Roman Salute was a hitler salute. Might as well double down.
If you cuck to the mainstream press, then they won't view your actions as a sign of sympathy. Instead, they view it as a sign of weakness. It encourages them to continue with their behavior because they're aware that their actions fracture your group.
Under any circumstance, never compromise with parasites who have thrown several hitpieces at you for the past few decades. It's no Disney film, so they're not going to have a change of heart after one politician is elected. They're going to keep on fighting by twisting your actions and words to maintain the losing control they have.
I'm sticking with Christianity since it's not fully cucked. It's less cucky than education institutions and paganism because of it's uncompromising doctrine. It's why leftists loathe it.
Ryder Sanders
I still can't believe that they haven't demonized by leftists yet.
Gavin Perry
The new album by
Coming out now
Xavier Collins
While I fully embrace the power of Kek, I still find it funny when I think about all the normies who only see it as leftist losing their shit over cartoon depictions of an ancient Egyptian frog god.
Matthew Williams
All this projection and the complete upside down understanding of who we are and what we do. Good. Let them fumble in the dark, devising plans at fighting enemies that simply do not exist, at tackling an ideology that is not there. Let them dance around like little puppets with strings cut off once they realize that we are nothing like they thought, and let us observe their utter bewilderment when they realize that they fight a foe that they have not a single bit of comprehension of.
Yet we know them all too well. We know how they operate, we know how they think, we often know their talking points, their narratives and linguistic traps inside out. In what possible universe can they, who know nothing of their enemies nor themselves, actually win? But we know them, we know ourselves and thus, we will win until we're tired of it and keep winning still, for that is how it must be by the principles of correspondence.
Elijah Green
This. "Enlightenment", my ass. Pulling wool of Western eyes since more than 300 years.
Nathan Taylor
checked for truth dubs
Matthew Young
I thought this image was common as fuck
Grayson Myers
Praise kek.
Christian Sullivan
(checked) I don't get all the christianity hate. It's the organization that is cucked. The Bible is pretty redpilled especially on jews, just because it's been subverted doesn't mean it deserved to be destroyed. I'm assuming most of the "christcucks" people are shills
Caleb Hernandez
Egyptian gods are not semitic like Yaweh, they are ancient and derived from aryanism.
Luis Davis
Because Buddhism is more theologically and cosmologically sophisticated. It does a much better job of contextualizing altered states of consciousness and the deep varieties of human spiritual experiences, instead of chalking up anything unusual to "TEH DEMUNZ LEL," something that I personally suffered from for a great many years. You can eat gruel, but why would you if there's an 8-course banquet a few tables over?
Jonathan Howard
Ladies and gentlemen, the liberal amygdala.
Levi Davis
It's very redpilled and pragmatic. Those two ideals make leftists loathe it entirely.
You haven't read the Bible nor do you practice Christianity entirely if you got that impression. From what we've seen with Proverbs, it talks more about reality than it does with spirits.
Jacob Thomas
Why come in here and D&C? This is why a large amount of the user base dislikes you guys. This is a thread about kek, not Jesus. GTFO
Austin Parker
We are not shills, seriously, start doing some fucking research as to when and how your beloved bible was written. It is LITERALLY jewish propaganda designed to instill madness and subvert neighboring societies, they used it against many others before the europeans. Christianity is like a silent disease wich the jews inject upon a people saying its medicine. Bro just… trust me, do the research, its all lies. I was christian once too, it hurts and will make you depressed as fug, but you will feel mich better, and be much more redpilled after you discover what it is for yourself. The "church" was basicaly the equivalent of the mainstream media, it is just a tool of control over the goym, they tell you all the nice lies in the bible to make you feel good and wise, then trhow in a bunch of contraictory shit for when they need you to go fight some muslims or other barbarians, they also use it as a means of population control to the goym via the enforcement of male monogamy and celibacy. It was the precursor to cultural marxism, it poisons the mind almost beyond repairt, giving you the ilusion you are actuly a good person just because you wallow in self-pity and mental self-harm.It is more than anything, a political treatise to keep the goy under control and make them fight each other. Trust me, if only for a single night, for one single night, be open minded and do the fucking research, you will thank me afterwards. Peace
Jayden Scott
>rather than allowing them to enter a rational, free-thinking world where reason and truth
She is projecting so hard she's a goddamn lighthouse.
Isaiah Jackson
When I was a child, I would spontaneously enter some very strange altered states of consciousness. Because of my upbringing, I interpreted it as the interpolation of demons, and that put me in a psychological state that made it easier for actual demons to harass me. And that's the sort of thing where just begging and crying and pleading for Jesus' help doesn't do shit. The only thing that helps is learning how to "surf" the experience, and to realize that it's part of the human spiritual birthright. Of course, bringing this shit up with anybody in the church just got me shunned. Take it as you will. I don't have any resentment for Jesus, I think he was a bad-ass meme wizard in spit of his racial handicap, but I'm completely soured on Christianity and I certainly don't see him as any kind of messiah.
Ayden Brown
Thats the thing, christians haven't read the bible either, the vatican keeps most of it in the archives as apocrify, some parts can be found on the internet because of priest wich stole them. Do the fucking research, stop believing jewish lies.
Daniel Gomez
Josiah Hughes
Or maybe you still don't know what actual demons are. Because "I just know" is a fairly shit reason.
Lucas Lopez
The Enlightenment is the worst thing that has ever happened to the white race. A complete disaster. A testament to the destructive power of hubris.
Hunter Walker
I've noticed the left appropriating our memes like "safe-space" even though they don't know what it means. I think it's because of that kike h3h3
Nicholas Anderson
Kek I bet his guy thinks that all the US conservatives going independent is a good thing. (((Conservatism))) is going to be dead soon.
Angel Lewis
Isaiah Powell
I don't doubt that you had that experience, but Christianity is centered around tangible actions instead of intangible thoughts. It's why they have rules like the ten commandments.
The existing versions are already sufficient. There's nothing wrong with Biblical messages like being told to work hard and creating a family.
Logan Murphy
Praise Kek.
How about a bull?
Hudson Morgan
There are all kinds of non-human intelligences across a vast bandwidth of vibration, most of which don't consider humans relevant at all, and a few of which are actively, purposefully malevolent towards us. "I just know" isn't an intellectual claim, it's a claim to gnosis - knowledge derived from personal experience.
Jace Gray
That's the thing, if they engage us we'll grow larger and more legitimate. If they mock us we'll grow larger and angrier. At this point it's whether they want to die from a gunshot of from beign hanged.
Jace Richardson
There's also a few that are actively benevolent towards mankind.
Joseph Morales
I love it.
Brayden Bennett
Virtue ethics > rules lawyering. Rules are the kind of thing that Jews need, because they have no conscience and no good sense of any kind. Virtues are for the white man - even if I can't define exactly the right thing to do in literally every possible situation, I can say that by trying to be honest, magnanimous, and temperate, I'll be playing a strong hand without having to worry about some kind of abstract perfection. Also in general I prefer to worship goddesses than gods. I couldn't tell you the exact reason, but it's part of my psychological character.
William Peterson
Christianity was the foundation for Europe's success and has only been a problem since it was idealogically subverted in the 50s-60s, like nearly all other aspects of western culture. Just like the latter, it needs to be cleaned out and restarted from the fundamentals before it is permanently destroyed.
Benjamin Parker
Jason Kelly
I won't deny it. However, with benevolent ones, they seem more stand-offish; they only seem to interfere when there's no other choice. Malevolent ultraterrestrials or whatever you want to call them are able to operate more freely.
Elijah Edwards
Wotan is a fantastic essay. Jung in general is a must read for any Holla Forumsack, because one must know himself to not become like the mentally ill leftists we fight. We must understand our nature to know what is natural and pure.
David Gray
Problem number 1: that's a physical term. Do not use physical terms for the non-physical, that's a Category Error. Ok. I probably know what you mean, and in the same vein, I know you - or anyone - doesn't understand them. Anyone who claims to is lying to others or himself.
Logan Powell
Jordan Morris
But "safe-space" is a lefty meme that they use to refer to actual physical places on college campuses. This lefty tard is so stupid that they'll try to claim the alt-right is a safe-space when safe-spaces PHYSICALLY exist on leftist college campuses. It's thinking on the level of a kid going "I know you are but what am i".
h3h3 is p cool for a jew though.
Easton Bennett
Is that a nip slip?
Colton Turner
I would argue that benevolent agents operate as freely as malevolent ones, but they are not as heavy handed, and have no egocentric desire for people to know it was them that did it. I.e, they're not interested in the fame, they just do what needs to be done, even if no one ever knows that it got done in the first place.
Matthew Nguyen
Your willing ignorance will be your downfall, mark my words. The jews have an actual god, and they make you think you do too, but you dont, thats why they labeled it cuckstianity, you are being tricked guys, please listen to me, do the research, find out for yourselves. Otherwise you will die as jewish slaves without even knowing it, trust me, we are not trying to trick you, just do the fucking research yourself, take away the jewish veil. The white race made christianity great due to its inherent good nature, not the other way around.
Hunter Lewis
It played a role during a time, but the foundation? You betray your own historical ignorance.
Dylan Gonzalez
Owen Price
Gilgamesh slew a bull too, the Bull of Heaven sent by Ishtar to raze his city.
Adrian Foster
If anything it will only empower him. Bad press is good press you know what I'm saying? These idiots only serve to empower Kek by validating his existence.
Vibration is not a physical term, and you clearly have no fuckin clue about metaphysics.
Nathan Cruz
Ideally, I would like a society ran on virtue ethics, but it doesn't seem to happen here. Without rules, you would get people justifying damaging actions like not breeding their own or stealing from a particular class of people.
Rules are important so that people can relapse into following them again whenever something goes wrong. Objectivity always guides the youth.
Aaron Baker
I think that the distinction between physical and non-physical is not absolute, but it's more like stations on radio. As above, so below - there's probably a lot of feedback mechanisms between this frequency and those above and those below, which is why what goes on in this world is important - it has implications across the spectrum.
Joshua Murphy
Exactly right. They took an evil semitic god and warped him into the image of a European. Ascribed to it European values. With this European perversion of a perverse Jewish god, they held the social fabric of Europe together. But that cohesive force comes from the innate European spirit, not from the semites or their god.
Brayden Moore
Bad people won't follow the rules or will continuously engineer loopholes, and good people don't need them. The only real purpose for rules, in a legal sense, is to make punishments predictable and consistent.
Daniel Thomas
Very true.
Aiden Wood
Ryan Martinez
Aiden Russell
kek wills it
Cooper Anderson
Juan Collins
Levi Morris
Its looking like anoda shoah
Carter Edwards
What symbols should we "appropriate" next? Either their symbols, or the triforce. (From that cuck video where some cuck said "don't make the triforce racist". Plus the triforce already has kkk connections.
Christian Edwards
A lot of cucks have tattoos of the triforce, and we have an old history with it too. We should take it.
Adrian Ward
lurk more fag
Blake Harris
user, the triforce was a hermetic symbol all along.
Nolan Nguyen
Austin Phillips
And you, the Marxist-Atheist Left, do? Get the fuck out of my face with this shit
Jaxon Allen
Oliver Baker
Put some music over this, lad.
Dylan Wilson
And the godemperor version
Jose Reyes
I wanted to put Triarii - The Final Legion but kdenlive is fucking me on antergos. Will make a webm after I switch to debian.
Brandon Hall
That is fine.
Josiah Gomez
Samuel Perry
Gabriel Ward
Cooper Sanchez
I don't like Millenial Woes but this makes zero sense when Trump was waving around a faggot flag at the RNC conference. I mean it would make sense to say Millenial Woes is an enemy of Holla Forums but not to say he's an enemy of Trump.
Oliver Lee
Elijah Johnson
Jose Adams
My first shot at using inkscape, how'd I do?
Christian Ward
You don't get to decide nigger
Ian Wilson
Fuckin' saved.
Michael Reyes
Hebrews are scared the egyptians will sacrifice their firstborns again!!!
Mason Lewis
Why are they so obsessed with that word?
Levi Johnson
I thought they were redheads?
Lucas Morales
Rule #2 of engagement when dealing with SJWs: SJWs always project
Dominic Brown
I see Tay but no Premiere?
Levi Perez
Idk. Some were redheads some were brown/blonde.
Aryans are aryans, wherever we go.
Levi Cooper
We had all these great terms and practices based on intuitions and tradition we used pretty good to handle business, then the enlightenment happened and all those great things were weeded out of the culture by labeling them superstition.
And what happens next? Hey usury ain't so bad huh? Lets let degeneracy run wild. Lets let peasants read the bible for themselves and work out their own impoverished theology. Hey now we've got total war instead of war for sport and honor. Hey now any idiot gets to vote. Hey now abortion is institutionalized. Atheism and whatever heresy you can dream up are socially acceptable. Sure lets let the fags get married too why the fuck not. You want to fuck some kids? Good news! 'History' is on your side and it will be legalized soon enough.
Thanks enlightenment!
Jayden Cook
You've got that backwards. Leftists used "safe space" first to positively describe their little college play-doh rooms. Then we took the term and made it one of mockery.
Joseph Barnes
Berserk - Murder
Jordan Allen
Who came up with that faggot chink depiction of "pol"? I get tired of seeing it
Dominic Rogers
Jacob Taylor
Make the Old Ones gods again!
Sebastian Hall
Kevin Wright
I love the comparison of the 'Jewish oppressing' Pharaoh to the 'Jewish oppressing' Fuhrer. I personally never thought about that implication that much. Though it just makes more sense.
This recognition calls for celebration!
Lincoln Edwards
you know Im kind of enjoying this universe
Ryder Lewis
Saved. Try to give it the double white and black outline to make it look more regal
Nathaniel Myers
its a pretty old depiction, it was invented well before Holla Forums came around for Holla Forums
Daniel Sullivan
Shit article tbh, reads like something written by a sophomore journalism major.
Ryan James
The author of that Kek article looks more like an RINO globalist cuckservative than an SJW. Notice all the talk about how Lenin was had and about how free markets and individuals are the way to go. Should go and work for Ramzcuck or EvanMcMuffin!!
Jaxon Russell
Their own unwitting hands form the weapons which will be used against them.
Ryder Jenkins
eyeballed the dimensions. I think I can do better but first I need to go get dinner.
Joshua Russell
Also, it sure would be nice if Holla Forums could handle SVGs so I could upload the source…
Joshua Jenkins
Interesting skull shape. It honestly looks considerably more evolved than the European male. Were the Egyptians some kind of race of super whites?
Josiah Cook
Nathan Miller
Most today are either racially degenerated or mutts.
Jace Perez
Logos is more like the structure of the universe. The universe can't exist without it. It's not God, but it's still divine.
Logos = movement in its simplest concept. It's motion, fire, energy, change, action. Does it make sense that this would be a critical piece of the universe?
Back when this concept was first being fleshed out, humanity still clung to multiple gods. So to say that Logos comes from a single God is erroneous. It doesn't necessarily come from any God. It's just a description of a fundamental piece/function of the universe.
Evan Rogers
The flying pyramid is a perfect touch.
Liam Nguyen
"Look at me trying to raise awareness and start harassing people who use this meme."
Brayden Harris
Enjoy your ban pedo scum
Brody Perez
Praise key, as ordained by Pepe. One frog to rule us all.
Andrew Davis
Amaterasu is the goddess of Shintoism, not Buddhism though, Nanban.
You should post Byakuren instead, she's the only cute boddhisattva around.
Robert Jenkins
There is no god. Nor is your judeo-masonic gnostic bullshit stripped straight from the kabalah in any way true.
Go back to /christian/ with your fellow cucks.
Eli Roberts
I wish they would give their reasoning but they seemed trapped in the thought-cave where all they see is racists everywhere they look.
Nolan Brown
That's some quality smug
Isaac King
Egypt isn't middle eastern, and wasn't Semitic either I don't think.
Aaron Robinson
(checked for kek)
Do not blaspheme the frog god. He is the lord of pol.
Chase Jackson
Asian religions are a lot more gooey overall, and while I'm sure there's no dearth of humorless monks that want to draw bright lines of separation, I'm definitely not inclined to go down that path. I've seen Mahayana shrines with idols of Jesus; Avalokitesvara; and Lucky Cat all standing next to each other. I think Mahayana theology is broad enough to encompass any culture's deities.
Study theology at university before posting.
Jonathan Gray
Buddhism doesnt clash with other religions until its in control of the state to them all the gods exist as spirits and lesser aspects of Brahma the janitor of the astral plane and the samsara/rinne no wa they also rationalize foreign gods and demons as either asuras or devas broadly
Landon Phillips
And now the fact that Egyptians get so much shit in the story of Moses starts making more sense.
Gabriel Hill
Angel Brown
Sure, but that stands in contrast to the Abrahamic religions which can only classify the divine spirits of other religions as demonic. If worship of Kek were to grow to an influential, national religion, American Christians will completely lose their marbles. Buddhism could greet the phenomenon with unperturbed equanimity.
Jackson Kelly
theres evidence to suggest the original Egyptians were descended from a basque people that crossed from iberia to north africa about 11,000 BC when north africa was fertile savannah then when the region began to desertify again because the gazelles ate the savannah grass and vegetation, precipitation and rainfall have a tipping point the nomadic european precursors to the Egyptians headed east until they settled on the permanently fertile region of the Nile where they would of discovered agriculture when it was being figured out in primitive Sumer
thats because muh one god only YHWH/Allah Buddhism would still relegate foreign spirits or gods into the lesser roles subservient to Buddha and would definitely decry worship of beings they view to be more similar to the asuras than the devas for instance im pretty sure Buddhism would view Allah as an asura and Christ as a deva juries out on whether or not Buddhism even has a term for the kike god who devours infant foreskins and demands rape and enslavement of all mankind
Caleb Ward
Bentley Thompson
Colton Perry
P R A I S E . K E K
Leo Thompson
HOLY SHIT Checked and Kek'd
Cameron Jones
Brayden Brooks
It's got milo, but not Hitler for some reason.
Connor Thomas
Loss edit when?
Ian Hall
The Sumerians weren't Indo-European though
Owen Jackson
I'm reading the Red Book and Jung, in his fourty years of self afflicted mad visions, came to the same idea of western society. Ours is a dying light, Nietzsche is right to say god is dead, and the world grows confusing and dark. He, unlike many of his day and to even now, spoke of what was to come:
FYI the frogs connection to satan comes more from the memes of the 100 year war than anything else. The English took a Merovingian arms and declared it the arms of satan.
Eli Harris
literally who
Camden Howard
Chase Hill
Have you not heard the story of Pharaoh Pepe II?
Jacob Brown
Ryan Hill
Aaron Butler
Do you think Kek would be amused by cucks? Kek loves us because of our natural tenancy to troll and rustle jimmies.
Landon Richardson
I've always been partial to Fortuna.
Adrian Ortiz
Is that picture legit?
Jordan Anderson
Inanna gets a bad rap around here, but I think she's pretty good, as long as you're careful not to get too close to her. I like Nemesis too - goddess of long-awaited justice. The Gnostic Sophia, of course, even though she's the rough cause of how fucked up things are, she's still very relateable.
Logan Torres
This. Rosenbump
Juan Cox
Your digits say yes. Very sad, I will never forgive the Democrats for what they did.
Angel Ortiz
Why is it that all journalists magically transform into ignorant retards when they report on something internet culture related? Even ED articles at this point are starting to become more reliable sources.
More than anything, it bothers me that they can't get Kek's (PBUH) origin story right. Shit, Know your meme should have it spelled out pretty easy for this liberal fuck.
Bentley Adams
Asher Reed
they are on purpose lying to make us look bad
you know .. like they have been doing since the beginning.
Luke Perez
Colton Watson
You realize weebs are some of the best memers in the Internet?
Subliminally you send a flattery without even realizing it. Your own unconscious is making you self sabotage.
Kayden Thomas
All it takes is one obvious bit of wrongness for them to make a mockery of themselves. I didn't see one Millennial worried about racist Pepe - they were all rolling their eyes about old woman yelling at the Internet. Honestly, I think that might have singlehandedly cost her the election, and driven a lot of young people who would have otherwise voted for her to Johnson or Stein.
Juan Jenkins
my god, they really can't talk about us without sounding like they're batshit insane, can they?
Leo Harris
This will sound utterly ridiculous and unbelievable to normalfgs
Isaac Campbell
To be fair, I've made good faith efforts to try to explain Holla Forums to uninitiated on occasion, and by the time I give up, I start to believe that I belong in a straightjacket.
Isaac Baker
You cannot explain Holla Forums to the unitiated. Either they go to reddit or lurk here for minimum a year.
There's no middle ground.
Zachary Hill
There were many, many more founding fathers than just these four No one ever talks about Roger Sherman or Peyton Randolph or the Morris men from Pennsylvania
Cooper Barnes
Chase James
Cameron Thomas
I had an odd occurrence with Loviatar from the Finnish mythology. I like incorporating various deities into things I create, but perhaps it is a bit foolish to do it in a way that defaces them. A couple of my family members were diagnosed with life threatening illnesses soon after. Kind of spooky.
Oliver Price
im triggered
Jacob Ramirez
feels good man
Bentley Barnes
kek dubs for a shit article.
What we need to do is try to get them to say even more outlandish things are 'racist and anti-semitic'.
Let's see if we can get them to call books, or violins, or refrigerators anti-semitic.
Isaac Flores
The normies don't feel in charge at all with what's happening
Worse, they can't even understand the rules of the game. This is both hilarious and surreal
Brody Jenkins
Leo Phillips
Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder, & what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? & what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain, In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? what dread grasp, Dare its deadly terrors clasp!
When the stars threw down their spears And water'd heaven with their tears: Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
Tyger Tyger burning bright, In the forests of the night: What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
Charles Taylor
Nigger we're not joking when we call ourselves the new mystery school. Every time I've tried to explain Imageboards to the uninitiated (let alone fucking /pol), they always end up looking at me like they just stumbled into some secret Freemason rape chamber, and now I'm 'that guy' again.
Robert Wood
Isn't it great how pants shittingly terrified they are of our satirical banner man? It would seem we're on the cutting edge of weaponized propaganda and ideological warfare. Who would've thought a bunch of anime loving NEETs would change the course of history so quickly and drastically?
Though I suppose it starts to make sense when you look at the demographics of who we are…
Thomas Sanders
Professional Mass Media team funded with Rothschild wealth gets defeated by a ratag group of Holla Forumstards led by a depressed cartoon frog in his smug phase
Let that sink for a while Imagine how dumb and low self esteem the Mass Media and Rothschilds must feel right now
Easton Long
That's a nice poem by William Blake. I memorized it years ago.
Dominic King
That can definitely happen, as we say, meme responsibly.
And we did it all on accident…
Matthew Martin
The Insmouth Look.
Henry Robinson
Adam Fisher
I tried to do the same. When I explained that repeating digits are very important, I could notice the person was doing a strong effort to not laugh at my face, as if I was giving him the biggest bullshit he ever heard.
It's simply not possible to explain Holla Forums.
Jackson Edwards
Oh that's the best part. This author goes on some lengthy and in depth analysis of the ancient Egyptian deity Kek.
If they knew FUCKING ANYTHING about games or internet culture, they'd know the actual source of the name. Which is fucking World of Warcraft and lol.
These people give us FAR too much credit and it's absolutely hilarious. I now understand why intelligence agencies would actively encourage conspiracy theorists. Because more often than not, the truth is far simpler and dumber than we imagine it to be.
Angel Hughes
Checked and fucking saved.
Kevin Mitchell
Jewish propaganda made to defame the Canaanites and other Ancient Near East peoples.
Cooper Sullivan
Here is the link for the OC
The creator did it using only photoshop and some skilled editing, which is nice to know. Lo-tech high impact.
Carson Nguyen
He's not wrong. Last time I checked it's still Trump doing almost all of the work to undo the Jews. The "magic" of "Kek" is just the Jews acting retarded as usual because they believe in idolatry.
Josiah Rogers
Kek confirms it, we have thoroughly demoralized our enemies by being too ridiculous to be understood. checked!
Lucas Adams
Levi Campbell
Joseph Young
Ebin. I want to see that post in context now.
Robert Baker
Wow why did I think that would work.
Lucas Brooks
you realize even in such very Kosher scenario you have a Billionaire painted as Hitler defeating a Dynasty of Triollionaires?
And that such high energy from Trump falls eerily into the God-Emperor meme.. which fits well here.
Ryder Turner
Jayden Williams
I believe it was from when Hillary put that article about Pepe on her campaign website.
Christian Martin
checked, and much love to my fellow blake fan
Tyler Davis
fuck I need sleep
William Jackson
This is one misconception that seems to be prevalent among these people. They make the assumption that revealing our thoughts and motives to the public destroys them. They think that our culture works in such a way that if we hear a 13 year old use the word "meme" in casual conversation it bothers us.
They labor under the delusion that we want to be some secret little cabal pulling the strings on everything. When in fact we are more like a virus, we infect the culture, we spread by their acknowledgement of us. They lost this ideological war when they started talking about us, when they tried to lump us into an "alt-right" box.
And now they think they can put the genie back in the bottle by "exposing" us. It's shocking how little they understand about our methods.
John Walker
user, plz. Meme magic is for making the Jews look dumb. Not yourself.
Ayden Davis
Kubla Khan is my favorite poem, have you read Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell? It's excellent if not, and well-illustrated too.
Justin Hall
Juan Kelly
Meme magic demonstrably alters reality. To some extent, it does so by altering minds, but those of us who have been fiddling with this kind of thing for a long time often come to believe it works through more subtle channels as well.
Alexander Garcia
Lincoln Sanders
Great post, saved
Jeremiah Edwards
Elijah Watson
trash, tbh
David Cook
To worship a God you need to believe in something greater than yourself, in other words you need to be able to be humble. You seriously think anyone from the left can be humble?
Caleb Perez
Breddy good. That's a key point for people who've been immersed in materialist philosophy ought to remember - reality is always a manufactured good. It's composed of our immediate perceptions and the ideas which are prevalent in our culture and intellectual gestalt. Reality is composed of ideas, not materials, and ideas are subject to constant revision.
Jaxson Myers
mirin them digits
Bentley Ortiz
You converted to Buddhism because of CLAMP?
You better be asian or you are just gutter sludge.
Levi Scott
No MIDF, you are the niggest.
Mason Martin
This and it is actually growing stronger.
Nolan Anderson
It would be overstating it to say I am a Buddhist, but I'm very influenced by Buddhist cosmology, because it's much more expansive and better-explained than that which is handed down by the Bible or in Christian churches. And you'd better not be dissing xxxHolic. That show is spiritual as fuck.
Josiah Rivera
We've come a long way, haven't we lads?
Lincoln White
You're a fucking outdated weeb autist
Nips would cringe at you
Christian Green
Oh no, I was insulted on an imageboard. How will I ever recover?
Juan Martin
password1 password2 ….
Henry Stewart
Have you considered killing yourself?
You should.
Luke Cruz
Highly rude. Leaving off the http:// prevents a hyperlink from being formed, which prevents referral leakage, while at the same time being easier to copy-paste. Archival is still superior of course.
David King
make anonymoose grate again
Wyatt Peterson
God, in a lot of ways, that was the video that started it all. Wasn't that one of the first hitpieces on us? Now we're picking presidents.
Benjamin Kelly
Landon Carter
did DFW's ghost write this?
Camden Wood
Both were at war with the Ancient Near East. Rome was also quite decadent.
Ayden Garcia
Even after years on Holla Forums I chuckled at that last line.
Connor Johnson
I've thought about it. Retake the "Anonymous" brand like we retook Pepe. But tbqh I'm not sure I really want it back. Pepe was abused by normies for non-political purposes, but "Anonymous" has been thoroughly tarnished by the limpwristed cuck politics of our enemies.
The first media hitpiece that I'm aware of. And it was just a local news affiliate, not national news or anything. Imagine if you told us then where we would be now. I certainly wouldn't have believed it.
Robert Perry
I wonder if this means we can file taxes as part of a religious organization now? Imagine having 501(c)(3) status and running a tax free image board
David White
David Foster Wallace? I'm not familiar with his work, should I correct that?
Joshua Baker
Charles Wilson
are we really sincere and like to wear jeans?
Ryder Reyes
I definitely think that we should solidify our ideology as a religion for the legal protections at least, if not the tax benefits. Can a website be a place of worship? I think this place proves so.
Henry Ortiz
Why are Christians so goddamn desperate for validation? You're already going to Heaven and all us going to Hell, isn't that satisfaction enough for you, do you have to perpetually berate us about your our poor choices as well? Nobody on this board is unsure of what Christianity is. Let me assure you.
Evan Lee
I don't even know what sincerity feels like anymore. All I know is that I am confident we are in the right and what we are doing is divinely inspired.
Christopher Lopez
We all know you're Jewish lad.
Grayson White
Not until the collapse. In the confusion we are likely to be forgotten, a digital boogeyman with no power in reality. They think we live in a series of tubes, when we live in a hundred thousand hearts.
Liam Phillips
Look ethno-nationalists have been shilled against since 1945. Christians have been shilled against since the 60s.
The one doing the shilling against both groups is the same entity. Have minimal strategical thought.
Samuel Allen
We're not going to Heaven or Hell. We'll go where ever we go and (((they'll))) be lost.
Kayden Walker
we might be to politically active in an abstract sense
certain predicates deny you from status in the IRSs eyes (which the only reason to bother filling out paper work is for tax dodging) for example, The levayan santanists are officially recognized by the United States Armed Forces, but they never were able to so much as get their "church" building recognized as tax-free (probably because theyre a bunch of openly admitted self obsessed hedonists)
Xavier Bailey
Really? Here I was, foolishly thinking I'd done years and years of research along with taking theology courses for pretty much all of my electives at Uni. Obviously all that reading and thinking about stuff can be awfully brainwashing.
Daniel Ramirez
true They were still racist af tbh. He called out the Jews for usury and then (((Paul))) retconed him as a commie and subverted the Roman Empire.
Robert Lewis
wow that entire article was a complete asspull. So much actual information about Kek and how we came to praise his many dubs, and the article goes off on some weird as fuck anti-semitic alt-right nonsense.
Elijah Scott
And all the years before that, like the ones that spurred you burgers to fight against the Axis? Fuck idiots think history only starts when it effects you negatively.
Zachary King
You're on an anonymous imageboard. I can claim to have been your theology professor all along.
Your "personal life" means 0, just the post of the content, you newfag.
Ryder Brown
I am also and are theology expert so no you're are wrong.
Logan Taylor
Cooper Harris
Okay if we want to play smart pissing context Christianity has been shilled against since the XIX century with anti-christian groups self denominating as members of the "enlightenment"
Nicholas Reed
As you say, literally what would I gain from lying? Just get over the fact that Christianity isn't the "obvious" choice. People go out and look on their own, and sometimes, they come to very different conclusions for reasons they understand to be justified.
Michael Kelly
So because the majority of voters believe in a Jewish Zombie, who may or may not have cosmic sex every second with billions of astral concubines, means that we ought to to?
John Green
Parker Evans
Ever heard of an appeal to authority, moron?
Just how new are you?
Justin Sanders
we royal musicians now
Lucas Price
Shalom brother! To solomons temple!!!
Seriously get a grip you mentally ill wanabe jew masonic shill.
Logos is not """YAHWEH""" and is not Kek.
Benjamin Flores
This entire 'boiling things down to their abstract elements in a crude attempt at humour' is a very left-wing thing to do. Treating everything with irreverence is part of the reason the West is such an anti-intellectual cesspit today.
Brandon Scott
Ego masturbation? Even assuming it's true, do you know you sound like average feminist who says "I go a degree therefore all I say is correct"
Kayden Richardson
Elijah Cooper
the pot calling the fine china black
Cameron Morris
This is why I consider Christians to be less competent meme magicians overall, this thread right here. You feel threatened when mundane matters that don't have a ready context within the Christian faith start to become steeped in spiritualism. You don't teach yourself a system of occult symbolism. How the fuck can your magic be anything but disjointed if you don't even know what symbols to use to get your points across?
Look at this shit
So triggered that somebody doesn't automatically buy in to what you believe so strongly that you can barely form a legible sentence.
Jaxon Barnes
Revering kikes as idols is another reason.
Gabriel Moore
It's 4:43 am, fellow avatarfag. You should be grateful people bother to entertain you.
Owen Gomez
They're scared of the primal power of an ancient god. They've seen what it can do.
Gavin Evans
Don't worry, I have more.
Dominic Powell
If you deny Kek you're worse than a cuck, and the eternal lake of pee pee poo poo awaits you
Jaxon Baker
You honestly think we give a shit on a taiwanese fish filet board? Newfag christcuck go back to /christian/ convert to kekism or die,
You know nothing about "religion" and are just a judeo masonic cuck who comes back and tries over and over to shill for his judeomasonic christcuckery and gets assblasted every single time.
Brayden Ramirez
You're wrong, but that's okay. I like you anyway.
Grayson Price
I'm not sure whom you think you're talking to, but it definitely isn't me.
Ian Myers
Did your fancy college have Kek worship sessions? If not, you're a greenhorn here. Deal with it.
Mason Peterson
You should be honored im bashing your shill shit in, we got such better shit shills back when CTR was raping kids in the whitehouse.
Also youre wrong, """YAHWEH""" doesnt exist and is not kek and is not logos.
Take your gnostic judeomasonic shit back to >>/christcuck/
Alexander Mitchell
Christianity can be quite the thorn in their side with Jesus Christ and all, but that's just because the jews hate all higher thought. Goyim are cattle, remember? They aren't allowed to do anything other than slave away and moo to the media lies.
Daniel Morales
Just so you know who you're talking to, here's one of my posts from earlier today.
Jace Garcia
Aiden Murphy
It's literally magick. Deal with it.
Jeremiah Allen
How the fuck is Kek anti-Semitic or a hate God? He's the God of darkness, nothing more.
Tyler Ortiz
Man, I fucking love Dr. Steel.
Nathan Bailey
Adam Smith
Nice dubs. Well, I know what I'm going to be watching at work all day on Monday.
Carson Morales
Brody Price
Alexander Foster
Masonic shit shills like you would get ripped in half on /fringe/, and you get poo poo'd on here for your blasphmemery.
Leo Edwards
freemasons did nothing wrong
Gavin Thomas
Rabbi Jesus was in fact a skillful meme magician, I'm not sure how that's even deniable. We don't have to agree with his goals, but to say he wasn't skillful is dishonest.
Ethan Richardson
Heh heh shills always get
ultra assmad
when we start getting deeper into magical theory around here. It's like fucking clockwork. I wonder how they perceive the threat - it's certainly not from any application of intelligence. It must be something like a hardwired instinct.
Adam Roberts
Oh do I have a whole fucking folder of shit for you.
James Young
checked! Those anti-keketic IRS bastids! How dare they oppress us like this?
Daniel Jackson
Jason Thompson
So it's infinity chan's leaky forums?
Kek is great.
Isaiah Reed
It does seem that we have the upper hand, at least in the noösphere. However, translating that into real political control in such a way as the kikes don't nuke the whole world just to make sure no one can have it, that's going to take some serious subtlety to pull off.
Asher Hernandez
If there had already been some serious subtlety, how would anyone know? Breath easy, friend.
Christian Green
Robert Hernandez
Funny how there's no scenario there where the frog god doesn't win.
Ryder Diaz
What's funny is it does both at the same time. There's no way to handle this propaganda where it doesn't polarize you towards one extreme or another. If the media had any brains at all, they'd stop bringing us up, and slow down our velocity of propaganda.
Carson Jenkins
(check'd) That's the thing, they can't slow it down. They can't stop it. They're having one of those Lovecraftian moments where they realize just how small they are compared to the cosmic horror that's about to rape their face.
Juan Morales
With the resources of our enemy could our victory ever be anything other than an accident? We're obviously not capable of out planning them or planning ahead of them. We were only able to win by not knowing our next move ourselves.
You can't outplay or outmaneuver chaos. Our victory could never be anything other than an accident.
Matthew Sanchez
It does sometimes feel that sometime soon, a change in the critical mass of consciousness will take place and sweep through how people can interact with the world. Though I must admit. The journey has taken a lot longer - and become a lot stranger - than I ever could have anticipated.
Jeremiah Taylor
It's already begun. The Age of Aquarius is upon us. Fair enough, it's really, really weird. I won't deny that. It is however, fucking awesome tbh fam.
Michael Butler
Also on another note our enemies will never EVER be able to harness the power of chaos because they want power for power's sake and see humor as a tool for societal control while we just want a gud laff.
Chaos is the only effective weapon that have to fight sociopaths and at the end of the day it's far more powerful than anything that they can bring to bear. Maybe having a soul has utilitarian benefits after all. Maybe that realization scares the ever loving shit out of them.
Liam Wood
This. We're "Anti-Enlightment" because we want to tear this bizarre, emotive, and wholly irrational framework asunder, instead replacing it with the truth of perceptive reality and an ideology based on species and race-based survival, instead of "muh feelies." Universal pseudo-moralists can suck on my frog dick for all I care.
Gabriel Adams
Yup, it's a jew alright.
Dylan Gomez
t. literally every /(((christian)))/ on Holla Forums
Joseph Brown
Ryder Cruz
Chaos is truly the ultimate power in the universe and only the powerless can truly harness it. Because to use chaos you have to relinquish all personal power and ambition and humble yourself. All we can ever hope to do is enable and strengthen the chaos, we can never control it. I'm starting to understand what Jesus meant when he said that the meek will inherit the Earth. As soon as the internet was born and integrated into the world economy our victory was made inevitable.
And honestly the way that society will operate in the future won't be fascism, democracy, communism or any ideology that exists today. The rise of Kek will lead to new ideas and new means of governance. Nobody here can predict what the future will look like all we can do is hope or believe that that the amalgam of mankind is good at heart. Ultimately the conflict between us and them are those who believe that mankind can be entrusted with itself or if they need
Order is the the opposite of chaos but it is not our enemy. A consistently chaotic society will constantly have new order constantly being born at a faster and more efficient rate is response to new situations and stimuli. This is why Kek is darkness but also the bringer of light. Technological advancement just means that mankinds is just progressing faster and faster towards becoming a self aware organism and that the group mind is gaining more and more control over society, culture, and governance. Just as Communism and Nationalism were reactions to the industrial revolution we are the first reaction to the creation of the internet. And we're an entirely different beast than the systems and ideologies of the past.
The elite might have themselves and us convinced that they hold more power than ever before but that's hardly the case. In the past they used to rule over us openly as kings flaunting their wealth, now they're forced to wear the same business suits as the average middle class white collar worker and hide their wealth in overseas accounts. If you want to see what happens when they're revealed for what they are just look at what's happening in South Korea. The power of the mob to organize and mobilize is greater than at any point in history.
The internet is their end
Bentley Cox
Great post. With that, I'm headed to bed.
Isaac Harris
Honestly the best revelations just come to me in a stream of consciousness. I honestly didn't premeditate any of that, it just came to me.
Praise Kek and chaotic thinking I guess.
Isaac Allen
The kooky witches trying to run the show in Korea aren't the "end bosses". When you get close to the final level, the ADL and kike media will come at you hard. When Trump gave his famous speech, the bad guys got real ornery. Those gook occult bitches are small potatoes, friend. After all, they were exposed in the mainstream media.
Jose Rivera
It's a circle-logic these brainwashed idiots learned at their judeomasonic universities. Wether it is hemedicism or judaism both profess the same non-qualities.
You can see 8d537d shilling up the thread with a couple other christfags and other platonic fags (greek freemasonry/hermedicism). this faggot multiple times deflects and shills for kek somehow being a 'manifestation of logos' while completely lacking the intelligence to get his point conveyed without resorting to shilling.
A week ago the christcucks tried attaching kek, now they seek to subvert us.
The problem arises when these fags deflect and are unable to prove a single point without resorting to shill tactics, counter accusations, and deflection.
Brayden Johnson
If Ba'al is so great, why did Carthage lose to Rome?
Brandon Thompson
underrated post
Logan Gomez
Not saying that they're the end i'm just using what's happening to illustrate my point. My point is that if there was no internet(even though it's heavily censored) or universal literacy in South Korea then the 8 goddeses would rule openly and only in fear of other elites that wanted to usurp them.
Now they live in fear of the people and thus are forced to rule entirely from the shadows. This is a trend that corresponds with technological advancement.
Lucas Sullivan
So what are you /christians/ doing to help the poor rapefugees?
Isaiah Watson
nothing. why would we help rapists, faggot
Mason Cruz
someone needs to make a picture of this story with a smug pharoah pepe and a crying wojack citizen
Ayden Campbell
Maybe it's like Shekyforums, you know the one Benji referenced
Bentley Baker
Filthy christcuck, you lie through your teeth.
Youve been shilling against kek and pol from the very begining, now youre trying at any tactic, nomatter how shameful- to claim that pol is a kiketian board. We are kekites.
go back to /christian/ where you belong. Even they hate you.
Cameron Russell
What's wrong with hermeticism, my dude?
Landon Hall
Your entire JEWISH RELIGION is inheritly anti-white and anti-racist and supports rapefugees in europe.
>All of the major Christian churches in America have come out in favor of importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the US from the Middle East, even though such a move will speed up the extinction of both European-Americans and Christianity itself.
.There are stuffed vine leaves and peppers, flavoured rices, salads and a mound of home-made deserts that ooze honey. These come recommended by half the middle-aged women there. Someone is brewing Turkish coffee and the scent wafts over the garden.
Jeremiah Taylor
The Quabalah.
It's jewish. Its originally from jews, and is not egyptian, or kemetic in origin. Its based on freemasonry which is judaism for goyim to serve jews better.
Its also perverted the minds of many great men into jewish thought patterns which inevitably spell complete ruin for the aryan race, time after time.
Why would you worship a jewish system of witchcraft?
Logan Gutierrez
Christians are starting to turn my stomach, when things get rough they will always revert back to kikery so they dont have to break their slave mental conditioning
absolutely disgusting
Noah Taylor
Charles Fisher
Wasn't he shut down by unnamed third parties, or did he just disappear himself because his core fanbase was so autistic?
Aaron Long
aleister crowley and his ilk (the clintons, blavatsky, church of satan and temple of set) all follow that path. the path of baal and moloch
Isaac Thompson
Bullshit lies
Logos = flux
It doesn't mean the generic "word" in the ancient Greek language
Robert Price
implying little girl anime is something to protect against because Clinton wants to destroy it?
Nolan Martinez
This meme is getting boring.
William Flores
My knowledge comes entirely from having read large amounts of Evola's The Hermetic Tradition. Never is the quabalah or any of its structures brought up, and it is entirely drawn from european, greek and persian structures of alchemy and metaphysics, as a counter-point to Buddhist and far eastern methods of thought. Its concepts precede freemasonry's judaic number-wanking by centuries if not millennia. I do think we might be using different definitions.
I wouldn't be surprised if they stole some of it's terminology and it's forms It's a very core system that's easy to steal from, draw connections to, and to retrofit. Crowley would actively fuck over others from learning along hermetic paths, drugging them and deliberately inducing bad states that would break them and make any inner transmutation impossible or much more difficult. Doesn't make much sense to hold him as a cornerstone of that path.
Samuel Richardson
holy shit read basic fucking history you retarded nigger
Connor Robinson
This, keep speaking the truth brother. Our fellow Whites need to be freed from their nigger slave mindset
Luke Davis
Demarcus? Is that you, Nigkike?
Ryder Wood
Holla Forums is always right
Landon Ramirez
Churches are designed to keep the donations flowing from older sheeple that come to social signal about the lives they vicariously live. They're not there to improve themselves or become wise but to feel righteous for uttering lines in a call-and-answer ritual. You could slap any layer you like on these folks, even fucking KEK, and this wouldn't change a damn thing. Sheep need to be led. Churches are modern Shepherds. Not for us, are they.
Cameron Howard
Thank you so much. Praise Kek
Grayson Sullivan
Fucking hell, the point of "grok" in the book was that humans only understood things superfically or from a single angle. Your definition of "intuitively understand" falls short of its original meaning, since grokking almost never happened immediately. It only happened after becoming deeply intimate with the subject.
It's basically the deepest level of understanding you can have about a thing, so much so you feel with it emotionally.
James Sullivan
I heard Goering threw a guy in prison for cutting up a live frog.
Christian Edwards
Inspiration = to breathe in It really is that simple, and that profound.
Didn't the Merovingians claim descent from a pagan river god?
Asher Nguyen
Yes post-irony. Not to be confused with new sincerity.
Evan Martin
Top fucking lel
Hudson Diaz
John Adams
He was an autist himself, built his utopian playland on a prominent minecraft server. Blew it all up when he stopped.
Brandon Gray
No, god of darkness. Doesn`t hate but brings Retribution. That doesn`t have to be about hate. Sometimes its about letting go, embracing a better future and a struggle to overcome adversity.
Kevin Wilson
I thought their god was a black dick seeing as they keep trying to get their wives, girlfriends and sisters to worship it.
Easton Brooks
That music is from American McGee's Alice
Angel Martinez
Ba'al is a semitic god, delete him.
Samuel Sanchez
KEK LOOK AT HOW FUCKING TRIGGERED THEY ARE The claim that he is making is obviously ridiculous, our views are made from objectively observing reality and shaping our beliefs accordingly, that we accept the reality of race and identity, which according to cuckold faggots like this here journalist, does in no way delegitimize our stance. We're merely honest, unlike the faggot cuckservatives and liberals.
Nolan Moore
Ba'al Hammon was the god of Carthage. Evidence has begun to confirm that child sacrifice to Ba'al Hammon was an integral part of the religious worship of Carthage. In fact Ba'al Hammon and Moloch may very well be closely related.
Although people debate if the accusations of child sacrifice were just Roman propaganda, there is evidence that it happened. And happened often.
No, I would not put energy behind Ba'al Hammon/Moloch/YHWH.
Although I may be engaging in some interpretatio graeca here, I think of Kek as a representation of Χάος. A fundamental force that has the ability to reshape the world around us.
They represent Ba'al Hammon. They are opposed to what we are. None of us is without corruption, but most of us seek a world without the corruption of the people that would serve the bull god.
Jeremiah Harris
Hahaha, imagine there is some kind of cult that is there worshipping weird ancient Gods. That cult influences elections constantly (Brexit, Trump). They seem to be behind everything yet they have no clear figureheads! Lmao
Jack Wright
Alone we are harmless, but combined we form a terrible plague.
Jaxon Gomez
Cameron Parker
Varg isn't a Trump supporter, he's disinterested in politics and believes Trump is controlled opposition
Samuel Wilson
Westerners have a sad habit of believing the best of everyone. Institutionalized child sacrifice was a common feature in shitskin societies, even ones like the abbos which are too disorganized to have institutions at all.
Isaac Green
Incidentally for the dumbfuck christians out there who think that the ancient israelites are the good guys and the modern jews are some kind of bizarre interloper consider how they needed to specifically ban people from sacrificing their children to some blood thirsty demon in the leviticate laws. You don't ban things people aren't doing.
Lincoln Rivera
?? I don't really know how they come to the conclusion that people don't care about individual human rights. I don't really understand what this means, individual human dignity. Like individual respect that humans deserve? We planned market advocates now
Jack Cooper
that absolute madman
Brandon Walker
posting 'incoming memes' won't make you and your shill friend anymore legitimate you stupid kike goon
Aiden Ramirez
Elijah Long
Why the fuck do these reddit fags talk about kek when they cant get dubs?
Its like a fucking loser kid pretending to be in on a joke they dont know about. Seriously fucking reddit holy shit
Mason Cooper
If we take the study which proved the first whites appeared first in Europe around 7~6,000 years ago… Someone remember something familiar to this age? Yep, those crazy religious who believe the world was created in that age.
Basically, the god was white so that religion was just a projection for… FIRST WHITE PEOPLE!
Bless the Kek!
Cameron Howard
No, he's a Chaos God They will never get it before it is too late
Gavin Wood
Shinto is the national ancestor-religion of the Yamato peoples. cease if you are not one.
Meh, the Hindus demonise the Ashuras, while the Iranians treat the Daevas as demonic (as they are)
Allah *is* Ahura Mazda though :^)
Jason Gray
Well that is just simply false, some whites have been in Europe for tens of thousands of years. It's only specifically Indo-Europeans (Germanics) who appeared in Europe 7k years ago. The continent has been a white continent for much longer than that however, populated by Cro-Magnons, the ancestor race of all white races.
John Hughes
έπαινο του χάος!
Jace Williams
Easton Hall
Colton Stewart
butthurt much shill-kun?
~ Afu fu fu fu
Christopher Hernandez
Jaxson Miller
Reported for Holla Forums.
Carson Perry
books thread is intl?
Dylan Parker
Reported for Holla Forums.
Reading is a waste of time, meme magic got Trump elected not bookfaggotry, kike-kun.
Josiah Ramirez
Did a person just got shot as a missile into others? What am I seeing here?
Xavier Hughes
Jonathan Collins
Says the troglodyte who sleeps in a cavern full of waste and degenerate "art".
Brayden Ramirez
My point exactly.
Camden Howard
Samuel Richardson
Hi, Holla Forums
Elijah Wright
That's the thing about chaos. The normie mind cannot take it. You look at randomness you see order.
Cooper Hughes
Lefties really don't get that labelling everything as a hate-noun is going to completely zap away any impact that word has. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sip my hate-coffee, grab my hate-tula and flip my hate-browns for my hate-fast.
Isaiah Morales
Right, because Christianity isn't a Middle Eastern religion…
Christopher Johnson
Newfag detected
Adam Myers
Men always were Jew-haters. To let the the poor Jews survive mankind must die.
Evan Jones
Well. Your digits check out at least.
Isaiah Campbell
We are the priests of Kek, and those redditors are the sheep. They cannot commune with Kek, only we can because only we have the digits. But they follow Kek because we follow Kek.
It is our responsibility to use our position of power wisely.
Nathan Hill
Jack Baker
I dont even know what the fuck this thread turned into.
Juan Collins
This is the left's MO. They take everything they are and accuse their opposition of it to distract from their own issues. Hillary did it constantly the whole campaign.
Jackson Sanchez
God sent Christ and the jew killed him. God sent Hitler to show us the way, and the jew killed him. God got pissed and sent Kek the Chaos Deity who unleashed his avatar Pepe, and the jew can't kill him. Put aside your differences. The meme is the sword. Wield it against our enemies!
Isaiah Ramirez
Whites were colonists and the original humans.
Jeremiah Foster
t. comparative theology student
Dylan King
LARPing Holla Forums trash trying to push anti-Christian bullshit, as usual. Notice that most Christians on Holla Forums have no problems with Kek/Pepe shitposting until it becomes more than just a meme, because they understand the use of rhetoric.
Austin Evans
You got it backward, bro. Hermeticism was derived from comparisons between the "Eastern" religions, predominantly ancient Egyptian and Hinduism, and we know thanks to archaeology that these were white societies. The Jews copied the life symbolisms, one of which is the tree of life in their kabalah. It's basically rabbis trying to use White men's magic. In my study field Christianity has been completely loosened from Judaism and is usually paired with hermeticism. Catholicism and Orthodox are said to be especially good for entering esoterics.
Now if you would excuse me, friend. I'm trying to have fun with meme magic. I'd love to talk about religion, but please behave like an Aryan. Sometimes I get the vibe you people are (((pomo's))). Please be a little bit more civil. Calling Christians "cuck" is maladvised, seeing how an alternative name of out new god is Kuk.
Bentley Mitchell
Give me a break.
Liam Edwards
And this is why Esoteric Hermetics faggotry is a fucking cancer. Sand nigger magic mixed with Aryan truths! Kill yourself faggot
Benjamin Diaz
Top Kek, matey.
Connor Perry
Please tell me you are just pretending to be jewish
The as above so below symbolism is heavily Semitic in nature and is a common fixture in (((Masonic))) and (((occult))) practises. Don't invoke the limpdick magic of kike symbolism without knowing their deeper meanings
William Foster
Woop woop woop, shill alert! You don't understand Hermeticism. I would pity you, but I'm too busy laughing at your stupidity and ignorance. You poor bastards have no idea what you've gotten yourselves into! Sad.
Jackson Campbell
Isaiah Garcia
heres your (you)
Levi Hernandez
baal means "the lord" i think it could be different gods with the same titel
Andrew Carter
Jack Nguyen
Funny thing.
I emailed the guy a rather in depth history of kek, pepe, wojak and kek as it stands today. Curiosity compelled me primarily on the basis of a project I'm working on. I wanted to see if I could teach a normie something of Chan culture and history.
He acknowledged some of what was said and even put an update on the article. But his acknowledgement was very…mediocre. I don't think he really understood much of what was said.
Carter Johnson
you fucked up
Be very careful user, dont fuck it up
Jason Green
To put it simply I'm trying to write a book about Chan history and culture. Since nobody seems to care about rules 1 & 2 anymore I figured why not?
Gavin Smith
The schofield bible was fucking heresy. Probably a successful attempt to subvert the last holds of white christians by those skeevy kikes.
Juan Reyes
You're a fucking turbonigger, I fucking hope you get raped to death by rapefugges you fucking faggot.
Logan Myers
I hate that! They need to stop co-op.
John Reyes
Remember how the media thought that if they keep going on and on about Trump it would reduce his power level somehow rather than increase it?
Thats what I think is going to happen regarding kek.
Elijah Hall
well played
Ayden Ward
Don't know about you guys but my favorite part of this kind of article are the hashtags.
Oliver Cooper
It's already happening. It's just that the niggers writing them have no actual knowledge of the Chans. They just browse reddit or Holla Forums for ten minutes then declare themselves experts.
Most of the people on the chans these days have no fucking clue as to their history either. Seems most of the people here weren't even around for fort longcat. And you've got to be the newest of newfags for that
Aaron Morales
this is pol, don't expect anybody to have the slightest idea on how to computer.
Aiden Carter
Hudson Smith
Easton Price
Gavin Turner
ayy lmao while fascism and darwinism are praised, atleast on Holla Forums
Nolan Davis
Shit. When I was a kid I used to chant, "Death, Destruction, Chaos" all the time because I was an edgy little wanker. Was I channeling Kek this whole time? The frog was also my favorite animal as long as I can remember, though lizards as well. All along Kek was signaling me. I am blessed!
Jordan Kelly
Christcuckery is a slave religion to the jews. Repent and bow before our rightful god of lulz and assblasting.
Things that are aryan:
things cuckstians push:
Cuckstianity is anti-aryan and you are all race traitors who piss on the graves of your ancestors every time you worship that kike on a stick and the usurper.
Nature is chaos. Libshits hate above all nature, and thus they ban truth like blacks are violent 80-IQ retards, or that a man and a woman are natural together and their tranny faggot worship is an abomination. They want everything to be a pastel painted hugbox of false equality and they abhor the truth and deny and criminalize it at every turn. Truth about hyperborea/atlantis/wewuz? they call it hate and WN. Truth that our leaders are trying to murder us all? They call is hate and conspiracy theory. They cannot handle chaos because chaos, by nature, does not favor them. It favors no one, and is just an endless revelation of truth. Same reason why kikes hate innawoods–it is chaotic and natural and does not favor them, and thus they build cities as hugboxes where they are always on top. They can never comprehend Kek and thus they fear him.
Luis Diaz
Logan Diaz
Angel Wood
Chase Howard
No shit, sherlock.
Dafuq is he writing.
Yeah, like an actual culture or something in that sense, kek.
mfw trapped in the emotional safe space group-think of Plato's cave, rather allowing them to enter a rational, free-thinking world where reason and truth can challenge and offend emotive identities
Kek is the bringer of light through chaos. Educate yourself, fucktard.
Joshua Smith
Hello Ashtar Sheran.
Nicholas Lopez
ba'al is a pretty cool god. he smites mudslimes and doesn't afraid of anything.
Gavin Gonzalez
"In the case of newspapers the technique is first to get yourself into the papers,to see how difficult it is to recognise yourself from what is said, and then to assume all other accounts are equal balderdash."