Things are getting weirder and weirder.
Things are getting weirder and weirder.
Other urls found in this thread:
Obama wants Trump in office for the upcoming major recession because ebul natsees must be punished
The civil unrest that would come from an overturned election would be insane. It's much better to stay the course and try to Jew Trump some other way. Like this
Look, it's obvious. Obama et al. don't want a recount because they know Clinton cheated, and a recount will reveal it. (((Stein))) knows Clinton cheated. Stein hates Clinton and wants to expose her for cheating; hence the push.
The recount will show that Trump won both the popular vote and the electoral vote, hence Obama's unwillingness to recount.
Actually, he wants Trump in office because he knows he'll be the first to hang if there's a civil war.
The stupid nigger finally realized that the only way left he has to survive is to lick Trump's boots until they shine harder than Trump Tower's gold
These. Also, Obama hates Hillary and only wanted her in because he assumed Trump would have his neck. At the same time, I bet Trump made him a deal he could not turn down: Expose the Clintons and don't start ww3 before Trump gets into office and he will leave Obama alone.
Man, what I'd do to see the king nigger hanging from a tree branch.
I woudnt be suprised if Jill has an accident sooner or later for starting this shit
The record highs in the DJIA (which historically respond very negatively to risk which Trump is the epitome of) should be an indicator that they want to make things turn south hard.
Assuming that was her intention and not Soros being an idiot and rigging things properly. He already fucked up trying to rig the general election. They probably don't have their rigging shit together and called on Obama to nix shit.
If she wanted to really fuck over Hillary and expose rigging, she would have gone after Pennsylvania first where Philly would have shown rigging if she wanted to target a Trump state (though California and Washington state would have been prime areas for this).
Really pisses me off though, he went ahead and fucked America over with terrible deals and muzzies yet he gets away scott free. At least some justice is better than no justice at all.
doe it even matter IF clinton would win that state?
It would be a reason to recount other states.
4D chess, user. 4D chess.
He might not hang literally, but he WILL see his entire legacy turned into fucking dust and forgotten before Trump's first term is up. He won't score his comfy UN seat he was pinning for, much less the Supreme Court one he wanted if that didn't work.
He will spend the remainder of his days knowing he's a stupid nigger that didn't achieve anything but ensure there will never be another negro president ever again, all while Trump fixes all the damage he did and dooms him to the footnotes of history
Obama just doesn't want his record ruined any more than it already has been. If this transition isn't peaceful, it will be one of the only Presidential transitions ever marred through violence and unrest.
In addition, Obama is a Constitutional lawyer. He know the Constitution inside out, probably better than any other President since Lincoln. He knows that they have no ground to stand on legally.
On top of that, the Bush/Gore recount only changed a few thousand votes, was an embarrassment for the party, and caused economic damage to the US and world economies due to the uncertainty of the outcome and the extra month of waiting. Obama is trying to ward off a repeat by shitting on the recount, and Clinton's concession is the final Constitutional nail in the recount coffin. Everyone knows it's just posturing except for the Marxists.
that's actually great. Just imagine the massive happenings coming out of it. micro race wars in every state.
What I don't understand is - why Stein?
Why is she doing this, how could it affect her in any way? She ran against all the others, what would benefit her doing this?
Her entire stake on this is grabbing the cash from the braindead donators and running away with it after claiming "she never guaranteed results"
This is the Sanders trick
Cunton can't do it because she said doing so would be a "direct threat to democracy".
She's a jew, and jews like money, and clintons have money.
Yes, it's really that simple.
This is the most obvious explanation. Jill Stein refused to endorse Clinton during the campaign.
The DOW is up because everyone is fleeing from bonds. Stocks are the go-to alternative for bonds–for now.
Eventually they will remember gold, but likely only after Trump gets in and cleans house on the CME.
1. Like another user said, she's a jew.
2. This will help her shake off the stigma of costing Hillary the election in the minds of the leftists who are her main base/goal, despite not actually being responsible for shit in regards to the election. She doesn't want to be the new Nader. She probably targeted Trump states for this reason however….
3. She is surrounded by Soros lackeys including her VP so they may have have a hand in things.
The only other thing that comes to mind is this is part of a larger ops to make people think Trump has sold out. This is what the media has been spewing 24/7 since Trump won. Having Obama come in and "save" him makes it look like Trump is part of team Obama and thus the establishment. Stein gets to look like an outsider when she is surrounded by people funded by Soros. I would like to think they are trying to hide the fact that they rigged votes but the more I think about it, the more I think this is all the more reason why she did not target Pennsylvania since that would definitely show rigged votes thanks to Philly, a place that was has seen vote rigging in the past and a place I think was mentioned on one of the project veritas videos as a place where vote rigging occurs.
I hate all this bullshit.
You're assuming she did shit out of good faith faith or was not playing some other game.
Gotchu covered fam
Might be worried about a recount exposing mass illegal voting, which would rob the Dems of even their "moral" popular vote "victory".
Probably because it'll expose how rampantly the left committed voter fraud, and we get to see just how high Trump's numbers really were.
This, she's just wants to get her share of the Fire Monkey madness.
They've accepted a momentary setback with Trump and Brexit. Let the goyim have their fun and think they have finally won against the establishment. Ride out a few years of Trump, doing their best to make his policies ineffective and things may be ripe for a more suitable POTUS for 2020.
Here's a thought. Why aren't recounts naturally built into the system. Election's on Nov. 8, results come out a month later. It's not like the new president even takes fucking office until the next year, so they should have all the time they need to verify and re-verify results before making any announcements.
ultimate poetic justice for Obama would be for him to live long enough to see his entire race eradicated from the United States as he is allowed to live meagerly and powerless to stop it. give the kidfucking crackhead a taste of his own medicine.
probably, but they have underestimated Trump before.
the economy is as much about perception as output these days, and MAGA is resonating throughout the globe
I believe this version of things. However, there is also a legitimate possibility that George Soros offered her some senate/house seats next cycle to be used as his vehicle here.
This is what I suspect too. I have a suspicion that Jill Stein not only knows that votes weren't rigged in Trump's favour, rather the exact opposite. By pushing for an investigation into this matter, Clinton and the entire criminal industry that stole VI, NH et. al. will get a full examination and the who crooked Left gets anihilated. Obama (or rather his advisors) clearly know this and see the better play being that of maintaining the seed of doubt that the Left will cling to to delegitimse Trump's presidency, and covering all their arses at the same time. It's the simplest, yet most effective play.
Trump may have struck a deal with Obama that if Obama played nice, he and Michael could walk free, but if there was even a whiff of foul play that Obama didn't actively try to prevent, all deals were null and void.
Looking at Trump and Obama's body language and how long they talked at their first meeting, it seems pretty plausible. Hopefully if it's true, the Obama's still get the book thrown at them one way or another. Although just being forgotten to history may be almost good enough for me.
Obama doesn't want a full recount of states Trump won because they would eventually have to recount several states Hillary won thus revealing she cheated.
Obama knows there would be chaos if they only counted a few trump states and then claim she is the winner without giving Hillary the same scrutiny. If THEY get to contest the results then so do WE and Obama knows this. That's why Hillary never contested anything in the first place.
They hate hildog
This. Oboma is the last guy out of a burning building
This. Even King Nigger knows that Trump is the only release valve.
The government passed some more "peaceful transition" laws earlier this year. My interpretation of the "hacking" on democratic systems is that some hacker group was ddosing the clinton attempts to rig polls. Since they couldn't send their fake tallies to the machines, the rigging failed. It was inter-intelligence community cyber warfare. Stein knew about this and she was just scamming gullible retards as is her nature
They just want a repeat of what happened when GW took office. Pentagon once again (((missing))) over $1T, remember?
Why the fucking hell would Stein of all people be privy to information about top secret cyber operations? You actually think kooky plant Jewess has connections to the deep state?
He and Hillary Clinton also hate each other
I'm suggesting she read the same signals as I did. Also, it's been shown she has connections to soros, which could be considered deep state.
M-merry Christmas.
bump because there's entirely too much concern trolling over this issue going on
Fuck off.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Involved in Wisconsin Recount, Campaign Attorney Says
then why is shillary herself participating
larry nichols confession + suggestive photographs
call me when they flip Trump states with no recounts in obviously clinton stolen states. fucking halfchanners
Nah, the economy will do amazingly with Trump, the stock market is already reflecting this because people have faith in it again.
This all seems pretty obvious when you look at it: Trump has the dirt the FBI has on all the politicians and cut them a deal: they don't hang for their various irredeemable crimes they have used to control each other and the they back him.
The deal was already made, Stein is a crazy green party leader nobody trusts who thinks reality is completely different from what it is so she is trying for a recount, everyone else has to play along to keep her from screaming about a rigged system or something to that effect but the fact is a fair vote won and they will stick to it because the only thing more dangerous than a person holding all your blackmail material who you have no dirt on is the same someone with a moral conviction to stop at nothing knowing they are right.
Firstly, I suspect globalist plans have been laid. Uprooting all that now would just be expensive.
Then, if Hillary stole victory like this, the democrats would lose even more face. Trump managed to look completely sane this far and protected the Republican brand, and Hillary has only further sullied hers by looking unhinged in her defeat speech.
On top of all this, Obama doesn't even like Hillary at all, and if Trump's account of that day is to be believed, maybe he told Obongo something in their meeting that actually brought him around; something we might not like.
They're trying to avoid being humiliated even more thoroughly.
dubs confirm Obama is Trump's puppet now
That's just empty words. It's quite obvious that at least recount is happening. I'd be prepared for anything.
A civil war at the end of his term would tarnish obongo's legacy.
Anyone else think that this recount bullshit is just a huge concern troll to stress us out?
Its working on me.
Obama is a piece of shit but he's at least smart enough to see that this country is now a ticking atomic bomb of tensions and when it goes off it's not only going to be extremely fucking ugly but also hold catastrophic global consequences as well. Many of Trump's supporters were worried about election fraud and stolen elections before the election where their fears were assauged by his victory. Now they're looking at a very real and very blatant chance at fraud and theft
Many of those people are already very anti-establishment and also armed, with many in their ranks also prepped and waiting for a civil war to break out to topple the government that they despise. And then you also add in alternative media redpilling people along with sites like Breitbart that have also turned this into a battle of class and left vs right wing, between the lower and upper classes which it essentially is as well. The libs have made it clear that they're just itching at the chance to make the Bolshevik takeover look like child's play compared to what they'll do here to the rest of America and already view "fly over America", "Rust Belt America", "Confederate America", and every other term they've come up for everywhere outside their tiny bubbles as inferior and needing to be purged and made an example of.
They'll of course lose unless they have the EU, UN, and the military prompt on our shores to make their dreams a reality. The rest of the world, especially Europe, will see it as a conflict of right versus left and it could very well give courage to our brothers and sisters in the mother continent to rise up as well. Trump's victory is already being widely celebrated over there and acting as an emboldment and catalyst for their own efforts.
So in other words the kikes steal the election, this country plunges into absolute chaos where the shitlibs and other upper class swine try to purge the lower classes and the left engages in a brutal war with the right which in turn may very well inspire the right in Europe to not only take the chance to take back their countries but to also act preemptively so the kikes and their sock puppets don't start massacreing millions in purges like they did in every other communist country. Not even to mention the global political chaos that would ensue where the ruling elite elsewhere rush to the defense of the establishment while trying to convince the goyim they openly despise to kill their brothers and sisters overseas to ensure the "global elite" not only retain their tyranny but also bring their genocidal paradise closer to fruition
Is it possible Bummer is just super pissed at Hillary for absolutely destroying any legacy he may have had (POTUS knowledge of private server as revealed through Wikileaks) and is sabotaging her latest effort to cheat to completely fuck over the establishment? Picture for ants related.
I doubt any of this serves only one purpose.
Knock up his daughters
It's possible he's trying to save face; we know King Nigger doesn't like Hillary, thinks she suffers from too much hubris, and knows she's fucked all their plans up due to a severe case of smug. If Hillary really does want to enact a recount to try and stack the vote in her favor, she would need ALL THREE states, and as other anons here have said, such a turnover would absolutely ignite serious civil unrest; if Obama goes against this and stops it, Trump can still be blamed by the kikes as the ultimate cause of all the inevitable problems we're about to face.
Sure, the economy will do better under Trump than it will under Hillary, but we're still about to experience serious economic turbulence due to King Nigger and his congressional monkeys throwing shit around and calling it 'progress'. After the 2008 housing bubble, we never recovered; mainstream media will never, EVER admit that their beloved black president or their Madame Almost-President are possibly to blame for ANYTHING, so the obvious choice for them is to smugly point crooked jew-fingers at Bad-Goy Trump for everything that could possibly happen, whether real or just 'muh feelings'.
Aside from the beard, I don't think there's a more appropriate comparison for that fucking ape.
I don't get this gif.
Yeah this Stein kike needs to get the fuck out with this bullshit hack narrative.
obama doesn't wanna get put in prison for the rest of his life
Anyone else getting connection errors?
Clinton WANTS her cheating to be found out. When Stein finds out that Hillary stole votes, Hillary will immediately be prosecuted (or whatever you Americans call it).
"She already lost the election so she got her punishment already."
then why doesn't obama just pardon hillary anyway?
Obama's already said that he can't pardon Snowden since he's not in court. By that logic…
i almost forgot
dont forget that obama hates hillary
so maybe he wont pardon her at all
yeah but if he's implicated somehow he want this to be swept under the rug as quickly as possible
Lol no. Even if they uncover election fraud, they wouldn't be able to nail Hillary for it. They'd just get the workers at the polling stations at the most. There is no way they'd get all the way up to Hillary in only a few weeks. Remember the Three Rules of Plumbing, because they apply to life in general:
1) Don't chew your fingernails.
2) Shit runs downhill.
3) Payday is on Friday
Lurk more.
so maybe thats why he threw cold water on the recount effort
damn i'd love to fuck both obama girls
Bestiality is illegal and degenerate. Gas yourself.
Also Obama fucking hates the Clintons.
not in my state ;)
I wish this wasn't giving me an erection
Astrologically the major recession should happen before May 2018 because Uranus enters Taurus, the last time Uranus entered Taurus was in 1932, a.k.a when Hitler realistically began his rise to power.
Obama is leaving office with no legacy because his signature legislation is failing.
Hillary will throw Obama under the bus the second it benefits her.
Trump is the only person who can keep his legacy intact by fixing Obamacare.
Shut up, Canada.
It was 2 trillion that got announced September 10th, you know RIGHT BEFORE A CRUISE MISSILE FLEW INTO THE BUDGET OFFICE OF THE PENTAGON
Now there's more than 6 trillion missing. Are we building a fucking space fleet? I wouldn't be mad if that's where the dosh is going, rather than just some offshore kike account.
Yeah, there is no way that the states isn't building something incredibly advanced and incredibly expensive.
There is no way the F-35 Costs as much as stated, money is being diverted into black projects.
I often wonder what the skunk works have been working on. especially given pic related. That and there hasn't been any reveled super planes since the B-2.
They don't let talented engineers idle on pointless projects.
My bet is a hybrid atmospheric/space plane
that uses an open cycle fusion engine that generates intermittent detonations to propel the plane forward, such an engine would use massive amounts of power. hence the confidence from skunk works about their mini fusion project.
They already have one built….
what's so funny faggot
I genuinely believe we've had spaceplanes since the 80's, and we might even have fucking space carriers at this point. It's not hard to believe since we had the Blackbird flying at 100k altitude in the fucking 1960s. I'm absolutely certain there's some F-22 variant called like the XF-22 that docks in orbit. Maybe that's why thrust vectoring was such a big deal in it's design, it's gotta maneuver in 0-G.
This is all just retarded conjecture though. I'm sure we have a military space station and thats what the X37-B is servicing, but past that I can only guess at what our 6 trillion fucking buckaroos was spent on. I hope it was worth the cost, or at the very least it's cool enough to terrify China and Russia into submission.
Also imagine how absolutely assravaged Holla Forums would be if they found out our capitalist monolith has space carriers.
why do they even bother with such a funny money loop?
Lefties would prefer the money be spent on niggers?
Pic related. I don't know if this is legitimate, something to keep in mind.
Not with that air-breathing engine. Nor with another sort of engine positioned so off-axis as the F-22s.
However, look into the X-15. It had reaction control engines suitable for the sort of in-space maneuvering you'd need for docking. Story is, it needed these because it flew so high the air became too thin for standard control surfaces to work.
(That picture is the X-1B of course, but it shows off the reaction control system)
The elites are cannibalising each other.
Should we be calling her Kickstarter Stein henceforth?
Quite possible
Perhaps it's forced participation of some sort
remember gary mckinnon's spergy hackfest? Off world fleets and such
Holla Forums I'm fucking sad, fat, and infinitely redpilled. What the fuck do I do?
I'm 32. I have no children because I can't lose weight and obesity is the single worst trait a man can have in the current year. I make about 100k a year, and no women give a single fuck outside of how they can use me.
Darkest place after Thanksgiving…
My little brother is 29, with three kickass kids that I get to visit occasionally and play with (the redpilled uncle). His wife I get to tease but ultimately always praise for having blonde white children.
I love my family but ultimately fucking hate myself for not being able to grow it. The last date I was on was with a blonde swedish hambeast. Should I just impregnate her and teach our children Evola and Alfred Rosenburg?
Again… 150% redpilled and MORE INTELLIGENT THAN YOU'LL EVER BE
All according to the master plan.
Get some MP3 songs. Put them in your MP3.
Find a treadmill or somewhere to run. Train yourself to run 2 hours a day.
Try to eat minimal meals or eat low calories stuff that makes you feel stuffed.
Enjoy your fit physique and avaliable pussy. May take up to 2-3 months of dedication.
PS - listen to said songs while you run so you don't feel bored
What I'm listening to atm
The good news if you are a man and as such you have time on your side, that is to say 32 is not to late to fix yourself. You are obese but have obviously done something with your life to warrant a fairly decent salary. Many obese people have done nothing with their lives and are a burden to society.
You have plenty to work with but if you are as redpilled as you claim you will never be happy until you have shifted the weight. You owe it to yourself otherwise you will have to live with the shame of wasting the foundations of a good life.
Fatties don’t get to be bullies.
Obama is sick and tired of dealing with the Clintons. Period. Hillary as Sec of State was a total fiasco, not to mention literally everything else.
True so far user.
5'5 180lbs in highschool, turning down pussy left and right. Baseball and Football player. /fit/ as fuck, delaying gratification for 'muh career and 'muh future…
Cut to 32 years old… 5'5 250lbs… debating whether to buy hookers or continue fucking my fleshlight.
May end up anhero tbh. :(
You have the motivation to have a career and work hard for someone else but not enough to save your own life.
Sad! Stop wallowing in self-pity. What would Uncle Varg say?
You maybe optimistic, but me…I'm deeply goncerned
He would call me a fucking degenerate (which I agree) incapable of doing anything to contribute to our ultimate success. :*(
dubs checked, if nobody else does…
agreed but not sure how to proceed
also, one of the recounts might actually show how much voter fraud there was, which might then increase support for voter ID laws, which democrats hates
Do not fucking touch the hambeast.
Find a girl whose fucking worthy of the coming reich.
Race mix with an asian if you have to, but we must weed out the cuck genes at all costs.
She's pretty fucking nasty (as well as her "sweden yes!" heritage, but tbh this is the best a fatass can do… :*(
poor baby
tbh nothing can compensate for being a fatass unless you're Trumo-rich
it was pretty weak statement, tbh. always look for liberals to seem to be saying one thing, but actually saying another - for instance, according to liberals, the election results proved america wanted shillary bc muh popular vote
Man, Stealth plans period would still be unkniwn if those wacky Serbs hadnt shot one down.
You know, that high up and i would start to get concerned about not being able to get back down.
…yeah, controlling pop growth in the turd world. Sure….
Looking at pic 2, all I can think of is Bluebeam.
Pay me 50K and I'll help you learn to pick up chicks and fight and lose weight. My problem is I'm alpha brand but can't fucking make money.
We all got our problems
Gravity will always get you back down.
Getting into a stable orbit is achieved through accumulating enough "horizontal" speed such that you're continually "missing" the earth each turn.
Just fucking eat less and work out, it's really not that hard.
Pay a personal trainer top bucks to enforce it if that's what it takes, the fear of disappointing chad face to face on a weekly basis might be what's needed here in order to overpower your gluttony
stop fucking eating trash and learn to cook decent food you fucking degenerate. stop making excuses like "i can't lose weight." yes you fucking can. energy in and energy out. start counting calories.
Obama already told Trump a thing.
smh at this idiots. if it has a circuit on it and accepts inputs then it can be hacked. Even if it is on an individual machine basis.
One thing I kind of like and respect about Obama is that he hates risk. I can empathize with it, at least; I would hate risk if I were president.
I don't like his policies at all, but I've noticed that when he has a stupid idea and wants to run with it, he usually doesn't do it if congress comes out strongly against it, or if political surveys show Americans hate it. We see this pretty routinely when he has an idea for Syria like a no-fly zone.
Obama has some plans for after his term as president ends, I think he wants to work for the UN or maybe set up some press conference studio at his presidential library so he can still complain about Trump to the legacy media. Hillary probably would have put him on the supreme court, thank God we don't have to worry about that.
It would be bizarre is she didnt
This sounds true, might I suggest another factor?
In some public address, Obama encouraged non-citizen immigrants to vote. The exact meaning has been disputed, here is the quotation:
'Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens – and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country – are fearful of voting. "So if I vote, will Immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?" '
[Note: There is, of course, no such thing as an "undocumented citizen," which makes the context a little confusing. But her follow-up assertion clarifies that she means "undocumented alien," since 'citizen' has a strict legal meaning, and she wouldn't need to qualify the comment if she meant 'citizen' in the legal sense instead of a loosey-goosey sense. To the best of my understanding she means "undocumented alien who works hard."]
"Obama responded: 'Not true, and the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.' "
[I've read Obama's follow-up remarks which supposedly show that he isn't encouraging illegals to vote, but I ain't buying it; the above paragraph speaks for itself.
So Obama is basically telling undocumented aliens and other non-citizens to go out & vote, and the only concern he bothers to address is that illegals voting won't immediately result in their being placed into removal proceedings. And perhaps that's true (for now)–under current enforcement norms, illegally voting here & there won't get you deported. Problem: If you are a non-citizen and you vote, then you can NEVER BECOME A CITIZEN, according to immigration law. Obama basically went out & told illegals to do something that will make it impossible for them to become citizens. And sure, they can lie about it, and possibly no one will find out. But if a recount is conducted, and this stuff comes to light, then they might find themselves in hot water if Trump comes in and reclassifies voting as an illegal offense.
What if they do to a high profile politician what they did to the real Miley Cyrus?
*reclasses illegal voting as a deportable offense, i.e. if you took Obama's advice then you're finished living here. (And Obama's statement "there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over" is suspect; he also said that voter fraud doesn't happen, except of course when it does).
Those damned russians must have found a way. You know how good they are with computers.
Kek, they do realize that you don't need an internet connection if you had physical access to the things the whole time, right?
Obama could pump up some energy with pro-Democrat audiences, but his addresses are boring af. I am pretty sure nobody but a handful of C-Span viewers watch his weekly radio address that the W.H. posts to YouTube every Saturday. The only way he'll stay relevant is by appearing on Colbert, Fallon, etc. once every few months. Instead of the Supreme Court he'll be on shitty late-night television.
I want shills to leave.
Firstly a recount would expose a lot of democrat voter fruad, secondly pulling the presidency away from Trump and giving it to Hillary this late in the game would replace rioting leftists with rioters who actually know what a gun is for and how to use it. Their only strategy at this point is to sabotage the Trump presidency as hard as they possibly can.
The leftists who believe their cancerous ideals are running rampant since they think Hillary lost for being too moderate. The pragmatic but corrupt democrat leadership is under threat of being replaced by true believers who are probably as corrupt and will certainly shatter the democratic party into a thousand pieces pursuing their gibs.
That's just cowardice though, if he has a bad idea and no one opposes him hard enough he'll do it good and hard. And in Syria it was none of those thing buts Russian intervention that kept him from turning it into Lybia 2 Electric Boogaloo.
Really, this is it. If they try to pull the chair out from under Trump after going through the motions of having Hillary concede, having him meet with the president, pick a cabinet, meet with foreign leaders, etc. they will absolutely be digging their own graves. You're right that conservatives don't riot when the system works. When some loser gets shot by a cop or when a public trial concludes that someone is innocent, conservatives tend to just tolerate that. But retroactively invalidating election results would cause something akin to the Arab Spring here.
Even ants are right to be frightened of that prospect.
I really hope they go with appointing that muslim guy as DNC chair. I can't think of anything more alienating to the typical blue dog democrat working man than that. He's been hearing rumors that Obama was a secret muslim for years and (probably) thought they were stupid or unfounded. Note: not "no big deal if it's true" but "nah, not true". Mainstream opinion on muslims in America is that they're mostly okay but that they occasionally explode and maybe try to ban alcohol (like in Dearborn, MI); a lot of basic bitch dems still aren't totally comfortable with having a muslim in a position of power.
Why does every thread over 50 posts get derailed by a sad fat manbaby whining about their problems
Worse yet why do other people actually respond to Eeyore's attention whoring? Stop.
Hi CTR, working late?
Dont respond to shills bro
Seeing this image always makes me so good.
We're all gonna make it.
This sad fat manbaby:
And all these jokers who responded to his whining
It's all three of these.
Piss off you fucking traitor, white-asian kids are some of the most fucked up abominations on this planet.
I think they're scared a recount will either show the popular vote was skewed and actually is in Trumps favor, or that dems somehow took part in massive voter fraud. Hillary has come out as against the recount.
She actually gave Trump a half asses endorsement saying something to the effect of
imkampfy hidden 12 hours Holla Forums Bumplocked thread
Makes sense. If wide scale voter fraud was proven and the DNC implicated it would destroy the Democrat Party for decades. Somebody would need to fill that vacuum and the most likely people to do so would be Stein and Sanders.
Oh, dear. It would be a shame if Trump's AG and DHS head made it a routine procedure to cross-reference voting records with green card and citizenship applications.