www .sueddeutsche.de/politik/leserdiskussion-meinungsmanipulation-im-internet-brauchen-wir-neue-gesetze-1.3263065
pizzagate reaches Germany
Merkel wants to censor "fake news"
www .sueddeutsche.de/politik/leserdiskussion-meinungsmanipulation-im-internet-brauchen-wir-neue-gesetze-1.3263065
pizzagate reaches Germany
Merkel wants to censor "fake news"
the jews are scared
Lugenpresse wants to ban lugenlugenpresse
Why doesn't she just go full 1984 already while taking migrant cock up the ass on tv? All this pussy-footing is annoying.
Fake news is basically a holocaust.
we have like 10 threads on this, but it's okay. It shows that these globalist fucks are well connected behind closed doors as simultanous shilling shows.
Merkel, when talking about Fake News, was calling for censorship of "hate speech", which is more or less criticism of immigration. Also, she named Russian propaganda as second reason, because russian "fake news" threaten europe.
Worse still is the fact that their search engines like Google are starting to add "on page fact checking". Even if you ignore it, they're still going to try to train you to make the association.
List of people on the list "top 4 needing a bullet":
Not if they will use AI to do this shit. They will redpill themselves over time.
These are only the public faces of the large establishment hydra which runs deep and through every major western institution, NGO, journalist association and education. Cutting off the head of the Hydra will spawn a new one with a new narrative.
The only way to kill a hydra is to poison it from beneath so the heads will fall off.
race wareconomic crisismemetic warfare
Or obliterate it with a holy hand grenade. :^)
I want to play worms now.
Funny how the luggenpresse cowards and scream how others 'lie'. I see it happening in the Netherlands too.
Shes such an ugly piece of garbage
i will never understand how the elites, who so easily suppressed other inventions, could ever let the internet be developed and spread. they went full retard with that one and now they expose themselves with censoring (((wrongthink)))
They're actively trying to do that now.
Elites don't controll every single aspect of economy, technology and sciences. But they can control it's major directions through steering away funding, media campaigns and censorship and of course single actions of nepotism and back room deals.
Also, the internet was praised as the future shekel machine, so they let normies have it in favor of massive profits through ads, company connecitons and so on.
keep it all in the one thread
It's the establishments latest global psyop, no way that's staying in one thread.
She's from commie Germany and was part of the commie establishment. She knows the commie tactics quite well as a result.
when do we get to drown her in the rhein?
Their attempts to shut down opposing presses gives us the justification now to shut down their press because we are just doing what they are doing.
Internet's bigger than (((them))). It's bigger than us, too. It's self-aware and self-preserving at this point
When the normies finally realize she's neither their "Mutti" nor the "last European politician with balls!".
Lugenpresse says "Nuh uh, we're not fake, YOUR fake!"
Add (((Rockfeller))) (((Junker))) (((Van Rompuy))) (((B.Spectre))) to that list and we are fine.