'CNN plays porn' story confirmed PSYOP to support 'Fake news' narrative

Earlier there was a story run by a bunch of outlets that CNN spent 30mins broadcasting porn. Turns out, the MSM made the whole thing up. Expect to see them run more such bullshit in an attempt to make the public only accept (((Verified))) news stories.



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bump because interested

God fucking damn, I actually believed that shit.

Press of the freedom

We need to use memes to invert this. Use it to show the mainstream media as liars, frauds and other words synonymous with "Jew". If we hit them for this with the phrase luggenpresse in particular they should get more and more assmad. We blackened the eye of the mainstream media and now they mean to destroy us. I think it's vital to keep fucking them up till they fucking learn their place or lose all of the public's trust.

Holla Forums was fucking right !

See . Even very few Holla Forumsacks doubted the story, let alone understood what the MSM was trying to pull including myself. If it was enough to fool us, the general public really doesn't stand a chance. We need to get on top of this shit, it's clear this is going to become a serious thing going forwards.

Makes sense, there's still no evidence it played and the "Parts Unknown" joke is clearly a joke.

Who is organizing the "fake news" push? Whoever they are, they pinned the pizzagate thing here for a month now which is also clearly in support (really it's the main thing they have to justify) of the "fake news" psyop.

Not even saying there's nothing suspicious in the pizzagate digging, there are some suspicious things, but no hard evidence and it's at the same time as this clear push, and supports it

Fuck, I didn't even question it. I should have suspected it when nobody was able to provide a video.


Hey guys, you can trust us, we're the main stream media, we only run true stories, and in order to prove it we're going to run fake stories!

It's the MSM pushing the narrative, because it justifies them cracking down on "fake news".

Is it any wonder the MSM constantly gets their shit wrong, but barely ever publishes retractions see: Hillary, but this one time they all published retractions and blamed the "fake news".

Call me a cynic, but I don't think it's a coincidence.

Not a coincidence.

This makes me think of another idea (about news that actually is fake in a way that matters). When we have stories like Sandy Hook, it's hard to prove that it didn't happen. This was hard to prove that it didn't happen, maybe nobody noticed and was able to record? It didn't happen but you get my drift.

There can be news stories reported that didn't actually happen, and depending on the location it's hard to impossible for somebody in another location (or even locally) to prove it didn't happen

i said this at the very beginning, you faggots. there were no FCC complaints or any online/twitter reports that this had even happened. if it had actually happened (especially in a big market like boston), the internet would've exploded.

I have some inside info. Trump is related to none other than Adolf Hitler.

Kikebart meanwhile is busy smugging about how they were the only outlet to actually check the story instead of posting garbage:

Most interesting line is this

In other words, CNN themselves were telling reporters in an official statement that they had broadcast porn, they lied and had journos run a fake story. The Narrative however remains that it's 'social media' to blame, as though that would make any damn difference when the primary source itself (CNN) is directly spewing false bullshit.

Fight fire with fire. Remember all the times Notorious KKK Leader Sam Hyde was implicated in various "hate crimes".


I would argue that in the event that we were on to something, the logical thing for the MSM to try next is to make sure that when it does all come out, the ground is fertile for them to call it disinfo and handwave it all away. If we were wrong to begin with it'd be enough for them to just debunk the story, but they can't so this is the next best thing.

Even the drug cartels think Sam Hyde goes a little too far with his methods.

They lied to make the lie persist. That's pretty pathetic. That's like when young kids are so desperate to say they pranked someone that they lie to someone's face and then once the other person turns around they say gotcha.

It's too bad there isn't a law against intentionally creating and admitting to a psyop. Although a law could be invented, this would be perfect grounds for it. Turn the tables on them once Trump gets to inventing his libel laws and include one to punish CNN for doing this by using this as a precedent.

There's a shitload of fake news being generated and targeted at the right.

Most of it is just leftists trolling and getting adsense money for clickbait. They know that we'll take bait about the MSM and left politicians.

Reminder that this (((fake news))) thing is international. European countries are pushing for this too.

If anything they're only helping to make the MSM seem even more dubious in the eyes of the average pleb.

Somewhere I read (rather watched a video) how the Jews when capturing a media broadcast center they would play porn 24/7.

This. It would be oh so funny if a lie pushed by CNN meant to make people doubt fake news brought about their own downfall. Even funnier would be if people refused to believe Trump is actually doing this and assume CNN is making shit up again to try and "troll" people like this.
Also, heil'd. Dubs demand this happen.

They did that in Palestine, but that's not what's going on here, CNN never broadcast porn. They told everyone they did though.

People on Voat called this one out from the beginning.>>8368563

The fake news thing they're trying to push is so laughably blatant for what their real intentions are. They're trying to canonize what information gets out by establishing what outlets are allowed to remain. Here's a simpler term, "Information Control." Like all things these kikes want to push for, it's always under the pretense of stopping a boogeyman:

They no longer trust people to fall for their bullshit that they're desperate enough to push for something like this. Same exact plan of attack. New jewish trick, but a lot more desperation.

Honestly call me optimistic but this just screams as a pathetic last attempt to retain credibility by labeling the enemy as liars after being completely exposed. It's so obvious and transparent it screams of a last desperate scream of a dying beast.

It might work on brainwashed Eurocucks but honestly I think that it will fail horribly in America.

It wasn't a psyop, CNN is just that retarded.


I never thought it was fake, but the moment I heard it was it all fell into place. You can't blame yourself for fallling for it. They just did the equivalent of shooting themselves in the foot to show how easy it was to get show in the foot. How could you expect them to purposely destroy their credibility for the intended purpose of making sure future stories will have less credibility?


This makes perfect sense if you realize the powers that control the press are going full non-linear war on the populace.

Promoting equality is evolution denial and all major networks are guilty of it. Ignoring racial statistics is a lie by omission of which all major networks are guilty. Ruining peoples reputations via slander to fuel your progressive agenda is just as dishonest as anything that happens on the right.

Most of what's complained about as "Fake News" is just clickbait that the left has been dealing in for years.

Filename related

Wait until you have to throw up the 'Trump is president' poison pill. You're gonna gag on that one. And then … your whole perceived reality is in question.

Haha jokes on you I'm already paranoid.

So what was the point of this false flag?
Only other shitty MSM sites reported on this.
The people the MSM is trying to take down Drudge, Infowars, Projectveritas, etc didn't report on this.

They're desperately trying to force the narrative that they're the only reliable sources of information and that we should disregard easily available primary sources, even though they are available.

In short: who do you believe, me or your lying eyes, goy?

There may be no hard evidence of actual Pedophilia, but there is certainly plenty of hard evidence for the various establishments being run by sick fucks.

Meme it!

Noice. Do you have a list of sites that did and didn't report it? Could come in handy if I'm going to call the various MSM outlet's fake news sites on normie boards.

Pizzagate is likely the reason. There's no guarantee that it's real, but when even the normalfags are joining us in digging through EVERYTHING, it's guaranteed we'll uncover something. They don't know how big it will be, so they're laying the groundwork to discredit any news stories well before it happens so they can have a backlog of "fake news" to point at.

No. They've been planning this for months and are going to use it to muddle the waters and prevent a coherent response to the recounts.

In all likelihood, it's both. More importantly and for all intents and purposes, it's both. Not just because CNN is retarded but they will try to spin this in their favor that alternative media is "spreading" this story, hence it being a psyop. This will probably be their response tomorrow:

Daytime and evening news is so completely slanted that the above greentext is going to be their framing. That's the tl;dr for their hour by hour segments. Even in the event that their own guys were kept out of the loop and didn't have an answer, it's still CNN putting out a fake story by lying to everyone and then taking it back as a weak gotcha. They have stories like the usatoday article in the OP, they have various outlets re-reporting The Independent's article, which they probably made the deal with in the first place, and now they can say this sloppily executed orchestration is an example of how fake news is spread. They don't need to get it right or be bulletproof. Like all their false-flags, they just need a few set pieces and actors and they can run the story. The biggest giveaway is the fact they "admitted" it happened and then took it back. Networks that have feeds of their own broadcasts can't make mistakes like that. More importantly, kikebart went to television capturing sites hoping to see it themselves and didn't find anything. CNN themselves literally faked news to make news hoping to discredit real news.

For the ones that did, Kikebart lists these:
"Among others," aside, that's a good place to start.


Was it really just another 30 minutes of a heroin soaked Anthony squatting with a group of aborigines eating poop on a stick and talking about how caucasians are the devil while wearing a Che Guevara shirt?

The former speaker of the house from 1999-2007 was revealed as a serial child rapist 6 months ago.

It's fucking confirmed real, the only thing we don't know is the scope.

Also he was thrown in jail so maybe there's hope that we can take these fucks down.

This is nothing new, last month there was a sticky about 'hillary voter fraud caught on tape' that was actually footage of ten year old ballot stuffing in europe somewhere. Hoaxes are routinely treated as real here for the same reason everybody else - including the MSM - falls for it: because they want to get in first. They want to be first with the OP, first to show off their indignancy, first to organize the personal army etc and fuck citations or sauces. Thought that collective IQ would go back up after the election was over but the opposite is happening.

So there's a bunch of fake posts stating this was a convincing story? Niiice

I wouldn't be surprised if pizzagate was made up too.

No fucking way that something that elaborate was made up when the franklin scandal, Dutroux affair, Dennis Hastert, Corey Haim, Jeffery Epstein and other cases exist and are well documented. It's a fact that elite pedophilia exists, they wouldn't make up a story that would bring attention to their worst secrets.

I'm assuming that you're a shill.

Satilites are international people. If everyone in a high power was a pedophile and we had tensions with foreign countries you'd be able to visit their Russian website with all the evidence. The satilite system is shared across the federation. Either we have no access to any information outside our own country, everyone at every major country likes fucking kids and keeps it from you, or its made up bullshit that's fitting this new strategy to roll out whatever faggot ass control system. Jesus is pissed

Muddy. Muddy the waters. Christ.

And you know what?? Even public entities have satilites capable of spying on politicians. It wouldn't be memed in post by post. Quit being stupid.

Do you know how many times Holla Forums has thought they were one step away from blowing open international pedophilia rings?


not like people could start calling mainstream media fake more and more, but oh well - they'll learn 30 years too late

But why not try?

You guys need to learn to use their own weapons against them

We have satilites 500km that can see billions of light years out. They have satilites 30000km out doing who knows what the fuck. You think the international agency that's running this shit allows all of these people to fuck kids when supposedly there's tension between a bunch of countries like the USA and Russia?? Fuck that and fuck this garbage propoganda.

Give me my friends back you pigs or I'll whatever.


Your stupid crusade is as fucking retarded as the one in the 1500s

Keep at it, you only need to succeed once after all, BUT, and this is a huge fucking BUT, don't project it onto every goddamn action anyone takes. That's straight up monomania. There are tons of conspiracies underfoot, not just the one you are investigating.

So after looking into the chick behind the hoax, it seems like some girl from Allston in Boston.
I found her accounts on tons of sites (don't use the same username for every forum, kids).
She seems to be a big fan of Animal Crossing.
She deleted a few of her accounts, her Instagram and Tumblr are gone for example. She seemed to be rather active on Tumblr before deleting her account.

I think this is her.

This could also be her.
I'm not sure.

This and the other image were avatars she used.

Just in case you didn't get it: Russia and the USA have to work together to keep their geosynchronous satilite system together. Along with a bunch of other countries. If you're going to think our supposed 'enemies' wouldn't post this shit everywhere why aren't on using Google translator to go find this shit on Russian sites?? Oh because it's fake.

They want to tell you that hoaxes can't happen in the (((respectable media))).

I want my magic gf back.

take mine for the time being.

Look, this is a pretty big opportunity to display how disingenuous and cunning the mainstream media is to the normies. In an attempt to work their sorcery on the right, the CNN/Independent have shot themselves in the foot. They are so desperate to remain relevant, they are literally eating each alive and throwing each other's weight around as people begin to realise they are all minions of the same jews.

Dig lads

wait, fuck

Just stop consuming. There will be no excuses as to how CNN still makes money. Trust me, those adds don't pay for the 24/7 watch the satilites require to beam bullshit all day long

Good luck telling it to the 98% of all normies who love watching the electric jew. I doubt anyone here watches TV anymore besides for teh lulzl or occasional happenings.

here's that video you speak of. I think i got the timestamp right.


In my opinion, a large part of it is simply shekels. The corporate media has close to zero credibility, even with normies. They are just trying to maintain their relevance and keep the shekels flowing. Helping King Nigger and the other globalists ultimately is about the shekels too. The kike is always true to form.

Just tell people the TV schematics for how advertising pays for the 24/7 satilite surveillance and it's maintenance makes no sense. Satilites costs billions.

God damn it they print money. Those who need money are not at the top.

I'm not sure if you're borderline retarded or just young.

Your post has zero to do with what I'm talking about.

Trace the story. Dig. I'm going to bet the source is connected to a news network. Make a vertical and spread it. This should be easy to turn to our advantage.

We're about to crush the big six.

Well, congratulations. Now we know who to stick it to when disinfo rears its ugly head.

Look there's a new complicated form of making up bullshit. There's all sorts of graphs and shit that analyze how people react to connected information. It's sort of like that graph they use to see how data is transfered from one friend to another and what sort of information is trusted on Facebook. You can use this data to create fake relationships and lead a group of individuals to try and trace a pre-plotted group of relationships to generate a false consensus. Thanks big data collection!

Money=/=wealth. Paper money is a kike plan to fleece the goy. Wealth is power. We are in the Information Age, information is wealth. The loss of their media hegemony is a very real loss of wealth.

Wow, the salad must be really good.

This is a whole new level of Gaslighting.

Actually if you have infinite money then the issue is who had the largest portion of money that's been printed. That's was taxes aren't important because the Fed will pick up what the state needs. Taxes serve as a hedge to keep the middle class where they are economically (just an example). If the Israelites need sheckels it's not to control the state because they can just print money.

What salad? What the fuck are you talking about?

You clearly made somebody want to shut you down.

Can everyone involved in this conversation shut the fuck up, you are both talking about different things at each other and shitting up the thread.

Information is power which is why the Constitution says your affects are your property. That means every single piece of data you create. That's being violated so badly I have no idea why there is no civil war. At the very least you should be given a minimum standard of living just so they can spy on you because it's YOUR data because you are why it exists.

He's trying to derail. I haven't changed subjects and he hasn't brought a new subject up.

The majority of adults grew up in a world where the idea of a "digital footprint" didn't exist. It's hard to get people to take umbrage over rights they don't even know they have.

Funny reports too.

Affect -have an effect on; make a difference to.
"the dampness began to affect my health"
synonyms: have an effect on, influence, act on, work on, have an impact on, impact;
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Effect -a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause..

The data you create is your property. There is theft on an international level that needs a level of restitution no man is brave enough to admit. We are now ran by cowards and the pittiful.

The state has no right to gather your information without compensation. The bill of rights encourages violence or destruction against such entities. I suggest you take it seriously before they inject you with nanotechnology and turn you into some weird fucking cyborg.

Can easily be flipped to backfire if they're trying to artificially act like their "fake news" bullshit meme is credible.
Just have to point out that this is an example of even more dishonesty and meme it.

Our defenses and weaknesses are being seriously probed by spook agencies, useful idiots

what is this in relation to

Considering recent events I'd have to agree with you. On cuckchan and to a lesser extent here they've been pushing all the angles in relation to the alt-right here ie. "You are alt right", "We must disassociate ourselves from Spencer", "hurting the movement". Like you say they're probably trying to get a grasp on our real opinions and seeing if they can fracture consensus and create their own. Even taking a look at this thread you can see some attempts to deflect and derail. Take id c90ad7 for instance

First post in the thread, loosely connected to the OP topic, probably a lazy attempt to blend in

Second post does a 360 and tries to associate the fake news angle with pizzagate

Third post trying to make some retarded connection between sattelite tech and how it disproves the possibility of pedophile rings.

Well who knows about the real intentions but he's clearly an outsider with all those posts seemingly in reply to people but with no links.

This is the angle to take. If there was a fake news epidemic they wouldn't need to fabricate such a hyperbolic story to prove it.

They're pushing it from an anti-Russian, anti-EU propaganda angle at that. They've been voting on and discussing it in Europarl this week. Oddly though, there are a couple of points way, way below the anti Russia and "oh yeah, ISIS are bad too I suppose" stuff, they have journalism ethics as one of the steps to take to combat the "propaganda". That is, maintaining decent standards in our own media.



any idea of what the post history of those brave defenders of oppressed wymyns might look like?

Everyone saying "damn how did I fall for that…" and getting demoralized, just chill out and think for a second.
If it was something that actually mattered, Holla Forums would have done homework and found that it was fake. This story was simply funny, there was no reason to investigate it, so don't feel bad.

This. Many of us knew it was fake but didn't bother because it was a funny story and didn't matter.

Once again, the western press does what it accuses the Russians of.

Yeah, it was entertaining and worth a chuckle, but no actually IMPORTANT so it didn't merit our usual level of investigative digging.

Not to mention it's the definition of a "hard to verify" story, since to find out whether it was true you'd have to actually find someone who watches CNN. And what are the odds of THAT happening?

wow, leftists are really smart

what's next, building a death strip across northern mexico to proof how the Trump wall will be useless?

So you deny the capabilities of geosynchronous satilites and the nature of the global initiatives to work together and use them as assets not just for government but corporations?? You deny that important politicians are watched 24.7 ? You think other countries have no capability in geosynchronous orbit, from outside our air apace, to watch every celebrity or celeb politician???

I mean it's practical 40 years ago.

Did anybody take it for more than "geez" that's funny. It ain't like a cable signal can't get crossed or screwed up.Or it's unbelievable that a hacker could do something like that. And a few days later the urban legend,hoax, malicious false flag is disproven. Wow so let's chang the internet so it doesn't happen GTFO

Satilite tech doesn't disprove pedo rings it just stops a bunch of people from not being spied on absolutely 100% of the time from more than one agency from more than one country. Like I said, do you think Russia wouldn't be all over this pedo shit and posting it all over russian websites? It's bullshit. I don't know where they are going with this pedoshit and this making sure news needs.to be verified but it doesn't fucking benefit you whether or not you like pedophilia

shill's gonna shill

OP of the other cnn porn thread here. Yeah this was a good psyop. I don't consider myself gullible, but I was had too. When I couldn't find and real evidence, that's when I stopped believing it.

Shilling about the vast capabilities of satilite technology to watch important targets? Are you fucking retarded son?

Someone shouldve put out another fake YouTube video and censored it for the goy.

What peaked my interest in the story was the fact that no one was actually watching CNN when it supposedly happened.

It's more telling that no one could confirm it because the network is essentially broadcasting to no one at most hours of the day.

The number one strategy against a psyop is to have an immediate counter conspiracy with elements of bullshit in it. If someone was smart.enough to go put the video out there it would've fucked this whole plan over and when it got deleted created conspiracy and the need to duplicate the information

all they did was proof that social media can't be taken serious

they shot themselves in the foot

[insert smug anime girl image here]

And by video I mean a 1 minute faked clip or some pics of porn on CNN.


Russians don't give a fuck about the chosen people. Neither do the Chinese who currently reside as the head of the UN. So nice meme thinking but it's wrong.

[insert two laughing and one trying not to laugh anime girls]

The 'leaked' emails suggest they were having a pool party out at an open barn. You have any evidence the secret pedo ring is deep under ground past the FUXKING satilite that can see 10 billion light-years out into space? No. You sound like a crack pot.

Omg there's a secret pedo ring in underground facilities because fucking kids is that important11!!one1!! That's not even part of the fucking narrative for the last ten months this pedoshit has been flying around

It's not a psyop. It's some faggot redditor caught by his wife watching tranny fag porn so he photoshopped a pic and tweeted the story to cover it up, resulting in this bullshit. Check the Reddit thread on it started by the faggot himself.

Go ahead. Tell me the vice president isn't constantly watched by multiple agencies with technology shared with more than one country. I'm going to pull off your pants andxbend you over and have a hard gay discussion with your stupid ass.

"fake news" was created in response to the term "lugenpresse"

Someone archive this thread. This news story is more important than you think. It's apart of some UN agenda.

Bad shill
Of course moloch hidden temples aren't real, amrite? Of course a person with almost unlimited assets can't pay a million or two to build an underground facility amrite?


Trying to remind us that we're rubes who still need the media's quality fact checking. The thing is this was enough of a frivolous-funny novelty story that you just sort of laughed at it and didn't think about any agenda it might serve. It's usually easy to identify political slants in how other stories appear, or don't appear at all, and then either do your own digging or just take it with a pinch of salt.

Topkek Holla Forums bought the whole thing too. I guess the moralfags are always chomping at the bit though.

Excuse me for being slow but I don't understand this at all. They didn't run the half hour of porn but said they did? What?


PIzzagate is one huge pile of tinfoil. The fact you can get banned here for asking for solid evidence in the threads just tells me how stupid and autistic Holla Forums is getting. Critical thinking isn't even allowed at this point.

As I recall, the first thread was nearly entirely a discussion of the uses of pornography to control a population, not "I BELIEVE THIS REALLY HAPPENED" written over and over again. There was a claim that something happened, there was a related discussion, and now there is a counter-claim. I'm going to assume you're just new instead of mentally disabled since you don't seem to understand that this board is fundamentally pure dialectic. We are always right because we cannot be wrong, since we always adapt to new information and form new syntheses, without allowing bribing or mental illness to get in the way.

Do you have any evidence of that?

All of the shit you brought up has nothing to do with pizzagate. That's the problem anons want so hard to believe this is true, they're going off of flimsy bullshit, like "Look this guy talked about pizza on Twitter! Pizzagate is real, guys!"' Also remember that load of horse shit about Podesta and his brother abducting a child, and how the mods were banning people for pointing out the cops said those were images of the same person, not brothers. It's ridiculous. Holla Forums should be digging into real stuff them like the people who molested Corey Haim, not some stuff I saw invented in real time on threads here.

gaslighting on a whole new level.
This is our life now

What for Pizzagate being tinfoil or the mods banning people over asking for evidence? First off all, it doesn't work that way, you have to provide evidence to prove Pizzagate, not provide evidence it's false. Second, of course that was happening, I asked for people to post evidence that Podesta was in Europe during the child murder, and the mods banned me for being "CTR." No one ever looked into that evidence apparently, but talking about it was banned. I just had to be assumed it was true into the thread instead of actually proving it. Definitely some fucking lolcows on the staff here.

this only makes people trust news less

We need to dig for as much dirt as we can on CNN and spread it to counter their narrative. Just look at this gem.

i posted multiple times in the thread IN RED TEXT that they were paid to do it

im thinking its likely that this happened:

#1: hell tells the rothschilds to tell soros to tell another proxy to tell RCN to play hardcore porn over parts unknown without telling CNN; whether this actually happened or not, doesn't matter that much, and whether they actually broadcasted the porn or not, also doesn't matter that much
#2: CNN issues the statement that RCN broadcasted inappropriate content
#3: all of the media outlets except CNN, MSNBC, and huffpo and some others go after it
#4: CNN tells everyone that its fake even when it isn't; every media outlet believes them, as well as a little over half of America's population that knows about it
#5: the "fake news" agenda is furthered, giving more credibility to CNN and the likes, but less to their former allies, such as new york post, and pretty much every other media outlet that wasn't explicitly pro-hillary during the whole election cycle or even just right-wing or controlled opposition

its also plausible, imo, that CNN was told to tell every media source that isn't right-wing or controlled opposition about this before it happened so they wouldn't report on it, but they decided not to so that they'd make more money and get more views and "credibility" after discrediting the other news sources with that psyop

solid evidence often consists of CP, and the mods don't want even a shred of that on Holla Forums

Due to the inherently inductive nature of police work that is not a veto on a two person abduction hypothesis. Those two sketches also came from two different witnesses and the cops assumed it was of the same suspect. There were 4 different sketches of potential suspects in the area, including the one that looks like Anthony Weiner with heavy pockmarking and a short haired woman. The involvement of the pockmark guy and the woman are ambiguous since they may have just been randoms in the general vicinity during the abduction. During the time of the abduction, Podesta was on a week long trip in Europe with multiple stops and at the end of the week Bill Clinton and associates met with an Oil Sheikh in London to blackmail him. All in all circumstantial evidence is strong and without IRL investigation and LE followup circumstantial evidence is all you can find on the internet.

This does a good job of explaining it and why the most probable conclusion involves podesta's involvement.

the MSM is trying to consolidate itself, you could guess why but one of the reasons is money
unfortunately though, they're making enemies in the process
ones whose leashes are probably too tight to do anything meaningful about it

I was clearly on the right track if I got shills reporting me.

The guy who looks like Weiner was indentified as some local drug addict, but the autists in the the pizza threads didn't want to hear it. Proiving or not proving this is easy, you have to prove the Podestas were in the area at the time of the abduction. But no one wants to look into that because it was disprove this bullshit for a fact and stop their retarded LARPing. Yes, I'm annoyed by this, because there are people naive enough to take this crap on people's word when I saw how flimsy it was when Holla Forums came up with it.

There is plenty of real shit for Holla Forums to dig into, like the people Clinton murdered or the Pedowood stuff and other junk, but no we have to play Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon with junk that wouldn't even pass as circumstantial evidence. It's like looking into the sky, seeing faces, and then assuming it's evidence that god is real or something.

They did it because jews are degenerate and it carries out jew agenda.

Other MSM networks/sources said they did and CNN was silently complicit with it all, from what I gather. They seem to have been trying to get their accused "fake news" outlets to bite on the story in some sort of gambit to be able to point and say, "Told you they were reporting fake news!"

I heard that one a lot last October

In an effort by the Elites to derail Pizzagate they:
started the "fake news thread" on MSM
started the recount thread via Jill Stein (it's already a done fucking deal we know that)
and started pulling the plug on it on the internet
Why? Because some more pushing keeping the Pizzagate thread alive and the victims might start coming out a trickle at first , than it turns into the R.C. Church pedosex scandle

What are you referring to? Shemitah? The Shemitah that did actually happen? Yes, it left me convinced, because the coincidence with the financial happening of late 2015 and the final opening of the migratory flood gates was eerily obvious.

You need to realize that passively driving others away from yourself and tactically inflicting your presence hence aura repulsive on others isn't actually a skill if you want your life to improve.

Just redefine a specific event to any bad event and widen the window from a few days to a few months — suddenly every prophecy is true.
The animeposter is a faggot, but don't kid yourself. A lot of the "previous Shemitahs" didn't even line up properly with the dates and the Jewish holiday list on that one big infographic was grasping at straws so hard it was ridiculous.

sage for off-topic

This post encapsulates exactly what the kikes want from this fake news bullshit.

OK so the only thing this rumor turned into fact by The Independent, Variety, etc. proves is that mainstream news organizations can be easily misled and they don't really try to fact check their stories. I'm shocked! It's the same news outlets that said Donald Trump wanted to create a database of all muslims and other fake news like that.

Maybe we should make a list of all the Donald Trump related fake news the media pushed during the election? I know there's two Stef Molyneux videos but a big list of all the lies would be nice.

Next September, user. Just you wait! It'll totally happen next time. Just wait!

Kek, please talk more about satellites? Shit is hilarious.

Whoops you posted the wrong reaction image there bud. I think this is what you were looking for.

Didn't Google recently announce they were funding some kind of 'Fact Checking' organization? Maybe you're going to see some kind of 'Fact Checking' certification soon and Google is going to be the main sponsor of it. Like those kosher symbols on food products and things like that but instead it will be for news articles.

>Second, of course that was happening, I asked for people to post evidence that Podesta was in Europe during the child murder, and the mods banned me for being "CTR." No one ever looked into that evidence apparently, but talking about it was banned.

I can tell you I asked the same thing two or three times in one of the early threads – if there was evidence at least one of the Podesta brothers was in Portugal around the time the child disappeared – but I wasn't banned. I guess some mods are touchy and others aren't.

It's not a murder by the way, it's a disappearance. Nobody knows if she's alive or dead.

Be prepared for (((Zuckerberg))) to use this as an excuse to ramp up censorship and ban those who espouse wrongspeech.

OK then. Satilites aren't used to track objects in a similar way to GPS. That doesn't exist.

Wow that sounded stupid writing it.

That makes sense. Then it makes it prohibitive for webblogers or new alternate news to pop up like this one did.

That is hilariously tragic.

So, was CNN behind this psyop? If not, whoever was could be in a bit of hot water with them on two counts:
1. Spreading false stories about a monumental cock-up in programming that would make CNN look bad.
2. Doing so in such a way as to highlight their low viewership (embarassing).

So in other words, they're trying to meme 'fake news' but failing miserably by associating their own mainstream news outlets with it.
In the ends our own homemade memes remain supreme, as the speak to observable truths that the victim comes to on their own.

Let this be a lesson in complacency, pol. Always question. Always wonder why. Always follow-up. Always verify. Never trust that another has done things correctly. Try to poke holes in every story. Find the inconsistencies. Destroy the lies. Free the truth.

"MSM spreads fake news to prove that they are the real news"

What did they mean by this?

I'm not getting the logic here, am I just stupid or ignorant? They're making a case against (((fake news))) which in other words meaning going against anything that isn't part of the (((MSM))) by….publishing fake news stories themselves? That I should turn away from Zerohedge, Drudge Report, Kikebart, and especially Wikileaks and go back to my goybox because the ones campaigning against (((fake news))) are the ones now and by now I mean over 50 years now* propagating said falsehoods?

Is this just more kike schizophrenia or is my feeble tiny peasant lower class mind too stupid to comprehend their genius? What the fuck even is this?

Like you wouldn't make a case against global warming by firing a cluster of ICBMS at the North Pole. You wouldn't make a case against lead being poisonous by hooking up the national water supply to a drilling operation. You wouldn't make a case for Antivirus programs by installing a virus on every unprotected computer that would cause them to detonate when turned on. This is fucking retarded unless I'm just missing the point entirely

No, you're right. It's retarded.

I told you it's fake news the moment it got posted. You took the bait with your "ooh ofc it must be transsexual porn".

Where's your muh strategy now?

This would make sense, the whole story seemed fishy to me from the beginning. I expected that I would have heard about it on social media long before the MSM got to it.

It's just a reminder of our enemies general level of competence. They are retarded. The reason they are dangerous is because they are rich and famous retards who can hire actually competent people to work for them. That's why they have legions of advisors and "experts" to prevent them from destroying themselves.

Her being dead before her parents "raised the alarm" and the British gov helped spin and cover the whole sorry affair up does veto any abduction hypothesis at all though.

It's actually virtue signaling…

Tbh they all run fake news, left and right…

Holla Forumsacks are no less gullible than the general population when it comes to MSM lies.
Yes, rage all you like but it's true.
The only caveat is that the story has to be crafted taking their biases into account, once that is done it isn't questioned.
Pointing out how easily Holla Forums is manipulated by properly crafted propaganda gets you called a "MIDF"/"nigger lover" or "coward who is too scared to go outside and do 'real' action."
Hopefully this opens some eyes, yes, even news you want to be true most probably isn't.

Interesting theory but if the broadcast lasted 30 mins, there would be footage of it.
Anyone coming across it would get the smartphone out and straight to Facebook or Twitter.
So where are the videos? Where is even one video of it happening?

Fucking what? How does that even make sense in the most brainwashed people's minds?


well tbh if its not necessary information I dont see alot of users caring
story about election fraud we all switch on and try and sift the truth from the lies and bullshit
story about CNN airing tranny porn?
lol fucking degenerates but dont really care

why correct them? let them think whatever they like.
This just makes the day of reckoning for the media draw ever nearer. It's a GOOD thing if they treat trump like he's literally Hitler and grow increasingly erratic and violent, because they'll make him harder on them in so doing.



It ought to remind you exactly of one time: post Kennedy assassination. They pushed too hard with their coup and most all of the usa didn't buy the story. They realized they had fucked almost a generations worth of potential cattle. The result was a two fold strategy: divert and seed plant.

They diverted the increasingly jew wise , pissed off whites with brown immigration, black riots, and communist Jewing of youth. They seed planted by starting a decades long memeing of the "conspiracy theory" oxymoron. That we even accepted that language is shameful, looking back. Something is either a conspiracy or a theory, just like it is a Holocaust or a hoax, but I digress.

This time they tried to push a mini coup. They wanted to furiously rig hillary into the whitehouse, and they failed. They know they burned tremendous political capital in doing so. They are prepared to sever most of their octopus arms in regrowing for the next fight, and they clearly plan on winning it. After their "plan" comes through they want the next Frontier in our minds: truthspace. What is and can only be by their hands will be true, what methods they use to check that truth and how they bury our truth will be the game they need to play against us. Time to meme harder than ever boys. Time to stick it right in people's asses anywhere normies might lurk, if they assert, we counter. If they change gears, we knock em back down and press the initial wound further.

Hound the jew. Name the jew. Step on the neck.

The thing that I found weird was that there were so little reports of it happening. Like if it happens for half an hour there are some people inside a store who would film it or whatever. There is none of that.

I do believe that it might not have happened.

The thing about mainstream media is that they can't be trusted. So it makes it very hard to confirm any kind of story that they tell because you will need someone you can trust that will actually go to the place to investigate to confirm wheter something is fake or real.

Fucking this.

Fucking this too.

A fake news site reported on a real fake story from a real news site trying to prove that fake news sites repeat fake stories from real news sites.



Could be something along the lines of , that even if the people have recently risen up against them people will still tune into CNN when they speak up.

Granted, it's fucking stupid and makes them look like they were only pretending to be retarded…but I can see why they would do it - make all of the supposed "real" outlets online look like chumps for believing something so false.

Hilariously, our favorite book merchant Cernovich wickedness dismissed this as a hoax as soon as he heard.

Being fully redpilled makes us overly cynical at times, it seems.

New vid from PJW with Cernovich. The comment section is a bloodbath.

some people here were calling it out too

All they did here was confirm yet again the MSM is strictly a propaganda front. So why should people buy into their "fake news" narrative if the MSM themselves are engineering fake news just to prove their own narrative? Talk about CIA mindfuck.

Though these kind of incidents mean that the people themselves would have to become actual journalists to chase down information sources or risk being caught in a disinformation minefield. Imageboards could fill that role of source hunting quite nicely.

I can't stand listening to that faggot. He might not be as bogworthy as Milo but fuck him.
Shitting on Cernovich for distancing himself from a movement of which he was never a part is nonsensical. His wife's an actual mudslime for fucks sake. He's a normie with more honesty and masculinity than is typical for the breed, but I can't figure out why anyone to his right gives a good goddamn that he is criticizing the NPI/TRS PR fuckup.

Wew, no kidding. I don't think I've ever seen that much concentrated white nationalism hit something so mainstream before. And those mostly didn't seem like Holla Forumsacks, either; those were relatively normiefag people making relatively normiefag arguments that hey, some facts about race realism and the marginalization of whites within white countries are indeed facts.

We have memed responsibly.

merge this thread into

theres already law

CNN deliberately participating in behavior that would perceptively devalue its stock value its stock holders share is a felony actually

Have a fucking word with yourself mate


Guys, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I've been banned on here so many times for trying to tell you all that you are spreading misinformation and trigger happy to report on things quickly to get a sensational thread going as opposed to doing real journalism and reporting accurately.

If all you do /fam/ is repeat mainstream media or Drudge or Infowars without checking what you are reporting, then you are just living in an echo chamber of controlled opposition.

And you pay for this.

Example: All CNN has to do is screencap Holla Forums saying that it broadcast porn (when it didn't). And then Holla Forums loses all credibility by using misinformation.

I see alot of comments on here like :

You are a shill! Etc…

What you have got to think about, is that if your adversary is really here, looking at each thread, taking screencaps, and investigating what is being reported, it will be very easy to make the case that Holla Forums is giving out misinformation.

Example :

Holla Forums headline
"Trump supporter attacks man in kkk outfit" - reality: man did not have outfit on

Holla Forums headline:
"CNN plays porn" -reality: no they didn't. A local channel played that instead of what should have been CNN.

I concur. I think it was made up… in the minds of over-eager anons who wanted Podesta's emails about eating pizza to mean child porn. They've spent several weeks already digging on it and come up with no real evidence.

"pizza gate" has nothing to do with the fake news narrative

This is an extremely shitty case they're making. Even the porn star in question confirmed that it'd happened.

I'm still not convinced it didn't happen honestly. It's something jews have done in the past as was mentioned 6,000,000 times in that other thread.

Go fuck yourself dumbass


Hey, me too. I've had to pause for 10 seconds to change my IP a few times lately. I guess the lunatics on here like to get anyone who disagrees with them banned, just as leftists like to get people banned and ostracized.

I don't know what happened to this place but it's turned into a real shithole lately. The quality of discussion is about as low as that of the leftists who scream, "YOU'RE A RACIST!" It's become an echo chamber.

Misinformation is something I've always been very much against and I hate seeing it on right wing sites and Holla Forums. Unfortunately, the great majority of morons seem happy to accept and parrot anything that confirms their biases, with no regard for truth or accuracy.

no u

Under current libel laws media outlets have no legal duty to fact check. Instead of letting these journo-whores try and attack alternative media we need to hijack "fake news" as a reason to toughen libel laws.

Let B = pol
Let C = eye A
More to follow

B is controlled by X. Solve for X.

Fuck off, shill. Enough with this d&c crap, we need to stand behind the collective effort of Pizzagate.
It's not "Fake News", because there are no news, it's people digging. Research. Those who make it into sensationalist news stories are either retards (we can't control them) or Psyops discrediting the whole thing so that it can be dismissed as "Fake News".

I didn't think too much about this story at the time, since it was totally inconsequential either way, but in retrospect I realize I didn't believe it due to the lack of social media apoplexy.

If it actually happened it wouldn't be one person pointing it out. Drama queens would be mainlining it for days.

Do you suggest self-censorship then because someone might misrepresent what is posted here? Do you really think that this will stop them from manipulating our image?
This isn't a privately owned news site. It's a fucking imageboard where anyone can post almost anything.

dont trust a word they say

What you're failing to understand is that it does not matter if we spread false information or not. They are the news, they are the spreader of information to the masses. People accept what they say simply because of their place of authority. They could fucking shoot someone live on air and then say "lol, didn't happen" and call everyone who says it happened is crazy and that every "recording" of it is fake and guess what the truth will be remembered as? These faggots can lie and spread slander and they have been using this to their advantage for decades. Do you think it matters what our image is if we are fighting the people who define "image" in the first place?

So basically the (((media))) is angry because they should be the only ones allowed to print misinformation?

dude…. they already have.

Plus, it's easy to cherrypick something from an anonymous imageboard to create whatever impression you want. Even easier if it has a controversial reputation and your audience has an unfavorable bias. And if your audience is neutral, you can sway them by using the right buzzwords and framing. Most normies won't bother to verify anyways.

"Fake News" is Newspeak. The term itself isn't novel or particularly salient in itself, but spread it like a meme and it takes on, people will start referring to it as if it was something well-known and defined.

We should stick to our own memetic weapons. Our memes are funnier and have the reputation of "internet culture". Normies care about popularity more than they care about veracity. Make MSM look lame. They don't have veracity on their side either. MSM only win by keeping everyone's mind focused on the "Fake News" narrative and not necessarily because it's such a powerful concept.

You're related to Genghis Khan tbh
