Alternative Media

What are some Holla Forums approved news sources?

I'll start with a few:

Other urls found in this thread:

Russia Today is not really alternative.

>>>Holla Forums

RT is extremely Leftist.

There's no such thing as a good news source. Even the concept of "news" that is somehow important to everybody, is absurd on its own

Holla Forums and dailystormer

Ah thats what I forgot, stormer. is decent too.

For foreign affairs they're more accurate than American networks.

I didn't say news sites are good, some are better than others.

You remember CNN like 10 years ago? When most places would have that channel on 24/7? When their coverage was so dry that you literally only watched it because they reported quickest?

That's basically RT now. The new CNN "gold standard". Yeah, pretty center-left a lot of the time, but don't be fooled: these people are fucking woke. I remember some 20-year old girl weirding out Immortal Technique by being more tinfoil than him, and in case you don't ooga booga, Immortal Technique is hip-hop's Alex Jones.

This is probably the worst "good" review I've ever read.

That analogous comparison in itself is quite bizarre.
A must

I dont dislike

CNN seemed less shit because Bush was president and everyone hated Fox for Bill O'Reillys chicken hawking.

"heehee yes goyim we must invade Iraq to protect your freedumbs :^) pay no attention to the oil tankers or evidence we funded the terrorists responsible for 9/11, support the Patriot Act or else u commie scum"

Those are my only regularly visited sources.

Well they could shovel shit the quickest into your mouth, so that counts for something?

Yeah, in spite of being a (((neoreactionary))) site, socialmatter is pretty good.

We really really need a Holla Forums news network that's not fucking TRS. Make it anonymous and allow video and investigative reporting. Let the top stuff flow to the top and leave 0 control to any centralized authority. Also Breitbart should use their new Shekels to make a 24/7 news network or heavily fund investigative journalism. Of course if Pizzagate blows up Congress will be kill and the Trump administration will de facto be in control of everything and Trump will become a dictator.

Maybe that's how he becomes Emperor.


cant remember which one

I intend to be unbiased. It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I assert that it should replace what CNN USED to be for most people back in the day. If you literally just want the evidence that's been layed out officially and little else, read RT. Not the OP-EDs tho. Fuck the editorials, THAT'S where they shovel the left-wing garbage.

Hey, I never once argued that CNN nor RT gave you the truth. I mean, I think RT is a hell of a lot closer than others, but that's besides the point.
What I meant is that CNN, in everything before uhh…. let's say the H.W Bush era, was both factual and unbiased for the most part. After that, they strayed from the truth, but still remained unbiased. Uncolored by each shitty journalist's opinion. CNN didn't give a fuck about your feelings.
Main point is that modern CNN is biased lies, and it baffles me how they retained viewership.

RT for breaking news and livestream, always 30 mins faster than the ZOG sources and almost no editing. is good for actual "neutral" stuff. Has been run by a quiet libertarian for 20 years, he despised Clinton, despises eon-cons, slight pro-trump lean

dailymail is good if you realize what you are dealing with. Most of their "pc stories" to keep their sponsors are trolls, and then the comments they let through tell how they really feel


Used the same site for 15 years since before the internet was really big.

They're an aggregator for the topics that would mostly be what Holla Forums would be interested in from all the other independent/alternative sites for the day.

I trust what's directly in front of my face first. What do I see when I am out and about? This is the best news and the most reliable.

Next I listen to my what my trusted friends tell me they have seen. It pays to have friends who live where you want high quality news.

Third best is news from a friend of a friend, but already accuracy is diminishing, simply from entropy entering the communication cycle, irregardless of any intentional disinfo.

The further degree of immediacy and tangible personal observation, the less valuable the news source becomes because the news must necessarily become more generalized to have any local relevance.

The best sort of this distant news is simple reports of physical movement. This is why I tend to prefer Bloomberg or stock news, despite their political bias. Just watching movement in the markets can yield nice macro news.

Sometimes lies can be more dependable than the truth, so I tend to goto CNN world news, or USA Today if I'm feeling spunky, and just invert the articles as they basically post exactly opposite of what you need to know.

Also, patrolling YouTube updates from desired distant parts of the world can be very illuminating.

News I generally avoid is the kind that has been overly processed to the point where I don't have to think. Predigested news. When the facts have been digested and the opinions and ramifications of the news are shit onto a fancy plate with full color graphics, this is not news.

Majority of middle east news breaks here:

Out of Iran so it doesn't have that usual "slant".