If I was the CIA/NSA, I'd have a whole used laptop business dedicated solely to buying up models popular with hackers, installing surveillance chips and firmware on them, and then putting them back on Ebay. I'd be diverting every tech shipment to Holla Forumsposters and doing the same. Why do people trust buying shit online? How is it any different from downloading random binaries off the internet and running them as root?
Intercepted shipping
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These sellers don't enable write-protect, so just reflash it when you get it in the mail
They don't faggot. But IRL shitposters get special attention for buying old shit if they don't maintain extremely high opsec and so does the seller.
It isn't, except that you can delete the whole thing from a trusted computer and re-flash everything. The exception being a hardware rootkit in something like a ME partition if they installed a newer intel proccessor onto the board 4u.
People who buy these laptops care more about 'muh freedumbs' larping than privacy or package interception, since they are already too technologically inept to perform installation themselves. See, they are as inept as Stallman who can't install GNU operating system by himself, but they still care about freedumbs.
Basement neckbeards who hide their lolicon in triple containers can install libreboot themselves.
People who actually do shady things like terrorists, druglords and other criminals buy whatever shittop they can find off Craigslist, wipe everything, boot Tails, do shady thing, and throw laptop in the garbage. They don't actually care about freedumbs, only a small window of feasibility of not being found out by FBI/local police, neither they care about privacy in the long run, cuz they probably spend all their drug earned money on iPhones, normie status items and browse facebook from Macbook Pro in normal life.
nibba just buy used locally from real people or small buisnesses or find a gnu/linux user group and sauce one that way
Shit bait.
I bet you even have friends and family that know your whereabouts and/or are in regular contact, fucking casual.
what if he is gay homeless 'man'?
Bullshit, it's exactly as what it says on the tin.
Why do you conflate freedom with technical aptitude? Why do you believe you need technical aptitude to have freedom?
I'd wager the FBI or a foreign security agency would do it, but not those two. And I thought the FBI's current mission was to make sure that neo-nazis don't hurt themselves let alone anyone else at another one of their roleplay parties.
Then again, by visiting this website, we're all high-value targets for all sorts of gangs. Who's to say that we aren't compromised already?
Jesus H christ you fags are dumb. There's already a problem at the NSA with there being too much noise and not enough signal, you think they're going to send TAO to start indiscriminately (key word) putting hardware implants into random machines?
Because freedom as used by freetards is irrelevant to people that don't know how to read/write code.
Then you are confused. People do not require any kind of technical aptitude to have freedom. I do not need any kind of firearm training to own a gun. I do not need any kind of carpentry training to own a wooden wardrobe. I do not need any kind of road driving skills to own a car. Freedom is not the same as technical aptitude and it is a mistake to conflate these two ideas.
Because I am alive still.
T.header dude
So it's "freedom" in the purely theoretical sense?
You'll forgive me for not seeing that as all that important.
People who have freedom need to take responsibility over their own lives. This means asking for help from skilled people. Perhaps this means asking a favor from a skilled neighbor or perhaps this means hiring a consultant to consult on the matters at hand.
In the case of Libreboot and Thinkpad laptop computers, people should go to a Libreboot specialist who knows the details of installing Libreboot. In the case of installing a Lignux system, people should go to a Lignux installation expert. In these cases, the user has the freedom to make things happen with the software and hardware they have but they don't need the aptitude to make it work.
Hi Terry
Like whatever's cheapest right now?
Paranoid schizos like you are why the kikes get away with branding genuine privacy concerns as crazy conspiracy theories. If you actually knew anything of interest to the CIA you'd be chained hanging from the ceiling in a Yemeni prison with a pipe cleaner up your dickhole right now.
uwu cia kun threaten me more~
Sure, Shlomo, you are free to do anything, free to own a fire arm, but unless you know how to use it, you won't protect your freedom from gangbangers with it, you are free to own a car, but unless you know how to drive, you can't express your freedom of movement.
Having no technical skill in current year is an equivalent of selling your ass to corporate slavery the second after you pick an electronic device. It's no joke, but if you are technologically inept you should learn basic concepts of modern computing and find more technically skilled people to help you, but still if you are too inept, they'll try to scam you if it's all for money. As Stallman is being unable to install GNU/Linux himself, both has competency when it comes to freedom-respecting computing and a circle of people dedicated to being his tech support. Average Joe doesn't have this kind of privilege, therefore he has to obtain technical skills on his own.
Installing Libreboot is a matter of spending $30 on equipment and 15 minutes on manuals. There is nothing extraordinary in attaching few wires and running a script.
there were interdicted laptops before with "extra" hardware implanted. Bunnie invented novena for that reason. Interdiction also happened among dell servers if you lurk instead contorting while spilling out an awful "muh conspiracy tinfoil" squeal.
If you're oldfag enough you'll remember many anons had their libre laptop and librewrt routers orders "inspected" (more like interdicted) by (((post office))) and put some kind of sticker that it's now botnet certified and they probably threw it out or resold it away due to their disappointment.
Brainlets will have a very hard time doing that because they're conditioned to be a fearful consumer and to work for crypto-gentile's company in a cubicle.
Care to show broofpts? I'm not an oldfag and have no idea how to search this through archives.