Oppressed Africa derived freedom fighters and queers of color unite against evil white mom.
If the police were not there, she would have been mauled.
Oppressed Africa derived freedom fighters and queers of color unite against evil white mom.
If the police were not there, she would have been mauled.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck niggers
They're really going full out to redefine "violence" as "harmful to my feelings".
Bunch of coward bullies, they are. They'd literally piss themselves if there were strong-willed white men there to oppose them.
They are enraged about the killing of Saudi student Hussain Saeed Alnahdi. He was beaten up in front of a nearby pizza joint at 2:00 am around Halloween.
The niggers and SJW's are screaming it was an evil white racist that killed him because he is a Muslim.
In reality, it looks like it was a nigger that killed him.
The police have a suspect and interviewed witnesses and say they do not believe the attack was "racially motivated", which means the attacker was a racist nigger who killed him because he is non-black and/or gibs me dat.
"Not racially motivated" is a code word for not white.
Also, no information about the suspect is being released to the public which means he is definitely a nigger.
Absolutely. 2 am in front of a pizza joint is all you really need to know. Was likely either a mugging or a drug deal gone bad.
Why don't a couple of fit Holla Forumsacks show up at one of these events and act completely unapologetic about it?
Despite the social suicide, would you get into any legal trouble in america for answering the DAS RAYCISS accusations with "Yes I am, 1488 GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" and knocking them on their asses once they throw the first punch? These cucks are all so pathetic I am surprised I never hear stories about people taunting them into getting Garrison'd.
webm related is a decent attempt but none of them go beyond sperging about how it's offensive, but then he's baiting low test passersby instead of a horde of niggers.
because the pozzed courts will fuck you over if anything happens. if you act, it has to be anonymously without getting caught.
I love this video.
It's so perfect.
It's over who cries the loudest in the room.
Proud of this generation of well-spoken, strong-willed black people.
no it's actually
I wouldn't doubt that since niggers thought George Zimmerman was white.
It's genetic. It's the same with Arabs. They have a culture that does not value logic or reason-based arguments. They only value the person who can be the loudest and most physically dominant. That's how you win an argument in nigger world. If you speak the loudest with the most passion, you are automatically right.
Going deeper, they do not value being right at all. It is the law of the jungle. The strong dominate the weak.
They are closer to animals and do not value abstract concepts.
Of course, with Koranimals, they value religion, but it is not abstract. In fact it is just the opposite. Everything is narrow and dogmatic. Moral decisions are not left to the individual. It is one simple package to be shoved down the throats of the weak by the strong.
Strong here, means most violent and abusive.
Strong in the western sense is to a be a whole and balanced person, confident yet compassionate, self controlled and generous to those less strong.
At least we got more material
the nigger in the video probably thought he was so fucking smart repeating what his kike professor told him about "systemic oppression and colonization"
I'm willing to ignore everything wrong whites could of done in the last 2,000 years because of how much subhumans have packed into the last 100 years.
you dont even need to do that because if subhumans could actually record their own history it would be way worse. too bad they cant and think they wuz kangz and shieeeet
Hitler and white people did nothing wrong. Who do you think even came up with the idiotic notions of "equality" and "equal rights under the law?"
White people of course. And now every shitskin subhuman is operating within that white-created framework to try and shame us into racial suicide. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS would niggers, spics, chinks, gooks or moslems EVER give other races equal rights and legal protections. Oh and we ended slavery too.
Oy vey you sound like a bunch of racist Nazi bastids talking positively about the white devil. I have my cousins at the ADL and ACLU on the phone right now you filthy goyim.
For the niggers, it is not about defending those abstract concepts of white morality. It is merely about feeling victimized, outraged and angry.
In their natural tribal condition, they would be enraged by a rape or murder of a fellow tribe member. In our societies, it is the same thing but the language they use is our language.
As long as they do it to themselves they don't care #BLM
Yes we did everything right and here we are.
We did everything for everyone else and here we are.
We don't have a crime problem. We have a nigger problem. Imagine.. Removing thirteen percent of the population would reduce the national crime rate by almost forty percent.
Wrong, they stopped Axis and fought jewish wars for a hundred years among other things. Let Dr. Pierce explain in more detail:
yeah the statement was not meant to be taken literally.
Nation of Islam maybe a bunch of loons, but at least they're loons that believe in being the finest real nigger you can be, instead of screaming victim social justice nonsense invented by white people at a tiny white woman.
I'm not sure whose definition of violence is more retarded, theirs or libertarians'.
altruism intensifies
Probably because the media reported he was a "white hispanic". Isn't that an oxymoron?
The problem with these videos is that I already hate niggers. So there's nothing really for me to learn from them it just fucks with my blood pressure.
I'm glad videos like this get spread to people who don't know how shit works and need to see it, but man I've really got some serious negro fatigue from the last few years.
Yes, yes you would. You think the system's going to give you a fair shake?
They don't believe that shit. They believe kill whitey.
Madisonians, like most libtards, are some of the dumbest. After the election, they shut down the main roads in the city because no one came out to vote and Trump won the state. They didn't go protest Trump - they just confirmed why everyone voted for him (because he stands against their tantrums). UW-Stout is rather far away from Madison, yet here they are (((protesting))) again, far away from where the event occurred. They are completely insane and have rage issues. which is why they need put down like rabid animals
It is now blatantly a parent to me that whites need our own security. The police are not enough.
This niggers need to go back to Africa.
Too bad Islam is a cult full of ill-adapted fucks isn't it?
this. niggers pay lip-service to islam from afar, but up close, gibsmedats overrule all.
Sometimes I really do think we are a cursed race.
What does nuck if you buck mean?
holy shit all this time i have been saying shit like mudslime when the perfect word was just waiting for me
I don't know why you're pointing to this as a feather in the White cap, it's been a disaster, bad idea.
I live here in Madison, and on the most libshit street to boot. Every single day it's a barrage of liberal shit, gibsmedat dindus and fucking UW students being shit eating faggots because they think paying 40k a year for their garbage classes makes them more intelligent than the rest of us. If the liberals were all obliterated from madison, this would be the best city I've ever lived in.
Nuck if you buck is the name of a "song" written by a "artist" called "crime mob"
They thought singing a song was a convincing argument. Ugh.
Don't be fooled, she loved it and was shit testing them
Farrakhan also promotes blacks to move back to Africa and is anti race mixing. Wish NOI would get more traction.
When I get angry watching videos like this, I just close my eyes and imagine sweeping the crowd of faggots with bear mace.
fuck i cant stand niggers
Nigs are going to nig so that's not surprising. This faggot made my blood boil though. You can just tell that he KNEW the niggers were out of line and they were about to get violent but he still defends them anyway.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a manlet doesn't have a spine.
I just now noticed he's wearing a skirt and stockings.
Hitler was white.
I love how at the end the nigger uses typical SJW talking points to establish the moral high ground. Typical trained monkey of the kikes.
Them dubs are heiling
Not sure if b8 or just retarded
I like it.
Racial Nationalism is good for everyone, user.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy, willing to wait,
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date,
That the Saxon began to hate.
If you want to put them in their place, use rhetoric to show how they are the villains. Talk about blacks raping whites, but don't use statistics, use narrative and anecdote and describe in vivid graphic detail the actual/reported/true story racist raping of a white woman by a black man and then smear it to them as a group. If they try and say "that's racist!" just counter with, "you're raping white women yet we are the fucking rapists!?!"
You beat these people wit rhetoric, not logic. They are driven by emotion, not reason, so you must beat them with emotion.
If they try and say, "that's just one incident" then you can bring out the statistics and smear them some more.
wtf does nuck if you buck mean?
Stop saying this shit when there are actual short people that fight against this very same problem. When all you retards talk like this you alienate people from fighting with us.
Who doesn't want to take a bat to this obese shit for brains nigger?
Whites aren't allowed to be masculine anymore. Only POCs can be masculine - which coincidentally means that white girls will be turned off by white men.
pic very much related. White music "normalizes masculinity" (which is a bad thing) but they'll never write a single word about rap music, nor would they dream of suggesting that black masculinity is anything but wonderful.
If they define our events as violent, it gives them carte blanche to act violently themselves. Get it, cause they're "preventing" future violence?
Can't wait til' they get their shit pushed in :D
Imagine that, niggers afraid of their own shame.
Everyone is a little racist at least IMO, shit like this intensifies my racism.
"Your whitness scares me" Nigger you're such a fucking racist when you say this. Imagine the uproar if she said "You blackness scares me"
Fucking police pussy.
Do people actual believe this eye color shit? My brother has blue eyes and I have brown.
What did they mean by this?
Jesus, these people can't help lying, even when their own videophones catch them out.
Also, did someone say that black guy was 5'6?
do these niggers not know what google is?
That cop is fucking terrified lmao
What are they gonna do? Go the genderfluid route? We had David Bowie, we still have Heavy Metal and all the tight leather pants, long hair and make up it brought. The only thing they can get a foothold is nu metal which is absolute shit. I wanna see em go after death metal.
Mighty eagle rule alone
Liberator claim the throne
Lion from the northern lands
Take the scepter from it's hand
Lol, the fag with the piercings knows that the coon can't be trusted not to assault a middle aged woman so he's trying to take her outside whilst calling her violent.
What is this?
Cowards the lot of them, I am not even that big of a guy. Not a American though
Thing is, this is the worst type - the faux-intellectual, young black. They are neither smart nor truly tough. Thar fat kid with the glasses would be bullied in the negro jungle - and probably was, which is why he is so excited to reverse the roles at a weak college campus.
lul sabatonfags. they have a song about the holohoax and they have stated several times they write about history aka they are apolitical. I prefere NSBM Neofolk, ambient and such. Bands that are not scared to go full NS or Nationalistic.
I will use this word to describe Muslims from now on, thanks user
Shit, why didn't I think of that sooner.
When I was in grade school, they tried to teach us that "violence" included emotional hostility, too. It's already started, user.
They give no shits about how scared those kids are that they're dragging into this. That's disgraceful.