The cuck calling for the recount

Or one of them anyway. J. Alex Halderman. He was planning this shit as early as October:


Other urls found in this thread:

I just wanna know why discussion of the ramifications of the recount is so utterly cucked on all platforms.

Very few posters seem to be taking this shit seriously. The football spiking is completely out of control!

Fucking this. Ether its idiots who have lulled themselves into a false sense of security or shills trying to keep people from doing something. That said, all cucks must hang.

The thing is, his statement reads like the most generic explanation ever. Like it's been engineered as a boogeyman for people whose technological expertise only goes as far as "swipe left."

The reason noone here cares is simple: if the libshits seriously tried to steal the election by any means at this point there would be a civil war and their side doesn't have guns.
If they succeed in "recount" manipulation they all die, if they don't Trump still takes office, it's win-win.

Clinton Foundation has been buying a shit-ton of guns.


And then? Even if they armed all the libshits they wouldn't be capable of fighting, of containing their autism long enough to think strategically, of forgetting about their safe spaces long enough to suck it up and survive. This on top of the fact that they largely live in cities, which firstly produce nothing and secondly must get everything they consume through supply lines going outside a city. They could all be slaughtered in under a month with a relatively bloodless siege.

the point is not really that they don't have guns, but they wouldn't know what to do with a gun if they did


You will fucking hang first. I don't care how edgy or FBI this sounds.

Holla Forums theory of rigged votes is better.

But somehow, his conclusion isn't "fuck voting machines" but "more money for our contractors security infrastructure". Con artists, the lot of them.

That's because it likely is. It's well known that voting machines are a fundamentally broken concept, so any "expert" who avoids that point is suspect.


They'e pushing that shit in europoor medias too of course, they're all wet just thinking about it. Please tell me it's a joke burgers…

She's getting somewhat roasted on Twatter right now over the fact that she's calling for recounts in the aforementioned three states, but not other ones where the margin of Hillary's victory was comparable or smaller.


the cuck , is that like the batman except theyre a faggot?

Fucking piece of shit. She deserves to hang. She made the mistake of going against people who are actually capable of logic.

My liberal roommate mocked me before the election for thinking that electronic voting machines are easy to rig. He berated me that voter fraud has never ever been an issue and is not possible.

Did you show him this video? If not, you should.
(Linked because the embed was already posted)

I mean holy fuck this dude is a complete fucking jackass when you start talking about politics to him. He's the kind of person whose entire political news comes from Magic Negro, Current Year Man, CNN, and random websites that use Drumpf in all instances of Trump. I bet him $20 two months ago that Trump would win the election and I enjoyed every bit of his asshurt when it happened, with him assuring me all the way up to the election that there was no way Trump would win.

That guy looks awfully familiar.

If you want to change results in ram, you will have to do it through the kernel and know the specific memory address you want to change or have a way of knowing where it will be. Changing results on disk are easier assuming you can access the files and know where the data you want to change is. Still, much of this relies on knowing a great deal about the solution ahead of time and knowing of a way to exploit the machines.

And if they didn't also hack all the voting machines then the results wouldn't match up at all. It would be pretty obvious. The easiest way to combat that is to have the system upload its results and then also have the locations report the number by phone.

This reminds me of a company who developed a solution for a company I worked for. They offered linux server audits and advertised that one of the owners had a PhD in CS. Funny thing is, their own solution was susceptible to simple things like SQL injection attacks that allowed you to log in as any user. Let's not mention the fact that they didn't even understand file permissions and their upload file script could be used to overwrite any file in their solution.

Anyone on Holla Forums can say a program can be changed to alter the results or a server can be hacked. I think that is common knowledge. How is this guy some fucking expert if he cannot even mention how this is done? I read through all of his comments. He mentions STUXNET and SQL injection. He talks about just replacing the program as if you just plug in your USB stick and copy paste over the executable. I could read through a couple articles about voting systems and regurgitate the same information. The guy needs to demonstrate how the methods and technology the states utilized can be exploited.

Wasn't this one a Sorcha Faal usual disinfo?

if obama doesn't support it, it's not happening: