WTF, half chan mods?

I just got banned for making a thread about skinhead culture, even though it isn't racist.
I feel like I'm more accepted here, and this place is less corporate. Skinhead culture is inclusive, and always has been. WTF is wrong with this current generation of nationalists.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why, just fuck off and kill yourself already, if that is what it took for you to leave that hell hole.


nice manners, nube

Nice blogposting there nigger.

Cuckchan is the other way, don't come here looking to fellate regardless the reason you got banned there

No. They are trying to silence the more inclusive people that are a part of sk8inhead/scooter culture

And…? This is nothing new.

radical trips dude


You have to go back

enjoy your ban newfaggot.

What a fantastic thread op, really politically related, and you keep bringing politically related points with every bump, totally not a blogpost

I live in Belarus.

Thanks, but I'm still not bumping your blogging, cuckchanner

This is now a dubs thread

I'm teaching my daughter how to bait retards and follow up with a good hour of shitposts.
What have you done today?





Got this sweet dubs reject


Nah. Really. I started this thread to show my kid how predictable you fucking water-heads are.
I told her what you would say, and you are falling right into line, millennial cunts:


Degenerate drug users of little value.

Video games aren't your kids.

Fine OP, you masturdbated everyone here, bravo

we still don't give a fuck

I told her the first post would suggest I off myself, for seeking refuge, and suggesting that skinhead culture has a long and complicated history.

There's only one proper response to this thread. Fuck off.

I'm just illustrating for my kid, that this new nationalism is trying to recreate the wheel.
When the apex of skinhead and "responsible" black culture has already merged, and created something beautiful.

You have a point, but I'm going to teach her to fuck your shit up, and crush your skulls, faggot cunt. Not kidding:
Hate all you actual racists.
Bigotry is fine, but you are all mostly scum I would never hire.

You should teach her how to ban evade after the mods get tired of your shitposting. See ya.

You type like a fag.

nice dubs

She taught me how to VPN.
And this place is no shangri-la that…
whatever. fuck yourself, faggot.
no skin off my nose.
she's super proud of me right now.

I'm white English and never got into the skinhead culture. My mrs. is Anglo-Indian, so perhaps Holla Forums will call me a race mixer.
The skinheads live in the cities and don't work. They are also very hard and good at fighting. I have some experience of them.
One was meeting my lass in a pub for lunch and they were just walking down the street. The noise of their boots just put me on alert. I have no fear of them. I'm ex British Army (9 years service). Showing fear is a signal for attack. NEVER show fear as it is an instant weakness. Always take the fire forward.