DON'T FEAR THE WEEBSHIT They stole our ideas for their cars, now let's steal their ideas for our nationalism! Shamlessly Pillaging from one of the few functional Nationalist models today.
Uncle Adolf correctly noted that its not enough to remove a bad idea (diversity/globalism/SJW libshit, etc…). You need to replace it with something new.
You want to make America Great Again? It's not enough to purge: We need to bulk up with new ideas.
I'm giving you two MADE IN USA originals then we're going to rip off the past masters…the Japanese "NATIVST SCHOOL."
CENTRAL IDEA 1: No more "hyphenated Americans." You aren't "Irish-American, you aren't "African-American," you aren't "Gendercurious-American." I don't care what color your skin or where you like to stick what in what hole. One question: Are you American? If yes, you are a a "native." (I do feel a bit bad about the "Indians" i.e., "real Native Americans, but we have to make this work. The Japan analogy below will help.)
CENTRAL IDEA 2: NEW NATIVISM You can't just remove the libshittery. You need to REPLACE it with something POWERFUL. A NEW NATIVISM.
First of all, in purely academic terms, Japan has an actual "Nativist movement" in history to draw from – centuries long, rich, complex, still going strong, with grips on culture, academics, and media.
Look what they did to the libbies who were starting to infest their colleges:
Can you imagine the balls that takes? That's a sweeping fucking move. Why can't America do that to its colleges?
Not so different as you think Japan and America are very different in most ways. Japan is thousands of years old, the US is 200+. Japan is racially homogenous and tiny, the US is huge and "diverse" (hate that word, but it is what it is).
But there are some important paraells:
-Japan's identity as a nation pretty patchy before the 1600s. They were isolated so it wasn't something they dealt with much. Yeah, a few wars with China and Korea, they dealt with the Mongols, random foreign sailors would wash up from time to time…but as an island they were mostly isolated. And although they had an emperor, he was powerless since the 700s or so, and much if not most of their history was full of savage local fighting and civil war after civil war.
-Japan is "homogenous," but it once had an extremely isolated and fractureed regional culture(high mountains and deep valleys). In fact, a lot of little places thoought of themselves as "kingdoms" which is why the "Emperor" was the "Emperor" and not a king: An "Emperor" is a king of kings.
-Despite Racial homogenity, Japan has long had a history of cultural borrowing like the US: Borrowing lots of its writing system from China, Buddhism and Confucianism from Korea and China, and modern Technology from the west. Even art and design is heavily China-influenced. In fact, there is very little that is "untaintedly" nad "purely" Japanese (although those words would get you killed 80 years ago). Like America, they have always wresteled with identity issues, despite a long history.
Julian Robinson
Niggers need to be repatriated, for free, with a lump sum of cash to either where their tribe originated from or to Liberia if we can't find that out.
Jack Hall
III BECOMING JAPAN: 1500s AD, not 600 BC
Japan only got itself together as a "nation" when faced with serious external threats: The Portugese, then a 300 year gap of isolation, then the US and other western powers.
-Japan faced the problem like champs. They realized Japan was s and regionally oriented, that for most people before the 1600s, the concept of "being Japanese" was totally abstract, almost like we think of "being in the West" or even "being human." It just didn't have that much pull as an identity. Japanese were much more obsessed with "being from Tokyo vs Osaka" or "being under this feudal lord or that" or "being a member of this or that province, shogunal estate, or Shinto or Buddhist private landholding." A very focused campaign of "creating Japanese-ness" at all levels went into overdrive.
-Starting around the 1500s, then (not really all that much earlier than then pilgrims came to the US) they started to really focus on "what it means to be Japanese". This helped them expell the Portugese (first wave of serious western contenders). Then they had 3 centuries to slack a bit, but they became more and obsessed with the question during this time as they became aware of the wider world, western science.
But the true shocker was when China (the ancient "big brother" and acknowledged top dog of Asia…even by the Japanese) got its ass kicked, addicted to Opium, and carved up by Europe. This, quite rightly, scared the shit out of Japan. Again, they champed up and went into overdrive with the "Nativist school." Shinto got emphasized/pumped up, and Buddhism (the religious leader of the middle ages) entered a deep decline it never fully recovered from(except for warrior-Zen and a few other bits and pieces).
In addition to an emphasis on Western Science, the entire country went into overdrive to construct a "national consciousness" to combat the Western idea of "nation" so they didn't get gobbled up like China. China was an "ancient civilization" but not a "nation." Japan became a "nation" – very consciously, very deliberately through a concerted campain: THE NATIVIST MOVEMENT.
And they succeeded…becomeing a very extreme nation indeed in the 40s, but despite the subsequent ass-kicking that still holding a glue of Nationalism to this day that should be an inspiration now to the west as we fight Cultural Marxism, Globalism, libbieshit, divershitty, and all the rest.
Brody Richardson
Some of this stuff is pretty dense, but in a way, that's the point. The Japanese created an entire "way of being Japanese" not all that long ago to pull a divided nation together in a way that lasted centuries. Here is how they did it. We need to study and make our own. They copied our cars, now let's copy their nationalism
A) General reference information on "Natvisim" in Japan:
That just translates to violence between different European ethnicities.
Brandon Hughes
In all honesty… how the hell do we create an American ethnicity?
Hudson Watson
Fine, apply the same prinicples to white nationalism if you wish. You'll get no complaints from me.
But first your pants, then your shoes, IMHO. MAGA is real. Its now. I wish I could say the same about WN but the actual chance at building a strong US nationalism is the best fucking news for the hard right in literally decades. Maybe since Teddy Roosevelt.
. These priniciples can be applied to both goals, too, : WN and MAGA.
Brody Phillips
Strong US nationalism for the upcoming generation of half-niggers is a death sentence to the rest of the planet, you fucking muppet. Shove your thinly-veiled jewish, "Fortress America" agitprop up your faggot ass.
Jeremiah King
Look at the links. The Japanese took a total philosophical approach, overhauling everything from folk culture to religion to info flow to academics to science in a concentrated gulp.
Like I said….we got MAGA, let's run with it. WN is still a pipe dream. A nice one, to be sure, but I deal in reality first dreams second.
Wyatt Wilson
Lets talk fam.
Email my meme mail. Admin[a4t]
I have had similar ideas for a while.
Liam Powell
Turning your back on MAGA at this juncture and waiting for uncle Adolf to descend with Woden as the Kalki Avatar from the sky is turning your back on the only way out of the Jew-infliced death sentence we have had around our necks like a noose for 50 years.
First your fucking pants. Then your fucking shoes.
Juan Martin
Whether I agree with you or not, that's never going to be a narrative that takes off here. Holla Forums is a white identity board, and it needs to remain that way. /r/The_Donald is a better place to push whatever you have in mind; this is a place for racialist extremism.
Evan Sanders
this FUCK CIVIC NATIONALISM it is cancer
Lucas Ramirez
Dominic Allen
America is the problem. It shouldn't be made great again. It needs to die. Nobody on this board gives a fuck about anything Trump talks about outside of removing Mexicans – for the explicit reason of immediately shifting the potential voter pool to something much more malleable for what we want it for.
Landon Johnson
What op is proposing could work, however before it can reach a larger scale, people need to be persuaded in some way. In areas of hard left, shitposting works well to drive those who would be otherwise moderate towards us. However this doesn't work well in moderate conservative areas.
I am beginning to think that we need to start adapting the "localism" model of the national front to redpill more traditional conservatives.
Juan Sanders
This. Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews!
Ryder Wood
For once op was not a faggot
Then apply the concepts to white nationalism you faggot. Be results oriented and proactive instead of jacking off all day about how smart you are. Also shit doesn't change overnight. moving to the right is a process not the flick of a switch. Be realistic.
Especially this can be applied to very white countries to form an idea of what it means to really be italian, british, german etc. Possibly start it in rual america and create a new age white identity that looks forward into a new future as a distinct race/culture instead of backwards at it's past. It may be impossible to bring the roman empire back but we can build a new one just as good if not better.
Jeremiah Bell
You just went full jihad.
Jackson Bennett
Injuns migrated to America from Siberia, however Europeans discovered and settled in America 10,000 years BEFORE the redman and became the Anasi people (the REAL native americans).
Aiden Hall
Benjamin Bell
OK I see MAGA is a dead idea after a year of slobbering over it. Fine, you short-attention-spannned fruitflies.
But let's just assume you "anti-civic nationalists" are right. Let's assume the final and only acceptable goal is white nationalism.
EVEN IF SO…EVEN IF I MIGHT AGREE…we live in the real world. The fact of the matter is that for 40 years, (((globalism))) and (((diversity))) have been unchallenged.
Nationalism…any kind of nationalism….is a tender green fucking shoot here. Dont piss your panties beccause it isn't a mighty sequoia yet. BUILDING BLOCKS.
At the very least, embrace MAGA to kill (((globalism))). Then we can make it MWGA.
Hunter Kelly
Anasasi*, and they were cannibals.
Carter Collins
Japan was isolated for thousands of years to develop. You could look at a jap and say "your a jap" because they looked different to the fucking poortugeese and spoke your language and worshiped the same rocks and trees as you. America is not Japan or Germany, we are Rome. We found some land on a far away place and set up our shit to be different from where we came while still emulating it. We have a republic (like the romans) and elect essentially a dictator (like the romans did) worshiping an eagle (romans) and live with the belief that anybody can become an American (anybody can become a roman) Hopefully TRUMP is our CAESAR and we are entering an era of imperialism and glory.
James Perry
and theres no proof of cannabalism
Jonathan Morgan
This is true to a point but the fact is they had, as noted, a very patchy idea of "being Japanaese" untill the mid-1500s and it reamined tepid and theoretical untill the mid-1800s.
Japan spent the vast majority of its history fighting with itself. In the year 400, or 800, or 1400, the average Japanese had a vague idea there were places overseas, but "being Japanese" meant very little to them, except in the most abstract sense…like "being heirs to Western Civilization" means to most whites.
The day-to-day loyalties were local. And the local differences were huge. Each valley had its own tradtions, dialects, even religion was barely unitied….people were just slaughtering each other constantly. There were a few centuries or decades of peace here and there but no true nationalism until threatened by the outside.
Then they fucking built it from scratch. As we must. That's my point. White nationalist or US nationalist, either way…they built it, and they built it to last, and its still lasting.
There was no meaningful "Japanese Unity" before the 1600 Tokugawa period, with a few multi-decade exceptions here and there. The area that is now Tokyo didn't even consider itself the same country until the 600s….Northern Honshu were seen as a different race (Emishi) until the 1600s, and the Ainu of Hokkaido weren't even contemplated as Japanese till the 1800s at the earliest.
The Japanese mythos of millenial unity was a very effective fiction created from 1600-1850 or so. And I am not criticizing it for being a fiction, because it fucking worked.
America can learn. Whites can learn.
If you are a freaking Belgian-Walooon-only remove-kebab fuck-the-French-and-everyone-else nationalist, you can learn.
This is a rock-solid blueprint for NATIONALISM. Of ANY SORT.
Nicholas Jenkins
To deny heritage, culture and tradition is lysenkoism. I believe it is important to keep racial connections. However, we must all remember that we came from mother Europe and embrace the pioneer spirit. If there is nothing left to pioneer on this continent, then we must pioneer ourselves and develop a strong martial culture of brotherhood and unity.
Joshua Turner
Fortunately for the Japanese, and unfortunately for us, they had a great deal of ethnic homogeneity overall. Getting niggers and spics to a) grow a brain and b) stay separate but equal and c) demonstrate unwavering commitment to an overwhelming sense of American unity… I just don't know if that's going to happen.
Ryder Gomez
It ain't a walk in the park I will give you that. All I can say is we fought 2 world wars with segregation and we eveb had well-dressed coat-and-tie law-abiding negros for decades. If it happened before its not theoretically impossible to redo.
I think the best bet is to nudge the blacks towards their own self-embraced segregagtion…er, I mean…sepratism. A lot of them are already openly advocating it. Make them think its their own idea. They can all cluster together in their own little zones and tell each other when we wuz kangs fairytails.
Encorage Black Nationalism and White Nationalism in Tandem under the umbrella of US Nationalism. Turn the Nogs on the spics and remove Taco, we already have a president at least theoretically leaning that way. The various detritus of mistery meat can hang on the fringes of blackland.
Most of them want it deep down too; everyone's happier with their own kind.
I think I now understand why in so many JRPGs, when there are gods involved, they are usually inhuman assholes.
Josiah Green
How has this not been reported for shill thread yet?
AMERICAN IS WHITE! Everyone else does not belong.
Native American = Asians not native to our country because they have their own tribes. Fuck your cuck tears
Tyler Lopez
Being a nip I'll contribute some main points:
1. Obviously Americans have to gain their whiteness back. The entire argument is what goes beyond race, without convolution of that abstraction with a pan-racial argument like cuckservatives or liberals do. Scientific racialism in itself is doomed to decay into a trap of materialism, but it can act as a safety net for a decay of spirituality. Trying to unite people with different races under the same spirituality kills this safety net, and therefore when such a society decays, it decays more dramatically: hence the flaw of civic nationalism/cuckservatism. Civic Nationalism will therefore always be destined to eventual racemixing, therefore any civic nationalist must prepare themselves for the future of their country where all the current races are mixed into one, and it's consequences. You can see such consequences in India, where the intelligence of the people are still bound to wide differences caused by the metaphysics of the caste system, but people have mixed outside the original racial foundations of the caste system. I don't think I need to tell you about the current state of India.
2. American's have long since lost their spirituality, which has traditionally revolved around the iron will to freedom. American created there land in a cry for liberty, prepared to face all costs and troubles, through starvation and desease, through the desert and wilderness, to achieve this goal. Modern Americans do not have this solid state of spirituality and resultant patriotism. They drown in materialism and hollow jingoism. For America to truly be a golden age, Americans must regain this will to freedom. Thankfully, this process is beginning now, as Americans have been cast under this economic downfall, and the average American is put into a state of struggle for his own free will: ie they're breaking the fucking conditioning. You don't need tribal ancestral spirituality like Amerindians do because you have something else which is exactly as spiritual, but tricky because it doesn't have as much of a racial foundation in it's origins, despite individualism and democracy being a white thing. Spirituality absolutely must be a concern for Holla Forumsacks!
3. Unlike what some anons think on this board, Japan is not a successful example of a modern state, and should definitely not be used as a model. It is simply not a total failure such as it is the case with many western nations which has got the full face-full of the Marxist Kool-aid. As much as Japanese for the most part retain their race (although that is losing as of the disgustingly rampant racemixing and immigration in the recent few years, thanks alot Abe!), they have absolutely no spirituality. Life is entirely a matter of material success, with spirituality and family in the shambles. While this gets somewhat sentimental, when I look at the past of my country before the war, I can't help but feel a certain longing to it. Despite the lack of medicine, infrastructure, economy, standard of living, and entertainment, it has a certain intangible something that is so important. It's a time where life for a Japanese had more meaning. Even after the war, there was the dream of scientific and economic success. But it all been there and done now. No young man in Japan today is willing to sacrifice their life for their nation, let alone dedicate much of their time. Not many are proud of their own culture or race, or even have much affinity towards it. You can feel the pessimism in the air amongst the skyscrapers, clean streets, and robust transportation. Japan is a dying civilization.
tl;dr scientific racism is just a step to the final goal of a golden age, and metaphysical arguments are not fundamentally defunct simply because liberals and cuckservatives abuse it. You Yankees have to go beyond just being white, you gotta be free.
Jason Lopez
Yeah man, its really freaking alien. This interests me so allow me to detour from the main thread topic and ruminate on your point for a moment.
I have been readng this type of nativist early-modern /Shinto theory for the last several months and it can almost insectile in its seeming amorality.
Norinaga's brand of early-modern Shinto is especially weird. But that's the template for what came later. It's probably least overtly moral major religion I can think of. I mean, even Muzzies slaughtering for Jihad think they are doing "Good." Good doesn't even enter the pic here.
The best way I can wrap my head around it is what one scholar wrote…he said the Norinaga/early-modern mode of Shinto's closest cognate to "morality" is "cleanliness" and "straightness." It's an almost aesthetic sense of right and wrong. For example, if you killed a person, that's a "tsumi" (close to "sin") but it can be purified away. Or if you were bleeding from a splinter, that was a "tsumi" too. They are treated morally equivalent, in a sense (in nature if not degree). Intention, fault, human free agency…none of this mattered. Only being "clean" and "straightening things out." The negative connotations all revolve around concepts of either dirt/blood/impurity or "bentness" and "twistedness" as a shape.
An anthropologist said this is a kind of "taboo religion" like found in ancient tribes, where good/evil is also hardly an issue at all…its all about not violating taboos…almost more superstituon like "don't walk under a ladder" stuff…intention has nothing to do with it, feels have nothing to do with it.
Another theory is the high value on purity is due to dense living conditions and super-frequent, brutal medieval plagues…the cullling of life was stupendous, and if you were dirty death was a real possibiliy.
The bizzare thing is that this ancient, very primative stratum of pre-moral religion disappeared in most of the "sophisticated" world religions in the so-called axial age (around the time of Socrates, Lao Tsu, Confucius, Buddha…Morality entered, taboo and superstition receeded). But Shinto somehow managed to simultaneously preserve this very primative sensibility while also developing a sophisticated theology/philosophy as a complex intellectual superstructure…like I said, its weird.
Norinaga and "philosophical Shinto" was criticized by Buddhists and Confucianists for this very thing…the standard answer was that everyone was born inherently "good" so its even more moral than "moral religions." But it rings a bit flat.
Actuallly Norinaga's disciple Atsutane hammered out a lot of this, ironically using banned Christian tracts smuggled in from China to try to flesh out a more human/humane moral system. Eventually his model superceeded Norinaga's.
But this mentality has never really fully departed from Shinto or the Japanese….sometimes I think they are truly a nation of Autists…morality frequently takes a back seat in Japanese religion, even Buddhism, compared to most of Asia. In some cases sickness or even ugliness is treated almost as a moral transgression.
Make of it what you will…this is a sidetrack issue but I've noticed it and been fascinated by it too.
Nathaniel Morris
Thanks for your input. I spent many many years in Japan, Taiwan, and Hong-Kong (most of my youth and adolescence/20s) as white, so while not your racial kin I'd like to think I'm a little more informed than the average drooling weeb.
You make a lot of good points. I mostly can't find much to disagree with.
About Japanese spirituality though…I think its very much there, but its in a form that is so different from what the rest of the world (even other Asians) grasp that it can seem totally absent. This point that you made about "no spirtuality" seems true on the surface and it took me personally a long time to see that there is *something* there but it has been so badly bent and twisted by history and society its barely recognizable. It manifests in weird ways.
As for racemixing, well, yeah, but its not as bad as it was even a decade ago. I wouldn't blame Abe. He's the farthest-right a PM has been since the 70s or 80s if not WWII.
Also if you are Japanese and can read the language there is a ton of netto-uyoku right wing stuff now, very hard-core 8-chan-style anti-foreign sentiment over the last few years…I spend a ton of time reading Japanese blogs and boards…there is a stark shift to the right even in the last year or two that is very noticable IMHO. There are also many detailed "spiritual and religous blogs"..yeah, its just the internet but there is so freaking much more of it now than 5 years ago IMHO. Part of it is the circles I move in…there is some very odd political and religious stuff happening right now that is hard for me to put my finger on but I wouldn't completely write off that that part of Japan as is customary among Japanese and Westerners alike.
Luis Taylor
Oh there's absolutely a dramatic right-wing shift, thanks to the internet, though popular places like 2ch are somewhat reddit-tier. But many of those who still watch mass media like a bunch of fools are still in for the cancerous leftists. The declining quality of Japanese television helps a lot with this regard… anyhow, will shall see what happens.
Adrian Hill
Stopped reading there. >>>/oven/ >>>/bog/ Make your choice.
Jackson Stewart
This is civic cuckery. Japan doesn't do it at least not with foreign races and peoples. They consider Ainu and Okinawans Japanese but they are still Asian and also small in numbers. Saying that this means they accept every fucking nigger is retarded and the same as saying that the presence of the sami in norway means that Norway is destined to become Brazil.
Adam Taylor
we all need to fuck
(not brown people)
Ethan Harris
»»»»»»»»»»» r/The_Donald
Carter Nguyen
You don't.
Kevin Sanders
What are you asking?
Are you asking how we make White Americans a distinct Identity? We already have, more or less. We have pretty well mixed all European races into one white mixture.
Are you asking how we make White Americans a completely distinct white race from other Europeans?
We need a lot of time and a lot of fucking. However, with genetic engineering on the rise soon literally everyone will be an Ubermensch
If you're asking how to shift public perception to mean only whites are Americans, it will probably never happen.
Mason Robinson
I'm a Eurofag and I can confirm that American white faces have a distinct quality to them. Not always, but quite often.
Charles Allen
You're forgetting about individual state identity. You union fucks are the same as globalists trying to mak all of Europe into one borderless area through the EU
Christopher Wilson
It kind of is actually. Americans are the descendants of the original English people in the colonies. With some Irish and Scottish genes thrown in there.
Kayden Campbell
Uh ,OP if you are daring to suggest that every race in america can mix into one race and adopt one culture of "American" I would like to redirect you back to reddit. The term for the process Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and countless other civilization sunderwent by merging all local related ethnic groups into one is termed as "Ethnogenesis". The key here is closely related groups. The beaner, nigger, and white will NEVER FUCKING EVER have an ethnogensis.
Evan Bell
checked and this tbh fam Op, you made a nice effort post, but you're operating under some flawed premises. I ain't even white nationalist and I recognize that the mudskins and us don't mix.
Oliver Powell
Maybe he's talking about a nativist program for whites only?
Brayden Wood
That's what you get for ignoring the warnings of nativist groups and throwing away your heritage for the sake of every mick and kraut with a sob story and a hat in hand. Good luck scrying any meaningful identity from the absolute hell you've wreaked on yourself. Enjoy your "based" Poles and Chinks!
Benjamin White
The fuck are you on about? The multiracial experiment is over. It failed. We will have a non-white population of zero. Not "the good ones", not just a few, ZERO.
Cooper Jones
Jack Parker
Joseph Ramirez
The thread is dead, but I have noted this. They made this taboo for a reason, and it successfully kills spirituality and standards in favor of morals and empathy (weakness). I believe this ancient mentality needs a resurgence.