Trump's battle against illegal immigrant sanctuary may end at church steps


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Whelp, time to cancel the idea of Church as a sanctuary by the looks of it.

it's about time churches had their tax exempt status revoked anyhow.


Just kick in the doors and arrest the priests or whoever make up the personnel of the church as conspirators.


This is why I support taxing the churches, either bernie-style at 90%, or just fucking 50% or more.

Fine, make the bleeding hearts pay for their care. The churches will have to buy their food and water from american companies anyways so it'll become like a machine to funnel dollars from retards back into productive society.


Well since churches are supposed to be apolitical revoked their tax exempt status, problem solved.

There was a Sanctuary movement in the United States back in the 1980s in response to all of the political problems in Central America at that time. It was pretty effective, and the push for sanctuary churches would likely be far greater today.

The movement got big enough that the government eventually moved to prosecute the churches.

This began a process whereby many refugees went on to get permanent citizenship.


As seen above, prosecution of churches & priests is virtually non-existent. Today, they might pay small fines. Any church that got a fine today would probably get 10x that amount back in donations along with lots of media coverage about how courageous and compassionate they are.

Not shocking.

like flies on shit, kikes and cucks just cannot help themselves

They are the one that saved the fucking injuns from the Spanish and basically created the mongrel race from south america.

Give it time and this thread'll be spammed with "Reported for Holla Forums"

You can run. But you can't hide. The Trump Deportation Forces are going to round up every last illegal and send them all back to their respective mudlands

Trump needs to BTFO of these churches for breaking the law.

Or sagebombed for "D&C"

all this means is that the illegals will be herded into big groups making it easier to detain them eventually

So they do it. Like. So what?

How many spics could you possibly fit in a church? Two, three hundred? Plus infrastucture for all them? So what?

When we're talking about upwards of six million people that's a drop in the bucket. I can't imagine there aren't legal recourses for this (just get a fucking warrant, revoke tax exempt status for not being apolitical, etc) but like even if there isn't. So you have a goddamn barracks full of illegal spics in your church basement. Great. You're hemmoraging money, they sure as shit aren't working because they can't leave, and ther'es a pretty relatively low upper limit to how many people it could even be.

they dont' call 'em christcucks for nothing though!

Jesus fucking Christ the christcucks are at it again.

Harboring criminals and they get away with it? I think not.

This is why Hitler knew he had to take control of Christianity instead of trying to coexist with it.

Christcucks, at least in the US, really believe in the concept that we're all God's children and Jesus was basically the god of gibs, what do you expect tbh?

Christianity will need to be reformed if it wants to stay relevant.
It's a shame they hate Gnosis so much on here, it's really the only known option for re-implementing European values into Christianity.

If the Jewish Scriptures got one thing right it was this: a great Beast shall rise and take control, He shall be Anti Christ. What they forgot to mention was that the beast won't be smitten by God, that the Beast shall establish a paradise for the Sons of Japheth, Gog and Magog, and that the Wall of Alexander is a wall not meant to keep Gog and Magog out, but to keep the Semites, Hammites and other scum out.

Wasn't a problem for Iceland.

I doubt you could get that many, but let's say you could fit in 1/10th of that, 20 or 30.

The real issue is the number of churches. The Catholic Church alone has 17,900 parishes:

The Methodist Church actually has more than that, and they are also pro-immigration.

Overall, the pro-immigration churches, which is virtually all of them, could easily offer sanctuary to literally millions of immigrants, and empower other groups like universities and charities to do the same.

Remove their tax exempt status. It's how you'd bring all of these subverted churches to heel. If that doesn't work burn them down.

Trump will probably cuck to some extent. He isn't the Caesar we desperately need.


user, is this so hard? How many can you fit in a church anyway?

Hasta la vista, padres.

It's no different from liberalism:
-church: you have original sin, you are happy because you have wealth to be happy but these other people don't, you're still a sinner
-liberalism: you have privilege, you are happy because you have privilege to be happy but these other people don't, you're a bigot

Same fucking mentality, shoot all their leaders and start deprogramming the non-leaders.

Meanwhile thousands of leftist NGOs and thinktanks and leftist institutions masquerading as charities enjoy tax exempt status. You want money to be taken out of churches and put into the system that is destroying you. Real smart.

All you people screaming christcucks piss on the graves of your ancestors.

My ancestors never converted, Yaldabaoth Cultist.


They are both destroying us.
Bullshit. Churches usurp the concept of a nuclear family and tribalism for bleeding heart bullshit to save everyone and give away the wealth of the members to do so. They are exactly the same abdominal objective with different methods of getting there:

I didn't say anything about tax-exempt status, other anons did. I don't think they should be able to harbor illegals, this isn't the 15th century anymore.

Churches shouldn't even have to abide by such rules, they aren't allowed to speak out against the leftist for fear of being taxed out the ass. I think you need to chill out on the calling other christcuks, when is the last time you even went to Mass? It angers me to see the RCC acting in such ways in modern times in opposition to the way it used to operate.

That incident in Iceland was great, but also quite rare. Plus, it happened during a backlash after Europe had been quickly flooded with immigrants in a devastating way.

The United States is a little different. As bad as Mexicans are, niggers are much worse. The impact of most illegal immigration is not as sharply noticeable in most of the United States as it is in Iceland, as they already have niggers committing crimes in so many places.

This would be a much more difficult tug of war between Church and State, plus of course the media and everyone else will back the Churches.

Trump just gets rid of the Tax-Free status of all Churches who harbour illegals, easy as that

the second the spics go out for a drink or smoke they're getting ICEd

RACE Befor Religion you stupid goddamn fucking traitors. I never see churches do anything for poor White people just shitskins and kikes.


And Race>Self>God. We are entering the Age of Reason. The fire is lit, and the pot will boil shortly, before it does we will put everyone in, if they leap out into our hands, we let them live, but if they relax and die in the bubbling hot water, we will eat them salted.

sounds good

Nice, looks like Trump can make Christianity great again too. Now he has the perfect excuse to purge the church of its worst elements.

Legally, I think that would be really hard without comprehensive new legislation, or possibly even a constitutional amendment. However, other legal action could of course be taken. The big issue is political liability.

Fuck the media. Most Americans will be laughing as they kvetch over the laws being followed.

And the ones who pushed the muslims back to Africa/Middle East

I support this, but only for real churches. Unitarian heretics need not apply. There's nothing sacred about a standard Protestant gathering-hall either, and since sanctuary literally means sacred space, there's nothing stopping you hammering down their doors.


Fair enough though Trump could turn the heat on these so called Christians I bet Synagogues will do it too by charging the priests with Obstruction of Justice

No. They won't.

The superficial leftist morality used as a cover by the Elite is adopted only by those specific pulpits which blindly preach equality even in the face of a shitstorm of reality.

Churches are the system that is destroying us, or at least a very large part of it.

What are they going to do, have 3 million people live in churches? If this happens it's a speed bump, not a roadblock. They still have to go back.

Yes,but not for this.

With the Tax status brought to an end churches would grow a pair.

nothing should come before your country
It'll be nice watching the cuck churches finally get their tax exempt status revoked.

Here's an idea, how lawful would it be to put an imbargo on the church that aids and abeds criminal aliens? Nothing goes in, nothing comes out. Sure, it would cost time and resources but it's either this or through force. It would be no ones fault but the churches that try to pull this shit.

Those churches which indulge in politics should have their tax-expempt status permanently removed, retroactively.

Deport the church with them in it

Muslim immigrants may be useful in weeding out these Christian immigrants after all.

Just to clarify, by everyone I mean the institutions of power. There are a broad enough range of churches that everyone could have ones to use as shining examples of "good Christians." Cuckservatives would focus on conservative churches, liberals would focus on the liberal ones.

There are Christians priests and leaders as insane as any SJW. Even some famous SJWs like Suey Park are also Christian.

In MN the biggest importer of Somalis is the Lutheran Church.

There's not even any reason to embargo the church itself. If the illegals can't leave to work or function in any other way in society for fear of ICE deporting them then they're essentially already in prison. And the best part is that the government isn't paying for them to be incarcerated.

most wetbacks don't work

I thought it was the swedish descendants living there

Well, nothing could stop the government from going in, so that wouldn't be needed. Sanctuary is not so much embodied in law as it is a tradition that is respected across the Western world. Its roots go back centuries and it is even known in our culture through literature like Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame where Esmerelda took sanctuary in a church.

The real issue is political fallout from Christians when sanctuary is violated across hundreds or thousands of congregations.

Christianity was a mistake.

I'm saying put complete restrictions on any supplies or people coming in or out of the church. Make them live in miserable squaller before the rats are starved out.

The Swedish are Lutherans.

I'm a Christian National Socialist that puts God before country. There is nothing greater than God. All you atheistic people are useless and in the way. You people are spiritually dead and you want your race to be spiritually dead. When our race is spiritually dead our physical death will follow shortly after. The reason our race is dying is that our spirit is dying. This is what happens when you forsaken God.

This. The serious pressure imposed on churches to be 'apolitical' leftist is exactly what's gone wrong with Christianity to begin with!

Regarding the spics, transitioning their welfare state from public to private is already a huge step forward, eventually the economics are going to force them back one way or another.

what happened to the whole
thing you burgers had going on

The embargo would completely solve this issue.

and Mexico will pay for it.

That's only allowed so long as it serves kike interests, the policy gets reversed wherever it helps the right.

go suck Yahwehs dick faggot, you understand less about the nature of the Eternal than an ant understands quantum string theory.

Don't need to be Atheistic to be against the ramblings of Jewish nomads. In fact, my Lord is their most hated Opposer.

This will finally give the initiative to some anons to get off their ass and do something tbf.

Arrest anyone who steps out of the church for aiding and abetting and start placing heavy taxes on churches.


God is the eternal nature. You go against God and you go against nature.

Illegal immigration is part of the population bomb, an invasion of the host country as a means to destroy it without explicit declaration of war. Classify illegal immigration as a violent crime.

Kek is one who opposes Israel, idk who that user is referring to though.

He said opposer, not socialist, family destroying poster child.

God is the ALL, The Eternal Energy that drives all creation, not some bloodthirsty kike demon from the OT

You'd be stopping people from attending mass/divine liturgy/services. You wouldn't solve anything.

christcucks reveal their true natures at last…

Seriously though, what deportable wants to be under de-facto house arrest in a church? They'll run like rats.

Seems like the only think keeping officers from dragging them out is the fear of upsetting their lord.

If only there was some uncucked (but not un-kuk'd) religion that our deport teams could convert to to avoid this problem. IF ONLY…

You'd better be talking about Kek, because jews love Jesus. Don't tell me you buy Uncle Shekelstein's "hurr durr we hate christ" bullshit. They've turned Christianity into their greatest weapon against the goyim

That's not what you Semite-worshipping Death Cultists believe. You faggots always say your precious YHWH transcends Nature, which I shouldn't even have to explain why that notion is Anti-Nature Kikery.

Is this the Christian Taqiyya? You are both two sects of Abrahamism, so it wouldn't surprise me.

I just assumed he meant a satanist faggot.

The whole fucking reason they're called Kikes is because they refused to use a cross when filling up paperwork in Ellis Island instead using a Circle

Satan does mean "adversary" in hebrew.

easy fix: churches that harbor illegals are no longer tax exempt.

Yeah, and now they love Jesus because they've completely turned Christianity against the goyim. Any jewish kvetching about Christianity is theater at this point.

How do we uncuck Christianity? I'm sick of the shilling for faggots, illegal beaners, refugees, aid to niggers in the third world, and Israel.

Fair enough, Historically Christianity was a good for Europeans but now it's ruined thanks to Cyptos and subversion

Atheism has been the greatest weapon of the Jew.

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

God is Nature.

Jews subverted and have perverted the modern message of Christianity. They still hate Jesus but they have distorted His message to suit their needs. Old school Catholic and Christian churches/groups tend to get listed on the ADL/SPLC/etc because they still call the kikes on their bullshit.

wemb related

No, YHWH is Nature's parasite.

Maybe it's time for a whole new branch?

No no silly goy atheism and satanism are the truly enlightened and intellectual belief systems.

Stopping them from attending service a such a pozzed church that would harbor illegals is accomplishing nothing? Kek. Shut the fuck up faggot, I'd be doing them a favor.

Churches are above the law?

Bible quotes mean nothing to those who do not believe in the Bible.
I could start quoting any random religious scripture from all over the world, and it would mean exactly as much to me as it does to you.
Stop being a retard and learn how to make an argument.

Christianity was subverted from the start. If you want to respect your ancestors ditch the Abrahamic bullshit and look at what they actually believed.

sure thing schlomo

How many people can you fit into a church? 30? Maybe? And how long can they stay there? a week? a month? Does your church have a shower and a stove? how are they going to eat and bathe? At what point will the regular churchgoers say
because the pew is uncomfortable AND smells like refried bean farts.

Those digits don't lie. Kek is the true Bane of all Semites!

Meanwhile, everyone on the outside is laughing their asses off.

They really aren't thinking this one through. Especially since every one of them could be arrested as accessories…

The christcucks let it go to their head and interpreted "separation of church and state" as "separation of church and law".

Lots of pagan elements merged into Roman Catholicism. The anti jewish message and overall morals of the NT combined with the Aryan spirit and traditions and is a central pillar of western civilization. Christianity has done way more good for the white race than paganism has and paganism hasn't been relevant for thousands of years.

can we destroy christcucks now?

Almost half of the white race are liberal traitors. No what it really comes down to is blood even within the race. Those familes which are full of hardass conservative religious fanatics and racists are the ones who are breeding and prospering. Religion, nation, culture are expressions of the natural predispositons of the people. To cure the disease you have to cut out the bad flesh. We must exterminate or exile the libtards along with the muds. They must all be exerminated and there can be no mercy in it.

You can't be American if you aren't white. You can't be a actual Christian if you aren't white. You are the enemy if you aren't white and a hardass.

Draw clean distinctions and make them inviolate, and whenever somebody appeals to empathy spit in their face, call them a heretic, call them a traitor, or kill them. This is a war there can be no mercy and no compromise except for Machiavellian measures to slowly divest our enemies of power.

The churches in my area are all effectively closed to non-whites and do not send charity outside the county let alone the country. YOu can can't get in unless you invited and everybody hates muds. Just this last summer 2 spic families to tried to move into the area were burned out, 3 spics died. The county remains 99%+ white and universally Christian.

People do what is natural to them, we need to kill those who aren't naturally racist and filled with hatred for their obvious enemies. The weak must die.

Speaking of which, I remember this plant that used to grow in a bog where I lived, and it made the Jews nearby sick every time they got near it so I started calling it Jewbane. Wish I found out what the stuff actually was.

Rest assured that churches won't be able to support the entire illegal invader population, not to mention it'd turn their churches into ghetto shitholes.

Yeah I'm pretty sure the clause where it says anyone found harboring or shielding illegals will be imprisoned no more than 10 years applies to the clergy too.


hmmmm… i wonder if anyone has encountered this before and if they figured out a way…

Nazi Germany hasn't been relevant in a century yet we still want it back. Go cry about the Current Year expectations elsewhere.

I say we let the cucks harbor criminals. Just dedicate police task forces to be permanently stationed outside all known sanctuary churches ready to go the moment one of them steps outside. Just like the embassy where Assange is.

Exempt from taxes doesn't exempt them from the law.
Trump may be christian, but he's not stupid.
There's thirty million plus illegals, no matter how high and mighty the churches think they are they're not going to stop this.

Let me know how your society based on the morals of buttfucking and worshiping trees goes.

The Church was, and is, the root of Western Tradition of Law.

Thanks for the back up user

In my faith, buttfuckers go in bogs. In yours, they go in robes to molest Altar boys.

Kek wills it with these holy trips.

They aren't so ultimately OP's position doesn't matter. They will deported if they are found out by ICE, it is the duty of right thinking whites to find and exile these scum.

where is this utopia you reside?


Christianity without cuckoldry is like cotton candy without sugar.

Oh they can feel free to have their cities. Their cities will not be in this country though.

You obviously don't anything about the pre-Vatican II church. Hint: it wasn't larpy pagans that made Medieval Europe's best torture devices.


You DEUS VULTures are the real LARPers, but those torture devices were promptly used on Europeans so you've hurt your case that Semite-worship is good for Whites.

You consider that a good attribute?

Western PA, all the whites under 30 are racist as fuck and know about kikes even my cousin, a social worker grill, openly despises spics.


Yep the Roman Empire's history only started when Chrstianity showed up. There's no other recorded history of it at all.

Let's make it only 20 on average.

There are 320,000 churches in the United States.

This is true. The modern "Church" has been invaded by kikes. The only worth while churches are Orthodox. Let you faith in God die and you let degeneracy thrive.


So you went from throwing them in the bog to being against death to faggots? Fuck off kike.

Two Cities is a theological/political concept from feudal Europe wherein the spiritual well-being of the people was shepherded in two parts, Emperor and Pope, Empire and Church. The two cooperated to maximize the salvific efforts of one another, while providing practical support for one another:

You literally have no clue what the fuck you are talking about, do you?

There is literally nothing good about the nuclear family, it's just the final stage of filial atomization before kin ties utterly collapse and we end up with a society of faggot kids, leftist wuss parents and the elderly being bunged away into the morgue's waiting room.

Let them do it
See if the church's can handle that bullshit for 8 years

I seem to recall that culture and Europe flourished when they revised the Bible.

This isn't really a good solution, just allow the law to take place naturally. I'm sure police can get warrants for churches just like any building.

Every single time, without fail. And yet Holla Forums keeps falling for it. And yet Holla Forums ignores it. And yet the mods do nothing about it.

Here's a hint dipshit, there isn't a single chuch older then a thousand years that isn't physically built on top of a pagan temple.

Now you're saying all non-Christian Europeans were fags. Your nose is showing Moishe, might want to buy some coffee at the shop next to the Jaffa JIDF headquarters.

Christians never understood Western civilization, and never will.

You believe that?

Yes we actually used to purge our race of traitorous queers.

Stop acting like a cuck then.

Terrible idea in every way shape and form. That's why separation of church and state really exists. You got butthurt about that though and you're trying your luck again now, which just means your tax exempt status will be overturned or your entire church population will be arrested under accessory charges.

Are you saying the Jewish volcano demon YHWH isn't Semitic?


No Christian Church harbors illegals brown skins or blacks.

Any white who offers sanctuary to illegals will be shot on sight.



YHWH isn't the God the Father in Christianity.

RWDS. Any building caught harboring immigrants will be burned down with the inhabitants inside.

Because Christianity is better. Throw out old junk nobody uses.

Never said that. That's an amazing leap in logic shlomo. Try going to Sunday school!

Christianity unified the white race to some degree unlike paganism. Is it a pure coincidence that all of the greatest achievements happened under Christianity?

And there it is friends, the old lie.

You're faith isn't even united under one denomination.


"…all significant concepts of the modern theory of the state are secularized theological concepts" - Carl Schmitt

Christianity and all other proselytizing religions all have one thing in common: GOTTA GET MORE MONEY. They don't care where the money comes from, so they'll proselytize any shitskin to get it.

This is the number one reason why Christianity cannot be trusted to do whites any justice. Show me a single denomination with white interest as the FOCUS of their agenda. You can't, because it doesn't exist. Either does it exist in paganism. We must worship ourselves as a race; there is no other alternative.


Fuck, wrong image.

Why do you think anyone gives a shit about what you have to say at this point? You harbor illegals, give aid to nonwhites, and put religion over race. Christian is codeword for anti-white.

Are you not capable of understanding Christianity before the 20th century? Do you think any of that shit was commonplace before the last 50 years. Go do some actual reading and research into why the Jews have hated Christianity for so long.

Pagans are? There aren't even enough to be relevant.

The William L. Pierce way is pretty cool, if you want to become a god then go for it. You have to understand that the average person isn't smart enough to understand that though and need rigid guidelines and doctrine so they can be told what is/isn't acceptable.

The post

Our ancestral faith are bound to our Blood and Soil. You'll not dishonor the Old Ways you rat.

People think like this, and we wonder why our race is dying, lol



Chuches can't harbor criminals and it's just "ok".

So no law then. Fuck 'em.

You all faggots aren't focusing on the right thing.
The real question is, How do we redpill the pope and make him one of us?
With memes, anything is possible.

It were commonplace when you had your Communist Worker's revolt to subvert 'pagan' Rome.

God, all of you are retarded if you think that ICE is going to round up and deport anyone who isn't a criminal. There's no reason to spread terror and increase hatred toward the US when an economic solution is much cheaper, and much simpler. If you restrict the gibs to the spics, and crack down on illegal work, eventually you'll starve them out of the country. The few that turn to crime will get arrested and deported that way. But let them go three months without EBT and they'll be begging to get out of the country. Cities and states will be strictly audited for their welfare recipients, and any city or state that is found in non-compliance will lose their federal welfare funding. States will fall in line quickly. Imagine what would happen if commiefornia niggers found out they lost all their gibs because a bunch of illegal spics are living next door. Doing it that way and even that shit state will fall in line. probably not though. shithole has such a large economy, they might actually be able to survive without federal aid, other states wouldn't though

Introduce him to the business end of a shotgun and explain how things are going to work in white ethnostates from now on. refusal means death

Let's look at Christianity prior to the 20th century:

Methodism today has 80 million adherents worldwide.

Wesley was also an ardent abolitionist:

Examining his writings, Wesley supported racial equality from a Christian perspective. From John Wesley on Race: A Christian View of Equality

That's a lot but maybe 10-20% of those will consider being sanctuaries, and even fewer will remain as such for long. It's a problem, but one that will solve itself.

One step at a time. Rome was not built in a day.

Actually jews had a good advantage
Even with the restrictions, the profession was so lucrative that by the later Middle Ages, the restrictions on it began to break down. One loophole was Lombard Banking, which was a type of pawnbroking. Another loophole:
Eventually the whole system broke down with the development of relatively modern banking systems in Italy. The preeminent family in European banking in the 15th century were the Medici. Later, they were replaced by the German banking family the Fuggers.
However, the Jews were still involved in moneylending, and had a head start on it before anyone else. Many of them developed close relationships with monarchs and nobility in the phenomenon known as the Court Jew.
This lasted well into the 18th century.

Like most of Holla Forums, the Church wants to destroy postmodern bullshit. Unfortunately, strategy is to demographically replace SJWs and, by extension, all other white people.

This. We need to redpill the Pope. I'm no Christian, but the man needs to stop being a cuck. Promoting fag marriage won't a single leftist into the pews. He needs to be more like Benedict XVI – or as he should be known, Real Pope.


If you can't handle an actual argument, you just needed to say that you're a weakling and I would have left you alone bro. No hard feelings.

I'll pray for you.

Godly niggers like you don't get an argument, only scorn and disgust.

All men are equal in the eyes of God not in the eyes of other men. Just because some black guy can go to Heaven doesn't mean you have to import them en masse or even associate with them.

It's unfortunate so many leaders kept falling for Jewish tricks. Kikes have been kicked out of every country and they always find a way back in.


The only Christians I'm okay with are the Amish and the Mennonites.

Here's an argument for race traitors like you. The day fast approaches.

That's not how Wesley saw it.

They didn't 'fall' for the tricks, they profited directly from them.

Top kek. Pretty cute famarino.

You are a cancer if you believe the larger society, be it governmental or religious and ideals thereof should usurp that of a family.
Every individual has one purpose: survive.
This translates directly to: become immortal or reproduce.
Allowing an external force to alter the mentality of a child in deviation to that of a parent or to set parents and children or siblings against eachother for their own purposes is exactly equivalent to murder.
You accept it because you have been brainwashed to believe it, not because it is morally upright or just or anything other than your own mental servitude, you are pathetic and you demonstrate that in your beliefs.

There is no second step. Removing gibs from the states and cities who don't fall in line is the only feasible way to get spics to bail. Sure, churches may keep them going for a few months, but the churches cant support the whole nation. They might be able to take in 3 million illegals, but what are they going to do when 3 million niggers come knocking because they didn't get their gibs either? Lets say that the various churches DO manage to take in that many shitskins, how long do you think whites are going to pay for people to live their? 6-10 million people shitting up the nations churches are going to redpill a shitload of people to the realities of race. unless you're talking about commiefornia, in which case they'll probably find a way to secede and join mehico

Sure thing bro I'll stop pounding your ass, watch that bold font though, someone might think you were mad.

Have some Joseph de Maistre, as a parting gift.

Laudate Dominum.

Race traitors are worse than nonwhites. Given one bullet and faced with an enemy and a traitor, the traitor gets the bullet every time.

I hate to break it to you, bro:

Lol, pretty bootyblasted m8. You might wanna calm down before you have an aneurysm.

;_; I still forgive them. They may be cucked but you can't expect anything else from Christians. Besides, their food is god-tier.


That's good for you.

Europe wasn't won by Christianity; it was won by whites who didn't allow other races into their lands, and as many have pointed out, nowhere in the bible will you find anything about preventing non-whites from entering your lands. It was whites with a natural love for their own race, not Christianity.

Christianity has only proved to soften whites to ideas they would have abhorred in the past.

Right wing death squads are coming your way soon, neighbor. You will not be given the chance for mercy.

Slurp slurp.
That's me licking the salty tears from your eyes, lmfao.

Tripfagging has only proved to soften imageboards to ideas they would have abhorred in the past.


So what's the problem with replacing Christcuckery?
No one is truly Christian anymore, so what is the problem with burning down all the Chuches?

Valid point.


Not an argument.

Well then that guy is a faggot. There's no requirement to do that he just had jungle fever and decided to impose that on others. You can be pro white and Christian.

Economic profit sure, overall a hindrance on society.

Replace it with what? Do you really think you're going to convince the average person to burn down their church and start worshiping a tree?

But that is literally a core doctrine of Christ's preachings. Jews aren't saved just because "we have Abraham as our father".

Well that is the logic of the cuck I'm debating.


You can also have black skin and not be a savage. We don't base judgement on a group by its outliers.

Lol, butthurt nigger.

I was saying that you can prioritize the worst illegals before more, multiple steps to the end goal. Absolutely end funding to sanctuaries cities, funding to sanctuary churches will dry up when the churchgoers don't want to go to them.

I don't understand how any Church raises money for sand monkies. Christians and Catholics in sandnigger land are constantly killed, raped and butchered for not worshiping some kiddy diller, but in the West the same people they kill give them their hard earned monies.

That is an argument actually, also fuck off with your tripfagging.

Many churches, even random ones, are frankly quite beautiful buildings. They could be part playground/part home for Aryan families.

Ok… the church can't take in all of them. Indeed they won't be able to support them forever.
If they are going to rot in a basement while people throw their money away, then we can wait for them to come out.

You'd have to replace the crosses with Swastikas.

I think a lot of it is old white people who have little real-world experience with blacks and hispanics.

Okay varg.

Yep Christianity has been importing shitskins since ever. That's why Europe is already black. You don't seem to be able to understand Christianity prior to the Vatican II cuckery.

I have a feeling (((churches))) would be very much against that.

Fucking Whites, amirite? Letting themselves breed with niggers and jews and mestizos, they obviously want to die and have never done anything worthwhile, they deserve to die. Look at their societies, complete trash! Whore and homos and homeless and drug addicts and foreigners everywhere! Irredeemable!

this is what you all sound like sage for off topic

I say we station a 24/7 ICE guard outside of any church that does this, and we tax them the churches holding illegals for the thousands it costs to keep ICE there. Of course, we could always just storm the place.

Some simple crosses you might salvage if they are artistic, as it is an ancient symbol that predates Christianity, but the specifically Christian iconography does definitely have to go.


Daily reminder that it was the original jewish funded reference bible that fooled half the USA into thinking jews are god's chosen people. Christianity was just fine till jews subverted it, wasn't a single Christian country that didn't kick out jews for one reason or another.

The modern message of "muh egalitarianism, muh refugees" is a wholly fabricated message from, surprise surprise, jew funded megachurches. It's the exact same thing as jews subverting the media, and we can fix both.

If you genuinely believe we're going to instead turn the entire country into frog worshipping meme magicians, you need to kill yourself. The real redpill here is that, deep down, Americans aren't even religious. Most of them go to church, but you'll be surprised how quickly they'll drop support of their local churches with this kind of fag shit, all it'll take is a bit of pushing. We've got the antisemitic history, we have the facts that prove jewish subversion in church and state, all we need to do is keep our memes on point. Trump will see to the rest.

But pro white pagans are the outlier, whereas most right wingers and anti-immigration folks are Christian.
Tell me, did you ever see an antifa recruiting stand at a Christian church?

This is the company you keep.


I was talking and dunecoons. Look up how they treat Christians in their lands. The Church sends in nunes to help these animals, and how are they repaied? They break into the nunes homes and rape and kill them. Christian/Chatloc towns have their children constantly raped and butchered by these mudshits, but this is never spoken about. But here in the west you call a dunecoon and dunecoon and its national headlines.


Good. They don't have the right to change people.

Not because of, but in spite of Christianity. The popes protected Jews over and over and over again.

Ill-feeling towards Jews by the populace was generally over their usury.

Yeah bro, I agree. Fuck white women.

That's fine and all but there's a good long history of Protestants and Catholics that despised jews and jews were kicked out of their countries for much more than just usury.

Even Benjamin Franklin recommended that we deny jews citizenship and Luther's "The Jews and their Lies" leaves little to the imagination. Point being, the majority of Christendom understood the jews to be of their father the devil as they say.

"White" is a culture, not just a race. They are as much a traitor as you would consider any number of other white women for forsaking their culture on behalf of an Abrahamic sand God. As are you.

And it all becomes irrelevant when we glass Israel and eradicate the Nose from existence

If you mean how Muslims treat local Christian populations, yes, that is bad. Western Christians mostly don't give a shit though, they are fawning over Israel. Like Hayovel who harvest grapes for free for Israeli farmers. They would never do that for Christian farmers. See video.

Good. Every society should reject the Christian poison that will later be used to manipulate them into supporting Jews, among all of the other issues that come with Christianity. I frankly worry about Christianity making headway into China and other parts of the Far East.

So would you consider the pagans who converted to Christianity and their subsequent lineage being innate traitors worthy of death? Because I seem to recall most whites converted.

If a religion breaks a federal law, it must be punished.
Christianity in the United States must be punished.
Judaism in the United States must be punished.
Islam in the United States must be punished.

Well I guess that makes you my enemy, and I'm not gonna lay down and drop dead.

The irrationality continues. We need religion.

Culture is a choice. The individuals who made that choice sure.

Dude, I just posted a Papal Bull defending Jews. You want more?

You must love your sand God.

Holy fuck, completely BTFO. How the fuck are anti-Christian cucks going to recover?

So you'd be fine with killing 40% of white people?

How can these people not see they are being used? Holy fuck talk about being a good goy.

Funny how we all shit on religion or the blind shit like in video. But religion is important and a great counter to the bullshit we see to day across the world.

Here is a good click by Yuri to explain the importance of religion.

And more:

>The religious restrictions on moneylending had inadvertently created a source of monopoly rents, causing profits associated with moneylending to be higher than they otherwise would have been.[4] By most parameters, the standard of living of the Jewish community was at least equal to that of the lower nobility.[5]

The latter reference [5] is from Roth, N. (2002). Medieval Jewish Civilization: An Encyclopedia. Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages 7. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415937124.

Let those two quoted sentences sink in. Many Jews point to their ill-treatment during the Middle Ages, but for almost everyone of European ancestry, our family tree back then was made up overwhelmingly of serfs. By contrast, Jews as a whole had a standard of living consistent with that of the lower nobility.

I never called for killing anyone, I simply lack empathy for people who would betray their culture and push the culture of another group in place of it like an actual cultural cancer. They should be deprogrammed, not slaughtered.

At least 40% of whites have made the choice to become Christians.
And you think it would be fine to kill them, or at the very least turn your head if they were killed.

Where have I heard this before? Seems very familiar.

Thanks fam, every cent helps

It's fucking stupid, isn't it?

A large sum of goons have infiltrated and decided to push D&C through religious lines because it's easy pickings.
The mods' inaction has only exacerbated the problem.

I've noticed it's gotten heavier over the past few months, and I'm sure it's going to get worse as Christmas/Yule comes. Still though, I hope this is just a few dedicated shills. I thought we -the various lurkers- had reached a sort of rudimentary understanding that Christians and Pagans must work together on this, just as Irish and English must work together.

You aren't special because you are white, you very likely have a higher potential but that means nothing if you never use it.
Being brainwashed into pushing the culture of another group makes you inherently inferior as an individual to that other group.
Should that potential be salvaged if at possible? Absolute. Does that mean people are their potential in the face of what they choose to be? No.

looking at the pastors of that church, It didn't even look like one. I do recall the picture being larger and a lot of symbolism going on the robes and walls

To put this another way:
Christianity instills a sense of absolute morality, original sin, etc. It is conceptually identical to extremist Liberalism. See:

Almost nobody here has rational opinions. Here is another fact:


The study shows that you are more racist if you are religious. If we only consider the facts, then this whole discussion becomes superfluous

It changes nothing, all of these are in response to rampant anti-jewish behavior within Christian communities. They were expelled from nearly every western nation and in many times during the middle ages, during the crusades especially, Christians would just go into jewish towns and massacre them or force them to convert. All of these papal defenses of jews are in response to the fact that the vast majority of Christianity was anti-semitic, and the efforts to stem the antisemitism failed.

Let's not forget the Catholic sanctioning of the Nazis, people like video related who lead large jew-wise christian movements and again, the fact that this sudden feverish love for jews was spawned by jewish subversion.

Sums it up perfectly.

You mean Heaven is full of niggers already? Gross, why does anybody want to go then.

You could start quoting Shakespeare and most Christians wouldn't know the difference.

We don't call you lot heretics for nothing.

Sometimes I just wish they would shit on Trump and anime in the same post they shit on Christianity so we could all see their true colors with no room for deniability of who they are.

Do you bash Kek posters for celebrating a non-European God?
Do you bash anime posters for celebrating a non-European medium of entertainment?

Sorry, but there are just some tenants innate to Holla Forums that are never going away no matter how much you kvetch or claim it's denigrating white culture.

Modernity Liberalism or Classical Liberalism?

The soul isn't bound by the physical body, so by extension there are no "races" in heaven.
No, there are no nogs in heaven.

Christian natsoc myself. Putting god before country doesn't mean being a cuckold you mongoloid. The best form of worship is uplifting your people, not abiding by legalisms.

Kek is more European than any Abrahamic God simply because Kek was the Abrahamic God's original enemy and the Abrahamic God usurped our Gods. Europeans didn't have monotheistic beliefs, our open and accepting nature allows for the glory that is Kek.

Modern, sorry for the second post I missed this on the first read.

The churches are literally mobilizing their forces to turn America into a ghetto, but still you defend these people!

No, it's native to Africans. You might have a point in saying it's more "white", but that's not very consistent with your argument. You claim any non-European religion is traitorous. So why aren't you shitting on Kek to signal to outlier puritans such as yourself?

Not going to happen. Pence ran specifically on a platform of repealing the Johnson amendment and protecting church tax exemption in perpetuity.

Trump brought Pence on board to deliver the evangecuck vote. And Trump couldn't have won without the evangecucks. This is the price that was paid for that vote.

Which is fine. There are lots and lots of private institutions who are going to resist attempts to deport illegals. They're not important. The state is the first and last enforcer of immigration. Private institutions aren't necessary to deport them all.

Implying Christianity isn't a form of atheism
Implying you worship God and not Jesus
Implying race isn't inherently religious
Implying you can reach God outside of Race.
Implying you aren't a proto-leftist

It is also important to point out that the primary persecutor of the Jews was not your knight or warrior type but instead was the peasant who had to deal with the Jew daily.

Even during the Black Death the pope ordered knights and those of noble birth to defend Jews against these peasants. And at this point it was blasphemy to actually read the bible and not be a priest so one has to wonder how Christian these peasants were who killed the most Jews. Of course local Priests were involved but not on orders from the church.

"Although the Pope Clement VI tried to protect them by the July 6, 1348 papal bull and another 1348 bull, several months later, 900 Jews were burnt in Strasbourg, where the plague hadn't yet affected the city. Clement VI condemned the violence and said those who blamed the plague on the Jews (among whom were the flagellants) had been "seduced by that liar, the Devil.""

Egypt was White unlike the Levant.

Innately retarded logic.
You worship both.
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
Christians are more right-wing than atheists and pagans.

Every cult and religious sect within the Christian denomination says the exact opposite, but oh no, your interpretation is the right one.

I have an idea! Nothing prettier than watching a church's holy light in the night

That was never my point.

Way to not address the issue, Christcuck.

What do you have to say about the church being infrastructurally-pozzed to the point of being totally beyond redemption or recovery?

Also, protip: A lot more of my entirely-European ancestors have been non-Christians than have been Christians.

These churches are actively aiding in the invasion of our homeland, you jew-loving race traitor.

Kek is Ancient Egyptian, aka Aryan.

Sheltering nonwhite invaders isn't rightwing, and christianity is atheism, as you worship a mortal jew and in your heart you don't believe in any true higher power.

You think God is a man called Jesus and the Bible is the Word of God and since the Word is God, you belief the Bible is God.

That is atheism.

No, I only worship God.

I see, not argument.

No argument either.

Of course, but I am neither of those.

That's all you got?

So if a group of Brits goes to Senegal and starts a druid themed religion, is it not European?

The only reason you claim orthodoxy isn't cucked, is because you don't really know or undestand what it is. It's a foreign form of Christianity.

There was a point when Christianity wasn't pozzed. So why throw it out now that it's been subverted. Should we destroy everything subverted by Jews?

The majority of churches aren't harboring them though.
Why judge the religion based upon self-indignant and heretical outliers?

I don't think the separation of church and state (which isn't actually explicitly stated, just a widely accepted interpretation) allows for churches to harbor illegal immigrants. Churches are given some leeway in regards to legality, but it's almost always up to the federal government to decide. Trump or at least congress can absolutely force churches to give up their illegals. The only issue is that libshits will use this fracture point for nation-wide D&C.

I have made no such claim. My claim is that the Abrahamic religions specifically are mind-viruses that weaken cultures and peoples and spread like cancer. Monotheism is inherently evil, our accepting nature has been used against us but I don't inherently despise other cultures any more than I despise wild animals, I try to give them their distance out of respect for their ability to exist but if they bite I would absolutely slaughter one to take to a hospital and determine if it had rabies or to find an appropriate antivenom. Our accepting nature and desire to improve ourselves and others while maintaining individuality is to be preserved, that is what makes us us from a purely cultural standpoint, all the "good" parts of Christianity are encompassed in those traits but they are coupled with the Abrahamic beliefs of intolerance, original sin, life-long debt, etc which are not us, they are a foreign mind virus infecting people en mass. You cure a virus when possible, you mourn the passing where appropriate and in extreme cases take the vectors and hosts out of the equation. You don't however mourn the loss of the hopelessly infected who subjected themselves to it - I would equate a missionary as identical to someone who went to an Ebola-torn nation to "assist" and got infected, only worse because rather than trying to help the indigenous population they were trying to infect them.

The father is not the son, the son is not the father, yadda yadda.

No you don't.

No, it's actually "back up your claim".

See above.

Christianity is innately forum to any and all European populations - it's foundational events transpire in the Middle East, for fuck's sake.

You don't need Christianity to fight degeneracy, and an attempt to cling too tightly to this flawed ideology introduced by foreign Jews.
If you can argue that paganism deserved to die after tens of thousands of years of European belief, you can as-easily argue this failed Jewish experiment called Christendom deserves to be abolished where suboptimal.

Why does this have any relevance? Jews were sometimes protected and often also exiled by Christians but why does it matter? Christianity is one of the strongest factors in choosing a right-wing party during elections. Europe is so far to the left because there are so many athists.

Oh I see, you faggots managed to derail this into a christian D&C thread. Good shit.

The religious averages are still lower then the voting average for White Males, proving it's gender and race and not religion which is the issue.

You are the Heretic to the majority of Christians, even on /christian/.

You really ought to check out >>>/christpol/

What would Jesus do? He would have given these people sanctuary.

Christcuckery is cucked all the way to its very core. The only reason it became uncucked was because our people tried to change it to suit our nature but it was like the ring of sauron and its ultimate kikery has fucked us.

Superstition pretending to be theology.

Right, because you intimately know me….

Why? I state the obvious, why back it up?

Still no argument.

Please tell me more stories about becoming a slave of jesus.

Nothing to do with what I wrote down.

Explain why.
1) It's not obvious if someone has to ask what the fuck you're even talking about
2) Non-obvious claims require citations, or at the very least a brief summary.

The statistics clearly show that religion is a very big factor. Atheists have voted with almost 70% for Clinton. Learn to read statics.

In other words, there is no law protecting these churches from harboring criminals.

Oh, you mean the churches that are mostly non-white and/or liberal to begin with? What a shocker. Pic related.
Too bad, shills. White Christians continue the march to MAGA with or without you!

That has nothing to do with it - people don't vote right because they're Christians, they vote right because they hold certain beliefs, some of which Christianity tangentially or coincidentally supports. Chastity and fidelity, for example.
The only reason Muslims don't vote overwhelimingly 'conservative' is because of taqiyya and leftists being likely to grant them power via that route - as soon as said Muslims achieve power, they seek to institute political conditions which make our version of the right-wing look comparatively progressive… Thus, the notion that people only lean right because of christianity is ridiculous, likewise that religions that promote right-wing voting are necessarily beneficial.

There is no need for Christianity to advance our position, and it will likely be a real hindrance.
As an example: Something like 70% of White US Christians support immigration/amnesty, thus the position of that 70% on, say, abortion or fag marriage, is rather meaningless.

Obviously, God cannot be a man and at the same time be seperate from the universe.

It's very simple, Race is religious and spiritual/

Citations of what exactly? The Bible, science journals?

Yes, the religion of Race is the main factor, that is the people that are race aware where most likely to vote for Trump.

By Islamic law, you can marry your 12 year old cousin AND a negress you abducted from her tribe in Africa.

Islam is not conservative.

Which is why I said they are not the same thing. Looks like you inadvertently agree with said "superstition".

Yes, I am literate. You've already said as much. All I asked is how you came to that conclusion.

Did you miss the
Just in your own words describe the "why".
If it's as obvious as you claim, it shouldn't be very hard to explain.

You think racially conscience people outnumber religious people?

And yet, white Christians have chosen Trump and the most religious among them voted in even larger numbers for Trump.

Really, so Jesus is just a man and everything he said can be savely ignored then?

Well, people who are not atheist have a kind of inner sense, you could call it a soul or a spirit, which allows us to see what happens in the domain of God.

Again, quote what exactly, what source of authority?

Just in your own words describe the "why". If it's as obvious as you claim, it shouldn't be very hard to explain.

The sky is blue, this is obvious, unless your blind.

I can't help you if your missing that part of your brain that allows you to talk to God.

T-t-they were voting because of racial awareness of course. Don't pay attention to me not have any data for this. Heh heh heh.

No, I said all racially conscious people are following the religion of Race, regardless if they are Christian, atheists or something else.

That makes no sense.

This is why you don't stray from what the Bible says, be it making a Pope or removing books from the Bible. To quote Paul and Jesus:
"And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him."
-Mark 12:17
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."
-Romans 13:1-7

And on what basis do you distinguish this "sense" from your own internal thoughts and emotions?
What makes this "sense" different from just "feeling" it to be true?

Alright, show me data showing a comparison between racial awareness and voting patern.

So every church is going to be full of illegal Mexicans for the next 8 years?

Redpilled priests incoming.


Well, those of use who SEE, experience it as something seperate from our own throughts and emotions.

I know this is hard to understand, seeing that you are an atheists, who need to look for God in a book, instaid of talking to him directly.

First two definitions for 'conservative' via Jewgle:

In terms of context, it is MORE conservative to support very-young women being married off and abolishment of concern over miscegenation in terms of conquered foreign women.

You're still just defelecting though, because those same Muslims seek policies that are MORE right-wing, MORE 'conservative', than US Republicans once they achieve power - again, the only reason they support a 'left-wing' stance is because taqiyya allows them to do so and via that route increase their numbers and thus their likelihood of gaining power.

> Should be allowed to stay legally if they meet certain requirements
> Catholic: 77%
> Protestant: 69%

Something like 70% of White US Christians support immigration/amnesty, thus the position of that 70% on, say, child brides or miscegenation, is rather meaningless.

Christians didn't vote for trump, conservative whites did. Conservative whites tend to be christian now, but you talk to the younger conservative generations and they don't really seem enamored with Christianity.

The christian spics for example, voted against Trump so seems like christianity has nothing to do with Holla Forums,

How do you expect me to take someone who can't even right-click and choose the correct spelling seriously?
Besides, Jesus is the son of the heavenly father, both of which are under the concept of "God". Just because a lot of people refer to the father solely as God does not make it so.

You aren't going to weasel your way out of explaining it by brushing it off on a false equivalence.
You can't spout esoteric nonsense then claim "It jus b obvious n shiet. I ain't gotta splain nuffin :^)".

Are you retarded. The nuclear family is an anti-aryan innovation that emerged out of the societal turmoil of the industrial revolution and every society that adopts it in place of the extended family quickly descends into hedonism and despair as your family that doesn't live with you becomes something over the hills and far away.

Yes. Be like the Jews and worship your race. Be like the Jews and hype yourself into believing you have no weaknesses. How well is willful blindness to your weaknesses working out for the Jews again?


That's not how it works, user

That was never his point though, only that sheer numbers were what pushed Trump.
You think America would be fine if we got rid of all Christians, kept the atheists and the minority of racially conscience whites?
Because he was making the claim that that would be detrimental according to the poll.

You talk to G-d directly pal? Wew

Again not an argument, either Jesus is God and then you worship a man, or he is not, but then everything he said was just his opinion.

Right, I don't expect an atheist to understand the esoteric, I mean, you think God is a book, you think God is a bunch of words, how are you going to understand God then?

I can't help you if you are blind.

You are conflating the ideals used to control them with the ideals they are subjected to through that control.
They voted for Trump because they were inherently the most difficult to control (when contrasted with things like modern progressives.)
Just because a form of brainwashing isn't effective enough to make someone walk off a cliff doesn't mean that the same form of brainwashing effective enough to disown or distance a parent and child or other familial bonds or to accept such ridiculous notions as "original sin" (which at the implementation level is absolutely equivalent to "privilege") and a life of charity (giving up your family's place on the economic ladder for the least deserving in society if you make it in spite of all the other controls) and "working hard" (doing it cheaply and to the point you have no time for actual spiritual development because of all the work, but hey, the spirit will just miraculously grow if you repent) is in any way good for an individual, a family or a society.
"Christcuck" is an entirely fitting term for willingly being spoonfed nonsense to fulfill spiritual impulses while having your morality supplanted by a slave-like mentality to both yourself and your family.

I am talking about Race, not religion, so stop dividing between atheist and christian and starting thinking in terms of racial aware and racially unaware.

If you're an atheist, sure thats what it sounds like.

Almost 70% of all atheists chose Clinton, do not you understand what that means?

You have no idea. See pictures.

This is like saying atheism was a mistake. The core of the problem is the progressive, Marxist SJW mindset (created by Jews obviously) that pervades any and everything in the mainstream.

Either way, what they're doing is still illegal and plenty of Christians don't like what their cuck leaders are doing and want all Mexicans to go and have zero rapefugee influx, just like in Europe with their cucked political leaders being bribed.

That wasn't "the church", it was just that everyone was forced to be in the church. It was the people.

If we got rid of Christians, then our morality would split into two forms

1. Eugenics and natural science

2. Faggots worshiping Satan — oh wait, there are no Christians to piss off so the Satan meme loses steam. So just Commie faggots

Then maybe, people wouldn't say "you're bad person for sticking up for your race" and expect it to work. Because there is no more slave morality.

Without slave morality, the shitskins and Jews lose their power of guilt politics

Well, it's so obvious. They voted because of racial awareness, or the lack thereof. It had nothing to do with religion. Where are the numbers supporting this claim? Oh, I don't need those. =^)

Mexicans are going to drag their criminal family members into those churches to Anne Frank it during the Trumpocaust and those wetbacks are going to fuck anything that moves in those houses of God, I tell you what.

The same sort of mentality which supports the notion of a nation being a matter of ideas supports to notion of the divine being a Semitic tome.

Did someone ask you your religion when voting? No one asked my religion. I think your stats are fucking Liberal pollster bullshit.

The concept of a Holy Book, or that of a Messiah, Prophet or Perfect Man are all atheistical.

Christianity/Islam/Judaism are atheistical.

I posted a lot of data, see:

user, I was trying to be sarcastic.

Problem with number 1 is that there are no relative forms of morality with eugenics, since it's wiping out entire gene pools just for the sake of perfection. Same could be said with natural science, since I'm assuming morality there at best would be "survival of the fittest". Nature doesn't accommodate for everyone, so fuck the population if a huge chunk doesn't fit rigid standards.

The implication with number 2 is that Satan worshippers will somehow magically disappear just because Christians are gone. Protip: they won't. So long as an edgy group exists within the population, doing dumb shit like worshiping satan will persist, with or without christians. Plus, devil/demon acknowledgement and worship does happen in religions other than Christianity, which you seem to have missed. Didn't suit your argument, though, huh?

Idiots will be idiots. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't tell it to drink.

Jews aren't a race. They're a "chosen" people who think they are a race. We are a race.

Maybe you shouldn't have shunned science for the Bible and you would know this. Now you give power to the Jews in two ways

1. You make them Chosen by calling them a race.

2. You re-enforce the Chosen meme by supporting their mythology in worshiping their ancestors instead of your own.

The Logos isn't a kike or a Nazarene or whatever you want to call it. It's the force of reason in the universe. And you have abandoned to worship this Semitic demon called Christ.

No, he was anti-Jews who rejected his teachings. But he still made Jews the most famous tribe in the world and that is why usury laws were able to give Jews power over all Christian Nations for a thousand years

Christianity died on its arse in Europe because it got political. All the churches were fully in favour of WW1 and painted it as a Christian duty to go fight. But everyone ended up being against WW1, after it ended anyway. And since the churches aligned with it and ended up on the wrong side people stopped going.

People today are overwhelmingly in favour of getting the illegals out. Churches giving sanctuary to them are attaching themselves to the wrong side of public opinion like they did with WW1. This will just make it so fewer people want to attend church.

we would turn into Europe.

If they're harboring criminals, they shouldn't get special treatment.
Sanctuary was originally intended to protect believers who were in imminent danger of death or persecution.
They have no religious, legal, or social right to break the law by being here illegally.
Take away their exemption and start arresting priests who flout the law.

Right, because Europe isn't around 70% Christian.

Europe proto-Christianity?
No thanks, I don't want to live in a mudhut.

Those images come from the fucking article I cited.

It means those with an emptiness of soul tend to support the left. Nothing more.

> Is deportation of illegal immigrants a good thing?
> Bad thing
> Catholic: 46%
> Protestant: 44%

> In most cases, nearly half say its a bad thing - and more than half in ALL clades suggest illegals should be given amnesty if they meet certain conditions.

Yeah, in most cases, they did.

It had more to do with race than religion, and where it had to do with religion, it had more to do with belief (not in a given God, but in certain principles, like chastity and fidelity) than religion.

We don't have any numbers to cite at the moment, none that are truly reliable.
If you're talking about exit polling, being White seems to have been a greater correlate with voting preference than religion - 70%+ of niggers, spics and chanks voted left, yet I'm sure a great many of them would be viable to be described as 'Christian'.

70% of all atheists chose Clinton, almost all atheists are white, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?

No you don't get it idiot! Christianity is a mind virus! The majority of white people are wrong!

Well, at least we would finally spiritually reconnect with our ancestral past! I'm sure things will just magically work out from there.

Again, we are talking about racially aware and racially unware.

Obviously, Christianity isn't racially aware, since Christians voting Trump are lower then White Males voting Trump.

Christianity is just a less corrupt form of leftist atheism.


Then where is your data showing this?

How is that wrong?
You want retards to breed? Do you spay your pets? How do you think we created suck awesome cats and dogs from wild beasts? You think ancient Europeans did not practice eugenics? How do you think we evolved above the "beasts with hands" as the bible puts it? Have you never heard of Sparta, Vikings, National Socialism?

There is nothing immoral about creating a better people. Survival of the fittest was a misinterpretation of Darwin anyway and we can see that it's not true in nature. Over time, chaos always wins. So you get strong to brace YOUR KIND against the waves of impending change.

Satan = Christians pissing off dad. If Christians go, you have nothing but a bunch of shitskins and Jews worshiping something that looks totally fucking ridiculous. They will be seen as no better than Africans worshiping voo doo

That's common sense. If I thought Christianity would stop race mixing and fight the Jew World Order, I would become one TODAY. But it is the very power from which those force derive.

Protip: Europeans were white for all of human history until Christianity. Spain, Italy, Greece, Eastern Europe are not white anymore. We fucking lost
We've lost
Unless something changes, no wall will prevent our extinction

Nowhere, I am making an educated guess, based on common sense.

Never implied anything differently.

A guess is still a guess.

knock it off

I didn't know Christianity magically turned white people brown. I always thought it was waves of Muslims invading European countries and interbreeding with the European women to create a halfling.

Learn something new everyday.


This is total bullshit polling like all polls

Do you have anything better, like arguments or hard facts, are you saying racially aware people are more likely to vote Clinton.

I can not believe how stupid you are. You have to compare these numbers with the population average. Christians are more conservative, even on immigration.

Sorry, rockhuts. My bad.

You must be pretty delusional to think that Christianity means architecture, are you a mason? Because masons belief the ancient Jews where somehow great architects.

For someone who has been in this topic long enough to have 24 posts, you somehow failed to see the graphs showing political affiliation by religion and race. So yes, there are hard facts. Where are yours?










Sigh, like I pointed out atleast two times, all those religions are lower then the average for White Male Voters, why isn't any religion 70% or 80% why are they all below 60%.

No, but someone asked them their religion and candidate prior/post voting.

That's nice. Still waiting for those numbers saying people voted for Trump entirely based on racial awareness.

So the answer is to make White people stop being Christians, not to employ the flawed argument that being White and being Christian are correlated in the present age due to anything but Christianity having bloodily purged all opposition amongst the White European populace after its introduction by foreign Semites.

Well no shit when you factor in the niggers and the women in the total shifts towards the prog offering gibs, that's why the jews gave them the vote in the first place.

polls are lies

Trump proved this

Because only white people can be white people.
Niggers gonna nig, regardless of their religion or if they even follow it's doctrine.

Why? I already told you I don't have them and was making an educated guess.

Then thanks for admitting your claims are weak.

All surveys from all survey institutions show the same. People like you are precisely the irrational and paranoid cancer no one needs. By the way, I am not religious.

No, lying polls are lies.
Are you going to throw out the polls that accurately predicted a Trump win?

Those numbers have been in the news for weeks

Those numbers have been on Holla Forums

they called it a fucking white lash for Godin sakes!

All lies

But you both are two fucking stupid to see the lie is anti-Christian.

You can't even see that.

So they're lies even when the outcome becomes the truth?
You don't throw out the baby with the bathwater faggot.
Not even Trump claimed all polls are skewed.

This. Nobody called it a christian backlash.In fact, I have barely heard anything about christianity in the media anymore now other than approving articles concerning the Pope's new shitlib positions.

I think christianity is on the decline its time is over, at least among white people. Sure christians are breeding but they are mormons and amish. Both of which are pretty backwards and frankly full of inbreds and mentally ill people.

Because in America, Christendom is implicitly white.
Just the same way "White working class" implies "White working class Christian male".

2/10 not even subtle. This your first day?

No, not weak, based on common sense.

Or do you think racially aware people would vote Clinton?

Yes. How do you think Clinton got the shitskin and Jews vote?

Since when are bastard peoples, races?

WE are a Race, THEY are not.

church should be a sanctuary

Huh, so their identity as a race is just a social construct then. =^)

Race don't real, dummy!

Yes, they are not a real race.

Do you have an argument, why they are.

How about you tell me why they're not first? I can't tell you why they are without knowing what I'm arguing against.

We are playing that game again. No. I will not.

I am not going to spoonfeed you, either you have a solid reason to dismiss my arguments, or you do not.

Last chance, give an argument, why I am wrong.

You're right. You're not playing a game. You need skills to do that in the first place.

Meanwhile in Russia

and… hidden.



Totally false

Most Christians in America are Latino and Black. What country do you come from? White people are the least religious people in the country.

Atheism in America is implicitly white, because they are more intelligent


Do you have any arguments, why my claims are wrong?

Actually, that would be the Jews. Atheism in racially Jewish groups is rampant. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence, right?

It takes 30,000 years to create a race. It is physically impossible for Jews to be a race

Once again the Christcuck is trying to prove Jews are a chosen race. Good or evil, they are mongrels and there was never even a kingdom of Israel. They have always been mongrels

Wrong, every form of atheism that Jews follow get turned into some kind of seculiar religion.


All he did was ask why you didn't consider other races of people actually apart of a race.
Then you got butthurt and le filtered him.

So I'm just laughing at you for raging over a simply question that wouldn't have led down this long back and forth if only you had just answered the question.

No, I gave a good solid reason, they aren't races because they are mongrels.

Can you explain to me WHY mongrels are races?

Jews aren't a race. It is physically impossible to become a race in 2000yrs.

Japs are not a separate race

Spics are not a race

Indians are not a race

They are not chosen. They do not go back to the garden of eden. You are mentally ill and giving Jews power by lying about this

You are memeing Jews into a chosen people

There's only one form.
Atheism by definition explicitly states disbelief in a deity linked to any religion.
Stop wordsmithing and beating around the bush like a kike and just answer the question.

Let's say this is true. Why would 70% of these "implicitly white" people vote for clinton? Are you aware that most atheists come from California?


sigh, you can be an atheist and be religious or be godbelieving and not religious.

What question?

Because Marxism is a religion. You cannot be an atheist and be a Marxist or a Zionist because you practice a Semitic slave cult without a deity. Buddhism has no diety, it is still a religion

All of anthropology you fucking moron

And Holla Forums loves Jews, right? In case you missed the part of Talmud that calls him a sorcerer and boiling in shit in hell?

Other cults without deity are Jainism and Confucianism and Epicureanism.

And how did anthropology come to this conclusion?

Because belief is a binary concept. You either believe, or you do not.
Not believing in a deity is atheistic.
There is no fluidity or subsets of atheistic nonbelief systems.

Fuck off Reddit.

No you can't because the religion is directly and inherently linked to a belief in the deity of that religion.
Sure, you can be an atheist and go to church on Sundays to satiate your family/lover or whatever. But to be religious is an internal adherence to what you believe that deity would want you to do.

The one that sent us down this path in the first place. Are you an easily distracted ADD faggot, or are you just too new to use backlinking?

Dude, put down your kike fairy tales and try some science/philosophy. This is the white man's only true religion

Alright, now WHY isn't it religious?



Again, what question.

Again, see

And how do you propose to make it so?

Not believing in X = believing in NOT X. Simple logic.
Bullshit. Some examples:
- dude weed lmao
- scientific positivism (belief that science can provide answers to all questions)
- do no harm, love thy fellow fag
There are as many atheistic belief systems as there are atheists, all connected by just one central dogma.

Then perhaps you should complain about Marxists and not about Christians who voted in high numbers for Trump. You are irrational, what is the purpose of your negative attitude towards Christianity? It only hurts our cause.

Why the fuck not?

Most people who do weed are spiritual.
A true atheist would see what the impact of homosexuality has on society and be against it.

This Atheist vs. Christian vs. Pagan mindset needs to end. All of these "groups" are subverted by the left and they all need to be reformed and have the traitors purged.

So illegal immigrants will have to stay inside the churches, or their compounds or risk arrest and deportation?

So they wont be able to go to work illegally avoiding taxes? They wont be able to use hospitals or schools?They wont be on the roads uninsured? They wont be raping or killing anyone except inside the church?

Oh NO!

If you purge Christianity then Judaism and Satan larping and Islam will fall too. Nature and Philosophy has always been the core religion of the white man. And if you do not know this, it is because you have never really started your race outside of Christian-Jewy-Commie perversions of history.

I would rather see white Buddhists than people worshiping Semitic fairytales and memeing Jews and Muslims more power do to their "forgiveness and we are all one in Christ"


Right, because that worked so well in the Soviet Union.

And how do you think you will purge Christianity when the most powerful country in the world just secured its Christian roots for the next 50 years at the least? I don't need to remind you that the left thinks Mike Pence is literally worse than Donald Trump and is basically a Christian version of Hitler.


I've told you through this thread. Check the IDs.

The Christian meme = power to Jews, Satanists, Muslims… As long as you support the meme, these lessor parasites will exist in the West. Forgiveness is a poison and no matter how many times you beat them back, they will simply convert to subvert. See Milo

You are the cause of Jewish power, not banking, not media, YOU. If everyone stopped believing in Christ, they would choose either Marxism or the white man's native faith Science/Philosophy/Nature. Marxist morality is based on Christian guilt. There is NO reason in the world not to kill niggers for acting this way, none. There is NO such thing as invisible forces of "good and evil". There is only right and wrong. Right behavior that leads to good life, wrong behavior that demoralizes.
Christianity failed and the people chose natural faiths before. It started to happen in Germany (until Christian-Freemason Nations and Communists destroyed them. It started to happen during the founding of the United States (before the West opened up).
It was only because people believe Jesus is a fucking God that Satan has any power as a meme, and Jews have any power as a chosen people (good or evil).
Christianity is pro-race mixing. Even if it is not inherent in the scriptures, it is tolerant. And that's why Rome and Greece and Spain and Argentina no longer exist. They are shitskin lands now.

If you can disprove all that through absolute reason and not bullshit name calling and false history, I will become a Christian again tomorrow.

Catholic faith was always a means for a tyrrant to have complete controll over others. It was never about faith, more a power display. The values it taught were meant to keep the population down and in check while the elites laughed in the faces of those who followed it blindly.

Irrelevant. The point is that there are atheists with nihilistic I-dont-care-lol beliefs.
There is no true atheist. Every single atheist believes himself to be the true one, it's a religion of ego.

No one will become Christian because of Pence, son. No one gives a shit about the religion. Trump isn't even Christian. He let his daughter marry a kike and convert for fuck sakes. Any real Christian would disown her for that.


It can easily be argued (as did Benjamin Disraeli, and others) that official Christian protection of Jewry is as much responsible for Judaism's survival as anything else. "It may be asserted," wrote Salo Baron," that had it not been for the Catholic Church, the Jews would have not survived the Middle Ages in Christian Europe." [SCHORSCH, p. 38]


"The situation of the Jews in the first half of the Middle Ages," says Abram Leon, "was … extremely favorable. The Jews were considered as being a part of the upper classes in society and their juridicial position was not perceptibly different from that of the nobility." [LEON, p. 128]

On a deeper level, the assumption underlying the current NRA approach is that governments historically have been the biggest threat to Jews. With the single exception of Nazi Germany, while some elites have had ambiguous relations with their Jewish populations (which on occasion led to expulsions) the overwhelming trend throughout Jewish history has been that Jews have been willing agents and partners of the ruling elite. Whether as Medieval tax farmers, early modern ‘Court Jew’ financiers, or the intellectual shock-troops of Bolshevism, Jews have only very rarely found themselves threatened by government or monarch.
Nowhere is this made more evident than in the simple fact that in Orthodox Judaism the prayer Hanotayn Teshu-ah is not said for the nation or the people of the country in which the Jews have settled, but rather for the monarch or government.

Sure, user. You keep thinking that, and one day I'm sure it will just magically come true.

Judaism has existed long ago and survived massive changes while being entirely opposed to Christianity. If you think we have a chance of destroying Judaism by anything but a nuclear strike on Israel and a second Kristallnacht, you're either delusional or a kike.
Islam is a political ideology more than a religion, that's like saying if we remove capitalism then marxism will fall too.

It's not a religion. It's viewing the world through proofs and logic. You can claim you're an atheist of course, like many of the left do, but they still believe in false things like all humans being equal. Which is like a Christian believing in Thor as well as Jesus.

What about mosques?

Merry Christmas. See I said it and I don't care.
Johnson Amendment was to get the church vote, that's all they cared about besides abortion.
Jewish control comes from Christianity. They can wait and wait and wait as long as you worship their ancestors, they will win over time. They always have.

Would you let your favorite child lose her soul? Oh wait, you're a pedophile anime fag

Eastern Orthodox fag here, mfw when people make a distinction between a church and an NGO, just a friendly reminder that churches were the first NGOs.
Just a friendly reminder that the Catholics extorted massive amounts of money and interfered with the desires of national rulers and national populations.
Were run by the likes of the the Borgias and the Medici, who had trade relations with the Arabs and Turks.
They also organized crusades against Eastern Slavs.
The Protestant and Evangelical nuts in the USA are no different, they will put Protestants and Evangelicals before the national interest.

So it's one big Category Error: the world is not a mathematical structure.

There it is! The unmistakable nose sneezing in allergic reaction from anything that's not as ugly as it is.

You do not have to convert to christianity. I am not religious.

No, all would turn into Atheists and vote for Marxists. None of the old beliefs would ever prevail.

You may not have read the data I posted. Have an open mind and you will see that Christianity is a prosperous force for the white man. See:

Judaism became a religion after Christ and because of Christ. There was no collected words called the Old Testament or even a Torah before that, just many sects of tribal kikery. Your Bible is NOT history. Judeans exist only 300yrs before Christ and have ZERO record of existing before then.
They were one of thousands of sand nigger cults. It was ONLY because Christianity became proto-Bolshivism amoungst the mixed race peoples of the Roman-Hellenistic empire that it spread and "Judaism" became a religion that lasted.
It is simple a symptom of the Christian mental virus. Just like Satanism. And Islam would fall too once there was nothing in the West to compare it to.

You didn't even try to convert me. You're just a sick person holding onto a dying viper.

Of course science and better philosophy would prevail. Marxism = Christian morality twisted. Without Christian morality you have natural morality which is what has always existed in the civilized world. Pagan Romans were far more moral than Christians if you really look into their lives and turn off the History Channel or Christian mythology about all non-Christians being barbarians, or Marxism academia that wants to demonize anything traditional.

Everything is a mathematical structure.

You're a pedophile like all Catholics

Just being honest, your type is a minority here and always seems absolutely fine with trolling the community you claim is your own, putting a trivial interest above the actual topic of the board. I think this is clear to everybody.

Nobody gives a fuck about your hobby/fetish. If you think they give a fuck you're mistaken, they simply have a problem with your avatarfagging behavior.

Only Jews and Jew lovers hate anime. So tell me, Jew boy, what's it like to never feel tired of losing?

Perfect example. Avatarfagging and D&C, they go together like bread and butter


Trump probably needs something like this.


Then prove it.

We tried that on Holla Forums. It doesn't work with Christians for some reason. They like the Old Testament where their Jewish masters are kicking ass

fucking assholes. it's not like if you send a mexican back to mexico you send him back to certain death.

anyways, just put the sanctuarys under siege.

so that those inside can rot where they are and new ones can't come in.

We warned you about the christcucks. When push comes to shove, they will always choose religion over race. Go lick a cross, retards, suck jamal's dick while you are at it too.

Dear cuckold, do you see anyone arguing that "thousands of leftist NGOs and thinktanks and leftist institutions masquerading as charities" deserve tax exempt status? No? Neither do I. Kill your self, fallacy man.

Religion was a mistake.

"For socialism is not merely the labour question, it is before all things the atheistic question, the question of the form taken by atheism to-day, the question of the tower of Babel built without God, not to mount to Heaven from Earth but to set up Heaven on earth."

Socialism is the latest incarnation of the Catholic idea and its natural ally"

Something odd about that meme you posted

What do you mean? There is a lot of Christians on Holla Forums. I mean the Nazi movement was largely Christian.

On the heath a little flower blooms and it's called: Erika.
Hot from a hundred thousand little bees that swarm over Erika
because her heart is full of sweetness,
her flowery dress gives off a delicate scent.
On the heath a little flower blooms and it's called: Erika.Back home lives a little blonde girl and she's called: Erika.
This girl is my faithful little darling and my happiness, Erika.
When the flower on the heath blooms red-lilac,
I sing her this song in greeting.
On the heath a little flower blooms and it's called: Erika.Another little flower blooms in my small room and it's called: Erika.
Already in the first rays of the morning, as well as at dusk, it looks at me, Erika.
And then it seems to me it speaks aloud:
"Are you also thinking of your little bride?"
Back home a little girl weeps for you and she's called Erika.

Hitler's only interest in religion was how it could be leveraged, he even discussed adopting islam as a war religion and letting aryans take control of it.

It's pretty clear ultimately Hitler ideally wanted to create an Aryan mythos that functioned similarly to religion and if Germany won ww2 that's what would have happened eventually. It wasn't feasible to push it in their current position though.

Beast dubs

Christcucks need to be put down.

Positive Christianity gets rid of the Old Testament. Christians are not willing to do this in the long run because it links to Jesus and his words as he quoted different books that were not yet binded into the old testement but became the old testement when Catholics put them all together

And what, embrace Lucifer?

Do the math.
70% of all atheists voted for Clinton.
81% of all white evangelists voted for Trump, only 16% voted against him.
56% of all people who go to church regularly (include also non-whites), voted for Trump.
62% of all people who never go to church (also non-whites), voted for Clinton.

In Europe you can see exactly the same pattern. If all Christians cease to be Christians, can we still win an election? How could Christians magically be transformed into believers of Odin?


What is the proper use age of tax exempt status? What kind of non partisan organizations need it to continue to exist?

Kill yourself Christcuck. The two are not mutually exclusive: fuck the NGOs, but also fuck the churches.

Oh, great. More false dichotomies. Fuck off cuck.

False. You're using anti-Christian polls to prove Christianity



Just impose the high property, business and rent tax on area that offer the sanctuary to the illegal migrants.

They should be arrested for treason because that's what they are committing.

Numbers are found in everything, everything can be described by numbers.

Comparet said that the Christians believing in the Land of Israel will only finally believe the Jews are not of God's people when Israel is finally nuked. It makes sense to me. People will say, the Jews are chosen, because they believe in the Jewish lies. But a Truth Bomb will break the conditioning. Literally.
"Critical note by Clifton A. Emahiser: Comparet is right on target with this presentation, and little can be added. I shall cite, though, a few things for emphasis. Comparet quoted Judges 2:7,10-11, of which I will repeat part of verse 11: “And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of Yahweh and served idols [Baalim].” I should point out that the worship of idols always led to race-mixing which was the greater evil of Baalim worship. Speaking further on the subject of mongrelization, Comparet states: “We are violating the laws of Yahweh when we seek to make His enemies prosperous and powerful in their paganism, instead of teaching them that these good things come only as gifts from the one true God.” I will comment here that we are instructed to totally separate ourselves from the non-Israelite heathen rather than teaching them anything concerning our Almighty.

Comparet then quotes Hosea 10:13: “Ye have plowed wickedness, ye have reaped iniquity; ye have eaten the fruit of lies.” Surely, this is applicable to our present day, especially “… ye have eaten the fruit of lies.” Almost the entire realm of judeo-churchianity sects today are teaching lies. Among the greatest of these lies is the false doctrine of “universalism”. Even in the circles of today’s Israel Identity movement there has arisen a liars club that just won’t quit. Speaking of such lies, Comparet comments: “It will bear its terrible fruit when succeeding generations become mongrelized, reduced to the level of the lowest.”

Comparet concludes his essay by citing Joshua 24:14-15. I would like only to clear up one part of that passage where is says: “… on the other side of the flood …” That was in reference to the Euphrates river from whence Abraham came.""

Explain. I use normal and reputable polls. Other surveys show the same.

They won't be executed and will spend years in the prisons so it's a big financial drain on the taxpayers's pockets. The sanctuary tax money should be spend on the medical bills for the children so this can be used to justify the reason. Money is power.

Ancestors? You Americans ancestors? Like the ones who went to Europe to fight against Hitler and "liberated" jews?

Give me a break, Those are the same ancestors that shipped niggers from Africa to America and then freed them causing all the current race problems in America. Who cares about your Ancestors who joined a kike worshipping cult and got controlled like sheep for hundreds of years? It's about damn time these cuckoldry ends and Europe resurrects, fix your ancestors mistakes don't worship them as if it was ever a good idea to convert to christianity to begin with.

"This is an age when news has been superseded by propaganda and education by brainwashing and indoctrination. From the advertising used to sell shoddy goods, to the classes in your schools designed to make your children into obedient robots of a socialist state. The art of persuasion has displaced the simple virtues of truth. The masters who rule out of the shadows, using as puppets those who govern us, to drive this nation ever farther down the path to socialism.

These alien Canaanite-Jews seek to gain control of your mind, for with that they will rule you in all things. One of the great fortresses of the mind, which they must capture if they are to change your destiny, is your religion.

Suddenly we have been bombarded from all sides with references to our Judeo Christian religion and heritage. Just as the other communist party line phrases, hate monger and extreme right wing, have appeared suddenly in all our newspapers and most magazines, when the Communist party decreed it. Likewise has the phrase Judeo Christian, appeared suddenly in the writings of hosts of men who seek to mold public opinion. Was this the spontaneous idea of some one writer who originated it, if it were, he would have a monopoly on it for some time. Instead it has been used simultaneously by the many who serve the communist party, until even the fumbling copyists join in the chorus, not knowing whose purpose they are serving.

Is there any truth in this phrase, Judeo Christian, is Christianity derived from Judaism? Does Christianity have anything in common with Judaism? Who can say with authority what the answer may be? Certainly Yahshua is the greatest authority, for none know better than He and next would come His disciples. Let us ask them whether Christianity can be truthfully called Judeo Christian. When the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin were taken into the Babylonian captivity, the Sadducees and Pharisees among them were also taken. They paid lip service to the laws of Yahweh, using this as a means of getting control of the synagogues etc. In Babylon these non Israelites further developed their oral laws still giving lip service to Yahweh’s laws.

The foundation and highest authority of Judaism is the Talmud. In the time of Yahshua, this bore the name of “The Tradition of the Elders.” At that time there were two principal religious sects, the Sadducees and the Pharisees. The Sadducees were gross materialists who did not believe in a resurrection of the dead, or in any other form of immortality. They recognized the written law, as given by Moses in the Pentateuch, but it was lip service rather than honest obedience. In the time of Christ, they controlled the priesthood and the high priest was always chosen from their ranks."


"Now turn to Matthew 23:13-15, 23, 25, 27 & 29, seven different times Yahshua begins His denunciation of them with these words. “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” Remember the Pharisees represented the highest form of Judaism, was this Judeo Christian? Without one single exception, Yahshua utterly rejected and condemned Judaism, in language as strong as He ever used against complete idolatry.

What of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Did they show any attempt to become reconciled to Him and to have a part in some so-called Judeo Christian religion? When they heard of His miraculous healing of the sick or even saw it with their own eyes, their attitude is summed up in Matthew 12:24. “But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils but by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils.” They totally rejected Him. For example in John chapter 7 where they sent officers to arrest Yahshua so they could murder Him, but the officers came back without Him. Then we read, “Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why have ye not brought Him? The officers answered, Never man spake like this man. Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived? Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him?”

Their only reaction to Him was that of hatred and murder. Matthew 12:14, Mark 3:6, and John 11:47-53, record the incident. “Then gathered the chief priests and Pharisees a council and said, What do we? For this man doeth many miracles! If we let Him alone, all men will believe on Him. Then from that day forth, they took counsel together for to put Him to death.” John 12:10-11, tells us they even conspired to murder poor Lazarus, whom Yahshua had raised from the dead, because this miracle caused many to believe in Yahshua Is this Judeo Christian? Judeo it truly is, but Christian it is not and never was.

Wake up! Who is behind this great propaganda effort to brainwash you into thinking your religion is Judeo Christian? Why are they spending so much money to give it such great publicity? What do they hope to accomplish by it? It is false and sinister to the utmost extreme."

"Critical note by Clifton A. Emahiser: The following is an example of my encounter with some Judeo-Christian advocates as described in my Watchman’s Teaching Letter, #19:

With the last two teaching letters, I have distributed two 8½ x 14 pamphlets, four columns each side. The first pamphlet was entitled The Great Two Seedline Controversy War In Identity, and the second, Irish And Scottish Genealogy.Research Papers, it is much more concise, clear, and to the point. I have already used it as part of a witnessing tool, though, I must say that it caused much rebuke from the recipient. It was declared ‘a White Supremist, racist, and a hater of the Jews’ and as ‘You’re a cancer. Too far gone.’ This from a Judeo-Christian who ‘worships the God of love’.” Another person passed the pamphlet on Irish And Scottish Genealogy at his new job in a medical teaching college. The Irish Catholic lady who received it became quite irate, and took the pamphlet to her husband which he in turn took to her manager, whereupon the new employee was called before the manager and highly reprimanded. Isn’t it simply amazing how people hate the truth! They’re almost ready to kill the messenger in many cases. (“Oh please God, don’t tell me the truth! I’m having too much fun eating at the hog trough!”) I could tell you several other similar stories about these new pamphlets, but space does not permit. One person alone ordered 200 of the Seedline pamphlets. Another man said this of the Seedline pamphlets: “As soon as I read it, I knew I wanted more. Compared to your "

proven false 2016

Quit repeating debunked and baseless talking points from Hermann Rauschning's book.

Which numbers? Roman? Arabic? Other?

Ok. Provide your own true polls.

The slave trade was Jewish. Lurk moar.
It was Christians who made the nigger our equals


Too bad WalMart depends on the same jurisdictional strategies to get their stores built wherever they want. Ever wonder why they don't have basements? Their lawyers consider them some kind of trailer and have backed it up with precedent.

tl;dr this sanctuary stuff is about something so much bigger

you just refuse to learn dont you? Must be why you still have a Semitic mental virus

Churches are outside the jurisdiction of the feds, like embassies.

Yes, most polls were wrong, but only by 2%. It is common knowledge that atheists are left wing. By the way, most atheists voted for Sanders in the primary election.

Are evangecuck churches in NY? They offer sanctuary?

Two of my great grandfathers were in the Ustase, one of them died defending Christendom from the barbaric forces of judaism, atheism, secularism and freemasonry. Like hell I'm gonna spit on their graves by abandoning the true faith now.

How are 11 congregations going to provide sanctuary for 40 million illegals?
This story is complete nonsense meant to make churches look bad.

Not an argument.

When will christcucks realize that cuckstianity is a semitic invention which is destructive to the white race? Hitler knew it fully well.

Stop worshipping a kike on a stick and believing in fairy tales. God does not exist, you fucking retards.


And no, I'm not JIDF. Fuck you imkampfy.

This isn't a very complex thing to understand; If you're taking, requesting, and receiving funding from the Federal Government of The United States of America, you obey it's laws and respect the establishment of it's sovereign borders. This includes the concept and practice of a "sanctuary city".

Sanctuary is a practice that must be kept and upheld by the religious. A house of worship, specifically synagogues and churches have a holy, sanctimonious duty to provide safe harbor to those in need. Hell, even Mosques,Buddhist and Shinto temples must abide by these laws. It is your very duty to provide, protect, and help those in need, not the state and it's institutions. Kindness is one of the foundations of all belief.

What the fuck happened to "render unto Caesar what is Caeser's"? Fuck these new churches who think it's up to them to determine the law.

What do you think an invasion of replacements is going to do?

u wot

Cujus regio, ejus religio

Richelieu’s time in office is dominated by his campaign against the Huguenots, the modernisation of the military in France, especially the navy, and involvement in the Thirty Years Wars.

As an ardent Roman Catholic, Richelieu detested the Huguenots. However, in his grand scheme to elevate the international status or France, he was willing to tolerate them as long as they were loyal to France. Richelieu, in this sense was willing to turn a blind eye to the Huguenots freedom to worship.

However, the Huguenots did not show loyalty. They were frequently associated with rebellion and disloyalty and this Richelieu could not tolerate.

By 1624, when Richelieu was appointed Chief Minister, the Huguenots had 8 “circles” in the south of France and a commander-in-chief with an army. They had created provincial assemblies and a general assembly – they were essentially a republic within a monarchy! To Richelieu this was a “political monstrosity” which could not be tolerated. His views were shared by the dévots who were becoming more and more influential at court. The Huguenots viewed Richelieu appointment with great concern.

Richelieu worked on the logic that France needed international respect in Europe. He wanted France to be respected abroad and an attractive ally which could bring in much needed funds via military alliances. Any French involvement in European affairs might have given the Huguenots the freedom to expand in southern France. For Richelieu wishes to succeed, France needed internal stability and security. The Huguenots threatened this – hence the need to attack them.

In 1624, the French became involved with the Spanish in the Thirty Years War over the Valtelline affair. With the central government so occupied, the Huguenots took the opportunity to expand their power base. In 1625, the Huguenots seized the strategically important islands of Ré and Oléron. Both of these defended the sea entrance of La Rochelle and thus aided what was considered to be the Huguenots capital. Such actions, seen as base treachery by Richelieu could not be tolerated.

Richelieu sent a royal army to tame the Huguenots but in February 1626 he signed the Treaty of La Rochelle. This was a truce inspired by the English. However, Richelieu viewed the involvement of the English with concern as this was a Protestant nation seemingly supporting the Huguenots rebels, as Richelieu would have viewed them.

The truce only gave the Huguenots more time to build up their strength. By 1627, they were in open revolt yet again – this time aided by England. The English sent troops to help the Huguenots. They had this flexibility as England was not physically involved in the Thirty Years War. There was public support in England for this as the French were still seen as England’s traditional enemy.

Such actions by the English made firm action by Richelieu imperative. In 1627, he directed a campaign against the Huguenots himself. The English, lead by the Duke of Buckingham, were driven off and out of the area. Richelieu decided to cut off La Rochelle and starve out the people.

He ordered that a huge mole be built across the harbour at La Rochelle which made any Huguenot attempt to land supplies impossible. Royal troops surrounded La Rochelle inland. All Richelieu had to do was wait. The Huguenots were starved out.

Richelieu then showed his political acumen by letting Louis XIII enter La Rochelle at the head of his army on November 1st 1628. Richelieu knew that this would appeal to the king who loved to ‘lead’ his troops. It certainly appealed to his vanity.

Richelieu’s tactic had a devastating impact on the Huguenots in La Rochelle. Before the blockade, the city’s population stood at 25,000. After it was lifted, only 5000 remained alive and many of these people were in a very weak state. Richelieu insisted on unconditional surrender but was generous in victory.

In June 1629, the Grace of Alais was signed. This reaffirmed the Edict of Nantes but ordered that the Huguenot military organisation should be broken up, Huguenot fortresses should be destroyed and Roman Catholicism should be restored to areas where it had formally existed between the Edict of Nantes and Alais. The political rights of the Huguenots were removed and the government no longer made money available to educate and support Protestant clergy. However, all the La Rochelle survivors could have been accused of treason and executed – so the Grace of Alais was seen as generous.

Christcucks proving once again they are anti-white

Hahahahah, no.
You are literally a race traitor.

This is common practice in Europe since decades. It's safe to call european Churches asylum centers.

Umm, no? The Crusades were a complete failure. The only ones who pushed the Moslems back were the national armies of Austria, Commonwealth and other European nations. Not Crusaders, they completely fucking failed at everything they set out to do.

I hope you will see The Light one day. Until then, I will pray for you. Our Father has you in his thoughts.

Why should churches have any bearing on the status of a city.

If the church is giving sanctuary to illegal immigrants, and the church is inside a city, that city is now a sanctuary city.

Or, in other words:
Turn the citizens against the traitor law breaking churches by roasting them to ash with taxes and embargos.

It doesn't matter if churches offer sanctuary. It doesn't matter if every private company and charity and household in America offers them sanctuary.

What matters is when they interact with the police and the state in any way their citizenship or visa status is checked. They won't be able to drive, or engage in banking transactions, or get welfare. Or vote.

Half of those nations would be fine if they never joined the EU, Greece and Ireland especially.


That is the exact opposite of what we have seen during this election cycle.

everyday the same thread

What an unfortunate life you lead. It seems like you're sad and empty. I know a man who could change that. Well, not exactly a man.

Christianity today is a far left propaganda outlet. See:

No, you are not a National Socialist. National Socialists put race above country, and country above god. That is National Socialism. YOU, are a traitor.


I think you're scared and looking for an outlet. You're a frightened little boy who's lost. Do you know who's good at finding people? Jesus.

This isn't the twelfth century. There is no running into a church shouting SANCTUARY! and all of a sudden, you're free.

Tradition and law are two different things. See: DJT not releasing his tax returns. In the end, tradition doesn't mean shit.

They are a majority on the chans.

That weeb triggered you so hard, you went full on retarded.

The moment churches get political is the moment they should lose all tax exemptions for that church. The same should really go for any organization that receives similar benefits. Tax exemptions should go to organizations like the Red Cross that have a direct benefit to the well-being of others. Libraries should continue to be tax exempt. You don't want illiteracy to get worse.

lol, you do realize vast majority of the entire European population is Christian? There are not many atheists


NatSoc is a failed ideology that got curbstomped. National Socialism was created as yet another plot to remove the power from the families and put it in the hands of a few governmental elites, only the blind don't see it as that because they're jerking off to a holocaust they know didn't even happen.
The problem with any sort of government based around one central figure only is that it requires eternal life for that central figure for it to continue to work, while a government centered around a network of powerful families and their relationships needs no nationalism in the modern sense, because loyalty will invariably turn to the country without the need of a savior-leader. It forms a higher concept of country than just the land or genetic makeup. But go ahead and wait for "god-emperor" Trump to save your sorry asses (tl;dr he won't)

There's no tradition of not shooting gas canisters in through the windows. This is a self-serving, devious exploitation of people's sense of sanctity. Churches shouldn't allow themselves to be used in this way. I think bloody lessons need to be taught. :^)

Hello, Chaim. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

You're retarded.

If being curbstomped makes something wrong then say goodbye to christianity which got curbstomped, oppressed, thrown to the lions and co.

And they "put father against son" and so forth, just read Matthew 10, you fool.

Hitler did nothing wrong. National Socialism did nothing wrong.
Being swamped by continent sized nations doesn't mean you're wrong.

Also, Christians consider jews to me messianic, etc.

Just get fucked, dude.
Christianity had some positive effect on science and technology as well as culture, but modern Christianity has been nothing short of a failure.

How do you really feel though?

18% of Swedish citizens responded that "they believe there is a God"

Atheism is embraced by young and old, though more so by younger Germans.[81] One study in September 2012 was unable to find a single person under 28 who believed in a god.[82] The popular explanation for this is the aggressive atheist policies of German Democratic Republic's Socialist Unity Party of Germany.

In France, about 12% of the population reportedly attends religious services more than once per month. In a 2003 poll 54% of those polled in France identified themselves as "faithful," 33% as atheist, 14% as agnostic, and 26% as "indifferent".[77] According to a different poll, 32% declared themselves atheists, and an additional 32% declared themselves agnostic.

A 2006 survey in the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten (on February 17), saw 1,006 inhabitants of Norway answering the question "What do you believe in?" 29% answered "I believe in a god or deity", 23% answered "I believe in a higher power without being certain of what", 26% answered "I don't believe in God or higher powers" and 22% answered "I am in doubt".

68% believe in God, 12% are atheists, 17% are agnostics; 18% consider themselves religious, 37% consider themselves as spiritual but not religious, and 42% considers themselves as neither spiritual nor religious; and 21% pray every day and 24% pray once a month

So you say that if we got rid of Christians, we'd turn into Sweden?

Russia and Eastern Europe in general are much more racially aware and distrustful of Muslims, blacks, and other undesirable immigrants. This is true whether they are Catholic (Hungary & Poland), Orthodox, or overwhelmingly atheist, like the Czech Republic.

please post on /cucktianity/, a resource board. It makes it so much easier to have debates with Christians who repeat the same inaccuracies & lies constantly.

or in short, if you want to know why Europe is shit now.
Take a peek at the video.

And I hate posting this video over and over again, because it's the past now.

The allied ruined Europe and the West, not the "lack of Christianity"

Why else would ALL the western countries have the same problems, regardles on the atheist population percentage?

Why do they all want Farage, Le Pen, Trump and co now?

Why is marxism everywhere?
Why refugees, everywhere, why immigrants everywhere, why the erosion of culture everywhere?

Because Sweden is atheist?!

That's why the entire west, including America is suffering?!

Fools, the lot of you who think that way.
But, it's expected of someone who is a thrall to jewish scripture.

In case I'm too subtle, though.


Aye, aye, sir!

Judaism proper makes up only a small part of their group evolutionary strategy. Most Jews are atheists of one kind or another, but 95%+ of all Jews still believe that their group has been uniquely persecuted throughout history, that gentiles will bumble into any excuse to exterminate them all if they don't work actively against it, and other similar beliefs. That is their cult. Ironically, the ultra-religious Jews are for the most part culturally harmless. The haredi only coast on the coattails of secular Jews.

See image. None of these men are particularly religious, if they are religious at all. However, their devotion to Israel is total.

Christianity cannot even protect itself.
Why would it protect you?

In this time of darkness, it is much more sensible to adopt the darkness again, yourself.

Europeans and their descendants were forged in the unforgiving wilderness of the dark forests, the chilled, icy planes.
Full of horrors and terror.

Your ancestors lived through things the desertmen wouldn't even be able to dream of.

I don't wanna spam shit, and these are not the ultimate examples, but these were the most recent two links in my history.

What does the desert men know of the haunting forest filled with eerie noises, thing that kidnap you and drag you into the jagged mountains.


You're in a dark time now. It will pass. There is a Light. You can find it. You just have to put in a little legwork.

left-wing (see pic)
very religious, right wing

Looks like the Christians in the U.S. now have a chance to prove they're not cucks.
If your church is one of these "sanctuary for invaders" churches, we expect you to leave & disavow them.
If you want, take those that leave with you and start your own church, but show us you are not cucks, stop supporting those that support those that would invade us.

>lets for arguments sake say that 5k churches nationwide do this. What exactly can they do? stick 50 illegals in the basement and have maybe another 500 shitting up the pews? lets say each church can hold 1000 illegals. and I wonder how long until the church goers start getting wary of the smell or the fact that they can fit into church cuz of these fucking filthy parasites

Anyway.. 1000 fitting into each church.. 5000 churches doing this.. both hugely overestimated What does that get us? Thats 5 million illegals all sheltered.. theyd get arrested if they stepped outside so the churches would have to fully fund 5 million people… That wouldnt last for too long.

Then of course some smartassed Holla Forumsack could always walk in side the church "to pray" and pull a fire alarm or throw so many stink bombs that they all start fleeing the building to be arrested.

Or.. If all that fails.. churches arent fire proof that would be 5 million removed tacos.

which is a real fucking shame. Luther was fucking based.

No thanks. If I have to stick to something, then I'll stick to Kek.
Acting much less mysterious than Jehova.

Sanctuary is not at all a bad tradition, but it frankly means much less today. 1000 years ago, sanctuary may have helped save an innocent man from a lynch mob, or alternately been a refuge for criminal who had become a popular hero. The big problem is that Christianity is such a shitty religion that it can be counted on to act in a malignant way.

You don't see Christian churches lining up to take in Julian Assange. The Vatican didn't offer Edward Snowden asylum.

Still, might as well stick to a fedora.

well spoken.

Christianity, or lack thereof, is not the problem. The problem is the kikes and the countries that listen to kikes.

atheists confirmed can't read.

burn the churches, burn the mosques, burn the synagogues

Frankly, I don't worship an ancient Jewish rabbi and call him God, because I believe the real creator is a heck of a lot bigger than that, and wouldn't be bothered to become a man, much less even visit this tiny, unremarkable planet in any form.

Face it, he's a big guy…

We were talking specifically about their immigration policies. The Czechs have been among the harshest to immigrants.

Most major denominations like Episcopalians and Methodists tend to be broadly liberal. The unaffiliated churches, the Southern Baptists, and the Orthodox tend to be more politically conservative. Christians overall tend to be "conservative" in the worst possible way, like being anti-abortion, and evangelicals are always adopting niggers from abroad.

Pretty much every major Church denomination is pro-immigrant. All of them are extremely anti-racist.

As a Christian, I really do not like this and would like to go all Jesus in the temple with these fools. It's one thing to provide sanctuary to someone who might be innocent, another thing entirely to provide that sanctuary to someone who is obviously guilty.

See, my issue with this comes from both Romans 13 and 1 Peter where Christians are told, in no uncertain terms, that they are to submit and obey the governing laws of the land. For these churches to take in people who are blatantly disregarding the laws of America they are violating Scripture and thus violating the will of God Almighty.


Most of them only offer sanctuary because they get several thousand $$$ per month from the feds to house and "integrate" refugees. Somehow I doubt Trump will allow them to continue to be paid to take care of the spics, so this isn't going to last very long.

I think what will happen is a bunch of shitlibs are going to band together to build a modern day "underground railroad" for these spics to get to "safe areas" in the US. I can see the left framing this as the new slavery/civil rights movement of our time and because so many of the modern left is worthless and has never accomplished anything a shit ton of them will jump on the bandwagon to feel like they are a part of something.

You live in a dream world my friend.

Christians are pro-immigrant because of demographics: they are looking for new recruits among new immigrants. This is true for all the major church denominations, and tends to be true of all churches worldwide. The exception is in societies where the local populations are strongly opposed to immigration, and the church being for immigration would cause them to lose their current congregation.

The quotes on this graphic sum up the Church mindset perfectly.

And according to Scripture, he is wrong.

Then again, most American Christians treat the Bible like a nice little book full of good ideas, instead of a blueprint for their lives and the source of sound doctrine and teaching.

my fucking sides

It would be refreshing if the anti-Christians could produce something other than lies and polemics. Are Christians really for immigration? Why then do they choose overwellmingly Trump? Why do all zhe surveys show the opposite?

The solution is simple, remove tax exempt status from Religous institutions, really a two fold move since now the Jews can't live in these huge apartments tax free

Realistically a church can offer sanctuary to only a handful of people. Should the hundreds of churches throughout each state all take in 8 to 10 people they could perhaps "protect" one to two thousand people per state.

I don't think that's too much of a problem, especially as once they step outside they can be arrested and deported.

It's also important to note that the disruption to services and increased costs will hammer the churches' budgets. It won't last long.

All major Christian denominations in the United States are. Here is just a sampling.

Here are the denominations:

African Methodist Episcopal Church
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Alliance of Baptists
American Baptist Churches USA
Armenian Church of America (including Diocese of California)
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Church of the Brethren
Community of Christ
The Coptic Orthodox Church in North America
Ecumenical Catholic Communion
The Episcopal Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Friends United Meeting
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Hungarian Reformed Church in America
International Council of Community Churches
Korean Presbyterian Church in America
Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Mar Thoma Church
Moravian Church in America
National Baptist Convention of America
National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.
National Missionary Baptist Convention of America
Orthodox Church in America
Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Polish National Catholic Church of America
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.
Reformed Church in America
Serbian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. and Canada
The Swedenborgian Church
Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch
Ukrainian Orthodox Church in America
United Church of Christ
The United Methodist Church

CWS also offers legal services for immigrants

First time I've seen an anti-Christian bring up a valid point. Fuck that guy.

Logical fallacy. How many times do we need to go over this on Holla Forums? Besides which:
Shilling for relativism now? Why don't you just post the Israeli IP we all know you have?

By your logic all white people are leftists.

If you're on Holla Forums you should know that the material is irrelevant to the message. Jews can and will subvert anything and everything and convince people that something means the exact opposite of what it says. See, for example, the Second Amendment which is willfully misinterpreted because of a single archaic comma. Apply that to anything more vague and it's really no surprise that Jew-slaves will use that as an excuse for their pozzed behavior. The point is that the poz is not because of the material they use to justify it.

Your kvetching about a "mind virus" is as laughable as it is superstitious. Show me on the doll where the Bible touched you.

>he doesn't know his history or his geography

These are clearly left wing and nigger churches.

Eminent domain. The church is on US soil and thus is subject to US law. If there was a murderer on the loose and he hid in a church, they wouldn't be able to keep him from justice. If all else fails just take the fucking land and ta-da.

I'll explain it gently. Xtians don't care about our volk, they only care about their cult. They'll take cult members of any color or nation rather than non-cultists of their own volk. THAT is why cuckstianity is inherently shit. THAT is why they are inherently RACE TRAITORS AND TRAITORS TO THE NATION. Because they would sell you down the river to import some christian apefrican negro. Because they ARE selling you and your country out to import and keep brown catholic pet spics.

Cuckstians once again everyone. Abrahamic jew-slave religions: not even once. Worship the gods of your ancestors or worship nothing. Your first duty is to your people and there should be nothing higher.

You forced my ancestors to convert with a knife at their throat. Now you expect me to worship your god when I am free to choose? Gas yourself. I will never forgive any of the abrahamic religions for the destruction you've brought. You destroyed my ancestor's nation. You're no different than marxist kikes. Your god is false and your morality is slave morality granted to you by the kikes who would wish you their lifelong slave and the same for your children. GET GASSED.

What were thoswe ancestors' names? And he sure must be old if he was around at the time of your "ancestors".

There are actually 320,000 churches in the United States. Of course, not all of them would offer sanctuary, but if even 20,000 churches offered sanctuary to say 20 immigrants each, then you have 400,000 immigrants. But even that is not the real issue, which is the political backlash. If churches across the country are harboring tens of thousands of immigrants, you can expect widespread defiance of the federal government in terms of cities, universities, and non-Christian charities. You would see numbers of illegal immigrants offered sanctuary in the millions.

This could be a formidable challenge to a Trump presidency. Not in terms of actually getting the immigrants out, which is hardly a physical or legal challenge, but in the sense of popular sentiment.

Oh really? The following are among the huge mainstream churches:

United Church of Christ
The United Methodist Church
Orthodox Church in America
The Episcopal Church

as are a number of others.

Why don't you find some large Church denominations in the United States that actually oppose immigration?

These are all left-wing churches. The only thing that really matters is the fact that 70% of all atheists voted for Clinton. Think about it.

Was meant for:

One of the most bizarre traits of Christians is that they actually favor non-Christians in many respects, with of course Jews being the most favored of all.

Christians will get very excited about helping Israel, but don't give a shit about Palestinian or Lebanese Christians.


This Christcuck Shit is Fucking Insane

Think of it as similar to the difference between union bosses and the rank and file members.

Atheists usually subscribe to different types of leftist poison, which is heavily derived from Christianity.

We also know that Trump would have gotten far fewer Christian votes if he had been pro-abortion and anti-Israel.

>OP going full jew with D&C despite Trump getting major support from Christians

Besides, even if this somehow "protects" a handful of illegals, said illegals would be essentially forced to stay in the church basement and not consume our jobs/gibs. The moment they step out of the church is the moment they are forced to go back.

Wash your neck and wait for the rope. There is no place for your sandnigger religion with space age super aryans.

Those are all leftwing-atheists

Churches becoming active in politics should mean they lose their tax exempt status as the separation between church and state goes both ways. Any church harboring illegals is now a political body and no longer a religious institution.

A controversy arose over U.S. President Barack Obama speaking at UCC gatherings, but the IRS found that the UCC had adhered to the prohibition against churches campaigning for political candidates.

In 2007, longtime UCC member Barack Obama (then a Democratic Presidential candidate) spoke at the UCC's Iowa Conference meeting and at the General Synod 26.[56] A complaint filed with the Internal Revenue Service alleged that the UCC promoted Obama's candidacy by having him speak at those meetings.

The United Methodist Church supports federal legislative efforts for strict gun control measures in the USA, and outright bans of most weapons in other nations.[83] The Church also declares every church to be "a weapon-free zone"
+ pro faggots

At its 2015 triennial General Convention adopted “canonical and liturgical changes to provide marriage equality for Episcopalians.”

Racial equality
In 1861, a pamphlet titled A Scriptural, Ecclesiastical, and Historical View of Slavery written by John Henry Hopkins attempted to justify slavery based on the New Testament and gave a clear insight into the Episcopal Church's involvement in slavery. Bishop Hopkins Letter on Slavery Ripped Up and his Misuse of the Sacred Scriptures Exposed, written by G.W. Hyer in 1863, opposed the points mentioned in Hopkins' pamphlet and revealed a startling divide in the Episcopal Church over the issue of slavery.[123] In 1991, the General Convention declared "the practice of racism is sin"[124] and in 2006 a unanimous House of Bishops endorsed Resolution A123 apologizing for complicity in the institution of slavery and silence over "Jim Crow" laws, segregation, and racial discrimination.

Let me add that the United Church of Christ is one of the most toxic leftist churches in the country. This graphic is from New Sacred, a UCC blog.

If you go to their Twitter:

In the past 24 hours

This is full SJW insanity. The main difference with left-Christians is that they usually appear outwardly typical/normal instead of going for the piercings and colored hair. Oh, and they are also anti-abortion, so gone is one of the few positive things that leftists have going for them to keep down the black population.

Dude fuck this shit. When I was struggling and homeless living on the streets a few years back, I specifically remember one week I was so fucking sick with the stomach flu (probably from eating shitty food because I couldn't find work anywhere, muh 2008-2011 recession) that I could just not stop puking. It was freezing cold outside and the cold sweats from throwing up were getting so intense that I could not take it anymore at all… So where did I turn to? Any fucking church that would even listen to me or take a second glance at me. Guess who ended up helping me?

No one. Not a single person helped me and every single pastor, priest, servant, nun, etc shut the door in my face in denial for a simple cup of hot water for some tea or just a place to lay my sleeping bag outside, in between a small gap or in a location that was closed off enough just to retain enough body heat to survive.

Fortunately the fucking thrift store workers have more of a sense of morality for fellow Americans than our own fucking churches do apparently, since they are so open and willing to help roaches from Mexico and aloha snackbars that hate their fucking guts to begin with.

It makes me sick how Americans are so willing to take it up the ass from illegals while shutting the door in the face of a malnourished and weathered fellow American who has been sleeping in the cold for months at a time. Fuck every last traitor in this country. Sorry for the rant, I fucking hate the holier than thou moral signaling that these cucks exhibit while curbstomping the ever-increasing American homeless population

So how do we stop this anyways?

Any church caught harboring illegals gets their tax free status revoked. Simple as that.

and the management arrested.

Reading&comprehension level: nigger.

Really gotta go either full old testament or full viking raider on the UCC.

I hope this is what finally wakes American conservatives up to the truth about Christianity

How to D&C Holla Forums:
1. Post anything about Christianity
2. Wait

OK, put illegals in the basement, but they better not have drugs. Because if they do, the property is subject to seizure. Civil asset forfeiture. Are you going to strip search them every time they come back from collecting cans or whatever?

These guys still think they can stump the Trump. They watched him steamroller the RNC, then demolish Hillary. They think the pussy grabber in chief will be phased by their "sanctuary" antics. If anything he will let them do this for a while to build up public anger at them (and elite gloating) - then bring the hammer down.

They are called Judeo christian values for a reason

Are you saying sanctuary churches are not real or are "fake news"? Who is even being divided?

Not sure why you linked me. I would not have a problem with Christianity if it was reformed, some of the most racist people I've met have been Christian. Just form a church that's pro-white. anti-kike, anti-fag, pro-science. Pagans and Atheists should do this too.

This is your answer.
And it's time for the rank & file Christians to break away from their money-driven central administrations, start your own churches, and start using the church as a place to worship your god, again.
You are being used by organized religion just as the Bolsheviks used people…and they will stab you in the back to increase membership & shekels just as soon as look at you.

They both support the exact same laws and politicians?

That would be the non-Evangelical Lutherans, and the Orthodox churches. As a descendant of Germans I'm a anti-Semite, bigoted, racist non-Evangelical Lutheran, and proud of it.

You mean that the Jews have subverted the largest sects of Christianty to promote miscengination, homosexualiaty, and Jews? You really think people subverted by Jews are going to wake up to that truth so easily?

No. Israel needs to be destroyed completely. All of the Jews and their connections and subversions must be revealed in such an overwhelming manner that the subverted/Zionist Christians have no other choice but to gaze upon the work of Satan to see the truth for themselves.

Are you white?
If you're white, of course they didn't help you.

If you had stumbled on to a NatSoc compound, they probably would have taken you in.

You are also a minority in your faith community


Feels bad, user. I'm about to be vehicular homeless. I think most homeless and vandwellers are shitbags who give the rest a bad name. Some kid who got a bad hand in life and can't get enough work to afford rent, he really gets shafted because everything thinks all homeless are drug addict lunatic shanky bums. I hate drug users. They just destroy everything around them. If not for them they'd probably let a couple down on their luck folk pitch a tent in parks, but noooo, can't have that because most hobos use drugs and throw needles and trash all over the place.

I feel you so badly. We have those who need help and everyone turns their nose up. Hikkikomori types, homeless and demi-homeless, the underemployed and perpetual poorfags. But nooo. Gotta import browns. We got hungry right here in the US but nooo gotta send money for dem programs to apefrica. Meanwhile we make it illegal to give out leftovers here because the store might get sued by some asshole. It's like the ones who are shit ruin it for everyone else. And these high and mighty christcucks and liberals and gibs-givers turn their nose up at folk in their own neighborhood who legitimately need help, meanwhile a bunch of welfare queens and browns and apefrican aid scams get $$$$$$$. Or we take in "syrian" "refugees" and they turn down taking in ukrainians who were legitimately in a war and needed help. Free housing and gibs for browns but we have americans who subsist on dollar store shit and sacks of rice while begging the landlord for a few more days to make rent. Whites get shat on left, right, and center and browns are put in castles and fed off silver platters.

Nope, we don't destroy Israel.
We need a place to deport Jews to.

I don't know how many protestant churches there are, but it seems like he was talking about something else than in your pic. (You can even get a completely different denomination just by switching the order of words.)

Those first two are the largest Lutheran churches in the United States. Here is the 3rd largest

We could keep on drilling down to where some small Lutheran church doesn't actively support immigration. Not impressive.

Have you applied for welfare?
Not saying it's right, but any port in a storm.
Just don't let it make you lazy, keep trying to find work.

Nice user, beat me to it.

Here I showed the visible connections to pro-immigrant work by the 3 largest Lutheran denominations. The Evangelical Lutherans, which to his credit he acknowledged as bad, are really bad, and are also the largest Lutheran group in the country.

Fucking christcucks being jew cucks. Why do whites follow a semitic religion? What happened to our own religions instead of shit from kike and sandnigger land?

The idea that God is a man or a book is a form of atheism, God is all encompasing, I think the closest we can get too God is through Race or by reading the Book of Nature.

Christians don't understand, they have replaced God with the Bible and Jesus.

It seems to me like that user was explicitly talking about some small offshoot.
Yes, all major, popular churches are pozzed, necessarily. Any church that isn't pozzed will get attacked by the Jewish parasite, so you probably won't even find it. Look for those who are bashed all the time.

Still has more to do with race then religion.


I'm against any deportation. They broke the fucking law (spics) or tried to infiltrate and subvert our nation to be a slave to theirs (kikes). That's grounds for getting put in the ground. Just shoot the fucking bastards and be done with it. They don't deserve a free plane ticket.

Haven't applied yet, thinking of medicaid or a state equivalent as healthcare is the only thing I need. I have a job, it just doesn't pay enough to afford rent. The job might eventually promote me but that doesn't help me now. I'm cool with living in a vehicle anyway, I don't need an apartment. It's just the vandwellers who are pedos or stoners or other degenerate trash ruin it for the rest of us. And it's pretty infuriating. Like I can't endorse helping any homeless because most of them are just junkies or would shank you and rape you, or they shit all over and throw trash all over, so it ruins it for people like user. But the point is we have people in need right here, people whose wages are shit low because they need to compete with illegals or visa workers, or the people pushed into joblessness by illegals. Shitlibs talk about raising the min wage… Deport the god damned fucking spics and the problem is solved. They're so fucking stupid. And you have spics and nigs sucking up all the aid, and being ingrates about it too, so there's no aid for whites who legitimately need it. And the christcucks, they talk about aid for apefrica, bringing in and sheltering spics, but they spit on whites in need. They're just kike miscegenation supporters who are trying to destroy the country, or are brainwashed by the prior and don't have the brains to fucking know it. They just blindly believe shit they don't understand. They talk all this shit about how mighty and virtuous they are, and they treat whites like trash. I mean hell, I'm not a nice person but when I see a homeless guy sleeping in a doorway to get out of the cold, I let him be. And these christcuck church goers would be the first to call the police. And the shitlibs would call the police and then cry all day about how they're victimized by being near the guy for ten seconds. But oh all the aid for apefrica and rapefugees and illegal spics. And the white lower and middle class are getting squeezed into poverty as all their money gets funneled out to browns who hate their fucking guts and want to rape their daughters and murder their sons anyway. It's disgusting. So many whites are driven poor, and if tax burden were reduced it would help drastically. But still our tax money is given to brown hordes, and we have to live in poverty while nigs and spics ride on our backs. And the churches don't speak out against this injustice. Why? because they value their cult members more than their volk.

Your people
Your nation
Above all else
Browns should fuck off back to where they came from. All they do is drag us down with them. And christcucks and shitlibs are at the forefront of selling us out.

I respect that, but talking about some non-affiliated Lutheran church or very small denomination does not say anything good about Christianity or Lutheranism, only that there are niche churches that fit in with some communities.

There are hardly any actively pro-white churches anywhere in North America. Even Christian Identity is mostly dead in terms of active congregations. The only guy who is visible on this front right now is Pastor Anderson. Christians on Holla Forums loved to build him up as being someone great, but check out his video endorsing interracial marriage. He is basically a hard social conservative who criticizes Jews heavily, and that's it.

They had YEARS to become legal. What's wrong with these sons of bitches?

Of course I am white. I have blond hair and blue eyes. I was homeless specifically because I got laid off from my job, the bills piled up, and I had no way of surviving minus taking out a credit card and living on loans which I wasn't going to do. I did manage to eventually get a car, get a better job, and get myself off of the street though.

This is very true. I found that the time I was homeless was made much more difficult specifically because of the other homeless in the area that were drug addicts and alcoholics. They were all incapable of cleaning up after themselves, not being loud as fuck, not fighting, and didn't even try to clean themselves up or keep a decent appearance. These people did not even try, and if you were around them you got lumped in via association by the police and society as a whole. Never go around other homeless if you can help it. I was jumped in my sleep one night because I made this mistake, and I had everything taken from me including my shoes, left only with my underwear and a black eye and a broken tooth.

I eventually kept a really tight knapsack and got very good at camping inconspicuously. I also made it a goal to get to the place I was going to sleep that night just before sundown so I could clean all trash in the perimeter, put down bug spray and animal repellent, and do my best to clean myself up. I made decent relationships with the police, and had multiple run-ins with the police that ended with them just leaving me alone because I made no noise, did no drugs or drank, was respectful, and i cleaned up the trash in the area instead of making a huge fucking mess. I am thankful for the police because they did me justice on the street, sleeping in parks, because they knew that I was trying my hardest to have a different life.

It makes me sick that we cannot help our own and the people who are able to help others are swayed into helping the shitskins that flood into our country and make a sad pouty face for every photo-op staged by multi-million dollar 'charities'. Meanwhile, if you try to tell the people donating to these charities to not donate because you are helping Africans overpopulate their land and thus they lead themselves into their own demise by not living inside of their means, you are further demonized and ostracized - worse than you already are for being a homeless - and you now have even worse chances for survival because you have no way to get your foot in the door even.

In certain cities, certain states are now making it illegal to hand out ANYTHING to the homeless. I get it that the lawmakers are trying to put an end to the panhandlers that make thousands a month doing nothing and only spending their money on drugs… But to anyone else who is down on their luck… You are blatantly fucked, by the community, the society, the law, the police, and by the politicians. You are in constant fear of being arrested and you are forced to eat out of the dumpster. It really is living in a 3rd world, right here in the USA.

The only hope a person has now is that someone will take pity on you enough to give you something worthwhile enough to get on your feet. A car, $500, or a place to stay for a month is basically what is required. Even that is no guarantee. You have to secure employment more than anything else, and good luck competing with diversity hires when the economy was so awful (2008-2011, it's better now though).

Sorry for the endless rant. Homelessness sucks when you're an honest man and you're doing everything you can in your power to survive. I will provide tips and help for you if I can.

white evangelists = 81% for Trump
white voters general = 58% for Trump

Time to break with that tradition.

No common filth, you have been forsaken.

Another issue related to this is that the presence of niggers and the growth of the police state to handle them, as well as other crusades like drugs, has made it much more difficult for whites to go off the grid. There are a lot of issues related to this, but to sum it up quickly, there used to be a much more active hobo community in the United States, and a culture that actually gave a damn about them. You could live outside in a rural area and camp out and do okay and nobody would bother you. Up until the 1970s, the left actually cared about whites who chose to or were forced to drop out of the system for whatever reason.

You might like this story by Revilo P Oliver

The part that kills me the most is that you have a job. Fuck, I have a job now too, and it's a good job that pays well, but I am STILL barely able to make it. I make $17/hour now, but I pay fucking $800/month DOLLARS in TAXES ALONE, another $125/month for medicare that I DON'T RECEIVE that will surely go to shitskins, and I'm left with about 3,250/month if I am lucky. It's pathetic, to work full time and to have so little to show for it. I sometimes wonder if being homeless would be a better option again, but then I think about the feeling you get when you are invisible to the world, ignored by the general public because your presence alone makes them uncomfortable… I don't want to live in this world anymore to tell you the truth and there has been very little in the way of making life feel worthwhile enough to continue living…

Really, the only thing that I can think of that kept me from killing myself this year was Trump winning. There's just nothing to look forward to and all it would take is one small thing to fuck my life up again to put me back on the street again, because I don't make enough to build a nest egg and save cash. It's endless wage slavery and it fucking sucks. I want off of this ride.

I can guarantee to you that almost none of the totality of churches would even consider opening their doors for sanctuary to illegals. Yet again, it would seem I am speaking to somebody that doesn't understand or at the very least overlooks the word "illegal". You speak of 20,000 churches offering sanctuary. You already know that this isn't the case, otherwise there wouldn't be any homeless. The church demands well before sanctuary to criminals (there's that word "illegal" springing up again) the opening of its doors to the homeless and needy. As far as I understand the number of homeless who are currently residing under sanctuary rules is approximately 0. If we suppose in your scenario that 2,000 churches somehow overlook their scriptures, open their doors to house 20 illegals in abject poverty, the police forces amassing 800,000 will get their warrants instantaneously and deport them over the course of a single week. That, I should emphasise, works out to 20 policemen per immigrant to deal with.

There are plenty of ways to make savings if you are really tough about it. Buy second hand items instead of new and you'll be saving 30-70% of the cost against new, and the taxman doesn't get his unjust cut. Your Obongocare is going the way of the dodo soon enough, taxes are getting dropped a fuck ton. Secondly, if Trump's vision really does come together, you'll be looking at an actual, functioning economy soon enough. Keep in mind you have never in your lifetime experienced the economic conditions that your parents had the luxury of. Times are changing and things will get better.


This was answered here In the 1980s, there were over 500 congregations involved in a new sanctuary movement, and that was over a much smaller issue and at a time when churches were less starved for congregants. Today, there would be many times more churches who would jump on this if it became a major political issue, the way South African apartheid was in the 1980s, when churches everywhere were opposed to it.

Homeless are not trendy the way immigrants are today among Christians.

Your reassurance puts my mind at ease quite a bit. What you have commented on is what I tell myself quite frequently, and I really hope that Trump's vision does come to fruition.

As far as cutting costs, buying second hand, and cooking at home go, there's not much more room to cut costs from what I am already doing. I cook every meal at home and never eat fast food. I only shop at thrift stores for clothing. I purchase very cheap food at the 99cent store. My phone is only $30/month. Where I get killed is car insurance, rent, dental bills, and medical bills that I can't seem to get fucking insurance to cover although I pay $125 a month to medicare, they will only cover "share of cost" which leaves me with a $800/month bill ONTOP of the $125 that gets deducted straight from my paycheck. It's fucked, how our system is. I can't afford 800 a month just to see a fucking doctor IF I happen to not feel good, which never fucking happens in the first place, bar the time I had the stomach flu when I was homeless.

Fuck this broken system and fuck every nigger and shitskin that takes advantage of it and fuck every kike in this world that enables all these fucking pieces of shit to ride on the back of whites that will never be able to make it under these conditions. Fuck them all to hell.

the christcuck cowers before the truth.
The only thing the Crusaders did right was in the reconquista, else they just led to Islam being reinvigorated and Rome falling, forever.

How many Illegal Immigrants could you possibly fit into a Church anyway?

If they get legal they have to pay taxes. They don't want to be legal, they just want to take us for a ride.

You sound like a good guy. I know they're making more and more laws against it. They're making sleeping in your vehicle illegal in a lot of places. So I have to manage without getting noticed to skirt the law. It would be easier if I didn't have to hide all the time. I should be fine… I do have a job, and as long as I'm not paying rent I'll have enough money to eat and keep groomed.

Exactly. The wage isn't enough…rent has gone crazy. I can choose to have an hour or two each way commute every day and still be dirt poor after transit and vehicle degradation cost, or I can just live in a vehicle and give everyone the middle finger. The apartment is driving me broke. After rent cost I can afford some rice and oatmeal and whatever is on clearance for being nearly-bad. Can't buy shit, can't go out, can't have a vehicle, have to walk or bike no matter the weather. So I said fuck it. And half my coworkers are foreigners. If there wasn't an endless well of these fucks driving the wages down, employers would need to compete to attract workers by offering decent wage. I make about 12/hr after tips, but my takehome is about 1k a month after taxes, and 800 goes to rent. 100 for food. 50 for bills. Then what? I work all month and have 50 bux in my pocket. It's shit.

Most everything I own came secondhand already. I dropped my expenses as low as possible but you can't get cheaper rent by magic. This was the cheapest I could get.

We work our hands to the bones while niggers and spics ride our backs. Nigs sit all day and do nothing and are provided for, they eat takeout and drink alcohol all day, I can't afford that shit and I work for a living. It's too much. They dragged the system down and we're all choking on it. The taxes are the worst. Every 100 you earn, the fed takes 25 of it, more or less. It's getting robbed at gunpoint. And the taxes are a jew scheme to begin with. The original income tax was to cover the war cost, and was 2%. But it just kept ballooning and we kept paying like good goy. Now it's easily 25%. Over 10x as intended. Anyone who challenges it or questions its legality gets blacklisted and audited and harassed by agencies and cops to silence them. It's clearly an illegal scheme to begin with. And what do we get? Rent is expensive, medical care is expensive, jobs pay shit all. You have to fight like a dog to even get any of the above then pay out the ass for it. And if you get a "real job" you get 60 hour work weeks and your end hourly pay would come out to shit all anyway.

Keep fighting onwards. Although it appears like such a weak positive to gain from it, the long term benefit of your current circumstances and lifestyle are toughening you up more than you could realise as the days slowly churn onwards. If I could demand that you 'meditate' on one thing it is this. There is a long game here, and it's doing you the world of good.

I can't speak for any real way to make savings with medical bills, but if you can identify what you are/are not doing as preventative measures, that can be one way of cutting down on expenditure. Clean living, cooking/cleaning techniques can do a lot to stop illness and general malaise, as well as keep you productive around the house. Both my brother and I got routinely ill when we were at university, yet when we both came home it all just disappeared and we felt like new people. The only real difference we could identify was moving from squalid conditions to my parents' perfectly kept house. All of this stuff makes a gigantic difference, it's about beating negatives before they hit you - in health, in finance, in social life even. Keep a step ahead and find ways to fuck what wants to fuck you over.

Doesn't matter. They can't fit 100,000 spics into San Francisco cathedral.


Haven't you ever seen a spic house?

They cram in there like a can of beans.

Not Christian church steps, at least.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl

Like this?

He neither endorses nor denounces it, dipshit.

Couldn't churches lose their 501c status over this?

Fucking Christcucks strike again. The slave morality of Christianity has no place in the west, it's one of the driving factors of our downfall.

You're not a national socialist.

If anyone is pissing on the grave of your ancestors it's you. Just because some foreign Jew cult took over most of Europe by 1000 years ago doesn't mean that it's native European. If Sweden has been an Islamic caliphate for 1000 years by 3020 is Islam European? Will screaming Aloha Snackbar while fighting brother wars be based and pro-white?

Anyone who isn't a Christian and is a nationalist clearly can see that Christianity needs to go.
The only reason people don't like talking about it is because it isolates some of our base. Save the west first, then get rid of Chrstianity.

*semetic God

Thank you guys. I really appreciate the kind words. Things will get better and they will pick up, but it's gonna take a ton of hard fucking work. As mentioned before, we will never enjoy the economic conditions that our parents once had, but what I can at least hope for is some basic satisfaction with my life's struggle, to know that it all will add up to something that is worth while and meaningful to somebody. Maybe I will never live outside of a life of struggle, but if I know that this struggle is so someone else will not have to, I will feel like my life is worth living.

I guess it's a matter of continuing to push forward and to try to keep fighting. Keep trying and improving ourselves. Keep learning and reading books, taking courses at school, and working out regularly. The part I get hung up on is not getting depressed as fuck, but this can be worked on as well, to improve our mental state. Ultimately, it's so important to look out for one another in real life, and I will do my best to keep that promise, to help the next white person I see that is in a place lower than myself.

Thank you guys.

It all makes sense now.

Once I saw an Ukrainian cop car with a trunk chock full of gypsies. Cops were blasting music loudly and looked very excited about that.

You are literally arguing in favor of a 2nd generation hand-me-down version of Judaism with all the tribalism and communal nature transformed into a more easily controlled and directed form to undermine people.

1 x 0 = 1

you replaced God with the world, His own creation that you live on
God is not of this world, but of Himself

You are acting like the "message" is a good one. Here's the message: "give up the love you feel for your family and direct that toward people you don't know, take some of the resources for your family and direct that toward people you don't know, everyone is equal in the eyes of the sand God, you must all make up for things you yourselves never did because some ancient ancestor did something wrong that benefited you, oh, and don't focus your time and energy on improving your actual spirit, it just needs to be what we tell you it needs to be."
It is a form of control applied to the average person to fill a void which would otherwise exist and cause them seek more if they worked as long as they did without it.



Listen to this kike telling us what the message of the religion he hates is.

MFW priests become the rape victims

Not to trash your beliefs, but I believe in a creator or even creators…but, you see, I have no idea what or who that creator is. And I see no way to find out.
I don't even call this entity(s) "god" as god is just another derivative name for Odin.

I'm a Pantheist, and I'm only that because, philosophically, it makes sense.
In the beginning there was no creation, just a creator(s). So if the universe (multiverse) was then created, it had to be created out of the creator(s)…in other words, as the Hindus say, all is but a dream in the mind of Brahma, or the universe(s) is but a thought in the mind of the creator(s).

And if this be true, then that creator is capable of mentally envisioning an entire universe or universes, in all their massive size & yet with minute detail, making this creator so removed from the abilities of man that to attempt to anthropomorphize him/her/it is a foolhardy exercise in futility. The creator is NOT human, not even close to it.

In my belief, you, me, everyone & everything are all a part of god, but you have no chance of understanding him than a liver cell has a chance of understanding that it is part of a human being.

You create different entities all the time, when you people the casts of your dreams. They do not seem to be part of you but, of course, they are.
You are an NPC in the thoughts of an immense creation made up of a creator. If it is even aware of you, individually, I suppose is possible, but at this level of creation you have no way to know.

So the religions of the world, although peppered with truths, are all just basically stories. Not you, not I, not the pope, has any idea what or who the creator is, and if he be but one entity, then he does not even have a name, as who was there with him in the beginning to give him one or call him by it?

I can see my "god" everywhere I look. I know he exists, though I cannot understand him. I simply accept these things.

actual Jews who are spiritually Jews do love Jesus Christ
however, the ones that Holla Forums calls "Jews" are not actually Jewish; many if not of them are Khazars who claim that they're Jewish when they actually aren't; some may lie about it and some may believe it

also, if churches being filled with mexicans is really gonna be a problem, then maybe trump could start a program to move mexicansand other liberals to canada for free, but at the cost of their citizenships

My religion is science and philosophy, you pathetic sub-sentient slave of the sand God's people.

I don't like Christianity but you are stupid if that's your plan.

Also guys "church" property doesn't supersede any federal law, this is all horse shit.

By that logic no organized crime boss would have ever gotten arrested, because they would all be living in churches.


You call him "the Eternal" as well?
I sometimes do, although I sometimes call him "the Divine."
what a weird coincidence.

Oh fuck off, you just don't want to admit you're a cuck.


I can't admit to being something I'm not.


Whatever you say, pathetic little christcuck.

Once a few church children get raped by illegals in the basement, the cucks might be forced to reconsider their decisions.

Whatever you say, intl.

No, nothing I said would suggest that, in fact, your a just projecting what is wrong with Christianity on my believes.

You worship God as a man, you worship God as a book, I do not.

Doesnt matter, churches can host a very limited amount of ppl for a very limited amount of time.


Yeah that's the priests job!

I didn't ask you for your favourite site.


Which the media will never cover, and the churches will do everything they can to suppress.

OTOH, if a white guy beats up an illegal on his way to church sanctuary, it will be national news. The Young Turks will do a shocked video about this outrage, along with every other liberal media outlet.

You're repeating yourself. Did you run out of ideas?

This is what you are left with after devoting your life as a Christcuck, apparently. You have no mind left.

Failure to denounce is an endorsement in and of itself.



A lot of the discussion here reminds me of a lengthy post I saw once about the origins of the inquisition being due to the need to hunt a particular cult. This cult was a bunch of degenerates encouraging miscegenation and other bullshit.

Wish I could remember the name of the cult though I'd been meaning to do some research on it but it was pushed onto the back burner and then out of mind. Does anyone recall this cult or know a great deal about the inquisition?

the inquisition was another crazy psychosis of the Semitic virus called (((Christianity)))

If you think illegals are going to sit in churches 24/7 365 days a year you are a fucking fool.

Sounds like an excuse to make deportation targets and there whereabouts a public detail. Organize together with some young men and drag out the illegals kicking and screaming.

Along with the clergymen protecting them.

Churches lol, the left are really not going to like the post-Christian right.

Yeah, but now no one respects the churches anymore, their heyday has passed, leftists are going to find hiding behind churches fruitless in 2017.

Nationalism and Christianity aren't necessarily opposites. There are some clergymen who preach the Open Border bullshit and others who see mass migration as the single biggest threat on Christianity in the west; namely, that one should love and defend themselves before doing the same for others.

I said the clergymen protecting them. Not "all clergymen". The ones protecting illegals need to be dragged out of their churches and executed.

Yes and no. The big problem for Trump would be that most of his base is at least partly religious, so it will be liberals working together with churches to demonize Trump, who happens to be Literally Hitler, and his wicked plan to tear hardworking immigrants who love America away from their homes and deport them where they will no doubt die in the desert or be killed by drug cartels.

IMHO, this will be very similar to the primaries. In places where there are lots of niggers in particular, even your hardcore evangelicals tend to be a little racial, so they will mostly back Trump. However, if you look at places where Trump didn't do so well, like Iowa, you have lots of idiot Christians living in a bubble because there aren't enough blacks and Hispanics there to wake them up even slightly.

Plus, there are parts of the country that just hate Trump, like SoCal and much of New England. The churches would get a lot of local support, including big donations.

The "donations" part is really important. If churches know they could get tens of thousands in donations for doing this, expect an endless number of churches going this route.

Just grab a couple more catholic pedos until the churches cut the shit. It isn't very hard to catch a catholic priest who's a pedo.

There are hardly any of the latter. All of the major denominations are pro-immigration. Some of the smaller & independent bible thumper type of churches are anti-immigrant, but that is really rare. More often, they are just neutral on the issue, or opposed to the United States taking Muslims, but silent on Latinos, non-Muslim Africans, and the like.

As you know, churches are usually careful to avoid offending their congregations, and they almost never say exactly what they believe, but give out strong hints.

No it wont. The separation of church and state is ONLY there to mean that the state can't dictate what the church preaches and vice/versa.

If a church is doing something illegal, it will get shut down, and aliens removed. Harboring a fugitive is highly illegal and as such churches are not no-go zones.

Let's test that theory. I don't think your desert God is going to save you when I turn your church into a jumbo sized oven with you and your Godly nigger friends inside it.

Oh? When is that going to be?
Just curious. There are a lot of big guys on the internet.

It might not even have to happen, but it will happen if the Churches side against the white race.

If you want to preserve your little rituals, you better go tell your friends this before it's too late.

No, nigger. Nothing should come before your race.

Time to fire bomb these places.

They are not my friends.

Christcucks gonna cuckadoodledoo

Hey, where are the christcucks in this thread? Don't you have to defend your based religion? Hello?

Oh there you are Peter!

Gettin cu-cu-cucked! Christianity is going to reveal itself as the single greatest traitor to European civilization. How mad are you right now?

Something else we need to keep in mind is that spics are traditionally Catholic/Christian and in many areas in the south and even cities like Jew York with high spic populations make up the majority of the congregations. While yes it is treason, and for many of these (((churches))) it is nothing more than that and the continual subversion they more than willing help the kikes commit but I reckon a fair bit of these churches are also only really doing it to keep their attendees, if no one shows up to church anymore then they're gonna have to close

Autism speaks: the post.

Plus there's also plenty of spic priests and parishioners who will put their people before their religion every chance they get. Something we also need to do, for these churches then do not align themselves with God and the Holy Lord Jesus Christ but instead with themselves and their own interests and therefor can no longer really be considered houses of worship but instead foreign strongholds which then must be struck down

This is what (((Christians)) will do to us….

…if we let them.

Yet again.


On a scale of 1 to kek how mad are you?

Churches will be sanctuaries for as long as the priest is not beheaded by an invaders, which is, at most, a couple of weeks.

Nothing new or news worthy, just christcucks cucking it up.

I'll call it in.

Was reposting an old meme, part of your forever after?

just because some churches are compromised, dont turn to atheism lads

meanwhile in real world


They're not white but have European ancestors

brown eyes

black hair

hate Marxism

think they can turn us into them

this is the answer to the D/C problem.

wtf are you talking about?

Do you feel in charge?

Fool, people are turning to Gods that might actually exist and rejecting your semitic desert story.

The Christcucks on here are darker skinned. So they don't care about race. They think Christianity is the way to defend against the Zionists/Marxist/Globalists and "satanists TM". People who are really white dont want to be Christian anymore because it holds no value and means extinction.

Christians/Pagan D/C = mixed whites fighting with real whites



Pro-Christians on Holla Forums are mixed whites, like Greeks, South Americans, Italians, Russians…

White Holla Forums is anti-Christian

If you have brown eyes and black hair you are not white. But you hate Marxism, so you come here to feeeeel and believe Christianity will make us all one again.

But it will kill our race.

You are the enemy of whites. The people who's ancestors betrayed their culture and blood (or were raped)

Bastards of Christ GTFO

We won't convert to your faith or kill ourselves

ok m8

Actually, it is White-Lite.
Store brand vs Name Brand
Knockoff vs Original
Low Carb vs Wholesome

The new government should support and encourage in-depth investigations into churches and their links to schemes of pedophilia, human trafficking and corruption. Bringing this to the surface will profoundly shake the image of these institutions before civil society, any action they take against Trump will be seen as retaliation for investigating their crimes.

Especially financial crimes, since they directly affect the money offers, breaking the pillar of support of the sanctuaries.

this needs nipped in the bud, otherwise we'll have new "churches" resembling apartment complexes across the nation

This is pretty true from what I have found. The "questionable" whites have adopted the Christian Identity in an attempt to solidify themselves with us.

Christianity has some benefits, BUT it is true and a serious problem that some percentage of Christians believe that non-Whites have human souls. We need to get it in their heads somehow that Heaven is only for Whites and that non-Whites are Satan's spawn.

I have had people tell me that "you can't be Christian and racist". I don't believe that is true, but some percentage of Christians do and it's gotta stop.

Won't work in a million years. They are going back.

Any organization claiming to be a church is going to be steamrolled into compliance. They've been at this for decades with very little opposition and don't seem to realize the rage levels are off the charts.

It's terribly frustrating for those of us who wish there were some Protestant alternatives to the cuckfest of American denominations these days. Plenty of buildings claiming to be churches but the spirit is sadly lacking.

I'm bordering on starting my own. I grew up with a classical education in world religions thanks to a seminary-educated father, so I know the ins and outs better than most. Though I still feel somewhat out of my depth relative to hobbyists I see post here.

just a barely high school grad Protestant who's traveled worldwide and seen that Orthodox Christians, Buddhists and Muslims generally don't screw around when it comes to their beliefs, tribes and nations

You sound like me 10 years ago. That's basically the realization I went through. I was raised Protestant, but over time it became clear that Protestantism itself, at least its current incarnations, are basically just LARPing as an excuse to hang out and big-up eachother about their feelings on thoroughly misinterpreted scripture. I'm not wholly on board with Eastern Orthodoxy (iconography is some weird shit), but Catholicism is straight up heretical to Jesus' words themselves, borderline blasphemous. But it's okay because they said that it's okay and Jesus said that they can disagree and countermand him because of a vague statement that their church is supposed to exist and- eugh. Catholicism is a disaster.

tl;dr I'm currently Big Bossing around various churches without belonging to any specific denomination or sect. Outer Heaven might be my only option at this point.

Let them do it, then Trump will have cause to send in the ATF, the DEA, and the FBI to arrest and deport the gun smugglers, cartel members and sex traffickers that these cucks refer to as "undocumented immigrants".

God damn we got work to do.

I've seen a portion of it go from rural, agriculturally inclined White Baptists (and engineers in-between) to a suburbanite Methodist/Unitarian freak-show. Carry on the battle lad.

There is no difference between European Christians and America except that Americans aren't apart of some pedophile billionaire church and therefor more educated in the bible

How does
Get you to

There's nothing particular in this strategy that is different than how an illegal would hide out in an apartment complex. Get warrant, serve warrant deport. I suppose "There is a long tradition in American law enforcement of not breaking into churches in order to arrest someone unless the person is wanted for an act of violence" implies LEO's would not serve a warrant unless it was like really super bad violent because of tradition? Yes they would. Steal a car and go move into a church. They'll fucking arrest you.


How does
Get you to

Kill all christfags

Because there is no community sympathy or question as to whether stealing a car is an immoral act.

For illegals, it is different. The churches can claim that harboring them is an act of conscience, and they would have the media on their side, while confusing a lot of dumb white people.

Churches are very good at mock sympathy for particular issues to advance their agendas. For example, watch a short video of this faggot preacher Jim Wallis, the head of Sojourners, which is the largest left-Christian website. their Youtube channel gets very few views, but they are very popular on Facebook. That gives you a good idea of their audience.


I would hope by now that it is obvious to most anyone that Christianity is part of Leftism and needs to be removed.

reported for Holla Forums

kek, then we arrest and charge those harboring them

to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowingly or in reckless disregard of the fact that such

coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law"

This is absolutely true. Unfortunately the numero uno ichiban sect the 400ad (((christians))) targeted for total genocide was the Gnostic Christians. As many of you know the Gnostics were the only religion that studied the Ogdoad other than the ancient Egyptians. They also believed in a Christ figure but that he lived several hundred years prior to the current story. Maybe in their version Christ wasn't a jew. Food for thought