Bill C-16 has passed into legislation in Canada.
If the bill gets through, then i will go to jail if address people by anything other than their preferred pronouns.
What do Holla Forums?
Bill C-16 has passed into legislation in Canada.
If the bill gets through, then i will go to jail if address people by anything other than their preferred pronouns.
What do Holla Forums?
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Game them.
Start insisting that every one address you as your/his majesty. That is you preferred pronoun and if they dont like it, they can go to prison.
You do what I do.
Hide your power level, go full NEET mode, and hope to god that whoever goes against Trudeau in 4 years has a platform more substantial than DUDEWEED.
God, how did the Jews subvert us so hard?
So I hear you've got some oil up there in the Arctic.
pretty much this. start suing anyone you don't like no matter how they refer to you, because 'today i feel like a x'.
>God, how did the Jews subvert us so hard?
control of media and finance. feels bad bro.
It has to be the mentioned pronouns in legistation (the tumblr types). Such as Zie/Zim,Zir; Sie/Sie/Hir; ey/em/eir; ve/ver/vis and many more.
So i cannot be called his majesty because it is not a "gender pronoun"
Please help me. I moved here to get away from affirmative action in SA and now its repeating…
Become a real hero
And a real CIA plant
You need to antagonize the shit out of people with it by using really fucking stupid pronouns for yourself like "apache" and "apacheself" or something offensive to canadians. "Leaf" or "leafself" maybe I don't know. If someone refuses to use your pronouns stick to your fucking guns no matter what and report them to the fullest extent of the mountie division or whatever the fuck you syrup farmers have.
Fuck's sake, I just realized I'm more ignorant about Canada than I am about the entire rest of the world and you guys are right north of us. Who the fuck ARE you guys?
we're america-lite: winter edition
Be pronoun fluid where your pronouns change by the day or hour or sentence.
yes i like this.
fuck them, make them suffer the same way you make them suffer.
make your pronoun to be "patriarch."
if they dont oblige, use their own toxic legislation against them.
let chaos ensue, make business suffer the effects of this horrible law, so the real people who actually work are struck by this horrible reality.
call them all FAGGOT. makes it easier than remembering whatever they want you to call them, much simpler. Then spit in their face and say it was an accidental sneeze.
*the same way they make you suffer
I am hearing really bad things coming out of Halifax these days. East coasters are known to be some of the most gentle and kind people you could ever meet in Canada and they have gotten a pile of refugees. Anyone have any info?
I don't prefer to talk in stupid.
If i do this, i go to jail for sexual assault, violent assault, and misuse of pronouns.
please see .
Simple: agree and amplify. You identify as an attack helicopter and your preferred pronouns are vir/vrum/vurs.
nah you just coughed and they think they heard something, and your allergies flared up so you sneezed on them, pure coincidence
Give me a
Give me a
Give me an
Oh canada
Our not home, not native land
True patrot love, for pc and lib stuff
With glowing hearts wee see the rise, of genderqueer and fags
For the minorities of us, we stand on gaurd for thee
Trudeau, keep our land
glorious and pc
oh canada we protest on gaurd for thee
oh canada we protest on gaurd for thee
This, m87. It sounds to me like Canada needs some freedom.
You say whatever the fuck you want and force them to take it all the way up to the supreme court and watch as the tranny freaks bawl and cry when it is an unreasonable restriction on free speech.
That's the internet stuff covered. What about out in the real world though?
I have many enemies, some would loved to put me away where i cannot bother them
too bad America is running dry on its freedom.
what with them already having done the same shit
There is still time to stop it here though.
(pic related, form americuck)
canada doesn't have free speech user
canada = open air insane asylum.
you are thinking of america you faggot.
Also, good luck getting it to any court when majority of judges are SJW-tier libs.
I would go to jail before i even have a chance to present my thoughts.
I can't wait till they ban maple syrup for being a symbol of white supremacy.
zie zim zir has no historical context. its just some made up canceraids. patrie/patrim/patrir, there done fuck them these are my pronouns RREEEEEEEEE.
except they are legislatively added, so all other pronouns are void.
wew lad
I wonder how well the canucks would cooperate with advisors.
Canada had a good run. It was an okay country with okay ideas.
too bad it will do a Hindenburg.
Canada was a mistake.
It was a happy mistake.
But then you regret it.
Enter the apocalypse. Become the apocalypse. Embrace the apocalypse. Impregnate the apocalypse. Raise the sons of the apocalypse.
no one does, total media blackout
You're assuming that every level of government and law isn't 6,000,000% pozz'd
All this is going to to do is isolate these freaks more. Now that I know I can get tossed in the gulag for calling a spade a spade, I will never even so much as breathe in one of these things directions. And contrary to kike media, none of them pass, they stick out like a sore thumb.
Also, all able bodied white men in Canada should "have a breakdown" and collect NEET bux ASAP. Bleed the government dry, and stop helping them maintain the status quo.
Is that because of our bill about controlling media?
you'd have to sauce me on that, but maybe. Also because people in Canada don't like news like that. They like news of their homosexual and chief hugging fags while his wife sings gay songs to niggers.
OP here
Do you suggest i go mute and just never talk?
You're not OP (unless your ID changed).
Are you another Canuck?
Anyway, I'm guessing the law states that a person must state their preferred pronouns before they can expect you to use them.
So… play along and let someone else go to jail for hateful pronouns and be the martyr that gets the law repealed?
not in B.C.
B.C. is the most conservative, liberal part of canada.
to faggots? yes
they are A) easy to spot and b) animated as fuck
you're ignoring Hongcouver and Victoria island, why? inland is awesome though. Golden BC is the most beautiful place on earth.
I'm using TOR and constantly re-routing the network path to avoid detection.
I do not want this thread to haunt me in the future.
Try to stay calm, lad. I'm sure you'll figure something out, but the anons here are probably too busy laughing at your plight to think of anything very thorough.
So, I looked on the website of the proposed law and I do not see the word "pronoun" listed at all.
Am I missing something?
http:// /HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=8609176
https:// /An_Act_to_amend_the_Canadian_Human_Rights_Act_and_the_Criminal_Code
Too late I have already called the CIS Patrol on you, enjoy your time in prison you evil nazi bastid.
I remember that Canada did pass a law, or tried to; which made it so that prisons are more 'humane'.
So if they let me keep my bible, then i should be fine.
Then you should still insist that you be called them even though they are not approved pronouns. Because now your identity is being oppressed by the government and others are being privileged. You news to find other young males and declare yourself a minority that is fighting for your human rights ti be called his majesty. If you don't get that, they you are clearly being discriminated by the government over other people.
You and other cucknadians need to cuck the left harder. Shame them with their own ridiculousness. You need to out cucj them by flinging even larger shit at them. Their own ideology is their undoing and you new to drag them into hell with you.
ill need to remember that for later. if it gets too bad i can always bail.
i have see it happen in sweden and america.
It is a 1-way street. There is no reversing it because most of the guys are white-night traitors.
You will read your complimentary prison literature about transsexual otherhanded syncretic muslim warlocks and you will like it so much you will write out a thank-you letter in crayon to Trudeau himself, complete with glitter and hearts on the envelope.
… criminal scum.
Do it while we still have a white-friendly administration.
according to the bill: "This enactment amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination."
Canada legislation is good at hiding the obvious facts by using synonyms so that people don't spas out.
Hi, L
Continuing this train of thought, is it true that Canadian politicians HAVE to respond to correspondence, no matter who it comes from>
Never said reverse it. I am advocating escalation. I've been faced with women and libs accusing me of things I either didn't do or were my human rights. And I escalated it to where they suffered more than I did. And even though I suffered halfway through a lot, I ended up getting money out of it.
In 2009, I was being harassed sexually by a 17 year old. I was 24, and did nothing to bring on her harassment. I threw shit back at her so much, I seemed nuts. I was investigated by the police and thrown in a psychward.
You know what ended up happening? Her real pedo boyfriend that was 29 killed himself. Another dude that was fucking her went to jail. She got a disease from a kike. And I ended up walking free because it became clear I was innocent and got free "crazy money" from my state because no one wanted to deal with me.
Everyone knows there is no reversal. But the reason that this is happening slower in America then in Canada is that the American male is much less unreasonable to the unreasonable.
I got framed for something, called their bluff, and dragged them into hell.
Canadian males need to be unreasonable. The OP keeps on responding with things like "but this…. butt… that." There is no but, only do.
Now, I'm not saying to go full retard. Just go insane as you have too to get what you want.
How do you suggest i go about doing this?
Anyone have the list? (Can you "mix anf match" you pronouns? ie Ve is laughing/I called xem/ Zer eyes gleam/That is thons/Ey likes eirself)
Time to start practicing.
Somebody's at the door. I will brb.
I identify as Hitler, my pronouns are: Fuhrer/mein Fuhrer
Learn to talk to people without using pronouns. It is hard at first but you get used to it.
If some one insists say you are autistic and yell REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It's OP.
The Canadian Investigation Agency was at my door and is now I'm my room with me.
They agreed to hear my case.
I'm asking you guys to explain to them why i should not be suspended in prison for a week for bigotry shown on multiple fronts in Holla Forums.
They are giving you 20 minutes.
All Canadians who are against this law should publicly announce that their preferred pronouns are "kike, nigger, spic" and you will be required by law to use them.
NOt the time.
pleases dont do thiss to me. .
Do you have to stick to one? Just change it up midway through conversations to trip up your enemies. Also email your crooked legislators and get them to incriminate themselves. If their website doesn't allow you to identify as a zih, sue the bastards.
Reminder that the CIA is giving you guys 18 minutes to vouch for why i should not be put in jail for 1 week as a warning.
just had to shoehorn some christianity d&c in didnt you? It wouldn't matter if the prominent religion was aasatru, the jews would subvert it. If you're not just a shill: there's a difference between christianity the organization and christianity the religion. I'm not really christian but I'm just sick of the "christcuck" meme. It's retarded and you should feel bad
Not helping with my case for the CIA.
They are growing impatient.
the CIA is not happy and has reduced the time to 13 minutes
thanks a lot.
You're trans-nigger and therefore you dindu nuffin
tell them that you voted for barack obama, you might get a blowjob out of it
Sounds like Canadian Bolice are pretty kind people.
Its not the police.
Its the CIA
There are 2 agenst standing behind me
I am not allowed to say any more
I have 10 minutes before detainment.
Obligatory for Canada threads
Tell them you're 8chansexual and they're oppressing your sexuality.
Canadian Brolice
You guys really aren't helping.
They are going to reduce the time to 5 minutes if you make another misstep.
You can give that country as much freedom as you want. Personally, I plan to move before Trudeau's term is even up.
u ded
Dear CIA (you're a couple of big guys, to start),
Mr user, while seeming like your typical fucking white male, actually is struggling with his gender identity and is here because he's ashamed. Ashamed of how big of a homosexual he really is.
If you detain him, you will be detaining a man who wishes to one day become a women: IE oppression. Your not OPPRESSORS, are you?
sage for taking the bait
Just tell them they're a bunch of fuckin' Sallies who are too soft to bare knuckle box you out in the snow
I honestly think that there really is such a thing as too much freedom.
America got ruined because of that much freedom. This means there are no checks and balances to insure people are not fucking retarded. We cant have the SS drive by, pull them out of their house and then shoot them in the street because they have the freedoms to prevent that.
This in turn gave birth to the leftist. Lack of War gives birth to the leftist. We right now are in an age of degeneracy. Where people are allowed to continue all their hedonistic acts freely without consequence.
Rgwue b'nwa 'ew hiawgu' & h'jw
rgwt 'ew siqbar'uea wzok'ububf ri nin
u qukk awbs & swkwrw atarwn23
wish me luck
Mate it is illegal to bully people over the internet in Australia. The Canadian government is too cucked to even fight fire, they won't do anything.
Call them whales although play it off as a compliment, as a reference to them being other kin. If they say "That's not my pronoun." call them sexist and specist for being humans who go by genders.
Simply make your pronoun; "God Emperor"
I think government schooling artificially extending childhood by another decade or so might have had something to do with it, as well.
Address people in a foreign language, one with only two sexes. If anyone gets insulted, say that you are merely learning that language by practicing in everyday settings. It's the culturally sensitive thing to do.
Might I suggest Afrikaans?
Certainly. Most people want it all but when they have they don't know what to do with it and society then runs off the edge like it has time and time again. It's like power: inherently not corrupt but foolish people will find a way to corrupt it – especially when they give it to those who actively work against them like in these times, which is the height of stupidity.
get a copy of that bill, rub in onto your unwiped ass and smear it onto your local gov building.
its the most blatant assault on free speech in history. we are in a dystopia timeline anons. you either conform or have no place in society. this is the beginning of the gulags
your not in the right place
Or use a 'dead' language like Latin, Sanskrit, or Middle/Old English.
Name me a place in this current time that would outright punish degenerate faggotry the likes we can barely stand?
Can you find us a single place that would put logic and order before people wanting to act out on some retarded ideology?
Japanese is probably the most triggering language in the world in terms of pronouns: they rarely address someone with a pronoun at all and sentences are by default neutral especially when context isn't known (like if you walk in on two people talking you won't know if who they are talking about is a girl or boy without context).
i would certainly hope the media would speak out if things got so degenerate we could barely stand it, but based on thier shameless support of clinton despite all the baggage she had, i have no faith in the press.
the press is the ONE organization that is supposed to put logic and order before people acting on retarded idealogy but they have picked a side. therefore been corrrupted by a retarded idealogy.
and the press activily encourages people to act out on their retarded idealogy. do yo think the riots would be as pervasive as they are if clinton or obama would just come right out and say stop people, he won fair and square. but no, she lets the country burn and laughs as it does.
Get the ensign back and show some respect for Her Majesty.
My country will leave the EU and we need you.
The supcourt is the ones who ruled against free speech mate. We're right fucked.
I suggest we subvert the law, give kek cultists an official degenerate pronoun until it becomes a nazi hate symbol.
Captcha: GI HmQo
What's the noncommittal pronoun used in Japanese?
When referencing someone whose gender I can't discern, I've been using the words 'it' and 'that'. Such people usually are involved in objectifying their identities anyway, and 'it' and 'that' are very objective terms. 'That' pisses people off sometimes, but I'm too lazy to learn new words for all these things that I just don't care about. 'It' is the pronoun I use for babies when I don't know the gender, so 'it' is what I use for the wackos who have lost touch with their natural state. (Although if it's a guy dressed like a woman, I refer to it as a guy. Just because he's in touch with his feelings doesn't mean he's not an asshole who should be treated accordingly.) If someone wants to take umbrage for referring to them as an 'it', that's their problem. The nongender pronouns 'it' and 'that' are neutrally objective terms which should suffice.
Holla Forums worships an Egyptian frog god. Therefore it is right to learn the language that descended from Ancient Egyptian.
I need to marry an american. any US chicks like big white dick. You'll have to support me tho cause all my time goes to shitposting and memes
Looks like alchemical symbols, I identify as saltpeter, shitlord
I support this idea, but I think we should go for the real deal if it's still possible.
my grandfather served on her. the age of anime-girl mascots is truly a golden one
This just make it all as ridiculous as possible so peoples names don't fit on forms and shit.
Interesting. Or how about pull a Prince, and your name is a symbol or a picture that has to be drawn perfectly or else it's insulting to your identification. Make it a very complicated image.
The issue is that you can't communicate in weird languages. Since it's Canada, does French have the same pronoun nonsense? It's obviously got the concept of masculine and feminine words, but they're fine.
This is also the easiest solution. English has plenty of neutral ways to address people after all.
pokemon gold and silver was overrated look at that nonsense
They rarely use pronouns at all. A conversation can go like this:
This is my friend Bill.
Is 35 years old.
Works as a lumberjack.
And if they want to refer to Bill then they will almost always use a person's name rather than "he" but if you translate it into English it will be "he." Also, in English we usually add "He" at the start of those sentences ("He works as a lumberjack" etc.) but they don't.
They have a "they" when referring to people (but, again, they don't keep repeating it as a conversation goes on) and "it" (this, that, etc.) is (typically) either understood or the well known "desu." There is a lot of ways to translate a sentence and they often leave out specific details because it's already understood, pronouns being one of the most common things they leave out after it's established (and just the name can establish it).
Marilyn Monroe inspiration.
JFC Did anyone ever tell It's Pat! that the stupid whore is consenting to the rules when she logs in?
Patricia Hernandez is a shitty "journalist," but that article is a fake.
is canada trying to take swedens highscore
In a way I think Canada needs this. We need the SJW's to push Canadians too far so that when the Conservatives regain power they will utterly decimate this shit once and for all and stop pandering. Shut down the CBC, Shut down the nonsensical human rights kangaroo courts, remove the cultural marxists from any semblance of power. Stop pretending they aren't cancer.
Good job OP
Canada needs it's own Trump, but who would be up to the task? Are there any red pilled Canadian politicians or business men who are as outspoken as him?
Don Cherry might have but he's getting senile
If Trump had run his campaign in Canada he'd be standing trial for hate speech, defamatory comments about a protected class, and slew of other bullshit about now. Leadership is just about impossible at this point.
Please take these
This is actually viable in Canada. Run for your providence's Congress and run on a platform for disavowing that law.
This is what is commonly refered in my country as "talking in little negro".
Ignore them.
Simply refuse to play their game, they no longer exist for you.
Since trannies are all mentally ill attention whores, it'll have the bonus effect of driving them batshit.
Do everything in your power to avoid them, and don't give them the satisfaction of acknowledging their illness.
This, I should be the most wanted man in Canada for all the loli I fap to.
Change your pronoun every second so everyone is always fucking up. Barrage the local police offices until they get you a higher up to direct complaints too.
Start a blog and a patreon and just walk around begin fucking offended and sending everyone to jail. Get people to crowdfund your opression.
Actually on second thought you should spearhead a campaign to get as many people to do this. Literally fill the jails and overwork the police until the law is changed.
Operation Jail Literally Everyone
Go to jail.
I'm not even kidding. Fill the canadian jails in protest. Have the liberals work to feed and house all the people they hate. Or rather, have them watch their precious socialist utopia collapse when everyone with a fucking job is in jail and they have no one to sustain them.
Fucking parasites.
Then go on welfare when you get out.
all those faggots who voted for weed and it NEVER happened
was that a selling point of his campaign? i didn't pay attention to their election
Because he still needs the votes for the next election.
He said he'd re-evaluate bill C-51 and likely revise it. He approved it.
He said he'd get us out of the TPP. He pushed us further into it.
He said he'd pull us out of the F-35 project. He pushed us further into it.
He said he would work on electoral reform. Nothing is being done.
He said he would legalize weed. Still not any closer than we were when he get elected.
He said he would unmuzzle scientists. He muzzled different ones.
He said he would reform the senate. Nothing being done.
Trudeau's a fucking liar, like all Canadian politicians, except Quebec separatists and Maxime Bernier, who are just stupid as hell.
What's really tragic for you guys is that you got your usual liar, but wrapped up in the most cucked persona imaginable.
Fuck with them. Make anyone who demands you call them special snowflake pronouns do the same for you, but make yours completely ridiculous. Make them offensive. "My pronouns are faggot, faggots, and faggotself"
If the bill goes through, then you are legally required to play their game. So play it by your own rules. Make it fun for you and infuriating for them. In other worse, sexually identify as an attack helicopter.
I want Bernier to win the CPC's leadership race and to be the next prime minister. Not that he'd be any good at it, but he'd certainly be fucking hilarious.
Imagine your dumb uncle. Not fucking stupid liberal, no. Like, the one who's kind of slow. He likes a good beer, he thinks football is the best thing ever, wonders if he really needs to change the oil in his car. You know, that kind of guy. That's Bernier.
Case in point.
Demand they address you as Emir then.
Another option is just not talking to them altogether.
>I identify as _ please address me as ___
Identify as Hitler
What if they identify as a nigger faggot?
Halifax is a city and let one of the biggest muzzie smuggling rings go on for years. One explosion was not enough for us. And I hope shit hits the fan hard, because there is "nice" then there is being "recklessly nice" the latter gets ya killed.
Even more simple, most people in canada use twitter for news, and have the attention span on gnats so they never go looking for the big things. That, and the gov and news and banks are more shifty, more crooked, more juden than even the american ones.
Hat to rain on your mostly correct statments, but he said he would look into the tpp. That is all he said, ndp wanted to renegotiate and green wanted to tear it up, but he only wanted to look into it.
Be thankful, for the libshits would figure a way to change it to favor them even more. Someones digging their feet in the parliment, and it is at the detriment to the liberals.
Write stuff in newspaper.
Say something about how it's more inclusive then previous, but yet more the alienating for those who don't use any of the new approved list of pronouns. Compare it to Hitler having Jews and Muslims in his army to save their own skin. And how you are more afraid now then ever.
And that since more people are "included", they are no longer allies since they are happy with the new set of law and act just like the people they despised now that they are invited into the warmth.
Make a debacle out of nothing.
The people with disabilities will sue them for the wrongful imprisonment. I can't wait to see how this turns out.
Just do what several others said, but in a more viable way. Take a two-pronged approach. If you enjoy annoying people, make sure to be hyper obnoxious and ask not just the snowflakes, but normalfags what their preferred pronouns are. And if you do encounter snowflakes, make sure to ask them every time they meet them in case they changed them in-between. If they get annoyed and ask why you keep doing it, tell them you can go to jail if you address someone by the wrong ones. If someone else asks you for yours, give them something offensive that's still in a format that fits the template like nig/nigs/nigself , sieg/sigs/siegself or heil/hoil/heilself.
Sue the government for making Ve and Vi available as pronouns since these are sacred things in asatru and infringe on religious freedom
Carry a stack of those "I am deaf pls donate and learn our sign language" cards. Practice the deaf person bow. Never respond to sjw's and just give them a card and wait for money.
Deaf Japanese? I don't bow.
Trump/Herr Trump/Trumpself
They usually bow a little when they hand you a card. Not as deep as a Japanese bow but just a greeting that underscores their inability to hear/talk. Don't do it if it offends you, but deaf people have a certain way about them and if you don't want to go to prison you'd better pull it off right.
Just fucking pray to kek that they don't know sign language. Maybe you can find some cards that say you're both deaf and retarded to cover not knowing ASL.
Nah I am not offended by the deaf bow but I am surprised that they do that in America because I am deaf Aussie and I don't do the deaf bow. I just smile at them and point my ear to indict that I am deaf.
My mother has an obvious feminine name and let me use her credit card. As long as you know the code I guess "borrowing" cards is going to be ignored by merchants.
That's probably the underlying reason for all this. Tranny bathrooms to boost the plumbing market, and credit card fraud via trannyism as "helicopter money" in all but name.
If you look into the mechanics closely you will know we still have an ensign. The CANADA company and especially the Bank of Canada are through here.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. You moved from SA to Canada to "get away from affirmative action"? Hahahahahahaha. You are getting everything you deserve. There is justice in the universe so long as retards suffer because of their own disabilities.
Kike the kikes.
Also, don't forget that you're "genderfluid", so your pronouns can change at the drop of a hat. Waste everyone's time in your school/workplace by loudly proclaiming your new list of pronouns every hour. If anyone objects, call the police.
Jesus, you can't be so stupid as to not realize that the U.S. is the only destination for Canadian oil already.
Kick the nigger out and approve Keystone already, homos.
Canada was a reaction to U.S. over-reach. If they had played their cards a little closer to their chest, we'd be United North America (or some such shit) by now.
Unlike everybody else, I went to the trouble of checking, and there are only a few approved pronouns. So, "Your Majesty" is out of the question.
Still, that doesn't mean you shouldn't become a living handful of sand in the gears. Adopt "zir" as your pronoun, get a GoPro to document infractions, and sue the living fuck out of every business you visit. Bone up on the law and get cracking clogging up the court system until somebody realizes the law has to be repealed. Get your friends involved too.
I didn't see the enforcement section. Is it just prison time, or are "victims" entitled to compensation? If the latter, this could be your new career, user. Just stick to the letter of the law and become the world's biggest snowflake pain in the ass.
There's no people with tranny mental illnesses in Newfoundland so this doesn't effect me.
I wish you mainland leafs good luck with dealing with rampant liberalism, the SJW plague seemed to completely skip over our island and trudeau doesn't even acknowledge us.
Fill the prisons with healthy people that refuse to play identity politics with people that science deems mentally unfit.
Jail me Trudeau! You want full IRA style hunger strikes? You ready for this shit?
I'm not even surprised anymore.
This man is our one true hope
All these transfuckulated cunts, if you're forced to play the game of faggots and address them with their proper pronouns (you CIS bigot), then don't even address them in the second person. Use a third person demonstrative, eg "this one". It's a whole new level insulting and objectifying, but without being hate-speech.
pls rate my rateable idea
well we'll sound creepy as all get out but its only around trannies and degenerates.
7/10 solid
That's part of the charm, they're freaks and should be approached with a form of communication as rightly demented as they are
and cucked up beyond all recognition
As a burger whose only exposure to Canada (aside from Holla Forums reports such as this) were SCTV episodes and Strange Brew, are there truly no right-leaning places left in maple land?
Wear a button that says, "My name is fjjalilijjian and my preferred pronoun is geikiksiisiseeeidjanijtyuks. If you can't say this properly, that's fine, I'll use old-world nound snf pronouns for you, too.
Take LOTS of video of yourself "ALWAYS WEARING (his)YOUR BUTTON" for teh media.
I like it, I will use it if the bill is signed into law.
Check, blazingcatfur, and smalldeadanimals they've got some FOI documents from schools where these fucks are abusing Canuck kids. Same shit is happening in Ontario too. Gonna see our own Trump moment in a few years, with all this garbage going on.
With all this bullshit going on, I'm now going to wear a pasta strainer when I get my next drivers license and demand people refer to me as "Your Royal Majesty."
ur welcome, don't forget to secretly video it for our amusement :^)
Oh shit that must suck.
Where you born deaf, or was it an accident?
move to america
until then, don't address anyone, even indirectly, if you don't know completely for sure that that person is a normal, ordinary, cis person who isn't a liberal on the verge of trying to become the other sex
Use Canada and Sweden as prime examples of the slippery slope to your normie friends or acquaintances. The fire rises, but so do we.
As usual Holla Forums is shitting itself over an extremely unlikely characterization of the situation by OP.
While I think the hate speech and human rights laws in Canada are bad, here are a few clarifications about what is actually happening:
1. there is no list of 'approved' pronouns. The grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Code are deliberately undefined so that the tribunal/courts decide what is/isn't covered
2. Transgendered people have already successfully made claims under "sex discrimination" so the "gender identity" addition is mostly symbolic
3. Canadian Human Rights Tribunal/provincial HRTs can not impose jail terms. They can impose fines up to ~$20k
4. CHRC/provincial HRCs don't apply to private interactions between people. They apply to stuff like employment, services/business, and a few other cases like publicly posting 'discriminatory' posters, web site, etc.
Now the Criminal Code "hate propaganda" provision can actually land someone in jail (up to 2 years). And it doesn't take much to be considered hate speech, the most famous example is R v Keegstra:
Having said all that, I really don't think that using a wrong pronoun would be hate speech. Crown would have to prove that you were actively inciting strong feelings of hatred against transexuals, which would be hard to square with ```accidentally''' using a wrong pronoun.
t. Canadian law student
There is literally nothing wrong with any of this. No wonder the kikes ruined him.
There are. Outside of the cities around Toronto and the far east.
But because everyone lives in such a concentrated part in what is probably one of the few connected areas in the whole of Canada, you hear the leftist fish-mouthed drawl much more loudly. The second you step outside of Toronto and Hongcouver, things tend to take a sharp swing to the right.
Especially in small towns.
Those are all excellent points, but I need to ask; what would happen if you refused to pay the fine? Wouldn't that mean jail time and act as a proxy for the tribunal to issue prison time?
I ask out of total curiosity, it's impossible for average people here to get a hand on what exactly it all means, how a complaint is filed, and how it's all enforced
Well, there is the case of Bruce Reimer and Dr. Money.
I how it goes is that they tried to prove gender roles didn't exist in nature by taking someone who was born a boy but with defective genitalia, transitioning him to female at a young age, and raising him as a girl.
What happened instead at the end is that the kid endure huge psychological trauma, and even more when he found out later he was supposed to be a boy. He de-transitioned later in life, and eventually killed himself. There was a great video about this all, but I can't find it.
Not quite the same thing. Reimer:
vs. (in an ideal world)
If you try that they'll simply add an exception what can't be used as a prounoun.
Mullvad, /baphomet/ recommends them and if your really paranoid about being tracked you can physically ship them cash in the mail.
This right here. The reason these tranny freaks are so animated is because people don't want to talk to them. They are isolated for normal, everyday people. Now you have a LEGAL reason to ignore these fags even more so. And PS, looks of under disgust and shaking ones head are not illegal yet
Yup, the "most trusted source" for (((news))) in Canada is funded by the fucking government itself. No conflict of interest there, goyim.
Really though, I was born trapped in this cuckshed. Why anyone would want to come here that isn't a Chick or a rapefugee I'll never know.
You know they want to build a pipeline to the west coast to ship it to the gooks, right?
If someone can post the election results map, you'll see that from northern Ontario to Inland B.C. was all votes for cuckservatives. (minus the indians voting for the NDP) see
and also check his dubs too.
I hope you're right canada-lawfag
Just like those fucking retarded frogs sitting on literally 30 BILLION barrels of oil on their fucking Anticosti island but they won't fucking exploit it and secure "MUH INDEPENDENT STRONK FRENCHFROG NATION WIT NO ANGLOS IN SIGHT"
This shit country is getting shittier by the minute, someone hand me a fucking american citizenship card so I can get out
he started living as a boy at 15
didn't become an hero until 38
That's a pretty good point, actually. If this was from the youngest of the youngest of the youngest, I can see how it'd definitely be way harder for the transitioned kid to decide to stop it. What other reality has he known?
When he gets a biology lesson and finds out what genitals are supposed to look like
I understand you buttfrustration, user, I really do. But we need to use the frogs to help us here. We need the indians to help us, what we need is some sort of "ethnic Canadians Peoples Party". Name it something gommie-like so stoned retards will look at the ballot and say "oh, sweet! Trotsky!"
If it were up to me, "Canada" would be about 6 different nations.
the reality of being raised and treated as a boy, against which he will have protested vehemently. The driving force behind gender transition should be the will of the child in question (ideally, untainted by external pressures like virtue-signalling parents or talmudvision).
I want Holla Forums to leave.
Someone needs to make Canada great for once.
Let's not forget that gender expression is on the list to, which is basically fashion sense of how you express your gender. If you criticize somebody's sense of fashion whether intentional or not, if could be classified as a hate crime. That is how deep this goes.
by the way
thanks for
correcting the record
*that list too.
Game them harder. Say you identify as a persecuted gay man and demand being called faggot as your pronoun.
why does canada let mentally ill people run the legislation system?
Umm.. because it's 2016, shitlord.
That's the way it's always been since the beginning. Anyone who is smart enough stays far away from Canadian politics.
Dubs spell the truth, you are now a transking.
Mad Max is our man, I plan on getting my CPC membership to vote for him
Start meming the NC into power.
where can i get this made
I remember one time i was shitposting on Holla Forums back on cuckchan (2-3 years ago mind you) about the whole SJW thing in video games,media and potentionally real life one day, and there were like two or three replies that were basically in the line of: "oh grow up you idiot, tumblr isn't real life and never will be - you are a dumbass for even wasting your time thinking about trivial bullshit lmao…"
… they aren't laughing now.
Call everyone them by standard grammatically correct pronouns ("he" or "she"). Tell whomever acts offended that he is a POS.
its not a meme you slack jawed faggot its the reality we live in. These weak disgusting cucks( not all christians, but many) are actively subverting our race and country, fuck you and your feelings. They do anything and everything for jews and shitskins and NOTHING for Aryans. I would be all for making christianity an Aryan based religion but it currently is not so once again fuck you, you should be ashamed of yourself you milquetoast cuck. Race Before Religion.
No matter how slippery-slope is a fallacy, it keeps happening non-stop IRL. Funny thing of our times.
Thank fuck this will only effect downtown city shit holes.
Consider moving to China, it would be an improvement.
Laws in Canada don't even have short titles?
How were non-white treated during apartheid?
So I shouldn't write the return address?
I knew the instant he said "I will look into it" some 1 month before election that the faggot has already made his decision to go with it.
And after he barely got elected, he went straight in Japan to shill TPP.
Fucking fag.
Dude, in an ideal wolrd the parents would know that something isn't quite right with their son.
They would take him to a doctor who would detect a hormonal imbalance, like all trannies have one, and try to fix it.
No sane parent who has a modicum of knowledge about biology and how the human body work, i.e. all the shit you learn in the most basic biology class, would allow their son to "change" because he's born in the wrong body.
Not too long ago there was even a thread about a psychologist who proposed exactly that and was shuned by the medical community for it despite having a shitton of facts and statistics that proved his theory.
That the feeling of being born in the wrong body is a pschologycal illness, casued through hormonal imbalance that "irritates" the brain.
You still ahve the retards that claim that if you ignore them, they will go away, even after all that time that showed quite clearly that this shit doesn't work like that.
Tell me about it holy shit
Fucking frogs will never cooperate, they're mostly ignorant retards, the only "redpilled" people live out in the sticks and are basically rednecks in canadian terms, they only listen to their french government owned media, which badly translate and report on whatever they want because they know the goyim can't speak english
Yes. I agree with this. Also, don't make friends with these types of people in the first place. If a law was passed like this in America, I would be concerned but not that concerned as I don't know any damn trannies.
I live in Canada and I deny the holocaust, say racist shit, etc. all the time even in front of police.
They know I'll fight them to the death if they try and ruin my life over it.
Ignore stupid laws. Treat it like piracy law.
Unless you're a rich business man or something then you've got a lot of assets to protect.
just moved out of there recently.. lots of black on black, black on white, and black on everyone killings (for canada), and they just accepted 800 more syrian terrorists
Boer here. Better than they treat themselves.
never said it was, nigger. back to >>>Holla Forums with you
Those were your words not mine Shlomo,you hid them in black, not made them invisible to everyone else. Regardless of what you or I think there Goldstein, I hope Christianity can un-poz itself, alot of people's lives depend on it.
Sweden here, I'd like some more information on how this works for when it inevitably makes its way over here.
Do you have to guess everyone's pronouns before you open you mouth to talk to them?
every human being on earth has free speech. no government has the right to dictate. you may die for it but you can damn well say what ya want.
Become a LEGAL immigrant to the US, or wait for pic 1 related. and kill yourself for posting tumblrtale
Kill yourself kike.
This is what I want you to do:
Step 1: Memorize the entirety of Shakespeare's Hamlet
Step 2: Deliberately provoke a Canuk special snowflake into getting you dragged to court under that law.
Step 3: When in trial, declare that your preferred pronoun is the entirety of Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Step 4: When testifying, ensure that you use your personal pronoun as much as possible.
Step 5: ????
Step 6: Profit!
Note that when I say "The entirety of Shakespeare's Hamlet" I don't mean the phrase "The entirety of Shakespeare's Hamlet", I mean you start at Act 1, Scene 1 and keep going all the goddamn way to goodnight sweet prince and you damn well threaten anyone who tries to stop you with the full penalty of the law.
My preferred pronouns will be hate facts and "antisemitism"
My preferred pronouns will be your majesty, sovereign meat popsicle.
That ought to rustle some jimmies.
Patrician tastes
Anyone not "her" or "him", call "it".
Make the government rule that they don't exist as an object in the real world.
I cackled out loud.