All info here to compare in logs
Censorship on pol
Other urls found in this thread:
The mods are fucking kikes
What's it like to become background noise?
fuck off and take your medicine newfag
>breaking the url of our own site
thry to post that from tor
We need more redpill threads. What the fuck are mods doing?
being kikes
The mods undermine us at every turn, but the community is good in spite of them. Shitting up our board because the mods are crap does nothing to make our board less shitty. In conclusion, OP is a faggot.
We need a better website because Endchan sucks
Something without constant sign-in and with more background color choices that doesn't log all of our posts like this one does.
This place has become google and Rachel Maddow poster is running the entire board, allowing /fringe/ and pedo anime fags to take control
but user endchan is where all the wise men hang out we should all go there for their wisdom.
I did try. I take back what I said.
I'm not suprised by the wave of shit posts, disinfo and DaC threads ever since the latest wave of users. I wish all you faggots would go back to 4chan.
They were having no luck subverting this board, so they brought a bunch of chucks here to make things easy
That's cool.
I'm going to masturbate to scat porn.
Hang on didn't people say that Red Pill threads were unnecessary? The mods are just taking advice on board management. Go on /polmeta/ and request for them to stop or email them.
The mods never go there. It's just a convenient way for them to shut people up and you know it.
remember anime kills the goon, Holla Forums
kikes are trying to actively subvert us
but they don't realize they themselves get redpilled in the process
Go back to Holla Forums, reported for ban evasion.
Get the fuck out
Then spam their emails man.
They ignore it then they're confirmed kikes.
There is no need for those threads just go to here for all the real redpills just ignore the masons and satanists.
No, it's full of conspiratards, Christcucks, and you can't post videos which is not going to work
Nigger I remember people saying they were unnecessary. I never got into it but I remeber them saying it when ever I scrolled by.
I don't want to necessarily support these threads, although I've never trusted the mods here. And I doubt the history of the mods/vol changes that we have is even legitimate.
The board does very clearly have a massive amount of newfags, starting from the primaries season and especially after the election. They stand out like a sore thumb. Redpill threads might not be a bad thing
nigger intl isn't even around anymore, now it's Holla Forums with their shitty stirner memes that tries to troll us
And here he is….our loving MOD
I've heard people say go to alternative chans but whenever I do they're too small to get actual replies for topics I used to enjoy discussing. I think I'll just stay here until shit get's really bad to convince myself of not going on other chans after this one.
Hopping from place to place is useless.
CTR post reveals them trying to emulate leftypol while posing as leftypol
Are you fucking thick or just new? Lurk moar
Fuck off intl
8ch .net/polmeta/res/14801.html
check the pol meta thread
Threads about the jews and other infographics are NOT banned, despite what the faggot OP is asserting.
For instance, this thread is alive and well:
Mods are banning OP for shit threads and autistic sperging and spamming.
It was a CTR leak that revealed that, goon.
They got downsized but still operational.
Nigger are you new.
Call me a new fag all you want I've been here for a year and a half, people have said the threads were unnecessary.
I never cared much for the threads though so maybe I'm not the guy to see about this.
God damn OP, you sure are salty. Just so you know, this shit belongs on /polmeta/ so the mods you are complaining about are actually doing their jobs by deleting these threads.
Would you prefer no mods at all? In that case, migrate to cuckchan. Stop shitting up the board
kek, SA is as dead as shit
They already deleted it. 👌
Go personally ask them to stop though and if they don't then they're kikes.
Stop lying:
They posted the same stuff on endchan of a bunch of 4chan screencaps with all kinds of nigger dicks trying to pass it off as here. pretty sad if you ask me.
Then you didn't number it correctly, my mistake.
I did, there is something wrong with cross-thread linking right now. Or else the mods have disabled it for shill threads, in which case I commend them.
So's Holla Forums, but it doesn't take a huge amount of dedicated autists to shit up a board.
Everything you just said was idiotic.
It isn't in the catalog.