Narcisissm is unfortunatly prevalent in western society. In this effortpost I intend to explain what narcissism is, where it comes from and why any of this matters to us.
What it is: A mental disorder characterized by a disconnect between a persons projected character and who he actually is. Narcissists can and will do anything to maintain his projected image, including murder, lie to himself and others and destroy everything he loves and benefits from despite having a moral code or a set of principles.
A defining trait of narcisissm is a complete lack of guilt but a very keen sense of shame (note that guilt comes from within, shame comes from other people). A narcissist will alienate everyone in his life and hurt the people he loves, although not on purpose. He will do and say very hurtful things and tell himself its for someone else's benefit while all it really does is protect his own ego. I'll describe a couple of typical narcissists and why they are that way below.
Narcissist #1: Teenagers. Every human being goes through a phase of narcissism in their teens. This is a simple consequence of being on the cusp of adulthood (but still being essentially a child). Teenagers are told what adults are supposed to do, like: have a job, have a car, have a spouse, not live with his parents, read the local newspaper etc. Naturally most teenagers have virtually no chance of living up to these expectations as they are not adults so they do the next best thing: pretend. A conversation that has happened in virtually every teenagers room follows: Teen 1: I pretty much make my own rules you know, like, I come and go as I please. Teen 2: Yeah me too. Im totally different from what my parents think I am, If they knew the shit I get up to they would, like, literally kill me. Teen 1: Right? My parents think Im still a child, but Im all grown up. I bought some weed/cigarrettes/alcohol the other day wanna try some? Enter Mom: Hey Teen 1 I brought some snacks and drinks for you and your friend. Teen 1: Mooooom, get out of here you're ruining my life! End scene
Teens will often try to one up eachother on how independent and rebellious they are because this feeds their narcisissm by reinforcing their projected character. Even though both teens know full well that they both have parents, live at home and their total financial capacity stems from their allowance its still paramount to their ego that this illusion is not dispelled. This is why teens have a hard time with asking their parents for help when they fuck up and this is why Teen 1 gets embarrased when mom walks in because her presence immediately dispells this illusion of independence (and thus projected adulthood).
Joshua Kelly
Narcissist #2: "Nice guys" An important point to understanding narcissism is that the projected character doesnt have to be a "heroic" one, I.E. "Nice guys". He has learned that if he accepts being a loser he doesnt have to make an effort to better himself (and protecting the ego from change is the core concept of narcisissm). He will delude himself into thinking that he cant get a girlfriend because all the girls are sluts who only fucks assholes and he is better than that (hence: nice guys). By resigning himself to the role of "Nice guy" he can avoid the fact that he is just not interesting enough to attract the attention of the other sex (or to cowardly to ask one out).
Common traits to this character archetype are spending way too much time on escapism like videogames and the internet and an inflated sense of intelligence (often despite low grades in school). The nice guy could better himself easily by living a life that a girl would want to be a part of but in order to do this he would first have to admit to himself that he is a loser not because society forces this life on him but because he chooses it. The "pick up artist" community attracts this type because it promises him sexual success without him having to change who he is: He can attract sexual attention by manipulating others rather than become a more attractive person (and simultaniously allowing him to pretend that his newly outgoing habit is just pretend rather than a reflection of his actual character). Even more so if he is rejected at the bar he can tell himself that it wasnt really him that got rejected but the "casanova" he was pretending to be. If he does get into a relationship as a result it is unlikely to last long as the mask slips eventually and he is revealed for the unattractive person he really is.
Nathaniel Wood
Levi Hernandez
Narcissist #3: Libshit the Hipster. Hipsters are a special breed of narcissist that stems from a lack of testosterone both within and without. As a grown man he finds himself lacking in manly quality and seeks to make up for this by pretending to be more manly than he is. This takes the form of growing a beard or a mustache, wearing what he precieves to be manly clothes (lumberjack style plaid shirts) and going out of his way to pretend to be a bold trendsetter ("I liked that band before they were cool"). He will do what he can to project manliness without doing anything masculine (I.E. he wont work out, he wont pick up a trade and he wont buy an old car to tinker with). Instead he will seek to redefine what being a man is so he can appear to be manly without having to do anything that is manly. "Toxic masculinity" is a phrase likely to be uttered by this character as he works as a barista after getting a liberal studies degree.
Gavin Kelly
I just needed a catchy pshycology related picture my dude
Connor Cox
so use Skinner if you don't want to get called a kike. posts discarded for kikery tbh
Parker Scott
These are just some examples of stereotypical narcissists, but they exist in all forms and project all manner of characters from bottom rung to top dog. The important take here is that to a narcissist its paramount to appear to be something (both to himself and others) while allowing himself to pretend that he isnt what he does. As such a narcissist can do anything and pretend that what he does doesnt reflect on who he is, its just a character that he plays. This is what makes narcissists dangerous to society as they can murder a man and still be convinced that he isnt a murderer. More important to us he can vote for Hillary and still believe that he doesnt support corporatism, or watch CNN daily and still be "cynical" about the MSM. A narcisisst doesnt feel guilt, so when a recent immigrant kills a mother of 4 he has no culpability despite voting for amnesty and open borders. He does however feel shame so he will like a facebook post to support BLM (so his progressive friends wont shun him) and then promptly do nothing of substance to help the cause.
Understanding narcissism is important to understand signalling and purity spirals. As in the example above a narcissist will signal his progressive persona to his peers to project his chosen character. His friends will then one-up him by doing something even more progressive (like partake in a slutwalk) and thereby reduce the integrity of his projection comparatively. In order to protect his ego he will then have to signal being even more progressive and the spiral begins. Now, I've used mr Libshit here to illustrate the purity spiral, but narcissism is in no way limited to the left. Narcissism is why the "cuck-campaign" was so successful. Cuckservative men want to project manly character, but by pointing out how immigration is essentially cuckoldry we ripped a tear in their projection, and nothing hurts more to a narcissist than pointing out how his projected persona doesn't match up with his actual character. I believe Gorings famous quote illustrates how pervasive narcissism is among jews who essentially pretends to be white (but arent); "I've been found out".
Adrian Brooks
Jung is more liked around. Freud is too sex obsessed and ((msm)) projects him as a psychoanalytical demigod rather than a doctor who wanted to pay his bills
Jason Butler
Owen Jackson
Where it comes from: The most surefire way to make a child a narcissist is to shelter them from failure. By not allowing the kid to fail on his own he will never experience his own limits and thereby come to believe that he doesn't have any. When he eventually does fail at something its someone else's fault and in no way a product of his own character. This then sets the precedent that his actions aren't related to his character and as he reaches his teens his narcissism kicks into overdrive. Couple this with individualism, materialism and a massive marketing industry and you have the perfect storm.
Understand that narcissism is essentially personal branding and many modern phenomena is easily explained. Remember that marketing today doesnt sell products but personalities, "buy this ipod and you too can rebel against the machine". The US is currently run by formerly pot smoking hippies but its nothing like the society they envisioned at woodstock: "I may run a multinational corporation built on foreign slave labour but thats not who I really am". Raise a child to understand that he is defined by his actions and he will grow out of his teenage phase.
Unfortuntely it is very difficult to cure a narcissist as you would need to reattach his ego to his actions, but as mentioned earlier there is no graver insult to a narcissist than to define him by what he does. It takes time for such a reconditioning and each time you do this the subject will be insulted and experience massive cognitive dissonance (and possibly an amygdala overload).
Any free person will dissacotiate from you if you try this and retreat to lick the wounds of his ego.
Connor Adams
Why it matters: Narcissism is unfortunately rampant in our society as a result of historical forces. As such any movement that seeks to gain ideological ground will need to account for narcissism. If we can find a way to make narcissts project to the right our movement will gain ground quickly. Ideas: 1. Marketing earns billions from exploiting narcissism. We can surely learn something from the industry. 2. Pop the illusion of lefties by pointing out how they arent living up to their ideals. This might backfire though as they may end up actually become more active in the enemies favour as they seek to restore their ego. 3. Do the same with cuckservatives and other rightwingers to our left. As above this might backfire for the same reason. 4. Make it clear that jews are not white. This both undermines their efforts to subvert the western world and hits them right in the feels. If we can make them identify as POC's like with (((echoes))) we will have dealt a major blow. 5. If we ever win we will need to deal with narcissism. It must be cured on a societal scale if we are to have any hope of a lasting victory. I strongly believe that this phenomenon is too wide-scale for ovens, and in any case these people are victims to the circumstances of their lives. They may not see it this way but they are our brothers and we ought to cure them if we can.
Lets discuss how to exploit narcissism to our benefit, I need your help here Holla Forumsacks
Luke Bennett
Back to the alt-right you go, faggot.
Brandon Nguyen
Shit, I didn't even catch that time for a dubs thread
Jaxon Flores
Pic related is also worthwhile.
Thanks for making your posts, OP. I personally believe we should be using this newfound breathing room from Trump winning to attempt a return to first exodus levels of discussion. Sure, it wouldn't happen completely, but as you just demonstrated it's not impossible to get the ball rolling. If I was more awake I'd probably have something else to say.
Charles Turner
Bumping despite the fuckups. I just want to push right until we can throw them all into deprogramming camps and then try to salvage the 10% of them that don't kill themselves for being such fucking idiots.
Liam Foster
Western civilization is built on exploitation and narcissism. Western civilization is actually a misnomer. It should be called eastern, occidental, or meso-Egyptian civilization.
Blake Brown
Don't count on that happening all the other backup chans are trying their hardest to be faggots and shill "the end" and "Holla Forums is dead" here.
Carson Johnson
Oriental I meant
Josiah Hill
details on that?
Evan Russell
I thinke I picked up that phrase from the daily shoa podcast. I like it, deal with it.
Skinner and Jung is a good call. Unfortunately I live in a country with no free speech, keeping a real Holla Forums meme folder could get me arrested, so I just got something off google.
Grayson Reyes
Holla Forums is literally going full kike.
Landon Hughes
hmm yes i see why you are like this maybe someone touched you as a child, yes that was it probably your father yes yes it all makes sense.
Lucas Edwards
CTR having another field day. Nice slide attempt OP
William James
Gabriel Bennett
It is pseudo-intellectual endchan faggots who think the shit they discuss is the only truly worthy stuff. They also think saying stuff like macro or meta makes them sound smarter when they couldn't be more blind with their eyes open.
Brayden Jones
Good posting despite the fuckups, OP.
Anyone who hasn't already should read The Last Psychiatrist ( because they go into detail about how kike-influenced society runs its game and how narcissists aid and abet it, further spinning the system into creating more narcissists. (They also go very straightforwardly into how (((psychiatry))) is run for profit and the doctors themselves run a system to drive themselves into thinking they're doing more than pushing kike drugs.)
For example, consider their last post before disappearing, in which they outline how "muh cyberbullying" is actually a means for (((Facebook))) and other control kikes to take further control, by using anonymous boogeyman to brand anonymity as evil.
Narcissist creation is the psychological and spiritual equivalent of mass migration to affect demographics. By inducing this personality disorder into the youth at galloping rates, the population is rendered far more controllable and profitable.
Xavier Peterson
And it's anchored. No discussion goys, just one liner cuckchan posts!
Christopher Brown
Controllable is the key word here, we need to find some way to wrest this control from (((them))).
Zachary Reyes
The obvious solution is to try and treat the narcissism. But that's not going to work because once induced, it's very resistant to treatment or intervention of any kind.
Another option is to find a way of hijacking the control and using it to prevent further infection. In other words, we need to find a way to make narcissists signal in such a way that they act to correct the societal problem they're a symptom of.
Isaiah Torres
Why was this thread anchored ? It's a good thread.
Jason Flores
Because the mods are jewish shills.
Charles Morris
I display a few of these traits but I would hardly call myself a narcissist.
I find it weird you describe narcissism as not feeling guilt for past actions. I haven't felt guilty for anything for a long time. If you mean guilt as in feeling bad about past actions this is illogical. You cannot change the past, this thought process is as illogical as wanting to relive the past.
You can take the past as advice to change the futures actions, is this what you mean by guilt? Taking responsibility for ones own actions in the past, to either choose to repeat ot not the past?
Either way refusal to see ones own involvement in past actions is not narcissism, merely ego conflicting with events and rejecting fault, which for most of life is fine IF it's not important.
I'm actually going to look up the actual definition later tomorrow with a freind who would probably also be interested. It seems subjective af of a definition, but I wonder if this rise in minor sociopathy will affect society.
Do we contribute? With our social media presence? I know image boards remove the personal ego, but they can still breed intellectual ones as there ARE hug boxes where they nearly always win.
Tumblr perhaps.
I know the social media and the Internet is great for freedom, but sometimes I don't think it's great for society at all.
Easton Rodriguez
Direct link please? It's like linking to a 700 page book and not telling them what page.
Ethan Rodriguez
Guilt is defined as internal shame. If you do something wrong, and nobody else ever knows about it, do you feel bad? If yes, this is guilt. If no, you are only capable of being regulated by external stimuli and will as a result drain everyone you ever interact with.
A narcissist will not self-identify as one. Or, if they do, they will change the definition. This is one of the reasons why narcissists seeking treatment are rare. If you look up the official definition, you will see it involves grandiose behaviour - then, if you are indeed a narcissist, you will use this to hide the parts of the definition that do match and use the whole thing as proof you are not one.