Michigan was called for Trump four hours ago. He won by 10k votes. Michigan WILL now prepare to do a recount. Is this it Holla Forums? Are we gonna get fucked?
Michigan Recount Will Happen
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I look forward to the other bullshit excuses some of you fucks in denial will make. Even the shills must be impressed at this point.
How many times does an election board recount before they get fucking bored?
Of course something can (and guaranteed, will occur) occur, but how do you think the average trump supporter will react?
i like your filename
This. If the libshits stole the election on behalf of the globalists there would 100% be a civil war and they don't have guns.
He did win by only 0.6%. Maybe, maybe not. It really says something that these people making such a big deal out of a single term, right Holla Forums?
Recounts would have to flip Michigan, Wisconsin, AND Pennsylvania before Hillary could have an electoral college lead.
These are states Trump won by margins of 0.23%, 0.93%, and 1.13%, respectively. For comparison, Bush won Florida by 0.01% in 2000 and no amount of recounts could get Democrats the result they wanted.
The short of it is that Leftists are in denial and grasping at straws.
As long as the (((Media))) is still there, they still have a massive advantage in the ability to push narratives and get away with incredible amounts of lies, corruption and lawbreaking in general. This may be a last-ditch attempt but we should never underestimate them.
The best way to respond would be to pre-empt against them.
Liberals had a tough time getting people to vote on the 8th because they kept forgetting. What do you think their voter turnout will be when a recount happens on a day that hasn't been drilled in their heads for months?
Not to mention they'd be fairly demoralized since 4 other states would also have to succeed at their recounts for it to even matter, and they're not the most energized of voters to begin with.
Recount =/= revote
Am I the only one who's kind of worried about this? Democrats cannot be trusted with something like this and are going to pull out all the tricks to get their witch elected.
Or am I just worrying over nothing?
Also, fuck jill stein. Is anyone calling her out for why she chose these three states for a recall?
This shits getting so blatantly obvious that even normies should recognize this is a soros funded operation.
When did liberals become so psychotic?
Their Electoral College numbers were very close too.
What happens if the liberals get what they want,besides HRC becoming president?
I'm fucking coming over from Yurop to personally fuck their shit up if that happens
They'll ensure a conservative never wins again.
She can't be POTUS. She dropped out of the race the day after the election. I watched it on live television. I'm sure there are digital archives of the speech all over the interwebs.
start your mememagic NOW
if everything fails, we meme the Memeteor!
And that's the optimistic scenario
I'd be all for this train of thought IF we weren't up against known crooks.
So far in history election results are only overturned when the voting is so narrow as to be 500 votes or less. The only way they get this is cheating.
This whole damn this is suspicious as all hell.
Why only recount Trump victories when HRC won states with fewer votes that Trumps, PA and WI wins?
Not only does she say she congratulated DJT, but also offered to work with him. At the end she says is honored and greatful to have had the chance. Past tense. She's done folks. You can't concede a foot race because you couldn't see the finish line, and then decide after someone already crossed it that it was just a prank bro, you totally saw the finish line.
shillary won NH by few thousand votes
Stupid cunt, they are just going to claim horseshit like "she didn't concede officially" and "Gore set precedent when he conceded and took it back later"
Not trying to concern troll here, but when has Killary ever said something believable?
Gore had much more of a case than Hillary
the truth does not fear investigation
I think even the average fucking retard considers that concession speech official.
Gore I think made a private phone call, not at a nationally televised press conference.
gg no re
Gore's case was "muh florida" and "pls don't count the absentee votes". It was a bad case, either way.
True, when the truth won't be altered and incorrectly presented by biased investigators.
I love all these faggots that have been dancing in the end zone since the 9th.
This game isn't over until 1/21/17, you dumb niggers.
but Gore only needed Florida
Stein (read: Hillary and Soros) will follow the Gore tactic. After getting the green light for recount they will have specific wishes about the recount next, Like Gore they will sue about which counties should be recounted and which counties should be left alone.
Don't give them your finger because they will try to take our hand.
This. Until Trump is in the Oval Office, the battle isn't over.
if only Wisconsin goes to hillary trump still wins
if only Michigan does congress decides or something
and trump won the house and the senate
They already did all they could to make her win. It is too late for them. I'll bet this is what they did: Injected as many fraudulent votes as possible (deceased/illegal voters), rigged the machines to register votes for Trump as less than whole (one vote equaling half), and downright changing the vote when they could. Not to mention deleting Trump votes entirely.
Now that all the votes are accounted for, there is nothing she can do, that's why she gave up. They aren't going to find boxes of uncounted Hill votes. If they did any real investigation, I imagine the difference would be up to ten million, removing all the fraudulent votes.
We shouldn't give up though. If something fishy swims up, we will be there to reel it in.
Cucks on Holla Forums actually celebrateda victory
Celebrating victories make sure you weak
Hope you cucks leaned your lessons. Never let your guard down. No such thing Celebration. Too win we only fight.
And if these sham recounts manage to prevent certification of the vote by 12/19, meaning neither candidate gets 270, Cryin' Ryan's house get's to pick the winner.
You don't see how that could end badly?
It's not over then either. The kikes WILL go all out to impede and undermine his mandate the entire time he's in power.
The battle is not won until all semites are removed from existence
Delusional Clintonistas need to get real in a hurry here. I'm trying to spread the word as quickly as I can:
If this plan works, and Hillary steals the election after all, you die. Got it? You die.
They just can't see farther out than the tips of their (((noses))) here. Half of this country is ready to fucking kill the other half. Not a joke. Not an idle threat. Not a metaphor for something else like writing pissy blog posts.
Literally war with guns
Keep teasing the fucking bears, libshits. Keep poking. You'll get one fun night celebrating Lady MacBeth's victory. You might even get to symbolically break a glass ceiling in celebration. But you'll be recovering from the hangover in an Army truck fleeing your burning homes.
Keep pushing.
I mean that. Keep pushing. The years of patient effort we've been preparing for to make this country white and proud again will go by much faster if 50% of the opposition is in exile or mass graves. Speed it up. Make sure she wins Wisconsin and Michigan. Flip Pennsylvania too. That's our signal.
They are just trying to give Trump a hard time. They probably want to busy his team with bullshit paperwork and legal proceedings. I think that in the end nothing will happen, they are just being vindictive.
That's not the point. The point is that any anomaly on any of those three states results will trigger a massive "muh foreign interference" narrative by both the media and Democratic party. And they'll force a national recount and that's when they'll play their kikery.
Also, you guys forgot this election is not like any other before. Do you have any idea how much at risk the kikes are if a Trump presidency goes forward and he does even half of what he promised? They're not going to relinquish power like this.
well i did forget about him
Truth does not fear investigation, but as >8364837 says, this allows motive and opportunity to rig the vote… and of course, being empowered by one vote that has been 'turned over' by (((proper counting))), they will push for another recount in another state; they'll keep doing it until they push too hard, get caught, or hit a wall.
The margin in WI is 27,000
Lets say you wanted to stuff a ballot counting station. 27,000 ballots would fit in the passenger seat of your fucked up Carolla.
Some fucking nu male could swing the entire state state of Wisconsin with a package that would fit in a car seat.
If that doesn't scare you shitless, you're a fucking shill.
Yep. It's not even difficult to understand. I'm getting older, starting to put on a little weight, and I've got literally nothing to lose. I'm 33 and no kids, no waifu - probably the last thing I can do for my race at this point is die for it so that our young can have a better life than I did. Go ahead and bring it, you stupid jewy fucks. Valhalla and the banquet of my ancestors await.
64646… auspicious
And it still wouldn't be enough to win the EC. They would have to flip 3 states like that. Even they can't pull it off.
This is such a kike move, it even has a Hebrew name: Chutzpah. It means something like "guts" or "moxie," but there's an undertone to it that's more like: "losing, and then demanding your opponent's surrender." Look again at that press conference (((Gloria Allred))) gave a couple of weeks ago. She lost. Her client was revealed to be full of shit. She was facing real, career-ending consequences. And what did the nervy kikess do? She issued veiled threats against the President-Elect, hinting that he'd be a fool to pursue charges against the slut or through the Bar Association against her. I swear she even winked at one point.
This is your enemy. The foe who literally cannot admit an honorable defeat until poison gas fills its lungs.
Never relax around them.
Michigan has been counted a million times that's why they took forever, it's red.
If they try to flip states and change the election outcome it's time to switch to warfare.
2000 was 271/266. 2016 is 306/232.
This whole ordeal is just posturing by the Green Party. The Green Party had only had primaries in 37 fucking states, they have no grounds to call anything "undemocratic". Because theoretically Jill Stein could become president. Yet her party only had primaries in 37 states. These people are nothing.
The wheels are already turning for Trump. He has .gov websites, he has done meetings with foreign leaders already.
Soap -> Ballot -> Jury -> Ammo
The Four Boxes of Freedom in order.
They don't care. They don't see the forest from the trees. They just want to be on the right side of history, and brag about being to places to protest THE MAN and play pretend they're shaping history. They're limp wristed, noodle armed cucks that have never fired a gun and have zero survival instincts. They think that hunting rifles are okay, but don't notice an AR-15 in a wood finish because it's not black and scary looking. They're relying on their BLM and La Raza goons, thinking that BLM and La Raza are going to work together to fight what they view as "Cletus and his Inbred Cousins."
They have no idea what will happen if they push this and it gets through. It's easier for everyone involved if Trump remains president. If a single hair of his is hurt, half of the nation will murder the other half. You got half a nation ready to fucking go, just waiting on the signal, and they don't see it.
They DON'T have to flip them.
They just need to prevent the vote from being certified by 12/19, preventing trump from getting 270.
And those of you saying "that's crazy that would collapse the entire country!'
How do you think Soros made his fucking money? Civil unrest is his bread and fucking butter.
Shitbox countries in eastern Europe with GDPs outmatched by individual American cities is different from the world's largest economy with a third of a billion people. Dont even begin to act like it is remotely the same thing.
Remember that if they want to pull this shit, that Virginia will be easy to contest thanks to the sheer number of illegal votes thrown out in the few counties that agreed to be screened in the early voting counts.
Also remember that New York apparently gives photo ID with no real background requirements.
fuck off
This is cause for hope. Believe it or not, there is a limit to how far the establishment will bend over to accommodate the Chosens. There eventually comes a tipping point where the deals are already being made and it would take too much fucking effort to go back and change things. We like to pretend (or hope, which is the same concept) that Trump is a wrecking ball who will level the corrupt insiders' club – and who knows, maybe he will – but the rich will still be rich under Trump. Lawyers will still get to be lawyers. Bureaucrats mostly get to keep their jobs.
And those people – the real power in the world – are making the big adjustment to Trump. The longer it takes to rob him of victory, the less likely it is to happen.
concern trolling
For Trump to still win all he needs to hold is PA. WI is 10, MI is 16, PA is 20. Although if that were to happen then faithless electors would actually have a chance to deal some damage. If these succeeded than it would go to congress.
Then you have anons saying shit like "this will be great it will expose illegals and dead votes!"
It not a fucking audit. It's a recount where scenarios like this user explained can easily happen.
Maybe it's inevitable. Maybe the world needs yet another reminder of how fucked in the head white men are, and how we don't riot, we burn down entire continents when we're pushed beyond the limits of our tolerance. Fucking Hell for all Holla Forums's talk none of us go out and murder random faggots and niggers and kikes on the street. But if they want to keep this up, they might just meme the ebul h'wite man into the full depths of his latent potential for militaristic depravity. And they just keep poking the sleeping giant as if looking for the exact moment that he will awaken with murder in his eyes.
They can't see it. Their ideological wellbeing requires them not to see it. Inside a progressive's head, the world is always getting better – we used to have slavery, but that's over now. We used to be racist, but that's been "improving." – and the moral arc of the universe always bends toward (((justice))).
In this delusional framework, the building of a white nation is an impossible reversal of history. We might as well try going back to feudalism.
What they cannot grasp is that an actual majority of the country doesn't want their coffee-shop utopia. We have jobs and kids and homes to think about. We want those to be safe. You might say we want to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children, rather than pledge allegiance to some Jew concept like caramel-and-queer. We have shit to do, which is why we resent these selfish faggots getting in the way.
This is the left's biggest blind spot. They assume we're all New England liberals at heart, and even racist truckers would want to be just like David Brooks if they could just kick the meth and go to college.
Christ, I am getting tired of the liberals getting away with so much bullshit.
He won Wisconsin by about 27.5K votes, Michigan by 10K and, Pennsylvania by about 70K votes. Unless they somehow "dig up" (create new) votes the old bitch still loses, even if you GIVE HER Wisconsin AND Michigan, Trump still wins because of his 70K vote lead in Pennsylvania which puts him about 280 if I recall in the Electoral College.
Only good that will come out of this is the destruction of that kikess Stein's career for being a fucking moron. And the massive loss in money Bernouts and Hillbots will suffer.
Even with just Michigan and Pennsylvania flipping they'd only need a single unfaithful elector to flip the results.
This pretty much. Do they want a relatively painless swamp draining or do they want the day of the rope? The army hates you, the police hate you, we hate you. You are pussies, you have no guns. Use your brains. Why do you think they let Trump win in the first place? It served as a pressure relief valve for people that have had enough and have nothing to low anymore and everything to gain. Steal this from them and they won't go quietly into the night, shit will get real, I guarantee it.
Nothing will come of this.
If there was a time to demand a recount, it would have been the day of, or the day after the election.
This is another desperate attempt by the Green Party to stay relevant by preying on disaffected liberals (their bread and butter) for another cash grab, and so far it has worked marvelously. The same people who tossed money at Sanders even when it was clear he was done are the same people tossing money at this.
What would we have if, for the sake of argument, a recount found that Clinton won enough votes in the EC to win the election. This, after she already publicly conceded the election, Trump has begun receiving intelligence briefings, and the country at large has begun to accept that yes, this is happening. Nothing but chaos would erupt - a Constitutional crisis - that would send the country further into turmoil than it arguably already is.
What's the end game here? That Trump will just go, "Oh, my bad. Here's the reigns of power?" Unlikely. This would get rolled into the courts, or worse yet go to the House of Representatives where a GOP-controlled house would elect Trump anyway, sparking even more protests and demonstrations.
tl;dr blatant cash grab by the Green party. Nothing to see here. Just laugh at them and move on.
I'm bored. When's the fucking race war?
The dipshits shilling that this is just the Green Party attention whoring or Jill Stein pulling a Bernie, need to bone up on their 4d chess.
There is a VERY real risk that the election could be stolen by 12/19.
It is not about getting Hillary into the white house.
It is about getting lefties rioting the streets.
Soros tries to start a violent revolution by framing Trump for voter fraud.
There's more to this. She's obviously getting funding from Soros and it only makes sense that a controlled opposition, third party like her would call for the recount, and NOT Hillary since it would make her look like an idiot.
I don't know what they plan to do or how they will attempt to make it stick, but it does not bode well for our goals. Right now, Trump needs to resurrect the "rigged" meme and push it hard among his followers. Making sure that people are good and angry is the best possible means of either weathering the approaching storm or violently responding to the imminent theft of our sovereignty.
The "he lost the popular vote" meme will become old hat eventually, the same way it did for Gore; it's just sour grapes to mention it now. They are doing just what they accuse Russia of doing: poisoning the well and sowing doubt in the electorate. Same with the "faithless electors"; nothing will come of it, but it bolsters the idea that Trump is illegitimate, even though he won the election. It justifies harsher rhetoric later on.
This is just kindling to fuel a larger fire later on. Nothing will come of it in the short term. The fear comes later.
illegitimate are the spics who voted for shillary
Please Mr. president, It's too much winning! We can't take it anymore!
I'm glad to see that we're all on the same page here
Gore conceded too, albeit for a very short while.
december 10 government shutdown, then december 19 electoral jewing AND THEN THE HAPPENING….it was never going to be peaceful.
have we started the fire?
After the Democrats acted high and mighty all this time the minute they lose a election they
1.Call everyone who didn't vote dem. a racist.
2.Riot non stop and attack random trump supporters.
3.Send death threats to electors.
4.Have everyone from SJWs to CEOs call for Trump's assignation.
5.Declare your entire opposition's news outlets to be "fake" without any evidence.
6.Claim you were "hacked" with no evidence while ignoring the 3 million illegal votes and 4 million dead people of which we DO have evidence of.
7.threaten to have California leave the country.
When this is all over there will be no Democratic party. When your new voting block (illegals) is gone you will have no power.
Every breath you take is a sin. Every step you take you trample over the heart of America and you do it with pride. May the God-Emperor have mercy on your pitiful souls.
The wall was never enough I want fucking landmines, bear traps, and electric fences. We know they hate America.
Now it's time they FEAR it
Calexit is the penultimate in liberal whinging. They spend 364 days out of the year criticizing Texas for wanting to secede, then they have one election they don't like and threaten to do the same with all such righteous indignity.
I almost want them to do it just to watch LA run out of water and the whole San Fernando Valley turn into fucking thunderdome.
https:// www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(dho1ds45nhb4jt452rgcli45))/documents/mcl/pdf/mcl-116-1954-XXXIII.pdf
canvass or returns of the votes by the election inspectors may petition for a recount of the votes cast for that
office in any precinct or precincts as provided in this chapter.
She is not an aggrieved party. A recount will not tip the election in (((Steins)))'s favor. Unless some seriously shady shit happens, Michigan is locked in stone. Pennsylvania's voting systems are not something (((they))) want to bring into the public eye either.
http:// theincline.com/2016/11/23/a-pennsylvania-recount-for-clinton-a-nightmare-scenario-explained/
Why isn't Cunton in person asking for the recount then? This is the fishiest piece of this shit puzzle easily.
It can either mean she knows she's fucked and Steinberg is in fact just pulling a Glassberg and grabbing cash while she still can, or there is a seriously shady trick going behind the curtain and if we don't spot it soon we are get fucking burned
Even Nate Silver thinks something's up
They should just make California a part of Mexico and accept as many refugees as possible. What could go wrong?
Two possible scenarios
1. (((Stein))) is scamming the naive liberals and prepping for a 2020 run
2. The corruption runs far deeper than anyone has ever imagined and DOTR is within arms reach
T-the recount is j-just for show anyway goy! You should know by now that Trump is controlled opposition goy! That's why we are opposing him so hard! Because we want to trick you again and you always fall for it! Heheheheheheheheheheh!
P-please don't kick AIPAC out of Washington DC, Mr. Trump
Well it looks like we gotta waste Stine.
Kikes have noses for the kike scams. He's probably tired of pushing a fake narrative and sacrificing his career for his fellow kikes, and just wants to rest.
What career? He fucked up so bad with this entire election, not a single person will give him a dime for his (((predictions))) after January
They are acting exactly like the Cruzlims when they tried their last ditch effort to stump the Trump by autistically screeching at the convention. Guarantee you that Jill has been inundated with Bill Kristol types BEGGING her and offering money for a recount.
I really don't think Clinton is behind this. She probably legitimately thought she would win and looked absolutely devastated at a recent appearance. She also conceded and has basically given up at this point.
This is just Jill scamming idiot Clinton supporters the same way Bernie scammed his supporters.
because stein is her proxy
dont you think this kikes have like 6 million backup plans in case the projected winner on Nov 8 was Trump, they will still try to grab the presidency out of his hands. the problem they didnt foresee was, that whatever is their next move, theres a 99.98% chance of SHTF hard for them, so their next move has to be a very meticulous one
Probably more than once.
The irony is, that their own programs and agendas have actually nullified much of this as consideration before we act
Our jobs have been stripped from us by affirmative action and quotas for non-whites, or shipped over seas by globalist agendas or corporations they worship like apple seeking profits, gutted our manufacturing jobs, and stifled our ability to get useful college degrees by over inflating the cost of education and shipping/giving away jobs that harder degrees should earn all in the name of "diversity" in colleges pushing shit tier degrees to enslave millions of women and non-whites to student debt, leaving many white males unemployed or in lower wage jobs… so what jobs are we saving by not acting?
Or our homes, oh boy, how about them forced diversity quotas thanks to section 8 and hud? Destroying our cities, my own home town was lost to this scourge, driving down property values in many towns to the point homes are worthless and neighborhoods are a warzone to dangerous to live in, or how thanks to their "ezlend" department they've driven the cost of homes in white and/or safe areas to insane prices that most of us could never afford.. so what "home" do we have to protect (aside from our nation as a whole)?
Oh or how about our KIDS, theres a GREAT one. Feminists have ensured men rarely win custody battles, and thanks to their ezdivorce "the man is always at fault" bullshit there are hundreds of thousands of those guys who cant even SEE their kids and the closest they come is writing a check to the wench who stole their kids every month so what little they do make goes mainly to a woman who hates them and brainwashes her kids to hate them to. Many of us never even had kids, and have no possibility of it, (((liberal))) media, combined with degenerate apps like tindr, has so brainwashed women into believing that only a pure 10/10 alpha male with a dick the size of the space needle and at least a six figure income will do even for the most obese of hamplanets, leaving many of them disappointed as well as they can get nothing but nigger dick but hey the media tells them THOSE are the good males anyway with the big dicks and all the money and noticing the smell and grease everywhere is "racist" so they are mindfucked to ignore it and act like nigger wenches. Hell and even if you are one of those prized white males, what incentive do you have to even have kids in the first place since you know the risks and the bitch can divorce you and take all your shit, your kids, and (((society))) will cheer her on and condemn you as "probably a rapist" anyway until you blow your own brains out. Combined with the over inflated cost of raising kids, all the risks mentioned above, the risk of getting some pozed bitch who hides her love of nigger dick from you, that she has no risks for stepping out on you, etc etc, and the simple fact its not just impractical but stupid from all non-emotional non-racial-well-being reasons to even HAVE kids in this sort of environment, so many of us simply dont have kids and… well.. what kids do we have to worry about?
No no, they've taken away every possible possible we have to NOT rise up. Everything we would normally need to consider before we act, gone or never had. They like to chant "we have nothing to lose but our chains," but the truth is that that statement applies to US not to them. What, in fact, do the majority of us have to lose? Jobs kids and home are out. Waifus arent real. VR is decades from being fully immersive ala some shitty animes. Hell even our escapism has been censored and beaten like a dead horse gift wrapped and handed to femicunts to bleed on and then flooded with derivative trash so theres not even THAT to care about anymore.
I honestly want to know, what is it they think will continue to hold us back? They dont, they just dont care because they think they'll win because they think predator drones and tanks will always be on their side and just nuking a state thats "shitty conservatives" is acceptable, or they think we're to pussy to do anything to begin with.
We'll see what happens. But, in all honesty, their fuckery would have to flip three states to make a difference. Honestly they're better off stopping this nonsense and instead trying to wear down trump personally. Though frankly, either way, things either get better, or we're heading to civil war either way.
No. He needs to keep acting Presidential and not even give it any oxygen whatsoever. If asked, he should dismissively state that Clinton conceded and it's over. Him strong-arming Ford and Carrier is an excellent strategy, him producing tangible results cements his role quite nicely.
They will do everything they can to rig it.
There must be neutral entities supervising the recount.
The escalation will be real if Trump's victory is stolen that way.
It's amazing the extent to which they don't seem to realize that for so many of us, our lives are the only things we have left to lose. As long as the state security forces step aside (and I'll bet they will) we would carve through leftists like a hot knife through butter.
Which explains it a lot better, he wants to start giving accurate predictions to reestablish his credibility. Kikes aren't monolithic, they will also fuck over their fellow kikes on occasion if it means they get to keep sucking the blood from the nation they infest.
THere is a high risk here. As you all know, many liberals believe that Trump is Hitler. I don't know the details on how many people are involved with recounting, but there's a high that some of the counters will be liberals. See the problem here? Some unknown percentage of them absolutely would cheat to give Hillary the victory.
If it happens, all hell will break loose. To be honest, it may be a better path than an outright Trump victory. Weigh tangible results (i.e. a wall) against the opportunity for more anti-Establishment memes. True or false, we can claim that it was 'stolen' and blame any problems on the illegitimate President Clinton. The Republican Congress will prevent liberals from attacking core freedoms like the First Amendment (although I would rather see that happen sooner than later when whites are 35% of the population), so she wouldn't be able fuck America over as much she'd like.
The alternate path of a Trump Presidency secures the wall, but several negative things might happen: A) The civic nationalist 'New Right' steals a lot of the pro-white momentum B) With liberals in an anti-Establishment position, chances of a Jon Stewart type figure increase. C) Smart Jews like (((Scott Alexander))) might succeed in reeling in identity politics until the demographic shift becomes irreversible.
The odds are tall either way, really.
Do they not understand that if they actually steal the presidency from him it will lead to a literal civil war?
Quality and/or underrated posts.
We're gathering momentum for observing and documenting these recounts. What we need to watch out for is bird dogging and false flags and who knows what else, with the goal of locking down the recount facilities and kicking everybody out.
Is this literally how the fucking war will start?
Your picture can infer lynching or suicide.
I fucking live here! It's pozzed enough as it is! Some days I get so depressed that I want to leave, but other, more motivated instances make me think about the more desirable option of taking it back from the kikes.
What needs to happen is the state needs to split up into at least two different states–preferably six.
Barring that, an armed revolution would be nice. My sincerest hope is that, after some time in the presidency, Trump calls out Moonbeam and Newsome on their corrupt, tyrannical bullshit and turns this state into a redheaded stepchild inundated with controversy that will make the people within it start striking up conversations about how fucked up it really is.
Leftists committing suicide or leftists getting lynched
What's wrong with that
Right about the time George Zimmerman was ruled innocent.
Libcucks seem to have this thing where they want to win "the big one". They want the symbolic victory, they want the grand stage victory. They don't care that we're proven right every hour of every day when another nigger kills another white couple. They don't care when niggers get pulled over or shot in the commission of a violent crime. But they want to win the big one, the big OJ cases. Ever since they tried so hard to win Zimmerman and were bitchsmacked out the door, they've been throwing a tantrum. They tried to turn every shooting of every "poor innocent black youth" into a huge deal, and surprise surprise, they lost every fucking case along the way. The tantrum escalated to BLM, and since public opinion has soured on that, their tantrum is only getting worse.
They've been trying to win "the big one" for years now, and this is just the next "big one" they need to finally calm down. When they lose, who knows what the fuck will happen, but it will be fun to watch.
It's fucking unbelievable how delusional our enemies are. I've spent a decade and a half on the chans, rotten.com, et al; I fucking know what I'm getting myself into. I've watched scores upon scores of SAA videos, seen a lot of good men get their guts blown out and die slowly in the dirt. And I just don't care. Literally anything is better than dying by inches while the leftists shred the tiny fraction of cultural and racial identity that I have left after a lifetime of indoctrination. In all honesty, I'll probably never be part of a people, I'll probably never be unbroken again. All that's left for me is revenge and hate. And the only, only thing keeping that in check in this moment - is the faint hope that Trump can make a better future for white children, without subjecting them to the horror of a war on American clay.
The hell that would be unleashed if they steal it from Trump would be apocalyptic. I'm not just talking domestically either, the effects of such an act would ripple globally and jeopardize any remaining stability. Unless the intention is to crash the planet with no survivors, it doesn't make sense for them to try this now. They waited too long.
So how long will it take until we know the results of this bullshit round two then?
Its all good brother, come what may. Every nation has the government it deserves. Rejoice, nothing lasts forever.
What if time traveler got it backwards by warning us, Trump is declared winner but in December we find out Hillary is the real winner??
Supposedly this was her plan even if Hillary won. Something I heard idk if its true or not.
in their satanic occult faggotry, they must absolve themselves of guilt before committing an evil act. its why the put predictive programming in media for false flags like 9/11. if they intend to bring the whole system down, they will expose snippets of how corrupt they are (wikileaks) and give you a glimpse into how to solve it (giving you a nationalist leader). then theyll let the world burn and have no moral hang ups about it and wont fear burning in hell. theyve given us enough chances, now i expect the fire and the vampires to get their fill of blood.
Calexit is something we should wholeheartedly push for and support. If California were to leave the union, democrats permanently lose 55 electoral votes, which almost guarantees they will never win another election for decades.
We need to reinforce the idea that he is the legitimate ruler so that in the event of a (((recount))) we have the legitimacy to launch a putsch. We have the firepower, all we need is the support. Normies have already for the most part accepted him as leader just make sure you keep pushing his opponents as sore losers trying to cheat.
Is all of Oregon a liberal shithole or is it just Portland?
Eastern OR can be pretty based. Dat population density tho.
It has more liberals than conservatives but they're concentrated in portland. I recommend staying away though.
If you nuked Portland nobody would shed a tear. Nobody in the region likes Seattle or Portland. Cesspool doesn't even begin to describe the liberal degeneracy.
Sometimes I feel a superiority complex since I live in Wyoming. Most of the people here find niggers so uncommon that they bring it up in smalltalk at work that they saw an unfamiliar black person around town. And we have the most freedoms.
Fucking this!
There are hardly any in Oregon and most of them are in Portland.
wew lads
Trump will uncuk California
This dumb bitch cuck doesn't know that the system was rigged for Shillary and shitskins. Kill yourself
California will become an anarchic desert within years if they leave the union. The soft skinned liberals have no chance of surviving on their own.
Please help us by spreading this image and using the following hash tags.
Thank you very much.
Dubs of truth
On it.
This. There is no rest until power has consolidated as much as it will be in January. The grip is tightening, and their avenues of power projection are lessening- but the globalists will continue to entertain plans of desperation until then.
Every day that passes makes it harder for a shift to occur, but also makes the potential attempts to shift more extreme.
Remain vigilant.
so when will we get the info of this recount? Also, doesn't seem like to many places are covering it.
Holla Forumsacks, just make sure that while you are KEEPING YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN
That you do not
There was some serious blackpill doomspiral shit going on leading up to the election and while CTR was going into overdrive, I genuinely think the vast majority of it was self-inflicted.
as of now we have 6 people in the electoral college voting against their states. We'll see what happens with this nonsense, though it doesn't seem real that this could happen.
You know a part of me is actually hopeful that they pull some shady shit with the recount to get trump out.
Can you imagine just how PISSED people will be by that? You think the lefties did damage after they lost? There would be a complete meltdown if all trump supporters suddenly had their shining light taken away from them. That's something i'd really enjoy seeing, might start seeing some bodies start piling up for once
Valhalla brother die a good death , sure would beat dying of diabetes or car accident . Die in battle.
Those people need to be hung by their balls.
Can we seriously make that last one our new flag? It's great.
Blackpill? Shieeet negro, I'd be ecstatic if the Dems manage to flip 3+ states in favor Hillary (it would be obvious fraud, which we would undoubtedly expose). I don't want to have to wait another 4+ years for white America to wake the fuck up. We need to remove ALL spics and niggers RIGHT NOW.
If the (((left))) pulls the rug out from under us and flips the election, it only brings up one step closer to the necessary racial holy war that is inevitable.
What's wrong with the blackpill?
Haha, does that include the 2 native Americans in Oregon or Washington state or something that refused to vote for Hillary?
Wasn't there two to three million illegal votes in total in sanctuary cities?
There's literally nothing wrong with a collapse situation.
We win either way
Legafag here. Conceed is a word with a legal doctrine of acceptance of a loss viva voca. For poker players out there, the equivalent would be Hillary Rasing with pocket 9s and then being reraised with 2 7 off suit, and then Hillary showing the best hand after she has folded and the guy with the 2 7 offsuit showing the bluff cards face up. Because Hillary folded the cards, she lost the pot. Even when she found out afterwards that she indeed had the best hand. That is the poker analogy of what is going on with the recount situation. All they can hope for is to fiddle more votes for Hillary in a state to add to the already popular salty meme "wah wah but the popular vote was for Hillary"
Bad choice of goalposts. Trump won't be able to use the Oval Office until 2018 thanks to Obama deferring maintenance on the White House.
though maybe you were referring to liberals attempting to get him impeached, probably ztarting before he has even completed his inaugural address
I'm unfamiliar with re-voting in burgerstan. Does state literally re-count the votes or do they urge people to vote again?
This is about a recount, not re-vote.
DOTR when?
Nothing to worry about. Just concern trolls, or people that don't understand law, or people that have foolishly accepted the fear meme to put them off their positivity and optimism. Hillary doesn't want to be president now. She threw in the towel. She gets to get a get out of jail free card but not being president. Plus the Vatican and British Empire are with Trump which is one of the reasons they have sent their boy Farage over.
Thanks for clarifying, honestly possibility of re-vote is far scarier than recount. If this was a revote various normies will cave in to libshit peer pressure as for the recount we have corrupt and biased human recounters or machine counters. If I am not mistaken Michigan used paper ballots for most part, so I do not have a fucking clue if count was turned to support queen bitch herself by using machines tied to and rigged by (((Soros)))
Yes I admit that I know jacks shit about voting in burgerstan, but from what I could see that we're going through yet another Gore vs Bush. Nothing out of the ordinary really. Besides general public conveniently ignored the 3 million votes cast by non citizens why the fuck no-one is talking about that?
All and all the scenarios that I can imagine are unlikely and there isn't anything to worry about and go full black pill about this.
You realize it won't happen and that Cali is blue in the cities
Why are they doing this?
At this point I don't even care about the fucking racist shit that people talk about here, but fuck… these fucking liberals are being COMPLETE FUCKING CUNTS.
You don't do this… you know? It's something you don't do. They're instigating division and hate, it's fucked up. Being fucking lunatics.
What is their fucking goal?
Honestly after this I'll never trust a liberal again. The whole thing with Obama playing nice… total bullshit. The whole thing. Fuck these people. It's over. Honestly, when it comes down with it. Liberals are evil. Everyone already thinks Trump and we people are evil, but nobody seems to realize that the liberals are just as bad as any fucking Nazi anywhere.
Clinton and the whole act was just a bunch of fucking bullshit. This shit is fucking retarded.
They all need to be taken out and shot. Only way to be sure.
Trump has been accepted by Hillary, by the media, by the FBI, by the American majority, by the world leaders, and by the current president to be the president elect. With Bush and Gore it was a different situation as you had someone win who didn't accept the initial apparent loss and who contested. Contesting a vote and hanging on for a recount and then winning is different to conceding. Hillary conceded. Trump won. Game over. Be consistent with your distrust of the media. So what if they make a song and dance about recounts for the entertainment and appeasement of the Hillary supporters who live with false hope and failure and brainwashing every day. Let the butthurt left have their little fun. Freedom of speech and all that. Once they learn that Marx was a freemason and who funded and created the left they will learn of how they, too, were deceived.
They don't think like us. They're not trying to "win" in the creative way we imagine winning (ie: building a good and long-lasting society). Instead, what they do is cause as much shit and destruction as possible, so that they have a wealth of ruins and corpses (both figurative and literal) to scavenge from. Yes, that also extends to the corpses of their "friends" (ever wonder why libshits are so quick to turn on each other?).
As with EVERY GOD DAMN OTHER NATION the support of the people is important. Or to be seemingly supported by the people. Same for the military and so on.
What this does, if it turns out that this state is wrong, and that Hillary won the state. It opens up for "discussion" and causes the average pleb to talk about said state.
This in turn allows Soros and friends to recount every state Trump won - at which point it turns to a political affair rather then table-talk for the pleb and he stops caring. "It's too much to think about" or some other phrase when you can go to your braindead TV and be entertained instead.
So now the counting goes from a transparent process where you can openly talk about the results, to this big bureaucratic mess the average Joe don't want to partake in. And you cna easily get away with rigging since CNN and friends wont talk about the scheming.
I told my marxist father to fuck off and die slowly from Alzheimers for enabling cultural marxism. It doesn't matter who they are every libshit that still draws breath are unreliable,
Funny thing is, I wholeheartedly support the californians crying they want to leave. Don't forget, the federal government has a little president on not letting states leave. You may have heard of it. You know, THE FUCKING ==US CIVIL WAR==. If califags leave, we get a legitimate casus belli to send in the military to wipe the cancer out of the state permanently.
I used to drive to my grandparents house in Hillman (near Alpena) most of a decade ago. There was a stretch of a highway with an adopt-a-highway sign saying that a chapter of the Michigan Militia had adopted it. It was very clean
Michigan actually has a lot of good whites but a nasty situation with politics due to the unions and blacks in major cities.
These whites wont let themselves get fucked again, at least not after already winning
Fucking bullshit. Liberals aren't anything but human beings, just like us. They act like fucking pieces of shit like everyone else. We all do, time to time.
I think the real honest truth is that this is a philosophical difference and that we don't give either side enough credit. It's not just political. I mean, we here really BELIEVE in what Trump stands for and what our side is about. We really genuinely see liberal intellectual beliefs as incorrect, and they do not. There is a disagreement between us on how things should be done.
To liberals, we're the ones who are evil and disagreeing. I am sure they hate us like we hate them, when they get together.
I think it's largely a bunch of shit. The problem is that our side is, frankly, correct. This is just the truth. This is the right man for the job. Trump is. Not Hillary. Not Stein. Trump is what is needed at this juncture, and that's just how it is. The way leftists are acting is unimaginable to me. Perhaps it's easy for me to say this, but I don't think I would have ever done that had Clinton won. It's like they have absolutely zero respect for us, and that's what really hurts. They don't even try to understand us. Like, I can say for certain that really, I do think we've become more sensible.
And liberals have become LESS sensible. This isn't sensible thinking or behavior. This is wrong. What liberals have been doing is morally and intellectually wrong. That's what I personally believe and I have thought about it extensively. It's not like they're "inhuman" or "need to be shot" or whatever shit… that's nonsense. The reality is that they are fundamentally wrong for whatever reason, their minds think differently and I don't know why exactly that is… but they're wrong, and we're right. It's not about their personality or some flaw in their genes. That's hateful shit to say that honestly. I wouldn't want them to say that about me. That's the problem. That's where all this shit comes from. That kind of "FUCK YOU YOU'RE EVIL" hatred.
People need to look in their own closet at the bad shit they do or it just prolongs the cycle. Honestly, fucking Trump said shit that I would NEVER excuse in other people - it only was OK because I "got" what he was about. Being a rejection of the liberal politically correct bullshit. A rejection of anti-male and anti-white ideas, anti-Western, and all that shit that liberals have shoved down our throats. People don't get that. They don't see that angle. They don't even appreciate why we feel this way. They are clinging to their incorrect and irrational notion of us and what Trump is
We're just as guilty as they are of being jerkoffs and ignoring criticism. But we could get away with it because we were underdogs. We are not underdogs now. Our guy is President. So it's time to stop being so bullying like liberals do. That's not our job. We're better than that. This movement isn't about being a fucking dickhead to people and calling names. It's time to move past that shit and grow the fuck up and stop demonizing the other side.
They're wrong, yeah, however if we can't agree to disagree then I don't even want to live in the world we're heading toward. If there is no respectful honest understanding of one another and discussion of ideas, then we've gained nothing. Fuck liberals, honestly. Fuck them. I know they're not going to pay us the same respect. Not going to happen. But without fucking principles we're nothing. I'm not saying "LET THEM KILL YOU AND YOU WIN."
What I'm saying is… have a principle. Have something that you hold onto that actually rises above this shit. If we all can do that, we're great. That's what I think.
Leftypol pls go
They think differently because they have a malfunctioning amygdala. No, really, look it up.
And when they unironically desire the extermination of my race, I think I have every right to call them inhuman.
For a unique insight into the cruelty and insanity that can be manufactured by the marxist mind, I suggest you read Antihuman by Bacu.
They're more than wrong, they violate that which is natural and right in this world, and through their madness and perpetual hatred of anything that contrasts itself against their weakness, they forfeit their right to a fair discussion from the get-go. Even Karl Marx admitted that they will make no apologies for their savagery.
And if it comes to that, and the survival of my race is down to the line while these fucks are calling for our deaths, then I say have at it. Just look at what happened in South Africa when the government let those apes get out of line. Just search "necklacing." It's when those howling primitives place tires soaked in gasoline around another person, in this case the Boer farmers, and either light them on fire outright or torture them until they do it themselves. Let me put it this way, it's a slow burn.
Lurk moar and you'll learn to hate as the rest of us do.
Shoah us the way!
You're completely opaque
Perfect example of how much they loathe us.
I'm well aware, I didn't have the webm render on hand and I'm not in the position to make one.
Liberals are broken people that we should not suffer.
And one of the single greatest pieces of propaganda Holla Forums has ever produced, With Open Gates by Gex.
TL;DR version of Tu quoque
Instantly disregarded.
I didn't realize I could hate huffington post anymore than I already did. They are laughing in our faces, and all the while half of white people are gladly applauding to become minorities in the name of "justice". This makes me sick. The greatest enemy we face has been raised in our own minds.
Stein has not agreed to push all the funds she raises towards recounts.
This is just jews making more money off of desperate leftists, and causing more riots.
Genocidal Justice, authoritarians love it.
I used to think just like you. I do not envy the pain you will go through as you inevitably realize over time just how wrong you are. I can only hope that it will go easier for you than it did for me.
We're about to get ==RAPED==
People said that if Hillary won there would be a civil war. That was bullshit. But if she reverses this now? Yeah, it would happen.
I honestly hope they try
That's what she gets out of it. She is still doing dirty work fr Soros and Hillary.
Literally nothing will happen. Republicans will take it up the ass like they have for the last 10 years
say it with me anons
In other words, Soros paid some people to lie their asses off. Fucking amazing. Even if this is fake news, the fact that they are trying to push this is proof enough of what they are hoping to do here.
Nothing will happen because they're not going to be able to reverse the results. But if they did reverse it and the electors give it to HIllary? Cmon now, that's not going to go over well at this point
I doubt that. There are too many people wound up and angry and willing to kill this time around, even more so than during Obama's elections. Some of us here even are holding off on going out in a blaze of glory thanks to Trump winning.
a small corner of my heart was sad when trump won
That is the dumbest image I've ever seen. Somebody had some keks making it… fuck
Michigan has already been recounted twice.
wtf I like Berlin now
That would explain why it took them so long.
I'm actually from Michigan and they've used the same voting system since my first election in 2000
Although I don't remember them lagging behind other states so much when it comes to counting in previous Presidential election cycles
I'd bet money though that Michigan uses their slowness as an excuse to move to paperless systems in four years. Better not though
Seems like a perfect example of (((fakenews))), or as we call it, lugenpresse
I knew it….I fucking knew they're gonna cheat Trump out of the presidency…
What the fuck, I am a communist now!
If civil war actually happens, 90% of the cities' populations will be dead within a week.
If it happens they will lose.
I really really want them to secede.
You know what happens? California secedes, and the cucks let in millions of mexicans. Within a couple years their economy is driven into the ground. Silicon valley is a ghost town, the US has cut deals to continue operating their military bases in the state and in return California gets their only sizeable income. Crime becomes rampant and white people flee en mass.
Within 10 years California looks no different from any other part of mexico. Their GDP has dropped, their standards of living have dropped, their population has risen - but it's almost entirely mexicans. Liberals no longer live in California, but they sure as hell whine and cry about how the evil bad United States fucked California over, completely ignoring the fact they did it to themselves. They have no sizeable trade deals in part because they have no actual leverage to argue for favorable trade deals to begin with. California becomes a country on literal life support, and a serious risk to american national security if Russia or China start influencing the political situation.
And with those 55 electoral votes now gone, republicans are likely to win every election for the forthcoming decades. Especially if the red counties in california break away and form the state of Jefferson as has been surmised will happen.
I really want them to do it. They will fuck themselves over for the next hundred years.
Cant't it be Soros' revenge on HRC? What if the recounts show the results were rigged in HER favor? She will be fucked even more and Soros will have boosted standing of his new tool Stein.
…I suspect that this hypothesis is bit too optimistic to be correct, sorry lads.
Does this mean ctr faggots will be back?
I support California leaving because leftist scum would lose every election thereafter.
They never fucking left in the first place.
This. If they steal this election from Trump I have no doubt that small groups of people will get together and just start taking action.
Well I was hoping maybe their funding dried up?
I've seen their posts about still but nothing like the number around pre-election time.
They've focused their efforts on cuckchan because it's easier there.
I've been saying for months that either way we win. Trump gets elected, we win. Globalists steal it from us, we rise up and win.
So Ghandi knew about the lies?
Here is the letter.
I think now I can understand the holocaust thing better. While Hitler was not as wicked as his enemies. In God's eyes, it was still not right.
When did Holla Forums become this weak?
Why not the Mahatma Gandhi way.
The end of the world.
Time to go moonman.
No they're sick demented individuals who cannot question their own conditioning.
Probably just newfag influx.
The only thing they will accomplish by this is pissing of Ted Nugent
What a terrible scene in that gif.
I mean, that guy lets a black kid around his own
Kill every one of them.
I've lost my patience.
I don't think Soros or Killary are behind this recount.
I think it's Trump.
The recount will reveal democrat led voter fraud and increase Trumps victory in the state.
Trump will ensure this voter fraud is well known and publicised while using the Green party as his proxy to try and position them to steal democrat voters.
He wants his opponents weak. He will never let up.
I'm perfectly fine with however it pans out, the man already has his cabinet ready for work.
When CTR invaded.
Correct. Michigan has been recounted twice.
But Michigan has not been (((recounted))) yet.
There is something to that, consider Stein was a bit more positive toward Trump that Killton.
Yes the world is shit. And People are Ignorant.
Ignorance is shit. The left is shit.
Hate is shit. The right is shit.
We don't need political correctness. We need real values.
We have to show the left that their values are empty and hollow and not correct. Not in a sensible manner, and not even in the eyes of god.
The alt-right loves the truth and the truth is on their side. But they need to stop to be so angry. Chill and spread the truth. The ignorant will shovel their own grave.
If it was a (((recount))) then it would be in a state that matters.
Texas, Florida or somewhere that would harm his win.
This isnt liberalism. This isnt Clinton. This isnt lunatics.
you dont get it
They get the extremely stupid and insane to be extremely vocal. They get them to take to the streets and agitate. They get them to contest election results "That vote doesnt reflect the will of the people because listen to how loud and agitated we are!" They get them to attack and pester the good upstanding citizens so that when the good citizens punch them in the face they point to them and try to get them arrested. etc etc.
Its Jewish Bolshevism bent on bringing about Communism and Cultural Marxism is their biggest tool.
Sorry to hear that.. But it is a mental virus Usually people dont recover from being that fargone and the only way they do is if they want to do it themselves… like quitting smoking. You did the right thing.
did you think the year of the fire monkey was crazy? Just wait for this year of the fire cock.
Get your guns.
Start a thread to organize anons in your city NOW if you're in those counties.
Then organize at the places where the recounting is occurring.
They try to take trumps presidency and give the inner cities the ol' anaconda (or great snake) plan.
Within 2 months the nogs are extrminated.
We tried tolerance. It doesn't work. Tolerance is what has lead us into our current situation. Let there be no compromise. Let there be no quarter for these special little snowflakes and their ideas. The time has come to purge this world of their evil ideas.
uh oh
They have no respect for themselves,otherwise they wouldn't indulge in such degeneracy.
They think that they are ALWAYS right and we are always wrong .
They will say it anyways ,whether you like it it or not.To them you will always be a baby-eating nazi cis white male oppressor they are willing to do ANYTHING , no matter how disgusting ,disrespectful or dishonorable it is ,in order to destroy you and everything you hold dear.
We have nothing to say to them ,not because we don't want to ,but because they don't want to listen .Violence is the only language any living being in this universe understand whether it wants to understand it or not.And this is what we are going to give them, pure violence.
Except this "bullying" ,which is our will to fight ,is what gave us the power that we have today.The liberals too gained their power by "bullying" their opponents. You're dreaming if you think that giving up our will to fight now that we gained somewhat power in the system will grant us anything but death.
Honor works only in between honorable opponents ,and with liberals ,that's not the case.
We shall show no mercy to the liberals ,because they would not show any mercy to us were the situation reversed.
No. Don´t call out anyone but the jews and traitors.
Nearly all of them are beyond reaching. If you try to show them why their ideas are wrong they will only get angry at you and become more deeply entrenched in their ideas. They are the bottom of the barrel.
Don't try to bring up this false equivalence crap. The leftist problem is on a way larger scale.
Anger is a good thing when it is righteous anger. You should get mad when you see white genocide. You should get mad when you see subhuman invaders pouring into Europe and the US.
Hate is just anger unresolved. White Genocide is still happening, so our righteous anger at white genocide becomes 'hate', because the situation has not been resolved. Hate is not always a bad thing if it is righteous hate.
Anger is here so that we do not roll over and just not give a shit!
what the fuck do you think i just did you dumb ass.
Communism is the fucking kikes. Lurk more.
There will be recounts is Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Hillary has to win all three to become president.
Liberal is just one kind of traitor, one that would never have won without the cuckservative ones.
Let there be no mercy! Only victory matters!
Hail Victory!
Most traitors aren´t communists and even the ones that calls themselves that puts being anti-White above their supposed ideology.
Many of them even sees themselves as anti-communists, just as Lincoln Rockwell found out.
Anti-communism have been a way for those influenced by cuckservatism to avoid calling out the jews.
Muh holowdomore only feeds their narrative.
Liberate California with tanks.
Liberate Canada with tanks.
Liberate South Africa with tanks.
How dare you say that about my wife's son.
Its said that there are only really two emotions in the human mind; love and hate. Everything else is a distortion of one of them.
We love our lands and people, we love our culture and traditions and history. We want to preserve them and keep them alive.
We hate the nation wreckers and traitors, the invaders who have nothing but disrespect and contempt for us. We hate the biased news and broken, unfair political and lawful system. We hate our current state of affairs and want to end it.
We hate because we love. We love because we hate. Leftists always try to paint hate as a complete negative, that only pure evil hates. They try to twist our natural instincts and compassion into something ugly, something that we should strive to abolish. We need to love the "refugees" but hate our past. We need to love all types of "love" unconditionally and hate those who rally against it.
There is nothing wrong with hate. I won't say leftists are missing some important spark within them, they love and hate as well. Its just that their love and hate is directed against their people and its prosperity, not for it.
Exactly. When you remove the cause of your anger, then your anger ceases. When the cause of your anger persists, then your anger does not go away. Hate is just anger that has not been resolved. Whether or not hate is wrong depends on whether it is justifiable to be angry at what you the cause of your hate.
Our anger is justifiable, and so our hate is not "wrong".
It is these special little snowflakes that are the real evil haters, because their anger is not justified. What they HATE is TRUTH.
If there's a civil war, I'm coming from France to help you get rid of the (((left))). It is my duty as a frog to help you gain back your independence once again.
Should be: …to be angry at the cause of your hate.
Speed typing.
Because no one on Trump's side is raising the money to demand a recount in those states.
And no one is raising the money to support Gregg Phillips' lawsuit against the 3 million illegals that voted, some of those may well be in those states.
They are starting this harassment recount & we're not.
They won with Obergefell v. Hodges. The thing about the left is there are no stops or end, its a one-way train dismantling order in favor of chaos. Victory after victory until the boot comes down and stamps then out.
Sure beats dying in an old folks home, puking pablum with shit dribbling down your leg.
In one of the presidential debates, Trump would not state that he wouldn't contest the election if he lost.
Hillary criticized Trump for that in the debate. Maybe this recount is being pushed by Jill so that it doesn't have to be pushed by Hillary, so that Hillary doesn't look like a hypocrite for contesting the election herself.
So Hillary gets to contest the election without taking a political hit and Jill gets money out of the deal.
The recount will return the same results as the original count. Trump won, and it's over. Even the MSM says that the recount isn't going to overturn this election. Even Jill Stein has publicly said that she doesn't expect the recount to overturn the election. So why is she doing it? And why are Dem donors paying for it?
It's pretty simple to understand once you get over being pissed off about it. Stein and her paying overlords wants to undermine the electoral college.
Stein herself is going to skim the recount fund, keep her face in the public eye for an additional 15 minutes, and get her name in the history books, so it's win/win for her.
The Dems have lost 2 Presidential elections in the Electoral College in the last 20 years while winning the popular vote. The little guys, the voters, feel cheated because they don't understand the point of the Electoral College, and the big guys who DO understand it want it gone because it's easier to fraudulently manipulate a popular vote than it is to manipulate the Electoral College.
The recount farce is simply a push to promote Election Reform. Even though it's insulting to Trump, it's not all bad.
One thing the US really needs to look at is the Primary process—some of the state's have the most ridiculous rules, and we saw how some states can eliminate voters from the process entirely. Those states need to fix their shit; the US is far too big and too important to be run under such ridiculous, Mickey Mouse rules, and be manipulated by small cabals like the DNC.
The other thing the US needs to rethink is the use of electronic voting machines. At least with paper ballots, a recount is possible. With a voting machine, you can audit the machine's results and run diagnostics but you can't recover the actual corrected votes if the machine is malfunctioning or purposefully corrupted. They leave open the possibility that some day, there will be an election that's so badly run or so corrupted that there will have to be a re-vote in one or more states, and that would be a disaster for the US. Neither side wants that.
My main concern is what the liberals do when the results turn out the same again, their hopes are dashed, and they finally have to admit to themselves that Trump is indeed the President, and no amount of complaining, posturing, and rioting is going to change that fact. I believe that's when they'll sincerely start trying to assassinate Trump and start burning down cities for real. Only the hardcore crazies think the election is going to be overturned anyway.
I was a regular poster there for many years.
If we lose it's civil war ok?
Civil War is a bad thing because?
At least you can purge all the leftists tbh
All of it, well said user.
One thing I've observed these last few years is user's remarkable ability to humanise while being viciously dehumanised by so-called progressives. That's why the tide has changed against "the other side". To win, they forsake their own humanity and try to destroy that of their opposition with constant browbeating and smears and shifting the meaning of terms (like "racist" and "misogyinist").
On people who don't self-reflect much and who react impulsively to feelings they don't like, the above has the effect of pulling them on side through guilt and the promise of being absolved of that guilt.
For those of us who do self-reflect, we are made unpersons in their eyes, because we can see through the guilt-tripping and original sin bollocks that the ideological left in particular is fond of.
Those who are brought on side don't want to feel guilty again because it's not a nice feeling, and it's easy to turn them against those who reject salvation because we obviously deserve it, we're bad people who don't want to change. They keep pushing and reinforcing to themselves that we are less than, that we are not human and that we deserve to be treated this way.
Meanwhile in our camp, through memes we humanise ourselves collectively, we humanise figureheads like Trump and Farage who are painted as monsters by the other side. We even humanise our opposition when we make fun of them (e.g. Johnathan McIntosh wrt GG). Sure, we're not flattering about those who seek to harm us, but the memes stick because we understand the people they're about and the memes tap into what we understand about those people.
That's our strength gentlemen. Our ability to humanise even those who are being inhumane towards us. It's that which makes us relateable to people outside of all of this polarised crap. For anyone who was involved with GG, you'll know it's that which helped in gettinf "neutrals" on side and which prevented those outside of it all from being completely turned on us. Same with Brexit, and same with the US election.
And when they tried the same dehumanising tactics on their own with "Bernie Bros", they succeeded because their targets didn't have this collective ability to humanise themselves or their figureheads to counter it.
That's the true power of "meme magic". It comes from our understanding of ourselves, of others, and of how the world really works. We can meme things into existence because we know how to disseminate information and spread ideas in just the right way for them to take hold in people's minds. For good or for mischief (like the safety pin trend).
Not bad for a bunch of allegedly socially inept nerds, weirdos, and racists, huh?
Funny…in their job hunting section they make no mention of "affirmative action."
Can't wait for my cushy, safe, union government job.
We can easily knock out their power & thus water.
Yes, they'll be dead in no time.
Let's take a razor to that really quick. First It is more likely Jill is just a greedy kike and trying to profit off this election and piggyback off Hillary as the right choice for the DNC. Second it is really hard to change the college, it would require a constitutional amendment which would need.\
A two-thirds (supermajority) vote of members present—assuming that a quorum exists—in both the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States Congress; or
A two-thirds (supermajority) vote of a national convention called by Congress at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds (at present 34) of the states.
Now this is important because if they tried this ALL of the "fly over states" could call for a convention. "They" REALLY don't want this to happen because a convention could go over the FEDS head completely you could have Texas and California seceding, legalized marijuana, term limits. and the states tearing apart the whole fed. They're grasping at any lifeline they have because they fucked up BIG time.
I feel sick with anger after watching that.
It's the Huffingpaint Post.
They are meaningless retards, and their support will be dwindling like a snowflake in a glass smelter as Trump makes America great again & points the way…most liberals will be red-pilled, and only the most lunatic will remain to support Huffingpaint.
Do not despair, we are winning, and our enemies will be crushed beneath our boots.
Knock out power, knock out water, disrupt evacuation attempts and that is only wee 1. Week 2 we enter civil war all of our enemies abroad start trying to goad us into a hot war, transport by vehicle is fucked, a few states threaten to or just leave the Union outright, police "brutality" in the cities and the general SHTFing of everything causes several fringe groups to begin actively attacking the government. By week 3 RWDS are fighting LWDS for the soul of America.
you shouldnt because what they neglect to mention is the difference between being a minority and a stereotype.
case in point, i am considered a minority, i'm arabic, i support trump, but it doesn't matter if god himself came down from the heavens and there was peace on earth i would always be a mudslime pakifag MIDF to most of you. because somethings never change, like pin dick asians being good at maths and cartoon porn.
well yea. Thinking there wouldnt be traitors within the ranks is foolish. The only time traitors dont exist within your ranks is after they have been found and purged. As long as you stick to Communism being a jewish tool against white civilization all traitors will show themselves.
you are right. go the fuck back to where you belong.
Stay out of white countries, and we can be friends.
Go to your native lands and make them great again.
I actually do not hate other races. I use blacks as an example because they are the lowest race. Blacks are less intelligent and much more prone to violence than other races - but Chimpanzees are less intelligent than blacks and even more prone to violence. Do I hate chimpanzees? No. So why would I hate blacks? I have no problem with chimpanzees living in the forests of Africa. I have no problem with blacks living in their own lands.
What I have a problem with is white genocide. It is the deliberate flooding of white countries with non-whites. It is genocide, it is evil, and it is being perpetrated by the real enemy of this world - the Jew.
Isn't that the reason Hillary didn't want the recount? She knows they are the ones who cheated
this, I don't hate nigs, I hate lefties
go back to leftypol.
dont compare apes with niggers. we all know apes are smarter
and i'm sure theres many non white people that will agree with you. whether it be genocide of whites, there own race or even genocide in general by these underhanded means.
the point still stands that this retarded huffington post shit is just pandering to a bunch of faggots who will laugh and agree and forget to point out, just because you've become the majority, you won't stop being a nigger, spic, fag, gook, mudslime, jew, cracker, eurocuck, etc etc and still be associated with the stereotypes that come with those labels.
its essentially part of their culture which is being mocked. they cant change that unless they denounce it.
Ultra rare edit
You wouldn't let gorillas roam your cities free, why would you let blacks do the same?
i suppose what you say are true, somethings never change including yourself
shit, I messed up some details
Nah, nothing's going to happen. Let the crybabies recount all they want, Trump still won.
Too late, now it's not rare.
I'm fine with it, so long as we recount commiefornia and any state with sanctuary cities so we can remove the KNOWN fraud by illegals and dead people voting, all voting liberal at that. Oh, what was that? I can't hear you? Did you just piss yourself, liberals?
Seriously tired of this shit. Also I just bought a bug out vehicle and am rigging it up now. Look, Trump is already acting like president, he's already meeting people and working out deals and plans. What is shillary doing? We haven't fucking seen or heard from her in two weeks. Only one of them is fit to be president. The cunt is finished, stop kicking the dead horse.
I don't see why this wouldn't work in our favor. Liberals being so fanny flustered they drive the nation into the ground gerrymandering because they can't get their way. It would be OVER. Something like 20% of people either work for the government or their spouse does. They're gonna go without a paycheck until it's resolved and there is no quicker way to bring civil war than taking a man's earnings away.
Explain how this would be bad for us when statistically far more right wingers own funs than shitlibs do. He can't even bomb us effectively because right wingers tend to live in dispersed, rural or suburban areas. Logistically the right would win by a landslide. Even besides that, take your average apefrican studiez major with limp wrists and a trendy mustache, and put him against the average car mechanic. who would win in that fight? Liberals are genetic garbage and are weak and sheltered. They can't win shit, even their pet chimps won't win because they shoot sideways like a 60 IQ monkey and have to tackle a guy 10-1 to have a shot at winning. If it came to war, liberals cannot provide for themselves. They'd be starving two weeks in.
Didn't he actually win the popular vote, and double won if you remove votes by illegals? The ministry of truth just declared shill won and no one questioned it.
This. We need a lot of rope for this job. What a crybaby lot of violent hypocrites. It's ridiculous how 3/4 of the nation has conducted itself. The cuckservatives, the shitlibs, it's just ridiculous. I'm ashamed to breathe the same air as these knuckledraging safe-space playdough-mashing permacuck man/womenchildren. I wish to god we could gas them all. Grown people throwing a fucking temper tantrum.
Nothing more infuriating that some high horse retard who doesn't realize he's the fool of the room.
They are preparing the groundwork to an impeachment process.
They will not try to take him out directly with this recount, they will just add this to a list of made up problems justifing an impeachment.
The next barrier will be the fucking congress cockblocking everything he tries to do and the media saying that he has no governability and constantly tring to erode his supporter base. Of course there will also be constant protests paid by ((them)).
The bright side is: Kingnigger is stepping down, and he made a lot of things by executive action. They can't blame Trump for doing the same.
People must revolt even more against cuckservatives blocking Trump, and public displays of rage should be made against them. They really need to get bashed even in their private lives.
The more he stays in office, there is the great possibility that his supporter base will increase instead of decrease, considering how aware the public is of the lungenpresse, more and more people will jump in the trumptrain.
The will probably be counter-protests against the lefties.
So, it's a bump road ahead, but if we keep fighting we will win.
Help me, i'm dying here.
You didn't know? This might be another Mandela effect.
alludes to, the kikes are going full scorched earth. They probably don't expect to find enough to actually get Hillary to win. They are probably expecting this to create even more friction and unrest, and to get this powder keg as full as it can be before they take a -real- shot at it.
I doubt that's even possible.
I'm all for the memeteor.
Quads don't lie, stock up on ammo now boys.
that nose is edited, right?
They didn't rig it hard enough on Nov 8 so now they need to (((find))) a few boxes of absentee ballots.
The recount only happens in selected states , not across all states
not that i believe it will make a difference
spread this
The ONLY logic here is: Like Bernie, Jill has accepted a payoff. She is requesting recounts for Hillary. Hillary made a huge fuss that Trump "might not accept the results." Stein is just a sold out proxy for Hillary. Hopefully, this will terminate her future aspirations; or (((they may have a plan for her … Anyway to find out if she received recent gifts, like Bernies Lake house?
Daily reminder that Hillary Rodham-Clinton conceded the seat of POTUS to Donald J. Trump on live television. Therefore she is now uneligble to hold that seat.
FUCK Lou Cotagiovanni !!!
This has become a tiresome mantra that is bullshit no matter how much we repeat it
So when will we know the results? How long does this take?
I would trust a Gorilla walking down the street over a nigger.
Pretty decent propaganda. Seconding this.
Remind that gorillas are actually chill as fuck, where as chimps randomly eat their own babies. Sound familiar?
Take your defeatism back to cuckchan, faggot.
Hillary Rodham-Clinton dropped out of the race. You can't quit and then start again after someone else wins. This is why DJT declined to offer his concession at the end of the 3rd debate.
Impeachment isn't enough. They want him blocked by a the electoral college. The moment he takes office, he'll undo all Obama's bullshit executive actions, and it's not like Pence would do them any favors if Trump is impeached. They want to steal the election. Impeachment is meaningless.
Trump needs to demand recounts for Hillary states.
and then they screw up brexit using the (((parliament)))
The "Hollowhoax" better? Auswits dead 8M ->
The Green Party is merely collecting donations from stupid liberals who think vote counts can be off by over 50,000 votes. In Michigan, which Trump won by 10,000 votes, they use paper ballots. Error rates are definitely going to be less than a tenth of percent and more likely to be one hundredth of a percent. Flipping three states with the margins that exist would be statistically impossible.
If they cannot get a recount of all the important states come on you know they will just cheat more so, then they will try to close the gap in the electoral college. Either this is to make Shillary look better or to push the electorx to dump Trump and therefore the majority of that state and vote for Shillary.
Web source (link) for this?
They're not going to be able to get enough electorals to flip their votes. There's a reason the media isn't talking about this. It's just not possible by any stretch. Five or six might flip, or just vote for Bernie, but it will make no difference.
As for recounts, if recounts couldn't win the Democrats 2000 even with much narrower margins, they won't be able to change anything here.
Nigger, in 2000 it was decided well ahead of time that Bush would be installed as president by TPTB, and it was rigged in his favor at every level. Trump is an outsider candidate who at minimum can set back their plans by decades even with just executive powers on immigration and such and represents and enormous threat to the establishment even if he merely a civic nationalist. Do not get complacent, 2000 and 2016 are apples and oranges, of course they wouldn't try any shenanigans with an establishment puppet like Bush.
DOTR Duelists of the Roses (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
DOTR Defenders Of The Realm (Mortal Kombat)
DOTR Death on the Road (Iron Maiden album)
DOTR Dawn of the Replicants (Scottish band)
DOTR Day Of The Rope
DOTR Demise of the Ritual (gaming)
DOTR Days on the Road
nvm i think it's this one
The link is on every frame of the video, dummy.
We WISH we could get Hitler!!!
When Hitler came to power, the national treasury was empty. Countless homes and farms were lost to private (Jewish controlled) Banks. The very first “invention” of the Third Reich was the breaking away from the international banking system, which made its money on debt finance; i.e., usury.
this would be worrying if not for the undeniable fact that the Democrat vote was inflated all to hell by illegals, multiple voters and spooky ghosts.
https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/11/26/hillary-clintons-campaign-will-participate-in-wisconsin-recount/
This is illegal.
As someone who lives in this shithole, I want commiefornia to leave. Fun thing is that it has military bases that I doubt the US would want mexico or others to grab. I want to see a repeat of what happened with Crimea.
They cannot be that blatant, right? I mean even a cuck should see that this will clearly be biased in favor of Shillary.
With all the military bases around Commiefornia, I do not see how these calexit idiots plan to survive more them a week. Only the weak fags of the military would fight on Commiefornia's behalf, and the rest would quickly fight to take it back.
Nate, Michael Tracey, David Seaman. Defectors everywhere. What a glorious time to live.
What is it about "unstumpable" that you do not understand?
All it will take is that first user to start lone wolf killing the lefties, then the pack will follow. They truly have no idea what they are creating
Yeah, naw. There aren't going to be any recounts.
So, what will happen if, by (((pure coincidence))), Clinton gets both wisconsin and michigan? Their total amount for the electoral college still isn't enough for 270, or am I missing something where a recount makes the EC void?
You're missing the foreign interference narrative they're trying to sell.
They should charge Stein what ever it says on her website she raised.
*Trump fixing state budgets and he isn't even in office yet*
they are only recounting Trump wins….
So, wha the hell are (((they))) thinking with this? Cause a civil war that they will likely loose? Drum up some "Trump actually cheated" bullshit? Scam kids put of even more money?
They're going to elect Hillary the winner, ensuring this to be the most memorable election in US history. 2 years later, they're going to do a biography drama about a defeated HC, rescued by a fellow sistah, Jill Stein, from the ashes of despair. Together, they break the chains of patriarchal dictatorship and usher in a new dawn for womankind everywhere.
The movie will rake in billions and ensure the continued existence of Hollywood, stemming the Yellow Menace that is China.
occupydemocrats com/2016/11/25/three-wisconsin-counties-just-admitted-padded-trumps-win-fake-votes/
(pics related)
I kinda hope they jew Hillary into the White House. The shitlibs crying and needing grief dogs, chocolate milk, grief counselors, and riots to feel better over Trump are gonna get a nasty surprise. They turn this country into a banana republic and it'll be instant civil war and we won't be sitting in play rooms with a counselor and play dough with emergency sad cookies
And then moshe wakes up because the RWDS just kicked down his door
We can but wait and see.
I'd say it's one of two things:
(1) They attempt to steal the election with doctored county results to show evidence of "vote tampering" and conclude that Hillary actually won states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. They won't find any evidence of Democrats rigging the vote because that would be assuming that whoever is doing the tally is on the up and up.
(2) This throws shade on the election win and the media milks it for all its worth. Pressure on the electors to go faithless will push them to the breaking point. Even if the electors drop support of Trump, the Congress can shoot them down for contradicting the actual results. Of course, if that happens, Democrats become pissy for the next four years as the protests continue for a while longer as they continue to contest the legitimacy of Trump's presidency. He would still get in office, but it would be a controversial term to say the least (at least, that's how the media would spin it).
I wouldn't put anything past these people. I sincerely hope I'm wrong on this.
Exactly. What about New Hampshire?
There is a collective racial burden for every race. For the dindu entering a convenience store, the pajeet at the counter will train his eyes on him out of no other malice than economic self interest and basic pattern recognition. Is it unjust prejudice that this particular black man might in fact be as well to do as your average white man yet is still treated like any street nigger? The white man, or Asian man, would walk into the store and not be regarded with any extra suspicion. Yet it was precisely this lack of prejudice that the niggers, as a collective race, exploited, forcing all shopkeeps to develop justified prejudice to save their merchandise from being stolen. All niggers share the collective burden of their noggery - but so do all whites. A degenerate white could exploit his position of "privilege" and use the lack of extra suspicion to steal with more impunity than the nogs. But abusing this would only result in whites getting the same prejudice as the nogs. It's nothing more than the fact that some races don't where others do that earns them their reputation.
Also, this. To be given so much by us and at such a high cost to us for no reason other than your own failures as a race, and still demand more and accuse your benefactors of wrongdoing is the height of ingratitude. Living in white countries, using & our technology and civilization, was your "white privilege," and it's a privilege that's about to revoked.
Remember the shit storm they started about how the nomination was going to get stolen from Trump at the Republican convention? This reminds me of that. Remember that it ended up being literally nothing, and the convention turned into what was basically a giant Trump rally.
I don't think they have a real plan to rig the recount. They're just throwing mud at the wall to see if it sticks. They're frustrated - more so than they can make us through their actions. I'm also not sure what I can do about this other than sit, wait, and watch.
Then we truly do become a dictatorship and the only way we'll ever be free is through revolution. First thing they'll do is immediately ensure people like Trump are never able to become president and they'll have more control over the (((elections))) to ensure no (((foreign interference))) can occur. Then they'll proceed to severely punish middle and lower America in any way they can for daring to defy them
No, you would need 11 faithless electors to dip under 270. He would be at 280 I believe
Also this is just a guess by me but be wary of people trying to incite violence while we wait for results. That's probably what they want.
Oh sorry I thought you meant Wisconsin and Michigan flipping… Pennsylvania flipping with 70k votes has no chance
Trump has no reason to use Stein as a proxy. He would've looked like a very fair leader and well mannered winner if he willingly proposed a recount, thus making the unocvered voter fraud make Dems even more blatantly corrupt as well as vindicating his rigging warnings.
To offset their own riots that didn't do much? I can see it happening.
I was being sarcastic of course. Most of the people wanting Cali to separate are pussies anyway who would never last a day should a armed revolution take place.
The worse they can make us look, the easier it will be for them to do something outrageous. You have to understand that I am speaking out of my ass here. I don't have any intel. But this seems like what the Soros playbook is all about.
making other people look bad via projection is the left's motto so yeah it makes sense.
Now that the Clinton campaign has announced their involved and will "help" with the counting process I highly doubt that.
Is Roger Stone's team completely dismantled? I haven't heard peep from him or Trump's team about this. I know they are busy, but I guess I wouldn't let it be know if I was planning action against this shit.
That or this is a Trump plan to out the fraud. You niggers thought 2016 would be a happening free ride after the big win?
Berenstain wasn't some sort of reality shifting bullshit, it was a test run of a mass thought manipulation scheme with something they thought no one would notice.
For all you cucks damage-controlling for Stein, trying to make this seem like it is not a big deal:
Hillary Clinton Campaign Involved in Wisconsin Recount, Campaign Attorney Says
I fucking warned you.
I don't see anything wrong with this
Wake up, faggots!
The Clinton Campaign is doing the (((recounting)))
Trump always says don't announce what you're going to do ahead of time. I wish he would just cancel the recount and throw them all in prison.
All the people who said she conceded and who were acting as if nothing will happen have fallen silent. Faggots are too scared to comment now. Holy shit I'm mad.
Take a hike, kike.
Does anyone remember the report on election night in Pennsylvania, that claimed the vote count was actually 89% not 98% when Trump was declared winner of Pennsylvania. It was right after Hillary disappeared.
This wont do anything
Even if michigan goes to hillary
She already concedced
Are you seriously this stupid? They will try and flip as many states as they can.
How's weather in Tel-Aviv, Chaim?
Post Al Gore's concession speech you fucking Jew.
It looks like the new shill tactic, force this "she concede" meme to make us think they'll not try anything funny and to stop us from doing any digging/action.
Fucking amazing. You will die first. I hope I'm there to do it.
Indeed. The worst part, if it is not shills, it is butthurt fuckwits mad that they were wrong.
why the fuck did they wait so long to do this if it isn't just a michigan recount? why did they wait for trump to go around picking his cabinet and meeting with the president as well as with other foreign leaders to do it? it's just a waste of everybody's time for them to act like the guy is president for two and a half weeks AND THEN go for it. are they betting on complacency?
Just for the fucking record:
Go fuck yourselves, Jews. The rope awaits if you decide to stay.
See you fucking demoralization shill.
they needed time to rig the votes for the recount
what better time to do this while the goyim are distracted by Thanksgiving and (((Black Friday)))?
Kill yourself you fucking kike. Gore called Bush and conceded only after taking this bullshit to the Supreme Court.
At this point, I hope there is a civil war, need to take this anger out on someone.
You're such an obvious shill it is disgusting.
Bush v. Gore decided: December 12, 2000
Al Gore concession speech: December 13, 2000
George W. Bush inauguration: January 20, 2001
Hillary Rodham Clinton conession speech: November 9, 2016
You're still here shill. If she was done, they would not be bothering with this shit. Hillary's campaign would not be joining in the recount you damned fuckwit because they would have no reason to if conceding meant anything.
Doesn't matter. We all saw the concession speeches of Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton. If Hillary Clinton becomes the next POTUS after conceding publicly I grab my guns like a fucking patriot protected by the Constitution should.
If you don't agree you're a fucking LARPer, and deserve the die as a traitor.
This is absolutely true. Leftist delusion is at its apex in CURRENT_YEAR.
t. Massfag surrounded by fucking useful idiots
In other words, you have no explanation for why Hillary's very actions prove your bullshit wrong. Kill yourself then. You are literally telling people to sit idly by while Soros and Hillary recount votes instead of taking action. You are doing the work of a shill to save face. And if there is vote fuckery, will you still trot out these excuses? Of course you will. You're a shill until proven otherwise. Either ways, you will hang first.
Do people still not realize that you can use the volume buttons to take pictures?? Also getting of vertical pics and vids.
She is disqualified by quitting publicly. What do you think is going to happen if Trump isn't the next POTUS for any reason?
It's not legally binding. Prove it is legally binding.
You will fucking hang, shill.
This. They are pushing the "electoral college is fascist" meme hard to the young people to plant a seed. This is the second time in two decades. Libshits fantasize about mob rule democracy because cities are so damn easy to cuck
'Chutzpa' actually means both guts and audacity at the same time. Yes, the kikes need a word that combine these two aspects into one, because they practice it so often.
even though the election has been over for almost 3 weeks and HRC has conceded, she has been gunning for the presidency since at least Bill was in office, probably longer than that. She is not going to slink away into the pages of history and quietly run the Clinton Foundation for the rest of her life.
She's put 30+ years into this dream. Every "initiative" she was involved with as First Lady. Her move to NY so she can snatch an open senate seat. Her 1.5 terms in the Senate to prepare for her first campaign. Her four years as Secretary of State. And then of course the time spent preparing for this campaign from 2013 and 2015. Every move she has made has been to ensure she would get the presidency.
Any dirty trick that can be linked to Soros or Jill Stein can also be linked by way of association to the Clintons. Until Trump is sworn in there is a chance she can be elected.
Nigger why are you upset by this? Do you not understand that if they attempt this it will be the catalyst that kicks off open violence that results in a purge of leftists? I don't think the user you are replying to is a shill, but I'm very skeptical of you at the moment since you aren't acknowledging the ramifications of the kikes stealing this election. Either outcome results in us winning, nigger. It's either Trump for 8 years or RWDS in a couple months. The fuck are you so flustered about?
This doesn't make sense. Why would he not have Stein question New Hampshire or Virginia?
Her concession means *nothing*. If conceding meant winning were legally precluded, the Constitution would have said that. Instead, in the 2000 Electoral College vote, Gore received 266 votes… after he conceded.
Trying to agitate for a recount after you conceded the election just makes you look like an ass, but there's absolutely no legal effect. Based on the Constitution the Electoral College clearly can elect a candidate who already conceded… or even some random person off the street.
Stop trying to force the retarded "b-b-but she conceded, so she's ineligible!" meme. It's our version of the "b-b-but she won the popular vote!" retardation.
Don't sit idly by of course. Do your part. Monitor the money but this user is right, whatever happens we win. Trump was out compromise candidate. If they freak out with him just fucking wait.
No, I want to see what Trump can do first and not sit next to people with gun in hand who wanted Hillary to win.
Okay. So do I. Do you think for a second that Trump or those who support him are going to sit idly by and let these fucking yids take the Presidency from him? Really nigger?
The thought of $hillary supporters being anywhere near a firearm makes me kek heartily.
Trump can only do so much. There is no fucking reason why any of us can't do something as well and all this bullshit trying to get us to sit idly by is shill-tier tactics. If you want to be lazy and twiddle your thumbs then go sit somewhere and be lazy. Fuck off with that bullshit.
Okay bud. Assuming you're not just a kike, an FBI agent, or a massive autist, why don't you enlighten us on what actions we should be taking right now to prevent this kikery? Be specific.
I'll disregard the fact that you've ignored the main thesis of my previous posts.
I hope they do it, that would be the last we ever hear from the globalists for a thousand years. Purge incomming fellas
I hope they do it, that would be the last we ever hear from the globalists for a thousand years. Purge incomming fellas
Back to Reddit
trump responds
Looks like a disinformation and demoralization campaign then. We already have shills calling people kikes based on unfounded beliefs. Jews work based on pure speculation and assumption. The Florida results only had differences within 500 votes between Gore and Bush depending on what votes were accepted in the final results.
My guess is the intention of this is to demoralize the electoral college and influence more of them to believe the results may not have been false. Expect this dipshits to constantly reinforce that if you don't believe the initial results are correct, that Trump won, then you are somehow working against your own interests.
Anybody who frequents Holla Forums knows my meme image came from the common core threads from a year and a half ago. I posted dead meme images for a reason shills.
This is reassuring.
we need to push that they started taking votes away before the (((recount))) even began
Those dubs don't lie.
I understand that this recount is bullshit, but seeing that Trump isn't taking it seriously gives me confidence. This man has survived around 5 assassination attempts, there is no doubt he is in it to win it. If he thinks this is all bullshit, then I believe him.
When one or two anons pointed out that the "Hilary is DONE" thread, which claimed she was on the verge of death or insanity post the election, replete with picture of "sick" hillary, was nothing more than an attempt to put the right at ease, to take us off our guard, to make us think the battle was over, they were called shills, Kikes, worry-mongers and so on.
Hillary looked "sick and tired" because the make up artist applied "sick and tired" make up to her, that is all.
See how the millennial man's ignorance of the power of makeup is of far greater relevance than simply causing him to have a pig ugly "girlfriend".
The battle is not over, the left is going to put everything it has into electing Hillary.
It could get far worse than any of us imagine, literal camps and executions.
This is life and death for these people, the culmination of decades of struggling for global domination and they will not let one yellow skinned grandpa helped along by a few million autistic basement magicians interfere with the great plan.
Get the word out, get Roger Stone and his Stop the Steal organization, contact the people doing the recounts and see if we can get our people in there to make sure there is no bullshit, and get the word out to as many alternate sites that are willing to cover this fairly. And finally, get your guns ready in case shit hits the fan.
Says the shill. You have done nothing but try and lull people into inaction and not doing ANYTHING at all. Not even spur them into contacting people that can do shit about this. Absolutely nothing. If anyone is the shill here, is is you. In the end you will lose and your shilling will have been a waste. I have no problem wasting my time trying to make sure shit is not fucked over by Hillary.
I assure you the number is much higher, Trump and his SS detail have probably bonded at this point.
how much longer until his own site is considering fake news by the MSM?
Those types of movies have been bombing more and more at the box office lately, you need to understand that the people who support Hillary and the media are a minority. The rest of the country has had enough otherwise Trump wouldn't have come this far.
All the recount will show is massive mail fraud and indict members of the DNC.
Trump symbolizes the last attempt at a peaceful changing of the system. If this fails it will finally drill it into the heads of the more peaceful ones of you that the only thing shit changes is with rivers of blood.
It'd be pretty fucking funny it Hillary steals the presidency from Trump only for Trump to pay for a recount of his own and remove all the illegal and dead votes.
Just thinking about it makes me laugh like a madman
No more jokes
Impeaching her will be extremely funny
hate to say it but most of the "i just bought more ammo" people are just larpers
Then Kaine takes over, and say hello the TPP
You realize the recount deadlines exist for a reason, right? The date the Electoral College will vote is already set. State results obviously must be certified before that. though the liberal endgame may be to try to get certain states to lose their electoral votes entirely, thus depriving Trump of 270, and throwing the election to the House
to the*
This is probably important.
The scary thing here, and this may very well be what they're after, is that if it's not possible to complete the recount before the deadline, someone up and down the pecking order might be able to prevent the state from casting its electoral votes at all.
just to add to it, where was the guns when a fucking nigger from kenya got into the white house…..
what was halfchan Holla Forums concerned with back in 2008?
From what I can gather, their endgame isn't robbing it outright with a recount, as that would be too foolish of them. Even now.
What they're trying at right here is to file down the votes so that those faithless electors will actually matter, in the end, and from there, it goes up in the air.
again, this is not an audit. It's just a recount. Which means they might very well just attempt to tamper with the result. They are just counting, not investigating.
Also, MI is all paper ballots. There was never a chance at hacking in the first place. This is all very suspicious.
I hate to be that guy, but where is source on this?
that is some hardcore jewing.
1) They recount and throw the sates to Hillary with removing votes before the recount even begins so it speeds up the (((process))). Throwing out many thousands of votes under the lie that it was padding the ballot, and thus speeding up the recount to meet the deadline. Shillary steals election
2) The recount takes too long and they negate the EC votes of these 3 states Trump won. They move onto another state that Trump won as some more (((discover))) vote padding and no money even needs to be raised by the rest because it will be paid by Soros. Shillary steals election
I'm not saying that fraud will be revealed. I'm saying that the 10000 number would be worrying, meaning that there's still tons of people who support Clinton, if not for the fact that in terms of legitimate votes Trump won by an even bigger margin.
Just imagine the fucking shitshow here.
I've never felt so strongly about this before watching that video. They must all be purged. There is no other way.
Elaborate please.
is this how they will have a reason to use those weapons hillary foundation illegaly bought?
wouldn't it be better to congratulate jill stein for her bullshit .. so she will steal more votes next time from democrats?
Recounts are easily be rigged.
How much of a percent of the vote do Wisconsin, Michigan and PA are required in the recount?
Until they get a (((correct))) result, of course.
restated: donate to me! donate to me! donate to me!
restated: donate to me… for president! donate to me… for recount! donate to me… for, well, just donate to me! look at me! me! me! more me! no, no, no, less them, more me!
i don't know what the fuck is going to happen, nor do i care. but i do know that the jew will jew, at all times, and cannot do anything else. i'm not going to ask pigs to fly. but i don't agree to the degeneracy of the english language from the sjw presses/lying mouths/failed females/cucks insistence on speaking.
the "michigan recount" may be about michigan and may do actions resembling components of counting a thing again, but it is not the michigan nor the recount you read it or think it to be, much less a michigan recount.
a "michigan recount" is a temporary welfare extension – a securitization of job security for ctr, shillary, associated jews and bernout subverters – funded by soros et al if even at this point, so as to gain access to taxes of currency, validity, public space, attention, and resources… and then consume them. which is what it is, thus what it did do, thus what it will do. in –that– order. –that– is the order. –source– then –action–. pigs pigging don't get to be called birds flying.
makes sense to me
It's a scam, she's taking Clinton supporters money after railing against Clinton for the lat month of the election.
She is a master level troll
according to your video, this is a thing meant to defend incumbent-to-be. a 3% sample must first not match the prior result, then may proceed to full count. staff are expensive, and toddlers are noisy. this rule, if still in place, must first prove discordance, and then will proceed to waste more time and dollars.
likely, it will happen. thus, according to the rule, expect media fuckery confabulating the 3% recount for shillary-win as more drama to milk the left's pocket for news ads. subsequent full count will then be used to steal from everyone's pockets and taxes, left right center upsidedown etc.
But nothing like that will happen. We don't chimp out like the left. They know this. And those that do? They will be called terrorists. Targeted by the media and quickly removed by law enforcement.
Our future is fading fast and you say this bullshit without keeping in mind that our people are retarded cowards at the very best. Deliberate cucks at the worst. Nothing will happen save for salt and asspain. That is the saddest part about this.
Trump is our only hope. Our people have not been pushed collectively far enough to overturn something like this, by force. They have the guns, they have the money, they have the press, and they have the numbers.
Just remember that overconfidence is one of the reasons why the Hillary campaign failed. Be on the lookout for bullshit in these recounts. It would be humiliating if we made the same error as they did. He's not technically the president until February and something could always yank his elect status away from him until then.
If they really think they can discount Trump's win on a technicality, they are going to be sorely disappointed.
Welcome new user, I wish you well on your trip further down the rabbit hole.
I used to think like you do, with libertarian sentiments and a egalitarian-esque live and let live motto, but that's just a fabled dream of a long dead idealist now. This world is a far too dark place to allow any of those things.
Our primal nature overpowers nearly every aspect of our lives, with the vast majority of people so engulfed by it they're not even slightly aware.
There is no honor for those who have inherently rejected the entire premise of it. And as such, there is no right and wrong, good or evil, because these disctinctions rely on the abstraction of honor to define them. There is only what you can and cannot do, and if you choose to limit yourself in this capacity by following rules your opponents surely won't, you've already lost.
You will start seeing reality different after a while. Patterns of agendas and motives along with structures of behaviour will emerge around you, and you'll be shocked to the realization that no one around you is aware of it, they're simply going through the motions of life, saying and doing things in a completely predictable way as dictated by the immediate input they're recieving.
Formerly innocent things such as watching sitcoms or news on the TV with friends and family will become a completely bizarre and surreal experience, as you're able to identify every maneuvre that's employed in order to influence and subvert.
This is both a great gift and a curse. In many ways you're alive and conscious of the nature of your surroundings on a higher level than others, but at the same time you're enveloped by a darkness that will never fully cease to exist. And once you've seen raw reality for what it truly is, it can never be unseen.
They tried the same shit when Gore lost. This feels more like posturing than anything else, I'm not terribly concerned.
Retard fairly ignorant about politics here, don't Wisconsin and Pennsylvania need a bunch of shit for a recount to happen.
If neither of them can get 270 electoral votes, the President will be chosen by the House. This is good, because the Republican controlled House will just appoint Trump as president… right?
However, if just one faithless elector votes for someone like Jeb or McMuffin, that opens it up for the representatives to vote for them instead as some "compromise candidate". So the GOP establishment can now hand the presidency to Jeb and it will be completely legitimate and legal.
why was michigan only called for trump four hours ago?
shouldnt it have been called like, on the day of the election?
has there already been one recount?
are american people going to fucking do anything
Farage is such a cuck
No, for forever. Not exaggeration.
he's done infinitely more for your cause than you have