Any guesses on what happens to Human Abedin now?

would love to know the sorts of conversations that are going on. You can bet that behind closed doors, Cunt lapper is blaming her for her carelessness with Jew husband, and Chelsea is urging it on.

so here is the question– does clinton give her some sort of cushy, low 6 figure job just to keep her quiet? If not, where does she go? I'd like to see her end up in a facial abuse porno or used as a toilet by a dubai degenerate "prince," but reality is that she will almost certainly get a "think tank" job (read: welfare for failed politicians) from some group lobbying for…bestiality of whatever the new hot issue is, and that the Jews will see her as a victim of "muh vast rightwing conspiracy."

Or, am I miscalculating and has her name become too poisonous that no one will want her near them?

Other urls found in this thread:

you're miscalculating because no one knows where she is

Stupid twat;s sister is trying to cause shit. You'd think they'd have learned with Trump, don't over poke the sleeping bear. She got a pass she should not have had. Her fucking shitskin sister is doing it. I want to see them keep it up until Trump gets the independent counsel:

"Heba Abedin urged her Facebook followers to call the Department of Justice to demand an “audit” of votes cast because “there is something really off about the election results as they come in,” according to a screenshot captured by New York Magazine writer Yashar Ali. Heba appears to have since deleted the post."

Cunton will most likely quietly murder her and her heeb husband for fucking up her campaign.


looks like jewll stein isn't the only one who got the memo

I don't think she even has that power anymore. Look at the donations to her "foundation" and how they have plummeted. Once people realize you are NOT going to be president and can't actually do anything for them…
God, I just realized, know what would make a great broadway play (a PLAY you plebs, not a musical). After losing election, Clinton alone with her negro secret service doctor/bodyguard having a discussion in 3 acts. If it were done right, that could be amazing as we went through her life, her scandals, her failings, all with the negro listening deferentially and offering an occasional comment.

Don't steal my idea, goys. Of course, I'd have as much chance of getting funding as i would of landing on Mars. Maybe off broadway. In all earnestness, has anyone here ever seen a real broadway play, a good one, like "Proof" or "Copenhagen?" This could be a genuinely good idea…

So her, Stein, Soros and so on are all pushing for recounts. Fucking disgusting.

have a white man play the negro

She will probably commit suicide via 3 gunshots to the back of the head

playboy shoot

Knackers yard.

You'll have a hard time believing it since there are no more good plays in broadway, but in the early 00s in NYC, there were actually good ones. Oh, another good one was "True West" by Sam Shepard. This was before the Jews turned all "plays" into SJW moral preaching.

Great idea user. Oleanna was pretty good. I like 3 acts plays with few characters, get deep into the psychology of the characters. Haven't seen one in years though.

You have no idea what an angry woman - a regular woman - is capable of. Now take an egomaniacal, psychotic, vindictive, power-hungry harridan like Hillary, who just had all of her pink pipedreams of presidency crushed right in front of her nose, and imagine what she can do to those she perceives as guilty of that. Donations or not, she still has money and some of her connections, and she has had people murdered before.
To be honest, if I was a member of her staff with a post above that of a janitor, I would already be somewhere in Laos or Botswana by now - having changed my name no less than three times along the way, to boot. Anything would be preferable to being at the mercy of this demented cunt.

Kikes and their Muz brethren have been pulling this shit on whitey for a long ass time. Traitors and vermin the whole lot.


You can't pardon someone before they've been convicted. This is why the FBI dropped the investigation until after Trump takes office and Trump is saying he won't pursue Shillary. If he tries to pursue early Obama might try to push through criminal charges, have Shillary roll over for them then pardon her before he leaves. As long as that doesn't happen she can still hang.

OK, think about this. Clinton has just lost the election, she is alone in her hotel room with only her negro secret serviceman/doctor. IT starts with her crying, he tries to comfort her, and she lashes out.

Play is is a series of flashback scenes: her as a kid in AR, at Yale law with scumbag bill, Working during watergate hearings as first lady of AR, As first lady of US, losing the first nomination to obongo, then deciding on the private email server would be final flashback.

Each time the play comes back to real time, the "sunlight" in the window on the set in illuminated more and more until finally, in closing minutes, a ray of sunlight casts right across the stage, and one of her handlers knocks on the door to tell her to get ready.

I can see the entire thing in my head. I'm genuinely going to try to write it. I doubt like hell I'd ever get financial backing, but I am going to try to write it, I do have connections in that world (though of course they are all pro-clinton).

I wonder if if it could work. Meryl Streep would be the perfect older clinton, maybe glenn close, but doubt either would do it. HAs anyone who has actually seen plays before, do you understand me?

She dies from whatever is killing Hillary. Some sort of AIDS/Kuru hybrid.

Which will then lead to correspondent, which will eventually lead to her getting her own show.

You actually can user. It's frowned upon, but he could do it.

She'll move back to Saudi Arabia where she'll be stoned to death for giving Hillary the old lickaroo.

She's probly chained up in Hillary's basement, being tortured and abused as her love slave.

Chunder,Chunder Cats, Hooooo!

The only source for that is a tweet by some literally who.

She's getting slonged by me.

That would play out pretty much as follows:
You can't forget we have good people taking over the WH, congress and senate now along with nearly every state (almost the 75% required to push through state-sponsored congressional changes without the house approving.) Getting a single state to flip from libshit would be enough to change things from the state level and the supreme court is likely to be conservative for the next 3+ decades since along with the replacement of Scalia there are 3 justices likely to drop dead before Trump finishes his term, 2 of whom are raging liberals.

Here's the thing, she never went to trial so it's not double jeopardy.

Here's the thing, the constitution can literally be changed to prosecute her then changed back - Hell, we could even bring back actual torture (not that pussy waterboarding bullshit but real torture like flaying alive.)

It will be the best torture.

I think a better question is what happens to Hillary, because without her, Huma is irrelevant. And hillary is irrelevant as it is, at this point. She put all her chips on the table and lost the hand. Seriously, what can you imagine Hilary doing with her life from now on? Other than becoming the worlds most wanted fugitive, I mean.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that these people don't matter any more. Huma will probably go live in the Saudi version of witsec.

Here's the thing, Hill actually introduced Huma to the Wien and encouraged them, so she probably feels guilty rather than hateful toward Huma. (or she would if she had a human conscience)

What insanity will shills try to make people believe next?

She'll work for Soros for a couple of years while preparing for the 2020 presidential bid.

The first female, muslim and feminist president.

I'm feeling it fellow theatreanon.

Problem is, if you're going to make that witch the focal character, you've got to at least make her relateable, and that's a tall fuckin ask without 'grey area'ing a lot of her shady shit.


Wut? She's a criminal who helped Hillary to cover up her crimes.

The FBI is still investigating the Clinton Foundation so she is probably still in hot water.

Trump is saying he won't investigate Clinton, but I think he's just saying that in order to keep things relatively calm until he's officially in office. Then he can secretly encourage the FBI to pursue charges.

please link me the ((msm))) articles confirming your claim.

that's the entire point dumbfuck

Make it a musical and I'll watch it. Have Clinton rap her concession speech.

Better than a play or musical, John Adams should write an opera about it.

She and her husband are arkancided before Trump is sworn in. Along with Hillary's entire inner circle.

Mmmmm Juicy

It shall be done, thy kingdom come

user, you've never read a book by someone who worked closely with the Clintons, have you? I hate reading from screens, prefer audio if not in print. Get the book "Unlimited Access" by the head FBI agent who worked in the WH under then before resigning in disgust.

All the shit you hear about how despised Clinton is? It's not a meme. Her secret service agents refuse to help her with her bags. Ever. Why? It's not a job requirement. If they don't HAVE TO do something for her to keep their jobs they won't do it.

Getting assigned to her detail was considered punishment. you can bet the Secret Service threw a big party the day after the election.

this is another reason why they wouldn't want to rig the election for her. Soros isn't god despite his insanity, he would need the SS to participate in further riggings

Horses are put down when they're no longer usefull

dead within a year

She turns into a jester for the Bloody Baron.

Anyone who's a member of her staff at the post higher than that of a janitor most likely has made a conscious decision and effort to be there in the first place, thus they deserve what's coming to them.

Made me cry, user.

I want to feel sorry for her, I really do.

But then I remember she's a Muslim Brotherhood sleeper, and she aided and abetted Hillary's awful crimes for years. And she would have been one of the flunkies of the tyrannical Hillary regime.

Make no mistake, after three years of a Clinton presidency and Clinton SCOTUS appointments, hate speech laws would be a thing in this country. Holocaust denial laws would be here to stay. They'd be hunting us down and locking us up and this bitch would mailing the policy documents to the Clinton-controlled FBI.

Huma is a spy. Do you know what happens to spies when they are caught?

They put Mata Hari in front of a firing squad.

Too bad hanging isn't part of our criminal justice system any longer.

Don't. Forget the "muslim brotherhood" shit, she would have been a deputy chief of staff and–using the US gubment power– would have treated us like Prussians in the winter of 45. Sites taken down, "hate speech," doxxing, the entire power of the ZOG against us. And she'd have led it.


Obama would have to pardon her for hundreds of crimes. There's no way he could do it without looking like he was complicate in some of it.

snackbars herself

Come Jan 20th she will be named chief strategist and senior counselor to President Clinton. Anything that comes up will just get a pardon by President Clinton.

She failed, now she has only one purpose left.

I hope she to become the next Mia Khalifa so i can jerk off to her.


She is a very pretty woman

Didn't one of the people interview by the FBI over the email server thing say that Huma was the one that pushed to have it moved to Hillarys residence? And that Hillary and Huma were the only ones to have full access to it. And I'm sure I read (or maybe just imagined) that Hillary would become very drunk, sleepy sometimes so that Huma was alone with full access to the email server for long periods of time as she often stayed over. If that's not a planted spy of the highest order I don't know what is.

Probably be married off to some rich middle eastern guy and spend the rest of her life being used as a toilet

Saudi and paki? Just about the worst combo you could imagine. Also, she spent a lot of her life in London, so her fucking "American" accent is fake. Clinton probably gave her access to same coach she used to move back and forth between her ar twang and normal mid-Atlantic accent

user, AFTER getting a subpoena from the FBI, she did NOT turn over every device she had used with possible info relevant to the email server. Most likely because she was afraid of what her jew husband had on there. In the Judicial watch suite, she swore under oath that she had. For you or me, that's 10 years in jail. Even worse, wasn't het but the motherfucker who admitted to destroying evidence AFTER he was served with a congressional subpoena in what the media cutely branded an "oh shit!" moment. You or me? Obstruction of Justice, 15 years in jail .

With a Jew kid user? no wealthy Arab will want her. MAybe as a 3rd or 4th e=wife if he thought it could get him connections to Clinton and influence, but FINALLY that foundation is going to be watched by everyone, including Trump. By participating in this "recount" with Stein, Clinton is really showing just how pathological her behavior is; i.e., she can't fucking help herself. If anything, it's going to reveal that the nigger officials in the nigger areas had their fingers on scale for Clinton. Obongo knows this, thus the reason he is trying to tell her NOT to do it, because it's going to show how crooked the DNC machine was and STILL lost.

tbh i suspect Huma was Hillary's handler.