Kikis claiming German Cristmas ad is "Nazi anti-semitism"

One license plate can be interpreted as advocating German national pride and Christian pride, both of which are offensive to Jews.

The first plate is:

SO LL 3849

Contains the letters 84 next to each other which stands for "Heil Deutschland"

3 and 9 indicate Christian pride. Christian pride is forbidden and antisemitic.

The other plate is:

SS 420

SS of course must refer to the Schutzstaffel and 420 must refer to Hitlers birthday.

SS has long been illegal on license plates.

The director of Hamburg's agency of civic education, (((Sabine Bamberger-Stemmann))), believes the messages were deliberately placed - a claim the supermarket chain denies.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the horrible Kike.

The Kikes actually sit around combing through ads looking at license plates.

Da ebil offensive ad


This is something we should encourage. Normies will see this and laugh at how dumb it is.


That's bullshit, I can even order HH 1488 in my city, and SS 1488 is taken by someone.

Shit, I'd probably even do it, if the plate swap wouldn't cost me over 200 euroshekels. Well, next car.

License plates with 'SS' are illegal
Better just ducking ban the use of the two letters together in all words, then, you fucking asßhats.

Is that why stoners use 420? To completely destroy any positive meaning the number would have otherwise had?

Pure evil.

if this is true, it is sad. if fake its hilarious.

They're not very bright, are they?

More like they just plain hate Christianity.

I think you ruined me, Holla Forums.

They're already working to destroy American Thanksgiving and subsume it into Black Friday. Did you see how many people were out shopping on Thanksgiving night?

Christmas isn't even entirely Christian though. It's got plenty of influence from pre-Christian pagan festivals as well. Celebrating the winter solstice in some manner is fairly common, especially in places that have a real winter (i.e. many white countries). I'm a dirty fedora and I still celebrate on the 25th. It's cold and the days are short; it's a good time to stay inside and get together with family, have a feast, and be glad the days are getting longer again.
It's not a Christian holiday they're trying to destroy, it's a Western holiday.

And isn't Easter technically more theologically significant to Christianity? If it were purely a religious motive I would think they'd go for that instead of the more culturally popular one.

It's Yule you dumbass. They hate anything Aryan.

yule, nollag, christmas, it's all the same holiday

Jews up until recently had a ban on the Christmas Tree in Israel.

Tell me.

What Demographic sued small towns for having a Nativity scene?

You guys don't get how Jews think. Jews are an ethnic-religious group, so they view other groups as ethnic-religious identities. They view Whites and Christians as the same thing. They view Arabs and Muslims as the same thing. They view Indians and Hindus as the same thing. All groups used to do this before the concept of freedom of religion came around

Frankly, the jews only think of whites as christians it has nothing to do with going against paganism.

Silly Jew, it's just pure coincidence. There's no antisemetic ancient egyptian frog god cult manipulating reality to bring about a resurgence in white nationalism. You're just a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Good, let them expose themselves as crazy for everyone to see.


Rabbi Yeshua wasn't even born on Dec 25, it's a purely European event that was absorbed into jewcult to get Europeans to convert more easily.

Believe it or not, this sort of insanity is going to red pill normies. Why do you think Trump won?

No wonder kikes cannot handle meme magic; They dont understand numbers.

dude, weed, lmao

but srsly, I guess I get the SS 420 part, I guess, but the numerology on the other one is nonsense

this. this is how neurotic these people are

Did Kek manifest himself on those plates?

Actually, it is precisely their Talmudic obsession with numerology (gematria) which causes them to be so obsessed with the Goyims license plates.

A reminder to fucking pay attention to your kids is beyond the pale for this kikess. These things, because they can be hardly be called people, are walking nexuses of evil and degradation. Truly they must be a synagogue of the prince of evil to take offense at such innocuous things.

But they think pride is a sin.

What do you think the normies will say if they saw this shit? You goys should send this article to a few normie friends and see what they say.

Desperate persecution olympics like this would be hilarious if it didn't impact anyone's life.

How could Germany have laws this anal. Half a dozen numbers and letters are banned out of some cryptography style justification?
That's like hearing about the TV tax or Religion tax. Not sure North Americans can even wrap their heads around that level of fuckery.

This. Even outright atheistic Jews still attend their Synagogues, they view religion as a binding force to tie them together. They correctly recognize that an ethnic group is stronger when tied together by a shared religion, any religion. The prime reason they attack Christianity is that up until recently, white societies were united, in most cases being universally Christian. Since that's the primary white religion, it is in Schlomo's best interest to try introducing as much atheism and paganism as possible, since he knows that will weaken the white race as a whole if everyone believes something different. Useful idiots (leftists) jump in to help the kikes destroy Christianity, since they are traitors operating in lockstep with their kike overlords to damage white unity to the greatest extent possible.

If whites were united under paganism or atheism (or Buddhism or whatever), you better believe Chaim would be attacking those instead. And there would probably still be useful idiots on Holla Forums arguing that we need to abandon Buddhism since it's not our native religion, not giving a single shit that the damage done to the white race is far greater with divided religions than just picking something and uniting under it (and then reworking it over time to match our core nature).

Yeah, but Jews have a massive grudge against Christianity too.

Because thanks to Allied victory in WW2 the Jews have been able to use the influence of the American government to mercilessly club Germans, and German Christians in particular, over the head, with the aim of destroying their nation, culture and religion.
Look up the Oberammergau Passion Play for a prime example of their ADL-backed anti-Christian fuckery.


Jews wouldn't mind so much if sum dum goy decided to adopt Buddhism, most of the west's exposure to Buddhism is under their control as it is which is why it's been turned into some feel-goody nonsense. And they personally resent Christianity because Jesus called them names and made them stop being special in their worship of their god.

Here have some OC.

No it's coincidental.
A 4.20 was police code for drug crime at some point in history. Stoners adopted it, in the same way niggers adopted nigger as a term of cameradery among themselves. Probably because a lot of stoners are, or readily associate with, niggers.

shh don't wake up the paganautist

I'm convinced.

I'm actually certain thats Varg himself shitposting

The plate is not SS 40
It's MU SS 420
Which could be translated to "must 420" as well

As a pagan, I fully agree.

White = Christian essentially.

An ethnic identity is based around culture, and culture is born of religion.

Christianity is predominately based on Greco-Roman and even Germanic/Slavic pagan culture. As such, it was a via medium for unifying us as a people.

This is why Evangelical fucks who want to destroy any gentile influence on Christianity (Christmas trees and Santa for example), and turn us all into Good Goys, need to be hung from sacred grove at the local Christmas tree lot.

If Jews could, they would outlaw Christianity because it is "anitsemitic".

Changes to the ancient German celebration:

the role of the Temple traders has been reduced;

the character "Rabbi" has been eliminated and his lines given to another character;

Jewish priests no longer wear horn-shaped hats;

Jesus has been addressed as Rabbi Yeshua;

Jesus and others speak fragments of Hebrew prayers in the play;

Jews are shown disputing with others about theological aspects of Judaism, not just about Jesus;

Pilate has been made to appear more tyrannical and threatens Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest, and it is made clear that Caiaphas does not speak for all the Jews;

Romans now stand guard at the gates when Jesus makes his entrance to Jerusalem;

Jesus' supporters have been added to the screaming crowd outside Pilate's palace;

Judas is portrayed as being duped into betraying Jesus;

removing the line "His blood is upon us and also upon our children's children" (from Matthew 27:25), and "Ecce homo" (Behold [only] a man);

Peter, when questioned by Nathaniel regarding abandoning Judaism replies, "No! We don't want that! Far be it from us to abandon Moses and his law"; and

at the Last Supper Jesus recites the blessing over the wine in Hebrew.

This guy knows what's up.

Yup, it's total bullshit. A friend of mine bought a VW Polo used and carried over the license plate that read SS 88.
Not exactly subtle and not adviseable either unless you want your windows smashed by Antifa cunts constantly but it's not illegal or banned at all.


No it is an obscure ´blaze it faget´ reference.


First they covered Yuletide with Christmas, then they want to REMOVE Christmas since it still carries it's original Indo-European spirit. These kikes must be stopped once and for all, jews hate the Indo-European elements that Christianity assimilated, once they remove all the ancient influences of Christianity it becomes "Yeshuastianity", this is their final step of their master plan.

The last thing the kikes want from Christians is PRIDE.

I don't get the 39 thing. The number is "3849" and they explain how 38 is secretly racist because "Heil Deutschland" (how dare those evil AfD voters love their country) and then they explain that 39 is pro-Christian aka anti-Semitic but the number is fucking 49. How the hell did the kike journalist screw this up?

Thank God I don't live in Germany though. I would've been thrown in jail a long time ago for accidentally using a Hate Number. How the fuck does everyone keep up with which numbers aren't fascist? Everything's a dog whistle nowadays.

dude Lebensraum lmao


OY VEY, 31 is obviously a reference to my grandfather being gassed at Auschwitz, and 25 is the exact size in centimeters of wood that the Nazis stuck up my ass goy, stop this antisemitism now!

Thats a bunch of schizophrenic nonsense.
This isn't tough, check em.


how the hell can jews out crazy the internet with conspiracy theory

a storming of all the comment sections related to this story with "This is merely, pure coincidence," is in order

Whats the difference between the Gematrias?



I asked this when I was a kid. Asked it many times to many different adults. The answers I always got were interesting.

So since the SS is illegal, that means they made the plate themselves as a prop, right? It kind of seems like they did it on purpose… but why? Are they signaling to Germans?

can any good user use photoshop or something to put a jews face on a yule log in a fire? Thanks

What is their master plan?

Getting caught.

april the 20th is hitler's birthday you monumental shitfuck

The only reference to the title of this book in google is an article about the ad!
I know what Edda means.
Jewess may be on to something.

The mainstream video:

The kikes just invented "4/20 everyday - blaze it" to connotate the date it with something degenerate instead.

Meanwhile at Lidl a competing supermarket..

Christmas is for everyone. Lidl too. #SantaClara


This is the irish version of the 2016 LIDL ad.
Hibernian conspiracy? Jk, but whut


Good to see there are still genuine pagan pollacks around.


Does she have a twitter account? We should really send her supportive messages of friendship :^)

Jesus is the Word of the Living God. He is the only way to salvation. The Annunciation to Virgin Mary was on December 25th. Jesus was born on September, which is the 7th month of the year, during the Feast of Tabernacles. Christians are a nation. And Jesus is the leader of the Christian nation. But since there are so many deceptions, you have to ask for discernment. For example, the Pope is a false prophet. Amongst his many herecies, is the one where he washes the feet of muslims at the Vatican. Jesus washed the feet of His followers, which meant that Christians should serve one another, and not associate with jews, muslims or mormons.

You have to take a decision whether to associate with others for their race or for their religion, perhaps a mix of both as it was during the times of the Christian States. That is why such States managed to expel the jews and the muslims multiple times while keeping an ethnic cohesion.

Read the Bible, seek Jesus and seize this opportunity to reach your own salvation for the door is narrow and soon it shall be closed. We are currently living in the times of mercy. But the day when the Wrath of God will be poured upon this world is approaching, and when that day comes, there shall be no more mercy. God is no softy. He has assigned this moment of the time for people to seek Him. Once this time is up, the people who rejected Jesus will be forced to admit who He is.

I am a witness to His resurrection. Jesus is real and He is the only Way to Salvation.

Thank you for your post. Could not agree more with it if I tried (and also glad to see an actual pagan post here and not one of the autistic LARPagans that shit up any thread talking about religion).

Whether we celebrate it Christmas, Yuletide, Alban Arthuan, or any other celebration for winter solstice, it's all part of our heritage, history, tradition, and race, and something all of us must preserve and protect no matter what. It's something that (((they))) (and as you mentioned the Evangelical bastards) hate want to get rid of or worse, turn it into nothing but a degenerate holiday spending fucktons of money on expensive and making (((them))) richer, perverting the true meaning of the time of year because they can't comprehend, understand, or even enjoy the beauty and joy the true meaning of the celebrations. If they want stop us, they have one hell of a fight on their hands.


The next time people tell you Jewish neuroticism is just ridiculous stereotype. Remember this article.


German-Fag here.

The main theme of this commercial is the stress everyone makes for himself or his family before Christmas. They all want the perfect holidays, but through all the planing and organizing they forget what Christmas is really about… blah, blah, blah you know this motive from every shitty Xmas-special.

Let's look on the number plates.

In Germany the presents are exchanged at the evening of December the 24th. This is the evening where everything has to be perfect and harmonic. So it's the "most important" day of the holidays. Here you'll get your happy family photos etc.

The number 24 in spoken language is Vierundzwanzig (fourandtwenty).

So "MU SS 420" doesn't mean "Musik Schutzstaffel 20th April" or "Member Update Simulated Sex 420 Blaze It Faggot". It just means: "Muss Vier(und)zwanzig" = I must do something on/for the 24th.

It's the same thing: 3+8+4+9=24. The hidden meaning is: "You should/shall do something at the 24th."

My theory is that the creators of this commercial just wanted to combine the words "must" and "should/shall" with the number 24, which in Germany is the most important of the three Christmas holidays. Maybe some unpaid trainee used this opportunity to make a joke, but that's it I guess.

Basically this, paranoia over nothing.

Have they banned USA on license plates?

Jesus, jews just won't leave Germans alone. Meddlesome fucks.