Ben Carson will end forced diversity
So he gets the black guy to end the forced diversity mandated by O'nigger and nobody can cry racism. Now I understand completely why he wants Carson to run HUD even though he has no experience in that field.

More and more i'm convinced that Trump is pro-white.

Great news.

Ben "segregation now segregation forever" Carson

Uncle Tom is old and busted, make way for Uncle Ben.

Good if true.

(((Diane Yentel)))

They still shreik racism but they'll look like retards doing it.

They've looked like retards from the beginning, but people listened anyway.

The new meme is that white supremacy can perpetuate itself through black people.

This is what got him the gig. Trump was sued under the 1968 How-Many-Niggers Act, and he never forgot it. The Johnson Administration set his father up by sending undercover niggers into an Ohio apartment complex Donald was running as his first major job with his father, and the government decided they were discriminating against blacks.

Trump is like an elephant. He's huge, he's powerful, and he never forgets. I hope the lesbians of color they have running these programs are updating their LinkedIn profiles.

This is a good thing

Urban shitlibs who will listen to anything the right people say.

Rurals, closeted racists, latrino patriots, christian cucks, etc will all appreciate using a black man to destroy diversity

Trump really does have a sense or poetic justice

I'm more convinced that he's pro-common sense.

In fairness they can, remember that during slavery some blacks oversaw the others and enforced the master's will.

when the hell did that happen?
i'm starting to sleep more than the sleepy nigger

Is this actually official or just rumors at this point?

A black man was the first slave owner in the United States.

Trump has tweeted out that he wants Carson in charge of that agency and it is inline with the kind of thing Carson wants to do.

This is actually bad.
Why? Because there is no better red pill than a nigger neighbour. This will deflate tensions. It will only turn down the heat. Whites are still being cooked, but now it will be slow enough so they won't notice it.

This is actually bad.

I'm praying that this becomes a reality.

Have you ever heard the Sleep Negro shut down the likes of Al Sharpton and those other cry baby niggers in the MSM? He doesn't want to hear about muh black skin.

Plus this dude is an autist and won't get all up in his feels about what's best for his fellow negroes. I honestly believe the common guilt tricks will work on him. He has gone this far with people throwing the Uncle Tom label his way that he has practically become immune.

It's such a buzz word, The rule should be how poor you are, not what race you are.

Obviously there needs to be some sort of control before a family/person gets the benefit of this like income bracket/how many welfare he's eating up already.


Do you even understand what is currently happening with HUD all across the country?

Project housing is being pushed on white communities. Their houses are devalued. Their schools are ruined. Their local economies take a hit. It's ruining the quality of life for millions of whites.

It has to be stopped. These animals need to be contained not spread around.

No it's not. Having a nigger in your hood is a disaster, and you're a piece of shit if you want to subject white american families and their children to that.

Ben Carson has little experience with this topic which basically screams that he's basically going to do whatever he is directed to do by Trump. And he's black so there's that cover. This would be the best appointment yet (most of the others have been disappointing)


He seems to understand perfectly well. I sort of get his point even, I live in a nice little 98% white area. People look at me like I'm fucking crazy when I talk about whites becoming a minority because its completely contrary to what they see around them. I can show them statistics and videos all day but it just doesn't resonate, they view it as cherry picking. It being forced on them would make them realize that yes it is actually happening.

That said I don't want my community going to shit and it is cruel to do this. Not really any optimal solution that I see.

Liberals have been crying racism even though Obongo's been in power for 8 years.

He never once needs to say hes pro white. All he has to say is that he wants to do 100% what is best for the people of the Country. Doing what is best.. what is 100% absolutely the best.. in any topic or venture.. is inherently pro white.

Breitbart reporting it as well so its likely true. Doubt Bannon would have allowed the story to run if it wasn't.

I really don't agree with this at all.


Wouldn't his knowledge of these efforts come from his youth and growing up in a literal slum?

I'm pretty much convinced now that Trumps plan is to sic Carson on the black America problem.
To try and get these people in a position where they can be made to behave like real people.
Carson is intimately familiar with the environment the nigger lives in, he was born in it, moulded by it. He didn't see civilisation until he was already a man, etc.

You can dam well bet he's thought about that shit a lot during his life.
I wouldn't be shocked if his loyalty to Trump was bought with a promise of putting him to work on the problem so close to his dear niggy heart.

Actually, the optimal solution is to keep at it with the red pills.

To the uninitiated, swallowing the red pill is a process that takes a long time; YEARS. Jewish influence runs deep, but little drops of truth here and there over a long period of time causes the brain to adjust itself, and to gradually accept the truth the juden don't want them to acknowledge.

I know that it's tedious, frustrating and difficult work, and in the beginning they will try to counter you at every turn with conditioned, emotionally-grounded bias, but given enough time, you will eventually succeed. Speaking from experience.

I'm sure you yourself remember when you had fully swallowed the red pill for the first time, and began to notice how every facet of western society was utterly infested with jewish influence; how all the stimuli you'd been exposed to your entire life suddenly carried a new, sinister meaning. Once you pass that threshold, there is no going back. Red pilling is a permanent process. You are in a unique position to have a tremendously positive effect on your community, and while it isn't right that you have been forced upon this responsibility without a say in the matter, you still have the ability to make a legitimate change for the better, if you're willing to walk the long, harrowing road that leads there.

Reminder that Based Ben will Become the First actual Kang of Africa soon after the Deportations.
That Sheriff can be his Top Enforcer.
Probably the greatest Black to ever live.

Ben "fix forced integration with arson" Carson

I was redpilled by being around niggers. These people don't have to deal with them, the only ones they see are on television.

based nigger

Taking it all too quick causes ppa bad reaction too. I was completely redpilled about the holocaust and Jews, but when I read Programmed to Kill (about child sex trafficking by cults and the CIA in Europe and America) I had like a week long depression where I was irritable and enraged and just generally bent out of shape because of it.

For a normie to sit down and watch the Greatest Story Never Told without 6 months of Pro-NATSOC "hey the SS looked pretty cool even if they were bad huh?" type of suggestions would probably fully reject it out of emotional trauma and just reinforce their bluepilling.


This administration will be the best we've had in over 100 years


Interesting. I'm not entirely against appointing a self-made nigger to this role. Given that Carson got to where he is despite the heinous oppression suffered at the hands of Whitey, he is an example of the elusive 'autonomous black man', and thus it is damned near impossible for the kikes to cuck him into bemoaning the fate of his fellow 'groids.

We are using the kike made negro impervious-to-criticism armor against them. My dad employs people and he has to hire a black manager to fire people to avoid aa lawsuits.

Indeed. Adapt and overcome, user.

I was lucky/unfortunate.

Despite growing up around the military thus with a full "Rah rah the west" indoctrination, I was in circumstances where I was in a constant state of what I would call instinctual dissonance. Where I had to ignore my own instincts in order to survive.

So from there to cognitive dissonance it's not much of a trek and frankly I was used to that kind of psychological trauma.
Left me better able to analyse shit in a somewhat unbiased manner.

Can't imagine what it's like for normies trying to overcome cognitive dissonance with none of that.

If you show them videos of niggers being niggers; wrecking storefronts, beating and abusing whites, gyrating like some sort of primitive simian creature, etc, subconsciously their bodies and brains will react in horror and disgust. This emotional reaction, however, has been largely obfuscated by Jewish influence, and is greatly diminished among the uninitiated, causing them to not fully realize the destructive effects of immigration, miscegenation, diversification, etc.

These people have never been exposed to a dissenting opinion before. The emotional responses that inspire feelings of unity among your kinsmen; that cause you to want to defend and uphold the values ingrained in you by your caucasian genetic makeup, have been dulled through Jewish influence. It's up to the red piller to strike at this chord; to "trigger" this emotional response, which essentially boils down to a defense mechanism.

Repeated exposure to the truth will eventually seep into their person, much like how repeated exposure to Jewish stimuli seeps into most lemmings in the western world. They will hesitate at first, but once they're in it there is no going back, and the "triggering" process looks like this

It's the point where your world view seemingly collapses around you. When you realize that basically everything you knew about the world was a fabrication, and that you have been, and continue to be, lied to on an hourly basis. The revelation is enough to send any human into throes of depression, and once they get out of it, you will have a red pilled individual.

Just don't ruin another white community by clamoring for urban decay in the form of the negro. You shouldn't wish it upon your countrymen and your kin. They will destroy everything about your community that is wholesome and beautiful. It does not need to get to that stage in order for one to make a difference in ones fellow white lives.


A good way to find suitable candidates is people who were into the history channel and WW2 history as kids. It seems like a lot of kids have their "Nazi phase" where they're kind of into Panzer tanks and WW2 planes and whatnot. Usually those kids (like me) also watched those weird goofy "DID ALIENS HELP THE 3RD REICH?" shows.

That stuff is great primer for "maybe the SS were the good guys…" lines of thought.

Uncle Ben knows what is best for everyone. He knows this is best for blacks and whites both.

Uncle Ben's is damn good rice


Africans have been enslaving each other for millennia. Who do you think the slave traders bought their slaves from? It's not "internalized white supremacy" or anything like that, nigs exist to be slaves and slavemasters.

Fuck no. HUD finds successful white communities around the country and drops projects full of hoodrats on them. It immediately destroys the schools, then the communities, then every that can gets the fuck out and leaves the powerless whites to either fight the nogs or become niggerfied themselves. It's the same kind of thing as they do Europe with the rapefugees.

Americans don't need to live with a muslim to know that they are dangerous and should not be allowed into the country. They don't need to live with niggers to understand that either. Just keep spamming chimpout vids and crime statistics and they'll come around eventually.

This was better.

Ben Carson: proof the alt-right aren't racist


He kinda does look like uncle Ben.


Benjamin Carlson.
Hopefully when he brings the hammer down on the city apes, we get to enjoy the media's reserved rage, you know since he's a black man himself.


Yea I don't know what to think. If we continue to allow HUD to do what its doing how do we not become South Africa? I get the argument you're making, and even sympathize with it EXCEPT for the fact that generations are not carbon copies.

Mathematically, if only 1% of whites are reached, 1% of 1,000,000,000 is more than 1% of 900,000,000. As long as our numbers (specifically the number of race realiats) are growing I think we've got to stay the course.


True, but their bad ideas and shit-filled heads are just a transient state that will not pass on to their children. As long as the blood survives, every generation is its own chance for salvation. The best that can be argued is that it's a mixed bag, good and bad.

This is where my head is at currently.

Fuck off. No nigger belongs in a position of power in the United States. This is a country for Whites and we should not be doing anything that legitimizes the presence of non-whites in our lands.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. If you see this as anything but a strategic move against leftists to diminish the effect of their "das raycis" narrative you are a fool.

Ffs… Nobody is under any delusions here, this isn't under our control… but if we can benefit from it there is reason for us to criticize it. Nobody is saying we should endorse sleepy doctor, but merely refrain from marching against him and shouting racial slurs at him. Just let him be, unless he fucks us.

Exactly, Trumps election was ZERO different. We are using him to platform an "America First" Nationalism, meanwhile discrediting cuckservatives and neocohens, and we intend to continue pushing to the right.

I've always thought that should have said "bretty gud every dime".
sage for way off topic

There is nothing strategic about legitimizing the presence of non-whites in our nations. This is entirely counter-productive and enables the Jewish civic "nationalist" goals.

What do you expect him to do? Go full RDWS? You fucking idiot. You gotta out-jew the jew, and this is the way to do it. Through intellect and strategic planning, not whatever likely nigger-tier methods you've got in store.

This is where the term stormfag came from. You fucks know nothing of pragmatism, meanwhile the left has chipped away bit by bit on goal at a time. Wake up and face reality: 100% Nigger Death isn't happening overnight, it has to be worked towards. the longer you insist on 100% Nigger Death and nothing else, the longer the left keeps chipping away as they have been for an entire god damned century.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Purests are more interested in their own moral self satisfaction than actually accomplishing anything. It's the mindset of a cuckservitive.

You act as if the victory was total. He won the election but there are many institutions of power still firing like the media isnt backing down, theyve doubled down. Ben is an ally in desperate times. I would prefer to just be able to purge the filth but thats just head in clouds type of thinking.

Dubs bring up a good point.

What do you expect to accomplish by attacking the sleepy doctor? (Who is an admitted stooge doing Trumps bidding.)

What is the objective?


Fricassed spoonbill..?

Truly ebin

Key difference between us is that I don't care about cucks, even if they're white. If having your life ruined by niggers is not enough to change your cuck ways, then you deserve death and destitution for all I care.

Your view is not sustainable. Protect the cucks, and sooner or later they will turn on you. They will fuck themselves in the process of course. But by that time we'll be much weaker.

I stand by my case. You're trading a big win in the future for a small win now. Typical short-sightedness.


Not appoint non-whites to positions of power
So you propose we "outjew the jew" by putting non-whites into power and legitimizing their presence in our nation? I.e. doing exactly what they want us to do?

And you're where the term "nigger-loving cuckold" comes from. You should really hop in a fucking oven, you disgusting civic "nationalist"

Non-whites are never our allies. They will always work against white interests in the end. By putting the sleepy nigger into positions of authority, the message is being sent that non-whites are acceptable in our nation. This has the effect of normalizing such ideas in the heads of the emerging "nationalist" right-wing, thus shooting ourselves in the foot and ensuring we never achieve full white independence.

I don't want non-whites in government where there is no reason they should be there. I don't care who they are or what their values are.

You argue purely from an emotional and idealistic perspective while completely and utterly ignoring strategy.

Delusional idealism has no place here, you're basically a "true conservative" who prefers to lose with grace than actually win, except you're a white nationalist. The only real difference between you and the persona Jeb Bush presents to the public is that you have different ideals.

praise KeK

Welp, you can't force dubs, but at least you can make great memes.

You realize that Trump is not a white nationalist, right? You're bitching over getting what you voted for.

No, it's pretty much the worst rice on the planet

No I don't. You only want to present it this way to justify counter-intuitive, short-term "solutions". There is literally nothing strategic gained by reinforcing ideas of multiracialism ingrained in the American psyche. Our goal should be alienating non-whites now that we have gained, not legitimizing them or being "inclusive". We have to reaffirm at every possible location that America is for whites and whites alone, and no non-white has any place here. Putting the sleepy nigger into a position of power does the express opposite of this and actually harms us in the long-run, as it further reinforces the belief that non-whites A. belong here and B. are our allies.

You're completely missing the point, you dumb nigger. I'm not expecting Trump to GTKRWN, I'm merely telling everyone here why appointing a nigger to a position of power is bad for us and how no one should be encouraging or supporting it.


Idealistic thinking =/= realistic thinking

I'll take someone like Carson over someone like Romney any day of the weak.


nice non-argument

How about neither? If you trade one flavor of shit for another flavor of shit, you're still left eating shit.

As I said, I completely understand that viewpoint. Now answer the question, how do we go down that path and not become South Africa? You know as well as I do that the vast majority of whites will remain deluded until its too late… and since overall there is no such thing as community they will not defend or fight for one another. It seems inevitable to me that this path leads to us becoming an even smaller global minority, with less and less power.

You must be making it wrong (somehow)


Not an argument.

You've never had real rice

What should I be eating, then?

So with the current cultural and political landscape give me a realistic plan to accomplish your goals. I honestly doubt that you've even though that far. Retards like you are only capable of criticizing while providing no alternative option whatsoever.

South Africa didn't fall during the Internet age. Now society is so fundamentally different in how it operates that nobody can sure if any of the prior rules apply anymore. The elite learned that the hard way this election cycle.

Carson isn't a shitty choice though. I'm quite happy with him honestly.
I'm fine with it, sorry if that triggers you.

Fucking actual rice that doesn't come in a weird little box


This was true with me, as well. I always had a weird obsession with the Third Reich. Sure, when I was a kid, I thought they were le ebil nazis, but seeing them for what they really were was an easier step for me because I took enough of an interest in them to see patterns much easier. Plus, I started asking questions during the "muh 6 gorrilian" semester in 8th grade.

(At my MS, we had to learn about the Holohoax for a full semister, and write a paper about why people who saved kikes were heroes. No, seriously. Around that time, I started asking myself, "why are we writing this?" "why do we only talk about the Jews that died in the Holocaust?" "why do all of these stories sound the same?" and such. Ironically, it was my first step on the redpill path.)

Hes right, that rice is absolute shit. You should head to an asian market and get some of the shit they sell.

you know how i know you're a jew?

Did you get lost on your way to /r/the_Donald, you anti-white cuckold? You deserve a bullet in your head for being a repulsive race traitor.

America is a white nation built by whites for whites, and it should remain this way no matter what. All niggers need to be fucking exterminated, and if me saying that triggers you, then this place isn't for you.

actually the optimal solution is keeping blacks and browns as far away from whites as possible, you fucking kike.

You speak in ideals rather than reality. You either have no mind for strategy or you have a hatred of it since it interferes with your own moral self satisfaction.

Kill your self.

Fair point, however there is as much of a rise of explicit anti-whiteness (championed by cucked whites) as there has been on the pro-white side, in response to the same "hateful" propaganda and information ("hate facts"). What confidence do you have that the worlds mass of non-whites wouldn't heavily side with the anti-white side?

Basically, the argument is that you would be hastening the increase in how completely outnumbered we are. Of course the argument is that this will redpill more whites faster, but such has not been the case after Trayvon/Brown etc… and the race riots they've spawned. The majority of whites still condemn "racism" and tend to relax around blacks.

you know you're replying to a derailment shill. right?


I've never liked Asian food so I've never tried slant rice

I have already explained in detail why you "strategy" is short-sited and self-defeating, yet you continue to repeat it like some mindless zombie.

Also, considering you're defending someone who thinks niggers are perfectly fine in America, you're just as much of an anti-white scumfuck who deserves the rope.

Indians and Nips seem to fucking love white people and Niggers as a group will never have any true agency of their own, I will concede that Muslims will never be our friends and will hopefully be exterminated one day. Also Mestizo Spics are most likely to be anti-white due to their fucked up mongrel physiology while most castizos are actually white. Pure Amerindians will side against us due to butthurt.

You act like all non-whites are the same for some reason.

No you stated it as a fact, you didn't explain shit nigger.

2016 really is a hitlarious year. Hope 2017 continues this.

Yes I did. Right here, in fact

>There is literally nothing strategic gained by reinforcing ideas of multiracialism ingrained in the American psyche. Our goal should be alienating non-whites now that we have gained, not legitimizing them or being "inclusive". We have to reaffirm at every possible location that America is for whites and whites alone, and no non-white has any place here. Putting the sleepy nigger into a position of power does the express opposite of this and actually harms us in the long-run, as it further reinforces the belief that non-whites A. belong here and B. are our allies.

I'd love 100% Nigger Death as much as the next guy, but I also realize we just had a nigger as president for 8 years, and kvetching that things aren't 100% Nigger Death like an impotent faggot on a Taiwanese puppet show BBS accomplishes jackshit towards attaining 100% Nigger Death.

A long statement of your opinion in the form of a paragraph is still just a statement of your opinion.

You even have a fucking rice steamer

You make uncle bens in a fucking rice steamer

Uncle bens is made so that you don't have to use a steamer

You have a steamer so you can make actual rice

So how am I wrong, weebshit? Explain how putting a nigger into a position of power doesn't reinforce the deeply ingrained ideas of a multiracial America, and how it actually helps warm people up to racial nationalism? As far as I can tell, all this does is corner us into a civic "nationalist" dead-end, which further enables the death of our race.

That's not even the point I'm trying to make here, though.

Your rigid adherence to ideology rather than pragmatism is why White Nationalism has floundered so hard the last 50 years. While the kikes have been playing chess you've just been shouting "WRONG" everytime anyone tried to make an opening move against them. Trump is the opening move retard. It's about doing more good than harm in every move you make. All the little baby steps the kikes took to erode just a tiny piece of white cohesiveness away have to be countered.

Ben Carson stopping the HUD relocation of Chicago niggers to Iowa and Wyoming is a net gain for whites even if it's a nigger signing the order. Apparently you would rather a Pure Aryan Specimen make a bunch of cucked decisions rather than an outlier nig make some good ones.

Start thinking 6 months, 1 year, 5 years ahead. It's not about secretly mustering the million man right wing death squad, it's about tipping the scale back to white power structures. At that point it begins to snowball.

UBs has all the spices and shit. You just cook it. Its a convenience.

Even if you used rice in a steamer youd have to get spices and shit yourself which is a separate cost and more effort. Depends what user wants.

I only recently discovered beef broth and rice. Very good. Not sure what else to add eg carrots or onions and at what stage. Also spices like tumeric or cumin or parsley …?

I don't use that to make the rice (it's a pressure cooker idk if that's the same thing), it was just sitting on my stove. I boil the rice like is says on the bag

however, what do you do with a rice steamer and why is it better


Because it allows us to do away with the government forcibly enriching white neighborhoods with niggers and spics without controversy. This is objectively a good thing from a pro-white perspective unless you're an accelerationist retard.

Not to mention you have the retarded idea that every single fucking decision made by a pro-white government has to increase white racial consciousness or else it's retarded. Does Ben Carson being head of HUD somehow seriously or at all hurt white racial consciousness? Do you honestly think that even 20% of normalfags know what HUD even fucking is? A shitload of normalfags can't even name the 3 branches of government for fucks sake.

These faggots might as well be "True White Nationalists™"


damn, dude, preseasoned anything is full of sodium. yes, you add spices to it yourself, because you're a fucking adult. it takes seconds.

No shit I add spices to the rice myself. I know that. What I said was that I don't know which spices or quantities to use to make it taste good

Honestly I think it's more about collapsing and replacing leftist control over culture and schooling more than anything else. Pretty much all of civilization flows downstream from culture.

Of course Trump is already openly planning on doing half of that with school choice where private schools can teach whatever the fuck they want. I hope to see a huge return of the Trivium and classical education in general. Also kill and replace Hollywood.

But yeah you're more or less correct.

Executive, Judicial, and Legislative, right?

t. Leaf


No it's not. Your attempts at moderating and corrupting White Nationalism to fit your view on what is "pragmatic" is what corrupts and kills a movement. It's what happened to gamergoy and it's exactly what you're advocating now.
The kikes are playing chess and they have set you up for a move that will allow them a checkmate. What you have you done? You've embraced it with open arms in the name of "pragmatism". You are enabling the further destruction of white America by reinforcing the idea in the minds of potential racial nationalists that non-whites are acceptable. what this does is allow them to stay within the confines of the "acceptable" political boundaries set by kikes while thinking they're anti-establishment. I would even describe it as a form of limited hangout.
I'd rather a WHITE MAN make this decision. You've created a false dichotomy in which it is either the sleepy nigger, or a worthless neocon. I guarantee you there are plenty of whites who are fed up with the crap you have listed and would happily work to get rid of it, yet you're so adamant on getting a nigger to do it regardless of the counter-intuitive implications it most definitely has.
Yes, and putting a nigger in power does the exact opposite of this by placing non-whites in the minds of budding White Nationalists as acceptable. If you reinforce a platform of cuckolded civic "nationalism", then you will never snowball past it into something positive.

You're completely ignoring the argument I'm making, faggot. This can all be achieved without putting a nigger in power. I asked you how exactly putting a non-white into a position of authority helps whites given the implications it has and the effect it will have on the psyche of potential WNs.
If you are not promoting white racial consciousness, then what the fuck good are you doing? You're definitely not helping our race stand up and fight back or start thinking in terms of racial survival.

Kek. Trump has been playing dumb throughout his whole campaign so that his enemies underestimate him. Meanwhile he has been playing 4D chess the entire time, carefully calculating every move. He is a strategic genius, his victory against the entire establishment shows this.

Now he is coming up with clever ways to get his revenge, ensuring that every move is poetic justice for those who have wronged him and his people.

He is literally the manifestation of the trickster known as Kek.

Well luckily for us Trump Education Secretary pick is a proponent of school choice and charter schools. The kikes fucking hate school choice because it causes that snowball effect of "teachers try to teach nigs and get bad performance reviews and the nigs keep nigging" where teachers eventually leave those schools to teach white kids.

After 5 years of school choice in a city with 100,000 people you'll have a top tier high school, a mid tier one and an absolutely shit one where all the black kids go. All the bum teachers have to teach nigs at Zoo School because it's the only place they can get a job while the good ones teach classes full of whites at the mid and top tier schools.

I said without controversy, a white man doing it would be pummeled by the media and you fucking know it.

He certainly isn't anti-White. BTW, it looks like Stein has gotten her recount in Wisconsin. And the deadlines for Michigan and Pennsylvania have yet to pass. Why is the thread on this still stickied?

Hey buddy, we didn't elect Adolf Trumpster we elected Donald Trump. We're moving the entire system (Overton Window) towards being acceptive of White Nationalist views. If Trump did what you wanted and put an Aryan in every single cabinet position for every job regardless of overall skill we'd get nothing fucking done. No wall, no ICE funding and enforcement bump, no reversal of the demographic shifts to Spic-land in 90% of the country.

Yeah it'd be fucking great if he just seized power in one giant, genius, absolutely devastating calculated move that instantly zapped all kikes niggers and spics, but guess what? He can't fücking do that!

So how about you stop jerking off about what a PURE IDEOLOGICAL UPHOLDER OF ARYAN VALUES you are and step into the real fucking world where Hitler used Rothschild money and all sorts of kikery to position himself and the white race into power.

Or we could try your way and wait until the USA is 90% nonwhite and then we'll have the perfect chance to institute all our policies at once, right?

So your argument is basically "muh pr"

Into the fucking trash it goes.
Splatter your brains on the fucking wall.

Explain to me exactly how Ben Carson as head of HUD harms white racial consciousness when nobody even fucking knows what that agency even is. Seriously do it.

Also pr is for politicians like Trump the whole argument against "muh pr" only applies to anons.

Where did I ever imply otherwise? My argument was always that appointing a nigger to a position of power WORKS AGAINST THIS GOAL.
Are you trying to tell me that there isn't a single competent, pro-white individual who could fill the role of the sleepy nigger? Who the fuck are you fooling?
Yeah, and no one here was suggesting he would.
Oh, so you're a TRSkike crying about "muh purity spiraling". Got it. I guess you've shown me whose boss. Time to open my asshole to the wonders of based niggers™ and diversity™
I'm still trying to figure out how the sleepy nigger is the only way to achieve our goal? You people really are quite dense.

I feel like a broken record having to repeat myself over and over again. I'm not going to rewrite what I have already said. Fuck off if you can't read.

Are you fucking retarded? Trump literally built a campaign off of giving the finger to the "MUH PR" political establishment.

He's PRfagging and missing the point but his end sentiment is still true. Every move we make should make white people stronger and homogenous. It's not like by letting this nigger do what we would have done anyways we suddenly love niggers, it's just a countermove to the kike'd up nigger relocation program.

Look at George fucking Soros for example. That kike rounded up 100s of other kikes for the SS. Now the SS made the mistake of not putting a bullet in him when they were done but the point remains that National Socialists have always used Uncle Toms to make their ascension more efficient.

If you can't see how this move is net gain for whites you should be kept away from any strategy meeting for anything for the rest of your life.

You're still refusing to lay a plan of action on the table rather than complaining that a certain action doesn't meet your ideal.

What is your fucking plan.

Yeah remember that time he said "Niggers are ruining the inner cities and i'll let the police stop, frisk, and beat the shit out of them to restore order? No he said "African Americans aren't safe in their own neighborhoods we need to restore order for their sakes"

There's degrees of PR you fucking retard.

Choosing anyone opposed to the HUD that isn't a nigger. It's that fucking simple, you stupid moron.

Yeah, and I also remember that time he posted nigger crime statistics and said he would ban muslims from immigrating to the US.

The thing is, there's absolutely no reason we need to put this nigger into power. None at all.

Your entire argument is based off the assumption that Carsons appointment is somehow a net detriment to the white race. It's not like he'll be the first fucking black man in government. He's not breaking new ground here, it's not like his appointment in and of itself is some giant symbolic act that'll totally demoralize whites into thinking they no longer have power, we have a fucking nigger president.

You say the other guy is PRfagging but in reality the keystone of your whole argument is MUH PR A BLACK MAN IN GOVERNMEMT HOW WILL WHITES EVER RECOVER

Let's weigh the pros and cons:

PROS: He's said he'll stop relocations of blacks to white towns and municipalities

That is a HUGE net gain for unpozzed white communities to continue to exist unmolesyed

CONS: Whites see a black man with "secretary" as his job title on TV once every two months

Analysis: somehow you think after 8 years of "PRESIDENT NIGGER" and "SECRETARY SPIC CASTRO" actively campaigning against whites a black man making pro white decisions is
somehow a failed move.

In a chess analogy, this is the equivalent of trading a pawn for a Bishop. Yeah you're down a tiny hole in defense but a massive offensive player has been knocked off the board.

If you can't see that you just don't have enough strategic and historical context about how ethnic nationalist movements start. I'm not knocking your resolve to save whites it's extremely admirable, I'm knocking your third grade tactical analysis.

That explains it. His other grudges I know of are toward the lugenpresse and for 9/11.

Nobody cared who Carson was until he put on the mask.

I had a rebirth, a very hellish rebirth. Now after I broke down that barrier I just laugh at the absurd and the offended niggers and kikes. I was in love with a girl and she rejected me, so I checked myself in to a mental ward. I got out, never wanting to go back. Meds help, but I feel confident enough that I can drop them. I feel too numb sometimes.

The white race in America… it's saved.

For Now

MUH BASED MINORITY WILL LOOK OUT FOR YOU. Im not falling for that shit again

This, Carson is only taking orders from Trump.

It's not about demoralization. Are you illiterate? It's about the disgusting cuckservatives and race-blind civic "nationalists" who could otherwise be converted into White Nationalists, but will lap this appointment up and use this nigger as an excuse to remain docile and stick to their cucked race-blind ways.
Jesus Christ, you're fucking thick. If your Reddit spacing wasn't bad enough, you're now trying to tell me that putting MORE niggers into power is perfectly acceptable because "lol it's already happened XDXD". No. Get fucked. Our goal right now should be doubling down on ensuring non-whites are not promoted into positions they needn't be promoted to. Your entire argument is "we need to suck off shitskin cock so the media doesn't call us racist!!". It's the most disgusting level of cuckoldry and proves that you haven't learned a single thing from gamergoy.
Yes, actually, it is. And I have explained why extensively. We don't want whites to remain docile and comfortable with the status quo established by Trump. we want whites to continue fighting until we have full independence from the Jewish and non-white menace. If whites start seeing a nigger doing things they like, then they'll be far more comfortable with the idea of niggers remaining not only in power, but more importantly, remaining in OUR country.

Are you a butthurt accelerationist that hoped trump would lose so whites would get madder? It doesn't work like that retard, we aren't 1930s Germany where were 95% white, were already 60%. Every single move we make has to counter this trend and shift the window right.

You're just going to keep screaming WROOOOOONG ITS NOT CLOSELY ADHERING TO NATIONAL SOCIALISM EVEN THOUGH 1000 WHITE CHILDREN DIDNT GET RAPED BECAUSE OF THIS POLICY DECISION ITS STILL WROOOOOONG. You've offered no alternative plan other than "WRONG" and you clearly have no fucking idea about long term strategy. You seem to want instant gratification where Trump unfurls the swastika banner at the White House January 19th and just orders the military to kill all niggers. You're like a child, no concept of long term strategy. It's all WRONG WRONG WRONG GIMME GIMME GIMME.

Is your perfect plan to appoint a white guy, have him continue to antagonize whites, and then go LOL SEE NIGGERS RAPED YOUR DAUGHTER WANNA RACE WAR THEM NOW? Stupidest fücking plan I've ever seen in my life.

This sounds fascinating. Do you have a source?

Praise Kek, Westchester County is saved (although they honestly deserved what came to them for taking tainted HUD money in the first place)





No, you mentally defective nigger, I have made it very clear throughout this thread that I supported Trump.
Oh right. I understand. Our society is so diverse™ that the only way we can succeed is by welcoming "le based niggers" into our movement?
And as I've said for the hundredth time, promoting niggers harms this goal.
Except I'm not doing that at all, you rat-faced kike. Quit arguing like a Jew and actually respond to the points being made. Not ONCE have I even come close to saying we shouldn't remove anti-white policies. This is just a fabrication you have concocted in your clearly Semitic-influenced brain.
But I did. I said "promote someone who supports the same policies who isn't a nigger". Another conveniently ignored argument that doesn't fit your infantile "Im smart ur dum" misrepresentation of reality.
And as I have repeated too many times to count, your cancerous ideas of "Strategy" harm us
So far your entire reply has been one enormous strawman. For someone who pretends to hate kikes, you sure do argue like one.
In your tiny little nigger-cock-distracted mind, you have created a false dichotomy between your "BASED GODLY NIGGER!!" and a nasty old white neocon. Obviously have some other interests in promoting niggers, because there is absolutely no logical reason for this dichotomy to exist. Is it maybe because you have an insatiable need to signal how "moderate" and "diverse" you are?
Topkek. You're not even fucking American and you're trying to lecture me what's best? Stick to your own fucking problems, Kraut. I'm sure you're all about appointing turkroaches to your government to awake the German people, right?

it's a fucking infestation.

Not a chance Mr. Noseberg


Uncle Ben's white rice neighborhoods

Here. I just asked my wife about it and she says when figuring out what tastes good for spices, always start out with half to a full teaspoon per 1 cup of rice. She says it's preferrable to go with half a tsp first though, and simply season 'to taste' aka your preference in how much flavor.

As for spices, best thing to do is start with the basics. Salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, thyme, etc… Plus, if you want a good infusion of flavor, save the drippings of things like a whole chicken or turkey, and use 2 cups of it per 1 cup of rice. Bring it to a boil, and then lower the heat and cover; letting it cook for 15mins. It's good as hell. But yeah, if you're not sure what combos you like, by one of the big bags from the store and just experiment. It's what my wife did. She also says it's real easy to make your own soup stock too. It keeps for about three months in the freezer, and all it takes is a big pot and meat/veggie scraps in water.

How is it that these threads devolve into arguments over food?

We really need to make a list of all the things
the jews did to make Trump hate them

There isn't even meaningful evidence that Carson would toe the line on ending forced diversity (did anyone actually read the OP?) I cannot believe how utterly dumb Americans are at times. You're absolutely obsessed with shoving this black into high government for reasons I cannot for the life of me discern.

I don't care who the fuck does it, as long as they can teach niggers to at least try to act like real people.

Blacks are Americans just like us, except they've been brainwashed by kikes to think they're a bunch of chimps. Getting them to realize this will be infintely more embarassing than getting chimps to act like people. Carson is going to break the one-way mirror so they can see the room full of uncorrupted white people, and the niggers are going to realize that throwing shit at each other and killing each other for getting their shoes dirty isn't how human beings actually fucking act.

You missed the part where they are chimps and aren't human, user. They have always been the same since they were discovered. The only difference from then is we dressed them up like people.

Might make it possible. We also need to repeal the fair housing act along with a lot of other stuff that was passed in that 60's.


South Africa was always minority white user. The comparison doesn't hold.

Not really, I'm sure Trump curated The List on his own already just fine.

Perfect choice. Every move the God Emperor makes is a masterstroke.

My liberal friends ALWAYS have a snarky comment to make about anything Trump does. They don't realize every play he makes is the strategic advance of a grandmaster. In less than two years they're going to find themselves checkmated while they thought they were playing checkers.

I used to think like you user. The reality is the average IQ of Africa is 70. If you see a black in America approaching human-level, it is only because American blacks are mixed enough that they have ~20% white DNA on average. The whiter they get, the more human their disposition. But their violent nature still persists for as long as negro blood flows through their veins.


Blacks aren't even human, how fucking new are you?

This is some strong leftypol-tier bait.

Holla Forums is sperging out on the entire site, they are severely buttblasted

So does this mean that Carson really is the mythical based nigger?

You just can't fathom it can you

IQ is mostly genetic.
If niggers had human level of IQ Africa wouldn't be the hellhole it is today.

Inb4 Holla Forums posts (((Jared Diamond))) bullshit.

Is that the guy that says they are genetically retarded and stunted because environment but how does understanding that even change anything?

That's not even fucking right. There's soe genetic component to it but it's well regarded as being a piece of shit test that's not worth much, and hasn't been worth much for decades.
And to saying "Most blacks have an IQ of 70," only 5% of the population has IQs that low, and blacks make up around 12% of the population. If you can't do basic math, you might be confused yourself with the niggers.

Guess that's why they made the history channel only show reality TV and muh aliens shit

Some real high-IQ retorts we have here, gentlemen.

Donald Trump doesn't actually post here so our debate does not have any influence on his decisions.

Jared Diamond says Europe dominated throughout history because it got the easymode starting location while poor apefricans and south american jungle monkeys got the worst start and they never had anything nor any animals they could domesticate.

Basically geographic determinism while ignoring the racial component

wow that kike was smoking crack places full of animals that I only have to walk 2 feet to kill was hard mode?

The first people came from Africa, goy!

Spread this all over goybook and collect salt.

Except niggers who land to be the minority in all white neighborhoods tend to be or become honorary whites, at least in my country. The social welfare nigs stay in their ghettoes, the ones who move in to a better place become better people, if they already aren't.

If whites started in Africa we'd probably have gorillas obeying our every command and big cats as guard animals.

the rare handful of them are smart like sleepy negro, this is NOT the norm, those people have some European DNA or just a genetic fluke. Humans dont rape their teachers when they are 14 years old, but niggers do.
Nigresses are also pregnant for less time on average than white, more like animals. Niggers are genetically closer to being chimps than whites. Remember that every time you hear someone shilling for niggers or muh "equality".

it just doesnt make sense. Liberals/commies will go on about muh guns, germs, and steel muthafucka, but not talk about why and how whites made those sailing ships to spread germs, how they made that steel and those guns. It wasnt because of a sweet spawn point, it was because whites had a HARD spawn point. This weeded out the rejects, made the strong k-selective people win and make all those things while lazy niggers in Africa had all the resources they wanted, didnt have to plan months or years ahead to survive, and never bothered making ships to take them anywhere else because they didnt have to. Never learned how to make steel weapons because it was never needed. they could just fuck each other like rabbits, eat whatever was around them, so their desendents could be conqured.

Hop in a fucking gas chamber, you civic cuckold. Only whites are Americans and all niggers need to be exterminated.
Dear god, you're delusional. How about you take a peak at Africa, you mentally ill nigger-lover.

nice cop-out.

If that slave owner lived in 1654, then how do you have a photo of him?


Uncle Ben?

Nah bro you just move some niggers in to homes right next to the Rothschilds and everyone wins.

We have to go deeper.

Ben "honorary nigger" Carson
im out of ideas


Hop in a gas chamber

anyone have the version of that that says something like "…but you've downed twenty Brain Forces this morning"

what are you, a racist or something?

How can you be a honorary jew or nigger when you're already a jew or nigger?
