Holla Forums is in full control (COPY)


Holla ForumsMETA IS DEAD

I plead to you anons, look and force the mods to talk to us or exodus now.

at least look and educate the newfags.

Please disguss among yourselves



this is the deleted thread talking about the mods shit


anchored threads




boy did you boys know that tor ID isn't 00000 anymore, neither did I, maybe it still is for OP though


Other urls found in this thread:



I'm still suspicious that this is a D&C shill attempt, but this looks pretty bad. Mods need to explain themselves.

Thanks for Holla Forums'ing.

This is Holla Forums shill thread. They are banned very quickly with their shitty shill attempts, so the next best thing they do is push D&C against the mods. You can check what the mods do on:


Personally, kampfy is ok mod, but the best one is realmoonman. He gasses kikes left and right.

If a mod is present here, would you please answer me this question: how can we complain about this board and make suggestions if nobody lurks /polmeta/? There's literally no point in posting there.

The mods seem to do a fairly good job, but suppressing redpill threads doesn't make any sense.


I get your point on trying to redpills the newfag (and that impkamfy is a faggolla), OP, but at this point this thread spam is no better than the concern trolls and D&C shills


Fuck off, ImKikey. Only a jew would be against old fashioned redpilling threads.

it's a place for the kike mods to dump all uncomfortable to discussion and ignore it.

How does it feel that despite a solid year of shilling we haven't migrated to your shitty honeypot yet, goons

Redpill threads aren't just useful for newfags, they're useful for oldfags who know all this shit already but need sources and images to redpill other people. I don't have quotes and dates and links memorized.


I assume redpill threads are too general. Redpill has become a buzzword that means very little. Newfags refer to anti-immigration kikes or niggers as redpilled. Redpill in the sense you mean should be divided into appropriate threads about, for example, kikes orchestrating communism or kikes running the media and so on. "Redpill thread" is as legit a thread as "spoonfeed a newfag". You can just have QTDDTOT questions answered with infographics if that's what you are looking for.

In some cases I need quotes and good sources (preferiably facts like statistics) on immigration and the like.


Regardless, I should hope mods at least address this even if it is D&C shilling from Holla Forums.

I hope you dumbfucks realise that you don't have to suck off the mods constantly like a bunch of grovelling little rats. Redpilling threads have been a staple on Holla Forums for a long time and there is absolutely no excuse to ban them.

I guess you people just have an insatiable need to have an authority figure peg you in the ass.

This is not spam since it states that it is a copy after the one that got deleted


Seriously, every complaint, even honest ones, are redirected to /polmeta/. I've been there, I've posted. Zero replies.

How stupid do you think we are
You fuckers have tried this shit for a year solid
Always the same thread, always the same mods

You should call your next one /polrevolt/ because it's the same tactic you've had forever

At least I'm saging the thread, faggot.

we all know imkoonfy is a faggot, who do you think is behind the rachposting?

Thanks for getting my hopes up and crushing them immediately.

That den of vipers still stands in all its cancerous glory.

yes keep going, you stupid brain-dead nigger. You're only proving how absolutely mindless you all are.


Is that so hard to understand, you bottom-feeding retard? No one wants Holla Forums to split up, we just want the worthless mods who abuse their power to FUCK OFF, or at the very least interact with us. But no. You worthless shitheads need to go out of your way to shove as much mod cock down your throats because you seem to think anyone with authority should be followed unconditionally.

How about you actually address the fucking point? Mods are now banning redpilling threads and you defend this garbage.

If you're concerned message hotwheelz, the point of this site is to not censor or tamper with the boards. Send him a screen shot of OPs pics and see what he can do.

Ask me how I know you're a goon

hotwheels hasn't controlled Holla Forums for more than a year now. Get with the times.

Why do you type and argue like a Jew? Is it perhaps because you are one?

Hop in a fucking oven, you disgusting kike rat.

Oh no! Our redpill threads! What will we do now?!

Checked and correct.

These threads always follow the same formula:

So hostile.

It's almost like you genuinely hate Holla Forums. :^)


open sesame

unban everyone

restore Holla Forums to its former fast glory

The original got deleted, im reposting it for them to get fucking justice

No, I just hate the kike mods you defend unconditionally like the mindless jewish golem you are.

I'm not, OP, you fucking nigger.

kys OP. kthx

Do we even have preceding cases where mods would post in threads? How does one even get in touch with them?


Hey my fellow Holla Forumsacks why don't we all migrate to the non-compromised endchan that we've been shilling since Holla Forums started raiding

also the mods are compromised because I keep getting baned for being a goon


You're just proving yourself banworthy. You've proved yourself wrong and the mods right.

Have a look around Holla Forums, They don't have threads that don't expose Jews anymore



I posted ONCE, this is no fucking shitpost

I know your CTR

Oh look what's this, a redpill thread full of images and not bumplocked?
Oh no, your muh narrative just got shit on
That sucks 4u.

That's not even a believable lie. Who do you think you are trying to fool?

In light of this…

The more you strawman and deliberately ignore the point, the more you out yourself as a mindless Jewish golem doing the bidding of your masters. No one here wants Holla Forums to split apart, only that the obviously compromised mods fuck off. If you weren't a semitic dog who hated Holla Forums, you'd support getting rid of the mods too.

Your handlers should fire you for

I don't think you know how sage works, friend.

wew. The newfaggotry is intense in this thread.

Everyone here needs to just sit down and eat some reality pills. Holla Forums is not an isolated instance, get your shit figured out. Random deleting of posts or threads is not news.

Shit posting red pill threads should be deleted, if there is already a thread on that topic. This is to make the board better, not to suppress your duplicate input on it. Have a funny title video.

for shitty shilling*

Complaining and causing a ruckus won't help, if you don't trust the mods why are you asking them to fix it?

Make your own chan. Link it once (rather than spamming like you have been doing) and build it up with the merit of your hard work and effort.

What kind of kikery is this. Whoever told you that Tor ID is not 000000 Moishe?


You're right, instead we should replace them with new mods who are definitely not goons :^^^)

allow me to speak in your tongue
ווי איז די וועטער אין תל אביב, שלמה


topkek. I'm calling you a newfag because you believed newfag memes and suck off mod cock like a Redditor would.

We should replace them with people who don't ban anti-Jew redpilling threads.

But you wouldn't like that, would you Mr. Goldstein? You're perfectly happy with the current kosher administration, aren't you? :^)

Apologies. But he's close to Watkins, anyway it wouldn't hurt

This thread is boring now
Whoever owns these shills, think on firing them asap. They are not good.
Later faggots.

Ever notice the person who posts these colored merchants never contributes anything constructive?

I'm tired of faggots who managed to associate redpill threads with getting raided. Goons have been trying to replace the subpar mods with some of their kind for a very long time, this is another attempt at it.

No shit. That redpill thread was sweet. OP was droppin' bombs.



mann himself made them

the autistic spergs are always creating unnecessary drama with their autism, if you werent such a newfag you should know it .
sticking their own worthless posts and sagebombing threads that they dont like are just in the long list of shit they pulled since they were modded No one is asking to migrate to drybones excuse of non-compromised honeypot but now that the election is over they either stop their autism and trying to deliberatly influence the board or face an exodus

No, it's not. I've been banned every time I've posted anything anti trump. It's funny because they're using our own tactics against us now, used to, there were actual raids from lefty pol and intl, and everyone would call them out.

Now, we are legit compromised and the mods themselves are calling anyone who speaks out shills and d&c, before banning them.

Same damn thing happened on 4pol right before the first exodus. We need a new Holla Forums, someone make a new board ffs.

Same here. I've also been banned for saying niggers need to be eradicated. The mods are either jews or shitskins. I'm guessing shitskins.

Anti-trump is D&C at this point. Everyone is aware of his weakpoints but we aren't actively acknowledging them because there is no reason to yet. He's elected, and there's nothing we can do about it even if he were the kikiest of the kikes. We might as well wait to see what he does before we lose our shit.

they'll claim that its encouraging killing niggers IRL and therefore """"""""illegal""""""""

Anti-Trump is a code-word for anti-White.

They aren't paying you a lot, are they?

Its pretty stupid in general, mods might be compromised but "red pill" threads are redundant and low effort/quality. we've got a 25 page catalogue and chances are that those same set of infographics are on every three pages or so. QTDDTOT is a better format, event specific threads are best. Holla Forums is about content creation and discussion, might as well just have an archive for infographics if you want them.

Mods have done their jobs promoting the alt-right movement like the paid shills they are. Now they are trying to cause an exodus because they don't need us anymore.Mods of Holla Forums are the reason we are controled oposition.Because the alt-right movement is controlled oposition.

Seriously kill yourself.

The anchored redpill thread is strange, there was a lot of great information in there. Even if most of us have already seen it it's good for the newfags.

Look at some of the garbage threads that are still up. Why are they not bumplocked but the redpill thread is?

The mods actually do a good job but they should at least explain to us why they anchored that thread. I don't get it, I've seen much worse threads than that left up.

Should we start a new board on Holla Forums?

There should be a stickied thread with an index of all the infographs classified by topic.

No fuck off.

keep living in the bubble Holla Forums

Gee wizz, a whole year huh?

So threads like this, telling everyone that the mods are compromised and we need new ones, have been going on for AN ENTIRE YEAH and you still don't think that just maybe, MAYBE, they just might be right after all?

You fucking retard.

the hread was anchored yesterday then today the anchor was removed just to get anchored again in the next few hours creating even more unnecesary drama in the process.

You can fuck off too.

Go find a thread you like and stop saging this one, kike.


Jesus, I forgot we have >>>/polarchive/ for that.

I'll keep doubting Trump until he actually does what he promised. I have never been banned for doubting it though. There are ways to say shit without going autisticly "Trump is a Zionist XDXDXD"


It will take a lot of time until we reach the full potential that we had when there were daily redpill threads. But the truth is , I really don't like getting fucked in the ass.

Trump is a Zionist, you autist. He's literally a Zionist. His daughter is a fucking kike, this is a fact.

I said who ever posts them, not who makes them
Thanks for confirming you're fucking retard.


I've said this a million times, but I'll let this recent anons post sum it up for you

You're not going to notice too much wrong with him because you're not supposed too.

By that "logic", the jews kvetching about the holohoax for the past 70 years must mean they're being truthful. Fuck off shill.

What the fuck is this logic even? If the kikes wanted him to win they would have thrown all of their money at him instead of Hillary. Normies wouldn't know the difference, but it would have made his campaign way easier. You are not going to convince anyone here that Trump is a plant.

Because I don't feel like typing it out for the billionth time, here's my copy pasta from the last time I had this argument about 3 hours ago.

Back on track though, Donald Trump is not your friend. Do you really think the Jews would allow him to be the president of these United States if he WASN'T on their side?

It's a faux. His one and only purpose is to lure you, me, and anyone else who is sick and tired of their shit into a false sense of security. The people were about to reach a breaking point, that couldn't happen. Basically, they elect a shitty faggot leftist who will take away a bunch of our rights (ex. Bill Clinton & Obongo) then immediately afterwards put someone who will calm us down again by acting like he's fixing things without actually doing so. (George Bush & Trump) They "fix" half the problems the last guy made before the next guy doubles them again.

It's how they are slowly degrading our rights little by little, and if we don't stop them we are fucked. Our children will be actual slaves if we allow them to do so.

Holla Forums has definitely been subverted.

Well, the whole thing was supposed to be green texted but I forgot I separated my text. The point still stands though

Thank you for correcting the record.

jesus christ, Holla Forums you unemployed fucks have been making this same thread for over a year. Anybody with half a brain can see you set up those threads to get anchored by making the SAME EXACT THREAD 3 TIMES. But what ever you already out yourselves by sperging out ITT :^)

Nobody is going to your honey pot fatboy

nigger have you been in cryo sleep for a year? This is word for word the same argument from last september

Do you mean the other threads that got bumplocked one by one?

What do you mean "allow"? Kike trickery can only become so overt before people take notice. They did everything they could to prevent him from becoming president and it STILL didn't work.

Additionally, what you described is simply the action of the pendulum swinging between marxism and controlled opposition kosher GOPe which results in a net loss for America. This is no secret here.

Blow your brains out, ImKampfy


What point? baseless anti Trump shilling?

This election destroyed the media as a tool against us, their most precious weapon. It destroyed the concept that we needed to cuck for mexicans, that we needed to cuck for china on global warming, to cuck to BLM dindus, etc etc. We burned down the mainstream narrative, destroyed the democrat party and the neo-cohen establishment. There is no going back to status quo after all this, if it were a ruse it'd be the most elaborate political ruse in history.

Wow, all of those look like legitimate bans.

What should I have for dinner Holla Forums?



Libtards are trying to redefine "explain" as "sperg out autistically screaming and crying" I see. wew

Maybe if you went outside you wouldn't get banned for spamming

Also, if you hate the moderation so much here. Doxx the shit out of Holla Forums, get into coding/hacking/ all that shit and shut it down. I will never understand how people who appose Holla Forums resort to just raid threads and slide threads. Get in deep and destroy, or else u just bitching like a nigger.


I pretty much can't have pizza anymore thanks to you fuckers and pizzagate.

At last I truly see that endchan is the better site but the real question is should I get the red yarmulke or the white one.