We've done it. We've won. Donald Trump is the president-elect of the United States. Now let's do something with that, and not rest on our laurels.
Many of you may recall the Independence Day raid of 2014, when Tumblr was baited into attacking 4chan. 4chan then turned that around on them and counterraided. The salt and butthurt was incredible, and there were several alleged suicides, and, IIRC, one confirmed kill. The Independence Day Raid was a major point in the Jewing of 4chan. They used it as an excuse to crack down. Some of you may have come here in the aftermath of the raid.
Over the past two weeks, we've seen a metric fuckton of salt pour out of Tumblr over the God-Emperor's victory. Now, let's switch from passive generation to active mining. What I propose is a dedicated, planned raid of Tumblr with the sole purpose of generating butthurt.
Over the next week or so, begin creating as many sock accounts as possible, and start painting targets. One week from today, we begin raiding. That will put us at the start of the weekend.
1) Spam popular tags with images of the Emperor, Nazi imagery, gore, porn, and, my personal favorite, images from Holohoax images of starving Typhus victims and whatnot. The latter hits all of the notes for what triggers Tumblrinas, with the added implication of "this is your future under Trump". This means that whenever Fattie McBluehair logs on to Tumblr and looks for the latest popular posts about Supernatural, Dr. Who, Sherlock, or some fanfic crossover of the three, she will see the Don's smiling face gassing a Merchant. This is your best and most effective method of attack.
2) Spam tranny and faggot tags with images of the Silver Fox, Mike "LGBTQ BBQ" Pence. Remind them that they're getting the chair.
3) Find vulnerable accounts and spam their asks with triggering shit. Try and get them to commit suicide.
4) Use your socks to pretend as if l33t 4chan h4xx0r5 are hacking your accounts, then use them to troll. This will create paranoia that we are capabable of hacking people. We may even chase some of them off the site for a few days.
5) As the general case to #4, if you can't figure out a way to pull off a troll, pretend like it's already going on. Tumblr runs on Chinese Whispers, so if you can get the word to a popular blogger that "4chan is doing X!", then they probably won't bother to check if it's actually real.
6) Screencap the salt.
As a general rule, never claim to be from Holla Forums. Pretend like this is a 4chan raid. That way, it won't come back to us.
1) Create sock accounts. Put at least 5 minutes into each one, giving them unique avatars and maybe backgrounds, and make a few posts in each one on innocuous topics. Aim for, as a bare minimum, at least ten sock Tumblrs in the next week. You should be able to crank out ten per day. Use spreadsheets to keep track of usernames, passwords, and useful notes about each account.
2) Paint targets. Compile lists of popular tags, and names of vulnerable, drama- and self-harm-prone bloggers, and post them.
3) Assemble your image folder. Stock up on Rare Trumps, Rare Pences, and the most triggering images you can lay hands on.
4) Recruit others. If you have a Discord you hang out in, recruit from there. Ditto for any of you who use IRC.
If we do this right, we may outdo the 2014 raid.