Why was the ending to king of the hill so satisfying?

Why was the ending to king of the hill so satisfying?

because we were tired of Bobby obsessing over stupid shit. It was a relief to see him finally be good at something that was somewhat respectable.

the last episode was such an asspull, they just retreaded the same ground as the rose bowl episode.


It was an episodic character show done right. That made it easy to do a series finale and wrap up any lose ends because they were simple ones. thus, it had a satisfying ending and was a sendoff to the whole series.


Shout out about some somewhat based episodes of this show:

The Peggy Horror Picture Show
A drag queen (possibly a coded transexual if that had a movement at the time) meets Peggy in a clothing store and mistakes her for another crossdresser and invites her to a drag thing before learning that Peggy is an actual woman.

Props for basically being the opposite of the "straw bigot" plot by having the "different" person making a mistake that creates distress for a relatively "normal" person.

DiaBILLic Shock
Bill develops diabetes and starts passing out from sugar spikes. A doctor assumes he won't change his ways and tells him to get a wheelchair while his insurance will still cover it.

Bill ends up joining a wheelchair basketball team until he gets drunk and walks toward the bathroom. His blood monitor (apparently a magic one since I'm pretty sure they don't work that way) says that he isn't diabetic and deems him a fraud.

After becoming addicted to all the extra support and encouragement for being disabled, we have bill trying to gulp down sugar to make himself diabetic again until Hank and one of his wheelchair buddies stop him.

Hard to summarize episode, but in short if it seems like nobody cares about someone until they have a problem, then they'll hang on t whatever problems seem to make them "matter."

didn't it turn out Boomhauer was a FBI agent or something?

Texas Ranger.

The one where Bobby faps to his cousin was pretty good

The propane maniacs Propaniacs episode was pretty great too.

whoa, guess I missed a lot of good episodes


And Boomhauers secret to picking up women was delightful.

Just ask around until one says yes.


The one where they spread cotton's ashes was a good one

Good thing Adam Egan wasn't spreading Cotton's ashes, but if he were I bet it would go something like this

That episode where Redcorn opens a casino wasn't above average, but the ending where he turns a song about killing himself into a children's song about hygiene was pretty great.

Who could forget such classic episodes like this?


Luanne stopped fighting her destiny and became queen of the trailer trash. Boomhauer, rather than being the Quagmire waste-of-skin character we all suspected he was, instead turned out to be a Texas Ranger. Bobby finally made his dad proud. And Peggy was shot in the face, killing her instantly and erasing her ugly mug from the Earth.

I always thought that Boomhauer being a Ranger didn't make a lot of sense, as there was a lack of… anything to back it up. Though on the other hand, it did help explain how no one got arrested for the dumb bullshit they often did.


The Ocean? What ocean?

But what about the aliens?

The mole people?