Schutzstaffel/SS Thread

Natsoc Germany is to much used, so instead of a Natsoc thread, how about having a thread about the Schutzstaffel? What do you think of Himmler? Any family menber that participated on the SS? What do you think would be needed to recreate it?

Post images, books, information, videos, and stuff related to the SS.

Other urls found in this thread:

song from Latvian SS









The SS is my greatest hope for the future.

Dane, Hollander, Flemish, French. Croatian, Ukrainian, Estonian, Finn.
We all stood together against the Asiatic hordes.

History will repeat itself, it will happen again.
We are brothers, and we will fight again. Together, for Europa.

I will be there brother

This image board is now jew friendly, Trump loves jews and so do we. Holla Forums is no longer your home lad. Get lost!



Pendant un hiver Russe?. Je préférerais ne pas mourir à cause de choix stratégiques complètement pourris. TU TE FOUT DE MA GUEULE?

Gas yourself, kike.

What are you on about?

Haven't done shit in their home countries.

go back to stormfront shill! Holla Forums is trump country now.

endchan really has gone full retarded since I saw it last.


Fuck off shill, Holla Forums is no longer your home, go back to stormfront. Trump loves jews and so now we do as well.(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)

not making enough shekels, CTR?

Poland should have stood by your side. Our traitorous elites will one day pay for what they've done now and then. Never again.

Which version of SS marschiert in Feindesland do you guys like best? I'll dump some that I like.



And the original of course.

Are you Jewish filth even trying anymore?… Believe me kike you are on the wrong side of town.

Now get the fuck out of here you oven dodging toilet scum.

Trump country?
Get the fuck out of Holla Forums you fucking retarded shill.

gas yourself/10 for making an oldfag post twice….
As for the rest of you clean this scum out before Holla Forums gets infected with more of this D&C parasitic scum.

Just stop feeding them (you)'s and they will go away.


The song works so well with many different instrument, it's no wonder that it's still used by the French and Brazilians to this day.

Really? Thats awesome if true.

Book recommendations anyone? I'm mostly interested in the historical origins, ideology, and training of the SS. Not so much war tactics or contribution.

what is this one called?

rare eagle pape




im confused

They sort of look like each other at different period of the history.

oh lol


thanks Modden SS

lurk two years before posting you stupid faggot

How degraded have we become? From a Daily Mail article:


Does it really freak out the Jews this much? God forbid one thing might happen and we all forget muh holocaust.

Good men except for the 36th and that comes from a man who spent most of his youth in the SS.

Forgot to quote the article:

There is so much wrong here, I don't know where to start getting mad.

Lmao, everything to them looks like a swastika, it's just another case of "hey hortler".

i've been here considerably longer than that

i just dont give a fuck anymore about whether my posting style is faux pas

Reinforces my theory that one of the biggest nightmare scenarios for kikes is European spiritualism making a resurgence. Varge is right about that at least.

I laugh at that pic every single time. I think it's the faint expression on Hitler's face, like he's taken aback.

True, we need more Hitler reaction memes, I'm pretty sure by watching videos and pausing at the right moment we could find some funny shit.

It's as if he's surprised anybody could fuck up something as simple as a swastika. Jeez, I was carving those in my desk when I was 13. Get with the program, guys.

It's okay newfag. Just don't do it again. The benefit of being user is the moment you stop being a faggot you're accepted. Take advantage of that and lurk more.


i didn't see the resemblance to the pic i posted. i was confused as to the relevance to my post

who doesnt know about remove kebab? that shit is old as hell

It's pretty much muscle memory for me now, I can't imagine goofing up a swastika unless it was to be intentionally hilarious

I don't remember where I heard this but apparently Trudaeu browses 4/pol/ and gets a kick out of how much they hate him. Also he thinks DUDE WEED LMAO is the funniest shit on the planet.

Himmler was a piece of trash who thought slavs were subhuman and wanted to use them as slave labour.


He either is dumb and believe all the shit he says or has a public personality and a private one and all the shit he says makes him laugh.

t. Butthurt Holla Forums Hohol that thinks Hitler was worse than "dude lmao just starve the Ukrainians" mustache man

The two clauses of this sentence contradict each other.

He has to be pulling the worlds biggest prank. Tweets like this have to be ironic self awareness.

That was one of the best ones in a long time.

How's it going, d&c kike? You want your proof? Here, have it from the horse's mouth itself

"One basic principle must be the absolute rule for the S.S. men. We must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood and nobody else. What happens to a Russian and a Czech does not interest me in the least. What the nations can offer in the way of good blood of our type we will take, if necessary by kidnapping their children and raising them here with us. Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death interests me only in so far as we need them as slaves for our culture: otherwise it is of no interest to me. Whether ten thousand Russian females fall down from exhaustion while digging an anti-tank ditch interests me only in so far as the anti-tank ditch for Germany is finished. We shall never be tough and heartless where it is not necessary, that is clear. We, Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude towards animals, will also assume a decent attitude towards these human animals. But it is a crime against our blood to worry about them and give them ideals, thus causing our sons and grandsons to have a more difficult time with them. When somebody comes up to me and says: 'I cannot dig the anti-tank ditch with women and children, it is inhuman, for it would kill them,' then I have to say: 'You are the murderer of your own blood, because if the anti-tank ditch is not dug German soldiers will die, and they are the sons of German mothers. They are our own blood….' Our concern, our duty, is our people and our blood. We can be indifferent to everything else. I wish the S.S. to adopt this attitude towards the problem of all foreign, non-Germanic peoples, especially Russians…."

~Heinrich Himmler

How? Himmler thought slavs were subhuman, thus justifying his view that they should be used as slave labour.

There would be no Aryans today if Poland & Lithuania hadn't been there to keep the mongols out of Europe.

He not entirely wrong, this entire passage can be applied to everything happening right now :


So you're defending the use of our fellow Europeans and contributors to our great civilisation as slave labour. You deserve the fucking rope.


Not exactly.

explain how you're not? Unlike shitskins, Slavs belong to our race and have contributed to the advancement and protection of our civilisation. If you are defending Himmler's words, you are defending the use of fellow Europeans as slave labour.

Poland and Lithuania were buttfucked on a truly astounding scale by the Mongols. In two battles, separated by 500 miles of countryside and two mountain ranges, in an age before radio and among soldiers who had no semaphore or other line-of-sight communications, the Mongols managed to field two armies that crushed both the Polish/Lithuanian force and the Hungarian army within 24 hours of each other. Both commands were operating independently.

The Mongol plague receded because the Khan died and Vienna could wait (they thought). Their primitive tribalistic programming took over and they decided against exterminating the bipeds in Europe, not because they had been sorely beaten by proto-bucketheads.

Or are you going to claim that enough Mongols stubbed their toes genociding your faggot ancestors that further combat operations had become untenable?

I never said I'd apply it to slavs, I just thought it fitted the libshit/fags who decided they were the new right with their "muh white man's burden". Do you want whites to die ? No ? Then we must kill the muzzie/kike.

And yet even though he believed all that, Stalin still killed waaaaaaaaaaaaayyy more Slavs than the Germans ever would have. Stay mad butthurt sovietphile.

You're spewing made-up bullshit now, the Poles repelled all three Mongol invasions by force of arms.

Sure they did, buddy. They were the best!


Aye, the Teutonics also tried to invade Poland and the Poles routed their army at the Battle of Grunwald.

Where was Grunewald? Can you point it out on this map of Germany, Austria, and Russia? interesting site for Holla Forums shows different places in the Third Reich and the locations today.

Near the western coastline of Courland.

I still don't see it. Is it on the side Germany took away from your terrified, supine ancestors, or is it closer to the bit Russia had off of them without firing a shot?

I have no problem with exterminating non-whites.

Where did I even imply that I supported Stalin or the Soviets, you rat-faced kike? Slit your goddamn wrists.


It's clearly Russia, you fucking dolt. My ancestors are from Posen though.

Oh, pardon me. I had no idea I was in the presence of nobility. Die, kike.

For that second image, is there any info that denotes what each insignia means and what the division it represented?

Absolutely disgusting

Does anyone have any good resources about the sanitätsstaffel?


Disgusting tbh

Can you tell us some histories, old user?

Yeah bruh should just hand over any territory as soon as anyone asks for it.



So whats your thoughts on Himmler? How was he in reality? How good in skill and military he was?

Everything that even looks healthy or traditional is bad for the kikes.Kikes hate the world, overrall

Nail polish remover labeled "100% acetone" is [a tautology]

How do I refute them, in one post, how was the SS in reality? Please help.

This is a nice overview however it is quite short and not as specific as you would probably like

The Bolsheviks had to kill millions up millions of their own kind before waging war against Germany. The British and American government required no such measures…Just a few propaganda pieces were all their zogbots required. The Eternal Anglo…

WW3 will start any day now. There will be a lot of suffering….until Hitler and His Ein-Ehre-Er returns! And yes I know this for a fact. Our Fuhrer is not fallen!

Hail Victory!
“The Gods are with those who overcome themselves”

The ϟϟ is not just figurative but LITERAL, also.

The lightning of the ϟϟ, that is.

The two symbols don't even have the same meaning
Swastika is a Sonnenrad, e.g. a wheel of the sun
Odal is the Futhark symbol for home

I could somewhat understand the kikes if they were kvetching about the Sowilo symbol because muh SS but Odal makes no sense

Why is vril made up of qties?


Anyone? I need to expose to a normalfag how to expose that the SS werent the gad german-only guys who only did security jobs at the Autzwich ovens.


Not my taste, but nice work

The Foreign Volunteers, Léon Degrelle is a good starting point.

if youre polish and just posted that unironically you should kill yourself.
polska wolna


Toward the end of the war the ss were a bunch of big mouthed pussies. The cream of the SS died in Stalingrad what was left was some assholes that thought they could get away with shit if they sucked HH's balls. I had a grandfather that had fought alongside them, pure fanatic fuckheads, no regard for military strategy , ideology driven operations were what brought the fucking front to Berlin, and this assholes were a big part of it.

Dirlewanger's brigade wasn't part of the Waffen-SS.
They were a Grenadier Brigade of the SS, and when they wanted to be promoted into an actual Waffen-SS unit Himmler flipped his shit.

The SS didn't even fight at Stalingrad you fucking retard

Posting some material

he probably meant the eastern front.
but still somewhat far from the truth.
the reasons SS went to shit were quite a lot:

1- they functioned more as police/ideology enforcing (and practicing) units, so they werent really even present on most fronts, but as said following (and in partisan present areas staying) behind the army corps.
not all of the SS as youd know, since on the eastern front the premise was that it was an ideological war and SS was meant for that, but also for the lack of men and equipment (even more so towards the end of the war).
anyway, police and "muh cleansing" operations led to the men (especially newbies) going from trained soldiers to the kind of people who preformed said duties, sometimes even an uniformed band of pillagers and triggrhappy looters under a gauleiter who could do whatever he want since he outranked most army officers they would meet in the field.

2- the SS started pumping thier ranks with locals from every country theywere present in, and ofcourse that wasnt the ideal disciplined and well trained force youd want.
the french, hollanders, nords and other more "fine" voulenteers were usually good soldier material, but recruits (and sometimes force mobilised) people from eastern europe and the balkans were more of a backup auxillary force for terrorising partisan associated folks, or just set loose like on the eastern front to do asmuch damage as they can before getting killed off.

3- the end of the war ofcourse, with the mobilisation of everyone who could fight. theres no real explanation needed with this one



Well, not completely true either.
Kursk was fought predominantly by the Waffen-SS, and so was the response to Operation Market Garden.
It's just that, even its strength of 1 Million men was next to nothing when measured against the total number of Axis troops.

There's a German book called "Das dritte Reich", which is surprisingly comprehensive and unbiased (as far as possible, anyway), which I can recommend to everyone interested in the SS, each division gets at least a few pages worth of history. No idea if there's a translation, though

So beautifull. Its almost magical.

Quite shitty as a military man. He was more of an intellectual or even mystic, a dreamer of sorts. Which isn't bad per se, as every state needs its "priests". Shouldn't have meddled in military matters, though.






She needed her hair cut for the tattoo, you unbelievable faggots.

Moar infos on the book, please

I cant find the book. Any link to it, please?

I was saying look into the foreign volunteers. Leon is a big name in that group and he wrote a bunch of books, he also did tons of videos too.

Campaign In Russia: The Waffen SS on the Eastern Front.

by Leon Degrelle (wikipedia I know)
Troops from all over Europe, steppe asiatics, indians, even some koreans (pic related, after d-day) Hitler often praised foreign allies for their strength and willingness to fight. The french SS is known to have defended the fuhrerbunker in the last hours of the battle for Berlin.
That could be discussed. They were fanatics, willing to fight to the death, and often entire division were wiped out. The result of this was that the SS was the most experienced, most elite unit of the second world war. When the Germans retreated from russia, they came through the baltics, and the Baltic SS units had a last stand there. There is even an Eesti movie about it IIRC

Looks so good.

Are there any games where you can play/control the SS? Im curious.

Red Orchestra 2 is the closest one.

Dubs of truth

Does anyone know what the music at the end was?

Im not sure 100%, but I think its the song Wenn alle untreu Werden

Darkest Hour has quite a few maps in which you were the SS.

red orchestra is great, a bit outdated tough.
company of heroes allows you to play germans too but CoH is kinda shit in general.
id rather spend the same amount of money on RO2 with DLCs than all the CoH pack

Thank you user, I knew I heard it somewhere.
Also reminded me of this great channel.





Sorry for the change of topic, but do you guys think that two world wars really fucked up the population of Europe? There's a lot of strong tall Aryans that died in the war. On both sides. It's so sad it had to come to Whites killing other whites.

Men of War: Assault Squad 2 and play as the Germans

Use RobZ mod so you can het SS Stürmfuhrers and SS Panzerbesatzung and shit. Decrew your vehicles and replace the crews with SS soldiers. You can also use the Fallschirmjaeger and Gebirgejaeger.

Not an expert, but it affected the population quality. Didnt fucked up, but the effects are there.


well most people will say no.
but if you take into account the infrastructural, economic and geopolitical consequences and put them all into the context then the two world wars were the darkest hour of history.
if it werent for them we would probably really be colonising space, instead of making retarded shows with elon musk in them.

But it's a fallschirmjäger song …