CNN plays porn for a half hour


Other urls found in this thread:!1k5EzKJR!pxTdogv9cksD7JMbOpd2EA

Jewish attempt to expose children to pornography

just proves how much CNN sucks

I swear at first I was thinkin' that's so stupid, then I remembered Israelis did the same thing to Palestinians - took over a tv station and played porn 24hrs a day. Totally plausible.


The NobodyTM video tells of a similar story were residents of a Jewish occupied city where forced to stay in their home by a curfew while the only thing being broadcast on television was porn on every channel.

What the fuck is even going on over at CNN?

I bet those fucking kikes did it on purpose.
that's a good question.

Kek, which one of you faggots did this?


probably some Jew

it had to have been a prank

Don't reveal our (「 plants 」, the jews don't know yet

This cant be real

You guys are fucking with me to see what ill beleave right?



Purely accidental, goy!

CNN must be desperate for ratings, that they have to resort to broadcasting porn to get the middle school boy audience.

If you disagree with this you are transphobic.

One uncorroborated tweet from a single woman said that CNN played porn for half an hour. The account has since been made private.

And yet it's the alternative media that's "fake news".

/r/ing that Nobodytm video about israeli's replacing all Palestinian channels with porn.


I hope someone recorded it so we can find out the name of the producers/acters and see if they ti in to pizza gate somehow

the ultimate shitpost

I don't buy that. This was on purpose. There's no way none of them noticed for that long.


They probably thought the program was meant to be Anthony Burch's Cuck Collection #6

Who's the "fake news" now CNN?

I've got it in a 128mb .mp4 I'll have to figure something out unless somebody has a nice lil webm of it.

They actually do this in real life to jam Palestinian TV channels.



They're certainly making it rather easy for Trump to shoah the entire Left and their entire apparatus.

This type of shit is no accident. There were some pretty convenient "wrong" clips being aired during the election campaign.

I don't even think he was referring to Jews, just John Oliver viewers in general.

transsexual pornography at that


user, what IS real?

Reminds me of when Isreali soldiers broadcasted porn on occupied Palestinian TV stations. Psychological warfare is alive and well.

they obviously have some trolls in their ranks

you know im guessing independent was paid to put that on their website to push the "fake news" agenda in order to give CNN even more "credibility" than ever by taking it away from the news sources that aren't CNN MSNBC huffpo or the likes of them

Pure coincidence.

reminds me of this

At least CNN managed to achieve a full half hour without a single lie

But it was tranny porn user.

The porn was a tranny.

i don't think kids are watching CNN

IIRC, he called the media a soulless golem created by the Jews.

user, it was trap porn. The lie was inherent.

No but a kid could be flipping through the channels then BAM. Tranny porn.


I always knew this would eventually happen with how permissive toward pornography this sick society has become.

I just wasn't sure if it would be some nutjob holding someone hostage and demanding the station air porn, or if it would be a saboteur at the station.


Holla Forums being triggered by porn is still pathetic.

They are watching the reactions. We are seeing social engineering at work.

You better check out the NoFap board, 'yourbrainonporn' and other sources. It is actually very, very bad for your health and can be used as a psychological weapon against you.


Twerking is actually okay when no niggers are involved (Russian-style).

It can actually help porn addicts wean off like methodone helps junkies.

My personal theory is that the Russians promote twerking as a substitute for porn, in an effort to clean up the culture.

whatever you are a semitic rat like the jew, a subhuman nigger or just a degenerate traitor DOTR will come and we will purge you.


Every single last one of those claims has been refuted.

If you're saying that because of that dancing school, you're wrong. It was actually closed by the state because of that, Putin does not take well to kikes (yes, the owner of that school was Jewish) teaching underage girls to act like nigger whores.

Stop thinking with your dick you fucking retard.

show me the refutation to this

Holla Forums being triggered by porn is still pathetic.>>8362304

Enjoy your testicular cancer. That's what you get for not fapping or having sex.

enough of you

no one wants to read screencaps of your posts, nerd

without derailing the thread
remember Holla Forums
either that or they actually did it in an area where almost nobody watches parts unknown but even then almost everybody wouldn't believe them, not even alot of Holla Forums

not an argument, degenerate

tl;dr isn't an argumentand its not my post, though its not lile you'd state otherwise itt

I'd believe it because who knows that they fuck is going on in (((their))) minds, but

shit news article, not buying it

Nice source there faggot. Also

Fucking kikes.

And I bet nothing will happen, either. CNN will keep on broadcasting like nothing happened.
Thousands of "straight" guys will think this is the new normal. '
Kinda like Jim Norton having Bailey Jay host his shit. They are pushing this hard.



Every single last one of your posts has been refuted.
See how effective that shit is without posting anything of actual substance?

Do I really need to spell it out for you?

Me? I'm just a random Holla Forumsack. Shame to hear that's happening though but to be expected, the Left is losing everywhere and in their hysteria are lashing out everywhere they can.

If it was one of us it wouldn't have been tranny porn. My money's on a disgruntled Bernout.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((simple mistake)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((rogue individual)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

It seems like masturbating is always linked to porn, wonder who is behind that thought?

checking those double dubs

I don't see what the big deal is, these girls look like they're having lots of fun.

an advice that your parents should have considered

Nobody claimed it was M/F sex

I'm sure the barbarians had lots of fun too when they raped and pillaged Rome.

Since when does "it's fun" validate degenerate behavior?

Finally, cnn shows some real news.



The same guy who played the KFC add when MSNBC had the head of the NAACP for an interview.

This guy is the hero of Holla Forums.

nice one queen



It's harmful behavior that contributes to the degeneracy of western society, so yes, it's not that different.


So is this CNN's fault or just some regional dipshit who pressed a wrong button?

So where are you from? Holla Forums? TRS? Holla Forums?

How does porn get fed directly into the tv news feed? Isn't that system supposed to be isolated? It feels like someone did this on purpose.


Just a local affiliate in Boston, not the CNN national broadcast.

Alright kike.

You make good posts.

I've been laughing about the "parts unknown" joke since I started reading the thread. This is right up Holla Forums's alley. Fuck over CNN and traumatize stupid normies at the same time.

I'm not sure what this means in terms of the gravity of the situation, but every single country in MA went blue, so they probably liked it.

The chances of another Max Headroom situation happening again are slim, since these systems are really secure now.

But that doesn't stop someone inside the station from fucking with the broadcast. See the KFC commercial from this very election cycle. All it really takes is getting into the main room and running an .mp4, I'd imagine. Janitors, interns, bottom-rung technicians, any one of these people could be compromised to do something "for teh lolz"

Or as other anons in the thread believe, it could have been done completely deliberately. It seems like the kikes might burn CNN as an asset since it isn't making them any more money at this point.

it didnt, cnn just paid independent to post that on their site

i mean the "jews"

Kurwa ale musisz być głupi


Newfag detected

Maybe you guys can clue me in on this (redpill or w/e the fuck).
Basically saying Beta males should not exist, but that makes no sense from a point of objective tribal evolution.

Let's look at a wolf pack since they have the quintessential social structure which if well defined, and can be seen in various mammal social structures.
Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega.
You know much of this but I'm defining for this post.
Alpha - Dominant male, the reproducing male, controls the pack, king fucking shit.
Beta - Only submits to alpha, runner up, takes over alpha status when alpha dies or is absent.
Gamma - subordinate most of the time, can strive for alpha is he can win in a fight.
Omega - Caretaker, watches over pups and the rest. Kicking horse, gets beat up by the pack, last to eat, last to everything, can only rise rank by furious fights, death is highly mourned, but he's still a pussy.

Okay, so you're saying all males should just be alpha? That sounds fucking impossible, alphas clash until one submits to beta. Betas fight for secondary rank, the rest fall to gamma, the lowest in chain is omega.

This is pretty clear in human structure too.
Why are there so many betas? because everyone wants to be alpha but you can only have like 1/4 to 1/12 alphas otherwise we'd just fucking murder the shit out of each other and get nothing done.

Leave you piece of shit

Is that even true?

So what you're saying is, everyone is a furry?

are you a polygamist?
because what you said would make more sense from the viewpoint of a polygamist

Yup, shoulda posted this pic with my earlier post.

I don't see the logic behind it being deliberate. It doesn't help kikes in any way since it just discredits mainstream media even more than normal. Even if they're just trying to burn CNN, normies aren't smart enough to differentiate between the different MSM outlets and thus can easily be dissuaded from trusting any of them. It also runs completely counter to the "fake news" narrative they've been running lately.

also checked

and again don't forget

Don't ignore this?

that's fake as fuck

Fucking cities tbh =^/

Why are you phrasing that as a question?

I think Essex county was completely compromised because of Lawrence being a sanctuary city.

wut. I thought he was red pilled. He's always been a degenerate shit though so I guess with that type of person the fetishes trump everything else.

That and Boston expands outward so that it's neighborhoods touch pretty much every eastern county.
1 Boston neighborhood = 20 small towns

This implies I identify by a code of conduct which I don't follow. Would I fuck multiple women in the same day? Probably. Would I marry multiple women?
Fuck no. Marriage is a trap.

welcome to neo Holla Forums janusz

So none of their staff were watching?

honestly I would believe it.

i got you fam

won't embed because file already exists elsewhere on Holla Forums

Webm coming up.

Like I'm in a hurry to watch tranny porn :^)

now all the hypersexualized goyim will jewgle riley quinn and begin their path to become sissified cucks. pure coincidence.

Such a slimy yid she is (was) too. God bless you, America for consigning this old whore to the dustbin of history.

Or maybe all of their staff were watching…

Each are exactly 50% likely. I wouldnt be surprised at all, at this point.

This is Russia's fault.

Yeah, I see what other people mean when they mention that Jews do this in Palestine, but here in America that kind of news would be hard to suppress. I'm still going with some guy working as an intern or something slipped this into the playlist, just like the KFC video.

You know kids have access to the internet right?

When Trump gets in, he better make sure the FCC fucks with CNN until they shut down. We already know the CIA is involved in CNN and he'll control the CIA from now on. Just have the heebs report out in the field and drone strike them especially (((Wolf Blitzer))) and if you look up the history on that guy he's pure evil. He's not even a real American.

Nice. The best I could come up with was "CNN continues to push Fuck News narrative".

Interesting theory. Is there any confirmation of this having actually happened?

It seems to me that if this had of in fact occurred it would be covered by more than one foreign news source. It seems unfathomable that people watching wouldn’t have discussed it on social media. Unless…. Literally no one watched CNN (which is possible)..

No they haven't kike.

nevermind. the video embedded in the archive is from a completely separate incident.


You know this guy is directly linked to Million Dollar Extreme and does alot of music/animations for them, right? It's easy to find his name. I remember his first video and the one lost episode "scythe" being posted on MDE's website first back then. His first musical album in 2013 too

Absolutely degenerate.

This is Holla Forums-tier bullshit. Holla Forums is against porn and trannies.

This is the most hilarious way to crack down on the lugenpresse that I've ever seen.

Yeah so is 99% of the world. That's why we want to associate degenerate tranny shit with garbage like CNN. If we blasted wholesome family values through their outlet it would just make people associate pleasant things with CNN.

This is basic psychological conditioning.

Whoever of you has children, you should sue the shit out of them, because they have exposed your kids to trannyporn while you left them unattended for 15 minutes.

MassGOP is fucking retarded and cucked beyond belief. They are shit at gerrymandering and despite having a RINO Governor who attends "LGBTQ events" where he likes getting shit on for having an (R) next to his name, he does nothing to help the party here.

We also get gerrymandered into only a few counties, each with a sanctuary city: Boston is one of the nations largest jew populations, Worcester has blacks and spics, Framingham is a sanctuary city for Brazilians, the tip of the cape has a "little San Francisco" full of gays (went there once before moot made og Holla Forums, will never return).

One town is really gentrified and it's where most public school teachers live, every house in that town had Hillary signs and anti–school choice signs (hurts their bottom line if they get fired for doing a shit job, also niggers would get segregated for doing poorly oy vey). It's not all bad though, go to one of the more rural parts, hell even in the cities, and there were YUUUGE custom made Trump signs and even saw a life-size cutout of Trump and it was on every block and common on the cars, but if you drove in the bigger cities, you'd see women drivers with the #ImWithHer or #StrongerTogether bumber stickers.

Still, our Quarterback, Tom Brady (white) and NFL coach, Bill Belichick endorsed Trump, so did MDE. Our cucked Governor denounced him though. It was a fluke his opponent lost and now Mass won't have another Republican Governor until Trump deports the Democratic voterbase here.

tl:dr: We aren't all bad but our GOP sucks balls and this is also the R&D lab of Marxism in academia (Hampshire College is here also) Pic is what it's like town-by-town.

The reason you're confused is because what people refer to as beta is actually the omega. As you say, the beta male is a male who's inferior only to the alpha. Not completely cucked. It's really just a matter of people not caring enough to learn where the terms come from and therefore only using the more famous alpha/beta terms.

The (((media))) is heavily losing its control. People don't trust it anymore which means it's a good time to establish NMSM (non-mainstream media). When the president elect would rather thank InfoWars than any other media outlet, you know you fucked up bad on your lies. I'd like a pro-white network that was professional and spoke something like Jared Taylor or a neutral network that can see through any SJW lies. Poor (((media))) they will never understand the people and only seek to control them. But times up.

It's so sad. Hillary had the full backing and official support from kike orgs like (((AIPAC))) and criminal kike organisations like the (((ADL))) will constantly make excuses for the Clintons, pretty much the entire (((media))) plus almost every Jewish vote to the point more percentage of blacks, Latinos, and Asians voted for Trump than percentage of Jews and Hillary still lost. Their grip is slipping and anyone in the future who wants to run should know this election from Bush to Clinton has shown you don't need money or kike backing to win and the kikes have no future. They really shouldn't have gone and said "America first" was antisemitic. That was so over the line they lost some of their their best supporters I know among them. Only the final solution remains and Jews only have themselves blame for this.

We got someone on the inside meme'ing don't we?

>tfw some will say tranny porn is an improvement over CNN's regular programing




the left is literally incapable of doing anything constructive. I'm shocked

fun is shooting things and driving dune buggies, not whoring around. You would know this if you weren't a degenerate lefty

It is absolutely the parents' fault. All it is is a more extreme version of the propaganda the (((tv))) normally puts out. If you put your children anywhere near it you are a failure of a parent

At least now kids will understand the bathroom issue.

(((accidental))) (((tranny porn)))

You know there are porn channels?

Yeah, next you're going to tell me how we need to distribute clean needles to junkies and oh just how great it would be if we also gave them safe spaces where it would be legal for them to shoot up in.

You know, if it was just 100% hetero porn I may have been able to be convinced that it was an accident.
But the fact it was tranny porn, just makes the whole situation scream, "Oy vey! We're losing the goyim, we have to do something drastic!"

They're usually encrypted in the US unless you pay for them. Nobody here sees that shit.

like when they had shown the nigger an KFC ad instead of trump's "racist" remarks?

opp topic, but have you heard of the 'message from space' broadcast interruption? it's pretty crazy what do you think? a psyops? or real ayyliums?

Its called Penistown (on the tip).


Probably well intentioned hijinks. The Ayyy had an English accent after all.


this happened with cartoon network years ago

it happened with the disney channel way before that. way back when channels were still scrambled the disney channel would turn into a scrambled channel after 10pm or so and if you sat there and squinted and timed your fapping every now and then youd see a bewb.

dog bless the 90's

Looks legit


Excuse me. I mean, WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?


I used to think Sam was just doing this shit to be edgy. I mean, he even looks sort of Jewish. Now I'm starting to wonder.

There's no refutation because there's no evidence supporting the image at all. The only thing about this cap is that it's such a boring wall of text to read through that most people don't bother reading it at all, and the only ones that actually do are the ones that are guilty about fapping and love it when people agree with them.
TL;DR: Some faggot interviewed a bunch of people on anonymous imageboards and then loosely associates all fetishes with low self-esteem. Seriously, this reeks of sexual insecurity and projection like it's nobody's business.

Nobody had albums released since 2009


Nothing new

Do not be fooled! These are not accidents nor are they perpetrated by someone inside of cnn!


Yes. Here!1k5EzKJR!pxTdogv9cksD7JMbOpd2EA

Fake news to prove a point. You took the bait fags.

in 5 years they will be riding nigger dicks, gotta start somewhere


I bet you fap to tranny porn.
Are you Shädman or what?

What 'yes here'? The earliest is from 2013


Also 'patience' isn't the earliest the realy old ones are probably realy hard to find now

in case you guys forgot, the "jews" paid independentor blackmailed them to/into putting the article up on their website

Another reason why niggers are cancer.

news stories covering this are saying that it never happened

could it be that so few people were even watching CNN that the people who initially reported it were the ONLY viewers?

Neat. Thanks Holla Forums I was looking for some new porn star to watch. :^)


user spoiler that shit next time


prove it happened

Kek, nice response though.

Good post

And yet we keep having this argument every time, so obviously some of us are still pretty degenerate. It's time for a purge after we've dealt with our enemies I think.

That's what I'm getting at here, the proof is severely lacking because so few people had CNN on during their primetime show hour. I think this is where this story goes, all things considered.

I don't care what style it is, it's women "presenting" like baboons to attract a nog or nog-like human. It's about as low as a woman can get without actually cramming two fingers in her snizz and waving them under some untermenschen's nose.


From a Esquire article I'm too lazy to archive right now.



Thank you for my new Steam avatar.

I see I wasn't the only one who had this in mind


Stop being such a Jew. Legal marriage has become cancer, but spiritual marriage is the foundation of family and civilization.

I highly disagree my friend, to ast I go

How old are these girls?

Seriously, get the fuck out.

Sure, bro.

Sure is 4chan in here

Mentally or physically?


Me too lol. Gore and trannys were a staple of the oldfag diet on half/b/ It would be like going back to the roots of chan culture: Gross, shocking and edgy to the max. Tranny porn is the ultimate shitpost.

If it was miscegenation porn then it definitely was not one of us.

I honestly don't think it was a Holla Forumsack. There would be far better shit to air, like TGSNT or All Wars Are Bankers Wars or whatever.

Pretty much.



Physically. Maybe it's just me but some of them look a little young

"American" Culture = 1/2 Negro & 1/2 Jewish
Even Hitler realized it decades ago. It's only gotten worse since then. And it gets exported around the world.
pic related

Based E. Michael Jones
minus the race issue

Twerking is simply White people emulating nigger behavior, dancing lasciviously like baboons, appealing to the basest desires of society. There is nothing good about. It's not even a part of White/ European culture and must be outright shunned. Why should Europeans emulate an inferior culture?

That's probably in USA, but why are so many Russian girls into twerking?
pics related

glad you posted in all caps, you made it way easier and less annoying to read

CNN turned Holla Forumsack..?

Holla Forums is adopting the mindset of SJWs. If they don't like an outlet, they try to ban it. Banning information is the silliest, moralist platitude I can think of. Information is a resource to you and withholding it from your enemy is a weapon. Denying yourself information is like shooting yourself in the foot.

salty Euro?

MSM lies to you even when they air porn

are we being raided by shills again guys?


probably salty
but jews control your media and export it around the globe
your universities were pozzed with marxism 50 years ago using KGB psyops and now American academia is the source of the SJW poz
i had a protest at my uni a few months back because some yank dyke professor told all the white men in her class to stand up in her lectures so they can experience how it feels to be singled out and if they wouldnt comply she'd fail them
ended up with a protest against the crazy bitch that got her sacked

underrated post

Appropriate, as its parts were unknown

Not really.
Where does the ultra-violence come from?
The US
Where does the ultra-porn come from?
The US.

Face it, this is your reality. A land of rape and war. This is perfectly natural.

swallow deez digits

They probably want to appeal to western men because Russian men are drunk bydlos who are losing their toes to krokodil.

As long as it isn't shoved in your face (like with retarded liberals/sjws) what do you care?

video source?

Well as long as it involves hyper-degenerate elements like scat, piss, tranny, etc. it will be incredibly damaging even if it isnt immediately visible to members of society.

Frankly, its needs to at the very least become one of those things that people are embarrassed to talk about in public. Like people shouldnt be talking about their favorite pornstars as a conversation, that is disgusting.

Cuck News Network

Riley Quinn

Its only damaging from all the normalization that the jews push on us.

And I like traps/trannies.
I imagine Roger Stone does too, and he was an invaluable ally this past year.

tonight I fuck a tranny.
oh meme magic.

then why the fuck are you here
lurk moar


I've been "here" since 11.
The chans since 06.

You still should get away from liking traps. Why not go for real women? Or real men at least


I hope Trump really does make porn illegal
the cuck tears would be delicious

Twerking is nigger tier. Russian have much batter dances.

thats cossacks, ukrainians

I do
Men are muscular, hairy, and gross. Where as trannies/sissies are not.

Its a fetish man its not supposed to be logical.

Another victory for the Alt-Right!


It's all the same

But why still live up to it? There's literally nothing right about living up to you fetishes.
Still, trannies are men. And thus are just as muscular and gross as any man.

my bad

Not even good tranny porn In the first place.

Isn't it also exactly what feminists have been wanting?


What about a woman that is a lesbian man trapped in a woman's body?

go be cucks somewhere else

nigger DYEL

valid point

feminists fucking love porn

re-read your posts before you press New Reply because there are at least two logical missteps here

not really no


just because a man drugged his body up he's no less a man

That thing wears fake hair a lot to hide its disgusting receding hairline.

I know, but they claim to hate it. If Trump tries to ban it, they'll have to go with it or reveal themselves.

Besides just wait until you hear it speak.

degenerate porn addict detected
if you watch straight porn you are a cuck by default

nigga you crazy

Porn wont be banned
kikes make too much money off it
arabs love gay porn too much and the feminists love their interracial fake rape porn too much

I am very straight. That's why I only masturbate to IRl warcrimes.

You're a bit retarded aren't you?



Do you not delight in the vanquishment of your sworn enemies? Do you not delight in the cummies deposited in the the eyes of the mandarin eunuchs of the American Empire?

What you called was literally not an argument. I'm against porn in general but if the porn is bad at that why not address it.
You on the other hand are in no position to even slander me. You mentally ill individual.



I haven't even seen the porn in question you massive sperg.
tranny porn = bad porn automatically

I don't care what anyone says, TradGrace may have been a degenerate tranny but he was Holla Forums as fuck and more knowledgeable about the Third Reich than half the tryhards here

if ur sperg shitposting at least throw a sage in there you nigger faggots

damage control

Stop fapping to men my dude.

The full headline was:

How did someone pick our the last part (the chyron would show the entire sentence) and interpret it as if *CNN* was asking if jews were people, I don't know. It takes big balls to lie like that.

Dude calm down.
You think Bailey Jay is muscular. I imagine average guys terrify you.
Its okay I'm not gonna take your lunch money for looking at tranny porn.

nigga u gay tho

There is no more satisfying thing in the world than knocking out cold a guy twice your mass.

Something you've never done

Tranny porn? Boston? I guess moviebob was happy for once

uh huh. even if I didn't there's an axe wielding clan waiting for his fee fees.


Suomalainen sisu vittu perkele puukko



i see your point and im inclined to agree.

i can't support start a whole institution around it, like they do with pole dancing and promote as a family friendly sort of exercise routine for everyone to enjoy because, lets face it, it's completely sexual.

how does it feel to spread lies on the internet you bad person?

we cant all be queer historians that love cock, user. just the chosen few hitler allows. PBUH.

You sound.. sour.

Teaching young girls to be promiscuous whores isn't harmless, ya dip

pics or it didn't happen nigger

Good. Now go listen to the full radio interview:

Absolutely required reading for Holla Forums.

This. What a Cohencidence.

you heard wrong

Show me the way. Nourish me with darkness. There is no mirror for my face. ;^(

Who would have thought that (((CNN))) were total degenerates?


The reunification of Germoney.

Happened with many stations over the years.

But that's censorship and goes against free speech :^)

Trannies are mentally ill.

Every notice how 80-90% of them end up doing sex work? They are lazy and want to live like whores getting free shit instead of obeying biology.

Are there any stats showing this? I know they're all mentally ill, but I've never heard the claim that a vast majority end up in sex work.

I have no stats to back it up, but they are such a small amount of people and most of them are hookers, porno actors or on webcams


Look the torture porn is just annoying because it is cartoonish and in fact unrealistic, seeing the actual deaths of muds by TV guided missile or the sight of a 30mm cannon is good shit.

Oh you…

Sorry, I'm not a jew doing surveys. Just using my head to see whats going on the world.

It doesn't. CNN's server broadcast rooms are in the exact same building they film their shit live in.

You're serious, mate? A decade ago "tranvestite" was a synonym of manwhore.

Catholics would be stronger if it wasn't like some UN shuffle, where I get a Filipino or Nigerian monseigneur out of the blue. Am I in the Philippines, am I in Nigeria? No.

CTR Shill [ ]
Great Again [X]

I think you mean nature, as biology is the study of life. I believe that without all the anti-suicidal rhetoric, that most of the individuals who go towards this perversion would have killed themselves before they could even think about doing it. Suicide is, as a meme, very eugenic.

Yeah, black people kill themselves all the time.

of fucking course it just couldn't be normal porn could it

When did I or the person I replied to mention subhomo africanus?

Do black people kill theyselfs? No?
Evidently this is eugenic, Lousie CK.




valiant it guy at zero point zero productions did this

it never happened

As someone who runs Master Control for a local TV station, it is incredibly hard to insert anything that isn't supposed to be in the system, and most programs involved have logs that include the name of who was logged in at the time

And where the fuck was Holla Forums on this one






That's an interesting angle. I could imagine it being true too

The "parts unknown" tranny joke seems intentional for sure

The lugenpresse likes to rub it in our faces when they deceive

Holy shit. Shill trying to fit in goes full retard.
Wew. It just keeps getting better.

Are you fucking retarded? Those name were confirmed a fake "prank" for lack of a better word and anons with proof came forward taking credit for that "tip" submitted to the news agency. It was back on 4chan before there was a real alternative though.

Read the metadata

the tranny pozz is less gay

When will Geraldo Rivera do a special that uncovers CNN's Trap porn vault?

yep i've done some digging on this. it was a hoax. the only source was ONE person who sent in a "Screenshot". There were no FCC complaints or reports from other people that this had occurred.

No, you're retarded, that was a mass-casualty exercise presented as news, and if you believe the news anchors were so retarded to repeat those names and not realize it's a joke, then you're the joke.

Their entire identity is wrapped up in their sexuality. Also, no sane employed wants to hire these freaks so there are few options to make money outside of sex work and drug dealing and e-begging.


Holla Forums didn't exist in '11.


nofap is for bestial losers who can't control their impulses.

"FAKE NEWS" it isnt fuckin fake news until one of the dumbass MSM shills do a story on it. Guaran-fucking-teed they will try to use this "fake news" bullshit to clamp down and censor alternate viewpoints and opinions. This is just the latest attempt at narrative control.

When it comes to actual "fake news" it jumped the shark in late 2012 with Sandy Hook. They doubled down after that but they'll never be able to be trusted again once people realize that even audio and video of individuals can be faked convincingly. Yeah, some normies will NEVER get it, but a lot of people will get it.

In the end it's going to be hard to confirm any news that doesn't happen so locally that you can confirm it yourself. And that will be a good thing because some kikes won't be able to manipulate your rights and powers based off of some event far away that didn't matter even if it was true

Basically, most news never mattered except for peoples reactions to it, and the measures that could be enacted based off of those reactions.

How was I supposed to know?



I don't like to masturbate, but several years of watching tranny porn leave me really hard with only hearing the word, Jews have a big control over me…

I really need to detox myself, I used to be exclusively heterosexual.

I'm like you user, except I only spent months watching tranny shit and sissy trainers, stupid /hypno/ got a really bad grip on my head, when I became redpilled I realized how fucked up I was becoming in real life, nowadays some songs trigger flashes in my memory and I'm afraid it might never go away completely… I really hope there was a way to fix my fucked up mind

Just fucking kill yourselves at this point


Tranny porn is specifically engineered to sexually confuse strait men, that's no accident.

4chon plz go


You should really kill yourself, I think it would help.

You can't make this shit up
Oh 2016…… What a Year.

tranny porn is good you fucking retards

Max Headroom only reached a few thousand people each time he aired, by comparison a youtube shitposter out does Headroom with every shitty video.

It's harder to make hardware connections, but it's not impossible.

Okay I've been thinking about this.. this year alone on CNN we've had
One of us is DEFINITELY in there, has some sort of creative control and he is an Absolute Madman.

It's a hoax guys
It's a photoshop made by a Twitter user called @solikearose

The mutant in question. Typical SJW special snowflake tranny.

Don't google it, it's 99% porn images. These are the least pornographic I could find.



Looks like an ugly tranny version of Waldo.

Get out…

no, you get out you fucking fag

Fake and ghey and being bumped by shills

That thing has a dick, so you're the faggot.

It's more passable than most tranny fuckwits. Must have been one of those poor souls with "enlightened" parents who started fucking them over when they were young. Well guess what, mom and dad! You're "daughter's" a whore, now. Happy?

That's true of all the "passable" trans "people". They all do porn. The bearded dude with tits kind of trans "person" almost invariably kills themselves.

Just Try exclusively fapping to your imagination, it's what I've been doing the last Month, and it has ridden me of my degenerate thoughts and habits, remived my brain fog and made me a much more Confident Man. The Way I ought to be.

There's more to being a man than having a dick.

If that were true, cucks would be men too, and they clearly aren't.

The thing in your image is not a guy, it's an unclean mutant.

Calling it now, this "error" was a test by the kikes to gauge the effectiveness of their propaganda. The fact that it was a tranny proves this to me. This whole thing was to see if people would cause an uproar or just piddle around and pretend it didn't happen. Its seeming like the latter so the kikes are going to go ahead and keep pushing trannies as being sane and heroic.


It was either a prank by someone who was about to quit and wanted one last fuck you. Or it was intentional testing to see what what the effects would be.

I was always big into porn, and tranny porn was never around back in the the 2000-2009 era. Even around 2011, 2012, 2013 it's super niche and basically some stuff out of brazil thats either custom order or part of the gay subculture.

Somehow it's gotten pushed super hard into the mainstream. Yeah linetrap was being pushed on 4chan as a forced meme, and the ackbar it's a trap spread like wildfire over any ambiguous looking teenager. Buy the past 2 years or so, I think I've seen a massive explosion in tranny porn. In quality ,setting, theme, actors, budget, there is new talent pouring in, the tranny tube websites are fairly well designed, it's a giant orchestrated mechanism.

What was being pushed in the late 90s early 00s was the mature genre, older women, divorced mothers.

What is being pushed today is incest fantasy, rape play, and hardcore tranny orgies. Is this what the 70s looked like? Any old timer remember the coked out days of the 70s and 80s, was it this degenerate? I am 2 google clicks away from watching a brazillian shemale with a 9 inch cock destroy another shemales asshole. This… is not the future we need. Who is pushing this shit so hard? I remember some guys looked into the tube8/xhamster/xvideo sites a while back and traced it back to a German shell company and some Jewish connections, but I don't know if it was confirmed.

Is beastiality next? Is there no boundary or perversion they wont cross? If they could normalize mutilated male bodies where will this agenda lead us? It's Sodom and Gomorrah all over again.

Holy shit you're right. I only got into it at 15 back in late 2010 because I found a video of a really feminine looking one jacking off and couldn't stop thinking about it during my holiday.
I ended up stuck and trying to get away with it for 6 fucking years.
It's definitely designed to confuse young lads and turn them either gay or tranny themselves.
Every young man around the age of 12 or 13 should be warned about how damaging porn is and how fapping to your imagination is much more natural and Beneficial.

are those wizards?

Well we can't see their faces or how autistic they are, so we don't know

This post is yet another example of either bad journalism, false reporting of information, deliberately lying, or not understand what happened.

CNN did not broadcast porn.
That is not what happened.
What happened is that a local television network played some porn on a channel that was supposed to be receiving a CNN feed. But CNN didn't actually broadcast the porn from Atlanta.

If all you can do is repeat headlines without checking up on what's what, you are no better than the media or Infowars.

Think how stupid everyone on here looks when threads like this are not anchored.

Even H3H3 has made a video about this.

Protip: If you want to attack CNN, go for the countless thousands of things that they did do, as opposed to making a big deal of something they didn't do.

I actually think it was someone trying to redpill the masses on this shit

Why the fuck is bill burr singing in german like a chick during an alfred hitchcock movie?

Local tv stations broadcasting on cable fuck up all the time.
That should be an obvious first thing to check.
CNN isn't in every single county of every state because they have a man on the ground there… they simply pipe in to your local shit one the local shit gets done running.

God, can you imagine one day you wake up, and every channel is just porn?

I'd actually love to know what would happen to an entire country if that happens.

Still hotter than Sinead

It's disinfo bullshit to make the goyim disavow fake (read: non-kosher) news. Sage and reported for Alex Jones-tier disinfo.