The truth shall set us free. Restrict it and it will only damn up explosively

The truth shall set us free. Restrict it and it will only damn up explosively.

Other urls found in this thread:




"Rights" are imaginary concepts and thus only exist in people's minds. The constitution cannot "guarantee" something that isn't real or tangible in the first place.














Lel, is that Dorner?

Are you thick?


You have to die

what part of not giving up did you miss kike?

Just not easily intimidated nor foolish enough cease when my enemy asks me to respect his attempts to conquer and oppress me.

Lurk more or migrate newfags.

Great thread op




you obviously new, while back we had red pill threads every week



maybe they finally get the message



Parts 2 & 3 of image 5 in this post










I do believe so.







Next up, fresh kebab










Get ready for the bane




America is for whites, the foundational documents say so. Niggers, Kikes, Spics, & Gooks fuck off.






I don't think that's art, I think that's one of the workout areas of sweedcuck jail























And now to the battle of the sexes





good try, shill






this is gonna get deleted or anchored soon.


Then we shall make another. See




In related news, this is the 3rd time in the last few hours of dumping I've had to do the "once every 24 hours" captcha. Raises eye brows.





Some OC



No, dipshit; the study was on fruit flies.


kek, this is why breeding with muggles (much less mud muggles) is not encouraged. It dilutes power & purity of form.






I"m out for now anons, stay frosty.

That seems like a stretch. The study concluded that the male Mc being taken in was caused by pregnancy, not intercourse. That being said, promiscuity on the part of women is still bad, but for other reasons. Using this as a weapon might piss off some landwhales, but if anyone bothers researching the study, it'll discredit the entire argument.

Don’t save rach images.

Stop discrediting us.

Bump this stuff is good keep it coming anons

that quote is not his you retard


Sorry guys that translation and grammar was fucking awful, here's an update

Bretty gud, but it needs to be more scientific, combustphobic since the gunpowder combustion propels the round, something like that.

Something sorta pretentious I mean, that maximizes lefty salt. What's a latin term for a propelled weapon.

Hoplophobic is the established term.

Nigger, please. That’s not what we’re discussing here. The science done is about FRUIT FLIES, not humans.


You ain't even trying, 2/10.


I really like the Bill of Rights one, but it irks my autism. Those are Amendments, not Articles. If they were Articles, the first one would be Article VIII.






























All of these scream of leftie shit.




I'm forever grateful that lolbertards can't persuade even if their lives depended on it, so many shitty infographics I can't for the life of me understand how people convinced themselves it's a viable option. Academic circlejerking at its best.


That one always rustles the living fuck out of me for some reason. Like she believes Moses reached down and turned the gas to water just to spare her smug little ass with its painted-on eyebrows.

Fuck, I think I just got it. Remember when we were young and some little shit would start a rumor about kid-snatchers or monsters living in the playground or some teacher being an escaped murderer? That's what the holocaust was. Camp scuttlebutt and rumors taken to ridiculous levels and then packaged and sold.

Vid semi-related.

Even though the philosophy may have it's flaws, it's often easier to use it as a vehicle to redpill folk as they will not recoil by the mere thought of it and you can get them to question the presumed infallibility of authority.











inb4 anchor for truth







