How Was Dakota Access Pipeline Protestor Sophia Wilansky Really Injured?

bearingarms. com/bob-o/2016/11/23/really-injured-sophia-wilansky/

Why is everything a fucking false flag? The left is actually done. We really won.

There needs to be a concerted effort to out, dox, and then prosecute every person who fakes a hate crime / police brutality report. I know there is a few websites doing this, but we need more "mainstream" sites like Fox/Kikebart or something to have a complete, searchable database that libtards might actually see.

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Hahahaha liberals fucking around with IEDs. Fucking wew.

Bump. Go figure, kikes would wound themselves and blame everyone else.

Yea, liberals literally bombing things is regulated to the "fake news" of the alt-media, but somehow some sharpie swastikas are indicative of the next Holocaust

They are the terrorists now - how does that make you feel Holla Forums?

This is why amateur bomb makers often have nicknames like 'Lefty'.

Im grinning like an idiot, well fucking played you legend.

Ill leave now.

either with prosthetic makeup or by a propane tank having a pressure explosion (a propane tank that she was holding most likely)

What a hideous jewess.




and she's only 21, too. she is at peak attractiveness. Top vey.

I put all my ecred on this being the case:

You should have read the article. So much for your "E-Cred"
It was a propane bomb.

I'd do her.

because fuck jews

You have no idea man, there's 2 liberals at my work who don't even socialize with eachother who are independently reading books on how to survive a dictatorship since Trump got elected. Both are prepping their homes for SHTF scenarios.

Oh, and they're still noguns.

will lefties ever learn?

that was a butane can. which would have the explosive force equivalent to a quarter stick of tnt, i.e. an M80. My ecred is intact and you are a fucking assclown

Face it, you were very specific in your prediction, and you were wrong. You were so specific you gave yourself no room to convincingly weasel your way out of it. Hoisted by your own petard.

"The JTTF would be looking to test Sophia Wilansky’s clothes to determine whether the explosive device that caused her injury came from an IED created by protestors…"

From the fine folks that brought you Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the Hillary Pussy Pass ®


Wow Ive been trying to remember what movie this image came from . I saw the movie as a kid.

I live in nearby this shit and get to see it all the time on goybook. At first I thought it was kinda cool as a possible happening but they just got more and more incompetent. When this IED crap when off a bunch of people spamed the polices FB page where they posted pictures of the can and they just spamed "LiesLiesLiesLiesLiesLiesLiesLies ect.."

In reality the reason they are protesting is
because the Indians want a toll of all the oil that goes though the pipeline at above market cost, so gibs basically.

Pic unrealted, captcha

The Holy Mountain

TY just tor'd it. Kept thinking it was Passolini fsr. Please have a Time Bokan mecha as thanks user.

Report them to the cops or management

Why don't we attack liberals for being conspiracy terrorist? They would do the exact same thing if HRC won instead of trump.

In reality the reason they are protesting is

because the Indians want a toll of all the oil that goes though the pipeline at above market cost, so gibs basically.


Listen guys

You don't have to break your links. Just leave out the http://

I'm getting tired of this shit…

Or archive


Someone needs to be very publicly made an example of. Slap this Bitch with multiple attempted murder charges, terrorism charges, treason, endangering public safety, and so on.

I'm not savvy with possible charges. Can we get a list of the possibilities?

They claim the pipeline running under a river will pollute the river or something. Meanwhile they're burning tires and vehicles and making a fucking mess out there.

The time to protest was back during negotiations when the natives voted FOR the pipeline. These faggots just have no jobs or prospects for happiness and have nothing better to do to feel important.

looks like a normal person tbh, also no makeup

shes a jew

Sorry I was at work. Here ya go.

I'm on cell, you archive faggots


I want my own heritage to die so badly but native American sacred burial grounds are important to me.