What do you choose?
The year is 2088
Go to svalbard
You born past 2000, OP?
doesn't sound any different than the life i'm living now. i'd totally assimilate into virtual anime land and become the catgirl.
Living a lie? Regardless of how perfect it is, no thanks.
Funniest post I've read on Holla Forums
You're such a faggot. In a practical sense, you wouldn't be aware it was lie. In a pragmatic sense, you'd be getting your dick sucked every day by beautiful Free Software Sluts
No, if I still had my brain, I would begin to wonder why do I find myself in this situation. What if the machine prevented me from thinking? Well, I presume I'd be aware of that too? Or has my awareness been turned off as well? Then I wouldn't feel the dick sucking anyway.
Explain it then. People always talk about this perfect machine-generated reality, but never explain how it's actually supposed to work. Probably because it's impossible...
Consider this reality a perfect machine too.
Here's the thing most technology even if it is maintained will last about 7 years top(and thinkpads are not most technology).
So what you are saying is that there will be a system that will be mostly unmaintained and it will wotk forever. Without errors or hardware going faulty.
Yeah no
Almost all technology is not made with longevity as the goal, it should cost as little as possible and last just long enough to not piss the buyers off so much that they still buy another. We could easily make most technology last ages, but there is no economic incentive to it.
If that technology actually happened (which I don't believe is possible), it would surely repair itself so longevity would be irrelevant.
I'd rather goto war then be stuck in some shitty simulation with normalfags.
Since the simulation is supposed to be a perfect life, I assume that there won't be any unwanted interaction with actual humans, right? Just perfect, idealized simulations of beings one wishes to interact with?
If so : fuck reality. It's a stupid whore anyways.
What is the value proposition that would result in revenues sufficient to cover the resources necessary for both the initial capital exoenditure to put this system in use and then both pay off the initial cap ex and maintain the system (both in terms of power, repairs, software maintenance bugs, etc? Does the economic side of Moore's law make the possibility of putting all of the real world's users, takes, losers, and non-producers in this system just to get them out of the way of the productive? Is this "Brave New Cyber World Welfare"? I tend to think that just like porn is a horrible substitute for real, intimate, healthy relationships and results in a whole load of short and long-term psychological and physical issues (yea, soy isn't the only thing robbing soyboys of a full pair), this system's first adopters woukd be its first critics and rebels who, if possible, woukd leave the system but never lesve it alone. I can only imagine that just as our modern society is on the verge of realizing the individual and demographic catastrophes associated with sexual inmorality (having children out of wedlock is biggest predictor of criminality, recevitism, substance abuse, and poverty, among many others) and, as mentioned, porn, their would be a predictable shift back to reality by those who reject the matrix.
I think another issue impacting the system would be the growth needed to maintain profitability/sustainability. Our not having kids is going to turn America into the worlds biggest shit-show when the anti-population feminazi's realize they aborted their social security and Medicaid and allowed Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood to sell off the fetal tissue for modern Dr. "Mangle-A's" sick-ass holocaust experiments). Who is going to pay for the psychologically damaged, profoundly disappointed, pan-queer tranny who traded in a healthy package of real meat for a socially transient nod from the never-happy perpetual victims who continually both preach their never successful eutopian ideals while simultaneously bitching about their myriad mental and physical health issues that require someone else to pay for their sick lifestyle? What happens when you trade in your ability to bear everlasting generations of beautiful and productive fruit for a Great Value sabor-a-caca fruit snack alternative?
Liberal progressives have always and will always suck at everything important. Rant over. Mic dropped.
The dumb-ass lemings would roll into the system thinking it was going to be all pleasure only to wake up to a horrible hell. But hey, at least it would get more of the libtards off of 8ch.
You didn't even watch the movie retard.
Anyone knows that sketch the guy realizes he's in someone's basement being raped every day but plugged in some VR shit so nobody notices they're actually getting fucked in the ass?
OP didn't say "exactly like in the movie", he specifically said "matrix-like" you dumb faggot. Also the first matrix was a perfect utopia, but it didn't work, I don't remember why I think the humans noticed it had to be fake.
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