Dylann Roof declared competent to stand trial
Other urls found in this thread:
Apologies for spacing on the first one, was copypasting from the article and adding greentext.
Best case scenario? The state fucked up the process somewhere and he walks free.
Now, let's be clear, this guy is genuinely scum and deserves to die. However, the liberal butthurt we could harvest from Dylann Roof walking free on a technicality like so many niggers have done in the past would be worth it.
What is kek doing? What with these people's names?
Fucking hell, they all died under Dylann "god's" Roof
So do we have any indication of when the trial might be?
I'm not a yank, but I know we want racial tensions to escalate as much as possible between now and January so Trump can bring the hammer down and put the fear of god into these people. Imagine if Roof walks free the day before the inauguration. Imagine the chimpouts
How is he scum? From reading his manifesto, it just seems he took the red pill hard and decided to act on it.
This kid is fucked. Many of these technicalities come down to whether the police obtained a confession improperly or executed an improper search which results in that evidence being inadmissible and there being no evidence to prove the elements of the crime.
Here we have witnesses and video evidence of him entering the church so none of that is necessary.
I know "respectable black people" is mostly a cuckservative meme, but that's unironically who he targeted. There must be millions of appropriate targets in Charleston, and he shot up a fucking church.
Still though, the BLM rage is more important than any reason we have to dislike Roof. He'll have entire cities in flames while Obama stands by and lectures people for being racist if they object. We need those kinds of optics right now.
Didn't he get a big dindu politician?
So he's competent, yet Goldberg, who likely inspired him (pic related), wasn't.
What, you're blaming this guy for black lives matter?
No, I'm saying BLM will freak the fuck out if he walks free.
Get the fuck out of here, cuck. Dylann might have been a fucking retard, but he is in no way "scum" for killing some niggers.
So what? And how on earth would he walk free in the first place?
I think his point was that they were godly niggers. Future son in law lost etc.
And this is bad?
Gotta love those anecdotes.
They were political chimps and Christcucks. Roof did nothing wrong.
That's sort of what I was implying.
You need to leave and find your own board, millenial.
It were posts like yours that made Dylan shut down his computer, go outside and visit a church.
Ahaha this is obviously a psy-op to make white men look bad
What? Is Holla Forums a christcuck board nao? :^)
you can't argue with those digits, d&c scumbag
Reminder that there is no harbor for the EU here until they start working toward making themselves right. Insidious snarky divisinous has no home here. You have pilled the underage not those of greater stature. Know your place.
Kek confirms that even if Holla Forums isn't a Christian board, it sure as hell isn't a fedora board.
Checked. Christcucks rule now.
Wasn't this "historical black church" a hotbed of negro antagonism? As in, it had a very political history? Also, there was at least one politician there. Dylann may have been a dumby, but the "godly niggers" he lynched weren't exactly as innocent and docile as they were portrayed.
Christfags are anti-white semite-worshipping non-life affirming retards who should all be so lucky as to have a Roof visit their church.
There is no pill here. You have to find your own board.
you're using the oldest tactic in the book, chaim. it's getting pretty lame
I'm getting a tactical bowl cut to show my support.
If you're talking about divide and conquer, I'd like to remind you that no person internalizing Jewish thought with a Jewish religion has ever been part of a true pro-white movement. If things had played out the way they should have in the 40s, Hitler would have done away with all of you, and we would be better for it.
he said jews were white, he wasn't red pilled
I don't know, genius, I'm not the OP. I'm posting from the starting assumption that this might happen, because that's the point of the thread and I don't know enough about the law to say one way or the other.
What part of wasn't clear enough? It's a very good thing
Remember when Omar Thornton's racist massacre was all over the news and was even condemned by the President himself?
Did you even read the thread?
No shit? He's dumb as bricks for being pro-jew and going after church negroes instead of problem niggers, but how is it surprising that he can stand trial?
Never trusta kike or a nigger. No matter how aligned they pretend to be.
Why he not spree shooted a drug mouth? a whorepoint? a fucking detention camp?
And so the kikeonnastick D&C has derailed a thread about Roof. Good job taking the bait.
Artists impression of the Jury.
I wish he'd take the stand, say that he's entitled to a jury of his peers, and niggers aren't his peers.
Dyllan is just not worse the Breivik, the one worshiped for Holla Forums for killing white kids to spread zionsm.
Looks like you're going to be out of a job soon, my good subhuman.
1 million keks would be had if Trump gives Roof a presidential pardon. Kek, make it happen.
TBH, if I could get a job shilling, I totally would. I'd just deliberately include tells that I was a shill.
You can shill for me. I pay 1 shekel per 1000 posts.
Would you namefag as CIA?
WHATS HIS NAME, Holla Forums?
Newfag pls go.
Shit-tier shills are resorting to using the same tactics that already failed last year. Freindly reminder to filter these retards rather than allow them to completely derail the thread (which is what they're trying to do).
masked gorilla man
His name was Dolan Stormfront
I am so happy they decided to make a sequel to the Zim Zam Chronicles.
I hope it is a sequel.
If only.
I keep up with shootings that are worth getting into, this is just some retarded shmuck nobody cares about.
How many blacks were killed by other blacks since then?
How many whites were targeted for their skin were killed by blacks since then?
to be fair to the cuck, if he shot a bunch of babies he could have reduced more crime. Not sure shooting old people really helps unless you're the most radical anti government pension lolberg in history
baked potato.
Yeah, he should have shot up a black elementary school. All niggers are bad but old niggers are going to die soon anyway and are usually too feeble to attack white people. If he shot up a school he could have killed dozens of niggers and possibly beaten Lanza's (disputed) high score
Christcucks aren't welcome on Holla Forums.
Hell, I remember when it happened, even Holla Forums said he shot the wrong niggers.
Holla Forums didn't care about the dead niggers because niggers don't give a damn about whites being murdered, or the continuing genocide of whites in their own countries, but everyone pretty much agreed he could have killed "gangsta" niggers or political activist racist niggers just as easily.
He shouldn't have killed church-going niggers.
Christians are welcome on Holla Forums, but cucks of all kinds are not.
Nice LARPing. Who fucking cares about this faggot?
Dylan's a pretty cool guy, he kills niggers and doesn't afraid of anything.
Really though, I like Dylan. He might not have views that align completely with ours but you can't deny that he is a man of action. He saw something wrong with society and he decided to do something about it.
He went about it the wrong way of course, but I think his heart was in the right place. He needs to start getting big before he is shipped off to nigger hell though, he is going to be a major target in there.
Zimmerman was only defending himself. This is a retarded comparison.
A christfag who pretends to not be a cuck is like a muslim who pretends to not be a terrorist
Good thing that white atheists/agnostics have all those white children. Our future is secured.
Yeah, normal whites having less babies combined with every christcuck adopting african cuckbabies is a recipe for distaster.
Christianity actively welcoming nonwhites, actively supporting LGBT, actively supporting abortion, I'd say Christianity bears responsibility for all this shit.
But your religion does, you are going against your religion if you oppose all that crap.
Fucking cucks, the lot of you.
He really should ask for a jury of his peers, and point out that they purposely selected a jury with no white males which doesn't match the demographics of the area. When they point to the one (((white))) jury member he should point out jews are not white.
also 10 women on the jury since the prosecutors are going to make an emotional argument
look i get youre from halfchan but at least lurk a while? there are no good black people, user. the niggers who arent out there murdering/raping arent peaking against those who do; they allow the culture which breeds rapists and murderers. there are NO good niggers.
he doesn't stand a chance
Niggers and spics kill white men and rape white women every day.
Every year 100,000 more or less white women will be raped by non-whites.
Dylan roof killed 9 niggers, in my opinion the wrong kind of niggers to kill, remember in a church, the "ok kind of niggers".
spacing :^)
And how many niggers have you killed, cuck?
Cuckianity is a problem, it revolves around
It's a shame that the Romans didn't do a good enough job of killing off the christfags
I like how this is turning into a christcuck thread. Based Dolan's spirit is truly upon us.
As many as you have faggot
If you don't think all niggers need to die, then you aren't paying attention to the world we currently live in. White genocide is in full effect.
He did what all whites should start to do
Appointed by Obama, sees him as competent. I'm shocked.
Holla Forums's impression of the jury…
Good goyim!
Whoops Sage was left on. Have a bump.
They breed like rabbits, we need to shoot some or they will conquer us
Kill yourself.
You forgot actively breeding turds in the turd world for over a hundred years, "for only a dollar a day.." and then actively shipping them into White countries. cuckstians are death.
Dylan Roof (PBUH) is a canonized saint of Holla Forums in the Church of our Holy God KEK
Some people you can just tell is a robot in a microsecond.
This tbh
You can see in his eyes he is a man sent by god
the point is that roof targeted a bunch of harmless niggers instead of gangbangers and drug dealers and thugs
That's called an oxymoron.
The only retarded thing here is you.
Also godly. Some christcuck son in laws were lost that day.
That guy is clearly a Pajeet. Not a kike, you dummy. SC has a Pajeet problem.
Looks like a Jew, to me.
I never said all niggers didn't need to die, I said Dylan roof killed the wrong kind of niggers. You put words in my mouth like it doesnt matter.
Fuck off, kike.
He should have gone to a local college and wiped out the "black studies" group.
Especially the white ones.
/pol tests high IQ, roof is a potato.
But that's exactly how it's gone down you idiot, unless you think the erasure of the southern flags and monuments of Dixie heroes is an achievement…
Christcuck spotted.
I live 30 minutes from where this happened and I didn't even hear of it until months later.
I prefer to think of it as killing both the niggers and the white race-traitors, who are also niggers.
You know why you're even more retarded than you sound? Because if dylan roof went and killed literal thugs and street trash we would be seen as the nigger killing batman and would be lauded as the racist anti-criminal hero he would have been.
Fuck off, faggot.
Ok well youre still wrong lol. There are like zero kikes in the south.
Fine, but then the christcucks go too.
Except for the SPLC and all affiliated jews in the courts, and the banks, and the urbanite jew carpetbaggers…
yes, yes, the splc are a bunch of wasps.
Are you a jew?
Try googling "charleston sc synagogues" you chowderhead.
No, are you?
Checked, but… wat?
dylann killed niggers for jesus
If Dylann could have done it all, I'm sure he would have. It's not his fault some cuckrags thought they had the right to arrest him for trying to fix his nation.
Don't project your stupidity on me, user. Those erasures are the product of the politicized niggers, the same kind that Dylann did kill. Street thugs do not give a shit about pushing that, as they are almost as stupid as you, and thus lack the capacity. Dylann picked the right target is what I'm saying, and I'm correct.
Pic related.
Ok first off, chowder is a tasty food you faggot. And second, the whole state of SC has 6500 adherents of Judaism according to the 2010 census. There are more aherents of the Ba'hai faith in SC than of Judaism. So just statistically it is more likely the man who looks like a poo is a poo and not a jew. Ok so you shouldnt mix up your poos and your jews.
You're genuinely dumb. All the BLM chimp outs have done is help us. Dylan helped draw the nig nogs out into public view. He pulled back a curtain.
that's you faggot,
That curtain was pulled way before that if you ever paid attention to anything david duke ever did
Yeah, most people didn't. Dylan helped fan the flames and CNN had no choice but to expose millions of normalfags to niggers chimping out.
Not true, he killed a politician in that church. A governor if I recall correctly. They downplayed the politicians death because he was anti gay, and they didn't want Dylann to garner any sympathy. One was also employed as a school administrator and admissions coordinator at a university.
Everyone that fails to see how things would hypothetically play out because of their failure to have been here long enough to understand how they actually would play out absolutely is a newfag. You, you are a newfag. There's no shame in it, but there's shame in trying to pretend you know better than I as a result of it.
But they were godly user, godly niggers. We're all one in Rabbi Jeshua.
The flag fiasco did help us. It showed to these burgerfag southers that there is in fact a culture war going on.
Have you seen an Indian? Jews dont have that fucking Apu hair. See what happens when you ignore the Pajeet flood. Watch what happens. Hope you like curry.
This is great news. He needs to go on trial so that he can prove, in open court, that the government of the United States is using a form of mind control to stir up a race war.
I'm not defending poo in the loos, I am pointing out how ridiculous it is to think it isn't a kike just because of population size. That jury is clearly picked to not represent the population in the area since there is not a single white man there. If it is a poo in the loo then there is still the point that there is not a single white man to judge him, and that he should try for a new jury that would actually be a jury of his peers.
That ragtag band is your peers in current year burgeristan.
Not enough spics for it to be accurate.
MLK was part of a church too, that didn't stop him from being an anti-White, church money-robbing, adulterous nigger.
These niggers sure will be portrayed by Obumblaster as "dindu nuffins", of course, but the same was said for Trayboon. Your PR cuckery gets you nowhere, same goes for your worthless hindsight.
Still gives him enough motive to start a shitstorm by asking to be represented by a jury of his peers. Also not enough spics for that to be true.
It did no such thing, plebs are too brain dead to pick up on something like that.
It did. A guy at my work started wearing a stars and bars bandanna for it. And he was on the Trump train in 2015.
But really, Dylan Roof did nothing wrong.
These were political activist niggers. The pastor was a state senator.
Hello, Holla Forums.
Still trying to exploit those religious fracture points I see?
Next thing you'll be saying bants about Jews are D&C too.
Anything that divides us and distracts us from our true enemy is automatically to be discarded. Obviously any Christian on Holla Forums is not going to be a pozzed faggot that adopts africans. It is because they recognize the failings of their religion that they are here. They want to bring Christianity back to the level it was during the glory days of christian europe.
Obviously, some take the crusader meme too far and act like cunts to their fellow pagan and atheist Holla Forumslacks, and those people really do need to go back to /christian/. Honestly, I just want to talk politics, religion shouldn't enter in to it. All religion serves to do on this board is start shitstorms and derail threads. That said I stand by my brothers on Holla Forums, whether they have one god, many gods, or no god. As long as they stand for what I stand for, an end to Jewish domination over the finance, entertainment and government sectors, then they are all right in my book and I would be proud to call them my brother.
I probably should have led with this instead of shitposting, please forgive me.
Let's say I represent a group of Marxist Jews. We believe in white supremacy and stand for an end to Jewish domination over the finance, entertainment and government sectors. So if such a group existed, then Marxism would be ok, right?
No. A tiny fringe does not redeem a huge institution of subversion and degeneracy. Christcucks have made their choice to fly under this banner, and are actively trying to recruit impressionable newfags here to their cult. But they are not there to follow up on these converts, converts who have to go to their local pozzed congregations to experience any sort of community with fellow christcucks. I'm sure there are some based Jews out there, that doesn't mean Jews are ok.
You want to smooth things over and be brother with them, and that's fine. I do not. I view them as a danger as much as any. So you handle it your way and I'll handle it mine.
roof did nothing wrong, regardless of "muh godly niggers"
*tips fedora*
back to >>>Holla Forums with you
there's at least 3 of them ITT. But they're obvious enough that it does little harm. We know they're worried about the large crossover of users in Holla Forums and /christian/ because they have shitty opsec and are fedora tipping faggots
Shooting unarmed people in a church makes you a pussy. This thread honestly reads like something cooked up by FBI plants trying to undermine you.
this thread and the dylann roof story seem like some kind of psyop in general
While bantsing with you christcucks is fun, I'm also 99% sure this character is a psyop. His name is pretty much an anagram for "stormfront" after all. Strange character with no background, commits crime that puts every normalfag off… named Stormfront.
It reeks of intel ops to me.
Not really. They are the enemy. Different rules for the enemy.
Agreed, now can we please talk about politics?
I am tired of every thread devolving into…
I had enough of that last year to last several lifetimes.
No, it isn't even remotely. Stormfront is irrelevant to everyone anyways.
Dylann Roof and the shooting of the black church was a false flag PSYOP and highly staged managed. Just take a look at that photo OP posted. What do you see?
Why are they wearing those outfits? His "capture" was peaceful and he's skinny as fuck. Look at the fucking casting.
Listen to his black best friend or look at this photo of a retarded drunk with a poorly shopped flag.
We want a white ethnostate.
We are not neo-cons who want to be dragged into foreign wars.
We are not leftist who promote black terrorist groups.
Blacks are simply the jews and cucks attack dog's. The dog's need isolated from people they might harm and the breeders get the rope.
Meant for
That's another thing he is barely fucking literate. I wouldn't be surprised if he had an Iq below 70. He didn't write shit.
Fuck off jidf.
You are spiritually a cuck.
Dylan Roof was a cuck and a pussy. He shot a bunch of elderly bible basher niggers instead of being a real man and killing some hood niggers and actually doing some good. Total pussy.
He could have shot any nigger on the planet other than the 9 he did shoot, and people'd have liked him more for it.
I'm pretty sure the fucking guy was a god damn plant anyway. Probably some retard the alphabets managed to manipulate into sperging out.
Are fucking retard? What did he accomplish?
Yeah, possibly fake
If every white killed nine blacks, then we'd be living in paradise.
Most of his rage was powered by Suboxone.
He's young, and he's been worked over in jail.
Don't expect any conviction on the stand.
pic unrelated
Blow me.
The only thing Dylan Roof did wrong was get caught
I don't like Christcucks, but Jesus Christ, user, it doesn't matter what my race believes; I love them regardless. You should have the same viewpoint.
As much as I agree with the newfag this oldfag is right. If this pussy had actually killed honorable targets it would not have made the slightest difference in the mainstream thoughtwave. He still should have killed traitorous nigger politicians as opposed to sitting ducks in a church.
Look with your lying eyes.
Would still have traitorous whites and jews
Care to make a bet?
It's not about stormfront being relevant you doofus, it's about CIA's particular brand of childish humor. They always put dumb little touches like this in their psyops.
Man, that photoshop job. I had to check if it really was an official pic from the jewpress. Good god.
Post lib faces when Trump gives Roof a presidential pardon, 8 years from now.
The pole is a white line as well. It looks like it was made in ms paint. The others are just as bad and the meta date doesn't match the time of day. His ugly sister married a top army officer who works in a base that researches psyops soon after all this happened.
It was around the same time as that clearly fake gun man in Washington and all the other anti gun events.
What I learned from this whole thing is to act violently with minorities, you give black welfare, they chimp out and bitch about "white privilege" despite the fact they wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for the free shit white people give them. Give the black a lynching and they preach about peace, same thing happened recently when that faggot wrote an article saying we needed to renegociate the unwritten contract between blacks and white. When they sense you're about to kick their asses they go "Buh mane, if we want to make it az a human beeeng we need to come togetha n sheit".
Yeah, no. CIA psyops is not at all needed to explain a white kid in the south seething with anger over the shit behavior of pampered blacks.
He was on Suboxone. That drug will send certain people over the edge for and make them violent over ideological causes. I've seen it before.
How very Christian of you.
Possibly. These drugs seem to do quite a number on people. Could also be a combination.
Yeah, CIA does psyops. Live with it.
OK how do you explain what I've posted in this thread?
great stanography way to spot the LIES
There's nothing to explain all you did was post youtube videos and pictures.
You are the one claiming he's a racist white who shot a church full of blacks and your only evidence is the fact that he lives in the south, media proganda and government bullshit.
Fuck off with your false dialectic.
The weird faces were nervous tics from Suboxone use.
The cops found some in his car. It's very likely he took a huge hit before he went into the church, and again right before he gave himself up.
Do you have an original thought in your head? Ever since King Nigger's speech writer began writing that for the puppet, every fucking retard without their own way of thinking will repeat this when trying to sound authoritative. You're a walking abortion.
atrocities are something your enemies do. It was a poor choice of target, so poor he had to be temporarily insane. He deserves to go free.
Wew! Time to break out these again.
at least we agree on something. Dylann Roof seems like a poorly written false flag. Were any pics of dead bodies ever released?
we all are sick of it. It's the most popular slide tactic and tbh mods should start banning for it
Yeah, the black dude in that video seemed like he was reading a script, trying to remember his lines. It's amazing how many false flags are pulled and people just lap it up
Wrong. He did do something. That's why I like him.
lmao! shouldn't the flag pole be casting at least some shadow too? And the weird pixelation around it. Oh, and look at the mirror reflection: the flag is just hovering there and it is too sharp. Nice catch. also '88' on his shirt. THOSE EBIL NATZIS AGAIN! This is one of the worst fakes the cia has done yet. for shame!
He literally did kill one.
fucking kek the second one
Sigh… fine. Pic related.
Zip doobedy doofus doop.
Ok, "you fucking newfag faggot with your stale reddit memes and babby tier bluepill understanding of intel," better?
Not as far as I know, but then again there never are when it comes to these ops.
Hi newfag/jidf/shill/ctr/intl/goon/orwhateverthefuckyouare, now please leave.
If he killed a politifag, then I stand corrected.
Does anybody have the webm of Dylann Roof where it says "I only wanted to protect my people" or something like that?
Regression to the mean; there are no good niggers. Roof reduced undesirable allele frequencies. His ecological impact was a net positive.
There are "good" niggers. Niggers that don't commit crimes, generally don't cause problems. I don't know about the church in question being a political hotbed, in which case targeting that place is understandable, but the point is that there are far worse niggers he could have killed.
Would you rather some church niggers get shot, or some crack dealing rioting chimps?
Daily reminder
So the only good nigger is a dead nigger
It's not a "hoax", it is another episode of white rage, the white race's version of what has been called black rage before, even has it's own Wikipedia.
Another accused individual was F. Glenn Miller Jr. who brought up the ongoing White Genocide, "Diversity is a code word for White Genocide" at trial.
Regression to the racial mean. There are no good niggers. The highest performing nigger will have average offspring. You have internalized the Liberal mindset and can only operate in hyperindividualistic terms. Cure yourself, or be cured on DOTR.
His name is absurd, a joke against us, he lived in a home owned by a pastor of the greater church he shot up, and his manifesto was literally "discovered" by a communist. I have my doubts about the Storm Roof story for sure.
Even "Derek Jeeter 88" as one of his account names is a joke
Do I know what happened? No.
Do I know there's something fucky here comparable to Sandy Hook or that "strategic watermelon" completely within the newsmedia shooting? Yes
No. Reddit spacing is when you do line by line
oh yes, mr alphabet man, it's totally legit not one detail out of place
So what's the likely story with him? He's just some random robot they drugged into oblivion and drag around for the show? Like that other terror dude with the red hair who was drugged out of his mind at that televised mock trial?
I'll also say that excepting the very notable (and questionable) Orlando shooting, and the Texas BLM event, there wasn't shit for this type of story in 2016. While they were every week for from late 2012 through 2015.
I'm basing a lot of my opinion on Trump going forward based on what happens with these types of events. They've always been suspicious since Aurora or Sandy Hook, if they continue it won't look good. I cannot say what exact kind of deception the events were, but they were not organic events.
No, I understand your basic bitch position perfectly. You fail to understand population genetics. Given several generations of offspring, there is functionally no difference between the crack nigger and the church nigger line. People like you are the reason they were kept in the country in the first place, and why more subhumans continue to be imported. "The good ones". And then, every single time, their population self-segregates, regresses to the mean, and reconstructs their population traits, and every single time, this somehow comes as a surprise to people like you. Like I said, you are being given an opportunity to fix yourself here, or be fixed later, and by fixed I mean made to dig a trench and then shot into it.
probably a heavily drugged up child of the cia somewhat in on it. It'll be a show trial, and he'll be "jailed" but in reality probably sent elsewhere and brought in occasionally for "parole hearings" like charles manson
Also note that this event happened in Nikki Haley's state. When Jeb and Hillary were in town
I never said any of the things you are accusing me of saying. Maybe if you actually read my posts you would realize that.
It is verifiable fact that there are niggers who act like people should act. That's all I said, there rest is shit you made up.
Wow, I didn't realize you were so tough. P-please don't hurt me, big guy!
Kill yourself, edgelord supreme
t. Army kike -11/25/2016
I agree, it's not a "false flag." Too many of you fuckers spend too much time with the Jew Alex Jones in your ear. As more and more is taken away from White males so that niggers, homosexuals, spics, trannnies, and women can have a bigger piece of the pie, some White males are going to react violently.
Thank of the "trickle down" effect. The White guy who didn't get into med school because of Affirmative Action had to become a pharmacist, the White guy who was going to become a pharmacist had to become a plumber, the guy who was going to become a plumber became a cashier, and so on down the line it goes.
Also, consider this point– A female lawyer, doctor, MBA, whatever cannot marry below her financial or social status. A male lawyer can marry a pretty…waitress or nurse, and no one blinks. How many female Doctors do you know who have married male waiters or male nurses?
This is the angle of this never talked about, the Jews keep concentrating shekels in the hands of copies who will have the most money while having the best kids. Naturally, the average person is going to get poorer. Females should NOT be allowed into medicine or law save for maybe the top 5%. Or else, they are just taking away jobs from men who now cannot raise families.
Some zone out and play vidya and take pills. Some go and kill niggers. Are you surprised? I'm not surprised. If anyone cares, can find where Dr. Pierce explains all this.
Also notice the flagpole is perfectly straight. Not a single pixel out of place.
It's not that you're wrong in what you're saying, but our societies are bit more complex than that. People here read history and come to the understanding that machiavellism is actually going on. Brushing it off with association to buffoon shills like Alex Jones is lazy and "muh tinfoil" tier.
I'm not saying I know for a fact this is a psyop, but it's not impossible, not even unlikely. It certainly plays into their hands in every way, which is often a peculiar consistency in these weird high profile cases.
He seems to be on medication.
In every single picture.
He was on antidepressants and his brother worked for some intelligence branch of the army.
I'm well aware what ZOG is. Something I 100% believe is true ZOG says is not? United 93 was shot down. I even know who shot them down– a special wing of Delta Force (not part of the 160th) that had been putting weapons onto private planes for a long time. (See books "Relentless Stike: Inside JSOC" and "Inside Delta Force" by Eric L. Haney.
If you read those 2 books closely enough, you can even get the name of a spy who was in Iraq in 2003 under a Polish Embassy cover and passed on the "Dora Farms" intel that ended up being wrong. He's a Pole, notable because after the failure of "Eagle Claw" (Tehran Embassy rescue), Carter was walking around with Brzezinski (father of big-toted black blonde on Morning Joe). The pollack was wearing boots. When the polish Delta force/later spy asked him why he was wearing high green boots, Brzezinski said "The President told me we were going to the farm." ("The Farm" is the CIA training installation nearly Langley, where they were gathered).
That may seem like a dumb, pointless story but if an autist like me can get the name of a spy (meant to be highest class of top secret) just from reading enough books and putting pieces together: A. Imagine what the chinks know B. Imagine how stupid and negrified the people who vet these books for ZOG must be. I won't give the name here bc ZOG, but if you DL and read those books, you have it,
eish: "big-tittied blonde." I need to look for a good cheap keyboard this weekend while the Jews have the prices a bit below the normal "fuck you in the ass" level.
I won't argue with that description but consider that this explanation for all of the mass shootings since 2012 might actually be a deception in itself. I have no answers but I think it's one of several limited-hangouts to keep you away from the idea of it being more largely just fake.
Didn't have to reference infowars at all, I just noticed obvious glaring things in the story that popped out at me. Yes the evil white males are the biggest danger to society, but if you actually looked at the evidence you'd see that they inserted that southern flag into the photo poorly, in an attempt to incite more anti-white hatred. that's why they started their news article in the OP with :
It was an obvious psy op from the first sentence into this thread. If you want to run around with a blindfold like a gullible retard that's your business, but next time keep your little manifesto to yourself.
Yeah unless you believe a kid is capable of realizing the scourge of niggers and to actually take action against them then I guess anything is possible.
The reason it leaks into threads like these is because mods don't allow a containment thread for religious discussion, instead they bumplock every one for no reason.
Not allowing people to discuss topics you personally don't want them to discuss is a very bad, very jewish thing. Is that so hard to understand?
Yes, you contemptible dribbler. What is being said to you is that this is irrelevant.
Then you're just a run-of-the-mill retard. Historically, Whites have not been people to sit back and let their enemies run over them. When the Jews have made a society as alienating and hostile to White men as this society is, some of them are going to get violent. The Jews know that, they plan for it. You increase the amount of alienation, you increase the amount of violence on a society.
This is a truism throughout history and throughout al societies. Turn on the electric synagogue or read the news, the "straight White Christian male' is always the enemy. Just as matter of statistics, eventually some of them are going to snap.
very poor comprehension, my dude. Just because they fake some shit, doesn't mean that the idea of pissed off whites is false. They do these psy-ops because they like to have everything planned out in advance.
That sort of "forensics" is bullshit.
It just shows you where the high-frequency is, but in the case of JPEG that's all messed up by the DCT decimation.
I can't even see what your point is with that bullshit image.
his name is Dylan "Ein Mann Sturmarmee" Roof
Stop spreading the lies that the Jews want you to spread. Christianity is the direct fight against the "Jewish" Talmudists.
All evidence points to a hoax. Drill on same day in same place for same thing. No crime scene photos or death certificates. A half assed incriminating facebook page and a bizarre, completely staged courtroom appearance and MSM reports are your only proof there was a shooting. Don't be so quick to throw a troubled white kid under the bus just because it fits some fetishistic agenda you want pushed.
I think CF has legit autism. He can only see things literally and throws autistic tantrums 24/7.
Blood is just symbolism for Genetics.
you = retard.
Shit like this honestly makes Holla Forums look like the looking glass version of Tumblr.
No niggers belong in white countries.
I'd rather the passive ones be killed so their population as a whole is composed of the rioting ones more and popular support to get rid of ALL OF THEM rises.
The worse their image appears the easier it is to get rid of them and their image gets worse the less and less well-trained ones there are.
Holla Forums is just SRS with a different set of targets and is just as delusional. Half of this board thinks the whole history of WW2 is a myth and the other half thinks the election was won by an Egyptian frog god. I haven't had a conversation based in reality with anyone here in at least 12 months.
Nice dubs. But seriously the holocaust never happened. Also normie get out reee and and all that. We've been utterly overrun with curious tards ever since the (((media))) started writing pieces on us.
Bull shit, it's never a story unless the black victim is really a piece of shit.
No one gives a fuck when an innocent and functional black person is murdered. Not even the mainstream media would bother manufacturing fake outrage for a real black victim. The whole point is to make black people look totally helpless and convince everyone to take care of them with more welfare.
Does that really mean something to you?
I've been here since halfchan. I left because of censorship like most others. I enjoyed it at the beginning, but the board owners decided that this was going to be the Natsoc board even though that wasn't the point of Holla Forums. The problem with this site is it allows too many boards, so instead of getting open forums for debate, we've all put ourselves in these little seclusions where everyone just pats each other on the back for holding the same opinions, even if those opinions are grounded in fantasy. Worst yet, all the mods turn into little tyrants. So even though I left halfchan to get away from censorship, it's grown here in a different form.
I've pretty much given up trying to have any kind of fact-based discussion. I'm just here now for memes and obscure news stories that don't make it into the MSM.
He is a hero in many ways. I am not 100% WN but he is right about negroes. They are scum and he took it in his own hands. Morally nothing was done wrong. He will either get life in prison or capital punishment but he will be a matyr to us. If he gets life in prisonment I hope an user with nothing to lose befriends and interviews him like Nikolas Shreck did charles Manson (innocent).
So what?
point taken, guess I just have to sit through endless amounts of kike on a stick and fedora tipping while everyone ignores the actual information in the thread. You'd think people would read the posts and realize that it was a psy-op but instead we get people replying to the op with
You don't deserve those dubs, Holla Forums survivor.
I remember being mostly bluepilled (but starting to wake up) and reading his manifesto and thinking that I identified and agreed with literally every word he wrote.
Anagramic faggotry isn't evidence. Why is it wrong to kill feral Negroes.
You are the problem.
No matter how much you tweak the saturation the flag pole stays nearly the same colour except a few pixels. Also who holds a flag like that?
I remember being red pilled and thinking It didn't help, but I would have enjoyed doing it.
debatable. ghetto niggers have a habit of taking care of themselves either through death or imprisonment. the "godly niggers" are the ones who involve themselves in politics, academia and the media.
True but obama would be a better target.
I hope he gets a fair trial. I hope he is free one day. I hope the world will someday understand the massive mindfuck they have been served regarding this young man. I hope no other children will live the kind of life where they feel doing something like this is their only hope.
Poor kid. If he were my child things would have been different. Good luck Dylan. May God be with you.
I agree. If he gets life in prison, I hope a future pro-white America will set him free.
I'm not saying what he did was wrong but he shot those niggers which is against the law. No "fair" trial can fix that
Checked. Looks more like he's holding a dick. The dick of his MKULTRA handler?
The judge comes out in a KKK robe and declares him not guilty/
Getting weirder…
The judge really shouldn't allow that unless he's an attorney himself or it's a misdemeanor case.
I dunno. Doesn't seem like the smartest move on his part but he likely knows he's fucked anyways so why not give it a shot.
Also saw an article yesterday saying the feds refused to accept a guilty plea. They gotta have their show trial at all costs.
Dylan was just a kid who OD'd on red pills and acted without an ounce of foresight.