Post music that makes you feel proud.
Write where it is from, and a word or two about it.
National Pride - Music Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
- Denmark.
National anthem of Denmark, is banned by Great Britain, because muh feels about Vikings and such.
- Denmark
Childrens song, written by a Nazi
- Denmark
Traditional music of Denmark.
I would rather this be our anthem instead
forgot the description
Colombia was a common name for reffering to America in the 1800s
This was a popular song in the civil war as both confederate and union soldiers could relate to it
Every dane wants to be our national anthem. But we can't have it because Great Britain can't handle fierce vikings, or else they will cry.
James McMurtry - We Can't Make it Here Anymore
I always listened to this album while working on our arsenal.
That's a shame. It sounds nice.
This is our coast guard's official marching song.
One of my favorites, it helped me lift myself out of depressing darkness in a moment of despair in my life.
Czech Republic
Bedřich Smetana - Vltava (Moldau), a composition about an important river in Bohemia. Always moves me.
it's hard to look back and see how far we've fallen.
every icecream truck here plays this melody
Formerly :^( Superior British Original.
Britannia the Pride of the Ocean
American South.
Usually I'm not one to say that 'the south will rise again', but hearing this makes me want to.
patriotic song from finland
Халуун Элгэн Нутаг / Khaluun Elgen Nutag
english translation where
Элэг зїрхнээс уяатай
Энхрий Монгол нутаг минь
Эцэг эхээс заяатай
Эрдэнийн алтан єлгий еэ
Цэцгийн шимийг тэтгэсэн
Цэнгэлийн хавар айлчлахад
Мєрєн гол нь дуугаан дуулж
Мєнгєн сардиг нь мишээдэг ээ
Сэрїїн салхиа сэвсїїлсэн
Хацар нїїрийг їнсэн байж
Сэтгэл дотрыг ариулсан
It makes me happy because it makes me think of rebellious taigs being crushed
This is a song about the trading and explorations of the vikings in Denmark
Whenever I am feeling low
I look around me and I know
There's a place that will stay within me
Wherever I may choose to go
I will always recall the city
Know every street and shore
Sail down the river which brings us life
Winding through my Singapore
This is home truly
Where I know I must be
Where my dreams wait for me
Where that river always flows
This is home surely
As my senses tell me
This is where I won't be alone
For this is where I know it's home
When there are troubles to go through
We'll find a way to start anew
There is comfort in the knowledge
That home's about its people too
So we'll build our dreams together
Just like we've done before
Just like the river which brings us life
There'll always be Singapore
Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the founding Prime Minister of Singapore, passed away on 23 March 2015. His body will lie in state at Parliament House from 25 March to 28 March 2015.
Title says it all
Thanks for that Gem, no pun intended. I haven't heard this before for some reason.
This is probably my favorite national march of all time. IMO, this is the best version of it: feel the anger of your countrymen in that brass. Fuck.
Great channel. Check out his Witcher 3 Compilation.
the true australian anthem, if you don't like it you're either a chink, a melbournian or a fucking leb
Dumping a few more American marches. Battle hymn of the Republic used largely in the American civil war by both sides, Sung by a massed mormon choir - One of the most graceful pieces of music I've heard.
Traditional Danish song, sung in the morning.
It's a song about the rising sun.
Loch Lomond played on the pipes. Though it's not about a historic battle, the song is about farewells, nostalgic memories and a reminder of home. Say what you will about modern Scotland, the music and culture is legendary.
I'm not Irish and I don't understand the lyrics, but this song still moves me deeply.
Beautiful choir song by Latvian composer Ēriks Ešenvalds, Rivers of Light. Inspired by Saami people and the aurora borealis.
The Newfoundland anthem, Ode to Newfoundland, was our anthem when we were our own self-governing Britbong colony and we still play this anthem instead of the shitty leaf anthem.
Also have the oldest written song about Newfoundland.
Written by the most renowned danish composer, Carl Nielsen
It's Columbia not Colombia
I was just reading about the Lady Columbia 19th century meme yesterday and struck that she was never re-interpreted as a stronk independent woman of color during the Obama years and used for propaganda.
Clearly the left sees her as a threat and would prefer to meme the French tranny Lady Liberty. I don't even think that Jew video game that came out during the 2012 election and was supposed to mock the Tea Party and Mormons really touched on the Columbia goddess myth (other than just using the name).
Seems like virgin territory with strong meme potential, or am I missing something? Why isn't pol manifesting Columbia as the next Vivian James or Ebola-chan?
Danish national girls choir singing on the national schoolship before the royal family.
Originally a poem called "The Norwegian", latter set to music. Now its one of the most commonly sung national songs here.
I love that one, and who can forget this little treat… It could easily pass for any of the red pills videos
General themes are how the Irish were sent to die for British expansionism and empire when they could have stayed to fight for an independent Irish state in the Easter Rebellion. It's one of the most beautiful pieces of music of the 20th century.
sorry for being a retard about not embedding, don't usually post here. I didn't see a delete option to repost… Here's another
A song about the famous 'Irish Brigade' of New York. Most celebrated for their role in the US Civil War
To be fair, there's nothing of the vikings left in Denmark anyway. A nation of literal cucks who think communism was a swell idea.
Bagpipes are an ancient instrument used by all the Gaelic and Briton cultures.
no embed because I fucked up and posted it in another thread
Bagpipes make me feel warm inside, very huge in the celtic communities of leafistan.
Lyoba or Ranz des vaches
This is basically the Swiss version of a cow call or Kulning.
It's sung in a local dialect. Sadly this particular singer (whose version is undoubtedly the best) died prematurely a few years after performing at the Fête des Vignerons (local celebration that only takes place every ~20 years) and becoming famous.
It is probably the most famous alpenhorn melody.
The Zäuerli is a form of yodel performed in a choral and is unique to Appenzell a region of Switzerland. It is performed a capella or with Talerschwingen (a bowl in which you place spinning coins). Only men perform Zäuerli.
I wouldn't say that all is lost. We have kept a lot of our traditions from back then.
And there are still some few people left in Denmark that are pretty badass, but a lot of cucks also.
- Denmark
The midsummer song, sung around a bonfire at the midsummer party called Sankt Hans.
A (((wich))) is put on a big bonfire with howling fireworks inside.
(wouldn't post for some reason)
It did though.
Youre speaking of bioshit im sure, and i hate to tell you (and maybe nobody got it, so thats fine) but the whole concept of columbia was shit on, they didnt openly desecrate a female figure (wouldnt have been progressive i guess) but they wanted to make sure everyone came away thinking the idea of columbia was a garbage, that whole game was hatefully antinationalist.
The first game accidentally made a good point about how libertarianism fails because theres always at least one nigger to ruin it, but they got high on their own shit and after that tried harder and harder to be edgy, its a garbage game series.
I've always had a special place in my heart for this one.
Too bad it's been hijacked by (((anglos))) like Leonard Cohen who would have us believe that "Canadien" in this instance means every Canadian and not just French Canadians.
USA - Civil War song
My name is Tim McDonald, I'm a native of the Isle,
I was born among old Erin's bogs when I was but a child.
My father fought in " 'Ninety-eight," for liberty so dear;
He fell upon old Vinegar Hill, like and Irish volunteer.
Then raise the harp of Erin, boys, the flag we all revere–
We'll fight and fall beneath its folds, like Irish volunteers!
When the Prince of Wales came over here, and made a hubbaboo,
Oh, everybody turned out, you know, in gold and tinsel too;
But then the good old Sixty-ninth didn't like these lords or peers–
They wouldn't give a d–n for kings, the Irish volunteers!
We love the land of Liberty, its laws we will revere,
"But the divil take nobility!" says the Irish volunteer!
Canada - unofficial anthem before O Canada
- France
Helps me get up in the morning and be semi-productive. I also have great respect for Famine for pissing off the French antifa.
White people can't dance meme needs to die.
Georgian National Ballet.
Yeah that's some real moves man.
reminded me of this one
wut? the anti-nationalism is impossible to miss as was the anti-mormonism. it's kinda obvious why it was so heavy-handed when you consider that the game was originally supposed to launch just prior to the 2012 elections.
The ideals that Lady Columbia represents were obviously maligned. I'm wondering about the specific character, though. My guess is "no", for the reasons you cite.