Think I found something everyone overlooked about where the 'wikileaks is a russian plot' accusations came from

think I found something everyone overlooked about where the 'wikileaks is a russian plot' accusations came from.

Malcolm Nance, a US Navy counterintelligence officer that got fame for himself for testifying against waterboarding in 2007 then used his fame to sell books.

he released a book about how wikileaks is really the kremlin and trump is a kremlin puppet on October 10th.

on October 9th, Nance claimed that Wikileaks is distributing altered/false information. This just so happened to be 1 day before his book released, and was the very key piece he needed to tie everything in his book together.
Wikileaks has a sterling reputation with 100% accuracy.
Here's the little problem with that.
Freelance Journalist Michael Tracey found this to be false on October 11th. (embed)
The information claimed to be from Wikileaks was in fact from either Nance himself or a democrat operative spreading disinformation.

How could Nance have written a book that was based on Wikileaks spreading false information when their accuracy was perfect until(supposedly) exactly 1 day before the book's release date?

Was this a collusion between the democrat party and nance so he could again turn profits by selling books?
Did he try to destroy our presidential election just to make money?
This was exactly what the democrat party needed. His reputation makes it hard to doubt him, and he's an American soldier calling out the 'commies'.

The Intercept has a writeup of Nance's claims.

Other urls found in this thread:

copy pasted this from a thread on cuckchan, btw. Seemed interesting.

This sounds like something the left would do.

Does this mean he knew wikileaks had the emails before they released them?

pretty sure it means he fabricated everything and the media/democrats took it and ran with it because of who said it

and he got a book deal out of it

bump for good find. The Washington comPost today is also trying to blame "fake news" on Russia

also, I don't think this is the "ah ha!" source of the stupid ass russian claims, but it's obviously part of a massive campaign to paint Trump & Wikileaks as being anti-American.

Imagine if Hillary got into the whitehouse with a Wikileaks that nobody trusted.

I have a hard time believing Wikileaks is a russian plot, seeing how it's controlled opposition for western intel.

Wikileaks was 100% pushed by western intel strongholds like Jew York Times, the Guardian, der Spiegel and Le Monde. Trust these bastions of integrity if you trust Wikileaks. In other words, suddenly and at the same time the main propaganda mouthpieces for western intelligence all started promoting this shit and bluepills have been lapping it up ever since.

It's pretty smart actually. Just leak inconsequential shit that doesn't matter and real whistleblowers will come to you so you can control the info they bring and set them up for being vanished accordingly.

pretty sure the democrats just pulled it out their ass to distract people from the emails

The media would have protected her anyway. And the media would have pushed her war propaganda like they have never done before. The lies of Bush and Cheney, the WMDs, etc. would have looked like a joke compared to what the media would have done to help Madam President sell the invasion of Syria or Yemen to the american public.

Are you John "I don't believe in verification" Young from Cryptome ?

…back when they George Bush was President.

like the DNC e-mails? the Podesta e-mails? You're funny.

No. I don't even know who that is.

Wat? The Guardian was not intel when Gorge Bush was prezident?

Yeah, shit like that. Enough to keep the plebs busy, but not enough to change anything.

A lot of spooks have been saying this. John Schindler too (he's a cuckservative and disinfo peddler though). But I wouldn't doubt that Russia has leaked things to wikileaks.

Imagine if Hillary got into the whitehouse accusing Trump of being a Russian agent when she has documented ties to Russia with the Uranium One deal.

Please post torrent link of book or pdf.

This is the only way to hurt these fuckers, in the wallet/purse.

Surprised I don't see more links to Piratebay, and stolen codes to read protected content here more tbh, disappointing.

The theory I buy most for Snowden is the NSA vs CIA theory. Not sure about wikileaks. I don think they are in bed with USA or Russia, but they can receive leaks from these people.

Yeah I get that's the prevailing way of seeing it. I just don't trust these kiked out intel propaganda papers. They lie and twist the truth on everything. Why would they work as mouthpieces for someone actually working against their own masters?

Not any real revelations in any of the leaks either. Party politics and low level army transgressions and all that bread and circus is of no consequence to anything. But that's just my opinion.

I think Snowden is a shill too and I don't believe in any divide between NSA and CIA.


he sold out his country for a book deal….

there has to be some Jew in him

Here's my take on Snowden. With only the word of Snowden and several months of narrative spin by the major propaganda outlets, the entire population are now super paranoid about surveillance, self-censoring everything they do online.

What if that was the goal all along. Just creating a meme that big brother watches everything you do. Doesn't matter if it's really true if everyone believes it, and it sure saves a lot of shekels in that case. The problem is that when information like that enters the collective consciousness you HAVE to assume it's true because of it's danger potential. So we must all assume we are monitored at all times. But in the end, all we have as proof are a couple of hastily cobbled together powerpoint presentations.

I can even up the probability on this. What sort of show have the hollyjews been feeding the plebs with the last 10-15 years? Reality shows where all the participants live under constant surveillance. Training people to envision how it's like to have everything you do being watched. Basically whether it's true or not, they've resurrected the "god sees everything" meme in normalfag minds.

Do they really have the capacity to do it? Who knows, but it doesn't really matter if I'm right. Our hand has been forced either way. By some powerpoints and Jew media.

10/10 psyop.

No, only a minority of the population are now super paranoid about surveillance. Your theory fails at the beginning.

This is how normies act. This is why we have the liberal hivemind on reddit and facebook. It's no coincidence that all of these things emerged (along with the SJW phenomenon) at the same exact time that mass surveillance became common knowledge.

There's another study out there (yeah, I know, studies..) showing that normies even self censor their internet use to the extent that they're afraid to read a wikipedia article on ISIS, because they might be seen as supporting ISIS

>It's no coincidence that all of these things emerged (along with the SJW phenomenon) at the same exact time that mass surveillance became common knowledge.

Nah you're wrong, the politically correct morality police started way before Reddit, Facebook and all that crap. Social media only made virtue signaling easier for a lot of people. Nothing to do with the NSA and electronic surveillance.

Argumentum ad lapidem

checked \
> all arguments

your only argument

"It's no coincidence that all of these things emerged (along with the SJW phenomenon) at the same exact time that mass surveillance became common knowledge."

^ that's simply false, and SJWs existed well before we gave them a convenient label and well before Edward Snowden stole the NSA documents and revealed them. You're just clinging to your pet theory.

Yawn. Try harder.

On to something.
