One incident that sums it all up


Youth schoolchildren.

It is a depressing summation though.

Once they're riled up against someone who's visibly different blacks are easily overtaken by impulsiveness and pack mentalities. You see this in plenty of the videos online. That said, a trained police officer getting dog-piled and stomped by 12 year olds is something new to me.

Enjoy getting fired and turned into a national hate figure for hitting a 12-year-old.



Webm'd it. Looks like they are in a competition with Sweden to see which can get the highest rate of cop resignations.

One day this will be taught in classrooms like Rosa Parks is today. Keep the faith.

Whenever you feel inclined to feel sorry for or sympathetic towards the police, remember all of the people they've locked up for "racism" and all the nationalists they've beaten at rallies.



mfw I realise it happened on #BlackFriday

Do these faggots have any kind of weaponrry these days? Even a fucking baton or something?

How are they supposed to fight even three to four people, let alone 30?

Fucking crazy shit.

Imagine if this happened in America.

So many tased, sprayed, and shot people.


why are they all black

What a stupid question.

Because it's 2016, duh?

Have burgers met our migratory species of nuffin?
Closely related to the dindu, this is the 8dun, full name 8dun nuffink britani invasus. Their feral screech sounding thus:

8dun nuffink 8dun nuffink 8dun nuffink u owe us sumfink.

Hopefully this sort of thing will happen more and more and the police will either start fighting back or more people will see it and hate niggers.

Fucking perfect user, dindu never quite worked for Bongs, 8dun fits way better.

Were the officers afraid to use their guns?



London's more than 50% foreign now. There were gleeful news reports about in when the cencus returns were published in 2013.

Bong coppers have pepper spray, an extending baton and an upper ranks hierarchy that will see them hung out to dry if even a whiff of a suggestion of 'excessive force' gets bandied around. The restrictions they have to work under are a fucking joke.

Double dubs don't lie.
But for the most part the cops don't actually need guns, in the UK. Plus every city had a few fast armed response units out and about on patrol. And I think all motorway police cars have guns in them as they can get to incidents far away fairly swiftly. Cops with guns would have made no difference to the OPs post incident as pulling a gun on a bunch of rowdy school girls would have for sure made things worse. The blacks would have used it as an excuse to riot and loot (as per their cultural values). The way it turned out just makes blacks look like a bunch of ignorant unruly savages. One more tick in the box for the right.

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine an ape's Nike stamping on a human's face forever."


It's fair to say the actual institutions of law and order in Britain deserve zero respect, but the individual cop in this case is likely just an apolitical guy earning his living and reared on the same racial egalitarian rubbish as everyone else.

I think they have a pepper spray and that's it.
There was a gif some time ago where a nig with a knife fended off a dozen police officers because they couldn't go near him, having only the short ranged pepper spray as means to attack and subdue him.
The UK is fucked.


I think in a homogeneous white community the cops don't need more than pepper spray, but sucks to be a cop in a racially divided community. They really do need guns.

Why are the british such violent assholes

I really like watching UK cops get the shit beaten out of them or humiliated.

They're the most pathetic and disgusting cucks imaginable who gleefully enforce their government's anti-white policies and defend criminals whenever possible. I wish White people took it back to the cops and beat the shit out of that scum whenever possible.

Pretty much this. I have no sympathy for people that are complicit in sending Whites to prison for making nigger jokes on Twitter.

UK Cops: You reap what you sow.

Nothing will happen to these filthy niggers. Whites will shrug their shoulders and say, "Oh well, just a slight bump in the road to progress" or some related cucked nonsense.

All niggers must be removed from white nations, and the only feasible means of doing this is with a race specific bioweapon. The logistics of killing, or deporting each one would be an insurmountable effort, and sadly, would be met with too much resistance from our cucked brethren.

Just look at the outrage over Dylan Roof killing 9 low-value nigger targets. Too much drama, just let the virus do its work, and in a generation, nature will have righted herself.

You sure about that?

We need something like the language virus in Metal Gear Solid 5. That game is about a language based virus that turns people into zombies when they speak a specific language. In the game's plot, the virus is set to Kikongo and turns tons of niggers (and unfortunate Afrikaans Dutch translators) en masse into zombies. Kinda wish the main plot didn't have you stop it.

They don't turn into zombies user, they just die a horribly painful Ebola like death. Don't you remember the hospital with all the dying African children? They weren't exactly running around eating people.

Then you will need a virus to uncuck these shitholes before other invaders come.

They blame their socio-economic status. Racist oppression and low incomes create niggers, you see.

The good old days.

u wot m8?

Hang on a minute user, the police dude was on the ground and somehow the woman is inept?

She was doing a better job than the guy was doing in this situation.

How do you go from this to being world's capital of nigger porn? I'm sure a lot of the people that were living in the 60s are still alive. What the fuck are they telling their grandchildren?

They need to have anti-mobbing laws: no screaming abuse while police are talking to a suspect, no intentionally getting within 20 feet while they are making a detention, no calling for additional spectators, etc.

Nope. To an American its a horrible joke because when there is somebody with a knife or gun they have to call in "specially trained" officers with firearms training. It's so fucking pathetic.

I always felt that I was totally on my own no matter where I was when I lived in the UK, thankfully I lived away from London and it was just White British people, great people, just terrible fucking food, get it together britbros.

She failed to maintain crowd control and look out while he pinned the suspect. She sucked.

Spectators are fine as long they're not getting involved, if you were being arrested on dubious grounds you'd want witnesses.

Here we go.

What are those from? Do you have the actual report in full, I would much appreciate it user.

Deserves no respect at this point. It's not the fucking 90s anymore.

Maybe because she couldn't actually do jackshit to help him?

Sorry, it's been a while. I can be pretty bad at remembering plots sometimes.

There were witnesses, but they were texting the whole neighbourhood so they could build up a mob.

And the police man handled the situation brilliantly by managing to be overpowered by a group of little kiddies.

She was most likely calling for back-up before getting involved in the fray as you should, if she immediately got involved they would have been on their own with no help coming.

She didn't get flattened, that's a start.

Say that to my face, cunt and I'll fucking deck you.
Swear down on Her Majesty.

She stands back because she was literally a non issue, she was irrelevant, she was not a threat to the crowd, she had no presence.

That makes you a pretty useless policeman, she can't enforce the law - she looks like a dinnerlady trying to break up a playground scrap. She can't even slightly threaten teenage kids what the fuck she gonna do when a 6'2" 200lb brick shithouse starts actually killing someone with his fists.

Bear in mind in the UK those citizens aren't allowed any weapons to defend themselves with, at all, they're 100% reliant on that police officer being physically capable of defending the public.

I'm not talking about this situation I'm talking about outlawing spectators in general, standing and watching a situation is not the same as starting a mob.

Say a crooked cop get narky with you, obviously you want witnesses to that.

You go for the gun, they'll pull back quick user.


Her tall manly colleague was on the fucking ground, he fucked up by allowing himself to get jumped and yet somehow she fucked up?

Do you seriously think if she were a man she would have handled the situation any better knowing that the dude was on the ground already? It was a no win situation, two people being outnumbered by a minimum of 20 people is never going to go down well.

Also, you do realise they have procedures they must follow in these situations, they have to follow protocol not ape out otherwise they get suspended for misconduct against children that are "minorities".

The kids wouldn't do this shit to someone who actually intimidates them, both are useless police officers but the 5'2" women are the most useless one and equality laws force lots of them into the police

They don't do anything, they can't enforce anything, they exist to call people on their radios who can actually do their job.

Her pal was on the ground, on the actual ground, because of 12 year old school children.

You mean feral niggers.

Witnesses in public are allowed, but you could write the law "it is illegal to solicit anyone to come the site where an arrest is an occurring in order to free the suspect or for an illegal purpose" blah blah.
Point being there needs to be an end to this nigger swarming "racist!" screaming mob activity everytime the police do an arrest in the ghetto.

It's not a class warfare, it's the exact opposite. Instead of fighting the people above them, they fight people next to them.
Divide and conquer, the elites' strategy for the 21st century.

vagina detected

I'm pretty sure trying to spring someone that is in the process of being arrested is pretty illegal already.

The problem is they would have been fucked if they used any sort of force against those feral nigglets because muh racism.

Even if they had a gun, a taser, a pointed stick, they still couldn't use it.

At the moment they are despised by every side. If they started to actually deal with rabid niggers and paki rapists they'd at least have the white working class on their side. Probably a substantial portion of the middle class too.

An honourable man dies only once, a coward dies each day. If your job is more important to you than your race and honour you're a cuck.

Because she was so useless they didn't even need to acknowledge her existence. She was a non-factor

Don't forget about the rapacious Pakistanis that they allow to freely rape/torture schoolchildren. There may well be a few good, nationalist police officer's but they may as well be liberals if they are going to allow shitskins to run riot.

I hate everything

This is what they do.

Most likely Rotherham or Telford, there are a lot more paki rape hotspots though so I could be wrong. I remember Telford being the worst though.

Google "Telford rape gang" and go on from there.

This is depressing. And the idea that it will just get worse and worse until those fucking idiots stop caring about elections or being called "racist" is even more depressing.

Much obliged user

I know it's fucking brown cunts before I even click the URL

It makes it easier for the mto enter.
I don't think they have a law that states that a certain number of officers has to be female yet.
It's more that physical excaminations are a lot easier for woman then for men.

Who lose their job should they speak out against the invaders and their doing.
Hell, most likley they would also get fined for hatespeech or whatever and it would be nect to impossible for them to find a job again.
Even if they exists, the goverment has made it next to impossible for them to actually do their job properly, without fear of losing ones whole existence.

Pretty hilarious. Eurotrash finally get to deal with niggerdom on the scale America does. Wonder how long they'll trot on their high horse now.

Jesus. The Scots are already pozzed beyond repair, and the English would rather be murdered than be honest about the behaviour of of the shitskin menace. Is Wales going to be able to escape the British Caliphate?

If this happened in USA the cops would ID everyone in the video and go to their houses one-by-one to dispense justice.

Friendly reminder to filter D&C kikes Like this.

If you start a dialogue with them you will inevitably derail the thread however good your intentions are. They won't respond to your arguments in any constructive way and their sole task is to disrupt the thread.

bioweapon is easy. just need something that is triggered based on high melanin levels.

i cant think of any other biological factor you could use to target just shitskins…

maybe something that detects if you think about KFC too much?

You're totally right user I sure hope the officer can appreciate that the stomping on his skull and ensuing brain damage is but a small price to pay so that the powder keg that is nogs was not lit on that particular day.

Those guys only guard jewish banks


enoch was right mang


Anywhere with a high chance of being bombed/hostages taken like that French incident actually. Mostly train stations, airports, city centers. Etc.

Those there had their hands tied really, surrounded by minors that KNOW they can't hurt minors via normal means. A cop with a gun there would probably have been shot. The cops should have loaded him into the car the instant shit went down.

Ohoh trust me they will. During the Black riots a few years ago over the shooting of a mix raced MURDERER and convicted (several times) of violent offences criminal that had just killed someone the cops went after every looters they could try their hands on afterwards.

The chimp out cause widespread looting, but even the ones with bandanna's were ID'd and arrested. In this case it's A game material, they have a list of every person in that school and a bunch of teachers who can ID every single one of the fucks.

They won't get arrested probably, but placed in correctional institutions, community service, therapy, foster homes etc. Or they would if they were white and the cops weren't afraid of backlash. Probably a police house visit where they sit there on the sofa with the parents and the video, expulsion from school, criminal record. Probably it really.

So much this.

A single complaint on the basis of "discrimination" even if it is made by someone who the officer has caught in the most heinous of acts will have them suspended on the spot and put through hell to prove otherwise.

New recruits are specifically selected for their malleability whilst older officers whom are based and remember a time when they could actually police effectively are mostly jaded, keep themselves to themselves and take retirement as soon as possible.

Such is life in Britain.

Interestingly I heard Afro-Carribeans in the UK do better than average in school

Literally every random riot I have seen in this country after the class war riots have been majority black inner city school kids and teenagers.

Think Harry Potter 1-4 kid voices and sizes but black and whooping and fighting each other in the street in big groups after school in the middle of the city waiting for busses to one side of the city, but instead hanging around late because they can causing a fuss EVERY afternoon and noone doing anything about it. Instead of going home and hanging around their housing estate like NORMAL kids used to do, that's where they stay, and they they get bold and attack each other, cops appear but just sit there because they can't arrest anyone they can't see doing anything. Sooner or later police presence AND so event or agitator sparks shit and they go looting for free shit.

They literally spent a good 40 minutes hammering and kicking a sweet store theif proof window with metal objects while surrounding it with 50-70 negro kids just to get a chance at getting sweeties because they know most likely they won't get arrested.

two classes: human and subhuman. no, you can't reroll

They are held to different standards and afforded greater resources.

The worst performing group in Britain is native boys, this is because if they are working class and white and male then the Government isn’t interested. It is sickening what is being done to the native men of this nation. Sickening.

native males*

Source on their being afforded greater resources?

Preddy shocking if true

It manifests itself in a number of ways but one of the best examples I can give is:

the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG)

This a budget allocated by the British Government specifically to enhance the quality and intensity of education given to non-natives. Now, I also mentioned in my previous post that non-natives were held to different standards and one of the reasons is the EMAG. Once you give a body a taste of extra money they will do anything to keep it coming in, they are incentivised financially to rate non-native student achievement highly. No such cash incentive exists for native children.

Theyre tools. And follow orders. When whites wake up, police will be unleashed and kill nonwhites on sight. And they will be happily do it.

Its a job and kikes are giving orders and set rules. Just like almost every job. Go, rebel in your workplace.

Nope, the police there are trained to deescalate and call armed backup if the situation requires it. Progressives are quick to praise that kind of policing, but it only works in a homogeneous white county because the police aren't fearing for their lives like in America and the citizens see it as a good faith, nogs and arabs just take advantage and see it as weak

Who the fuck wants to live in a society like this?
How could anyone with an average of IQ 100+ or so just say: 'Hey, I want to live around dozens of unruly and often violent blacks!'.
No one fucking wants this bullshit except the radical left and even they wont actually live with them. Its just a 'working class problem' to them.
They inevitably breed and then even the lower income whites are forced to move away.

Its such simple math… its so obvious the problems will grow and grown until they become serious and intractable, then what? We just start ceding parts of our countries like London, Paris and Malmo?
Just WTF do the political elite think the fucking end game actually is?
HURRR DURRRR the utopia of friendship and peace is just around the corner…

Thats a pretty bad burn. I would be wounded deeply if I were a murican.
As a white fellow nothing is more shameful than the murrican nigger porn industry taking advantage of broken white girls.
Like it or not they are YOUR females.

This is happening in all of our countries and is just another way they're separating us from our women by restricting our ability to financially provide for them while artificially boosting up shitskins. All while talking about how now "we only get a thirty yard head start" as if every fucking policy out there isn't directly stacked against us.

It truly is blindingly obvious.
*Breed in whites with non-whites as much as possible.
*Keep working class an other white men from breeding at all.
*Allow the thugs/alphas to breed because they are too stupid to challenge the plan and make good manual laborers and state enforcers.
*Make the women undesirable, unfeminine whores useless as wives.
*Attack the family unit so that if by some miracle any whites actually make it to that point it falls apart and creates shitty children.
*Undermine religious institutions.
*Use the state school system and media to indoctrinate everyone into thinking all this shit is wonderful.

Jews win.

seems about right.

How do I get my iPhone to play webm's? I paid 750 bucks for this trash and almost all of imbedded videos I never get to see

British pigs are unarmed wimps. I have no idea why Brits didnt sharpen their plastic spoons and hang all those scum from parliament and goverment.

return it and buy a nexus phone or some mid range device

Indeed, the Cops would be dead. Probably knifed or shot by the more depraved american ghetto niggers. I doubt they would have had tasers though, thats more of a police thing.

Air China issues guides for Chinese tourists. This is an excerpt.


Those whom cuck their own race just because it's muh job deserve the same fate as the subhumans.

It's a shame many semi-redpilled brits still respect the police.


Chinese have no fear of being branded racist.
The term racist is a bogeyman term and anyone that fears it has not woken up yet.

this is actually very valid and practical advice to keep your people safe.
anyone who calls it racism is a rape supporter.
