Poll: Who Should Be Donald Trump’s Secretary of State?

Poll: Who Should Be Donald Trump’s Secretary of State?

I'd suggest we vote for David Duke.


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fuck off retard

Giuliani legitimately hates niggers and is a proven Jackboot pro. I think it's fine. Everyone kvetching about Kosher picks somehow forgot Trump said he would be getting insiders from the start, but that he would control them.

Tbf all the choices in the poll suck. This Dana Rohrabacher looks like he's the best of him, and even he has some neocon foreign policy influences. Pro-Russia though so not all bad.

*best of them


An anime girl.


Pretty much anyone but R-mony and Bolton, I'd actualy be pretty content with Giuliani

I would have allowed Romney if he had kept his fucking mouth shut doing the primaries and the election. No traditional appointing of the last loser for SoS. He disqualified himself by being a backstabber. Not Bolton either because he is a Neo-Cohen. Anyone other than those two.

just voted.


Does Holla Forums even have an /ourguy/ choice for this? We might have fucked ourselves on this one by not memeing a candidate earlier.

This. I would have been okay with him as a commerce head but his bullshit ruled that out. Still think Scheuer would be good (would have liked him more for CIA head than anything since he is against all the diversity bullshit in appointments and all of Obama's nonsense). He's been in Trump's corner, mocks leftists, supports torture, and constantly calls out Israel each chance he gets along with fucking islam but wants US to stay out of the middle east and leave Iran and Syria alone.

This. OP should have broken the link.

David Duke

Former Louisiana State Representative David Duke


Mitt Romney

It makes sense because of all his other neocon picks

haha drain the swamp haha wait nevermind I'm gonna put a Rothschild banker in here haha

Gas yourself Holla Forums

You're right, a Rothschild banker is a great pick

Gas yourself Holla Forums

I dont get it, is a Rothschild banker a good pick or not? Make up you're damn mind

Michael Scheuer is the best choice and probably one Holla Forums would like as well. Again, gas yourself.

Trump is NOT anti-establishment. He never was. The kikes will control his regime, but not as hard as they would have controlled Clinton.

Hop in a fucking oven.

Voted for white supremacist Sam Hyde.

Wew lad.

What part of "Israel is our greatest ally" is not clear to you?

Are you saying he isn't Kosher? I think he's pretty WN, but WNs have been being infiltrated by kikes for years. He's good for shifting the window but he's not gonna give us our putsch.

What a terrible list. Rohrbacher's far and away the best person on there, and even he's backed a number of military adventures we never should have engaged in.

At least you're keeping the thread bumped.

The shills are out in full force today. The only reason he would choose Rudy is due to his loyalty but beyond that. Rudy is a terrible choice. That and there is a reason why everyone is kvetching about Trump.

I would take Rudy simply because he has no idea what he's doing and thus would rely on Trump and his team for everything. Rudy is loyal to Trump to a fault.

Yeah, he also said he would drain the swamp but is now considering a bunch of neo-con hacks for SoS and he made the commerce secretary a billionaire rothschild bankers

I'm just supposed to take Trump at his word?

Perhaps "greatest senator ever" Hillary. Otherwise just picks someone random from his kike cronies.

We won you lost

I wonder if there is a thread for this on Holla Forums?

No worries, I'm used to it. NEET life is tranquil and soothing even if the kikes vs. me score is 6 million to 0.


Oh, please don't. I need to have you read my insightful banter about your kikebart articles and your kike puppet burger presidents. Please user, for the love of god don't do it.

Giuliani seems like a stand up guy.
Sure, not everyone agrees with all of his policy ideas, but the man has a good reputation for a reason.

Wew. I see they did something more to the filter. I can't even see posts unless they respond to someone. This is what I get for taking a long break from here.

I don't really like any of those choices

Giuliani owes most of his reputation to public posturing after a neocon false-flag. America's Mayor (tm), my ass

I like Pat Buchanan, even if he's a little old. I've heard some people talk up Dan Pena though I don't know if he's qualified. Rohrabacher is probably the best compromise pick we can get.

I voted Tulsi Gabbard.

I'm not saying he's perfect, I'm saying he's well liked.

What makes him qualified as Secretary of State?

He was made a figurehead and Time's Person of the Year essentially for playing the part of a calming grandfather after a neocon false flag, then went on to support the invasion of Iraq and pushes for war with Iran. He's basically a non-jewish neocon.

Absolutely amazing that I'm even having to explain this on Holla Forums, I don't know what's happened to this place?

All of these picks are shit but Giuliani is more shit

He's not Mitt Romney.

To me it would be a "send a message" type pick rather than a genuine, four-year appointment. He sets a strong tone, won't need to be coached every five seconds about Iran and hopefully in that time a longer-term, trustworthy solution emerges.

Every shitlib I've seen kvetches about Guliani for some reason but I doubt they know who he even is.

Looking at this thread and the poll results, I'm starting to wonder if Holla Forums knows who he is.

Pretty sure Holla Forums has a soft spot for Giuliani because he stomped niggers in the day and supported Trump early on. His neocon leanings are unacceptable but as some anons pointed out itt he's probably easier to control than either Mitt or Bolton. I will be dissatisfied if he's picked but at the same time he's not as disastrous as the other two.

That's the problem when everybody with foreign policy experience in this country is basically a traitor.

That's true, they're all trained in a small number of schools that are totally controlled.

I'm 99% sure I'm not going to be happy with the pick


Stop being autistic, Holla Forums

If it's any consolation, under Trump's nationalist US it might strip a lot of power out from what the S.o.S can do, considering he doesn't want to go galavanting across the middle east or interfere in other countries. From those I know off the shortlist, I'm not a fan of, but Trump always has a plan and has done extremely well so far, so I have faith in him and his reasoning.

Voted for Michael Scheuer.

Suck it, CTR/Stormfags

why kek
report this wait of trips

Pat Buchanan, even though he's old, he's redpilled and has the experience.

Sam Hyde for secretary of state

Who are you to make demands of Kek?

Michael Scheuer. I can hear the oy veys already. That would be too much to hope for, unfortunately.

MIchael Scheuer never said anything anti-semitic or even anti-Israel, only that we shouldn't suck Israeli cock

vote for me, imkampfy.

I'll mod the shit out of the usa.

Jim Webb

Posthumous vote: Jim Traficant

That's annuduh shoah for the israelis.

Giuliani is a mayor, not a diplomat.

Kek gives us a sign… perhaps R-Money would be put on a tight leash under Trump, and won't drive the US to kosher wars? I can only hope.


Shills like you are going to cry no matter what Trump does.
You'll even cry once he's done because he wasn't fast enough for your taste or because he was too rough with your fellow friends.

You're supposed to fuck off.