Dysfunctional Thanksgiving
What's it like eating a meal with zombies, Holla Forums ?
Dysfunctional Thanksgiving
What's it like eating a meal with zombies, Holla Forums ?
I tried to discuss "Democracy, the God that Failed" with my father and learned that he is one of the most bluepilled cuckservatives ever. Literally repeating "we can vote them out" when i bring up practical issues with our system. Thank God the rest of my family wasn't there because they have gone full retard cultural Marxist in the last couple of years.
Thanks for making retarded threads. Enjoy your ban.
That mockery of art is even more disgusting than the hipster one. And I wouldn't know OP, most of my family loves Trump and the only two liberal zombies kept their traps shut.
I thought the "how to survive thanksgiving dinner with your wrong opinionated/triggering relatives" was purely a liberal conceit. Learn how to engage with people and hold decent conversation, especially your own family.
I sincerely hope you're underageb& because you sound pathetic.
Also if you hate your parents or come from any sort of broken household, you belong on the left. We don't need or want you.
I redpilled an uncle on the rise and fall of civilizations always being on the original founding stock browning out, and how that is currently happening on a global scale in all white countries. It went pretty good.
Just because you're too autistic to talk with your family doesn't mean we all are.
I don't know, I ate my thanksgiving dinner alone because no family
Why do people raise their kids this way?
You encouraged this
Mission accomplished. Platinum score.
I got to have a nice dinner with my nice white family. Speaking of which, I'm off to enjoy some leftover turkey.
My mom is on our local school committee so we mostly just talked about local politics and how much teacher's and their unions suck ass. Some teachers really are bums and you can't fire them.
I didn't have a thanksgiving dinner…
Wait for Christmas if you want to celebrate something.
I'm too socially retarded to deal with those situations so I just pretend to have no interest in politics and I lied about voting to stay in the EU. All of my family only listen to mainstream media and trust it 100% so it would be pointless to try pilling them with anything.
a better way to deal with that is to use red-pilled points and add something like "isn't that stupid?" at the end.
It wasn't too bad, except for the menorahs and its a church that accepts POCs and there's a Jew or two.
We mostly avoided talking politics, thank God, but I overhead my liberal uncle talking to a college-aged cousin about the election, and using some points I'd made to him and his wife to try and get the kid to see things from the Trump supporters' perspective. It was nice to see that some of what I've said has gotten through.
europoor so i dont celebrate indian slaughterer
I had a bowl of cereal and some microwave taquitos by myself for Thanksgiving dinner, before I masturbated twice, played vidya, then went to bed.
Fucking comfy as hell thanxgiving, fam
If she weren't old as fuck I would be upset, but it's an unimportant loss in the grand scheme of things.
Sage for forgetting this part
I wouldn't know OP. I spent Thanksgiving around Trump supporters. At one point someone made fun of the fragile college students offered playdoh, coloring books and therapy animals after the election. Even the kids were Trump supporters. One owned a MAGA T-shirt and recorded butthurt leftists at her school after the election, the other commented that Beyonce was a hooker.
There's hope for this country yet.
I fell ill in late 2015 and as a result I was bedridden and had to return to living with my parents for 8 months. During this time I the great opportunity to have dinner with my parents each night. During these dinners I slowly pushed and suggested various right wing positions. I was surprised to find that my dad agreed with almost everything a said, despite voting democrat as far as I can remember. My mom took a little more work as she has that natural caring instinct found in all mothers. After 8 months I had them hating Muslims, blacks and immigrants and having the data to back up their dislike. When I returned to living on my own I worried they would back slide. My fear disappeared when in October they sent me a picture of them both, and their dog, wearing MAGA hats.
Zombies can be cured.
Why the fuck are you posting a degenerate bastardization of a classic art piece?
I'll post here what I told my buddy…
Holy fuck.
Heard a Mexican (American) say he hates Trump, but if the wall is going to get built, he will head there to get a job, so maybe Trump will be OK after all.
It's like memetic energy is forcing people to lean towards Trump against their own nature.
Wife made killer dinner, I made the best mashed potatoes I have ever made by mixing 2 Russet potatoes with 6 Yukon Gold, infusing the butter over night with fresh pressed garlic and chives, used light sour cream and a little whole fat milk, salt and pepper.
Sportsball games were pretty boring, my cat was well behaved and ate turkey like a proper little kitty - everyone was impressed.
Lot's of anti-Trump shit, but I focused on making everyone admit that Hillary, the DNC and the media were shit and took every opportunity to name the jew.
Saw actual light bulbs go off over people's head when I told them that a person's spouse matters when they a politician, author or CEO and forced them to admit that their own spouses have great influence over their actions and beliefs.
Felt good man.
Why are the japanese spending their money building autistic robots, yet America has to spend money defending them?
spotted the D&C jew
kys rabbi
image needs 'drain the swamp' and 'think big' though