What the fuck is that on his left upper cheek, did the same fly that landed on hillary also landed on bernie?
why do flies always land on shitty candidates
at around 5:40
What the fuck is that on his left upper cheek, did the same fly that landed on hillary also landed on bernie?
why do flies always land on shitty candidates
at around 5:40
Meme magic is giving Bernstein skin cancer so he dies in 2020 to give way for god emperor Trump.
its the fake skin they have over their real lizard skin
why does this faggot always looks like he's on the lookout for people trying to gas him?
Westworld ?
I was just about to ask the same thing, he always looks like he's waiting for someone to burst through the door with a shotgun and start spraying
empusa fuit monstum unius pedis
/r/ing a webm of hunched sanders running down the stairs and running from anudda shoah
When you steal money from others you will always be on the lookout even unconsciously
I do find it interesting that in a lot of stories, the Devil will come and communicate with people in the form of a fly.
Beelzebub messenger service.
Wrong, frogs eat flies, it was obviously a sign that they are the almighty Kek's prey now.
The Russians have figured out how to pack bugs full of Polonium and train them to seek out American politicians.
Bump for this webm.
This is fucking stupid.
Whats with the corrupt attracting flies? Trump has been on camera for probably over 100 hours in the past two years and I've never seen a fly land on his face.
What is the fly symbolic for? Seems like some sort of omen.
During the Democratic National Convention, Bernie was assaulted over his supporters being rowdy and him not keeping them in line. The wound never healed right because he's old. When you're this old even minor scrapes, let alone aggressive bruised wounds that were given when a ring strikes your face, take a long ass time to heal. Months.
Fuck off, slider.
Vermin are drawn to a corpse.
This .webm? Or was there an edited one you mean?
You. are chicken shit garbage. Unless you start pointing toward what is being slid I will take from you and yours a pound for every dollar you have made pulling this faggotry.
Pic related. Wound was absent before the start of the convention.
its the bullet hole from when hillary clinton shot him
and then when he accidentally survived he begged for his life and agreed to support hillary.
Are you sure that black thing on his cheek is a mosquito? He had it there the whole time, including way before the 5:40 mark.