Trump Motivationals

Feeling kinda down, I know you guys got some good webms with MAGA themes, non trump is welcome if its real good.

I know that we are winning. There is much work ahead and we can not falter.
Share some positive memes Anons.


Trump is not the end-goal. Trump is just a small stepping stone in the right direction. If you get hyped by Trump alone, then you have a problem.

Getting motivation for future goals by seeing current successes is beneficial.

Have a high energy Trump.

For anyone feeling down please remember this. Hillary lost the election and went on a rampage so bad they had to delay the speech until the next day. Just imagine it, and watch your smile grow

Here you go user.


Also remember: Never ever give up.

anti-Trump for everyone else, pro-Trump here


(1/2) Not Trump-related, but these two are awesome as well.
I always get sad at first, thinking about how the lies triumphed over this, but by the end I feel pretty energized.

thank you user, this is exactly what im requesting


never let anyone tell you hitler failed


Have another one.


There is also a Trump version for this. I can't get youtube-dl to download a small-sized webm so I'll embed instead.

I will never despair, thank you user.
